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William Greco 2404 Greensward N. Warrington, Pa. 18976 W2gre@verizon.

net Date: March 21, 2013

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Man versus Machine I. Executive Summary This article compares the strengths and weaknesses of man versus machine. II. Introduction
Mans ability to delegate tasks to machines seems to have no boundaries. Manual and mental tasks normally employing humans are being replaced by mechanization and cybernation. Major contrasts will always exist between man and machine. The contrasts exist as a result of inductive logic and fixed deductive procedure. The terms inductive and deductive should be defined at this point as they pertain to man versus machine. Deductive = an action performed as a result of pre-programmed instructions, (computers). Inductive = an action performed as a result of analytic logical reasoning (humans).

A. Human Attributes Beyond Machine Capability 1. Ability to perform ultra delicate tasks. Example of performing an ultra delicate task is heart surgery requiring extreme sensitive movements. 2. Detection of very low energy levels. Example: Detection of facial expressions such as frowns, smiles or smirks. Detection of Speech inflexions. 3. Sensitivity to a wide range of stimuli. Example: A human can be inspired, goaded, roused, accelerated to action or frightened. 4. Perceiving patterns and making generalizations about them. Example: By inductive reasoning forming the conclusion that if something occurs more than once it will probably take place again. 5. Detecting signals in high noise areas. Example: In high noise areas machines cannot differentiate between the spoken word and high levels of background noise.


Ability to exercise judgment when events cannot be clearly defined.

Example: By inductive reasoning making a decision about a phenomenon which has never occurred before.


Ability to compromise. Example: Negotiating a contract.

William Greco 2404 Greensward N. Warrington, Pa. 18976 Date: March 21, 2013 A.

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Man versus Machine Human Attributes Beyond Machine Capability (continued)

8. Improving and adopting procedures. Example: Making suggestions to management on ways to improve a product or manufacture it quicker.

Ability to react to low probability events. Example: A person rescuing a cat stuck in a tree.

10. Applying originality to solving problems by using inductive reasoning. Example: Isaac Newton inventing calculus. 11. Ability to adjust to unexpected problems. Example: An assembly line worker making a product fit that was originally misaligned. B. Human Attributes Similar to Machine Capability 1. Ability to be re-assigned to perform different tasks. Example 1:A worker that changes Occupations. Example 2: A technician that is ordered to operate a floor buffer immediately after repairing an automatic transmission. C. Machine Attributes Superior to Human Capability 1. Continuous monitoring of machines and people. Examples: Burglar alarms, video surveillance, process sensory systems. 2. 3. Nonstop repetitive operations. Example: Robotic welding machine. Immediate response time to control signals. Example: A thermostat turning on a heater to raise temperature in a room. Storing, recalling and processing huge amounts of information. Example: Electronic computers. Performing highly accurate complicated computations in microseconds. Example: Electronic computers.



William Greco 2404 Greensward N. Warrington, Pa. 18976 Date: March 21, 2013

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C. 6.

Man versus Machine Machine Attributes Superior to Human Capability (continued) Ability to duplicate components the same identical way repetitively. Example: Computer numerical controlled laser cutting machine. Operating in environments that are hostile to humans. Examples: Robotic Mars Lander, Robot handling radioactive isotopes.


D. Machine Attributes Similar to Human Capability 1. Ability to be re-assigned to perform different tasks. Example: Switching from a word processor program to a spreadsheet program. Commentary Graceful Degradation A human in the system provides a means for allowing graceful degradation. An example of graceful degradation was the launch of Apollo 12 which occurred on November 14, 1969. 36 seconds after liftoff, lightning struck the launch tower causing the control panel in the command module to light up like a Christmas Tree. Fuel cell warning lights, the AC bus light, fuel cell disconnect, AC bus overload 1 and 2 went out, and main bus A and B showed failure. Pete Conrad (the mission commander) didnt panic and pull the abort handle which would have ended the mission and destroyed 360 million dollars worth of going to the moon machinery. The crew of Apollo 12 were able to realign the guidance platform and get the fuel cells back on line. If the rocket had been completely on automatic control the emergency escape sequence would have been initiated and ended the mission. What could we accomplish without Computers and Automation Without computers and automation, many things that we take for granted wouldnt be possible. To name a few, everyday machines help people to save lives in Medical Facilities, forecast the weather, operate the engines in automobiles, provide communications, and the list grows longer every day.

William Greco 2404 Greensward N. Warrington, Pa. 18976 Date: March 21, 2013

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Man versus Machine Final Analysis It has been shown that inductive reasoning is a human trait that cannot be matched by the deductive actions of machines. Fully automated systems will cease to function and quit unless prescribed conditions are met.

1. Have we reached a point where our dependency on machines and computers compromises the safety and welfare of humans ? 2. If machines continue to displace humans in the workplace, who will be left to purchase the products that machines produce ? 3. By total reliance on machines are we stifling human development mentally and physically ? William Greco 2404 Greensward N. Warrington, Pa. 18976

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