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Friday, March 22, 2013

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Irish fisherman survives 30 minutes in icy waters after falling overboard

Fears over safeguards and laws to cover digital data

by Noel Baker Garda sought access to hundreds of personal emails and other electronic accounts last year amid growing concerns over the safeguards protecting privacy. The first Microsoft Transparency Report, published yesterday, found garda made 72 requests to the technology giant relating to 222 different accounts. In five cases, the contents of emails were provided to garda, while noncontent user information was revealed in 46 cases. Separately, garda made four requests relating to seven different Skype accounts no data was disclosed in relation to any of these requests. In two other cases, Skype provided general guidance to garda regarding the procedures for accessing customer data. Microsoft owns Skype and also operates Hotmail, its successor, and Messenger, among other services. The report shows Ireland was one of five countries where user content was disclosed the others were the US, Brazil, Canada, and New Zealand. Google received 34 data requests from garda in the first six months of last year. Data was provided in just two cases. Digital Rights Ireland chairman TJ McIntyre said Justice Minister Alan Shatter needed to clarify a number of questions over Garda requests for digital communications data. He said the public needed to know: The legal basis on which the emails are being read; What safeguards are in place to provide oversight of the process, such as ministerial warrant; What mechanisms are in place to ensure no abuses take place; If legislation covering the interception of telecommunications messages covered digital data and if the law needed to be updated. Mr McIntyre said it would be worrying if existing laws allowed Garda access to email contents without any outside scrutiny [neither a

Garda sought access to hundreds of private emails

ministerial warrant nor a court order being required] and without any judicial oversight. It has never been the case in Ireland that people are notified after the fact about surveillance even if it should never have been carried out, said Mr McIntyre. He said existing laws on intercepting communications were drafted prior to the advent of email and therefore might not cover digital communication. He said if somebody found their email account had been accessed by garda without good reason, they could bring a case to the European courts under an existing legal loophole. While oversight exists at High Court and circuit court level for phone taps, Mr McIntyre said he did not believe the same level of oversight existed for digital communications. The Government has never come out one way or the other, he said. A spokesperson for the Department of Justice said it could not address the questions raised by the report.

The US coastguard winches Corkman James McCarthy from his brothers fishing vessel after he was rescued from waters near Kodiak, Alaska.
by Eoin English An Irish fisherman has stunned medics by surviving almost 30 minutes without a survival suit after falling overboard into one of the worlds coldest and most treacherous oceans. James McCarthy, 35, who is originally from Ringaskiddy in Co Cork, fell from his brothers fishing boat into the icy waters of the Gulf of Alaska last Friday. It is perilous seas featured in the hit TV series, Deadliest Catch. But thanks to his brother Peters swift actions and his crews medical training, James was recovering at home on Kodiak, off Alaskas southern coast last night, after his release from hospital just days after cheating death. The US coastguard hailed Peter and his crew for their role in his dramatic rescue. James McCarthy, a successful and well-respected trawler captain in Kodiaks fishing industry, was fishing with Peter on Peters 58ft FV Stella when he fell overboard in the Shelikof Strait on Friday. The crew reacted immediately, activated their emergency procedure, and threw a life buoy to him. They issued a mayday, and braved heavy swells, strong gusts, and freezing spray to recover him. operations specialist and search and rescue controller. They were fortunate to be so close to Kodiak and our hoist-capable helicopters allowing the patient to be delivered to advanced medical care in a matter of hours. His colleague, petty officer 1st class Sara Francis, said James was very lucky to be alive, and that the actions of his crewmates were key to his survival. In the 11 years, Ive seen maybe one or two man overboards survive such conditions, she said. The Stella has an excellent record and a good captain and they have all the right equipment on board. The skipper moved very quickly to react to the situation and the crew prepared well to recover the casualty on board. Their parents, Val and Dick, said they were delighted and relieved to say to the least that everything had worked out. Peter said [James] was almost gone when they pulled him out of the water. He was in a bad way, said Val. But James was always into sport he loved hurling and football as a youngster, and golf now of course so he was always fit and strong. And hes still not out of the woods. They need to do more scans and monitoring. His lungs were badly affected.

James McCarthy: Suffered from extreme hypothermia.

It is understood that he was found floating unconscious and in a critical condition, clinging to the life buoy. The coastguard said James had been exposed to water, with a temperature of just 3C, without a survival suit for about 25 minutes and was suffering from extreme hypothermia. The average survival time in water that cold without a survival suit should only be about 15 minutes. The Stella crew warmed him and performed CPR while a coastguard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak rushed to the scene.

Peter McCarthy: Hailed for his actions in his brothers rescue.

They airlifted James, and a crewman continued treatment on the 45-minute flight back to Air Station Kodiak. An ambulance then took James the short distance to Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center. A hospital spokesperson confirmed last night that he has been released after treatment. The US coastguard hailed the crew for the quick thinking. This crew did everything right to rescue this man and this is a perfect example of why vessel crews need to practise their emergency drills monthly, said petty officer 1st class Chris Cole, an

Millstreet Country Park New Season Begins with Easter Egg Hunt

by Gordon Deegan

NEWS YouTube billion

YouTube says more than 1 billion people are visiting it each month. Page: 3

WORLD Bats warning

A worldwide warning on bats was issued after a boy was bitten and died. Page: 10

SUDOKU..................... 2 LIFE/STYLE........ 14&15 MONEY&JOBS ......19-22 SPORT .................23-29 ADVERTS ................. 30 TV...................... 31&32 DEATHS ................... 33


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A pensioner has been ordered to pay 20,000 to a traffic warden, who holds a black belt in karate, after an appalling assault. Ennis Circuit Court heard that warden Martin Ryan, who also worked as a bouncer, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of the attack. Mr Ryan was bitten in the ribcage and scratched by Marcus Kelly, aged 70, of 3 Hermitage, Ennis, Co Clare, at Arthurs Row, Ennis, on Jul 11, 2008, over a ticket given to Mr Kellys disabled wife, recently deceased. In the criminal courts, Mr Kelly was fined 250 for the assault and given the Probation Act on appeal. Arising from the same incident, Mr Kelly brought a personal injury action

Court tells pensioner to pay 20k to GAA link black-belt traffic warden after attack benefits soccer boss
Martin Ryan: Bitten and scratched by 70-year-old.
against Mr Ryan and the town council. Recounting the incident, Mr Ryan of Magowna, Inch, told the court Mr Kelly was very strong and tried to claw at his eye. Mr Ryan said he put his arm around Mr Kellys neck and forced him to the ground. That is when he was bitten by Mr Kelly. The warden said the 5ft-tall pensioner then started to complain that he couldnt breathe and that he had a heart condition. I said to him if you calm down, I will let you up. Mr Ryan was summoned to a council meeting on the attack, where he said they kept asking me if I put my hands on the persons neck. Mr Ryan said sometime after the attack, the fish in his outdoor pond at his home were taken out of the water and placed in a line, while his partners cars exhaust was interfered with over two weekends. I dont know if these things are connected or not connected to the incident, but it happened around this time and it caused a lot of stress. He added: At night I was finding it hard to sleep and some nights the incident would come back. Judge Tom ODonnell said Mr Kelly had carried out an appalling assault on Mr Ryan and the level of violence was way over the top. He ruled Mr Kelly pay 20,000 in general damages and 309 in special damages. by John Fogarty GAA Correspondent The millionaire owner of Premier League outfit Newcastle United, Mike Ashley, has been identified as the principal benefactor from the GAA-GPA backed www. website. The company is based in John Rogersons Quay in Dublin Mike but its company Ashley number, Vat number, and shareholders are Mr Ashleys English-based The GAA and GPA have pointed out the initiative will help generate funding for player welfare and development programmes.

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