Rookie Missionary Reading List

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Rookie Missionary

Reading List
by Grant R. Nieddu, Chief Spark Instigator

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Below is a list of the books Marissa and I absolutely recommend for anyone beginning their Rookie Missionary journey. Over the past 12 years, I have read and absorbed a ton of material and paid a great price to know what I know, to be able to do what we do on the mission AND business fields. (Thats why my life coaching and organizational training costs so much!) However, you can gain the same knowledge with your own reading and development! If you found this by reading the Rookie Missionary Manifesto, I want to thank you for taking a huge step toward your missional life; self-education. If you arrived here by any other means, you are welcome here. Be sure to read The Manifest mentioned above. It will bring a lot of clarity as to what this reading list is all about. Regardless, you can still benefit greatly in your own missional journey with the material listed below. WARNING: This material is for those who are dedicated to a powerful way of life. It will be harsh and challenging. Often, it will be lonely and cold. The rewards are there, but the price is high. Be warned, if you read this material you may open up a Pandoras Box that you just may not be ready for. Consider yourself warned! :)

The Reading List 1. Wild at Heart by John Eldredge 2. The Way Of the Wild Heart by John Eldredge 3. The Heart and the Fist by Eric Greitens 4. Walking With The Poor by Bryant L. Myers 5. Practicing The Presence of God by Brother Lawrence 6. Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards 7. The Power and Purpose of a Man by Dr. Myles Munroe 8. Rediscovering the Kingdom by Dr. Myles Munroe 9. The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Hero of a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell On Sparta by Plutarch Radical by David Platt The Sayings of Spartan Women by Plutarch The Writings of Xenophon Bushido, The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe The Code of the Samurai by Taira Shigesuke Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale The Last Temptation of Christ by Nikos Kazantzakis Life Before Death by Dr.Larry Meredith Gaviotas by Alan Weissman Operation World by Patrick Johnstone When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett Choose the 1st book by the best humanitarian or missionary in

the country of your calling. 25. Choose the 2nd book by the best humanitarian or missionary in

the country of your calling. 5 Other Tools

Free 7 Day Sparked Homework - This was a tool I put together for my life-coaching clients to help clarify the things that mean the most to them. The goal is to help begin to clarify their passion and vision. Get it here free.
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My book - H.O.P.E. from Here to Haiti, is a recount of the early days and what we learned with our work in Haiti. Get it here for the lowest price. You can also find it on Amazon and Kindle here. Coming soon: The Top 100 Dream Igniter - Watch for it. This is a comprehensive system I am completing. It is an assembly of activities I perform with my life-coaching clients to help them shape their vision and create a strategy to get there. Other Free Resources - Check out these other awesome free resources from State of the Spark. My Blog - Our blog is a great place to get updates and keep up with all that Marissa and I are doing on the field. Blog here.

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