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Career Education 9 Date: October 29th- 30th, 2012 Subject: Guidance 9 Author: Julia Thomson Grade Level: 9 Time

Duration: 1 hour (A and B) Overview of Lesson: This lesson will begin the students final project for the Career Education portion of the course. Professional Growth Guide Goal(s): Goal 1: Support broad areas of student growth by providing varied and constructive learning opportunities Goal 2: Affirm dignity and respect for individuals (students, families, colleagues) Goal 5: Create a positive community in the classroom and school Personal Goals: Withitness Reinforce Student Responses Hands-up Culture in the classroom Outcomes and Indicators: CG9.1 Plan for, demonstrate, and document improvements of ones own capacity for building a positive self-image o Describe and analyze how individual characteristics such as interests, gifts, skills, vales, level of physical fitness, beliefs, and attitudes contribute to achieving personal, social, educational, and professional goals o Assess ones own personal characteristics and apply those that contribute positively to achievement of personal goals CC9.1 Utilize career information to construct an organized plan of career building which reflects an attitude and expectation of lifelong learning o Identify and explain how skills, knowledge, and attitudes acquired in academic, artistic, and technical/practical programs may contribute to achieving personal and professional goals o Demonstrate how education and training interests relate to various options regarding post-secondary programs, workplace training, and/or entry into the workforce o Conduct research using digital resources into the requirements of a variety of work roles and work environments and determine how ones transferable skills, knowledge, and attitudes can fulfill the requirements o Review graduation requirements and plan high school course selection which support and reflect ones life goals CC9.2 Analyze and express ones own understanding of how societal and economic needs influence the nature of paid and unpaid work. o Utilize career information resources such as occupation classification systems, labor market information, mass media, and Internet-based information delivery systems to analyze the realities and requirements of various work roles o Determine, according to ones gifts and interests, the advantages and disadvantages of various work alternatives (e.g., full-time or part-time employment, contracting, consulting, entrepreneurship) o Investigate social, demographic, technological, occupational, and industrial trends affecting work and learning and identify their potential impact on oneself, now and in the future LW9.1 Assess ones own abilities to seek, obtain, and/or create work through researching

successful strategies and applying them to ones own life o Acknowledge ones personal set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that contribute to seek, obtain, create, and maintain work LW9.2 Use acquired knowledge to create a plan for life and work based on ones preferred future o Investigate and plan the steps required for transition to secondary school as well as post-secondary education and/or training programs o Acknowledge and analyze factors that influence or impact ones life and work plans (e.g., socioeconomic status, culture, values, physical fitness, work choices, work habits, gender bias and stereotyping) o Develop plans to pursue ones preferred future o Determine whether or not it is necessary to modify and/or create new life/work scenarios and adjust ones short-term action plans Materials: SMART Board, Life Career Planning assignment information, Computer Lab Activities and Procedures: Attendance Motivational Set Crack Shack or Mansion Hand out assignment and go through it with the class o Provide explanation of each of the areas covered in the assignment and the questions asked within them o Instruct on the use of the planning sheets o We will have three class periods to compile information Go to the library where the students will begin their research Assignment uses inquiry and compounds topics and materials the students have been examining throughout the course o Help them to develop a deeper understanding of their personal life career plan o Foster engagement in the content by personalizing the curricular outcomes and indicators Assessment: This will consist of the final project for the Guidance portion of the course. See rubric for criteria.

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