Ireland: Order Cease Desist CEO Banks Rev FINAL

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In ainm riu, In ainm Uisnigh, agus in ainm na Frinne

We, the sovereign, free people of the ancient land of ire

20th March 2013




You, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Patrick Honohan and; You, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Matthew Elderfield and; You, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Stefan Gerlach and; You, Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan and; You, Secretary General of the Department of Finance, John Moran and; You, CEO of Bank of Ireland Group, Richie Boucher and; You, CEO of Allied Irish Banks PLC. David Duffy and; You, CEO of Ulster Bank Group, Jim Brown and; You, CEO of Permanent TSB Group Holdings PLC. Jeremy Masding and; You, CEO of KBC Bank Ireland PLC. John Reynolds and; You, CEO of ACC Bank PLC. Kevin Knightly and;
any other person, incorporated or unincorporated claiming to have title to any mortgage contract against any home and or dwelling of any of the several, one, free and sovereign people of ire and seeking to foreclose on that contract. There is no contract; for fraud.

TAKE NOTICE that WE the free and sovereign people of ire firmly counter and rebut the recent regrettable decision taken by fraudsters, i.e. the mortgage banking industry, to escalate foreclosures against the living flesh and blood people of the ancient land of ire, thereby directly attacking them in a far from subtle way.

The time has come now for you to be held accountable, with full personal liability, for the actions you have taken in your corporate roles as you weave your businesses within unlawful and immoral boundaries under which your corporations flourish; behind the veil of LEX ROMANA.

WHEREBY; WE now give, Issue and Order this DUE and FAIR NOTICE that; any and all foreclosures or 'repossessions' executed, or attempted to be executed in any way, against any and all of the family homes and dwellings of the several, one, free and sovereign people of ire by your corporations and upon your direction, on or after the 31st of March 2013 will result in the precise collection of all relevant data by certain people in a full personal accounting for each and every one of you, the above named Chief Executive Officers, and Others who directly or indirectly aid and abet the wrongdoers.

Transgressions, and the restitution for them, will not exclude Officers of the Central Bank of Ireland nor of the Department of Finance, at the appropriate positions. You all now bear full personal unlimited liability, of your own account, for the actions you take on or after March 31st 2013.

These transgressions are considered to be Crimes Against Humanity and will not be tolerated any longer. You are not immune in your corporate roles and the gravity of what you are about to commence should be considered very carefully by you.

Recent events describe precedent for the above from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State,, resulting in convictions and the issuance of live arrest warrants in the interim since March 4TH last against many prominent figures in our world. These warrants are backed by at least one western government and they will be executed in due course.

A full template for true justice under the one true law of standing in this world, being the common law of the land; to violate no other, nor their property, NOW exists. It would be irresponsible for the people of this island to fail to adopt and engage these models to address and rebut the fraudulent nature of your monetary, banking and mortgage industry and to obtain fair remedy for the consequences of your actions.

Four years on now from the engineered financial crash and We still live with the lies and manipulation of the Truth by our media and our political class. When the people stand in Truth nothing on this earth can counter them. You know it and We know it.

There will be opportunity this time to tell the whole Truth about the banking industry. Be that under 'your' legal system, or in the courts of the people and We NOW hereby make you responsible, in your own individual capacities, with full personal unlimited liability; because We know what you are doing and; SO SHALL IT BE.

The Truth of the matter is as follows :-

1. The value of the currency of the alleged debt, the value of any and all purported fiat currencies is vested in the sovereign life and labour of the individual. It is drawn on the people. We provided the value. We provided the loans in the actual factum. Without that there is nothing, only worthless fictitious value. Now we are going to make it stick.

2. The Central Bank of Ireland is in fact a foreclosed institution. What that means is that there is a prior claim, a commercial lien on any and all title, property, equity, assets, liens, sureties, bonds and bullion of the Bank for International Settlements, its members, subsidiaries and beneficiaries thereof; to include the ECB, Central Bank of Ireland and any commercial Bank holding a licence issued by either of them.

Those are the facts as described in Uniform Commercial Code Document# 2012114586 as Registered in Washington DC. This document is just another endorsement of the truth; that truth being that modern banking violates natural law and order and has therefore been foreclosed forever by we the people.

3. Therefore, no banking institution in Ireland has any lawful claim to foreclose or repossess any property belonging to any one of the living, flesh and blood people of ire. That is the truth of the matter, and the Truth is Sovereign in Commerce.

4. If banking institutions would persist with their fraudulent claims in the pursuance of the living, flesh and blood people of ire in the execution of fraudulent instruments, to which they do not possess title, through the courts, along with the inherent human loss and damage that encumbers that; then, that can only be described as 'malicious prosecution', even in the eyes of an Admiralty Court.

You are a Corporation, the title to whose entire equity has transferred to the people. We OWN you, therefore you have no valid claim and the Truth is Sovereign in Commerce.

5. We, the free and sovereign people of ire have sought and obtained lawful remedy for the wrongs that have been perpetrated against us for hundreds of years, the bindings that have carefully been woven around us by those who would subjugate us and the human spirit.

We have NOW freed ourselves from such falsity and aberration; this is the voice of riu, the voice of our sacred ancestors, the voice of our one, true heritage, the voice of the voiceless and the voice of our being; to ALL of which you are now held accountable.

6. Your remedy, on which all systems of justice must necessarily rely, is to comply immediately with this Order; to do so in in writing, in notarized form, on paper, signed, sealed and delivered to the Registrar of Companies, entitled Declaration of Compliance, in the capacity of the relevant officer of the instant Corporation, prior to the expiry date March 31st 2013.

The Registrar will maintain and secure for safe keeping the said documents for public registration at a later date if necessary, and in the meantime for inspection by any one of the several, living flesh and blood people of ire on request.

WE, the several, one, true, free and sovereign people of ire -

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