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E-Mail-Short for electronic mail, for transmission of messages over communications

Components of E-Mail Messages
1. Header of an email contains the following
• The web address and sometimes the name of the addressee (TO)
• The web address of the author (FROM)
• Date- the date the message is created
• Subject- the topic of the message, use the subject line to inform the receiver
exactly what the email is about
• Appropriate use of the subject line increases the chances that your email will
be read and not discarded into the SPAM can
2. Body-the message of the memo.
• Usually contains a request for action.
• Sentences should be kept short and to the point
• Intermix short and longer sentences
• Avoid very long sentences when possible
• Include a desired action and a deadline for completion when appropriate
3. Signature- the name and contact information of the sender
• Email services often provide an interface for the creation of an electronic
signature that automatically attaches to the end of every message
• Make sure to include contact information, including your name, title, phone
and fax number as well as snail-mail address in the signature portion of your
• If you have additional email addresses, you may want to indicate these as
4. Attachment- files that are sent along with the email. Paperclip, attach word
processing, picture
5. Inbox- An area in memory or on disk that holds received messages that have
been read or processed
6. Draft- unsent email message
7. FTP- File Transfer Protocol
8. ARPANET- Advanced Research Project Agency Network developed by ARPA of the
United States Department of Defense during the Cold War; was the world’s first
operational packet switching network, and the predecessor of the global Internet.
9. Internet- an electronic communication network that connects computer networks
around the world
10. Network- A series points or nodes interconnected by communication paths.
11. SPAM- junk mail
12. Chatting- talking in real-time to other network users from all parts of the world,
13. Blogs- web log, web based journals often used by individuals or groups to
maintain a record of thoughts, pictures, and interests; an online diary
14. Podcasting- a method of publishing files to the Internet, allowing users to
subscribe to a feed and receive news automatically; used for audio files, but also for
video files.
15. Carbon Copy- cc, notation for additional recipient names and web addresses
16. Blind Carbon Copy- bcc, blind copy or complimentary copy notation for
recipient(s) that are hidden from view.
17. Forwarding- sending a copy of email message on to another individual
18. Virus- a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of
causing great harm to files and other programs on the same computer
19. Internet cookie- are parcels of text sent by a server to a Web client and then
sent back unchanged by the client each time it accesses that server, tracks the
user’s Internet Action
20. Address Book- names, email address, contact information, phone number
21. PDF- Portable Document Format, universal exchange document that can be read
the same on different platforms
22. Adobe Acrobat- software application that is used to read PDF files created by
23. SMS Text Message- is a communication service for cell phones, allowing the
interchange of short text messages between cell phones. SMS text messaging is the
most widely used data application on the planet, with 2.4 billion active users
sending and receiving text messages on the phones and growing.
24. Hard Bounce- the failed delivery of an email due to a permanent reason like a
non-existent address
25. Soft Bounce- an email message that gets bounced back because the recipient’s
inbox is full
26. Intranet- private computer network with a firewall; business
27. Discussion Board- online discussion site. The modern equivalent of a bulletin
board, and a technological evolution of the dialog bulletin board system
• Moderated: moderated by an individual or a group of people
• Un Moderated: un-monitored discussion board
28. Download: transfer file from another computer to your computer
29. Upload: transfer a file from your computer to another computer across the
30. Query: question
31. Out of Office Reply: notice stating that you are not at your email, sent out
32. POP: Post Office Protocol, a protocol used to retrieve email from a mail server
33. Router: a device that forwards data packets along networks. A router connected
to at least two networks. Routers are located at gateways, the places where two or
more networks connect.
34. Phishing: The act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an
established legitimate business is an attempt to scam the users into surrendering
private information that will be used for identity theft.
The email directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update
personal info such as passwords & credit card, social security, and bank account.
The Web site, however, is bogus and set up only to steal the user’s info
35. Snail Mail: regular mail, sent through the postage service
36. WI-FI: wireless network
37. Netiquette: guidelines for posting messages to other services and Internet
newsgroups. Netiquette covers not only rules to maintain civility in discussion, but
also special guidelines unique to the electronic nature of forum messages:
• DO NOT SHOUT in message using All Caps
• Avoid too much formatting because it may change across different computers
• Remember that email is a written form of communication and therefore can
be printed out and viewed by others than those originally included for or used
as legit documents.
• Remember that you can always deny that you said it, but what you write is
• Remember that email is not confidential
• Do not spam readers with unnecessary info or frivolous material. It is not
professional and could be in violation of company policy and grounds for
• Proofread and spell check
38. Emoticons: a text of a writer’s mood, often used to alert a responder to the
temper of a statement and can change and improve interpretation of plain text
39. Spyware: software that covertly gathers user info through the user’s Internet
connection without his or her knowledge, usually for advertising purposes.
40. Adware: a form of spyware that collects info about the user in order to display
ads in the Web browser based on info it collects from the user’s browsing pattern
41. Encryption: scrambling of info for security purposes to be sent across the
42. Decryption: descrambling of info for security purposes that has been sent across
the Internet
43. Instant Message: chatting, communicating in real time across the Internet; AOL,
IM, Yahoo, Google.
44. Video Conferencing: having a conference over different types of video
communicating channels
45. Telecommuting: is a work arrangement for which employees enjoy flexibility in
working from different locations and hours.
46. Teleconference: having a conference over different types of communication
47. PDA: Personal Digital Assistant helps to organize contacts, emails, messages,
info, Blackberry, iPhone
48. Zip File: a popular data compression format
49. Archive: to copy files to a long-term storage medium for backup. Email

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