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3Com Corporation 350 Campus Drive MarIborough, MA 01752-3064

Copyright 2008, 3Com Corporation. AII rights reserved. No part o! this documentation may be
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3Com Corporation provides this documentation vithout varranty, term, or condition o! any kind, impIied
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contact 3Com and a copy viII be provided to you.
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It is the poIicy o! 3Com Corporation to be environmentaIIy-!riendIy in aII operations. To uphoId our poIicy, ve
are committed to.
EstabIishing environmentaI per!ormance standards that compIy vith nationaI IegisIation and reguIations.
Conserving energy, materiaIs and naturaI resources in aII operations.
Reducing the vaste generated by aII operations. En suring that aII vaste con!orms to recognized
environmentaI standards. Maximizing the recycIabIe and reusabIe content o! aII products.
Ensuring that aII products can be recycIed, reused and disposed o! sa!eIy.
Ensuring that aII products are IabeIed acco rding to recognized environmentaI standards.
Improving our environmentaI record on a continuaI basis.
End o! Li!e 5tatement
3Com processes aIIov !or the recovery, recIamation and sa !e disposaI o! aII end-o!-Ii!e eIectronic components.
ReguIated MateriaIs 5tatement
3Com products do not contain any hazardous or ozone-depIeting materiaI.
EnvironmentaI 5tatement about the Documentation
The documentation !or this product is printed on paper that comes !rom sustainabIe, managed !orests, it is
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and the inks are vegetabIe-based vith a Iov heavy-metaI content.
Key Product features ......................................................................... 7
5ecurity ....................................................................................... 7
Per!ormance and ReIiabiIity.......................................................... 8
ManageabiIity.......... .................................................................... 8
WireIess Netvork 5tandards ........................................................ 9
802.11a................................................................................. 9
802.11blg............................................................................ 10
IEEE 802.3a! ........... ............................................................. 11
InstaIIing Your 3com WireIess Access Point...... ........................... 12
Netvorks vith a DHCP 5erv er.......................................................... 13
Netvorks vithout a DHCP 5erver ........ ............................................ 14
Launch the 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager (Widman)
utiIity......................................................................................... 15
Launching the 3Com WireIess In !rastructure Device Manager 15
first Time OnIy..................................................................... 19
5ystem 5tatus.................................................................................. 19
5ystem 5ummary ....................................................................... 19
WireIess 5tation List ................................................................... 21
Diagnosing ProbIems .......... ............................................................. 63
TeIephone TechnicaI 5upport and Repair .......................................... 68
Antennas Used per Mode................................................................ 72
ConsoIe CabIe Pin-out ..................................................................... 74
The 3Com AirConnect 9550 11n 2.4+5GHz PoE Access Point
and the 3Com AirConnect 9150 11n 2.4GHz PoE Access Point
are high per!ormance access point s that aIIov you to oin
isoIated vired Ethernet netvorks into a uni!ied vireIess IocaI
area netvork (WLAN). The Acce ss Point (AP) supports Wi-fi
Protected Access security standard s to provide a higher IeveI o!
security !or netvork data and communications. The AP is aIso
!uIIy compatibIe vith IEEE 802. 11a (the 9550 AP onIy), 802.11b,
802.11g, and 802.11n.
Key Product features
The product operates using 11a (9550 AP onIy), 11b, 11g, or 11n
modes. This AP creates an enterprise-cIass vireIess LAN,
supporting up to 64 simuItaneous users.
3Com o!!ers one o! the most ro bust suites o! standards-based
security on the market today. To protect sensitive data broadcast
over the vireIess LAN, 3Com supports WireIess EuivaIent
Privacy (WEP) and Wi-fi Protec ted Access (WPA and WPA2).
8 rey |roduc| |ea|ure:
Com :|ren|hen: |h|: ba:|c :ecur||y mechan|:m w||h add|||ona|
:ecur||y |ea|ure:, |nc|ud|n |AC addre:: acce:: con|ro| ||:|:, ||||
2.1x per-por| u:er au|hen|| ca||on w||h |A||U5 :erver
au|hen||ca||on :uppor|, 1empora| rey |n|er||y |ro|oco| (1r||,
Advanced |ncryp||on 5|andard (A|5, W|re|e:: |ro|ec|ed Acce::
(W|A and |x|en:|b|e Au|hen||ca||on |ro|oco| (|A| :uppor|.
|A|-||, |A|-15, |A|-115, and ||A|.
Per!ormance and ReIiabiIity
3Com vireIess access point per!or mance !eatures ensure reIiabIe
and seamIess connections !or users vherever they roam.
Automatic channeI seIe ction automaticaIIy !inds the Ieast Ioaded
channeI !or inter!erence-!ree communication. Auto netvork
connect and dynamic rate shi!ti ng keep users connected through
a vide variety o! conditions by changing to the optimum
connection speed as they move through the netvork.
3Com o!!ers a vide range o! standards-based management
support, !rom 5NMP to 3Com Netvork 5uperv isor and HP
OpenViev !or seamIess integrat ion vith your vired netvork.
WireIess In!rastructure Device Ma nager and WireIess LAN Device
Discovery tooIs Iet you con!igur e parameters, run diagnostics,
backup and restore con!igurati ons, and monitor per!ormance
!rom anyvhere on the netvork using an embedded veb server
rey |roduc| |ea|ure: 9
With Pover over Ethernet (PoE ) support, the same Category 5
cabIe that connects your access point to the data netvork aIso
provides its pover. A singIe ca bIe instaIIation dramaticaIIy
improves your choice o! mount ing con!igurations because you
no Ionger need to consider AC pover outIet Iocations. PoE
support makes it easier than ever to overcome instaIIation
probIems vith di!!icuIt-to-vire or hard-to-reach Iocations.
WireIess Netvork 5tandards
Understanding the characterist ics o! the 802.11a and 802.11g
standards can heIp y ou make the best choi ce !or your vireIess
impIementation pIans.
Rati!ied in 2002, 802.11a opera tes at the 5GHz band and
supports data rates at up to 54Mbps. ecause there are !ever
devices in the 5GHz band, there s Iess potentiaI !or Rf
inter!erence. Hovever, because it is at an entireIy di!!erent radio
spectrum, it is not compatibIe vith 802.11b and 802.11g.
The higher spectrum provides a bout 50m (164!t) o! coverage.
Consider 802.11a vhen you need high throughput in a con!ined
space and you are.
10 rey |roduc| |ea|ure:
802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n aII operate in the 2.4GHz band.
802.11b can support data rate up to 11Mbps. 802.11g can
support data rate up to 54Mbps . 802.11n can suppor t data rate
up to 300Mbps.They aII support th e videst coverage up to
100m (328!t). It is hovever, subec t to a greater risk o! radio
inter!erence because it operat es in the more popuIar 2.4GHz
Consider 802.11n vhen you need vider coverage and vendor
compatibiIity and you are.
rey |roduc| |ea|ure: 11
IEEE 802.3a!
The IEEE 802.3a!-2003 Pover over Ethernet (PoE) standard
de!ines terminoIogy to describe a port that acts as a pover
source (P5E) to a povered device (PD). The IEEE 802.3a! standard
states that pover may be deIive red by an end-point P5E, using
either the active data vires o! an Ethernet port or the spare
vires, to a povered device. An end-point P5E, such as a Pover
over Ethernet capabIe Ethernet svitch, may impIement either
scheme. I! a mid-span P5E is used, then the mid-span P5E can
onIy impIement pover deIivery over the spare pairs o! the copper
cabIing and cannot be used to deIiver PoE over 1000A5E-T
connections. It shouId be noted th at even i! a device supports
both methods o! providing pover , onIy one mechanism may be
used to deIiver pover to a povered device.
The !irst mechanism is to use the data pairs (pins 1, 2 3, 6) to
transmit pover, vhich is some times re!erred to as phantom
pover. The second pover deIivery mechanism is to use the
unused, !rom a 10l100A5E-T perspective, pairs (pins 4, 5 7,
8) to deIiver pover that is supported vithin mid-span pover
12 rey |roduc| |ea|ure:
InstaIIing Your 3com WireIess Access Point
To set up and instaII your 3Com Wire Iess Access Point, pIease re!er
to the 3Com


9550 11n 2.4+5GHz PoE Access Point

3CRWE955075 l WL-605 3Com


9150 11n 2.4GHz

PoE Access Point 3CRWE915075 l WL-604 uick 5tart Guide (Part
Number 10016854).
Ne|wor|: w||h a ||C| 5erver 13
I! the de!auIt AP c on!iguration does not meet your netvork
reuirements, or i! you vant to customize the settings !or your
ovn netvork, you can use th ese tooIs to change the
Netvorks vith a DHCP 5erver
I! your netvork has a DHCP server, an IP address is automaticaIIy
assigned to the AP. It takes be tveen one and tvo minutes !or
the Access Point to determine i! there is a DHCP server on the
netvork. Use the 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager
(Widman) incIuded on the 3Com InstaIIation CD to Iocate the
Access Point on the netvork and viev its IP address.
14 Ne|wor|: w||hou| a ||C| 5erver
A||er you de|erm|ne |he A| : || addre::, you can en|er |ha| ||
addre:: |n|o a web brow:er on a compu|er on |he :ame :ubne| |o
v|ew |he Acce:: |o|n| : :y:|em :| a|u: or chane ||: con||ura||on.
Netvorks vithout a DHCP 5erver
I! your netvork does not have a DHCP server, the Access Point
uses a !actory assigned IP addr ess ( You can use
that IP address to con!igure the Access Point, or you can assign a
nev IP address to the Access Point.
To veri!y that the Access Point is using the de!auIt IP address
assigned at the !actory.
1 Connect a computer directIy to the Access Point using the
suppIied standard Categor y 5 UTP Ethernet cabIe.
2 Enter the Access Point s de!auIt IP address (
into the computer s veb brov ser. I! the Con!iguration
Management 5ystem starts, the Access Point is using the
!actory assigned IP address. You can con!igure the Access
Point vith the !oIIoving Iogin in!ormation.
BB admin
I! the Con!iguration Management 5ystem does not start, the
Access Point is on a di!!erent subnet than the computer. InstaII
and start the 3Com WireIess In!r astructure Device Manager to
discover the Access Point s IP address.
Ne|wor|: w||hou| a ||C| 5erver 15
Launch the 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager
(Widman) utiIity
1 Turn on the computer.
2 Insert the 3Com InstaIIati on CD into the CD-ROM drive.
The CD viII Autorun. I! it does not Autorun, you can start the
setup menu !rom the Windovs 5tart menu. for exampIe. 5tart >
Run > d\.setup.exe.
3 In the menu cIick TooIs and UtiIities.
4 In the next screen, cIick the so!tvare you vant to instaII.
5 foIIov the on screen instructions to compIete the instaIIation.
Reboot the computer i! prompted to do so.
Launching the 3Com WireIess In!rastructure
Device Manager
To be abIe to con!igure the Access Point you need to run the
WireIess In!rastructure De vice Manager. Go to 5tart > Programs
> 3Com WireIess > WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager
16 Ne|wor|: w||hou| a ||C| 5erver
|| |he dev|ce |: wor||n correc||y |he |o||ow|n :creen :hou|d be
figure 1 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager
Ne|wor|: w||hou| a ||C| 5erver 17
CIick on the Properties button to see the !oIIoving screen.
figure 2 WireIess In!rastructure Device Properties
18 Ne|wor|: w||hou| a ||C| 5erver
||rec||y connec| |o |he dev|ce |hrouh ||: ||herne| por| or con:o|e
|o||ow |he |n:|ruc||on: be|ow |o |o |n|o |he A| Con||ura||on
1 oad a web brow:er and en|er http.ll169.254.2.111
2 The Log On screen appears
figure 3 Logon 5creen
To Iog on to the Web inter!ace.
1 Username, type admin (case sensitive)
2 Passvord, type passvord
3 CIick Log On.
5y:|em 5|a|u: 19
first Time OnIy
A!ter you have Iogged on !or the !irst time you viII be asked to
seIect your country !rom the drop dovn menu.
figure 4 Country 5eIection
5ystem 5tatus
The Web inter!ace has been desi gned to enabIe you to easiIy
per!orm advanced c on!iguration tasks an d viev in!ormation
about the AP.
5ystem 5ummary
A!ter you cIick Log On !rom the Log On 5creen, youII see the
system status page on the screen. The 5ystem summary page is
the de!auIt page that viII pop up once you success!uIIy Iog on.
20 5y:|em 5|a|u:
1he :y:|em :ummary pae :how: a|| |he con||ura||on
|n|orma||on abou| your A|, a: :hown |n ||ure .
figure 5 5ystem 5ummary
5y:|em 5|a|u: 21
WireIess 5tation List
Through the WireIess 5tation List page, you can easiIy identi!y
the ad acent vireIess stations. It viII automaticaIIy observe the
ad acent vireIess station s ID (i! speci!ied), MAC address, 55ID
and current status.

figure 6 WireIess 5tation List
22 5y:|em 5|a|u:
Event Log List
The event Iog Iist stores a record o! aII the events vithin this
designated WLAN.
figure 7 Event Log List
5y:|em Con||ura||on 23
5ystem Con!iguration
In this section, you viII Ie arn hov to con!igure the basic
!unctions o! your AP.
5etup Wizard
The 5etup Wizard viII vaIk you through setting up the AP. To
start the 5etup Wizard, cIick 5etup Wizard.
1 figure 8 aIIovs you to set up the !oIIoving in!ormation.
55ID (5ervice 5et Identi!ier) Th is is the name o! vireIess
netvork. Input 1-32 characters
WireIess Mode Choose the reuired netvork mode !rom
the drop dovn menu.
5tandard ChanneI Choose a channeI !rom the drop dovn
menu or seIect 5mart5eIect (recommended) to Iet the device
seIect a channeI.
24 5y:|em Con||ura||on
figure 8 2.4G Radio WireIess Netvork
2 CIick Next to continue the c on!iguration or cIick CanceI to start
3 figure 9 aIIovs you to set up the !oIIoving in!ormation.
IP Netvork 5etting Check to either obtain an IP address
via DHCP or speci!y an IP Address manuaIIy.
IP Address Enter the IP address that you vant to assign.
IP 5ubnet Mask Enter your netvorks subnet address.
De!auIt Gatevay I! used, enter the gatevay address that
the device shouId go through.
5y:|em Con||ura||on 25
figure 9 IP 5ettings
4 figure 10 aIIovs you choose the security settings. Choose !rom
the !oIIoving settings in the drop dovn menu.


26 5y:|em Con||ura||on
figure 10 2.4G WireIess 5ecurity 5ettings
5 CIick CanceI to cIose vithout saving, cIick finish to save the
settings, or cIick ack to return to figure 9.
5ystem Properties
The 5ystem properties page aIIovs you to de!ine Device name,
Iocation, operation mo des and Load Type.
There are tvo operation modes to choose !rom.
5y:|em Con||ura||on 27
Access Point mode
A WireIess LAN data transceiver th at uses radio vaves to connect
a vired netvork vith vireIess station.
WireIess ridge Mode
A vireIess bridge connects tvo se parate netvorks operating on
the 802.11 standard.
figure 11 5ystem Properties
28 5y:|em Con||ura||on
IP 5ettings
This setting must match the ne tvork s method o! IP address
assignment. Choose Dynamic Host Con!iguration ProtocoI (DHCP)
or 5tatic IP. With DHCP, IP addresses are assigned !or
predetermined periods o! time. C hoose 5tatic IP i! your netvork
does not have an automatic syst em !or IP address assignment.
figure 12 IP 5ettings
5y:|em Con||ura||on 29
WireIess Netvork
The WireIess Access Point supports Mu ItipIe 55IDs vh ich aIIovs it
to act as muItipIe APs appearin g in a WireIess LAN netvork. You
can con!igure up to 4 55IDs on the device.
figure 13 WireIess Netvork
30 5y:|em Con||ura||on
WireIess Mode
You can seIect your desired vi reIess operating mode !rom the
drop-dovn box.
5tandard ChanneI
5eIect the channeI !o r your vireIess LAN in 5tandard ChanneI
bIock. The de!auIt setting is 5mart5eIect. It seIects the channeI
vhich provides the best transm ission uaIity. The avaiIabIe
!reuencies vary depending on vh ich vireIess mode you seIect.
Current Pro!iIes
A maximum o! !our pro!iIes can be con!igured. Check the EnabIe
button to activate a pro!iIe. CIick the Edit button to change its
5y:|em Con||ura||on 31
figure 14 55ID Pro!iIe 5ettings
32 5y:|em Con||ura||on
5ervice 5et Identi!ier. This is the assigned name !or a vireIess Wi-fi
netvork. 5tations must use this uniue identi!ier to communicate
vith an Access Point. The 55ID can be any aIphanumeric entry up
to a maximum o! 32 characters.
asic 5ervice 5et Identi!ier. This is the assigned MAC address o!
the station in the access point. Th is uniue identi!ier is in Hex
5uppressed 55ID
I! you vant to disabIe the broa dcast o! your 55ID, you shouId
check the 5uppressed 55ID box. It is aIso knovn as 55ID
roadcast disabIe or Hide 55ID.
I! your netvork uses VLANs, you can assign an 55ID to a VLAN.
CIient devices using the 55ID are grouped in that VLAN.
5tation 5eparation
EnabIe 5tation 5eparation i! y ou vant to prevent stations
connected to this pro!iI e !rom accessing each other.
5y:|em Con||ura||on 33
There are !our IeveIs o! security avaiIabIe and aI I have di!!ering
Wired EuivaIent Priva cy data encryption provides data security.
WEP 5hare Key authentication and WEP data encryption viII
bIock aII but the most determined hacker.
figure 15 55ID Pro!iIe 5ettings
34 5y:|em Con||ura||on
1 To add WEP, !rom the drop dovn Iist choose open-system or
shared key authentication.
2 5eIect the desired input method (HEX or A5CII)
3 from the drop dovn Iist choose !rom 40l64, 104l128,
128l152 key Iengths.
Wi-fi Protected Access vas constructed to provide improved data
encryption, (vhich vas veak in WEP), and to provide user
figure 16 55ID Pro!iIe 5ettings
5y:|em Con||ura||on 35
OnIy aIIovs WPA cIients to connect to the VAP.
You can choose TKIP or AE5 as the encryption method
The Group key update intervaI is con!igurabIe, the de!auIt vaIue
is 1800 seconds
You can choose personaI mode (P5K) or enterprise mode
(802.1X) authentication The de!auIt is P5K.
I! you choose P5K, you viII need to enter a pass phrase o! 8-63
A5CII characters or 64 hexadecimaI digits.
I! you choose 802.1X, you viII n eed access to a RADIU5 server,
port and secret.
OnIy aIIovs WPA 2 cIients to connect to the VAP.
You can choose TKIP or AE5 !or the encryption method
The Group key update intervaI is con!igurabIe, vith a de!auIt
vaIue o! 1800 seconds
You can choose personaI mode (P5K) or enterprise mode
(802.1X) authentication. The de!auIt is P5K.
I! you choose P5K, you viII need to enter a pass phrase o! 8-63
A5CII characters or 64 hexadecimaI digits.
I! you choose 802.1X, you viII n eed access to a RADIU5 server,
port and secret.
36 5y:|em Con||ura||on
OnIy aIIovs WPA and WPA2 cIie nts to connect to the VAP.
You can choose TKIP or AE5 as the encryption method.
The Group key update intervaI is con!igurabIe, vi th a de!auIt
vaIue o! 1800 seconds.
You can choose personaI mode (P5K ) or enterprise mode (802.1X)
authentication. The de !auIt setting is P5K.
I! you choose P5K, you viII need to enter a pass phrase o! 8-63
A5CII characters or 64 hexadecimaI digits.
I! you choose 802.1X, you viII ne ed access to a RADIU5 server,
port and secret.
Pro!iIe (55ID) IsoIation
5tations connected to di!!erent pr o!iIes cannot acce ss each other.
Choose !rom No IsoIation (fuII access), or to IsoIate aII Pro!iIes
(55IDs) !rom each other, check use VLAN (802.1) standard.
WD5 Link 5ettings
WireIess Distribution 5ystem (W D5) aIIovs access points to
communicate vith one a nother vireIessIy in a st andardized vay. It
can aIso simpIi!y the netvork in!rastructure by reducing the
amount o! cabIing reuired.
5y:|em Con||ura||on 37
figure 17 WD5 Link 5ettings
5upports up to 8 point to mu Itipoint WD5 Iinks. Check EnabIe
WD5 and then EnabIe on the MAC addresses vant to Iink to.
Enter the MAC addresses o! any ot her APs you vant to Iink to.
ExampIe o! a WD5 topoIogy.
AP1 -- WD5 --> Master AP (our AP) -- WD5 --> AP3-- WD5
--> AP4
38 5y:|em Con||ura||on
WD5 5ecurity 5ettings
figure 18 WD5 5ecurity 5ettings
Choose the re uired security IeveI !rom.

B WEP security, enter the WEP key. I! using WPA, enter the
pass phrase.
5y:|em Con||ura||on 39
WireIess Advanced 5ettings
To con!igure advanced vireIess settings, cIick WireIess
Advanced 5ettings. The tooIbar and WireIess Advanced
5ettings menu appears.
figure 19 WireIess Advanced 5ettings
Transmit Pover
Choose one o! the !oIIoving pover IeveIs. fuII, HaI! (-3d),
uarter (-6d), Eighth (-9d) or Mi nimum. The de!a uIt is fuII.
40 5y:|em Con||ura||on
eacon IntervaI
Choose an intervaI time betv een 25ms and 1000ms !or each
beacon transmission. The de!auIt is 100ms.
Data eacon Rate
The DeIivery Tra!!ic Indication Message (DTIM). 5peci!y the data
beacon rate betveen 1 an d 255. The de!auIt is 1.
Association Timeout
5et the vaIue !or the maximum time aIIoved !or a vireIess
association to be estabIished. Wh en this time is exceeded, the
connection is Iost. The de!auIt vaIue is 5 mins.
fragment Length
5peci!y maximum packet size used !or !ragmentation. Packets
Iarger than the size programmed in this !ieId viII be !ragmented.
The fragment ThreshoId vaIue must be Iarger than the RT5
ThreshoId vaIue. The de!auIt is 2346.
RT5lCT5 ThreshoId
Reuest To 5end threshoId. 5peci!y the packet size used to
determine i! it shouId use th e C5MAlCA mechanism or the
C5MAlCD mechanism.
5y:|em Con||ura||on 41
802.11d support
802.1d aIIovs the device to communicate in areas vhere the
802.11 standard is not aIIoved. It adds !eatures and restrictions
to ensure compIiance.
The maximum distance betveen cI ient or AP and device. The
de!auIt vaIue is 1km.
Antenna Type
I! you vouId Iike to use externaI antennas (to repIace the originaI
internaI antennas), check ExternaI Antenna. Then speci!y one
o! the antenna types !rom the drop dovn menu, vhere the
options are.
Aggregation 5upport
5ets the aggregation type.

42 5y:|em Con||ura||on
This section provides the administrator vith the uaIity o! 5ervice
(o5) data.
The o5 setting is onIy avaiIabIe in AP Mode.
The o5 5etting shouId be modi!i ed vith caution because radio
behavior is a!!ected. These parame ters can be modi !ied vhen o5
service is EnabIed.
5erv|ce 43
Management VLAN
I! you recon!igure the Management VLAN ID, you may Iose
connectivity to the access point. Ve ri!y that the svitch and DHCP
server can support the recon!igured VLAN ID, and then
re-connect to the nev IP address.
figure 20 Management VLAN
44 5erv|ce
Inter-Access Point ProtocoI (IAPP)
figure 21 IAPP
802.11f (IAPP) 5upport
Choose either EnabIe or DisabIe
IAPP aIIovs muItipIe access points to communicate and pass
Iocation in!ormation about their asso ciated stations. I! you enabIe
802.11f support you shouId manua IIy add 55IDlIP mapping.
1 Enter the 55ID and IP addresses o! the AP.
5erv|ce 45
2 CIick Add
On|y :|a||on: roam|n |rom one o| |he ||:|ed A|: |o |h|: A| are
a||owed |o re-a::oc|a|e w||h |h|: A|. O|her: w||| be reque:|ed |o
o |hrouh |he |u|| a::oc|a||on proce::.
figure 22 VME Parameters o! Access Point
46 5erv|ce
When the Ack-PoIicy is checked. The device viII not send ACK
!rames. The de!auIt vaIue is disabIed.
5etting Description
Min Contention
for each access category, enter the minimum
contention vindov vaIue. ChanneI access is
prioritized by assigning smaIIer contention
vindov vaIues to a higher priority tra!!ic cIass. I! a
channeI is busy or a tra nsmission coIIides, a node
chooses a random number betveen 0 and the
current contention vindov minimum.
Max Contention
for each access category, enter the maximum
contention vindov vaIue. The minimum
contention vindov vaIue is doubIed each time a
coIIision occurs untiI the maximum is reached. A
smaII contention vindov vaIue decreases the
access deIay but increases the probabiIity o! a
fixed 5Iot Time for each access category, en ter the !ixed sIot time.
ChanneI access can be strictIy prioritized by
assigning smaIIer contention vindov vaIues to a
higher priority tra!!ic cIa ss. Tra!!ic in the access
category must vait !or this !ixed number o! sIots
a!ter each packet is receiv ed be!ore resuming its
random back-o!!.
Opportunity Limit
Enter the number o! microseconds that uaIi!ied
transmitters can transmi t through the normaI
back-o!! procedure vith a set o! pending packets.
Larger vaIues aIIov a cIient to controI the channeI
!or Ionger periods o! time, aIIoving it to achieve
higher throughput in this access category at the
expense o! Ionger access times !or aII access
5erv|ce 47
The de!auIt vaIue tabIe.
Note. In this reIease, cIients are bIocked !rom
using an access category vhen they seIect EnabIe
!or Admission ControI. The Admission ControI
check box controIs cIient use o! the access
categories. When you enabIe admission controI
!or an access category, cIients associated to the
access point must compIete the WMM admission
controI procedure be!ore they can use that access
category. Hovever, access points do not support
the admission controI procedure in this reIease, so
cIients cannot use the access category vhen you
enabIe Admission ControI.
de!auIt . disabIe
(2x-1, x can
be 0-10)
(2x-1, x can
be 0-10)
(0-65535 5)
ACK 4 10 7 0
ACE 4 6 3 0
ACVI 3 4 1 3008 (6016
vhen 11b)
2 3 1 1554 (3264
vhen 11b)
5etting Description
48 5erv|ce
5impIe Netvork Time ProtocoI (5NTP) aIIovs the administrator to
con!igure the netvork time settings.
figure 23 5NTP
5erv|ce 49
The !oIIoving settings can be con!igured.
To avoid using an invaIid NTP serv er address, this device stores
the !etchedlcon!igured time. A!ter it boots up, it uses the stored
time !irst and ad usts time i! time is !etched.
5NTP cIient
CIick enabIe or disabIe.
I! it is disabIed, the user has to input time
I! it is enabIed, the device viII try to !etch time
!rom con!igured 5NTP servers.
5et Time 5peci!y Year, Month, Day, Hour, and Minute.
These !ieIds are grayed out and un-con!igurabIe i!
5NTP is enabIed.
Timezone seIection This seIection adusts the time obtained !rom the
5NTP server.
Note. This seIection does not a!!ect manuaI time
input as they are considered to be input at the
same time.
DayIight 5aving The startlend date o! dayIight saving changes
automaticaIIy based on the time zone seIection.
Note. 5tart and End date s can be input manuaIIy,
to avoid any region aI poIicy changes.
Primary and
5econdary 5NTP
serverlport setting
I! 5NTP is enabIed, this device viII try to !etch
time !rom the Primary server !irst. The timeout !or
Primary NTP server is 5 seconds.
I! the Primary NTP server !aiIs a!ter 5 seconds the
5econdary NTP server viII be tried !or 5 seconds.
In the event that the 5econdary server !aiIs, the
device viII vait !or 60 seconds be!ore trying the
Primary server again. This continues untiI a time is
50 5y:|o |unc||on
5ysIog function
In the event o! an error the device can send a message to a
speci!ied server.
figure 24 5ysLog
5ystem Log
CIick either EnabIe or DisabIe to activate or deactivate the system
Iog !unction.
5y:|o |unc||on 51
5ysIog 5erver
Enter the IP address o! the server that receives the error
in!ormation. The de!auIt IP address is
5ysIog Port
Enter the port number that your server can be accessed by. The
de!auIt port number is 514.
5ysIog LeveI
Choose !rom the !oIIoving IeveIs, Iist ed in order o! severity o! the
detaiI to be recorded. Th e de!auIt setting is Error.
52 |anaemen|
This section describes hov to use the management and
in!ormation !eatures o! your WireIess Access Point.
In this section, you can change the user administrator name and
passvord. The de!auIt Ad ministrator name is admin (case
sensitive), and passvord is passvord. CIick AppIy to save
figure 25 Administration
|anaemen| 53
figure 26 5NMP
The 5impIe Netvork Manage ment ProtocoI (5NMP)
administrative !unctions are ch anged through this screen. The
!oIIoving !unctions can be changed.
54 |anaemen|
MAC fiItering
figure 27 Access ControI List
MAC !iItering aIIovs the administrator to !iIter MAC addresses o!
netvork cards that can access the access point. On this screen you
|anaemen| 55
Rogue AP Detection
figure 28 Rogue AP Detection
Unspeci!ied Access Points may tr y to access the netvork through
this device. Rogue AP de tection can prevent this.

1h|: |unc||on |: on|y ava||ab|e |n A| mode.

56 |anaemen|
ackupl Restore 5ettings
This screen aIIovs the user to backup the Access Point s current
settings and restore back to the !actory de!auIt. Once you have
the Access Point vorking pr operIy you shouId backup the
in!ormation to have it avai IabIe i! something goes vrong.
figure 29 ackuplRestore 5ettings
|anaemen| 57
firmvare Auto Upgrade
The WireIess Access Point can auto upgrade the !irmvare i! there
is a never version avaiIabIe. I! you enabIe the Auto Upgrade
!unction, the WireIess Access Point viII automaticaIIy check !or
an updated version o! !irmvare in the assigned fTP server !or
each time intervaI assigned. Remember to insert the correct fTP
server IP address, username, passvord, and path to the fTP
figure 30 firmvare Auto Upgrade
58 |anaemen|
firmvare ManuaI Upgrade
On this screen, you can see the current !irmvare version o! your
AP. You can aIso manuaIIy upgrade your !irmvare by entering the
path to your nev !irmvare !iIe.
figure 31 firmvare Upgrade
Once you have chosen the upgrade !iIe cIick Upgrade.
|anaemen| 59
figure 32 ResuIt
60 |anaemen|
You can reboot the WireIess access point !rom the brovser
A!ter you cIick reboot, the !oIIoving vindovdispIays.
figure 33 Reboot
A!ter rebooting, the Iogin pa ge automatica IIy dispIays.
Connec||n 1hrouh |he Com |or| 61
Connecting Through the Com Port
Instead o! using an IP address to con!igure the Access Point a
NuII modem cabIe, connected to the R-45 ConsoIe Port, can be
In your terminaI settings ensure that the !oIIoving con!iguration
is met.



B admin
Once Iogged in, type ?!or a Iist o! commands.
62 |e:|or|n |ac|ory 5e|||n:
Restoring factory 5ettings
The Access Point can be reset to th e de!auIt !actory settings either
through the veb brovser (see a ckupl Restore 5ettingson
page 56) or manuaIIy.
To restore the settings manuaIIy, insert a pointed ob ect (such as
the end o! a straightened paper cIip) into the reset hoIe on the
side o! the Access Point, and hoId !or !ive seconds.
figure 34 Reset HoIe Location
Reset HoIe
||ano:|n |rob|em: 63
Diagnosing ProbIems
I! you have di!!icuIty vith th e Access point, try the !oIIoving
A!ter you change the IP address, restore a backup con!iguration,
or reset the Access Point to !act ory de!auIts, the Con!iguration
Management 5ystem stops res ponding and you cannot continue
con!iguring the Access point. I! you change the IP address and
cIick AppIy, you cannot continue to con!igure the device using
the oId IP address. 5imiIarI y, a!ter you restore a backup
con!iguration or reset the Access Po int to !actory de!auIts, the IP
address setting may be changed.
To recover !rom this situati on and continue con!iguring the
Access Point.
1 CIose your brovser.
64 ||ano:|n |rob|em:
2 Return to the 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager
and cIick Re!resh.
3 5eIect the device and cIick Con!igur e to start a nev
con!iguration session and set its IP address.
The WireIess Netvork Tree does not appear in the 3Com WireIess
In!rastructure Device Manager vindov.
Veri!y that you are using the correct netvork adapter. In the
device manager vindov, cIick C hoose NIC. 5eIect the netvork
adapter !or the netvork you va nt to scan, and cIick OK.
The Access point has a ye IIov excIamation point () next to it in
the WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager.
The Access Point is on a di!!erent subnet than the computer
attempting to con!igure it. To re cover !rom this situation and
continue con!iguri ng the Access point.
1 CIose your brovser.
2 Return to the 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device Manager
and cIick Re!resh.
3 5eIect the device and cIick Con!igur e to start a nev
con!iguration session.
||ano:|n |rob|em: 65
4 Make sure the subnet address ma tches that o! the computer.
Tvo Access Points cannot communicate in ad-hoc mode.
Adust the positions o! the Access Points to improve reception.
To ensure correct operation in ad-hoc mode, the settings on the
tvo Access Points must match exactIy.
Launch the Access Point Con!igur ation Management 5ystem and
make sure that the WireIess LAN 5ervice Area, channeI
seIections, Data PreambIe setti ng, and security setting are the
same on both Access points.
You are running Windovs NT. A!ter you connect the Access
Point, your computer cannot obtain a vaIid IP address.
5oIution (s)
The Access Point con!iguration se ttings may not be compatibIe
vith the netvork. I! they are not, and your Windovs NT
computer is set up to obtain its IP address !rom a DHCP server,
the Access Point is unabIe to a ssociate vith the netvork to
obtain the IP address.
To vork around this, set a static IP address on your computer.
Then set the Access Point con!iguration to match the netvork.
When the Access Point is abIe to associate, reset your computer
to obtain its IP address !rom the DHCP server. I! the Access Point
66 ||ano:|n |rob|em:
:hou|d a|:o ob|a|n ||: || :e|||n: |rom |he ||C| :erver, ma|e :ure
|h|: |: con||ured proper|y on |he || Ne|wor| pae and app||ed
ju:| be|ore end|n |he :e::|on.
Disconnecting the Access Point
To disconnect the Access Point.
CAUTION. Disconnecting the Access Point ends the netvork
association. To avoid possibIe da ta Ioss, exit aII netvorking
appIications on connected devi ces be!ore you disconnect the
Access Point.
1 UnpIug the Access point Ethernet cabIe !rom the hub or other
2 UnpIug the Access point pover cord.
UninstaIIing 5o!tvare and Documentation
I! you vant to uninstaII the 3Com 11alblgln WireIess Workgroup
Access point so!tvare and documen tation, you can either use the
standard operating system proc edure !or removing programs or
use the !oIIoving shortcut.
||ano:|n |rob|em: 67
from the Windovs 5tart menu, se Iect 5tart > Programs > 3Com
WireIess > UninstaII 3Com WireIess In!rastructure Device
When prompted to con!irm, cIick OK.
Upgrading Access Point firmvare.
firmvare is the so!tvare that is instaIIed on the Access Point at
the !actory. 5ome probIems can be soIved by instaIIing a nev
version o! the !irmvare.
for detaiIs on hov to dovnIoad a !irmvare update !rom the
3Com customer support Web site and instaII it on your Access
Point, see firmvare Auto Upgr adeon page 57 or firmvare
ManuaI Upgradeon page 58.
68 1e|ephone 1echn|ca| 5uppor| and |epa|r


TeIephone TechnicaI 5upport and Repair
To obtain teIephone support as part o! your varranty and other
service bene!its, you must !i rst register your product at.
When you contact 3Com !or a ssistance, have the !oIIoving
in!ormation ready.

1e|ephone 1echn|ca| 5uppor| and |epa|r 69
and under varranty, you can obtai n an RMA number onIine at
http.lle5upport.3Com.coml. first-time users must appIy !or a
user name and passvord.
TeIephone numbers are correct at the time o! pubIication. find a
current directory o! 3Com resources by region at.
70 1e|ephone 1echn|ca| 5uppor| and |epa|r
Customer shaII take aII steps ne cessary to protect Wind Rivers
and its Iicensorsproprietary righ ts in the Run-Time ModuIe and to
ensure that each Run-Time ModuIe distributed by Customer viII
be accompanied by a IocaIized copy o! an End-User License
5uch End-User License Agreemen t shaII prohibit the End User
!rom. (i) copying the Run-Time ModuIe, except !or archive
purposes consistent vith the End Users archive procedures, (ii)
trans!erring the Run-Time ModuIe to a third party apart !rom the
Target AppIication, (iii) modi!y ing, decompiIing, disassembIing,
reverse engineering or othervise attempting to deri ve the 5ource
Code o! the Run-Time ModuIe, (iv) exporting the Run-Time
ModuIe or underIying technoIogy in contravention o! appIicabIe
U.5. and !oreign export Iavs and reguIations, and (v) using the
Run-Time ModuIe other than in co nnection vith operation o! the
Target AppIication.
In addition, the End-User License Agreement shaII. (i) state that
the Run-Time ModuIe is Iicensed, not soId and that Customer and
its Iicensors retain ovnership o! aII copies o! the Run-Time
ModuIe, (ii) expressIy discIaim aII impIied varr anties, incIuding
1e|ephone 1echn|ca| 5uppor| and |epa|r 71
vithout Iimitation the impIied varranties o! merchantabiIity,
!itness !or a particuIar purpose, titIe and non-in !ringement, (iii)
excIude IiabiIity !or any speciaI, indirect, punitive, incidentaI and
conseuentiaI damages, and (i v) reuire that any !urther
distribution o! the Run-Time M oduIe be sub ect to the same
restrictions set !orth herein.
The End-User License Agreement shaII aIso state that, vith
respect to the Run-Time ModuIe, Wind River and its Iicensors are
third party bene!iciaries o! the End-User License Agreement and
that the provisions reIated to the Run-Time ModuIe are made
expressIy !or the bene!it o!, and are en!orceabIe by, Wind River
and its Iicensors.
72 An|enna: U:ed per |ode
Antennas Used per Mode
The AP has three externaI antenna connectors, IabeIIed A, and
C, as shovn beIov.
figure 35 ExternaI Antenna Connectors

An|enna: U:ed per |ode 73
In some modes, not aII o! the connectors are in use.
The !oIIoving tabIe de!ines vhic h externaI antenna connectors
are used in vhich mode.
No|e. When u:|n 1x1 mode, e||her |n W|5 mode or |n A| mode
u:|n |he CW|91 Omn| an|enna, on|y connec|or A |: ac||ve.
1h|: |: |he connec|or on |he |ar r|h|, |oo||n a| |he A| w||h |he
Com |oo |ac|n you. No o|her connec|or: are ac||ve |n |h|:
When |n W|5 mode.
No|e. |n 2x2 mode, |he |wo ou|er connec|or: (A and C are
ac||ve. 1he connec|or |n |he m|dd|e (b |: no| ac||ve and :hou|d
no| be u:ed.
Mode Antennas Used
2x3 A,,C
2x2 A,C
1x1 A
74 Con:o|e Cab|e ||n-ou|
ConsoIe CabIe Pin-out
8 1
5 1
6 9
Con:o|e Cab|e ||n-ou| 75
figure 36 R 45 to D-5U 9 pin cabIe
for part numbers and purchasing in!ormation, visit the 3COM
Web site (
Pin no.
Pin no.
6 ROWN 2
2 GRAY 3
5 RED 5
3 LUE 6
4 LACK 7
76 Con:o|e Cab|e ||n-ou|
802.11a ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .9
8 02 . 11 b / g ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..10
8 02 . 11 d ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..41
Access Point mode. ... ... .. ... ... ..27
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..52
A d v a n c e dS e t t i n g s .. ... ... .. ... ... ..39
A n t e n n a sU s e dp e rM o d e .. ... ..72

ackup.. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..56
B e a co nI n t e r va l . ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..40
B S S I D . ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..32
Com Port . ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..61
C o n f ig u r i ng . ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..13
C o n so l eC a b l e .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..74
C o n t e nt io n .. ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..46
Data eacon Rate. ... ... ... .. ... ... .4 0
d e f a u l tI Pa dd r e s s . ... ... ... ..14 , 5 1
D e l i v e r yT r a f f i cI n d i c a t i o nM e s -
s a g e( D T I M ) .. ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .4 0
De viceMana ger ...8 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 6 7
D H C PS e r v e r . ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .1 3
!actory settings .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .6 2
F i r m w a re ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .6 7
A u t oU p g r a d e .. ... ... .. ... ... .5 7
M a n u a lU p gr a de . ... .. ... ... .5 8
F i xedS l o tT i m e .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .4 6
F r a g m e n tL e n gt h .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .4 0
IAPP .. .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .4 4
I E E E8 0 2 . 3 a f . ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .1 1
I n t e r - A c c e s sP o i n tP r o t o c o l . ... .4 4
I PS e t t i n g s . ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... .2 8
Iogin... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .1 4 , 1 8
MAC fiItering... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..54
M a n a g e m e n tV LA N .. ... ... ... .. ..43
Passvord. ... ... ... ..14 , 1 8 , 5 2 , 6 1
P ow e ro v e rE t h e r n e t( P o E ) . .. ... .9

uaIity o! 5ervice (o5) .. ... .. ..42

Rebooting.. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..60
R e s t o r e .. .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..56
R o g ueA PD e t e cti o n . ... ... ... .. ..55
R T ST h r e s h o l d ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..40
5ecurity. .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... .7
S ettingU p .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..23
S im pl eN et wo rk M a n a g e m e n tP r o -
t o c o l( S N MP ) .. ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..53
S i m p l eN e t w o r kT i m eP r o t o c o l
(SNTP ) . ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..48
S S I D . ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .2 3 , 3 2
S u p p r e s s e dS S I D ... ... ... .. ..32
S y s t e mP r o p e r t i e s . .. ... ... ... ... .. ..26
SystemSummary .. .. ... ... ... ... .. ..19
terminaI settings.. .. ... ... ... ... .. ..61
T r a n s m i tP o w e r . ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..39
Username... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..61
VLAN ID. .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..32
WD5 ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ..36
S e c u r i t yS e t t in g s ... ... ... .. ..38
W i - F iP r o t e c t e dA c c e s s . ... ... .. ..34
W i r e dE qu i v a l e n tP r i v a c y( W E P ) 3 3
W i r e l e s sD i s t r i b u t i o nS y s t e m . ..3 6
. ... .9
W P A .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ..34
W P A 2 ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. .3 5 , 3 6

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