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Oak Lodge School

Oak Lodge School

Enabling students to lead successful and happy lives
Introducing an outstanding school that inspires students to aspire, believe and achieve Shane Buxton - Headteacher

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,
Oak Lodge is an outstanding residential and day school for students with hearing, speech, language and communication needs aged 10-19.
Oak Lodge values: Inspiring our community to Aspire, Believe and Achieve through excellence in education to lead happy, healthy and worthwhile lives. We provide high quality teaching, a well designed and engaging curriculum, focused learning, student centred multi-modal communication, state of the art audiology and technology resources and exemplary student care and guidance. We are a dedicated and committed team who recognise, understand and meet the individual needs of every student and we have high expectations of all. Our teachers are not only qualified Teachers of the Deaf but also subject specialists and multi-skilled experts who exemplify our values of integrity, respect and life-long learning. Learning is at the heart of Oak Lodge School and we promote the highest standards.

We see ourselves as more than a school in that our vision of Aspire, Believe, Achieve is based on continually improving academic standards whilst providing an enriched education experience developing the young person ready for life as a 21st Century citizen.


Developing young minds for success in the 21st Century


Building an exceptional curriculum for students aged 10 16


Moving on from Sixth Form to adulthood for students aged 16 25


Leading learning through innovation, interaction and experience

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Oak Lodge School. We genuinely believe in working in partnership between parents, students and ourselves to ensure the best possible education and future for your child.


Inspiring the children of today to become the global citizens of tomorrow

Oak Lodge believes language acquisition is essential in order for all students to progress and achieve. We embrace the latest advances in audiological technology to enhance students access to, and participation in, learning and life.

Shane Buxton Headteacher

Photographic contributions by pupils and staff


Preparing for 21st Century life in an exceptional residential provision

Every student gains nationally accredited qualifications in year 11 or the sixth form. Ofsted 2012

Collaborate and Explore

Developing young minds for success in the 21st Century
Our curriculum and teaching philosophy facilitates the development of our 5 Minds for the 21st Century success
Well Being Respect & Ethics
Our Emotional and Physical Health.

Consideration for oneself and others and the world.

Problem solving and innovative thinking.


Oak Lodge creates individuals who are independent, organised, motivated, innovative, inquisitive and confident.
Success in the 21st Century requires ever greater multi-disciplinary and technological skills combined with adaptability. In a society in which technology will ensure rapid ongoing change, our students will become lifelong learners. Their ability to learn and to enjoy learning will ensure their success professionally and personally. Our ethos values student integrity, passions, leadership and communication at its heart. These attributes will form their strength of character, open doors into new areas of learning and ensure their employability. Our young learners must develop confidence and strength of character in addition to mastery of academic and vocational learning.


Information collating and evaluating.


What we learn: Academic Craft Profession.

The excellent curriculum is broad and balanced and enables students to gain a wide range of accreditation in Year 11 and the Sixth Form. Ofsted 2012

Challenge and Innovate

National Accreditations in Functional Skills, GCSE and BTEC level Core:
English Maths Science

Building an exceptional and personalised curriculum leading to a diverse range of academic and vocational subjects for students aged 10 -16
Communication and Language: Cultural Programme: Pastoral Care:
An extended English Curriculum focusing on Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Visual Phonics, Grammar, and Communication. English Language skills development is a key part of every area of the curriculum. The curriculum is hooked onto a dynamic visit programme to many museums, theatre productions, art and music events across London.

Healthy Living:


Media Graphics Visual Art Drama Music


ICT DT FT Keyboard

Questioning and Debate: Emotions Curriculum:

To facilitate higher order thinking skills and raise students ability to analyse research, make judgments and present sound thinking.

Pastoral support enhances life, social and study skills preparing our students for the opportunities and responsibilities within school and beyond

Beliefs and Cultures:

BSL Citizenship

Learning Mentor Guidance: Residential Visits:

Global Studies:
Geography History

Promoting emotional and physical well-being to enable young people to live healthy, happy and productive lives.

Providing 1:1 support for students in overcoming barriers to learning, in order to achieve their full potential.

Enquiry Based Learning:

Student-led project learning to develop leadership, curiosity, collaboration and interdisciplinary knowledge.

Developing students confidence, leadership and communication skills for life in both national and international settings.

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills:

State of the Art Technology:

Students expertise and ownership of new technology is fundamental to effective learning and communication.

Developing skills in teamwork, independent enquiry, effective communication, self management, creative thinking and reflective learning.

Learning Outside the Classroom:


Identifying and developing students passions, abilities and entrepreneurship, through an adventurous extra curricular programme.

Promoting learning through real-life experiences beyond the classroom walls through local, national, cultural, religious, sporting, professional tutoring and community engagement.

Aspire and Achieve

The four curriculum pathways are tailored to the needs of the individual and are underpinned by literacy, numeracy, pastoral and vocational support provided by specialist teachers and Teachers of the deaf. ACADEMIC PRE-VOCATIONAL

Moving on from Sixth Form to adulthood for students aged 16 25

This personalised learning programme is suitable for students who have higher level thinking skills such as the ability to reason, evaluate and analyse.

A personalised learning programme suitable for students who want to improve their skills in Literacy and Numeracy in order to support access to future vocational courses. It includes a broad balanced curriculum with a strong focus on functional skill development. pathway.

Higher Education or commence training in a professional career. From 19 to 25 years of age, students will continue to receive tutorials and notetaking/interpreter support from the Deaf First Department.

On completion: students from this pathway may progress to

On completion: students may progress to a chosen vocational Entry requirements: students need to have achieved literacy

Entry requirements: students need to have achieved literacy and

numeracy qualifications at level one and be ready to progress to level two and can therefore access academic courses at level 2 and above.

and numeracy qualifications at Entry level.


This is a personalised learning programmes suitable for students who wish to pursue a vocational area with an emphasis on practical skills and where theory elements of the course are broken down into smaller units of assessment. employment training or an academic pathway. From 19 to 25 years of age, students will continue to receive Teacher of the Deaf and communication support from our Deaf First Department.


On completion: students from this pathway may progress to

An individualised day and waking day curriculum designed to prepare students for transition to adulthood so that they are able to go into the world and function to the best of their ability in their everyday lives. Specialist support for the development of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. Opportunities for vocational skill development; for using and applying skills in independent living in the schools residence for a proportion of the time. Pre-Vocational pathway or supported learning programmes.

On completion: students on this pathway may progress to a Entry requirements: no formal entry requirements

Entry requirements: students need to have achieved Entry 3 and be

ready to progress towards level 1 in literacy and numeracy.

Lifelong learning continues with our Deaf First Department from 19 to 25 years of age, and beyond.

Communication and Technology

Leading learning through innovation, interaction and experience
Our state of the art technology and pioneering audiological provision encourages our students to access learning and life. At Oak Lodge we want all our students to become confident, fluent communicators.
Central to our child centered multi-modal language and communication approach is our Multi-Disciplinary language team. This highly specialised team includes Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Audiology Support Staff, Cochlear Implant (CI) rehabilitation support staff, specialist English teachers, British Sign Language (BSL) Tutors and Language Support Teaching Assistants who work together to ensure the best possible outcome for each and every student. On arrival to Oak Lodge the language team assesses each students receptive and expressive language, higher level reasoning and communication skills in English, Sign Supported English (SSE) and BSL. This is recorded on the schools innovative student language profile which shows, at a glance, the individual students language and communication strengths, areas for development and, over time, how well they have progressed. We aim to match individual students needs and help each student to succeed to their full potential. We want to empower the students to manage their own audiological equipment so that they gain maximum benefit from auditory information. We invest in state of the art technology to inspire students to learn and develop their listening and speaking skills. Our aim is to optimally develop each students communication potential; including speech, speechreading and writing development, in addition to their sign language development (both BSL and SSE). Our goal is for all our students to become confident, competent users of audiological aids as well as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to increase their future employability by teaching them to use technology well.

Cochlear Implant Programme

On site we have a dedicated, highly trained team of teachers of the deaf, Audiological Technicians and Speech and Language Therapists. We have strong contacts with external Cochlear Implant teams, this ensures that we stay up to date with the latest developments and support our students according to their individual needs. We have devised a clear and unique three part programme which ensures students and parents are supported at all stages; Pre-op Through op or post op First or consecutive implantation
It is super to see how Oak Lodge has taken up the advice given for pupils who can use their hearing and listening through implants. Kathy Owston Principal Teacher of the Deaf, St Thomas Hospital

Communication through a multi-modal language approach supported by technology specially designed for people with hearing impairments is excellent. Ofsted 2012


Preparing for 21st Century life in an outstanding exceptional residential provision

Oak Lodge prefects are invaluable members of the school community. All Year 10 and 11 pupils are encouraged to demonstrate their skills for this role. They are then invited to apply and be interviewed in a similar way to applying for jobs in the world of work. Prefects enjoy taking the lead, being good role models, supporting others and taking on posts of responsibility. They work closely with staff helping to create a happy and harmonious school environment.

Leadership and Responsibility

The School and 6th Form Councils give our students a voice on matters relevant to school life.


Proposals made by its members can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of the school. They develop an understanding of democratic principles and gain experience of gathering information, sharing views, running a committee and making decisions. The students are elected to the School and 6th Form Councils by their peers and are supported in their meetings by a member of staff.


Oak Lodge peer mentors provide support for their peers across the school and their invaluable contribution makes Oak Lodge a happier place for everyone. All our Year 10 and 11 students attend a two day training course in peer mentoring. The course improves their social and communication skills and awareness of self and others. The students learn how to offer support and problem solve, when to ask for help and how to see and encourage the good in others.


Work related learning activities enable all our students to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of the world of work increasing their future employability. Oak Lodge has a positive relationship with many employers across London and beyond giving our students a wide range of work related opportunities including meeting people working in a variety of jobs, learning how to improve their interview techniques, team building activities and work placements.


Confident and Independent


Preparing for 21st Century life in an exceptional residential provision

Phoenix House provides a caring, happy and stimulating environment in which boarders can enjoy and benefit from a wide variety of educational, social and leisure activities. It has excellent facilities and is homely and comfortable.

The children love the warm, family atmosphere created by our dedicated team of staff, experienced in working with young people with additional needs. The team works closely with parents, carers, teachers and therapists to meet the requirements of all residents. The boarders flourish in this environment and become responsible, confident and independent young people ready to move on to higher education or employment. We offer up to 4 days a week term-time boarding for students aged between 10 and 19 years old. Phoenix House is attached to Oak Lodge School and is regulated by Ofsted.
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The quality of residential provision is excellent. Ofsted 2012

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101 Nightingale Lane Balham London SW12 8NA Telephone: 020 8673 3453 Fax: 020 8673 9397 Email: Web Site:

Oak Lodge School

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