Kelsey's Poetry

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Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 Introduction Cinquain Poem - Kittens Concrete Poem - The Sun Haiku Poem - Trees Color Poem

- Orange Creature Alliteration Poem - Birdian I Am Poem - I Am Kelsey Donovan Five Senses Poem - Spring Moral Poem - Ode To Hope Limerick Poem - Crow With A Foe First Favorite Poem Dreams Why Dreams Is One Of My Favorite Poems Second Favorite Poem Fog Why Fog Is One Of My Favorite Poems About The Author

I used to think poetry was not interesting but after learning about poetry, I feel great and more comfortable reading and writing it. Poetry can be inspiring and fun. Sometimes it tells a story, and sometimes it describes a persons thoughts or feelings. I especially enjoy Shel Silversteins poems because they are easy to understand and fun to read. After I read an inspirational poem, I can close my eyes and imagine pictures in my mind. Poems really help others tell how they feel. What I found most surprising about poetry is that there are so many types of poems. For example, there are moral poems that teach you a lesson. There are color poems, haikus, and creature poems. I always thought that poems needed to rhyme, but now I know that is not always the case. My favorite type of poem is color because it gives inspirational and positive thoughts to how a color makes people feel. Im hoping that you all enjoy my anthology and are inspired to read the poems that I have written.

Cinquain Poem Kittens Kittens Cute, Playful Sleepy, Fluffy, Funny I love kittens Cuddly

Haiku Poem Trees Trees Sway back and forth in the wind Homes to wild animals Creates oxygen Green leaves bloom in Spring Leaves break off in Fall

Color Poem Orange ORANGE Orange is the color of fall leaves Orange is the ice covering the creamsicle ice pop Orange is the feeling I get when Im inspired Orange is the warm color of th sun Orange smells like freshly squeezed orange juice Orange tastes like cut up oranges Orange sounds like wood crackling in the fireplace Orange looks like rapidly jiggling jell-o Orange feels like my citrus body spray Orange makes me want to put on my bathing suit and jump in the pool Orange is a happy, happy color

Creature Alliteration Poem Birdian By Amber, Kelsey, and Ashleigh This is a Birdian Birdians live in big butterscotch bungalows Birdeans eat bursting bananas and brown beans with burnt bunches of bread Birdians like buttermilk, brownies, blue buttered bagels, and box car bracelets Birdians are brilliant, brave, brown birds Birdians blow big but brittle bubbles

I Am Poem I Am Kelsey Donovan I am a young girl who cares about people I wonder how the earth was made I hear a scratching sound in my closet I see pink fluffy unicorns sticking their heads out from under my bed I want them to be real I am a young girl who cares about people I pretend I am a movie star I feel glamorous and confident I touch the hearts of others I worry that others may not like me for who I really am I cry when I see a sad movie I am a young girl who cares about people I understand I am not perfect I say that I cant give up I dream of being a confident, strong girl I try to get good grades on my report card I hope I get on honor roll I am a young girl who cares about people

Five Senses Poem Spring Spring is happiness It tastes like freshly picked pears It sounds like kids splashing into the pool water It smells like yellow daisies in the graceful meadow It looks like my family snorkeling on the coast of Florida It makes me feel inspired

Moral Poem Ode to Hope Cookies, candy, popcorn, and chips! And I really like to pile on the dip! It all tastes so good. I keep eating way more than I should. Suddenly, a big ache in my tummy! The food I just ate doesnt seem as yummy. Filling your tummy with too much junk can really make you feel very funk

Limerick Poem A Crow With A Foe By Kelsey, Sameen, and Caitlin There once was a crow with a foe Who said it just seems so! My foe has two dogs and a cat Four horses and a rat I think I should join forces with my foe

Favorite Poem Dreams By Langston Hughes Hold onto dreams For if dreams die Life is like a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.

Why Dreams Is One Of My Favorite Poems I chose the poem Dreams by Langston Hughes because I found the poem inspiring. This poem is about how dreams are important to have a meaningful life. If there are no dreams, then life is not fun. It also means that everyone needs to dream. The poem has two stanzas and eight lines. The beat is aabba. The poem does rhyme. There are repeated words that stand out, and they are: hold, dreams, for, and life. There are similes and metaphors in the poem. For example, a simile in the poem is Life is like a broken winged bird who cannot fly. It is comparing two unlike things - life to a broken winged bird. The poem also uses a metaphor: Life is a barren field frozen with snow. It is also comparing two unlike things - life to a barren field of snow. The mood and tone of the poem is meaningful and inspirational. It makes me feel like dreams are worth more than a million dollars. It is worth happiness and so much more.

Favorite Poem Fog By Carl Sandburg The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches then moves on.

Why Fog Is One Of My Favorite Poems I chose the poem Fog by Carl Sandburg because I liked the meaning behind it. I think the fog represents bad feelings. Sometimes a lot of little bad things happen to you all at once. At first, it doesnt seem like a big deal but when a lot of bad things happen at the same time, it can put you in a bad mood and make you sad. The thing to remember is that the fog doesnt last forever. Eventually, it will slowly fade away. I think that is what the poem is trying to say. So, this poem is inspirational because it tells you that the fog doesnt last forever.

About the Author Kelsey Donovan is a 10 year old girl who lives in Budd Lake, NJ with her mom and sister. She is currently in 5th grade in Mr.Fritzky and Mrs.Maragons class. She enjoys writing poetry, reading, and coloring. She loves animals and especially enjoys cuddling with her cat, Sammy. She hopes you all enjoy her poems.

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