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Generic Stigmas

The following stigmas are generic in nature, and as such are best suited for non-religious occult powers such as Psi. Albino (Severe) Androgynous (Mild) Bizarre Birthmark (Mild): The character has a large, strangely shaped or coloured birthmark. Blacks Out (Severe): The character blacks out whenever she uses her powers. Blind (Severe) Blinks Uncontrollably (Mild): The character blinks uncontrollably when she uses her powers. Bloodshot Eyes (Mild): The character's eyes become bloodshot after she uses her powers. Boss Eyed (Mild) Cleft Pallet (Mild) Club Foot (Mild) Dwarf (Mild) Extra Finger/Toe (Mild) Extra Nipple (Unholy): Said to indicate a pact with dark powers. Hair between the Eyebrows (Mild) Hairless (Mild) Headaches (Mild): The character suffers from severe headaches after she uses her powers. Hermaphrodite (Mild): The character possesses both sets of male and female genitalia, although one set is underdeveloped. Hirsute (Mild): The character is extremely hairy. Hunchback (Severe) Insomnia (Mild) Missing Digit (Mild) Nausea (Mild): The character becomes nauseous whenever she uses her powers. Nervous Twitch (Mild): The character has a never twitch whenever she uses her powers. Never Blinks (Mild): The character seems to be perpetually staring. Nose Bleeds (Mild): The character's nose bleeds whenever she uses her powers. Odd-Colored Eyes (Mild): Each of the character's eyes is a different colour (one blue, one green, for example). Pulsing Veins (Mild): The veins in the character's temple pulse when she uses her powers. Skunk Stripe (Mild): The character has a large hormone streak in her hair. Strange-Shaped Ears (Mild): The character's ears are strangely shaped, possibly pointed or lobeless. Stammer/Stutter (Mild): The character stammers or stutters either permanently, or when she is using her powers. Uncontrollable Whisper (Mild): The character whispers as she uses her powers, especially psychic commands. Wandering Eye (Mild): One of the character's eyes moves uncontrollably.

Pancreator Stigmas
The following stigmas are those most appropriate to theurgists of the Pancreator, and as such, many are regarded with awe rather than hate and fear. All are Mild (1 pt). Aura of Emotion: Those who are near the character while she is using her powers feel a very mild feeling of joy, sorrow or euphoria. Aura of Light: Motes and rivulets of light shimmer across the character's skin while she uses her powers. Blood Stains: All the character's clothing eventually stains red. This indicates sympathy with Mantius the Warrior. Cry of Pain: The character cries out with pain when she uses her powers. This indicates empathy with the Prophet's suffering. Divine Birthmark: The character has a jumpgate-shaped birthmark. Ethereal Voice: The character's voice takes on an ethereal, otherworldly quality while she uses her powers. Halo: A halo of soft light enshrouds the character's head when she uses her powers. Jumpgate Scar: The character has a visible jumpgate scar/stigmata that bleeds when she uses her powers. Lash Marks: Lash scars form permanent marks across the character's arms and back, or the welts appear and bleed while she uses her powers. This indicates sympathy with Zebulon the Prophet. Luxia: The character sheds tears of light when she cries or uses her powers. This is an extremely rare stigma, identical in nature to that once possessed by Amalthea the Healer. As such it is one of the holiest symbols to the Amalthean order. This can only be taken with the GM's express permission. Prophecy: The character whispers dire prophecies uncontrollably when she uses her powers. Reflective: Light sources brighten slightly in the character's presence, especially when she uses her powers. Shackle Marks: The character has permanent shackle scars around her neck and wrists, or these appear while she uses her powers. This indicates sympathy with Maya the Scorned Woman. Sleepwalking: The character suffers from acute somnambulism. This indicates sympathy with Paulus the Traveller. Speak in Tongues: The character speaks in nonsense tongues while she is using her powers. Spiritual Symphony: Faint sounds of some variety are audible whenever the character invokes her powers, including the murmuring of prayer, the tinkling of bells, a heavenly chorus, rumble of thunder or trumpet fanfare. Strange Scent: A faint scent tinges the air around the character whenever she uses her powers, such as that of flowers or incense. Tears of Blood: The character's tears are always of blood, rather than water, or she sheds bloody tears when she uses her powers. This indicates sympathy with Amalthea the Healer. Weeping: The character sheds tears while she uses her powers. This indicates sympathy with Amalthea the Healer. Weeping Sores: Weeping sores appear on the character's skin while she invokes her powers. This indicates sympathy with Hombor the Beggar. Permanent, visible weeping sores counts as a Severe Stigma (2pts). Wings of Light: Wings of light glow at the character's back whenever she uses her powers. This is said to indicate the guardianship of an Empyrean spirit. Wisdom's Beard: The character has an unnaturally long beard that grows back within 24 hours if it is cut. Female characters seldom suffer this stigma. It indicates sympathy with Horace the Learned Man.

Avestite Stigmas
The following Stigmas are found among Avestites, and are additions to the main Pancreator stigmas. Aura of Heat (Mild): Waves of heat seem to emanate from the character when she uses her powers. Charred (Mild-Fearsome): The character's skin looks charred and blackened, as if by intense heat. Eyes of Fire (Mild): White flames dance within the character's eyes when she uses her powers. Fuel Fire (Mild): Natural flames intensify and grow slightly in the character's presence. Inner Flame (Mild): A flame of white light flicker's visibly at the core of the character when she uses her powers. Inner Furnace (Mild): The character's skin is unnaturally hot to the touch (but not to the point of pain)

Eskatonic Stigmas
The following stigmas are often found among Eskatonic, in addition to those listed under the Pancreator stigmas. Inner Light (Mild): A bright white light glows visibly within the character when she uses her powers. Third Eye (Severe): The character has a third eye in the centre of her forehead that opens when she uses her powers. Indicates sympathy with Deimos. Mirror of the Pancreator (Mild): Similar to the Eskatonic rite of the same name, the character's body appears as silvery metal, showing all her imperfections when she uses her powers.

Sathraistic Stigmas
Sathraistic stigmas are indicative of the emotional aspect of the Sathra Effect, and the jumpgates that form their focus. Aura of Emotion (Mild): An aura of mild euphoria surrounds the character when she uses her powers. Exquisite Tears (Mild): The character weeps with joy when she uses her powers. Jumpgate Stigma (Mild): The character has a permanent jumpgate scar, or a jumpgate-shaped halo of light when she uses her powers. Orgasm (Mild): The character orgasms when she uses her powers.

Unholy Stigmas
All of the stigmas listed here are worth 4 pts. and are those most associated with Antinomy and 'the Dark between the Stars'. Bane of Animals: Animals bark, howl and hiss at the character, shying from or snapping at them. Barbed Tail: The character has a barbed tail. Indicates the influence of a Thagirion. Blue Skin: The character has skin of dark blue. A sign of Satariel influence (although Zuranists wouldnt be alarmed by it). Boils: The character's skin is a literal mass of boils. Said to be indication of the presence of Imaressen. Cacophony: A definite sound accompanies the character's use of her powers, including evil whispers, demonic laughter, the screams of the damned, or wretched wailing. Cadaverous: The character is deathly pale, and extremely gaunt and attenuated, with sunken, redrimmed eyes. Said to be indication of the presence of an Imp. Cats Eyes: The character has the eyes of a cat. An indicator of Incubi/Succubi influence. Claws: The character has large, wickedly curved claws. Indicative of Zaraqh influence. Dark Shadow: The character's shadow looks inhuman, moves of its own volition, or is much, much darker than it should be. Demonic Voice: The character's voice takes on a demonic quality while he is using his powers. Empty Eyes: The character's eye-sockets appear as nothing more than hollow sockets of shadow. An indicator of Doldrai influence. Evil Eyes: Anyone looking into the character's eyes will see scenes of vile wickedness, or their own worst fate in their mind's eye. Extra Nipple: The character has an extra nipple that occasionally oozes blood. A sign of a pact with evil forces. Forked Tongue: The character has a snake-like tongue. Said to be the influence of the Thagirion. Foul Stench: A mild scent such as that of rotting flesh (Thagirion) or brimstone (Zaraqh) permeates the character, intensifying when he uses his powers. Glowing Eyes: The character's eyes glow an unholy red when she uses her powers. A sign of Zaraqh influence. Hairy Hands: The character's hands (not just the palms) are smothered in thick, greasy hair. Obvious indication of Doldrai influence. Hellfire: The character's eyes glow with cold blue fire, or cold blue fire light envelopes his body when he uses his powers. Hooves: The character's feet have become hooves like those of a goat or horse. Satariel influence. Horns: The character has a full set of horns. A sure sign of Zaraqh influence. Light Devourer: Light sources visibly dim in the character's presence, especially when he uses his powers. Nightmares: Everyone who sleeps within 30ft of the character, including the character himself, suffers from terrible nightmares of torment and evil. Reptilian Eyes: The character's eyes are those of a reptile. Indicates the influence of a Thagirion. Reptilian Skin: The character's skin is scaled like a reptile. Zaraqh in origin. Reptilian Wings: The character has stunted, reptilian wings. A sign of draconic influence. Rotting: The character's flesh is starting to rot and putrefy, making them look like a living Husk and lending them an unpleasant aroma. Yet more indication of Thagirion influence. Twisted Vision: The character appears evil and twisted when she uses her powers, all her sins apparent. Unreflective: The character has no reflection. Wither: Plants wither and blacken in the character's presence, especially when she uses her powers. Wretched Aura: A palpable feeling of anger, hate, jealousy, lust, revulsion or fear surrounds the

character when she uses her powers.

Obun Stigmas
The following stigmas may be developed by any Obun follower of Bintaru or Ven Lohji, due to the mythology they share. However, while they are viewed as holy by the Ur-Obun, the values here are set according to how the typical Known Worlder would view them. Bearded (Mild): Despite the fact that Ur-Obun cannot grow facial hair, the character has a beard. Indicates sympathy with Dhiyana. Darkening Skin (Severe): The character's skin darkens a notable degree when she uses her powers. Indicates sympathy with Sizha. Golden Skin (Mild): The character's skin takes on the hue of burnished gold when she uses her powers, or is that colour permanently. Indicates sympathy with Dhiyana. Wings of Light (Mild): Wings of light appear to envelop the character when she uses her powers. Indicates sympathy with Dhiyana or Vhem. In addition, followers of the Ven Lohji sect might develop any of the Stigmas listed in the Pancreator Theurgy list, as well as the following unique stigma: Transparent (Mild) The character becomes largely transparent when using her powers, allowing light to pass through her.

Ukari Stigmas
The following stigmas are those likely to be developed by followers of Banjak. Values are assigned depending no the viewpoint of the Known Worlds' majority, but these stigmas are seen as holy among the majority of Ukari. Aura of Darkness (Unholy): Motes and cobwebs of shadow cover the character's skin while she uses her powers. Blood Tears (Mild): The character bleeds out of one eye when he uses his powers. This indicates sympathy with Anikrunta. Fire Mane (Mild): The character's hair seems to burn like flame when she uses her powers. Sympathy with Sukara. Hermaphroditic (Mild): The character is possessed of fully developed sets of both genders' genitalia. Indicates sympathy with Liwong Dhyan. Light Devourer (Unholy): Light sources dim notably in the character's presence, especially when she uses her powers. Manic Cackle (Severe): The character cackles maniacally while using her powers. Indicates sympathy with Glanglun-Untya or Uysadda the Masked God. Mask of Ages (Severe): The character's face seems to shift from youth, to adult, to ancient while using his powers. This indicates sympathy with Sapa. Painfully Thin (Mild): The character is extremely thin and skinny. Indicates sympathy with Sukara. Truthful Stammer (Mild): The character stammers uncontrollably when she tries to lie. Indicates sympathy with Sapa. Wings of Darkness (Unholy): Wings of darkness seem to envelop the character when she uses her powers. Indicates sympathy with Dzwornga. Wings of Light (Mild): Wings of light seem to envelop the character when she uses her powers. Indicates sympathy with Saddenreaper.

Gjarti Stigmas
The level of the Gjarti stigma is accounted for in relation to how the typical Pancreator-fearing peasant in the Known Worlds would view them. Followers of Gjarti do not find any of them particularly alarming. Animal Eyes (Fearsome): The character has the eyes of an animal such as a cat (Unholy) or wolf. Animal Magnetism (Mild): Animals are irresistibly drawn to the character, following them everywhere. Bestial Skin (Fearsome): The character's skin is covered in fur, fish scales, or is reptilian (Unholy). Bestial Voice (Mild): The character's voice takes on an animalistic quality, such as a definite growl, hiss, or purr. Carnivore (Mild): The character may only eat and derive nutrition from meat, preferable as raw as possible. Fangs (Fearsome): The character has fang-like teeth, like those of a predatory animal. Feathers (Mild): The character has small feathers in place of hair. Forked Tongue (Unholy): The character has a snake-like tongue. Furred (Mild): The character has 'fur' where he would normally have 'hair'. Hairless (Mild): The character has a total lack of hair anywhere on his body. Hairy Ears (Mild): The character has hairy ears. Hairy Palms (Mild): The character's palms are covered in hair. Herbivore (Mild): The character may only eat and derive nutrition from vegetation (including grass and leaves), preferable as raw as possible. Hirsute (Mild): The character is extremely hairy. Hooves (Unholy): The character's feet have become the hooves of a horse or goat. Horns (Mild or Unholy): The character has horns, be they small horns that are easily hidden, or a full rack of antlers or horns. Nourishment (Mild): Plants grow a notable degree around the character when she users her powers. Rudimentary Patagia (Mild): The character has small, loose flaps of skin under her arms. Single Eyebrow (Mild): The character's eyebrows meet very definitely in the middle. Pointed Ears (Mild): The character's ears are pointed and animal-like. Tailed (Mild or Severe): The character has an animal-like tail, be it a stump or full length. Talons/Claws (Fearsome): The character's fingernails are pointed and slightly hooked, and might even be slightly retractable. Unusual Scent (Mild): The character has a peculiar but noticeable scent, intensifying when she uses her powers, such as pine, flowers, earth, animal fur, or musk. Unusual Skin Texture (Mild): The character's skin is slightly leathery, rough or scaly. Vestigial Wings (Severe): The character has small useless bat, insect or bird wings sprouting from her shoulder blades. Webbing (Mild): The character has notable webbing between her fingers and toes. This is especially common among followers of Gjarti on watery planets such as Madoc.

Zuranist Stigmas
As Zuranism is a mixture of many faiths, not least of which are Hinduism, Buddhism, Voudoun, Native American, Christian and even Pancreatorism, they have the most widely diverse number of stigmas possible. This document lists some of the most interesting and/or common, but merely touches the surface. Androgynous (Mild): The character's appearance is of indeterminable gender. Bloodshot Eyes (Mild): The character's eyes are perpetually bloodshot, indicating sympathy with Saint Kali. Blue Skin (Unholy): The character's skin is blue in colour. While this indicates sympathy with certain Vedic (Hindu) saints, it is an Unholy stigma due to the popular association of blue skin with Satariel demons. Crucifixion Stigmata (Mild): The character bears bloody wounds in his palms, feet and sides, indicating sympathy with Saint Jesus. Elongated Earlobes (Mild): The character's ears are elongated. Associated with St. Buddha and certain Vedic saints. Etheric Arms (Mild): The character seems to gain one or more extra pairs of arms, albeit of shining energy, while using his powers. Associated with Vedic saints. Extra Face (Mild): The character's face seems to split into two faces side-by-side when using her powers. Associated with Vedic saints. Growing Hair (Mild): The character's hair grows extremely rapidly, at a rate of at least 6" per day. Halo (Mild): A halo of light encircles the character's head when she uses her powers. Hermaphrodite (Mild): The character posses sets of both male and female genitalia, although one set is under-developed. Horn Buds (Mild): The character has small horns. Long Tongue (Mild): The character's tongue is at least half as long again as normal. Vedic or associated with Sedit (St. Coyote). Priapism (Mild): The character suffers from a permanent erection. Male only. Scented Aura (Mild): The scent of frankincense, myrrh, or lotus blooms, etc. surrounds the character when she uses her powers. Third Eye (Severe): The character has a third eye in the centre of her forehead that opens and glows when she uses her powers.

Erdgheist Stigmas
Erdgheist shamans may select any stigmas from the Gjarti list, or from those presented below. The Vuldrok regard such stigmas as holy, as many are associated with specific gods in their pantheon. As a result, all are Mild, including Gjartin ones, although they may be viewed as Severe, Fearsome, or Unholy by people in the Known Worlds. Arcs of Electricity: Arcs of lightning seem to spark in the character's eyes when he uses his powers. Indicates the presence of Wakinyan. Beast Eyes: The character either has wolf eyes, associated with Kurmda or Wordun, or snake eyes, associated with Zukinayan. Beast Pelt: The character's becomes extremely hirsute, and the hair becomes more like the fur of an animal, indicating the influence of Wordun. Black Eyes: The character's eyes are completely black, indicating sympathy with Egla. Darkened Skin: The character's skin is far darker than it should be, indicating the favor of Gwelkarga. Ecstasy: The character experiences obvious rapture when he uses his powers, as a result of the Marassa's favor. Fangs: The character's teeth are those of a wolf or bear, indicating the favor of Kurmda or Wordun. Frigid Breath: The character's breath always clouds the air, as if the surrounding temperature was freezing. Indicative of Wisterlia's presence. Hollow Voice: The character's voice becomes hollow, and echoes slightly, indicating Egla's presence. Ivory Locks: The character's hair turns completely white, resembling that of Wisterlia. Molten Eyes: The character's eyes smoulder, and glow like magma when he uses his powers, indicating the presence of Gwelkarga. Rumble of Thunder: Distant thunder seems to rumble when the character uses his powers, symbolic of Wakinyan. Serpent's Tongue: The character has a forked tongue like that of a snake, in accordance with Zukinayan. Star Field: Dozens of tiny motes of light twinkle around the character when he uses his powers, indicating the favor of Gon. Unter's Eye: The character's left eye turns completely white. Some characters chosen by Unter actually go blind in their left eye, and must take the "Missing Eye" Curse (+3 pts). Yavild's Blessing: Stray dogs will always follow the character around.

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