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Calibration & of Measurement Facilities forAC High & High MAPAN - Journal Metrology Society of India, Vol.

24, Current No. 1, 2009; pp. Voltage 29-39 Ratio Standards at NPL REPORTS

Calibration & Measurement Facilities for AC High Current & High Voltage Ratio Standards at NPL
S.R. GUPTA National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi - 110012 e-mail :
[Received : 12.01.2009; Accepted : 23.03.2009]

Abstract Regular calibration of the Instrument Transformers (ITs) is very essential for the accurate measurement of power and energy at high voltages. ITs are also used in the measurement of high currents & high voltages at power frequencies. The nominal transformation of an IT depends only on the number of turns of its windings but due to various losses there are always errors in the Instrument Transformers' ratios. The correct knowledge of their errors requires calibrations of the ITs. In this paper the methods used in calibrating the Current Transformers (CTs) & Potential Transformers (PTs) and the required accuracy have been discussed.



AC ratio measurements play a vital role in the power/ energy metering as well as in the development of good quality electrical products. For this, one essentially requires a laboratory in every electrical goods manufacturing company which is equipped with the precision type AC ratio measuring instruments along with other instruments [1]. Meters installed for billing purposes determine the quantum of revenues received by electrical authorities. The measurement of power and energy does not form the subject of the present paper, yet it is relevant and useful to mention that in the metering of electrical energy the instrument transformers i.e. the current and voltage transformers are widely used. The determination of the corresponding ratio errors and phase displacement in CTs & PTs is carried out National Physical Laboratory, India. It is the statutary responsibility of NPLI to maintain the National Standards of all parameters [2-7].
Metrology Society of India, All rights reserved.

This paper describes the calibration of AC High Current Ratios from 5A/1A,5A up to 5000A/1A,5A and the calibration of Voltage Transformers of any ratio with 110V and 110/3 V secondary outputs up to 100kV at 50 Hz at the required burdens at NPLI. 2. Theoretical Analysis

2.1 Current Transformers Results of detailed mathematical analysis [8, 9] with the help of a vector diagram (not shown here) are as follows For Current Transformers

C.T.R. =

Ip Is Iw Is


I = n1+ w Ip

S.R. Gupta Phase Displacement = Im Ip conducted by comparison method [10], which is basically a relative method. In this method the ratio error and phase angle error of the CT / VT under test are determined by comparing it against the Reference Standard CT / VT having the same nominal ratio. If the balance in the CTTS / VTTS comes within the expected values of the ratio error and the phase angle error, then the polarity checking is automatically done. If the CTTS/VTTS goes "into the maximum of the readings" condition or out of the balance, then it is considered that the polarity mismatch is there between the CT / VT and the CT / VT Under Test. To bring the correct balanced condition the secondary terminals of the test CT / VT or of the Std. CT / VT are interchanged. By this method the polarity check of the CT / VT is accomplished. 5.
Iw R p + Im X p Vs

where n = Turns Ratio Im = Magnetizing Current Iw = Iron loss component of exciting Current IP = Primary Current Is = Secondary Current 2.2 Voltage Transformers Results of detailed mathematical analysis with the help of a vector diagram (not shown here) are as follows
P.T.R. = Vp Vs

Burden Selection


Phase Displacement
= Im R p Iw X p nVs

where n = Turns Ratio Im = Magnetizing Current Iw = Iron loss component of exciting Current Vs = Secondary Voltage Vp = Primary Voltage Rp = Resistance of the primary winding Xp = Reactance of the primary winding 3. Demagnetization

The process of selecting and setting the burden for CT / VT under calibration must be completed prior to calibration. The customer specifies the burden or the burden requirement is seen from the 'Name Plate'. The selection of the burden as per the requirement is made in the required burden box. The burden is connected in series in case of CT calibration and in parallel in case of VT calibration. The Digital Power Meter does the accurate determination of the burden including the contribution from the leads. Care should be taken in selecting the burden for calibration of the current / voltage transformers. If the secondary output of the CT is 1A or 5A then the burden box should be of 1A or 5A rating. If the secondary output of the VT is 110V then the burden box shall be of 110V rating and if it is of 110/3V secondary output then the burden box shall be of 110/ 3V rating. The proper burden is seldom achieved in the first setting from the measurements indicated by Digital Power Meter. The amount of burden is adjusted with the help of the burden box and the lengths of the connecting leads and the burden measurement process is again repeated. Usually after a few iterations the proper value is obtained. The final value of the measured burden is recorded. 6. 1. 2. Precautions Current Comparator secondary terminals shall be short circuited in off condition. All the power equipment shall be earthed

To ensure reliable calibration, current transformers / voltage transformers should not have any residual magnetization in the core. Generally the demagnetization is a simple and quick process which makes certain that no residual magnetic flux exists in the core. Adopting the already laid down procedures ensures the demagnetization of the CT/VT. 4. Polarity Check The calibration of the instrument transformers is 30

Calibration & Measurement Facilities forAC High Current & High Voltage Ratio Standards at NPL properly. 3. 4. 7. The humidity and temperature shall be maintained as per the calibration requirements. All the connections shall be tight. Traceability be capable to operate in the operating range from 1% to 200% of the rated secondary currents of 1A and 5A at 50Hz. The CTTS must indicate the current ratio error in % and the phase displacement error in minutes or centi-radians. The uncertainty of the CTTS is 20ppm in ratio and 0.1 minutes in phase displacement. The AITTS is traceable to PTB, Germany. 8.4 Support Equipment Required for Calibration A.C. Current Source: The A.C. High Current Source should be able to supply the required current for the accuracy test up to 120% (as per IS 2705, 1992) of the highest rated current. Since the rated primary current includes a range of 5A to 1000A and some times even up to 5000A, therefore, the current source should be provided with tappings to allow the current to be adjusted to the required value. Our lab is equipped with one current source of 5000AX3V To connect the current source to the CT and the Current Comparator a bifilar bus bar arrangement has been chosen. 8.5 Clamp Meter A clamp meter is an instrument up to 1000 A which is required in the lab for making measurements of the flowing current in the conductors without breaking the circuit. This instrument as such plays no role in the calibration process. 8.6 Current Transformer Burden Standard burdens are required for the calibration of current transformers as per IS 2705, 1992 and IEC 60044-1:1996 The rated burdens which are normally required are 2.5VA, 5VA, 7.5VA, 10VA, 15VA, 20VA, 30VA, 40VA for the rated secondary currents of 1A and 5A at a power factor of 0.8P.F. Lag. 8.7 Cables Cables of different sizes and lengths are essentially required in the calibration of CTs. 9. Methodology

In order to ensure that the measurement traceability of the equipments being used as Reference Standards and other auxiliary instruments are within the specified limits of uncertainty, therefore, they must be linked up with higher accuracy standards at the National and International Level. Our measurement traceability lies with PTB, Germany. 8. Calibration of Current Transformers (CTs)

8.1 Principle The accurate and precise calibration of Current Transformers (CT) is accomplished by comparison method i.e. by comparing the customer's current transformer to a Reference Standard Current Transformer (RSCT) [11, 12] known as Current Comparator (CC) whose accuracy is so high that the corrections to be applied are negligibly small. The Comparison Method basically relies on a calibrated Current Comparator nominally of the same ratio as that of the current transformer under calibration. A suitable Current Transformer Test Set (CTTS) [12] is used for this purpose to compare the output of the current transformer under calibration to that of the Current Comparator. 8.2 Standards Used for Calibration Current Comparator: The standard used for the calibration of current transformer [13], is a Current Comparator having 155 standard ratios right from the lowest 5A/1A, 5A to the highest 5000A/1A, 5A. In order to avoid corrections it is again desirable to have a Current Comparator whose errors are negligibly small. The uncertainty of this reference standard is 30ppm and phase displacement uncertainty is 0.1 min. The Current Comparator is traceable to PTB, Germany. 8.3 Current Transformer Test Set (CTTS) For the determination of the errors of the current transformer under calibration, an Automatic Instrument Transformer Test Set (AITTS) is commonly required and is being used as a CTTS. The CTTS shall

9.1 Inspection Up on the receipt of the Current Transformer from a customer the transformer is visually inspected. It is ensured that no apparent damage has occurred in 31

S.R. Gupta the process of transportation. In case the damage is observed then the customer is immediately notified through CFCT (Centre For Calibration & Testing) and the necessary steps are taken for applying the corrective action. Terminals' condition is also inspected carefully. If the terminals are not clean then the cleaning is done with the help of emery paper and some cleaning agents like alcohol. If excessive oxide is present or corrosion is severe then the customer is intimated and the CT is returned un-calibrated. Repairs or major cleaning is normally not done by NPLI. Since differential comparison method is used the effect of temperature variation on both the primary and secondary windings of the under test get nullified and hence is not taken into account. 10. Calibration Set-up & Procedure The schematic block diagram of the calibration set-up in its simplest forms is shown in Fig. 1 for current transformers. Before measurement first we select the current according to the requirement of the customer in the Current Injection Set. After that we select the conductors of proper current rating. The secondary terminals of the Current Comparator and Under Test CT should be selected according to the secondary current. Judicious selection is done of the current range on the Current Comparator and on the CT Under Test. Before making connections we should see the burden of the CT Under Test on the nameplate or as per customer's requirement. The Current Comparator and the Under Test CT primaries are connected in series. The secondary terminals of the Current Comparator are connected to the Standard port of the CTTS and the secondary terminals of the Under Test CT are connected in series with the burden to the Test port of CTTS. After ensuring that connections are proper, the calibration is started. 11. Voltage Transformers Calibration 11.1 Principle The accurate and precise calibration of Voltage Transformers (VT) is accomplished by comparison method i.e. by comparing the customer's Voltage transformer to a Reference Standard Voltage Transformers (RSVT) whose accuracy is so high that the corrections to be applied are negligibly small. The Comparison Method basically relies on a calibrated Voltage Transformer nominally of the same ratio as that of the Voltage Transformer under calibration. A

Load (%) STD

Phase Ratio Error (in %) Error (in Min) Under Test


C.T. Under Test

C.T. Burden

AC High Current Source Fig. 1. Calibration of current transformer by comparison technique 32

Calibration & Measurement Facilities forAC High Current & High Voltage Ratio Standards at NPL suitable Voltage Transformer Test Set (VTTS) is used for this purpose to compare the output of the Voltage Transformers under calibration to that of the Voltage Transformer under calibration. 11.2 Standards Used For Calibration Standard Voltage Transformer: The standard used for the calibration of voltage transformer is Standard Voltage Divider. It comprises of a Capacitive Voltage Divider and an Electronic Device. In order to avoid corrections it is desirable to have a Standard Voltage Divider whose errors are negligibly small. The uncertainty of this reference standard is 50ppm and phase displacement uncertainty is 0.2 minutes. The Standard Voltage Divider is traceable to PTB, Germany. Voltage Transformer Test Set (VTTS): Regarding the calibration of Voltage Transformers (VT) it is also accomplished by comparison method i.e. by comparing the customer's Voltage Transformer to a High Voltage Ratio Measuring System (Standard Voltage Divider) which basically comprises the Capacitive Voltage Divider (CVD) C1/C2 and High Precision Electronic Voltage Divider (EVD) whose accuracy is so high that corrections need not to be applied. The Comparison Method basically relies on the calibrated voltage transformer i.e. in our case is a CVD and the Programmable EVD nominally of the same ratio as that of the voltage transformer under calibration. A suitable Voltage Transformer Test Set (VTTS) is used for this purpose to compare the output of the voltage transformer under calibration to that of the Standard Voltage Divider. 11.3 Support Equipment Required for Calibration A.C. Voltage Source: The A.C. High Voltage Source should be able to supply the required voltages for the accuracy test up to 120% of the highest rated voltages. Two high voltage sources are available in our lab. One source is up to 50kV, 5000VA with digital indication and the other source is 150kV, 10,000VA with analogue indication. Voltage Transformer Burden: Standard burdens are required for the calibration of voltage transformers as per IS 3156 and IEC 60044-2:1997. The rated burdens, which are normally required, are 2.5VA, 5VA, 7.5VA, 10VA, 15VA, 20VA, 40VA for the rated secondary voltage of 110V and 110/ 3V at a power factor of 0.8P.F Lag. Cables : Proper taut wires are used for making connections to the primary side of Standard Voltage Divider and VT Under Test from the AC High Voltage Source. Proper flexible cables are used for the secondary side connections to the voltage transformer Test Set. Environmental Conditions : The temperature of the lab is maintained at (25 2) C and humidity (50 10) %. 12. Methodology 12.1 Inspection Up on the receipt of the Voltage Transformer from a customer the transformer is visually inspected. It is ensured that no apparent damage has occurred in the process of transportation. In case the damage is observed then the customer is immediately notified through CFCT (Centre For Calibration & Testing) and the necessary steps are taken for applying the corrective action. Terminals' condition is also inspected carefully. If the terminals are not clean then the cleaning is done with the help of emery paper and some cleaning agents like alcohol. If excessive oxide is present or corrosion is severe then the customer is intimated and the VT is returned uncalibrated. Repairs or major cleaning is normally not done by NPL. 13. Calibration Set-up The schematic block diagram of the calibration set-up in its simplest form is shown in Fig. 2 for voltage transformers. In case of VT calibrations first we select the voltage according to the requirement of the customer in the Voltage Injection Set. The secondary terminals of the Standard Voltage Divider and Under Test VT should be selected according to the secondary voltage. Judicious selection is done of the voltage range on the Standard Voltage Divider and on the VT Under Test. Before making connections we should see the burden of the VT Under Test on the nameplate or as per customer's requirement. The Standard Voltage Divider and Under Test VT primaries are connected in parallel. The secondary terminals of the Standard Voltage Divider are connected to the Standard port of the VTTS and 33

S.R. Gupta
V.T. Under Test Compressed Gas STD. Capacitor Air Capacitor Burden Box

Voltage Supply

Electronic Voltage Device


Under Test

Load % 100.00

Ratio Error (in %) -0.001

Phase Error (in minute) +1.0

Fig. 2. Voltage transformer calibration by using programmable E.V.D. Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMC) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Instrument / Parameter AC High Voltage: Source AC High Voltage: Meter AC High Voltage: Real Component AC High Voltage: Imaginary Component AC High Current: Source AC High Current: Meter AC High Current: Real Component AC High Current: Imaginary Component Expanded uncertainty 130 ppm 130 ppm 60 ppm 70 ppm 120 ppm 120 ppm 40 ppm 50 ppm

the Under Test VT secondary terminals are connected in parallel with the burden to the Test Port of the VTTS. The connections must be tight. Taut wires are used for primary side of the VTs. After ensuring that the connections are proper then the Calibration Set-up is switched on. 14. Results with Uncertainty Budget for CT and VT Calibrations After the data has been collected and reviewed for consistency, the averages of the current and voltage ratio errors and the averages of phase displacements are determined. Values of estimated measurement uncertainty at 50Hz are calculated as per the guidelines given in NABL 141 [14]. A sample 34

calculations are given in the Annexures I - IV. 15. Conclusion Instrument Transformers are widely used devices in the electric power industries. They are relatively inexpensive, but accurate and stable. However like all the other measuring devices, they need to be calibrated particularly when they are used for bulk power/ energy metering where revenues are involved. Due to the development of the calibration facilities in the area of ITs NPLI is now in a position to render internationally traceable calibrations. Acknowledgements I am grateful to Dr. Vikram Kumar, Director, NPLI,

Calibration & Measurement Facilities forAC High Current & High Voltage Ratio Standards at NPL New Delhi and Dr. P. Banerjee, Head, Electrical and Electronic Standards Division, NPLI, for their support and encouragement for this work. I extend my sincere thanks to my colleagues Sh. L. Sridhar, Sh. Daleep Singh Yadav and Sh. Manish Kumar Tamrakar, who have extended their entire support and help is the preparation of this paper. References [1] Sharwan Kumar and S.R. Gupta, Calibration of A.C. Electrical Measuring Instruments, Presented at All India Seminar of Metrology Society of India, New Delhi, November 8-10 (1985). Saood Ahmed, V.K. Rustagi, R. Aggarwal and Bijendra Pal, Development of an Automated Data Acquisition Systems for Absolute Determination of Effective of RF Power Mounts using Coaxial Microcalorimeter, MAPANJournal of Metrology Society of India, 22 (2007) 63-68. Naveen Garg, Mahavir Singh, Omkar Sharma and V. Mohanan, Current Status of Acoustic Measurement Standards at National Physical Laboratory of India (NPLI), New Delhi - Part 1: Sound Pressure, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 22 (2007) 77-90. Naveen Garg, Mahavir Singh, Omkar Sharma and V. Mohanan, Current Status of Acoustic Measurement Standards at National Physical Laboratory of India (NPLI), New Delhi - Part 2: Acceleration Amplitude, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 22 (2007) 91-101. A.K. Bandyopadhyay, Sanjay Yadav and Nita Dilawar, Current Status of Pressure Standards at NPLI and our Experiences with the Key Comparison Data Base (KCDB), MAPANJournal of Metrology Society of India, 21 (2006). [6] Tripurari Lal, Goutam Mandal and C.K. Gopan, Re-establishment of National Standards of Mass at NPL India, MAPANJournal of Metrology Society of India, 23 (2008) 139-158. Kamlesh K. Jain, S.K. Jain, J.K. Dhawan and Anil Kumar, Realization of Force Scale upto 50kN through Dead Weight Force Machines at NPL, India, MAPAN-Journal of Metrology Society of India, 20 (2005) 249-257. F.K. Harris, Electrical Measurements, Wiley Eastern Private Limited, New Delhi, Chapter 13 - Instrument Transformers (1968). V. Karapetoff and B.C. Dennison, Experimental Electrical Engineering, I (1937), Chapter XVIII. P.J. Betts and H.A. Smith, National Measurement Laboratory Technical Paper No. 3 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia, Current Transformer Testing at NML, Australia (1976). A. Braun, H. Danneberg and W.J.M. Moore, An International Comparison of 50 - 60Hz Current Ratio Standards at Currents upto 60,000A, IEEE Trans on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM- 27 (1968). P.N. Milijanic, Custers and W.J.M. Moore, The Development of the Current Comparator a High Accuracy AC Ratio Measuring Device , AIEEE Proceedings, (1962) 359-368. E. Zinn, An Electronic Self Balancing, Instrument Transformers. IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM- 21 (1971). Guide to Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty, NABL 141.




[9] [10]









S.R. Gupta Annexure - I Uncertainty Budget for AC High Current Ratio of 3000A/5A Real Component at 100%:
1. NMI Service Identifier: 66 2. Calibration Service: AC High Current Ratio, Real Component 3. Methodology/Principle: Comparison Method 4. Uncertainty of Standards Used: (i) Current Comparator (ii) AITTS (Used as CTTS)

0.003 % 0.003% 0.002% 0.002 %

Calculation of of Measurement Uncertainty in 3000A/5A Calculation Measurement Uncertainty in 3000a/5aRatio Ratio

Type A Input no. of readings Readings (Xi) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Average Standard Deviation Standard Uncertainty Degrees of freedom Uncertainty Budget Sources of error

=6 n = n6
Measured Values (%) -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 5

limits (%)

Probability distribution Normal (Type A) Normal, Type B Normal, Type B


Standard uncertainty (%) 0.000 0.0015

Sensitivity coefficient 1 1

Uncertainty contribution (%) 0.000 0.0015

Degree of freedom 5 infinity

Repeatability (U1) U2 (CC)


1 2








Rect, Type -B




-0.0018 %


Combined Uncertainty in measurement : Effective Degree Of Freedom : Infinity Coverage Factor k = 2 Expanded uncertainty (U) k=2

Rounded off Rounded off The reported uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95% for a normal distribution

0.0036 U = 0.0036% U= U = 0.0040% 0.0040 U= U = 40 ppm 40 U=

% % ppm


Calibration & Measurement Facilities forAC High Current & High Voltage Ratio Standards at NPL Annexure - II Uncertainty Budget for AC High Current Ratio of 3000A/5A Imaginary Component at 100%
1. NMI Service Identifier: 67 2. Calibration Service: AC High Current Ratio, Imaginary Component 3. Methodology/Principle: Comparison Method 4. Uncertainty of Standards Used: (i) Current Comparator (ii) AITTS (Used as CTTS)

0.1 0.1

minutes minutes

Calculation ofof Measurement Uncertainty in In 3000A/5A Calculation Measurement Uncertainty 3000a/5aRatio Ratio
Type A Input no. of readings Readings (Xi) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Average Standard Deviation Standard Uncertainty Degrees of freedom Uncertainty Budget Sources of error nn== 6 6 Measured Values(minutes) -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 0.000 0.000 5

limits (min)

Probability distribution Normal (Type A) Normal, Type B Normal, Type B


Standard uncertainty (min) 0.00 0.05

Sensitivity coefficient 1 1

Uncertainty contribution (min) 0.00 0.05

Degree of freedom 5 infinity

Repeatability (U1) U2 (CC)


1 2








Rect, Type -B




-0.0707 min


Combined Uncertainty in measurement : Effective Degree Of Freedom : Infinity Coverage Factor k = 2 Expanded uncertainty (U) k=2 Rounded off The reported uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95% for a normal distribution

#DIV/0! 0.1414 U = 0.1414 U= min U= 41.12 rad U = 41.12 U = 50 50 U= rad


rad rad


S.R. Gupta Annexure - III Uncertainty Budget for AC High Voltage Ratio of 3000V/100V Real Component at 100%
1. NMI Service Identifier: 62 2. Calibration Service: AC High Voltage Ratio, Real Component 3. Methodology/Principle: Comparison Method 4. Uncertainty of Standards Used: (i) HVRMS (ii) AITTS (Used as PTTS)

0.005 % 0.005% 0.002% 0.002 %

Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in 3000V/100V Ratio Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty in 3000v/100v Ratio
Type A Input no. of readings Readings (Xi) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Average Standard Deviation Standard Uncertainty Degrees of freedom Uncertainty Budget Sources of error n = n6 =6 Measured Values (%) 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000 5

limits (%)

Probability distribution Normal (Type A) Normal, Type B Normal, Type B


Standard uncertainty (%) 0.0000 0.0025

Sensitivity coefficient 1 1

Uncertainty contribution (%) 0.0000 0.0025

Degree of freedom 5 infinity

Repeatability (U1) U2 (HVRMS)


1 2








Rect, Type -B




-0.0027 %


Combined Uncertainty in measurement : Effective Degree Of Freedom : Infinity Coverage Factor k = 2 Expanded uncertainty (U) k=2

0.0054 U= 0.0054% U =

% % ppm

Rounded off Rounded off The reported uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95% for a normal distribution

U= 0.0060% U = 0.0060
U = U= 60 ppm 60


Calibration & Measurement Facilities forAC High Current & High Voltage Ratio Standards at NPL Annexure - IV Uncertainty Budget for AC High Voltage Ratio of 3000V/100V Imaginary Component at 100%
1. NMI Service Identifier: 63 2. Calibration Service: AC High Voltage Ratio, Imaginary Component 3. Methodology/Principle: Comparison Method 4. Uncertainty of Standards Used: (i) HVRMS (ii) AITTS (Used as PTTS)

minutes 0.2 minutes 0.1 minutes minutes 0.1

Calculation Measurement Uncertainty in 3000v/100v Ratio Calculation of of Measurement Uncertainty in 3000V/100V Ratio
Type A Input no. of readings Readings (Xi) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Average Standard Deviation Standard Uncertainty Degrees of freedom Uncertainty Budget Sources of error
= 66 nn=

Measured Values(minutes) 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.000 0.000 5

limits (min)

Probability distribution Normal (Type A) Normal, Type B Normal, Type B


Standard uncertainty (min) 0.00 0.1

Sensitivity coefficient 1 1

Uncertainty contribution (min) 0.00 0.1

Degree of freedom 5 infinity

Repeatability (U1) U2 (HVRMS)


1 2








Rect, Type -B




-0.1118 min


Combined Uncertainty in measurement : Effective Degree Of Freedom : Infinity Coverage Factor k = 2 Expanded uncertainty (U) k=2

0.2236 U= min U = 0.2236 U= rad U = 65.01 65.01

U= rad U = 70 70


rad rad

Rounded off The reported uncertainty is at coverage factor k=2 which corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95% for a normal distribution


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