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March 21, 2013 Governments attitude is crippling womens health care Edmonton Alberta Liberal Health Critic Dr.

. David Swann says decisions made by the government are having a serious negative impact on womens health care in Alberta, including long surgery wait times which may have contributed to three deaths in the last year. Joined by Dr. Jane Schulz, Urogynecologist and Associate Professor for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Alberta (U of A) and the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, Swann says the whole health system, from the Ministry onwards, has f ailed womens health. We are seeing three year wait times for consultation and surgery for urogynecological issues, it has gotten so bad that three patients have died in the last year while on a waitlist, says Swann. Public and professionals have lost confidence in our health system; it is completely unacceptable. The womens clinic at the Royal Alex has tried to address the problem of wait times and patient access to care for over five years. They treat approximately 11,000 women a year, with only two subspecialists in Edmonton. The clinic has been unable to recruit a physician to fill a vacancy that has been open for five years and the current political environment for doctors in the province is making it even harder. It is also unclear whether there is funding for the position. Doctors hesitate to come and work in Alberta, and those we are training here may not want to stay because of the toxic relationship with government, says Swann. The minister and Alberta Health Services know about the crisis at this clinic but have not solved the problems. Further, urogynecologists have often had academic appointments to teach and do research in the Faculty of Medicine at the U of A to improve clinical outcomes. However, recent cuts to postsecondary education have threatened these programs and the ability to train future health professionals in womens health care. This is just one corner of our health care system, just one clinic in one city. There are similar wait times in Calgary, says Swann. We have a very serious situation on our hands when this many problems, from multiple departments, are devastating the delivery of health care. It is tragic that in a province as rich as Alberta we cannot get our citizens the care they need. -30For more information, contact:

Amy McBain, Director of Communications Tel: 780.427.7438. Cell: 780.904.5430. Fax: 780.427.3697. e-mail:

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