Suggestion Schemes and Quality Circles

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Suggestion Schemes and Quality Circles

Suggestion Schemes and Quality Circles are some of the means adopted by TQM organizations to improve productivity and quality by involving their employees. Suggestion Schemes: The concept of suggestion Schemes originated in Japan in the 1960s. Suggestion schemes involve obtaining suggestions from employees at all levels in the organization. Suggestions for improvement are received by HODs, from all employees in a prescribed format and are evaluated for their feasibility and practicability. The definition of suggestions, under the suggestion scheme, are also clearly defined so that they do take up issues such as grievances, complaints, etc. Those suggestions, which are deemed fit for further review shall be put up to a committee consisting of representatives of both the employees and the management for necessary approvals. Suggestions which are approved by the committee are implemented with full support from the management in terms of resources. However the responsibility for implementation lies with the concerned employee. The status of implementation will be recorded and will be updated at the end of every month. Suggestions, which require detailed study are taken up as group tasks through Quality Circles.

Quality Circles Quality Circle or Quality Control Circle concept originated from Japan. In April 1962, Dr. K. Ishikawa, presented this idea in the inaugural issue of the JUSE's journal 'Gemba to QC'. Since then the Quality Circle concept has been introduced in as many as 130 countries. But Quality Circle concept is well established only in Asian countries like Japan, South Korea, Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan etc. Based on the experience and knowledge gained over 30 years and more 'JUSE' the apex body for the movement in Japan modified the definition of the concept in 1995. Original and Revised Version are shown here. Original Quality Circle is a small group to perform voluntarily quality control activities within the same workshop. This small group carries on continuously as a part of company wide quality control activities, self development and mutual development and improvement within the workshop, utilising quality control techniques with all members participating. Revised QC Circle is a small group in which people who work in the first line work place, continually improve and maintain the quality of products, services, job and so on. This small group promotes the activity in such a way as to autonomously administer it, utilize the QC concept and technique and others, display creativity and make self development and mutual development.

This activity intents to: - Develop their capability, perform the self actualization for QC Circle members, make its work place full of brightness and vitality. - Enhance customer satisfaction and make a social contribution. - The executives and the mangers in order to make QC Circle activities successful, contribute to improving the enterprises, constitute and implement company wide TQM or similar one by themselves. Facilitate the environment for the activity and continually, conduct appropriate guidance and support based on the respect to humanity, aiming at the participation by everybody and positioning the activity as important for human resources development and work place utilization. To introduce the Quality Circle the recommended structure by QCFI is as given in the diagram shown below. Organisations can modify it to suit to their convenience, as long as the principle behind it is kept intact, such changes are welcome.

For any structure to be meaningful it should first start with the top management's policies which should be laid down and linked to the organization's objectives and goals. The next step is to work out strategies to achieve them through structure and systems by spelling out roles for a concerted effort to accomplish results. The right way of introducing Quality Circles is as a part of TQM. QCFI suggest the following methods. 1. Conduct a survey of the organizations. 2. Discuss the findings with Conduct special programmes to executives. the top management

3. Select executives from various departments for special intensive training programme 4. Training has to be done with best faculty members available on the subject. 5. After training with the help of trained executives', form Quality Improvement Team among senior management for solving major organisation problems. 6. Conduct Awareness programme to all workers on QC concept by the trainers through a co-ordination department. 7. Co-ordination department maintains a register of workers who have voluntarily agreed to form Quality Circles. 8. Formation of Quality Circle, section wise, shift wise and training to them. WHAT ARE THE ROLES OF VARIOUS LEVELS IN THE ORGANIZATION IMPROVING QC MANAGEMENT? Top Management Top management comprises of the Chairman, Managing Director, Functional Directors and other Directors on the Board. It lays down policy incorporating Quality Circles as an integral part of TQC function. It is responsible for the implementation of the policy, laying guidelines and reviewing the policy implementation and results thereof. It also spells out strategies and systems for the achievement of results. A steering committee comprising of a group headed by the Chief Executive of the organisation is also a segment of the top management. The functions of a Coordinator He is normally a senior manager who co-ordinates the entire function. 1. He registers the circle. 2. Interacts with all. 3. Convenes steering committee meetings. 4. Maintains records, organizes systematic documentation. 5. Arranges management presentation. 6. Organizes various training programmes, including exposure programme. 7. Arranges presentation of case studies in sister units. 8. Publishes periodicals. 9. Organizes six monthly, annual conventions, develops facilities for the programmes.

10. Arrange periodical survey. 11. And helps in deputing people for seminar, convention, outside convention, presentation etc. The function of a Steering Committee A Steering Committee is a monitoring group headed by the head of the organisation, to guide, review and improve the functioning of Quality Circles. Through periodical and regular reviews, the committee makes the functional heads accountable for the 'Quality Circles' healthy functioning in their area. Functional heads, in turn would make the facilitators accountable. The function of Facilitator He/she is a nominated senior person of an area and he/she ought to catalyze and stimulate the Quality Circles. His/her role is that of a parent, caring for children. Even without Quality Circles, a senior person's role is to develop the people working with him/her and enable them to achieve and give them the pride of achievement. He/she should be a role model and a value shaper. The facilitator could be rotated once in two years, or as may be deemed fit by the organisation. The function of a Leader/Deputy Leader A leader is a person chosen by the members of the circle through consensus.For a leader to play an effective role, he should be given the requisite education and training to lead and to develop leadership qualities and skills. Since Quality Circle conceptually is also 'applied management' at grass root level, they are to be given training on management aspects.Aside from the facilitators, the success of the Quality Circles will depend upon how well the leader leads the group.The other important functions of a leader 1. Conduct meetings regularly. 2. Moderate in meetings. 3. Involve all the members. 4. Keep the cohesiveness of the group. 5. Coordinate. 6. Take the team towards the goal. 7. Takes care of i. Task behaviour of the group. ii. Team maintenance. iii. Disruptive or negative behaviour in the group. The function of Members Members join the group out of their own volition and with full under-standing of the concept and philosophy of Quality Circle. If they want to pursue development and growth, a natural aspiration they should get involved whole-heartedly. It is only when one plays the game with enthusiasm with the rest of the members of the team, can one experience the thrill of victory.

HOW QC FUNCTIONS What should be the size of the Quality Circle? An ideal size is eight to ten members but they can be upto a maximum of fifteen. The size must never be so large that a member cannot have sufficient time to participate and contribute at each meeting. Too few members would also tend to make circles dormant. Can workers in shifts become members of a circle? An ideal condition will be when they can form a circle with persons within a shift. When the number is less, find out whether a cohesive group can be formed involving even another departments. This is to be done carefully. The other department should be a connected one and the functions there should be known to the workers at least in general. It should not be a group of engineering and production. But if there are some engineering people attached to the department, they can be considered. The idea is that the members should find an identity and should not feel strange in that group. What about membership from different shifts from the same area? It is voluntary and if the members do not feel affected by such an inconvenience they can definitely form a circle.But company should ensure transport facility for persons outside the shift whenever necessary.Do Quality Circles have to meet during working hours or after working hours? Quality Circle is primarily for the improvement of the employee but this is done by bringing improvement to the work place also.Hence such activities as a principle should be conducted during the working hours.However, if for some reason the processes do not permit an organisation to allow Quality Circles to meet during working hours, they can meet after working hours. After all it is voluntary and if workers are willing to stay late, there can be no objection to it. But necessary arrangements such as proper meeting place, transport facilities should be made. How do Quality Circles function? Quality Circles meet regularly and periodically. The meeting periodicity is normally once a week for one hour.Facilitator need not be present all the time. But he should be in touch with the members, particularly with the leader before and after the meeting. At least once in a while when meeting is in progress he should visit for a short while to show his concern for them in a visible form. How does a Quality Circle solve a problem by using A, B, C classification? They generate a list of problems using Brainstorming technique. They prioritize the problem using A, B and C classification. A category problems Minimum involvement of other departments in solving them. B category problems Involvement of other departments is a necessity. C category problems Management sanction and support may be needed in implementing the solution. When Quality Circle movement is started in any organisation there will be a lot of interest and expectations for quick result amongst all. Even though this is a learning

process this helps all. They start with 'A' category problems. Normally they are simple problems and need knowledge of minimum techniques. Solving these problems give them the confidence.Then they take a 'B' category problem, which is a little more difficult and also needs knowledge of more techniques.By the time they come to C category, they are confident and capable of learning all the techniques. By hurrying up and selecting major problems in the initial stage, Quality Circles turn out to be useless ultimately. For solving the problems, the Quality Circle should adopt the PDCA cycle and the Seven Q.C Tools. Hence it is necessary to train the Q.C members in the use of the PDCA methodology and also the Seven Q.C. Tools. PRESENTATIONS The Quality Circles are encouraged to present their achievements at appropriate fora within and outside the organization. The organization may also organize competitions among the QC groups or send them to outside competitions. All these activities improve the self confidence of the employees and motivate them to perform better. B. Girish, Dy. Director, National Productivity Council, Chennai

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