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Technical Reference for

Electronic Data Exchange


U.S. Department of Education

185 H
Table of Contents

Preface 1-1

Header and Trailer Records 1-2

Electronic Application 1-2

Electronic Renewal Application Requests 1-2

Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) 1-3

Electronic Corrections/Duplicate Requests 1-3

Handling Record Level Rejected Records 1-4

Handling Batch Level Rejects 1-4

What’s New for 2000-2001! 1-5

What’s Changed for 2000-2001! 1-6

Sources of Assistance 1-8

Introduction 2-1

Electronic Application 2-1

Electronic Application Process 2-2
Receiving the Completed FAFSA or Renewal Application 2-2
Entering the Application Information 2-2
Formatting and Transmitting the Records 2-2
Receiving Processed Records 2-3
Rejected Initial and Renewal Application Records 2-3
Electronic Renewal Application 2-5
Renewal Application Process 2-5
Requesting the RAD File 2-5
Receiving the RAD Records 2-6

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

(185 H) i
ISIR 2-7
NSLDS Data 2-7
ISIR Receipt Process 2-7
ISIR Types 2-7
Automatic ISIRs for Institutions 2-8
Requested ISIRs 2-8
State Agency Options 2-9
Automatic ISIRs for State Agencies 2-10
Federal Data Request Processing (FDR) 2-11
Requesting FDRs 2-11
Requesting More than One FDR Record 2-12
Response to an FDR Request 2-12
Rejected FDR Records 2-12

Electronic Corrections 2-13

General Correction Entry Specifications 2-13

Detailed Data Entry Specifications 2-14
Signed Numeric Fields Table 2-16
Making Signature Corrections 2-18
Adding Your Federal School Code to Receive Electronic Data 2-18
Tips for Corrections 2-19
Requesting a Duplicate ISIR 2-20
Response to a Correction/Duplicate Record 2-21
Rejected Correction/Duplicate Records2-21

CPS Header and Trailer Records 2-22

Header Record Sent To/Received From the CPS 3-2

Trailer Record Sent To/Received From the CPS 3-4

EDE Batch Level Error Report Import Record Layout 3-6

EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout 3-8

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary 3-10

Type 2 Individual RAD Request Export Record Layout and RAD Error Import Record Layout 3-48

RAD Request Address 1 Export Record Layout 3-50

RAD Request Address 2 Export Record Layout 3-51

RAD Import Record Layout 3-52

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

(185 H) ii
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout 3-62

History Correction Export Record Layout 3-73

Duplicate Request Export Record Layout 3-77

Signature Record Layout 3-79

FDR Export Record Layout 3-80


Summary of Tables 4-2

1999-2000/2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference 4-3

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each 4-24

Batch Level Error Messages 4-26

Record Level Error Messages 4-27

Assumption Overrides 4-29

SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights 4-30

NSLDS Loan Program Codes 4-34

NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes 4-35

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes 4-36

Correction Data Entry Specifications 4-37

ISIR Comment Codes and Text 4-44

Printing 5-1
Printing ISIRs 5-1
Printing Assumed Values 5-1
Printing Correction Flags 5-2
Printing Highlight Flags 5-2
Rejected ISIRs 5-2

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

(185 H) iii
Comments 5-2
Field Types 5-3
Printing the ISIR 5-3
Printing the Renewal Application 5-3
Header for ISIR Comment Page Only 5-5
Header for All ISIR Pages Except Comment Page 5-6
Detail for ISIR Page 1 5-7
Detail for ISIR Page 2 5-7
Detail for ISIR Page 3 5-15
Detail for ISIR Page 4 5-23
Summary for ISIR Comment Page Only 5-24
Summary for ISIR Pages Except for Comment Page 5-24
Sample Output Document – ISIR 5-25
Header for NSLDS Financial Aid History 5-29
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History 5-30
Aggregate Amount for FFELP / Direct Loans Section 5-32
Perkins Loan Section 5-34
Pell Payment Data Section 5-35
Loan Detail Section 5-38
Summary for NSLDS Financial Aid History 5-40
Sample Output Document - NSLDS 5-41
Printing the Renewal Application 5-43
Header for Renewal Application 5-43
Detail for Renewal Application Page 1 5-44
Detail For Renewal Application Page 2 5-48
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 5-56
Detail for Renewal Application Page 4 5-64
Detail for Renewal Application Page 5 5-65
Sample Output Document – Renewal Application 5-66

2000-2001 ISIR Change Table 6-2

Message Classes 6-8

Optional Testing with the Central Processing System 6-9

History Corrections Test Cases 6-10

History Correction Sample Output Document - Correction ISIRs 6-12


October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

(185 H) iv

The Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) Technical Reference Guide is designed to meet
the reference needs of programmers and data processing staff.
The Department of Education (ED) provides two types of software to EDE participants:
• EDExpress 32-bit software for entering and editing electronic initial applications,
renewal applications, electronic corrections, duplicate requests, track documents,
package student aid packages, originate loans, and track disbursements for Pell and
Direct Loans.
• EDconnect software for sending and receiving electronic files.
Many participants need additional specifications for these functions to develop their own
software or develop software bridges between their own systems and EDExpress.
This guide provides sufficient information for you to build your own software to
complement the software provided by ED for sending and receiving Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) data. It includes information about record layouts,
required edits, print formats, specifications, and reject messages that are applicable for
renewal applications, electronic applications, Institutional Student Information Records
(ISIRs), and electronic corrections. There are separate technical references for Direct
Loans, Packaging, and Pell.
The EDE process is described in this section with additional information in the EDE
Processing Section. There are numerous references to the use of EDExpress software, so
this guide may be a useful reference tool because the processing steps remain essentially
the same.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-1
Header and Trailer Records
Each batch of electronic records for initial and renewal applications, corrections,
duplicates, and Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs), travels over the
Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) with a header and trailer record.
You should refer to the Record Layouts Section for instructions on individual header and
trailer record layouts (refer to Header Record Sent To/Received From the CPS and
Trailer Record Sent To/Received From the CPS).

Electronic Application
An Electronic Application begins with a signed Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) or Renewal Application, which is completed by the student. The data is
entered by the institution, exported to create a file, formatted, and transmitted via the
SAIG to the Central Processing System (CPS). Processed application records are
transmitted back to the institution’s destination point as ISIRs in separate message
classes for initial and renewal applications.
The Record Layouts Section includes information on record layouts (Initial
Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout). Rejects are in the Processing
Codes/System Requirements Section. How to handle rejected applications is located later
in this section and the EDE Processing Section. The Printing Section includes details on
printing ISIRs.

Electronic Renewal Application Requests

The Electronic Renewal Application process involves three steps:
1. Requesting a file (known as Renewal Application Data (RAD) file) of 1999-2000
applicants eligible for Renewal Applications.
2. Receiving the RAD file.
3. Printing the Renewal Application for distribution to students.
The Record Layouts Section includes record layouts for the RAD request file
(RADD01IN) and RAD records received (RADD01OP). Information on reject reasons
can be found in the record layout. The Printing Section contains specifications for
printing the Renewal Application. In addition, electronic renewal application
destination file requests (Type 2) may need special address records if you want the
Central Processing System (CPS) to print your Renewal Applications. CPS only prints
Renewal Applications for the one-time bulk printing. These record layouts are also
provided in the Record Layouts Section (refer to RADD Request Address 1 Export
Record Layout and RADD Request Address 2 Export Record Layout). Both records may
be required for the RADD01IN file. Renewal Application entry and transmittal are
discussed in EDE Processing Section.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-2
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)
The Central Processing System (CPS) generates an ISIR in response to an electronic
application, correction, or duplicate request from an institution. It also automatically
generates an ISIR in response to a paper or electronic Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA), a paper or electronic Student Aid Report (SAR) correction
processed by the Multiple Data Entry (MDE) application processors, by another
institution (provided your Federal School Code is listed on the transaction) or by an
application or correction completed by FAFSA Express, FAFSA on the Web, Renewal
on the Web, or Corrections on the Web. Automatic ISIRs are sent to destination points
for every student indicating an institution serviced by the destination point on the
application, and to state agencies which elect to receive ISIRs for legal residents or
students indicating an institution in that state.
State agencies can request ISIRs for any student on the CPS database. This process is
known as the Federal Data Request (FDR). The ISIR contains all data except the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) data.
The Record Layouts Section includes details on the ISIR record layouts. Comment codes
and text, verifiable rejects, and how to respond to each are in the Processing
Codes/System Requirements Section. The Printing Section contains specifications for
printing the ISIR. The record layouts for FDR are in the Record Layouts Section
(FDRS01IN), and the procedures for the FDR process are in the EDE Processing

Electronic Corrections/Duplicate Requests

Institutions may submit corrections to application data electronically. The Record
Layouts Section includes the record layouts for submitting corrections (CORR01IN).
Institutions may make duplicate requests to receive a specific ISIR transaction for a
student provided their federal school code is listed on that transaction. The Correction
and Duplicate Request record layouts are found in the Record Layouts Section (section
3), and are submitted in the CORR01IN message class.
Information about adding your Federal School Code to receive electronic data, making
signature corrections, requesting a duplicate ISIR, and using the correction record are
found in the EDE Processing Section (section 2).

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-3
Handling Rejected Records
If the specifications in this guide are not followed on a particular record, an EDE Record
Level Error Report file will be transmitted to you, which may be printed as an error
report. (The layout is in the Record Layouts Section.)
The EDE Record Level Error Report contains the record’s serial number, the student’s
ID, the transaction number, the SAR field number in error, an error code and a text
explanation for the reason the record was rejected. Each field in error is reported. If it
was rejected due to invalid value, CPS will send the actual value of the data received
from the institution. A serial number and student ID is listed more than once in the EDE
Error Record Report when a record has more than one field in error. See the Processing
Code/System Requirements (section 4) for additional details about rejects. The following
is a list of message classes for reporting errors:
• AARE01OP: Electronic Correction or Duplicate Request Errors
• FDRE01OP: Rejected FDR Requests
• EAPR01OP: Electronic Application Rejects
• RAPR01OP: Electronic Renewal Application Rejects
• SIGA01OP: Signature Batch Error/Acknowledgments
• EREP01OP: Rejected RAD Request

Handling Batch Level Rejects

A Batch Level Error Report will be returned to you if an entire batch is rejected because
of an incorrect batch number. The message classes will be the same as used for rejected
individual records. The layout for this report appears in the Record Layouts Section
(section 3). The Processing Codes/System Requirements (section 4) has the specific
error codes and messages.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-4
What’s New for 2000-2001!
• 1999-2000/2000-2001 ISIR Cross-Reference table. This table is a cross-reference
for the 1999-2000 ISIR field number, start position and end position for the same
field for 2000-2001. This table can be found in Section 4, Processing Codes and
System Requirements.
• On the Reject Error Reports CPS will send a code as well as text that defines the
• The following fields are new on the FAFSA this process year, and can be corrected:
• Father’s Name
• Father’s SSN
• Mother’s Name
• Mother’s SSN
• Drug Offense Conviction
• New Drug Offense Conviction question. The answer to this question can set a SAR
C flag. Eligibility for Title IV Aid may be suspended for conviction of violating
federal or state drug possession or sale laws.
• This year a dependent student who does not supply parental data will have an ISIR
with a C code.
• Prisoner File Match will be implemented with system startup in January 2000.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-5
What’s Changed for 2000-2001!
Some other significant changes have occurred to help make the Electronic Data
Exchange process easier.
• CPS will accept a partial answer for Legal Residence Date if they have included the
month or year. Valid content will be:
• CCYY and Completed MM
• Completed CCYY and Blank MM
• Blank CCYY and Blank MM
• Parents can no longer be included in the count for Parent’s Number in College. (If a
parent is in college they will no longer be included in the count. For example, if
mother and son are in college the parents # in college would be 1 for the son.) To
override the edits performed by CPS the Financial Aid Administrator will need to
do a Professional Judgement.
• If a student lists a school that is not on the Federal School Code database the school
code field will be blank instead of 000000. The Federal School Code Housing Plan
will also be blank on the resulting ISIR.
• Comment Code number 006 has been revised to remind students to keep their
address with the CPS current.
• Comment Codes will also drop year references in the comments geared for
• SAR C codes will print on rejected ISIRs except for reject 16 so you can identify
and correct these match problems and ISIR reject in one transaction.
• Title IV Institution Code has been renamed to Federal School Code.
• FAA EFC Adjustment has been renamed to FAA Adjustment.
• For Web and FAFSA Express filers there are new message classes: SIGS01IN
allows institutions to send student or parent signatures to a student’s record that
they are listed on if the record is still in the FE/Web hold file. The Errors and
Acknowledgements will be returned in SIGA01OP. There is a new record layout
for signature corrections found in section 3, Record Layouts. ISIRs will be returned
in the SARR0A1OP message class.
• The verification flags have been combined into one flag on the ISIR that have an Y
or N to show if the student was selected for verification. On Duplicates, this flag
may be an asterisk (*) if a prior transaction was selected for verification.
• Assumption #1 was deleted. The remaining Assumptions were renumbered.
• YTD batches will have a batch number that starts with #I. They will be sent in the
YTDO01OP message class.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-6
• EAC (Electronic Access Code) used by students to file Renewal FAFSA on the Web
is renamed to PIN. The PIN is used as the applicant’s signature for Renewal
FAFSA on the Web and Corrections on the Web. The PIN may also be used to
access personal financial aid information with NSLDS, DLSS, and Access America
for Students (AAFS).
• Students will be able to make corrections to their FAFSA data via the web. All data
elements on the SAR can be changed except the student’s SSN and Date of Birth.
• Dependency questions have been reordered to improve completeness by the
• There is a new NSLDS Post-Screening reason added to the NSLDS History Page.
• CPS will no longer highlight Alien Registration Number (ARN) on the SAR/ISIR
when students indicate they are U.S. citizens and provide an ARN.
• If taxes paid are greater than or equal to 35% of AGI a comment will print on the
• Graduate students who indicate they are enrolled in a teaching credential program
and have an eligible EFC will be on the Pell Eligible file.
• There is a new e-mail list serve, SFATECH, which is available for technical issues.
For more information and subscription instructions:

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-7
Sources of Assistance
If you have problems or questions, listed below are sources of assistance*:

CPS Customer Service 800/330-5947

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TTY): 800/511-5806
E-mail: Fax: 319/358-4260
SFA Technical Support:
Working hours are 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday
• CPS Batch Status
• Custom/Combo/Mainframe Support for Direct Loans
• Direct Loan Technical Reference
• EDE Technical Reference
• EDExpress Software— App Express, Packaging, Direct Loan, and Pell
• FISAP Software
• FISAP Technical Reference
• Packaging Technical Reference
• QAP Software
• Rejected EDE Records and Batches
• Renewal Application Processing
• SSCR-32 Software
• SSCR Technical Reference
• Use of CPS On-line Query

Direct Loan Client Account Managers

• Region I (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) 617/565-6911
• Region II (NJ, NY, PR, VI) 212/264-8012
• Region III (DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV) 215/656-5929
• Region IV (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN) 404/562-6259
• Region V (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI) 312/886-8766
• Region VI (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) 214/880-2405
• Region VII (IA, KS, MO, NE) 816/880-4090
• Region VIII (CO, MN, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) 303/844-3677 EXT 121
• Region IX (AZ, CA, HI, NV) 415/556-4201
• Region X (AK, ID, OR, WA) 206/287-9840

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-8
Direct Loan Consolidation 800/557-7392
Web site address:
Working hours are 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday

Direct Loan Operations Staff 202/708-9951

Web site address:
Working hours are 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday
• Direct Loan Procedures and Operations

Direct Loan Origination Center 800/848-0978

Fax: 800/557-7396
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday
• Acknowledgements
• Batch Integrity Errors
• Check Sum Errors
• Direct Loan Batch Status
• Implementation Guide Questions
• Interface Issues
• Promissory Notes
• Rejected Direct Loan Batches

Direct Loan Servicing Center (Borrower Referral Only) 800/848-0979

Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TTY) 800/848-0983
Fax: 800/848-0984
Web site address:
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (ET), AVR Available 24 Hours a Day,
Monday through Friday
School Services 888/877-7658
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (ET)
• Delinquency Issues
• InterfaceIssues

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-9
FAFSA on the Web
and FAFSA Express Customer Service 800/801-0576
FAFSA on the Web site address:
FAFSA Express Web site address:
PIN Web site address:
Working hours are 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday
• Application Status
• FAFSA Express Software Assistance
• FAFSA on the Web, Renewal App on the Web, and Correction on the Web
• General Questions on Electronic Filing
• Help Accessing the Web Page

Federal Pell Grant Program 800/4-P-GRANT

E-mail: or 800/474-7268
Web site address:
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., (ET), Monday through Friday
Customer Service
• Batch Processing Status and Rejected Batches
• Current Authorization Level
• General Inquiries Concerning RFMS
• Information and Data Requests Regarding Award Years Prior to 1999-2000
• Pell Grant Web Page Questions
Web Page
• Authorization Level for 1999-2000, 2000-2001
• Batch Status for 1999-2000, 2000-2001
• Links to Pell Grant Resources

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-10
Federal Student Aid Information Center 800/4FED-AID
or 800/433-3243
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD/TTY): 800/730-8913
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday
• Application Status
• Distribution of Selected Publications
• NSLDS Borrower Tracking Questions
• Student Financial Aid Program Questions
• Duplicate SARs or Address and School Changes (Student Only): 319/337-5665

Grant Administration and Payment

System (GAPS) 888/336-8930
Web site address:
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. – 8 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) 800/999-8219

Working hours are 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday
• NSLDS Batch Status
• Online NSLDS
• Perkins Data
• Rejected NSLDS Records
• SSCR Assistance

Program Development Division 202/708-8242

Working hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday
• Policies
• Regulations

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-11
Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Customer Support
Inquiry Center 800/433-7327
Fax: 202/260-4199
Working hours are 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday
• Application Processing Questions
• Help with Contacting Other Staff in the U.S. Department of Education
• Title IV Policy Questions

Title IV WAN Customer Service 800/615-1189

Fax: 319/339-6983
Working hours are 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday
• Billing and Invoices
• Campus-Based Award Letter
• EDconnect
• EDE Enrollment and Participation
• Network Password Changes and Resets
• Software and User Manual Distribution
• Transmission Errors

Universal Automated Labs (UAL) 301/565-0032

Fax: 301/565-0613
Working hours are 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday
• FISAP Edit File
• Replacement Year-to-Date File

*Note: Telephone numbers are subject to change

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Overview

(185 H) 1-12
EDE Processing

This section provides a more detailed description of the EDE process as a whole. It
provides instructions for each of the individual processes within EDE.

Electronic Application
The Electronic Application process allows destination points to enter application data
and send it to the Central Processing System (CPS) for processing. The application data
can be collected on either a Renewal Application or the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA). Once processed by the CPS the results of the Electronic
Application are transmitted back to the destination point.

EDExpress software, provided free to destination points by the U.S. Department of

Education (ED), allows financial aid administrators (FAAs) to enter the application
information into a personal computer. However, institutions may choose to develop their
own software instead. Regardless of whether the application data are entered using
EDExpress or other software, the data must adhere to ED’s editing rules in order to be
accepted by the CPS.

In the remainder of this section, specifications are provided for developing software to
provide the required Electronic Application functions.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-1
Electronic Application Process
The Electronic Application process involves five steps:
1. The student submits a completed and signed FAFSA or Renewal Application to the

2. The information from the application is key entered.

3. The application data is edited and corrected until a file of clean application records
is created. The data elements for each field are in the valid range with no
inconsistencies in the data. (For example, a student says he is single, yet provides
income earned from work for student and spouse.)

4. That file is formatted and transmitted to the CPS via the Student Aid Information
Gateway (SAIG).

5. Processed application records are transmitted back to the destination point as

Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs), message class EAPS01OP for
initial applications and REAP01OP for renewal applications.

Receiving the Completed FAFSA or Renewal

Institutions participating in Electronic Applications must have their students complete
and sign a Renewal Application or FAFSA. The FAFSA form is provided by ED. The
completed and signed document must be kept on file at the institution.

Entering the Application Information

As part of application entry, you are responsible for ensuring that the data meets the
field-by-field criteria provided in the ‘Valid Field Contents’ column of the Application
Record Layout. The record created by your software must adhere to the record layout
provided later in Record Layout Section with the addition of a Carriage Return/Line
Feed (CR/LF, ASCII 13, 10 HEX 0D and 0A respectively) at the end of each record. Use
of an end-of-file mark (ASCII 26 or HEX 1A) is optional.

Formatting and Transmitting the Records

Use EDconnect, the transmission software provided by ED, to format your data records
and transmit them over Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG). The batch header and
trailer records are provided in the Record Layouts Section. Each batch to be transmitted
must start with a Header Record followed by the data records followed by the Trailer

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-2
Receiving Processed Records
You will receive your processed application records in ISIR format in one of two
message classes: EAPS01OP for initial applications or REAP01OP for renewal

Note: See the Printing Section for more information on printing ISIRs.

There may be instances when your records will not be accepted for processing by the
CPS. A rejected electronic initial application error report will be returned to you in the
message class EAPR01OP or RAPR01OP. See the Overview and Processing
Codes/System Requirements Sections for additional information concerning rejected
applications. You will find two layouts for rejects. One is for rejects at the batch level
(the whole batch rejects), EDE Batch Level Error Report Import Record Layout, and one
for rejects at the record level (individual record(s) reject), EDE Record Level Error
Report Import Record Layout.

Rejected Initial and Renewal Application Records

There are two categories of rejections for submitted application records:
transaction and compute rejects.

1. Transaction Rejects
A transaction reject prevents the application record from being processed. If a
record is rejected for one or more reasons, an error report is returned to the
institution in a message class titled EAPR01OP (see layout in the Record
Layouts Section). No ISIR is created. These rejects are also known as record
level rejects.

2. Compute Rejects
The CPS contains a series of edits that evaluate all incoming application data
for consistency and completeness. These edits apply to all data, from electronic
and paper input. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is not computed for
an application rejected for a Compute reject reason. However, an ISIR is
produced. Application ISIRs with a compute reject are returned in the
EAPS01OP message class. The reasons for the Compute reject are coded on the
ISIR. Refer to the Processing Codes/System Requirements Section for
information on interpreting these reject codes.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-3
There are two types of application compute reject reason codes, numeric and
• Numeric: certain data items MUST be corrected before a valid ISIR can be
generated (Non-Verifiable).

• Alphabetic: certain data items must be either corrected or verified before a

valid ISIR can be generated (Verifiable). An alpha reject reason code is a
verifiable data element, meaning the data given is questionable but could
be correct.
In the paper system, a student can verify a data field by re-entering the same
information in the SAR correction column for the field in question. In the
electronic process, the institution may verify the data (reenter the data as a
"correction"), or set the appropriate reject override, and transmit the correction
record to the CPS. Data that must be verified or corrected in response to each
reject reason is provided in the Processing Codes/System Requirements Section.

A student’s record may not have an EFC if the record contains questionable
data and has an application reject reason code(s). The reject reason code(s) is
found in position 563-576 on the ISIR and explains the questionable field(s)
and the highlighted field(s).

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-4
Electronic Renewal Application
Institutions participating in the “Electronic Renewal Application” service are able to
request 2000-2001 Renewal Applications for returning students that contain 1999-2000
information on file at the Central Processing System (CPS) as of October 1999. The
Renewal Application displays the 1999-2000 information. The student applicant either
verifies the 1999-2000 information is still correct for 2000-2001 or updates the

EDExpress, provided at no cost, enables institutions to import the Renewal Application

Data file, print renewal applications, and enter and transmit completed renewal
applications. Institutions may choose to develop their own software. The Record Layouts
Section provides layout specifications for developing software to perform the required
Renewal Application functions.

Renewal Application Process

The Renewal Application process involves three steps:
1. Requesting a file of 1999-2000 applicants eligible for Renewal Application (this file
is known as the RAD file).
2. Receiving the RAD file.
3. Printing the Renewal Applications for distribution to students.
Once the student returns a completed Renewal Application to the institution, the data
are entered, edited, and transmitted to the CPS. The procedures for entering, editing,
and transmitting the Renewal Application are identical to those used for an initial
electronic application, except positions 478-486 (RAPP SSN) and positions 487-488
(RAPP Name ID) must be completed for the CPS to process the Renewal Application.

Requesting the RAD File

Institutions participating in the Renewal Application process must first request a file of
eligible 1999-2000 applicants from the CPS. To be eligible, the 1999-2000 applicant
must have a transaction on file at the CPS with a computed Expected Family
Contribution (EFC). That transaction must not have a bad or foreign address, be flagged
for Professional Judgement, or have a Dependency Override, and there can be no
duplicate current Social Security Number (SSN) on file. Also, the student must not be in
default on a Title IV loan and must not be on the Department of Education Hold File.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-5
The RAD request must be made electronically. For 2000-2001, two methods are
available to request RAD files.
• Institutions can dial into CPS using the 3270 Emulator to connect to On-Line Query
to request these files. Instructions for dialing into the CPS using the 3270 Emulator
can be found in Action Letter #4 published in September 1999.
• Institutions can request that a PIN be mailed to their students instead of the
renewal application.

• If the renewal request is made before 11/5/99 and a request that CPS does not
print the Renewal applications, then the institution must print the Renewals
and distribute them to the applicants.

• If the renewal request is made after 11/5/99, the institution will not be required
to print the renewal applications.

• Institutions can request that an electronic file not be sent to them. If this option
is selected they can not request the electronic file again.
• Institutions can create a customized file of SSNs that can be transmitted to CPS via
EDconnect. If you choose this method, use the file format titled Type 2 Request
Individual RAD Records Description located in the Record Layouts Section
(Message Class RADD01IN). If you want the CPS to print and bulk mail your
Renewal Applications to an address other than the one associated with your
destination point, then you will also need to include the RAD Request Address 1
and Address 2 records, following the header record. The CPS will only print and
bulk mail Renewal Applications to institutions that have made accepted requests
during the initial request period in October. Information on this process can be
found in Action Letter #4, published in September 1999.

Receiving the RAD Records

The CPS may reject RAD requests. If the request file is rejected, the file is returned to
you with reject reasons in message class EREP01OP. You will need to fix the errors and
resubmit the request by the deadline if you want CPS to print the Renewal Applications.
You must open the file and look in the error fields defined in the Record Layout Section
(Type 2 Individual RAD Request Export Record Layout).

The RAD records are received in fixed-length records over the SAIG. The message class
of records will be titled RADD01OP.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-6
The Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) is a fixed-length record
containing reported information from the Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA), as well as key processing results. The ISIR does not contain the
names and addresses of the colleges the student plans to attend in 2000-2001.
Application processors translate this data to a 6-digit identifying code (Federal
School Code). The ISIR also does not contain the Preparer's name or address.
This data is not entered by the MDEs (application processors). For the most
part, all information printed by Central Processing System (CPS) on the
Student Aid Report (SAR) is on the ISIR.

Note: The average CPS processing time is less than 48-52 hours.

The ISIR for institutions carries National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)
information, which is located at the end of the ISIR Record Description.

Note to State Agencies: NSLDS information is not carried on ISIRs for state

ISIR Receipt Process

ISIRs are transmitted by CPS to the Student Aid Information Gateway (SAIG)
in batches containing a batch header record, one or more ISIRs, and a batch
trailer record. Descriptions of the contents of the ISIR are in the Record
Layouts Section. CPS Header and Trailer records are also described in the
Record Layouts Section and at the end of this section.

ISIR Types
There are four reasons why the CPS generates an ISIR:
1. ISIRs are automatically generated in response to an application or
correction entered at a site other than your institution or state agency.
These "automatic ISIRs" are generated following the entry of a paper
FAFSA or SAR by the MDE application processors or by an electronic
application from a FAFSA Express, FAFSA on the Web or Renewal on the
Web user. They may also be produced following the entry of an electronic
application or correction by another EDE institution. ISIRs resulting from
a student correcting their data on the web will be returned this way.
Automatic ISIRs are sent to institutional destination points in the
SARA01OP message class. State Agencies will receive Non-Resident ISIRs
in the ESFN01OP message class and Residents in the ESFR01OP message

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-7
2. ISIRs are generated in direct response to electronic Initial or Renewal
applications, correction/duplicate and signature correction records
submitted by your institution. ISIRs are returned to destination points in
the EAPS01OP, REAP01OP, SARR01OP, and SARA01OP message
classes, respectively.
3. ISIRs are generated in response to a request by state agencies through the
Federal Data Request (FDR) process. This process allows agencies to
request a processed application record for any student on the CPS database.
ISIRs are returned to the State Agency’s destination point in FDRF01OP
message class.
4. ISIRs are system-generated due to reprocessing by the CPS, NSLDS post-
screening, and an applicant being released from hold. These ISIRs will be
returned in the SYSG01OP message class. Any ISIR that has a value in the
systems generated field will be returned in the SYSG01OP message class
except when the value is L or Blank.

New for 2000-2001: ISIRs from web corrections will be returned in the
SARA01OP message class. Plus, schools can send signature corrections and
receive ISIRs in the SARR01OP message class.

Automatic ISIRs for Institutions

All automatic ISIRs (for example, ISIRs generated in response to input by a site
other than your institution or state agency) are transmitted daily from the CPS
to the Student Aid Information Gateway (SAIG) in a message class titled
SARA01OP for institutions, ESFR01OP (State Residents), or ESFN01OP
(Non-Residents) for state agencies.
Each institution subscribing to the ISIR service will automatically receive one
ISIR for every student who has indicated the institution as one of their six
choices on the FAFSA.
If an ISIR receives a reject code of 15 or 16 (missing signatures), the institution
and state agency will receive the full ISIR electronically. As with other rejects,
an EFC will not be computed until the reject is resolved.
Requested ISIRs
Requested ISIRs are generated in response to input from the institution or state
agency. ISIRs requested by institutions are transmitted to the SAIG in one of
five message classes, depending upon the type of input.
ISIRs in this message class are returned to the institution in response to
electronic initial applications. The institution will receive back one ISIR
for every initial application submitted that did not receive a reject. Refer to
the Record Layouts Section for EDE Batch or EDE Record Level Error
Report Record Layout and Processing Codes/System Requirements Section
for batch and record level reject error messages.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-8
ISIRs in this message class are returned to the institution in response to
electronic renewal applications. The institution will receive back one ISIR
for every renewal application submitted that did not receive a reject. Refer
to the Record Layouts Section for reject error report layout and Processing
Codes/Systems Requirements Section for batch and record level reject error
ISIRs in this message class are returned to the institution in response to
electronic corrections or duplicate requests. The institution will receive
back an ISIR for every correction or duplicate request submitted that did
not receive a transmission rejection. Refer to the Record Layouts Section
for the EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout, and the
Processing Codes/System Requirements Section for record level error

Note: An institution, with the student’s consent, is able to electronically add

its institution number to the list of school choices on the student’s ISIR record
with the Data Release Number (DRN). Instructions for this are explained later
in this section.
ISIRs in this message class are sent to the institution as a result of a
transaction automatically created by the CPS. The institution does nothing
to initiate these ISIRs. There are several instances when CPS would
generate an ISIR for a student:
• Hold File status changes
• CPS Reprocessing of records due to formula change
• CPS receives changed information via NSLDS Post-Screening
Requested ISIRs in this message class are sent to the institution as a result
of the institution sending a signature for an applicant and/or the parent
who filed using one of the Web products or FAFSA Express. Automatic
ISIRs in this message class are also received from paper applications and
corrections, from another institution filing a paper application or electronic
correction with your school listed, or a student filing an application on the
web or making corrections on the web.

State Agency Options

State Agencies can combine processed Free Application for Federal Student
Aid (FAFSA) data from the Central Processing System (CPS) with common
loan application data to guarantee Federal student loans and/or with state data
to award state scholarships and grants. As mentioned before, the ISIR data
returned to state agencies does not include the NSLDS information.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-9
As destination points, State Agencies have two options for obtaining processed
FAFSA data:
• Automatic ISIR Processing
• A Federal Data Request (FDR)

Automatic ISIRs for State Agencies

Each state agency subscribing to the ISIR service may choose to automatically
receive one ISIR for every student who:
• Indicates that state on the FAFSA as the state of legal residence
• Is a non-resident but lists a college within the state
• Both of the above

Note: If the student indicates on the FAFSA more than one institution that is
located in your state, your state agency will receive only one ISIR.

Automatic ISIRs are transmitted daily from the CPS to Student Aid Internet
Gateway (SAIG) in one of two message classes:
• ESFR01OP Automatic ISIR data returned to State Agency, includes
residents of state

• ESFN01OP Automatic ISIR data returned to State Agency, includes non-

residents of state

Note: The state agency indicates what type of ISIRs (residents, non-residents
or both) it wants to receive on the Title IV WAN Letter of Application.

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(185 H) 2-10
Federal Data Request Processing (FDR)
A Federal Data Request (FDR) is the process by which a State Agency may
request the electronic processed application record for any student in the CPS
In the case of students who are neither residents of the state nor attend an
institution in the state, an FDR may be made if the student has signed a loan or
state grant application that releases CPS data to the State Agency. The agency
must retain the signed application. When requesting and receiving this data
from CPS, use the following message classes:
• FDRS01IN State Agency requesting FDR

• FDRF01OP ISIR data returned to the State Agency

• FDRE01OP Rejected FDR request returned to the State Agency

• FDRU01OP FDR(s) not on CPS Database

Note: The record length of the FDR has changed to 450 bytes.

Requesting FDRs
To request a specific applicant's record, the agency must transmit over the
Student Aid Information Gateway (SAIG) the Social Security Number (SSN)
and the first two letters of the last name. Use the record layout FDR Export
Record Layout (FDRS01IN) in the Record LayoutsSection. Use the following
steps to create a request for a single applicant’s record:
1. In the first position of the record, enter 1 to indicate this is a request for a
2000-2001 applicant transaction.

2. Leave positions 2 through 14 blank.

3. Enter 199 in positions 15 through 17. This indicates a request for an ISIR

4. Enter the Student’s SSN as reported on the original application in

positions 18 through 26.

5. In positions 27-28, enter the first two letters of the student’s last name as
entered on the original application.

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(185 H) 2-11
6. Leave positions 29 through 449 blank.

7. Enter F (FDR) in position 450.

Remember that before you send the file, you need to add a header record before
the FDR request record(s) and a trailer record after the FDR request record(s).

Requesting More than One FDR Record

Up to twelve FDRs can be requested in a single file (Message Class
FDRS01IN). If more than one record is requested, repeat steps 4 and 5 using
the remaining data fields on the FDR record. The second record will begin in
position 46, the third in position 77, the fourth in position 108, the fifth in
position 139, the sixth in position 170, the seventh in position 201, the eight in
position 232, the ninth in position 263, the tenth in position 294, the eleventh
in position 325, and the twelfth in position 356. To request more than 12 ISIRs,
create an additional record by repeating steps 1 through 7.

Response to an FDR Request

State agencies will receive one batch of ISIRs in response to each batch of FDR
records submitted. The batch, or message class, of ISIRs is FDRF01OP. It
contains one ISIR for every submitted FDR record that was not rejected.

If a requested record is not found on the CPS database after 30 days, notice is
returned to the requesting agency in message class FDRU01OP.

Rejected FDR Records

A transaction reject prevents the FDR record from being processed at the CPS.
If a record is rejected for one or more reasons, an error report is returned to the
agency in a message class titled FDRE01OP.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-12
Electronic Corrections
Institutions with destination points signed up for corrections are able to
transmit corrections to application data via the Student Aid Information
Gateway (SAIG).

EDExpress allows institutions to enter and edit correction data according to

system requirements. It also creates an electronic correction record ready for
transmission using the communications interface software, EDconnect.
Institutions, however, may choose to develop their own software to enter, edit,
and format corrections data. Specifications for developing corrections software
are provided in the remainder of this section.

General Correction Entry Specifications

Only corrected information from a student's record, not the complete applicant
record, is transmitted to the Central Processing System (CPS). This approach
minimizes the transmission volume. Corrected information is transmitted as a
fixed-length record. The layout and description of this record is in the Record
Layouts Section, History Correction Export Record Layout (CORR01IN).

Use the following steps to create a correction record:

1. In the first position of the record, enter 1 (one) to indicate this is a
correction to a 2000-2001 applicant transaction.
2. In positions 2 through 10, enter the applicant's original Social Security
Number (SSN). This is the number reported by the applicant on the initial
application form and does not reflect any corrections to the SSN that might
have been made.
3. In positions 11 and 12, enter the first two letters of the applicant's last
name. These are the letters reported by the applicant on the initial
application form and do not reflect any corrections to the last name that
might have been made.
4. In positions 13 and 14, enter the transaction number of the applicant
record being corrected. For example, enter 01 to correct the first
transaction on file at the CPS. The transaction does not necessarily have to
be the latest one on file at the CPS. If the transaction number being
corrected is not on the CPS database, the record will be rejected. If you
want to correct the most recent transaction you can enter 99.

Note: When making a correction using transaction 99, field number 088, the
first Federal School code and field number 114, DRN must be provided on the

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(185 H) 2-13
5. In positions 15 through 17, enter the Student Aid Report (SAR) number of
the SAR field being corrected. Each correctable field has a 3-digit SAR
number associated with it. For example, enter 001 to correct the student's
last name. The SAR numbers with valid field content are provided in the
Correction Data Entry Specifications table found in the Processing
Codes/System Requirements Section.
6. In positions 18 through 45, enter the new value for the field being
7. In positions 387 through 392, enter the Federal School Code of the
institution making the correction.
8. In positions 429-436, enter Transaction Receipt Date. This is the date you
received the correction information from the student.
9. In positions 445-449, enter the serial number, the sequential position of the
correction record in the batch. For example the first correction record has a
serial number of 00001, the second student’s 00002.
10. In position 450, enter H (history change).
Up to 12 SAR data fields can be corrected on a single record.

Repeat steps 5 and 6 using the remaining data fields on the correction record if
more than one field is being corrected. If more than twelve fields require
correction, an additional record must be created, repeating steps 1 through 10.
Both data records for the student have the same serial number.

Note: To correct a field to blank, enter a single asterisk (*) left-justified in that
field. The Correction Data Entry Specification table distinguishes which fields
can be corrected to blank as not all fields can be.

Detailed Data Entry Specifications

Each corrected value must meet certain standards; otherwise, the correction
record will be rejected. Field-by-field data entry specifications are provided in
the Processing Codes/System Requirements Section. For each field, these
specifications identify the type (character, numeric, or signed/numeric),
acceptable length, whether the field is correctable, whether the field is
correctable to blank, and the valid values for the correction. Keep the following
items in mind:
• Left justify the corrected value within the data field on the correction
record, while zero filling numeric fields up to the valid maximum length of
the field. For example, to correct the number of family members to 5, enter
05 in positions 21 and 22, leaving positions 23 through 48 blank. To
correct the student's last name to Smith, enter SMITH in positions 21
through 25, leaving positions 26 through 48 blank.

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(185 H) 2-14
• All 9s in a field indicate the reported or calculated value is greater than or
equal to the value of all 9s. Blanks are allowable in some fields.
• Fields can contain one of three data types:
• Character
• Numeric
• Signed Numeric
• A negative entry is acceptable for a limited number of fields. The
Correction Data Entry Specifications table in the Processing Codes/System
Requirements Section identifies the fields in which a negative is acceptable
under the Justify/Signed column and the valid field content column. Below
you will find a Signed Numeric Field table that also defines the signed
fields. With signed numeric fields, the sign is always implied in the right
most character of the field. For example, if the Student’s Adjusted Gross
Income field contains a value of negative 3507, it would appear as 00350P.
The following chart explains the conversion of the sign and the number:

Signed Numeric Fields:

{ +0 E +5 } -0 N -5
A +1 F +6 J -1 0 -6
B +2 G +7 K -2 P -7
C +3 H +8 L -3 Q -8
D +4 I +9 M -4 R -9
The table listed on the next two pages defines all the signed fields that can be sent to and
received from the CPS.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-15
45 040 6 Student’s Adjusted Gross Income from IRS form -999999 to 999999 N
49 044 6 Student’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 N
50 045 6 Spouse’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 N
79 074 6 Parents’ Adjusted Gross Income from IRS form -999999 to 999999 N
83 078 6 Father’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 N
84 079 6 Mother’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 N
192 7 TI: Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
194 7 STX: State and Other Tax Allowance -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
197 7 AI: Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
198 7 CAI: Contribution From Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
199 9 DNW: Discretionary Net Worth -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
202 7 PCA: Parents’ Contribution from Assets -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
203 7 AAI: Adjusted Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
207 7 STI: Student’s Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
208209 7 SATI: Student’s Allowance against Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
210 9 SDNW: Student’s Discretionary Net Worth -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
211 7 SCA: Student’s Contribution from Assets -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
212 7 FTI: FISAP Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
213 7 SEC TI: Secondary Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
215 7 SEC STX: Secondary State Tax Allowance -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
218228 7 SEC AI: Secondary Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
219 7 SEC CAI: Secondary Contribution From -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Available Income Blank = None Calculated
220 9 SEC DNW: Secondary Discretionary Net Worth -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-16
223 7 SEC PCA: Secondary Parents’ Contribution from -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Assets Blank = None Calculated
224 7 SEC AAI: Secondary Adjusted Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
228 7 SEC STI: Secondary Student’s Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
229 7 SEC SATI: Secondary Student’s Allowance -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Against Total Income Blank = None Calculated
231 9 SEC SDNW: Secondary Student’s Discretionary -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Net Worth Blank = None Calculated
232 7 SEC SCA: Secondary Student’s Contribution -9999999 to 9999999 Y
from Assets Blank = None Calculated
233 7 SEC FTI: Secondary FISAP Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
242 6 Assumed Student’s AGI -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
243 6 Assumed Student’s Income from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
244 6 Assumed Spouse’s Income from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
251 6 Assumed Parents' AGI -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
252 6 Assumed Father’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
253 6 Assumed Mother’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption

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(185 H) 2-17
Making Signature Corrections
For 2000-2001, signature information is only required to resolve signature
rejects (rejects 15 and 16). Signature information does not need to be provided
on other standard history corrections. If you have a transaction that was either a
reject 15 or 16, simply correct SAR field #101 (Signed By) to A (Applicant) or
B (Both = Student and Parent), as appropriate.

If you need to add a signature to a students record on the Web hold file you will
want to use the layout for Signature Correction Export Record Layout found in
section 3, Record Layouts. You can correct the student or parent signature
using this layout. You will need to make sure the student included you on the
application or the correction.

Adding Your Federal School Code to Receive

Electronic Data
An institution cannot make an electronic correction if that institution has not
been designated on the applicant transaction. You can add your Federal School
Code to the list of schools receiving data. This change can be accomplished
electronically, along with correcting other fields on the record.

Follow these steps to add your institution number:

1. In the first position of the record, enter 1 to indicate that this is a correction
to a 2000-2001 applicant transaction.
2. In positions 2 through 10, enter the applicant's original Social Security
Number (SSN). This is the number reported by the applicant on the initial
application form and does not reflect any corrections to the SSN that might
have been made.
3. In positions 11 and 12, enter the first two letters of the applicant's last
name. These are the letters reported by the applicant on the initial
application form and does not reflect any corrections to the last name that
might have been made.
4. In positions 13 and 14, enter the transaction number of the applicant
record being corrected. For example, enter 01 to correct the first
transaction on file at the CPS. The transaction does not necessarily have to
be the latest one on file at the CPS. If the transaction number being
corrected is not on the CPS database, the record will be rejected. You can
use transaction 99 to add your school code the most recent transaction on
the CPS Database.
5. Enter 114 in positions 15 through 17 (corresponding to the SAR Field
#114, the DRN.)
6. Enter the student's DRN in the data field positions 18 to 45 (Remember to
make it left justified, and leave any unused bytes blank.)

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(185 H) 2-18
Note: A unique DRN is assigned to each Title IV applicant. It appears only on
paper SARs and ISIR records generated in response to electronic applications.
If a valid DRN is not present on the correction record containing the institution
number change, the record will be rejected.

7. Enter the SAR field number associated with the Federal School Code
position being changed in positions 46 through 48. Possible field numbers
are 088, 090, 092, 094, 096, and 098.

8. Enter the Federal School Code in the data field positions 49 to 76.
• The number can only be changed to the number of the participating
Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) institution. Use this number to
update the (EDE Institution field, position 387-392). If it does not
match the number being changed, the record will be rejected.
• Institutions are able to modify the Federal School Code and make
other corrections to the applicant record on the same correction
9. Enter the date you created this record in positions 429-436, the EDE
Transaction Receipt Date.
10. Enter 00001 in positions 445-449, the serial number field. If you exceed 12
corrected fields, create a new record. The serial number on the second
record would also be 00001.

11. Enter an “H” in position 450, EDE Record Type.

Tips for Corrections

When your institution submits an ISIR correction to the CPS, we will use the specified
transaction as a template. We will make changes to the fields you specify in the
correction record, leaving other fields unchanged. Your institution code does not have to
be the first college choice on the transaction to be processed by the CPS. You will
receive the processed results in the SARR01OP message class-all other institutions listed
on the transaction will receive the new ISIR in the SARA01OP message class.

If you are submitting a dependency override or FAA Adjustment (professional

judgment) as part of the correction record, only your institution will receive the resulting
corrected transaction. Also, do not send a Dependency Override correction and the FAA
Adjustment to a transaction without an EFC. If there is not an EFC, send the
Dependency Override along with any other corrections necessary to obtain an EFC.
Then submit the FAA Adjustment to the transaction with the dependency override and
the EFC. (Remember to change a critical field that effects the EFC, when submitting a
FAA Adjustment.)

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(185 H) 2-19
Requesting a Duplicate ISIR
Institutions request duplicate ISIRs using the correction message class
(CORR01IN). To see a full layout refer to the Record Layout Section under
Duplicate Request Export Record Layout. Use the following steps to create a
record requesting a duplicate ISIR:
1. In the first position of the record, enter 1 (one) to indicate that this is a
correction to a 2000-2001 applicant transaction.
2. In positions 15 through 17, enter 199. This signifies a request for an ISIR
record. (Note: Leave positions 2 through 14 blank.)
3. In positions 18 through 26, enter the applicant's original Social Security
Number (SSN). This is the number reported by the applicant on the initial
application form and does not reflect any corrections to the SSN that might
have been made.
4. In positions 27 and 28, enter the first two letters of the applicant's last
name. These are the letters reported by the applicant on the initial
application form and does not reflect any corrections to the last name that
might have been made.
5. In positions 29 and 30, enter the transaction number of the applicant
record being corrected. For example, enter 01 to correct the first
transaction on file at the CPS. The transaction does not necessarily have to
be the latest one on file at the CPS. If the transaction number being
corrected is not on the CPS database, the record will be rejected.
6. In positions 387 through 392, enter the Federal School Code.
7. In positions 429 through 436, enter the Transaction Receipt Date, the date
you are requesting the duplicate transactions.
8. In position 450, enter D (duplicate).

Up to twelve duplicate ISIRs can be requested on a single record.

Repeat steps 2 and 3, using the remaining data fields on the duplicate record if
more than one record is requested. If more than twelve ISIRs are required, then
create an additional record by repeating steps 1 through 6.

Note: The institution can request, as a duplicate, any existing transaction for a
student as long as that transaction number contains the institution's number.
Transaction 99 can be used. If the latest transaction on the CPS database does
not include that institution, the request will be rejected.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-20
Response to a Correction/Duplicate Record
Institutions will receive one batch of ISIRs for each batch of correction records
submitted. The batch, or message class, of ISIRs is titled SARR01OP. It
contains one ISIR for every submitted student correction or student duplicate
request, not rejected for a transaction reject reason.

Rejected Correction/Duplicate Records

There are two categories of rejections for submitted correction records:
transaction and compute rejects.
1. Transaction Rejects
A transaction reject prevents the correction record from being applied to the
student's record. If a record is rejected for one or more reasons, an error report
is returned to the institution in a message class titled SARE01OP (see layout in
the Record Layouts Section). No ISIR is created.
2. Compute Rejects
The CPS contains a series of edits that evaluate all incoming application and
correction data for consistency and completeness. These edits apply to all data
from electronic and paper input. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is not
computed for a correction rejected for a Compute reject reason. However, an
ISIR is produced. Correction and Duplicate ISIRs with a compute reject are
returned in the SARR01OP message class. The reasons for the Compute reject
are coded on the ISIR. Refer to the Processing Codes/System Requirements
Section for information on interpreting these reject codes.

There are two types of application compute reject reason codes, numeric and
• Numeric: certain data items MUST be corrected before a valid ISIR can be
generated (Non-Verifiable).
• Alphabetic: certain data items must be either corrected or verified before a
valid ISIR can be generated (Verifiable). Alpha reject reason code is a
verifiable data element, meaning the data given is questionable but could
be correct.
In the paper system, a student can verify a data field by re-entering the same
information in the SAR correction column for the field in question. In the
electronic process, the institution may verify the data (reenter the data as a
"correction"), or set the appropriate reject override, and transmit the correction
record to the CPS. Data that must be verified or corrected in response to each
reject reason is provided in the Processing Codes/System Requirements Section.
A student’s record may not have an EFC if the record contains questionable
data and has an application reject reason code(s). The reject reason code(s) is
found in position 563-576 on the ISIR and explains the questionable field(s)
and the highlighted field(s).

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-21
CPS Header and Trailer Records
Data transmitted through the Student Aid Information Gateway (SAIG) are
separated by message class for identification and processing purposes. Each
message class consists of the following segments:
• Header record
• Data record(s)
• Trailer record
Data records vary by processing function. Each record format is provided in the
Record Layout Section of this Technical Reference.

Note: You can find additional information on Renewal Application requests in

the Overview Section, and in the Electronic Renewal Application information
printed earlier in this Section. You will also find information on Renewal
Application requests in Action Letter # 1, published in June 1999, and Action
Letter #4, published in September 1999.

Each batch of data records must be preceded by a header record and followed
by a trailer record. The end of each record (header, trailer, and data) is marked
by a CR/LF (carriage return/linefeed, ASCII 13, 10). An EOF marker (end of
file, ACSII 26) is optional.
The format and content of header and trailer records are found in the Record
Layout Section:
• Received from the Central Processing System (CPS) message header and
trailer records -- those records produced by the CPS to send to the
destination point such as SARA01OP.
• Sent to CPS message header and trailer records -- those records produced
by the destination point to send to the CPS, such as CORR01IN messages.
Note the following about batch headers and trailers:
• The header and trailer records are the same lengths as the detail (data)
• Only data records of the same type (e.g., renewal applications) and the
same year can be batched together. (There is one exception - Corrections
and Duplicates can be batched together.)
• The Counts in the trailer are for the number of student records, not the
number of data records.
Note the following about batch numbers:
• Destination points are responsible for supplying a unique batch number on
the header and trailer records sent to the CPS.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-22
• The structure of the 23-character unique batch number is as follows:

#X = the record type indicator, with a pound sign (#)
followed by the character below to signify the record type:
A = Export Initial Applications
B = Export Renewal Applications
C = Export Corrections/Duplicates
F = Export FDRs
G = System Generated
S = Signatures
1= year indicator (always “1” for 2000-2001 data)
ZZZZZZ = the 6-digit valid Federal School Code
CCYYMMDD = the current date in century, year, month, day
HHMMSS = the current time in hours, minutes, seconds
A batch number of #C1E1234520000509141532 would signify a batch of 2000-
2001 corrections transmitted to the CPS from an institution with a 6-digit code
of E12345 on May 9, 2000 at 2:15:32 PM.
• Below are some of the messages received from the CPS if there is a
problem with the batch number.

1. BATCH ID NOT EQUAL TO: #A, #B, #C or #F


Note: Non-unique batch numbers will be considered a duplicate batch and will
not be processed by the CPS.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

(185 H) 2-23
Record Layouts

This section provides all the necessary record layouts needed for users to create their
own software to participate in the EDE process.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-1
Header Record Sent To/Received From The CPS
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 12 12 Header Record Identifier CPS HEADER Left
Left justified with one blank position after
CPS, and two blank positions after HEADER
2 13 16 4 Data Record Length 4-digit numeric Right
Right justified, zero filled
Indicates length of the data
3 17 17 1 Sent To CPS: Type of Data A = Initial Applications Left
Transmitted R = Renewal Applications
H C = History corrections or Duplicate
F = FDR Request
------------------------------------- S = Signature Corrections
Received From CPS: Filler 7 = RAD Request
For ED Use Only
4 18 24 7 Destination Number ‘TGXXXXX’ where XXXXX is the 5-digit Left
code for your destination point
WAN assigned when initial Letter
of Application was processed
5 25 25 1 Filler Blank Left
6 26 26 1 Filler For ED Use Only Left
7 27 34 8 Creation Date Format is CCYYMMDD where Right
CC = 19 or 20
Date that batch was created. YY = Year 99, 00 or 01
MM = Month 01-12
DD = Day 01-31
8 35 40 6 Creation Time Format is HHMMSS where Right
HH = Hour 00-23
Time that batch was created. MM = Minute 00-59
SS = Second 00-59
9 41 52 12 Filler Blank Left
10 53 56 4 Award Year ‘0001’ for 2000-2001 Right

Current Academic Cycle

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-2
Header Record Sent To/Received From The CPS (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
11 57 79 23 Sent To CPS: Batch Number IF SENT, Right
Batch Type:
#A = Export Applications-Initial
#B = Export Applications-Renewal
#C = Export Corrections/Duplicates
#F = Export FDR
#S = Signature Corrections
--------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Batch Number IF RECEIVED,
Batch Type:
#A = Electronic App ISIRs
#B = Renewal App ISIRs
#C = Correction/Duplicate ISIRs
#E = Automatic ISIRs
#F = Federal Data Requests
#G = System Generated
#I = Year To Date (YTD)
#K = State Agency Non Resident ISIRs
--------------------------------------- #L = State Agency Resident ISIRs
Both Sent To/Received From CPS: #S = Signature Corrections
--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------
Both Sent To/Received From CPS: Cycle Year:
1 (one) = 2000-2001
--------------------------------------- Federal School Code:
Both Sent To/Received From CPS: X00000 to X99999
--------------------------------------- Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
Both Sent To/Received From CPS: or G.
Date: Current date using the format
Time: Current time using the format HHMMSS
12 80 82 3 Filler Blank Left
13 83 84 2 Sent To CPS: Blank Right
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Transaction 11 = Electronic App
Source Site Code 21 = Electronic Renewal App
31 = Electronic History Correction
Indicates the origin of the transaction 41 = FAFSA Express
and the site location. 51,54 = ACT Lawrence
52,53,55,56 = ACT Mt. Vernon
61 = FAFSA on the Web
62 = Renewal on the Web
63 = Web Corrections
71 = NCS ADE
72 = NCS System Generated
73 = NCS NSLDS Post-Screening
74 = NCS FDR and YTD
75 = NCS Signature HC
81 = PIC
14 85 85 1 Filler Blank Left
86 N N minus Filler Blank Left
85 This filler space is appended to make
the Header the same length as the N = The length of the record found in the Data
longest record in the file. Record length field. (Field #2)

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-3
Trailer Record Sent To/Received From The CPS
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 12 12 Trailer Record Identifier CPS TRAILER Left
Left justified with one blank position after CPS
and one blank position after TRAILER
2 13 16 4 Data Record Length 4-digit numeric Right

Indicates length of the data records

3 17 17 1 Sent To CPS: Type of Data A = Initial Applications Left
Transmitted R = Renewal Applications
C H = Corrections or Duplicates
S = Signature Corrections
F = FDR Request
7 = RAD Request
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Filler Blank
4 18 24 7 Destination Number ‘TGXXXXX’where XXXXX is the 5-digit code Left
for your destination point
WAN assigned when initial Letter of
Application was processed
5 25 32 8 Creation Date Format is CCYYMMDD where Right
CC = 19 or 20
Date that batch was created by CPS YY = Year 99, 00 or 01
MM = Month 01-12
DD = Day 01-31
6 33 38 6 Creation Time Format is HHMMSS where Right
HH = Hour 00-23
Time that batch was created by CPS MM = Minute 00-59
SS = Second 00-59
7 39 52 14 Filler Blank Left
8 53 56 4 Award Year ‘0001’for 2000-2001 Right

Current Academic Cycle

9 57 61 5 Total Number of Student Records in 00000 – 99999 Right
this batch This count includes all records originally included
in this batch, including those imported as error
Number of Students that you will files.
receive an ISIR or a reject for.
10 62 84 23 Batch Number Same as in the Header Record Right
11 85 85 1 Filler Blank Left

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-4
Trailer Record Sent To/Received From The CPS (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
12 86 87 2 Sent To CPS: Blank Right
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Transaction 11 = Electronic App
Source Site Code 21 = Electronic Renewal App
31 = Electronic History Correction
Indicates the origin of the transaction 41 = FAFSA Express
and the site location. 51,54 = ACT Lawrence
52,53,55,56 = ACT Mt. Vernon
61 = FAFSA on the Web
62 = Renewal on the Web
63 = Web Corrections
71 = NCS ADE
72 = NCS System Generated
73 = NCS NSLDS Post-Screening
74 = NCS FDR and YTD
75 = NCS Signature HC
81 = PIC
13 88 94 7 Sent To CPS: Filler Blank Right
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Accepted 0000001 to 9999999
Student Record Count (Count of
student records within this batch
being added to the database)
14 95 101 7 Sent To CPS: Filler Blank Right
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Error Record 0000001 to 9999999
Count (Count of student records
within this batch which are in error
and will be imported as error files)
15 102 108 7 Sent To CPS: Filler Blank Right
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Not On 0000001 to 9999999
Database Count (Count of student
records not on the CPS database).
These records are also included in
the count for error records.
16 109 109 1 Sent To CPS: Filler Blank Left
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Received From CPS: Batch Indicator Y = Accepted
N = Rejected
Must be non-blank
17 110 N N minus Filler Blank Left
This filler space is appended to make N = The length of the record found in the Data
the Trailer the same length as the Record length field. (Field #2)
longest record in the file.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-5
EDE Batch Level Error Report Import Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Reject Type Always 'B' Left
2 2 24 23 Batch Number Batch Type: Left
#A = Electronic App ISIRs
#B = Renewal App ISIRs
#C = Correction/Duplicate ISIRs
#E = Automatic ISIRs
#F = Federal Data Requests
#K = State Agency Non Resident ISIRs
#L = State Agency Resident ISIRs
#S = Signature Corrections
Cycle Year:
1 (one) = 2000-2001
Federal School Code:
X00000 to X99999
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.
Date: Current date using the format
Time: Current time using the format HHMMSS
3 25 33 9 Original Social Security Number 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

processed initially by the CPS.
4 34 35 2 Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left

First two characters of last name. If non-blank, first character must contain a letter
Will be constant throughout the and second character must be non-numeric.
cycle, regardless of corrections to last
5 36 37 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Left

The transaction number indicating

the ISIR transaction to be corrected.
6 38 44 7 WAN Destination Number TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Point Left
7 45 45 1 Transaction Type E = Electronic History Correction /Duplicates Left
R = Electronic Renewal
Type of transactions being rejected Z = Electronic Applications
8 46 53 8 Creation Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right

Date created
9 54 57 4 Award Year Always ‘0001’for 2000-2001 Right

Current Academic Cycle

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-6
EDE Batch Level Error Report Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
10 58 106 49 Error Message Text See ‘Batch Level Error Messages’ table in the Left
Processing Codes/System Requirements
11 107 108 2 Error Message Code See ‘Batch Level Error Messages’ table in the Left
Processing Codes/System Requirements
12 109 109 1 Filler For ED Use Only Left
Total 109

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-7
EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 5 5 Serial Number 00001 to 99999 Right

Must be non-blank
Must be in ascending sequential
2 6 14 9 Original Social Security Number 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

processed initially by the CPS.
3 15 16 2 Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left

First two characters of last name. If non-blank, first character must contain a letter
Will be constant throughout the and second character must be non-numeric.
cycle, regardless of corrections to last
4 17 18 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Left

The transaction number indicating

the ISIR transaction to be corrected.
5 19 34 16 Student's Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character must Space(s)
contain a letter and second character . (period)
must be non-numeric. ' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Can be blank
Second character non-numeric
6 35 43 9 Student's First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character must Space(s)
contain a letter (A-Z). . (period)
' (apostrophe)
Must be non-blank if student’s last - (dash)
name is blank. Can be blank
7 44 46 3 SAR Item Number 000 to 999 Right
8 47 62 16 Error Message Text See ‘Record Level Error Messages’table in the Left
Processing Codes/System Requirements section.
9 63 102 40 Invalid field content sent from the 0 to 9 Right
destination point Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
Actual data submitted by the ‘(Apostrophe)
destination point. - (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-8
EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
10 103 106 4 Edit Code – For CPS Use Only 0000 to 9999 Left
11 107 108 2 Error Code See ‘Record Level Error Messages’ table in Left
the Processing Codes/System Requirements
12 109 109 1 Filler For ED Use Only Left
Total 109

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-9
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
1 1 1 1 Modified Batch Year 1 (one) Left
Will always be ‘1’(for 2000-
2 112 2 2 1 Student Last Name/ SSN N = Last Name change Left
Change Flag S = Social Security Number
Indicates whether the B = Social Security Number
student’s last name and/or and last name change
Social Security Number (SSN) Blank = No change
have been changed.
3 3 11 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

initially processed by the CPS.
4 12 13 2 Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
First two letters of the last . (period)
name as they were on the ‘(apostrophe)
initial application, regardless - (dash)
of any corrections to the last Blank
5 14 15 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Right

The CPS transaction number

of this ISIR.
6 008 16 24 9 Student’s Current Social 001010001 to 999999999 Right
Security Number

Student's SSN on this

transaction. It will be
different from the student’s
original SSN only if it has
been corrected or changed.
7 001 25 40 16 Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
8 002 41 49 9 Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-10
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
9 003 50 50 1 Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left
10 004 51 78 28 Permanent Mailing Address 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
11 005 79 94 16 Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
12 006 95 96 2 Student’s Permanent State Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State / Country /
Jurisdiction Table
13 007 97 101 5 Student’s Permanent Zip Code 00000 to 99999 Right
14 009 102 109 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Right
19000101 to 19991231
15 010 110 119 10 Student’s Permanent Phone 0000000000 to 9999999999 Right
Number Blank
16 011 120 120 1 Do you have a Driver’s 1 = Yes Left
License? 2 = No
17 012 121 140 20 Student’s Driver’s License 0 to 9 Left
Number Uppercase A to Z
- (dash)
* (asterisk)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-11
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
18 013 141 142 2 Student’s Driver’s License Valid two letter postal code Left
State Code See State / Country /
Jurisdiction Table
19 014 143 143 1 Student’s Citizenship Status 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. Left
The value the student reported 2 = Eligible noncitizen
for citizenship. 3 = Neither 1 or 2, Not eligible
20 015 144 152 9 Student’s Alien Registration 000000001 to 999999999 Left
Number Blank
21 016 153 153 1 Student’s Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, Left
divorced, or widowed)
2 = Married
3 = Separated
22 017 154 159 6 Modified Student’s Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
23 018 160 160 1 Modified Enrollment Plan for Summer 1 = Full time Left
2000 2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
24 019 161 161 1 Modified Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 1 = Full time Left
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
25 020 162 162 1 Modified Enrollment Plan for Winter 1 = Full time Left
2000-2001 2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
26 021 163 163 1 Modified Enrollment Plan for Spring 1 = Full time Left
2001 2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
27 022 164 164 1 Modified Enrollment Plan for Summer 1 = Full time Left
2001 2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-12
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
28 023 165 165 1 Father’s Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Left
Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown
29 024 166 166 1 Mother’s Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Left
Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown
30 025 167 168 2 Student’s State of Legal Uppercase A to Z Left
Residence Valid postal code
See State / Country /
Jurisdiction Table
31 026 169 169 1 Modified Student Legal Resident Before 1 = Yes Left
01-01-1995? 2 = No
32 027 170 175 6 Modified Student’s Legal Residence Format is CCYYMM Right
Date 190001 to 200112
CPS will accept: CCYYMM
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
33 028 176 176 1 Added Drug Offense Conviction 1 = Eligible Left
3 2 = Partially Eligible, will
become eligible during the
award year
2 3 = Ineligible or Don’t Know
34 029 177 177 1 Are You Male? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
35 030 178 178 1 Do You want Selective Service 1 = Yes Left
to register you? 2 = No

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-13
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
36 031 179 179 1 Degree / Certificate 1 = 1 st Bachelor’s Degree Right
2 = 2 nd Bachelor’s Degree
3 = Associate Degree
(occupational or technical
4 = Associate Degree (general
education or transfer program)
5 = Certificate or diploma for
completing an occupational,
technical, or educational
program of less than two years
6 = Certificate or Diploma for
completing an occupational,
technical, or educational
program of at least two years
7 = Teaching Credential
Program (non-degree program)
8 = Graduate or Professional
9 = Other/Undecided
37 032 180 180 1 Modified Grade Level in College in 1 = 1st year, never attended Left
2000-2001 college
2 = 1st year, attended college
3 = 2nd year/sophomore
4 = 3rd year/junior
5 = 4th year/senior
6 = 5th year/other
7 = Graduate / Professional or
38 033 181 181 1 HS Diploma or GED 1 = Yes Left
Received? 2 = No
39 034 182 182 1 Modified First Bachelor’s Degree By 1 = Yes Left
07-01-2000? 2 = No
40 035 183 183 1 Interested in Student Loans? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
41 036 184 184 1 Interested in Student 1 = Yes Left
Employment? 2 = No

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-14
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
42 037 185 185 1 Student’s Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Left
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
43 038 186 186 1 Modified Student’s Type of 1999 Tax 1 = IRS 1040 Left
Form Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ,
1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa,
the Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the Federated
States of Micronesia, or Palau
44 039 187 187 1 Student Eligible to file 1040A 1 = Yes Left
or 1040EZ? 2 = No / Don’t Know
45 040 188 193 6 Student’s Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from IRS form Blank Signed
46 041 194 198 5 Student’s U.S. Income Tax 00000 to 99999 Right
Paid Blank
47 042 199 200 2 Student’s Exemptions 00 to 99 Right
Claimed Blank

48 043 201 205 5 Student’s Earned Income 00000 to 99999 Right

Credit Blank
49 044 206 211 6 Student’s Income Earned from -999999 to 999999 Right
Work Blank Signed
50 045 212 217 6 Spouse’s Income Earned from -999999 to 999999 Right
Work Blank Signed
51 046 218 222 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
52 047 223 227 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
53 048 228 233 6 Student’s Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
54 049 234 239 6 Student’s Investment Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
55 050 240 245 6 Student’s Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
56 051 246 251 6 Student’s Investment Farm 000000 to 999999 Right
Net Worth Blank
57 052 252 253 2 No. of Months Veterans 00 to 12 Right
Education Benefits Received Blank
58 053 254 256 3 Monthly Veterans Education 000 to 999 Right
Benefits Blank

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-15
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
59 054 257 257 1 Modified Born Before 01-01-1977? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
60 055 258 258 1 Modified Working on Degree Beyond 1 = Yes Left
Bachelor’s in 2000-2001? 2 = No
61 056 259 259 1 Is Student Married? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
62 057 260 260 1 Have Legal Dependents Other 1 = Yes Left
than Spouse? 2 = No
63 058 261 261 1 Orphan or Ward of Court? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
64 059 262 262 1 Veteran of U.S. Armed 1 = Yes Left
Forces? 2 = No
65 060 263 263 1 Parent’s Marital Status 1 = Married Right
2 = Single
3 = Divorced / Separated
4 = Widowed
66 061 264 272 9 Added Father’s Social Security 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Number Blank
67 062 273 288 16 Added Father’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
68 063 289 297 9 Added Mother’s Social Security 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Number Blank
69 064 298 313 16 Added Mother’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
70 065 314 315 2 Parents’Number of Family 01 to 99 Right
Members Blank
71 066 316 316 1 Modified Parents’Number in College 1 to 9 Right
2000-2001 Blank
72 067 317 318 2 Parents’State of Legal Uppercase A to Z Left
Residence Valid postal code
See State / Country /
Jurisdiction Table

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-16
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
73 068 319 319 1 Modified Parents’Legal Residents 1 = Yes Left
before 01-01-1995? 2 = No
74 069 320 325 6 Modified Parents’Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
CPS will accept: CCYYMM
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
75 070 326 327 2 Age of Older Parent 00 to 99 Left
76 071 328 328 1 Parents’Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Left
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
77 072 329 329 1 Modified Parents’Type of 1999 Tax 1 = IRS 1040 Left
Form Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ,
1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa,
the Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the Federated
States of Micronesia, or Palau
78 073 330 330 1 Parents’Eligible to file 1040A 1 = Yes Left
or 1040EZ? 2 = No / Don’t Know
79 074 331 336 6 Parents’Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from IRS form Blank Signed
80 075 337 342 6 Parents’U.S. Income Tax Paid 000000 to 999999 Right
81 076 343 344 2 Parents’Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Right
82 077 345 349 5 Parents’Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Right
83 078 350 355 6 Father’s Income Earned from -999999 to 999999 Right
Work Blank Signed
84 079 356 361 6 Mother’s Income Earned from -999999 to 999999 Right
Work Blank Signed
85 080 362 366 5 Parents’Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
86 081 367 371 5 Parents’Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
87 082 372 377 6 Parents’Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-17
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
88 083 378 383 6 Parents’Investment Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
89 084 384 389 6 Parents’Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
90 085 390 395 6 Parents’Investment Farm Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
91 086 396 397 2 Student’s Number of Family 00 to 99 Right
Members Blank
92 087 398 398 1 Modified Student’s Number in College 0 to 9 Right
2000-2001 Blank
93 088 399 404 6 Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0, B, E, or G.
94 089 405 405 1 Modified Federal School Code #1 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
95 090 406 411 6 Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0, B, E, or G.
96 091 412 412 1 Modified Federal School Code #2 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
97 092 413 418 6 Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0, B, E, or G.
98 093 419 419 1 Modified Federal School Code #3 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
99 094 420 425 6 Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0, B, E, or G.
100 095 426 426 1 Modified Federal School Code #4 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
101 096 427 432 6 Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0, B, E, or G.
102 097 433 433 1 Modified Federal School Code #5 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-18
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
103 098 434 439 6 Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0, B, E, or G.
104 099 440 440 1 Modified Federal School Code #6 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
105 100 441 448 8 Date Application Completed Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231


106 101 449 449 1 Modified Signed By A = Applicant Left

B = Applicant and Parent
Indicates if only the applicant, P = Parent only
or only the parent, or both Blank = No signatures
applicant and parent signed
the transaction.
107 102 450 458 9 Preparer’s Social Security 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Number Blank

Preparer’s SSN provided on

the transaction.
108 103 459 467 9 Preparer’s Employer 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Identification Number (EIN) Blank
109 104 468 468 1 Preparer’s Signature 1 = Yes Left
Indicates that a preparer
signed the transaction.
110 106 469 469 1 Dependency Override 1 = Dependent to Independent Left
Indicator 2 = Cancel override
Blank = No dependency
Indicates that a Dependency override
Override was requested on this

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-19
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
111 108 470 475 6 Modified FAA Federal School Code X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for first
Indicates the Federal School position are 0, B, E, or G
Code that requested a Blank = No Dependency
dependency override or Override done
Adjusted Calculation request.
112 476 476 1 Filler For ED Use Only Left
113 107 477 477 1 Modified FAA Adjustment 1 = Calculation Requested Left
Indicates whether a FAA Blank = No calculation
requested a calculation. requested
114 114 478 481 4 DRN (Data Release Number) 0000 to 9999 Left
Blank = Transaction not in
Will only be included when response to electronic
the transaction was initiated at application
the destination point.
115 105 482 489 8 Modified Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
Date the transaction was
received by the MDE or
School for data entry or the
date the student entered record
on the Web.
116 490 490 1 Added Input Record Type C = Correction Application Left
D = Duplicate Request
H = History Correction
R = Renewal Application/
Renewal Application on the
S = FE or FOTW applications
Blank = Initial Application
117 491 495 5 Current Serial Number 00001 to 99999 Right

Sequential position of the ISIR

in the batch, except in SARA

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-20
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
118 496 518 23 Modified Batch Number 00000000000000000 = MDE Left
Consists of the following:
2 characters for Batch Type:
#A = Electronic App ISIRs
#B = Renewal App ISIRs
#C = Correction / Duplicate
#F = FDRs
#G = System Generated
#K = State Agency Non-
Resident ISIRs
#L = Full State Agency
Resident ISIRs
#S = Signature ISIRs
#Y = Reprocessed Records
#Z = CPS System generated
1 digit for Cycle Year = 1
6 characters for Federal School
8 digits for current date in
6 digits for current time in
HHMMSS format
119 113 519 519 1 Early Analysis Flag 1 = Early Analysis Applicant Left
Used to indicate a student who
is requesting Early Admission
to your institution.
120 520 520 1 Electronic Application Entry 2 = FAA Entry Right
Source Code 4 = FAFSA Express Diskette
5 = FAFSA Express Web
Indicates the origin of the Download
electronic application 6 = FAFSA on the Web
Interview based Entry
7 = Renewal App on the Web
8 = FAFSA on the Web Form
based Entry
121 521 526 6 Filler For ED Use Only Left
122 527 533 7 ETI Destination Code TGXXXXX Left
Where X is numeric
TG number assigned by Title Blank

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-21
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
123 534 534 1 Modified Reject Override B-- 1 = Yes Left
Date of Birth since September Blank
1, 1984
124 535 535 1 Reject Override N-- 1 = Yes Left
Missing first or last name Blank
125 536 536 1 Reject Override W-- 1 = Yes Left
Questionable number of Blank
family members.
126 537 537 1 Modified Assumption Override 1-- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’Number in College Blank
assumed to be 1 when the
number in college is greater
than 6.
127 538 538 1 Modified Assumption Override 2-- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’AGI assumed equal Blank
to sum of father and mother
earned income portions.
Allow AGI to be zero or blank
as entered.
128 539 539 1 Modified Assumption Override 3-- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s Number in College Blank
assumed to be 1 when number
in college equals number in
the household and both are
greater than 2.
129 540 540 1 Modified Assumption Override 4-- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s AGI assumed equal Blank
to the sum of student and
spouse earned income
portions. Allow AGI to be
zero or blank as entered.
130 541 541 1 Modified Assumption Override 5-- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’Total from Blank
Worksheet B assumed to be
zero. Allow parents’income
from Worksheet B to be less
than or equal to parents’total
131 542 542 1 Modified Assumption Override 6-- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s Total from Blank
Worksheet B assumed to be
zero. Allow parents’income
from Worksheet B to be less
than or equal to student’s total

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-22
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
132 543 550 8 Modified Application Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
Date the application was
received by the MDE or
School for data entry or the
date the student entered record
on the Web.
133 551 551 1 Modified Processed Record Type C = Correction Application Left
H = History Correction/
Blank = Initial / Renewal
134 552 553 2 History Correction Applied 01 – 99 Left
against Transaction Number Blank = Transaction not a
result of a history correction
135 554 554 1 Modified System Generated Indicator A = Applicant released from Left
Drug Enforcement hold
Transaction initiated by the D = Duplicate request
CPS with no input from the H = Application released from
applicant. hold
L = Duplicate request and
NSLDS match data has
N = NSLDS post-screening
P = Duplicate request and
prisoner match data has
Z = Reprocessed transaction
Blank = Not a systems
generated transaction
136 555 555 1 Duplicate Request Indicator D = Duplicate request Left
Indicates this transaction is a
result of a duplicate request.
137 556 556 1 Modified Parents’Calculated 1999 Tax 1, 2, or 3 = Tax Filer Left
Status 4 or 5 = Non-Tax Filer
CPS determination of tax
filing status.
138 557 557 1 Modified Student’s Calculated 1999 1, 2, or 3 = Tax Filer Left
Tax Status 4 or 5 = Non-Tax Filer
CPS determination of tax
filing status.
139 558 558 1 Graduate Flag Y = Yes response to BA Left
question and/or Graduate
status question
Blank = Graduate Flag not set

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-23
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
140 559 559 1 Automatic Zero EFC Y = EFC set to zero based on Left
income criteria
Zero EFC is automatically set Blank = Flag not set
if simplified needs test met
and taxable income is $12,000
or less.
141 560 560 1 SAR C Flag Y = C flag set, resolution Left
required on one or more match
Indicates when a ‘C’should results
print next to the EFC on Part Blank = No flag set
1 of the Student Aid Report
and ISIR.
142 561 561 1 Simplified Needs Test (SNT) Y = SNT met Left
N = SNT not met or
Applicant meets certain insufficient information to
criteria for tax filing status and determine SNT eligibility
income level and is not Blank
required to provide asset
143 562 562 1 Dependency Status D = Dependent, calculated Left
EFC provided
Determined by CPS based on I = Independent, calculated
Dependency Status data EFC provided
provided. X = Dependent rejected, no
EFC calculated
Y = Independent rejected, no
EFC calculated
144 563 576 14 Reject Reason Codes A to Z Left
01 to 99
Alpha/numeric character Blank = Applicant not rejected
indicating why an application
or correction has been Up to seven 2-character codes

See Processing Codes/System

Requirements section for
specific code tables and
145 577 577 1 Selective Service Match Flag Y = Registration status Left
Results from SS Match for N = Registration status not
applicants who met criteria to confirmed
be sent to match. T = Temporarily Exempt
Blank = Record not sent to
Selective Service
146 578 578 1 Selective Service Registration Y = Registration completed Left
Flag N = Registration not completed
T = Temporarily Exempt
Results from student’s request Blank = Record not sent to
to be registered with Selective Selective Service.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-24
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
147 579 579 1 INS Match Flag Y = Citizenship confirmed Left
N = Citizenship not confirmed
Results from INS match for Blank = Record not sent to INS
applicants who met criteria to be
sent to match.
148 580 594 15 INS Verification Number 000000000000000 to Left
Identification # provided by the Blank
Immigration and Naturalization
Service indicating that primary
verification was performed.
149 595 595 1 SSN Match Flag 1 = No match on SSN Left
2 = SSN and name match, no
Results from SSN Match with match on DOB
Social Security Administration. 3 = SSN match, no match on
4 = SSN, Name, and DOB
5 = SSN, name, DOB match
with Date of Death
8 = Record not sent to SSA
150 596 596 1 SSA Citizenship Flag A = U.S. citizen Left
B = Legal alien, eligible to
Results from Citizenship Match work
with Social Security C = Legal alien, not eligible to
Administration. work
D = Other
E = Alien, student restricted,
work authorized
F = Conditionally legalized
N = Unable to verify
citizenship due to no match on
SSN, name or date of birth
* = Foreign
Blank = Domestic born (U.S.
151 597 604 8 Modified SSN Date of Death CCYYMMDD Right
19000101 to 20011231
Date of Death provided for this Blank
SSN from the Social Security
152 605 605 1 NSLDS Match Flag 1 = Eligible for Title IV Aid Right
2 = Default
Results of the NSLDS Match. 3 = Overpayment
4 = Default and Overpayment
7 = Match but no data
8 = Record not sent to NSLDS

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-25
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
153 606 606 1 Modified VA Match Flag 1 = Veteran status confirmed Left
2 = Record found on VA
Results of the Veterans Affairs database but not a qualifying
Match. Veteran
3 = Record not found on VA
4 = Record found on VA
database but applicant on
active duty
8 = Record not sent to VA
154 607 607 1 Added Prisoner Match 1 = Not a prisoner Left
2 = Prisoner in local facility
3 = Prisoner in state or federal
8 = Record not sent to match
9 = Sent, match not conducted
155 608 615 8 Filler For ED Use Only Left
156 616 616 1 Added Student is selected for Y = Selected Left
Verification N = Not Selected
* = A subsequent transaction
was selected for verification
Blank = Rejected ISIR
157 617 617 1 Subsequent Application Flag Y = Subsequent application Left
from student
Indicates that an initial or Blank = Not a subsequent
renewal application with the application
same SSN and name ID as a
transaction already on the
CPS database was submitted.
158 618 619 2 Modified Application Source Site Code 11 = Electronic App Left
21 = Electronic Renewal App
Indicates the origin of the
initial application and the site 41 = FAFSA Express
location. 52,53,55,56 = ACT Mt.
61 = FAFSA on the Web
62 = Renewal on the Web
71 = NCS ADE

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-26
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
159 620 621 2 Modified Transaction Source Site Code 11 = Electronic App Left
21 = Electronic Renewal App
Indicates the origin of the
transaction and the site 31 = Electronic History
location. Correction
41 = FAFSA Express
51,54 = ACT Lawrence
52,53,55,56 = ACT Mt.
61 = FAFSA on the Web
62 = Renewal on the Web
63 = Web History Corrections

71 = NCS ADE
72 = NCS System Generated

73 = NCS NSLDS Post-

74 = NCS FDR and YTD
75 = NCS Signature HC
81 = PIC
160 622 629 8 Modified Transaction Processed Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
Date that CPS computed this
161 630 632 3 Compute Batch Number 000 to 999 Left
162 633 752 120 Correction Flags 0 = No Correction Made Right
1= Field Corrected
See SAR/ISIR Correction
Flags Correction /Highlights Each correction flag byte
Table. corresponds to a specific SAR
163 753 872 120 Highlight Flags 0 = No Highlight Made Right
1= Field Highlighted
Indicates fields highlighted in
boldface on the SAR. See Each highlight flag byte
SAR/ISIR Correction Flags corresponds to a specific SAR
Correction / Highlights Table. field
164 873 877 5 Paid EFC 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
Primary or Secondary EFC,
whichever is lower.
165 878 882 5 Primary EFC 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
The primary 9 month EFC
calculated. FNT, unless SNT

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-27
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
166 883 887 5 Secondary EFC 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
The secondary 9 month EFC
calculated. FNT. Provided
only if SNT is met and asset
information is provided.
167 888 888 1 Federal Pell Grant Paid EFC P = Primary EFC Left
Type S = Secondary EFC
Blank = None Calculated
Identifies which EFC was
placed in Paid EFC.
168 889 889 1 Primary EFC Type 1 = FNT: Dependent Left
2 = FNT: Independent without
Identifies formula type used to dependents other than a spouse
calculate the primary EFC. 3 = FNT: Independent with
dependents other than a spouse
Full Needs Test = FNT 4 = SNT: Dependent
5 = SNT: Independent without
Simplified Needs Test = SNT dependents other than a spouse
6 = SNT: Independent with
dependents other than a spouse
Blank = None Calculated
169 890 890 1 Secondary EFC Type 1 = FNT: Dependent Left
2 = FNT: Independent without
Identifies formula type used to dependents other than a spouse
calculate secondary EFC. 3 = FNT: Independent with
dependents other than a spouse
Full Needs Test = FNT 4 = SNT: Dependent
5 = SNT: Independent without
Simplified Needs Test = SNT dependents other than a spouse
6 = SNT: Independent with
dependents other than a spouse
Blank = None Calculated
170 891 895 5 Primary Alternate Month 1 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
The primary alternate EFC
used by FAO in determining
eligibility based on periods of
time other than 9 months.
171 896 900 5 Primary Alternate Month 2 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
172 901 905 5 Primary Alternate Month 3 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-28
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
173 906 910 5 Primary Alternate Month 4 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
174 911 915 5 Primary Alternate Month 5 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
175 916 920 5 Primary Alternate Month 6 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
176 921 925 5 Primary Alternate Month 7 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
177 926 930 5 Primary Alternate Month 8 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
178 931 935 5 Primary Alternate Month 10 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
179 936 940 5 Primary Alternate Month 11 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
180 941 945 5 Primary Alternate Month 12 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
181 946 950 5 Secondary Alternate Month 1 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
The secondary alternate EFC
used by FAO in determining
eligibility based on periods of
time other than 9 months.
182 951 955 5 Secondary Alternate Month 2 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
183 956 960 5 Secondary Alternate Month 3 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
184 961 965 5 Secondary Alternate Month 4 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
185 966 970 5 Secondary Alternate Month 5 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
186 971 975 5 Secondary Alternate Month 6 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
187 976 980 5 Secondary Alternate Month 7 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
188 981 985 5 Secondary Alternate Month 8 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
189 986 990 5 Secondary Alternate Month 10 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
190 991 995 5 Secondary Alternate Month 11 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
191 996 1000 5 Secondary Alternate Month 12 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
192 1001 1007 7 TI: Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Blank = None Calculated Signed
193 1008 1014 7 ATI: Allowances Against 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Total Income Blank = None Calculated
194 1015 1021 7 STX: State and Other Tax -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Allowance Blank = None Calculated Signed

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-29
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
195 1022 1028 7 EA: Employment Allowance 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
196 1029 1035 7 IPA: Income Protection 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Allowance Blank = None Calculated
197 1036 1042 7 AI: Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Blank = None Calculated Signed
198 1043 1049 7 CAI: Contribution From -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Available Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
199 1050 1058 9 DNW: Discretionary Net -999999999 to 999999999 Right
Worth Blank = None Calculated Signed
200 1059 1067 9 NW: EFC Net Worth 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
201 1068 1076 9 APA: Asset Protection 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Allowance Blank = None Calculated
202 1077 1083 7 PCA: Parents’Contribution -9999999 to 9999999 Right
from Assets Blank = None Calculated Signed
203 1084 1090 7 AAI: Adjusted Available -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
204 1091 1097 7 TSC: Total Student 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Contribution Blank = None Calculated
205 1098 1104 7 TPC: Total Parent 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Contribution Blank = None Calculated

206 1105 1111 7 PC: Parents’Contribution 0000000 to 9999999 Left

Blank = None Calculated
207 1112 1118 7 STI: Student’s Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Blank = None Calculated Signed
208 1119 1125 7 SATI: Student’s Allowance -9999999 to 9999999 Right
against Total Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
209 1126 1132 7 SIC: Dependent Students’ 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Income Contribution Blank = None Calculated
210 1133 1141 9 SDNW: Student’s -999999999 to 999999999 Right
Discretionary Net Worth Blank = None Calculated Signed
211 1142 1148 7 SCA: Student’s Contribution -9999999 to 9999999 Right
from Assets Blank = None Calculated Signed
212 1149 1155 7 FTI: FISAP Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Blank = None Calculated Signed
213 1156 1162 7 SEC TI: Secondary Total -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Income Blank = None Calculated Signed

214 1163 1169 7 SEC ATI: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left

Allowances Against Total Blank = None Calculated
215 1170 1176 7 SEC STX: Secondary State -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Tax Allowance Blank = None Calculated Signed
216 1177 1183 7 SEC EA: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Employment Allowance Blank = None Calculated
217 1184 1190 7 SEC IPA: Secondary Income 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Protection Allowance Blank = None Calculated

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-30
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
218 1191 1197 7 SEC AI: Secondary Available -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
219 1198 1204 7 SEC CAI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Contribution From Available Blank = None Calculated Signed
220 1205 1213 9 SEC DNW: Secondary -999999999 to 999999999 Right
Discretionary Net Worth Blank = None Calculated Signed
221 1214 1222 9 SEC NW: Secondary Net 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Worth Blank = None Calculated

222 1223 1231 9 SEC APA: Secondary Asset 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Protection Allowances Blank = None Calculated
223 1232 1238 7 SEC PCA: Secondary Parents’ -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Contribution from Assets Blank = None Calculated Signed
224 1239 1245 7 SEC AAI: Secondary Adjusted -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Available Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
225 1246 1252 7 SEC TSC: Secondary Total 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Student Contribution Blank = None Calculated
226 1253 1259 7 SEC TPC: Secondary Total 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Parent Contribution Blank = None Calculated
227 1260 1266 7 SEC PC: Secondary Parents’ 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Contribution Blank = None Calculated
228 1267 1273 7 SEC STI: Secondary Student’s -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Total Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
229 1274 1280 7 SEC SATI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Student’s Allowance Against Blank = None Calculated Signed
Total Income
230 1281 1287 7 SEC SIC: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Student’s Dependent Income Blank = None Calculated
231 1288 1296 9 SEC SDNW: Secondary -999999999 to 999999999 Right
Student’s Discretionary Net Blank = None Calculated Signed
232 1297 1303 7 SEC SCA: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Student’s Contribution from Blank = None Calculated Signed
233 1304 1310 7 SEC FTI: Secondary FISAP -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Total Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
234 1311 1311 1 Assumed Citizenship 1 = Assumed Student is a Left
2 = Assumed student is an
eligible noncitizen
Blank = No assumption
235 1312 1312 1 Assumed Student’s Marital 1 = Assumed unmarried Left
Status 2 = Assumed married
Blank = No assumption
236 1313 1313 1 Assumed Date of Birth Prior 1 = Assumed Yes Left
2 = Assumed No
Blank = No assumption

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-31
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
237 1314 1314 1 Assumed Student Is Married 1 = Assumed Yes Left
2 = Assumed No
Blank = No assumption
238 1315 1315 1 Assumed VA Status 2 = Assumed not a Veteran Left
Blank = No assumption
239 1316 1316 1 Assumed Student’s Legal 2 = Assumed no legal Left
Dependents dependents
Blank = No assumption
240 1317 1318 2 Assumed Student’s # in 00 to 99 Left
Family Blank = No assumption

241 1319 1319 1 Assumed Student’s # in 0 to 9 Left

College Blank = No assumption

242 1320 1325 6 Assumed Student’s AGI -999999 to 999999 Right

Blank = No assumption Signed
243 1326 1331 6 Assumed Student’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
from Work Blank = No assumption Signed
244 1332 1337 6 Assumed Spouse’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
from Work Blank = No assumption Signed
245 1338 1342 5 Assumed Student’s Earned 00000 to 99999 Left
Income Credit Blank = No assumption
246 1343 1347 5 Assumed Student’s Total from 00000 to 99999 Left
Worksheet B Blank = No assumption
247 1348 1352 5 Assumed Student’s U.S. Tax 00000 to 99999 Left
Paid Blank = No assumption
248 1353 1353 1 Assumed Parents’Marital 1 = Assumed Married Left
Status 2 = Assumed Single
Blank = No assumption
249 1354 1355 2 Assumed Parents’# in Family 00 to 99 Left
Blank = No assumption
250 1356 1356 1 Assumed Parents’# in College 0 to 9 Left
Blank = No assumption
251 1357 1362 6 Assumed Parents' AGI -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank = No assumption Signed
252 1363 1368 6 Assumed Father’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
Earned from Work Blank = No assumption Signed
253 1369 1374 6 Assumed Mother’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
Earned from Work Blank = No assumption Signed
254 1375 1379 5 Assumed Parents’Earned 00000 to 99999 Left
Income Credit Blank = No assumption
255 1380 1384 5 Assumed Parents’Total from 00000 to 99999 Left
Worksheet B Blank = No assumption
256 1385 1390 6 Assumed Parents’U.S. Tax 000000 to 999999 Left
Paid Blank = No assumption

257 1391 1399 9 Added Assumed Father’s SSN 000000000 to 999999999 Right
258 1400 1408 9 Added Assumed Mother’s SSN 000000000 to 999999999 Right

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-32
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
259 1409 1468 60 Comment Codes Twenty 3-digit numeric Right
comment codes. (See ISIR
Comments provided by CPS Comment Code Text.)
to further communicate Unused positions contain all
important results and zeroes.
processing information.
260 1469 1488 20 SAR Acknowledgement Ten 2-digit codes for Right
Comment Codes comments appearing on the
SAR Acknowledgement.
Codes are entered from left (See Acknowledgment
to right by the CPS and the Comment Code Text).
unused positions are filled
with zeros.
261 1489 1489 1 Pell Grant Eligibility Flag Y = This transaction Left
determined eligible for a
Indicates transaction has Federal Pell Grant.
been determined eligible for Blank = This transaction
a Federal Pell Grant by the determined ineligible for a
CPS. Federal Pell Grant
262 1490 1491 2 Reprocessed Reason Code 01 to 99 Left
Blank = Not a reprocessed
The code indicating why an transaction
ISIR was reprocessed by the
CPS. A network message
will be sent identifying
definition of the code.
263 1492 1492 1 ISIR Transaction Type 0 = Electronic initial Right
Where the transaction was 1 = Automatic ISIR
generated from. generated
2 = Electronic correction
3 = Electronic duplicate
5 = Electronic renewal
264 1493 1493 1 Electronic Federal School 1 = Federal School Code #1 Left
Code Indicator 2 = Federal School Code #2
3 = Federal School Code #3
Identifies one of the 4 = Federal School Code #4
colleges listed in Fields 88, 5 = Federal School Code #5
90, 92, 94, 96 or 98 that 6 = Federal School Code #6
initiated the electronic Blank = No Federal School
action to create this Code

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-33
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
265 1494 1499 6 Multi School Code Flags Y or Blank is valid in any one Left
of the 6 positions.
Each byte of this field
corresponds to the 6 Federal There may be more than 1 Y in
School Code choices. the case of a servicer.
If the second byte of this field
has a Y, then the Federal Will never be entirely blank,
School Code listed in Federal except on State Agency ISIRs.
School Code #2 is associated
with the destination point.
266 1500 1507 8 Modified Duplicate Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
200000101 to 20011231
CPS Process Date of the Blank
duplicate transaction
267 1508 1526 19 Filler For ED Use Only Left
268 1527 1528 2 NSLDS Transaction Number 01 to 99 Right

Reflects the latest transaction

number for which NSLDS
updated information. Will
never be blank.
269 1529 1529 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 1 = Record matched, data sent Left
2 = SSN match, no name or
date of birth match-no data
3 = SSN not found in NSLDS
4 = Full match, no relevant
data to send
270 1530 1530 1 NSLDS Flag Y Left
For NSLDS Use Only N
271 1531 1531 1 NSLDS Pell Overpayment Y Left
Flag N
S (Satisfactory Repayment
272 1532 1539 8 NSLDS Pell Overpayment Numeric school code Right
Contact N/A
Y (more than one)
273 1540 1540 1 NSLDS SEOG Overpayment Y Left
Flag N
S (Satisfactory Repayment
274 1541 1548 8 NSLDS SEOG Overpayment Numeric school code Right
Contact N/A
Y (more than one)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-34
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
275 1549 1549 1 NSLDS Perkins Overpayment Y Left
Flag N
S (Satisfactory Repayment
276 1550 1557 8 NSLDS Perkins Overpayment Numeric school code Left
Contact N/A
Y (more than one)
277 1558 1558 1 NSLDS Defaulted Loan Flag Y or N Left
278 1559 1559 1 NSLDS Discharged Loan Flag Y or N Left
279 1560 1560 1 NSLDS Loan Satisfactory Y or N Left
Repayment Flag
280 1561 1561 1 Active Bankruptcy Flag Y or N Left
281 1562 1562 1 Added NSLDS Post-Screening 1 = Student went into default Left
Reason Code on a loan
2 = Student owes a newly
The student’s eligibility has reported overpayment
changed since the initial 3 = Student is no longer in
screening. default
4 = Student no longer owes an
5 = Other
282 1563 1568 6 NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Numeric Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
283 1569 1574 6 Added NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Unsubsidized Outstanding N/A
Principle Balance
284 1575 1580 6 NSLDS Aggregate Combined Numeric Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
285 1581 1586 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Consolidation Outstanding N/A
Principle Balance
286 1587 1592 6 NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Numeric Right
Pending Disbursement N/A
287 1593 1598 6 Added NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Unsubsidized Pending N/A
288 1599 1604 6 NSLDS Aggregate Combined Numeric Right
Pending Disbursement N/A
289 1605 1610 6 NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Numeric Right
Total N/A

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-35
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
290 1611 1616 6 Added NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Unsubsidized Total N/A
291 1617 1622 6 NSLDS Aggregate Combined Numeric Right
Total N/A
292 1623 1628 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Consolidation Total N/A
293 1629 1634 6 NSLDS Perkins Cumulative Numeric Right
Disbursement Outstanding N/A
Balance Amount
294 1635 1640 6 NSLDS Perkins Current Year Numeric Right
Disbursement Amount N/A
295 1641 1642 2 Filler For ED Use Only Left
296 1643 1643 1 NSLDS Defaulted Loan # Left
Change Flag N
297 1644 1644 1 NSLDS Discharged Loan # Left
Change Flag N
298 1645 1645 1 NSLDS Satisfactory # Left
Repayment Change Flag N
299 1646 1646 1 NSLDS Active Bankruptcy # Left
Change Flag N
300 1647 1647 1 NSLDS Overpayments # Left
Change Flag N
301 1648 1648 1 NSLDS Aggregate Loan # Left
Change Flag N
302 1649 1649 1 NSLDS Perkins Loan Change # Left
Flag N
303 1650 1650 1 NSLDS Pell Payment Change # Left
Flag N
304 1651 1651 1 NSLDS Additional Pell Flag Y or N Left
305 1652 1652 1 NSLDS Additional Loans Flag Y or N Left
306 1653 1654 2 NSLDS Pell Sequence 01 to 03 Left
Number (1) Blank
307 1655 1657 3 NSLDS Pell Verification FlagAlpha field Left
(1) N/A
308 1658 1661 4 NSLDS Pell EFC (1) 0000 to 9999 Left
309 1662 1669 8 NSLDS Pell School Code (1) Numeric Right
310 1670 1671 2 NSLDS Pell Transaction Numeric Right
Number (1) Blank
311 1672 1679 8 NSLDS Pell Last Update Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
(1) N/A
312 1680 1683 4 NSLDS Pell Scheduled Numeric Right
Amount (1) Blank
313 1684 1687 4 NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Numeric Right
Date (1) Blank
314 1688 1691 4 NSLDS Pell Remaining Numeric Right
Amount to Pay (1) Blank

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-36
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
315 1692 1696 5 NSLDS Pell Percent Numeric Right
Scheduled Award Used (1) Blank
316 1697 1700 4 Added NSLDS Pell Award Amount Numeric Right
(1) Blank
317 1701 1702 2 NSLDS Pell Sequence 01 to 03 Left
Number (2) Blank
318 1703 1705 3 NSLDS Pell Verification Flag Alpha field Left
(2) N/A
319 1706 1709 4 NSLDS Pell EFC (2) 0000 to 9999 Left
320 1710 1717 8 NSLDS Pell School Code (2) Numeric Right
321 1718 1719 2 NSLDS Pell Transaction Numeric Right
Number (2) Blank
322 1720 1727 8 NSLDS Pell Last Update Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
(2) N/A
323 1728 1731 4 NSLDS Pell Scheduled Numeric Right
Amount (2) Blank
324 1732 1735 4 NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Numeric Right
Date (2) Blank
325 1736 1739 4 NSLDS Pell Remaining Numeric Right
Amount to Pay (2) Blank
326 1740 1744 5 NSLDS Pell Percent Numeric Right
Scheduled Award Used (2) Blank
327 1745 1748 4 Added NSLDS Pell Award Amount Numeric Right
(2) Blank
328 1749 1750 2 NSLDS Pell Sequence 01 to 03 Left
Number (3) Blank
329 1751 1753 3 NSLDS Pell Verification Flag Alpha field Left
(3) N/A
330 1754 1757 4 NSLDS Pell EFC (3) 0000 to 9999 Left
331 1758 1765 8 NSLDS Pell School Code (3) Numeric Right
332 1766 1767 2 NSLDS Pell Transaction Numeric Right
Number (3) Blank
333 1768 1775 8 NSLDS Pell Last Update Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
(3) N/A
334 1776 1779 4 NSLDS Pell Scheduled Numeric Right
Amount (3) Blank
335 1780 1783 4 NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Numeric Right
Date (3) Blank
336 1784 1787 4 NSLDS Pell Remaining Numeric Right
Amount to Pay (3) Blank
337 1788 1792 5 NSLDS Pell Percent Numeric Right
Scheduled Award Used (3) Blank

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-37
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
338 1793 1796 4 Added NSLDS Pell Award Amount Numeric Right
(3) Blank
339 1797 1798 2 NSLDS Loan (1) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
340 1799 1799 1 NSLDS Loan (1) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
341 1800 1800 1 NSLDS Loan (1) Change # Left
Flag N
342 1801 1802 2 NSLDS Loan (1) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
343 1803 1808 6 NSLDS Loan (1) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
344 1809 1810 2 NSLDS Loan (1) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
345 1811 1818 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
346 1819 1824 6 NSLDS Loan (1) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
347 1825 1832 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
348 1833 1840 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
349 1841 1848 8 NSLDS Loan (1) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
350 1849 1851 3 NSLDS Loan (1) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
351 1852 1854 3 NSLDS Loan (1) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
352 1855 1862 8 NSLDS Loan (1) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
353 1863 1870 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
354 1871 1873 3 NSLDS Loan (1) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
355 1874 1875 2 NSLDS Loan (2) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
356 1876 1876 1 NSLDS Loan (2) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
357 1877 1877 1 NSLDS Loan (2) Change Flag # Left
358 1878 1879 2 NSLDS Loan (2) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-38
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
359 1880 1885 6 NSLDS Loan (2) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
360 1886 1887 2 NSLDS Loan (2) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
361 1888 1895 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
362 1896 1901 6 NSLDS Loan (2) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
363 1902 1909 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
364 1910 1917 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
365 1918 1925 8 NSLDS Loan (2) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
366 1926 1928 3 NSLDS Loan (2) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
367 1929 1931 3 NSLDS Loan (2) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
368 1932 1939 8 NSLDS Loan (2) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
369 1940 1947 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
370 1948 1950 3 NSLDS Loan (2) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
371 1951 1952 2 NSLDS Loan (3) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
372 1953 1953 1 NSLDS Loan (3) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
373 1954 1954 1 NSLDS Loan (3) Change Flag # Left
374 1955 1956 2 NSLDS Loan (3) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
375 1957 1962 6 NSLDS Loan (3) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
376 1963 1964 2 NSLDS Loan (3) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
377 1965 1972 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
378 1973 1978 6 NSLDS Loan (3) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
379 1979 1986 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-39
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
380 1987 1994 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
381 1995 2002 8 NSLDS Loan (3) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
382 2003 2005 3 NSLDS Loan (3) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
383 2006 2008 3 NSLDS Loan (3) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
384 2009 2016 8 NSLDS Loan (3) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
385 2017 2024 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
386 2025 2027 3 NSLDS Loan (3) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
387 2028 2029 2 NSLDS Loan (4) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
388 2030 2030 1 NSLDS Loan (4) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
389 2031 2031 1 NSLDS Loan (4) Change Flag # Left
390 2032 2033 2 NSLDS Loan (4) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
391 2034 2039 6 NSLDS Loan (4) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
392 2040 2041 2 NSLDS Loan (4) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
393 2042 2049 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
394 2050 2055 6 NSLDS Loan (4) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
395 2056 2063 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
396 2064 2071 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
397 2072 2079 8 NSLDS Loan (4) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
398 2080 2082 3 NSLDS Loan (4) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
399 2083 2085 3 NSLDS Loan (4) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
400 2086 2093 8 NSLDS Loan (4) School Code Numeric, N/A Left

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-40
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
401 2094 2101 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
402 2102 2104 3 NSLDS Loan (4) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
403 2105 2106 2 NSLDS Loan (5) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
404 2107 2107 1 NSLDS Loan (5) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
405 2108 2108 1 NSLDS Loan (5) Change Flag # Left
406 2109 2110 2 NSLDS Loan (5) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
407 2111 2116 6 NSLDS Loan (5) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
408 2117 2118 2 NSLDS Loan (5) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
409 2119 2126 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
410 2127 2132 6 NSLDS Loan (5) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
411 2133 2140 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
412 2141 2148 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
413 2149 2156 8 NSLDS Loan (5) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
414 2157 2159 3 NSLDS Loan (5) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
415 2160 2162 3 NSLDS Loan (5) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
416 2163 2170 8 NSLDS Loan (5) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
417 2171 2178 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
418 2179 2181 3 NSLDS Loan (5) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
419 2182 2183 2 NSLDS Loan (6) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
420 2184 2184 1 NSLDS Loan (6) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
421 2185 2185 1 NSLDS Loan (6) Change Flag # Left

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-41
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
422 2186 2187 2 NSLDS Loan (6) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
423 2188 2193 6 NSLDS Loan (6) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
424 2194 2195 2 NSLDS Loan (6) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
425 2196 2203 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
426 2204 2209 6 NSLDS Loan (6) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
427 2210 2217 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
428 2218 2225 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
429 2226 2233 8 NSLDS Loan (6) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
430 2234 2236 3 NSLDS Loan (6) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
431 2237 2239 3 NSLDS Loan (6) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
432 2240 2247 8 NSLDS Loan (6) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
433 2248 2255 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
434 2256 2258 3 NSLDS Loan (6) Grade Level Numeric, Alpha, N/A Left
435 2259 2260 2 NSLDS Loan (7) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
436 2261 2261 1 NSLDS Loan (7) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
437 2262 2262 1 NSLDS Loan (7) Change Flag # Left
438 2263 2264 2 NSLDS Loan (7) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
439 2265 2270 6 NSLDS Loan (7) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
440 2271 2272 2 NSLDS Loan (7) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
441 2273 2280 8 NSLDS Loan (7) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
442 2281 2286 6 NSLDS Loan (7) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-42
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
443 2287 2294 8 NSLDS Loan (7) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
444 2295 2302 8 NSLDS Loan (7) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
445 2303 2310 8 NSLDS Loan (7) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
446 2311 2313 3 NSLDS Loan (7) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
447 2314 2316 3 NSLDS Loan (7) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
448 2317 2324 8 NSLDS Loan (7) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
449 2325 2332 8 NSLDS Loan (7) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
450 2333 2335 3 NSLDS Loan (7) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
451 2336 2337 2 NSLDS Loan (8) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
452 2338 2338 1 NSLDS Loan (8) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
453 2339 2339 1 NSLDS Loan (8) Change Flag # Left
454 2340 2341 2 NSLDS Loan (8) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
455 2342 2347 6 NSLDS Loan (8) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
456 2348 2349 2 NSLDS Loan (8) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
457 2350 2357 8 NSLDS Loan (8) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
458 2358 2363 6 NSLDS Loan (8) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
459 2364 2371 8 NSLDS Loan (8) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
460 2372 2379 8 NSLDS Loan (8) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
461 2380 2387 8 NSLDS Loan (8) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
462 2388 2390 3 NSLDS Loan (8) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-43
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
463 2391 2393 3 NSLDS Loan (8) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
464 2394 2401 8 NSLDS Loan (8) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
465 2402 2409 8 NSLDS Loan (8) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
466 2410 2412 3 NSLDS Loan (8) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
467 2413 2414 2 NSLDS Loan (9) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
468 2415 2415 1 NSLDS Loan (9) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
469 2416 2416 1 NSLDS Loan (9) Change Flag # Left
470 2417 2418 2 NSLDS Loan (9) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
471 2419 2424 6 NSLDS Loan (9) Net Amount 000000 to 999999 Right
472 2425 2426 2 NSLDS Loan (9) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
473 2427 2434 8 NSLDS Loan (9) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
474 2435 2440 6 NSLDS Loan (9) Outstanding 000000 to 999999 Right
Principle Balance N/A
475 2441 2448 8 NSLDS Loan (9) Outstanding Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Principle Balance Date N/A
476 2449 2456 8 NSLDS Loan (9) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
477 2457 2464 8 NSLDS Loan (9) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
478 2465 2467 3 NSLDS Loan (9) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
479 2468 2470 3 NSLDS Loan (9) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
480 2471 2478 8 NSLDS Loan (9) School Code Numeric, N/A Left
481 2479 2486 8 NSLDS Loan (9) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
482 2487 2489 3 NSLDS Loan (9) Grade Level Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
483 2490 2491 2 NSLDS Loan (10) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-44
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
484 2492 2492 1 NSLDS Loan (10) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
485 2493 2493 1 NSLDS Loan (10) Change # Left
Flag N
486 2494 2495 2 NSLDS Loan (10) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
487 2496 2501 6 NSLDS Loan (10) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
488 2502 2503 2 NSLDS Loan (10) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
489 2504 2511 8 NSLDS Loan (10) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
490 2512 2517 6 NSLDS Loan (10) 000000 to 999999 Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
491 2518 2525 8 NSLDS Loan (10) Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
Date Blank
492 2526 2533 8 NSLDS Loan (10) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
493 2534 2541 8 NSLDS Loan (10) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
494 2542 2544 3 NSLDS Loan (10) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
495 2545 2547 3 NSLDS Loan (10) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
496 2548 2555 8 NSLDS Loan (10) School Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
497 2556 2563 8 NSLDS Loan (10) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
498 2564 2566 3 NSLDS Loan (10) Grade Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
Level Blank
499 2567 2568 2 NSLDS Loan (11) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
500 2569 2569 1 NSLDS Loan (11) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
501 2570 2570 1 NSLDS Loan (11) Change # Left
Flag N
502 2571 2572 2 NSLDS Loan (11) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
503 2573 2578 6 NSLDS Loan (11) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
504 2579 2580 2 NSLDS Loan (11) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-45
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
505 2581 2588 8 NSLDS Loan (11) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
506 2589 2594 6 NSLDS Loan (11) 000000 to 999999 Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
507 2595 2602 8 NSLDS Loan (11) Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
Date Blank
508 2603 2610 8 NSLDS Loan (11) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
509 2611 2618 8 NSLDS Loan (11) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
510 2619 2621 3 NSLDS Loan (11) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
511 2622 2624 3 NSLDS Loan (11) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
512 2625 2632 8 NSLDS Loan (11) School Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
513 2633 2640 8 NSLDS Loan (11) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
514 2641 2643 3 NSLDS Loan (11) Grade Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
Level Blank
515 2644 2645 2 NSLDS Loan (12) Sequence 01 to 12 Left
Number Blank
516 2646 2646 1 NSLDS Loan (12) Type Code D = Defaulted Left
R = Recent
517 2647 2647 1 NSLDS Loan (12) Change # Left
Flag N
518 2648 2649 2 NSLDS Loan (12) Program See NSLDS Loan Program Left
Code Codes Table
519 2650 2655 6 NSLDS Loan (12) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
520 2656 2657 2 NSLDS Loan (12) Current See NSLDS Loan Current Left
Status Code Status Codes Table
521 2658 2665 8 NSLDS Loan (12) Current Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Status Date Blank
522 2666 2671 6 NSLDS Loan (12) 000000 to 999999 Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
523 2672 2679 8 NSLDS Loan (12) Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
Outstanding Principle Balance N/A
Date Blank
524 2680 2687 8 NSLDS Loan (12) Begin Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-46
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Start End Field Modified/ Field Valid Field Content Justify/
# Field # Position Position Length Added Name Signed
525 2688 2695 8 NSLDS Loan (12) End Date Numeric (CCYYMMDD) Right
526 2696 2698 3 NSLDS Loan (12) GA Code Numeric, N/A Left
527 2699 2701 3 NSLDS Loan (12) Contact Alpha Numeric, N/A Left
Type Blank
528 2702 2709 8 NSLDS Loan (12) School Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
529 2710 2717 8 NSLDS Loan (12) Contact Numeric, N/A Left
Code Blank
530 2718 2720 3 NSLDS Loan (12) Grade Numeric Alpha, N/A Left
Level Blank
531 2721 2735 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
Total 2735

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-47
Type 2 Individual RAD Request Export and RAD Error Import Record Layout
(RADD01IN- Sent to CPS; EREP01OP- Received from CPS)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 7 7 Destination Point ID TGXXXXX, where ‘XXXXX’ = destination Left
2 8 8 1 Year Indicator Always ‘1’ (one) for 2000-2001 Left
3 9 9 1 RAD Request Type Always '2' for Selected Individual Requests Left
4 10 10 1 Error Code Left

Sent to CPS Blank

------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
Received from CPS 1 = Invalid Title IV Wan Destination Point
2 = Destination not Valid For Participation
5 = No Records found on Renewal
Application Database
Blank = No Error

Note: If record meets multiple Error Codes,

the lowest number will be reported.
5 11 21 11 ID Field 1 Original SSN and Name ID Code Left
6 22 22 1 ID Error Code 1 Left

Sent to CPS Blank

-Received from CPS = ID not flagged for Renewal Application
2 = ID and Federal School Code mismatch
4 = Duplicate request, record previously sent
Blank = No Error
7 23 33 11 ID Field 2 Original SSN and Name ID Code Left
8 34 34 1 ID Error Code 2 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
9 35 45 11 ID Field 3 Original SSN and Name ID Code Left
10 46 46 1 ID Error Code 3 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
11 47 57 11 ID Field 4 Original SSN and Name ID Code Left
12 58 58 1 ID Error Code 4 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
13 59 69 11 ID Field 5 Original SSN and Name ID Code Left
14 70 70 1 ID Error Code 5 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
15 71 76 6 Federal School Code 6-character number of participating Federal Right
School Code
16 77 77 1 Federal School Code Error Code Left

Sent to CPS Blank

-Received from CPS = Federal School Code invalid or not under
this destination point
Blank = No error
17 78 78 1 Electronic File Indicator Y = Electronic RAD file requested Left
Blank = No Electronic RAD file requested

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-48
Type 2 Individual RAD Request Export and RAD Error Import Record Layout
(RADD01IN- Sent to CPS; EREP01OP- Received from CPS)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
18 79 79 1 Print Indicator Y = Request CPS to print – (This option will Left
If Y, the Address 1 and Address 2 be disabled on October 29, 1999. The file
Record layouts must be sent with must be transmitted and completely received
the Type 2 request if the by CPS at 5 P.M. CT.)
institution wants to change the Blank = Do not want CPS to print
address that the Renewals are
shipped to.
19 80 80 1 PIN Mailer Indicator Y = Request CPS to print and send PIN Left
Mailers to students. (This option will be
disabled on October 29, 1999.)
Blank = Do not want CPS to print and send
PIN Mailers to students
20 81 81 1 Format Error Code Left

Sent to CPS Blank

------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
Received from CPS = Incorrect Destination ID (TGXXXXX) on
the Title IV WAN network header/trailer
B = Incorrect message class on the Title IV
WAN network header/trailer records
C = Incorrect data record length on CPS
header/trailer records
D = Incorrect Destination ID (TGXXXXX) on
the Title IV WAN network header/trailer, CPS
header/trailer, or Type 2 RAD detail records
E = Incorrect award year on the CPS
header/trailer records
F = Incorrect position for ADDRESS 1 record
G = Incorrect position for ADDRESS 2 record
H = Incorrect year indicator
I = Non-type 2 request sent electronically
J = Mismatch of type and record format
K = Incorrect electronic file indicator
L = Incorrect print indicator
M = Incorrect PIN Mailer indicator
N = Incorrect request output indicator
O = RAD request batch contains blank lines
P = RAD request batch contains error codes
Q = Empty RAD request batch submitted
R = RAD request batch contains low-values
Blank = No error
21 82 109 28 Filler Blank Left
Total 109

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-49
RAD Request Address 1 Export Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 12 12 Address 1 Record Identifier ADDRESS 1 Left
Left justified with one blank position after the
word ADDRESS and with three blank
positions after the number 1.
2 13 47 35 Federal School Code Name Any valid keyboard character Left
Cannot be blank
Name of the School to be printed A to Z must be all caps
on each Renewal Application
3 48 63 16 Contact Last name Any valid keyboard character Left
Cannot be blank
Last name of the contact person at A to Z must be all caps
the above School
4 64 73 10 Contact First Name Any valid keyboard character Left
Cannot be blank
First name of the contact person at A to Z must be all caps
the above School
5 74 109 36 Filler Blank Left
Total 109

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-50
RAD Request Address 2 Export Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 12 12 Address 2 Record Identifier ADDRESS 2 Left
Left justified with one blank position after the
word ADDRESS and three blank positions
after the number 2
2 13 40 28 Federal School Code’s Permanent Must contain only: Left
Address 0 to 9
Upper case A to Z
Address of the School to be Space(s)
printed on each Renewal . (period)
Application and to be used when ' (apostrophe)
mailing printed applications , (comma)
to the school. - (dash)
# (number)
@ (at)
% (percent or care of)
& (ampersand)
/ (slash)
3 41 57 17 Federal School Code’s City Must contain only: Left
0 to 9
City of the school to be printed on Upper case A to Z
each Renewal Application and to Space(s)
be used when mailing printed . (period)
applications to the school. ' (apostrophe)
, (comma)
- (dash)
# (number)
@ (at)
% (percent or care of)
& (ampersand)
/ (slash)
4 58 59 2 Federal School Code’s State Valid two letter postal code Left
Cannot be blank
State of the school to be printed Uppercase A to Z
on each Renewal Application and
to be used when mailing printed
applications to the school.
5 60 64 5 Federal School Code’s Zip code 00000 to 99999 Right

Zip code of the school to be

printed on each Renewal
Application and to be used when
mailing printed applications to the
6 65 109 45 Filler Blank Left
Total 109

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-51
RAD Import Record Layout
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
1 1 9 9 Original Social Security Number 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

processed initially by the CPS.
2 10 11 2 Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left

First two characters of last name. If non-blank, first character must contain a
letter and second character must be non-
3 12 20 9 Student's Current Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right
4 21 22 2 Year Indicator 01 = Cycle Year 2000-2001 Right
5 23 24 2 Transaction Retrieved from Prior 01 to 40 Right
6 25 40 16 Student's Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Can be blank
Second character is non-numeric
7 41 49 9 Student's First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Can be blank
8 50 50 1 Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left
Can be blank
9 51 78 28 Permanent Mailing Address 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
' (Apostrophe)
, (Comma)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
Can be blank

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-52
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
10 79 94 16 Student's Permanent City 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
' (Apostrophe)
, (Comma)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
Can be blank
11 95 96 2 Student's Permanent State Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
Can be blank
12 97 101 5 Student's Permanent Zip Code 00000 to 99999 Right
13 102 109 8 Student's Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Right
19000101 to 19991231
Can be blank
14 110 119 10 Student's Permanent Phone Number 0000000000 to 9999999999 Right
Can be blank
15 120 120 1 Do you have a Driver’s License? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
Can be blank
16 121 140 20 Student's Driver's License Number 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
- (dash)
* (asterisk) (* is a valid character, but the entire
field cannot consist of all *'s)
Can be blank
17 141 142 2 Student's Driver's License State Code Valid two letter postal code Left
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
Can be blank
18 143 143 1 Student's Citizenship Status 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. national) Left
2 = Eligible noncitizen
3 = Neither 1 or 2
19 144 152 9 Student's Alien Registration Number 000000001 to 999999999 Left
Can be blank
20 153 153 1 Student's Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, divorced, or widowed) Left
2 = Married
3 = Separated
21 154 159 6 Student's Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
Can be blank

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-53
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
22 160 160 1 Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 1 = Full time Left
2 = 3/4 time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
Can be blank
23 161 161 1 Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 1 = Full time Left
2 = 3/4 time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
Can be blank
24 162 162 1 Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000- 1 = Full time Left
2001 2 = 3/4 time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
Can be blank
25 163 163 1 Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 1 = Full time Left
2 = 3/4 time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
Can be blank
26 164 164 1 Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001 1 = Full time Left
2 = 3/4 time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
Can be blank
27 165 165 1 Father's Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School/Junior High Left
Completed 2 = High School (9 to 12)
3 = College or beyond
4 = Unknown / other
Can be blank
28 166 166 1 Mother's Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School/Junior High Left
Completed 2 = High School (9 to 12)
3 = College or beyond
4 = Unknown / other
Can be blank
29 167 168 2 Student's State of Legal Residence Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
Can be blank
30 169 169 1 Student’s Legal Resident before 01- 1 = Yes Left
01-1995? 2 = No
Can be blank
31 170 175 6 Student's Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
Can be blank
32 176 176 1 Drug Offense Conviction Blank Left

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-54
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
33 177 177 1 Are You Male? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
Can be blank
34 178 178 1 Do you want Selective Service to 1 = Yes Left
Register you? 2 = No
Can be blank
35 179 179 1 Degree / Certificate 1 = 1st Bachelor’s Degree Left
2 = 2nd Bachelor’s Degree
3 = Associate Degree (occupational or
technical program)
4 = Associate Degree (general education or
transfer program)
5 = Certificate or diploma for completing an
occupational, technical, or educational
program of less than two years
6 = Certificate or Diploma for completing an
occupational, technical, or educational
program of at least two years
7 = Teaching Credential Program (non-
degree program)
8 = Graduate or Professional Degree
9 = Other/Undecided
36 180 180 1 Grade Level in College in 1 = 1st year, never attended college Left
2000-2001 2 = 1st year, attended college before
3 = 2nd year/sophomore
4 = 3rd year/junior
5 = 4th year/senior
6 = 5th year/other undergraduate
7 = Graduate / Professional or beyond
37 181 181 1 HS Diploma or GED Received? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
38 182 182 1 First Bachelor’s Degree by 1 = Yes Left
07-01-2000? 2 = No
39 183 183 1 Interested in Student Loans? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
40 184 184 1 Interested in Student Employment? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
41 185 185 1 Student’s Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Left
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-55
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
42 186 186 1 Student’s Type of 1999 Tax Form 1 = IRS 1040 Left
Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the Federated States of
Micronesia, or Palau
43 187 187 1 Student Eligible to file 1040A or 1 = Yes Left
1040EZ? 2 = No / Don’t Know
44 188 193 6 Student’s Adjusted Gross Income -999999 to 999999 Right
from IRS form Blank Signed
45 194 198 5 Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 00000 to 99999 Right
46 199 200 2 Student’s Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Right
47 201 205 5 Student’s Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Right
48 206 211 6 Student’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
49 212 217 6 Spouse’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
50 218 222 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
51 223 227 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
52 228 233 6 Student’s Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
53 234 239 6 Student’s Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
54 240 245 6 Student’s Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
55 246 251 6 Student’s Investment Farm Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
56 252 253 2 No. of Months Veterans Education 00 to 12 Right
Benefits Received Blank
57 254 256 3 Monthly Veterans Education Benefits 000 to 999 Right
58 257 257 1 Born Before 01-01-1977 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
59 258 258 1 Working on Degree Beyond 1 = Yes Left
Bachelor’s in 2000-2001? 2 = No
60 259 259 1 Is Student Married? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
61 260 260 1 Have Legal Dependents Other than 1 = Yes Left
Spouse? 2 = No

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-56
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
62 261 261 1 Orphan or Ward of Court? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
63 262 262 1 Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
64 263 263 1 Parents’ Marital Status 1 = Married Left
2 = Single
3 = Divorced / Separated
4 = Widowed
65 264 272 9 Father’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Right
66 273 288 16 Father’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
67 289 297 9 Mother’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Right
68 298 313 16 Mother’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
69 314 315 2 Parents’ Number of Family 00 to 99 Right
Members Blank
70 316 316 1 Parents’ Number in College 0 to 9 Right
2000-2001 Blank
71 317 318 2 Parents’ State of Legal Residence Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State / Country / Jurisdiction Table
72 319 319 1 Parents’ Legal Residents before 1 = Yes Left
01-01-1995? 2 = No
73 320 325 6 Parents’ Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
74 326 327 2 Age of Older Parent 00 to 99 Right
75 328 328 1 Parents’ Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Left
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-57
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
76 329 329 1 Parents’ Type of 1999 Tax Form 1 = IRS 1040 Left
Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the Federated States of
Micronesia, or Palau
77 330 330 1 Parents’ Eligible to file 1040A or 1 = Yes Left
1040EZ? 2 = No / Don’t Know
78 331 336 6 Parents’ Adjusted Gross Income -999999 to 999999 Right
from IRS form Blank Signed
79 337 342 6 Parents’ U.S. Income Tax Paid 000000 to 999999 Right
80 343 344 2 Parents’ Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Right
81 345 349 5 Parents’ Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Right
82 350 355 6 Father’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
83 356 361 6 Mother’s Income Earned from -999999 to 999999 Right
Work Blank Signed
84 362 366 5 Parents’ Total Amount from 00000 to 999999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
85 367 371 5 Parents’ Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
86 372 377 6 Parents’ Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
87 378 383 6 Parents’ Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
88 384 389 6 Parents’ Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
89 390 395 6 Parents’ Investment Farm Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
90 396 397 2 Student’s Number of Family 00 to 99 Right
Members Blank
91 398 398 1 Student’s Number in College 0 to 9 Right
2000-2001 Blank
92 399 404 6 Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 Left
Can be blank
93 405 411 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Left
1 Point number
If there is a TG# in this field it
means the RAD is associated with
the school in that position.
94 412 417 6 Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Left
Can be blank

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-58
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
95 418 424 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number 2 TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Point Left
If there is a TG# in this field it means number
the RAD is associated with the school
in that position.
96 425 430 6 Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Left
Can be blank
97 431 437 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number 3 TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Point Left
If there is a TG# in this field it means number
the RAD is associated with the school
in that position.
98 438 443 6 Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Left
Can be blank
99 444 450 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number 4 TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Point Left
If there is a TG# in this field it means number
the RAD is associated with the school
in that position.
100 451 456 6 Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Left
Can be blank
101 457 463 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number 5 TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Point Left
If there is a TG# in this field it means number
the RAD is associated with the school
in that position.
102 464 469 6 Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Left
Can be blank
103 470 476 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number 6 TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Point Left
If there is a TG# in this field it means number
the RAD is associated with the school
in that position.
104 477 481 5 Paid EFC 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
105 482 482 1 Assumption Flag for Date of Birth 1 = Assumption made Left
Prior Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
106 483 483 1 Assumption Flag for Is Student 1 = Assumption made Left
Married? Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
107 484 484 1 Assumption Flag for Student’s Legal 1 = Assumption made Left
Dependents Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-59
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
108 485 485 1 Assumption Flag for Citizenship 1 = Assumption made Left
Blank = No Assumption
Indicator of whether or not an
assumption was made by the CPS.
109 486 486 1 Assumption Flag for Student's Marital 1 = Assumption made Left
Status Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
110 487 487 1 Assumption Flag for Student's # in 1 = Assumption made Left
Family Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
111 488 488 1 Assumption Flag for Student's # in 1 = Assumption made Left
College Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
112 489 489 1 Assumption Flag for Parent's Marital 1 = Assumption made Left
Status Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
113 490 490 1 Assumption Flag for Parent's # in 1 = Assumption made Left
Family Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
114 491 491 1 Assumption Flag for Parent's # in 1 = Assumption made Left
College Blank = No Assumption

Indicator of whether or not an

assumption was made by the CPS.
115 492 498 7 Title IV WAN Destination Number TGXXXXX, where XXXXX = Destination Left
Point number
116 499 499 1 RAD Request Type 1 = All applications for destination Left
2 = Selected individual applications
Indicates which students’Renewal 3 = All applications for selected school codes
Application an institution received. 4 = All application records for destination by
grade level in college
117 500 500 1 Electronic File Indicator Y = School received RADD01OP file Left
118 501 501 1 Print Indicator Blank = Did NOT want CPS to Print Left
Y = Requested CPS to Print
119 502 503 2 Address Sequence Number 01 to 99 Right
120 504 504 1 PIN Flag Y = PIN mailer sent to student Direct mail to Left
grad students and Web Filers
B = School Requested PIN be sent
Blank = Paper Renewal sent to student
121 505 505 1 Sort Type 1 = SSN Right
2 = Alpha
3 = Zip Code

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-60
RAD Import Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
122 506 511 6 Federal School Code X00000 to X999999 Left
Originating Federal School Code Valid Federal School Code
123 512 512 1 RAD Request Grade Level 1 = 1st year, never attended college Left
2 = 1st year, attended college before
Grade level select option for this 3 = 2nd year/sophomore
RAD Request. 4 = 3rd year/junior
5 = 4th year/senior
6 = 5th year or more undergraduate
7 = Graduate/professional or beyond
124 513 513 1 CPS Print Reject Flag Y = Yes Left
Blank = No
Indicates CPS was unable to print
Renewal Application due to RADD
request for print was after the
125 514 525 12 Filler For ED Use Only Left
Total 525

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-61
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout
Field Start End Field Field Name Valid Field Content Justify/
# Position Position Length Signed
1 1 9 9 Student’s Current Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

Student's SSN on this transaction. It

will be different from the student’s
original SSN only if it has been
corrected or changed.
2 10 25 16 Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
3 26 34 9 Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
4 35 35 1 Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left
5 36 63 28 Permanent Mailing Address 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
6 64 79 16 Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-62
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
7 80 81 2 Student’s Permanent State Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State / Country / Jurisdiction Table
8 82 86 5 Student’s Permanent Zip Code 00000 to 99999 Right
9 87 94 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Right
19000101 to 19991231
10 95 104 10 Student’s Permanent Phone Number 0000000000 to 9999999999 Right
11 105 105 1 Do you have a Driver’s License? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
12 106 125 20 Student’s Driver’s License Number 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
- (dash)
* (asterisk)
13 126 127 2 Student’s Driver’s License State Valid two letter postal code Left
Code See State / Country / Jurisdiction Table
14 128 128 1 Student’s Citizenship Status 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. national) Left
2 = Eligible noncitizen
The value the student reported for 3 = Neither 1 or 2
citizenship. Blank
15 129 137 9 Student’s Alien Registration Number 000000001 to 999999999 Left
16 138 138 1 Student’s Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, divorced, or widowed) Left
2 = Married
3 = Separated
17 139 144 6 Student’s Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
18 145 145 1 Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 1 = Full time Left
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
19 146 146 1 Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 1 = Full time Left
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-63
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
20 147 147 1 Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000- 1 = Full time Left
2001 2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
21 148 148 1 Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 1 = Full time Left
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
22 149 149 1 Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001 1 = Full time Left
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
23 150 150 1 Father’s Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Left
Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown
24 151 151 1 Mother’s Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Left
Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown
25 152 153 2 Student’s State of Legal Residence Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State / Country / Jurisdiction Table
26 154 154 1 Student Legal Resident Before 01- 1 = Yes Left
01-1995? 2 = No
27 155 160 6 Student’s Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112
CPS will accept: CCYYMM
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
28 161 161 1 Drug Offense Conviction 1 = Eligible Left
3 2 = Partially Eligible, will become eligible
during the award year
2 3 = Ineligible or Don’t Know
29 162 162 1 Are You Male? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
30 163 163 1 Do You want Selective Service to 1 = Yes Left
Register You? 2 = No

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-64
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
31 164 164 1 Degree / Certificate 1 = 1 st Bachelor’s Degree Right
2 = 2 nd Bachelor’s Degree
3 = Associate Degree (occupational or technical
4 = Associate Degree (general education or
transfer program)
5 = Certificate or diploma for completing an
occupational, technical, or educational program of
less than two years
6 = Certificate or Diploma for completing an
occupational, technical, or educational program of
at least two years
7 = Teaching Credential Program (non-degree
8 = Graduate or Professional Degree
9 = Other/Undecided
32 165 165 1 Grade Level in College in 1 = 1st year, never attended college Left
2000-2001 2 = 1st year, attended college before
3 = 2nd year/sophomore
4 = 3rd year/junior
5 = 4th year/senior
6 = 5th year/other undergraduate
7 = Graduate / Professional or beyond
33 166 166 1 HS Diploma or GED Received? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
34 167 167 1 First Bachelor’s Degree By 1 = Yes Left
07-01-2000? 2 = No
35 168 168 1 Interested in Student Loans? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
36 169 169 1 Interested in Student Employment? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
37 170 170 1 Student’s Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Left
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
38 171 171 1 Student’s Type of 1999 Tax Form 1 = IRS 1040 Left
Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico, Guam, American
Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Marshall Islands,
the Federated States of Micronesia, or Palau
39 172 172 1 Student Eligible to file 1040A or 1 = Yes Left
1040EZ? 2 = No / Don’t Know

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-65
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
40 173 178 6 Student’s Adjusted Gross Income -999999 to 999999 Right
from IRS form Blank Signed
41 179 183 5 Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 00000 to 99999 Right
42 184 185 2 Student’s Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Right
43 186 190 5 Student’s Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Right
44 191 196 6 Student’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
45 197 202 6 Spouse’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
46 203 207 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
47 208 212 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
48 213 218 6 Student’s Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
49 219 224 6 Student’s Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
50 225 230 6 Student’s Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
51 231 236 6 Student’s Investment Farm Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
52 237 238 2 No. of Months Veterans Education 00 to 12 Right
Benefits Received Blank
53 239 241 3 Monthly Veterans Education 000 to 999 Right
Benefits Blank
54 242 242 1 Born Before 01-01-1977? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
55 243 243 1 Working on Degree Beyond 1 = Yes Left
Bachelor’s in 2000-2001? 2 = No
56 244 244 1 Is Student Married? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
57 245 245 1 Have Legal Dependents Other than 1 = Yes Left
Spouse? 2 = No
58 246 246 1 Orphan or Ward of Court? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
59 247 247 1 Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
60 248 248 1 Parent’s Marital Status 1 = Married Right
2 = Single
3 = Divorced / Separated
4 = Widowed

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-66
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
61 249 257 9 Father’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Right
62 258 273 16 Father’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
63 274 282 9 Mother’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Right
64 283 298 16 Mother’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
- (dash)
65 299 300 2 Parents’Number of Family Members 01 to 99 Right
66 301 301 1 Parents’Number in College 1 to 9 Right
2000-2001 (Parents’excluded) Blank
67 302 303 2 Parents’State of Legal Residence Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State / Country / Jurisdiction Table
68 304 304 1 Parents’Legal Residents before 01- 1 = Yes Left
01-1995? 2 = No
69 305 310 6 Parents’Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Right
190001 to 200112

CPS will accept: CCYYMM

CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
70 311 312 2 Age of Older Parent 00 to 99 Left
71 313 313 1 Parents’Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Left
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
72 314 314 1 Parents’Type of 1999 Tax Form 1 = IRS 1040 Left
Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico, Guam, American
Samoa, the Virgin Islands, the Marshall Islands,
the Federated States of Micronesia, or Palau

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-67
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
73 315 315 1 Parents’Eligible to file 1040A or 1 = Yes Left
1040EZ? 2 = No / Don’t Know
74 316 321 6 Parents’Adjusted Gross Income -999999 to 999999 Right
from IRS form Blank Signed
75 322 327 6 Parents’U.S. Income Tax Paid 000000 to 999999 Right
76 328 329 2 Parents’Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Right
77 330 334 5 Parents’Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Right
78 335 340 6 Father’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
79 341 346 6 Mother’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank Signed
80 347 351 5 Parents’Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
81 352 356 5 Parents’Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
82 357 362 6 Parents’Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
83 363 368 6 Parents’Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
84 369 374 6 Parents’Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
85 375 380 6 Parents’Investment Farm Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Right
86 381 382 2 Student’s Number of Family 01 to 99 Right
Members Blank
87 383 383 1 Student’s Number in College 2000- 1 to 9 Right
2001 Blank
88 384 389 6 Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.
89 390 390 1 Federal School Code #1 Housing 1 = On Campus Left
Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
90 391 396 6 Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.
91 397 397 1 Federal School Code #2 Housing 1 = On Campus Left
Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
92 398 403 6 Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-68
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
93 404 404 1 Federal School Code #3 Housing 1 = On Campus Left
Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
94 405 410 6 Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.
95 411 411 1 Federal School Code #4 Housing 1 = On Campus Left
Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
96 412 417 6 Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.
97 418 418 1 Federal School Code #5 Housing 1 = On Campus Left
Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
98 419 424 6 Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first position are 0, B, E,
or G.
99 425 425 1 Federal School Code #6 Housing 1 = On Campus Left
Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
100 426 433 8 Date Application Completed Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
101 434 434 1 Signed By A = Applicant Left
Indicates if only the applicant, or B = Applicant and Parent
only the parent, or both applicant P = Parent only
and parent signed the transaction. Blank = No signatures
102 435 443 9 Preparer’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Preparer’s SSN provided on the Blank
103 444 452 9 Preparer’s Employer Identification 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Number (EIN) Blank
104 453 453 1 Preparer’s Signature 1 = Yes Left
Indicates that a preparer signed the Blank
105 454 454 1 Dependency Override Indicator 1 = Dependent to Independent Left
Indicates that a Dependency Blank = No dependency override
Override was requested on this

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-69
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
106 455 460 6 Filler For ED Use Only Left
107 461 461 1 Filler For ED Use Only Left
108 462 469 8 Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD
20000101 to 20010630
Date the institution received the
application from the student.
109 470 470 1 Filler For ED Use Only Left
110 471 471 1 Input Record Type R = Renewal Application Left
Blank = Original Application
111 472 476 5 Serial Number 00001 to 99999 Right

Must be non-blank
Must be in ascending sequential
112 477 477 1 Filler For ED Use Only
113 478 486 9 RAPP SSN 001010001 to 999999999
Required on Renewal Blank (valid only on initial app)
114 487 488 4 2 RAPP Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
First two characters of last name . (period)
identified on the Renewal ' (apostrophe)
Application. Will be constant - (dash)
throughout the cycle. Blank

Required for Renewal App.

If non-blank, first character must
contain a letter and second
character must be non-numeric.
115 489 489 1 Electronic Application Entry 2 = FAA Entry Left

Indicates the origin of the

electronic application
116 490 495 6 Electronic Application Version For ED Use Only Left
number Must be blank
117 496 502 7 Filler For ED Use Only Left
118 503 536 34 Filler For ED Use Only Left
Must be blank

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-70
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
119 537 537 1 Reject Override B 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application to
override Reject B: Independent
Student Status in question because of
student’s age.

See Table of Reject Codes and How

to Respond to Each for further
120 538 538 1 Reject Override N 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application to
override Reject N: Student’s first
name or last name blank

See Table of Reject Codes and How

to Respond to Each for further
121 539 539 1 Reject Override W 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application to
override Reject W: Unusually large
number of family members.

See Table of Reject Codes and How

to Respond to Each for further
122 540 540 1 Assumption Override 1 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Parents’Number in College assumed
to be 1 when the number in college is
greater than 6.
123 541 541 1 Assumption Override 2 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on electronic application to
override assumption 2: Parents’AGI
assumed equal to sum of parents’
earned income portions.
124 542 542 1 Assumption Override 3 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic application to
override assumption 3: Student’s
Number in College assumed to be
125 543 543 1 Assumption Override 4 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic application to
override assumption 4: Student’s
AGI assumed equal to sum of
student’s and spouse’s earned
income portions.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-71
Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field Justify/
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Signed
126 544 544 1 Assumption Override 5 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic application
to override assumption 5: Parents’
income from Worksheet B
assumed to be zero.
127 545 545 1 Assumption Override 6 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic application
to override assumption 6:
Student’s income from Worksheet
B assumed to be zero.
128 546 593 48 Filler For ED Use Only Left
129 594 594 1 Model Filler D = Dependent Left
I = Independent
For ED Use Only
130 595 620 26 Filler For ED Use Only Left
Total 620

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-72
History Correction Export Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Correction Year Indicator 1 (one) = Cycle 2000-2001 Left

Indicates the cycle year to which

the correction should be applied.
2 2 10 9 Original Social Security Number 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

processed initially by the CPS.
3 11 12 2 Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left

First two characters of last name. If non-blank, first character must contain a
Will be constant throughout the letter and second character must be non-
cycle, regardless of corrections to numeric.
last name.
4 13 14 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Right

The CPS transaction number of the

ISIR being corrected.
5 15 17 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #1 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
See Correction Data Entry
Specification for SAR Field
Numbers in the Processing
Codes/System Requirements
6 18 45 28 Correction Data 1 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
New value for field being corrected. . (Period)
' (Apostrophe)
See Correction Data Entry , (Comma)
Specification for SAR Field - (Dash)
Numbers in the Processing # (Number)
Codes/System Requirements @ (At)
section. % (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
Corrected Data
Can be blank
7 46 48 3 SAR Field Number – Correction #2 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
8 49 76 28 Correction Data 2 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
9 77 79 3 SAR Field Number – Correction #3 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
10 80 107 28 Correction Data 3 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
11 108 110 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #4 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
12 111 138 28 Correction Data 4 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-73
History Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
13 139 141 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #5 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
14 142 169 28 Correction Data 5 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
15 170 172 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #6 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
16 173 200 28 Correction Data 6 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
17 201 203 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #7 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
18 204 231 28 Correction Data 7 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
19 232 234 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #8 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
20 235 262 28 Correction Data 8 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
21 263 265 3 SAR Field Number - Correction #9 000 to 999 Right
SAR number of the data element correction
22 266 293 28 Correction Data 9 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
23 294 296 3 SAR Field Number - Correction 000 to 999 Right
#10 SAR number of the data element correction
24 297 324 28 Correction Data 10 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
25 325 327 3 SAR Field Number - Correction 000 to 999 Right
#11 SAR number of the data element correction
26 328 355 28 Correction Data 11 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
27 356 358 3 SAR Field Number - Correction 000 to 999 Right
#12 SAR number of the data element correction
28 359 386 28 Correction Data 12 Same as Valid Content for field #6, Correction Left
Data 1
29 387 392 6 EDE Federal School Code 00000 to 99999 Left
Uppercase B, G, or E
Originating Federal School Code Valid Federal School Code
30 393 393 1 Reject Override B-- 1 = Yes Left
Date of Birth since September Blank = No
1, 1984

See Table of Reject Codes and How

to Respond to Each for further
31 394 394 1 Reject Override N-- 1 = Yes Left
Missing first or last name Blank = No

See Table of Reject Codes and How

to Respond to Each for further

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-74
History Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
32 395 395 1 Reject Override W-- 1 = Yes Left
Questionable number of family Blank = No
members, greater than 15

See Table of Reject Codes and How

to Respond to Each for further
33 396 396 1 Assumption Override 1-- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’Number in College Blank = No
assumed to be 1 when the number
in college is greater than 6.
34 397 397 1 Assumption Override 2-- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’AGI assumed equal to sum Blank = No
of father and mother earned income
portions. Allow AGI to be zero or
blank as entered.
35 398 398 1 Assumption Override 3-- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s Number in College Blank = No
assumed to be 1 when number in
college equals number in the
household and both are greater than
36 399 399 1 Assumption Override 4-- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s AGI assumed equal to the Blank = No
sum of student and spouse earned
income portions. Allow AGI to be
zero or blank as entered.
37 400 400 1 Assumption Override 5-- 1 = Yes Left
Parent’s total from worksheet B Blank = No
assumed to be zero. Allow parents
income from worksheet B to be less
than or equal to parents’total
38 401 401 1 Assumption Override 6-- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s total from worksheet B Blank = No
assumed to be zero. Allow
student’s income from worksheet B
to be less than or equal to student’s
total income.
39 402 421 20 Filler For ED Use Only Left
40 422 422 1 Parental Data Changes Y Left
Filler Blank
For ED Use Only
41 423 428 6 Electronic Version Number For ED Use Only Left
42 429 436 8 Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
The date you received the correction
for data entry.
43 437 444 8 Filler For ED Use Only Left

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-75
History Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
44 445 449 5 Serial Number 00001 to 99999 Right

Must be non-blank
Must be in ascending sequential
45 450 450 1 Input Record Type H = History Correction Left
Total 450

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-76
Duplicate Request Export Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Correction Year Indicator 1 (one) = Cycle 2000-2001 Left

Indicates the cycle year to which the correction

should be applied.
2 2 14 13 Filler For ED Use Only Left
3 15 17 3 ISIR Record Request #1 Will always be ‘199’ Left
4 18 26 9 Original Social Security Number #1 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as processed initially

by the CPS.
5 27 28 2 Name ID #1 Uppercase A to Z Left

First two letters of the last name.

6 29 30 2 Transaction Number #1 01 to 99 Right

The CPS generated transaction number

indicating the sequencing of ISIR transaction.
7 31 45 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
8 46 48 3 ISIR Record Request #2 Will always be ‘199’ Left
9 49 57 9 Original Social Security Number #2 001010001 to 999999999 Right
10 58 59 2 Name ID #2 Uppercase A to Z Left
11 60 61 2 Transaction Number #2 01 to 99 Right
12 62 76 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
13 77 79 3 ISIR Record Request #3 Will always be ‘199’ Left
14 80 88 9 Original Social Security Number #3 001010001 to 999999999 Right
15 89 90 2 Name ID #3 Uppercase A to Z Left
16 91 92 2 Transaction Number #3 01 to 99 Right
17 93 107 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
18 108 110 3 ISIR Record Request #4 Will always be ‘199’ Left
19 111 119 9 Original Social Security Number #4 001010001 to 999999999 Right
20 120 121 2 Name ID #4 Uppercase A to Z Left
21 122 123 2 Transaction Number #4 01 to 99 Right
22 124 138 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
23 139 141 3 ISIR Record Request #5 Will always be ‘199’ Left
24 142 150 9 Original Social Security Number #5 001010001 to 999999999 Right
25 151 152 2 Name ID #5 Uppercase A to Z Left
26 153 154 2 Transaction Number #5 01 to 99 Right
27 155 169 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
28 170 172 3 ISIR Record Request #6 Will always be ‘199’ Left
29 173 181 9 Original Social Security Number #6 001010001 to 999999999 Right
30 182 183 2 Name ID #6 Uppercase A to Z Left
31 184 185 2 Transaction Number #6 01 to 99 Right
32 186 200 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
33 201 203 3 ISIR Record Request #7 Will always be ‘199’ Left
34 204 212 9 Original Social Security Number #7 001010001 to 999999999 Right
35 213 214 2 Name ID #7 Uppercase A to Z Left
36 215 216 2 Transaction Number #7 01 to 99 Right
37 217 231 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-77
Duplicate Request Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
38 232 234 3 ISIR Record Request #8 Will always be ‘199’ Left
39 235 243 9 Original Social Security Number #8 001010001 to 999999999 Right
40 244 245 2 Name ID #8 Uppercase A to Z Left
41 246 247 2 Transaction Number #8 01 to 99 Right
42 248 262 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
43 263 265 3 ISIR Record Request #9 Will always be ‘199’ Left
44 266 274 9 Original Social Security Number #9 001010001 to 999999999 Right
45 275 276 2 Name ID #9 Uppercase A to Z Left
46 277 278 2 Transaction Number #9 01 to 99 Right
47 279 293 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
48 294 296 3 ISIR Record Request #10 Will always be ‘199’ Left
49 297 305 9 Original Social Security Number #10 001010001 to 999999999 Right
50 306 307 2 Name ID #10 Uppercase A to Z Left
51 308 309 2 Transaction Number #10 01 to 99 Right
52 310 324 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
53 325 327 3 ISIR Record Request #11 Will always be ‘199’ Left
54 328 336 9 Original Social Security Number #11 001010001 to 999999999 Right
55 337 338 2 Name ID #11 Uppercase A to Z Left
56 339 340 2 Transaction Number #11 01 to 99 Right
57 341 355 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
58 356 358 3 ISIR Record Request #12 Will always be ‘199’ Left
59 359 367 9 Original Social Security Number #12 001010001 to 999999999 Right
60 368 369 2 Name ID #12 Uppercase A to Z Left
61 370 371 2 Transaction Number #12 01 to 99 Right
62 372 386 15 Filler For ED Use Only Left
63 387 392 6 EDE Federal School Code 00000 to 99999 Left
Uppercase B, G, or E
Originating Federal School Code. Valid Federal School Code
64 393 428 36 Filler For ED Use Only Left
65 429 436 8 Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
Date you are requesting the Duplicates.
66 437 449 13 Filler For ED Use Only Left
67 450 450 1 Input Record Type D = Duplicate Left
Total 450

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-78
Signature Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Batch Year 1 (one) = Cycle 2000-2001 Left
2 2 10 9 Original Social Security Number #1 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

processed initially by the CPS.
3 11 12 2 Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left

First two letters of the last name.

4 13 14 2 Filler For Ed Use Only Right
5 15 17 3 SAR Field Number Will always be ‘101’ Left
6 18 18 1 Correction Data-Signed By A = Applicant Only Left
B = Applicant and Parent
P = Parent Only
7 19 45 27 Filler For ED Use Only Left
8 46 48 3 SAR Field Number-Optional Will be ‘104’ Left
9 49 49 1 Correction Data- Preparer’s Signature - Will be ‘1’ Left
10 50 386 337 Filler For ED Use Only Left
11 387 392 6 EDE Federal School Code 00000 to 99999 Left
Uppercase B, G, or E
Originating Federal School Code Valid Federal School Code
12 393 428 36 Filler For ED Use Only Left
13 429 436 8 Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Right
20000101 to 20011231
The date you received the correction
for data entry.
14 437 444 8 Filler For ED Use Only Left
15 445 449 5 Serial Number 00001 to 99999 Right

Must be non-blank
Must be in ascending sequential order.
16 450 450 1 Input Record Type F = FOTW signature page Left
S = FE signature page
W = RFOTW signature page
Total 450

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-79
FDR Export Record Layout
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Batch Year 1 (one) = Cycle 2000-2001 Left
2 2 14 13 Filler For ED Use Only Left
3 15 17 3 ISIR Record Request #1 Will always be ‘199’ Right
4 18 26 9 Original Social Security Number #1 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as processed

initially by the CPS.
5 27 28 2 Name ID #1 Uppercase A to Z Left

First two letters of the last name.

6 29 45 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
7 46 48 3 ISIR Record Request #2 Will always be ‘199’ Right
8 49 57 9 Original Social Security Number #2 001010001 to 999999999 Right
9 58 59 2 Name ID #2 Uppercase A to Z Left
10 60 76 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
11 77 79 3 ISIR Record Request #3 Will always be ‘199’ Right
12 80 88 9 Original Social Security Number #3 001010001 to 999999999 Right
13 89 90 2 Name ID #3 Uppercase A to Z Left
14 91 107 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
15 108 110 3 ISIR Record Request #4 Will always be ‘199’ Right
16 111 119 9 Original Social Security Number #4 001010001 to 999999999 Right
17 120 121 2 Name ID #4 Uppercase A to Z Left
18 122 138 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
19 139 141 3 ISIR Record Request #5 Will always be ‘199’ Right
20 142 150 9 Original Social Security Number #5 001010001 to 999999999 Right
21 151 152 2 Name ID #5 Uppercase A to Z Left
22 153 169 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
23 170 172 3 ISIR Record Request #6 Will always be ‘199’ Right
24 173 181 9 Original Social Security Number #6 001010001 to 999999999 Right
25 182 183 2 Name ID #6 Uppercase A to Z Left
26 184 200 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
27 201 203 3 ISIR Record Request #7 Will always be ‘199’ Right
28 204 212 9 Original Social Security Number #7 001010001 to 999999999 Right
29 213 214 2 Name ID #7 Uppercase A to Z Left
30 215 231 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
31 232 234 3 ISIR Record Request #8 Will always be ‘199’ Right
32 235 243 9 Original Social Security Number #8 001010001 to 999999999 Right
33 244 245 2 Name ID #8 Uppercase A to Z Left
34 246 262 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
35 263 265 3 ISIR Record Request #9 Will always be ‘199’ Right
36 266 274 9 Original Social Security Number #9 001010001 to 999999999 Right
37 275 276 2 Name ID #9 Uppercase A to Z Left
38 277 293 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
39 294 296 3 ISIR Record Request #10 Will always be ‘199’ Right
40 297 305 9 Original Social Security Number #10 001010001 to 999999999 Right
41 306 307 2 Name ID #10 Uppercase A to Z Left
42 308 324 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
43 325 327 3 ISIR Record Request #11 Will always be ‘199’ Right
44 328 336 9 Original Social Security Number #11 001010001 to 999999999 Right
45 337 338 2 Name ID #11 Uppercase A to Z Left
46 339 355 17 Filler For ED Use Only Left
47 356 358 3 ISIR Record Request # 12 Will always be ‘199’ Right
48 359 367 9 Original Social Security Number #12 001010001 to 999999999 Right

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-80
FDR Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field Start End Field
# Position Position Length Field Name Valid Field Content Justify
49 368 369 2 Name ID #12 Uppercase A to Z Left
50 370 449 80 Filler For ED Use Only Left
51 450 450 1 Input Record Type F = FDR Requests Left
Total 450

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

(185 H) 3-81
Processing Codes/System

This section provides charts and tables that include an explanation of the different reject
codes and how to respond to each. Other tables provide information that further explains
some of the other processing codes associated with the EDE process.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-1
Summary of Tables
In this section you will find several tables that will assist you when reviewing files.

1999-2000/2000-2001 ISIR Cross-Reference

This NEW table is a cross reference of the 1999-2000 Institutional Student Information
Records (ISIR) field number, start position, and end position with the 2000-2001 ISIR field
number, start position, and end position.

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each

This table is used to determine what the reject code on a Student Aid Report (SAR)
means. It also tells you how to correct the reject and if there are any comment codes
associated with this reject.

Batch Level Error Messages

This table associates reject codes at the batch level along with the text for that reject code
and a description of the error and a resolution. These error messages mean the batch was
not processed. The structure of the file was not valid and the Central Processing System
(CPS) was not able to process the file. You will need to fix the file and send it to the CPS
again for processing. No Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) will be
generated when there is a Batch level error.

Record Level Error Messages

This table reports the record level reject codes. The actual text for each reject code, a
description of the error and a resolution for each error is also listed here. These error
messages mean that the individual student record was not processed. Any student in the
batch that did not have a record level error message will have an ISIR processed for them.
(Those ISIRs will be sent back later in another file.) You will need to fix any student
record with a record level error message and send it to the CPS again for processing so an
ISIR will be generated.

Assumption Overrides
This table associates the override codes with the assumption being made. It also explains
what will happen if you use this code and an example of when you would use this code.

SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights

This table is used to determine what fields were corrected in the previous transaction or
what fields are highlighted on this ISIR. It also defines the field positions for the SAR
Field, the FAFSA field name, and the number on the FAFSA.

NSLDS Loan Program Codes

These codes are used to determine the loan program code on up to 12 loans in the NSLDS
portion of the ISIR.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-2
Current Status Codes
These codes are used to determine the current status on up to 12 loans in the NSLDS
portion of the ISIR.

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes
This table is used to determine the valid state abbreviations used for Students Permanent
State, Student’s Driver’s License State Code and for Student and Parent State of Legal

Correction Data Entry Specifications

This table is used in conjunction with the History Correction Export Record Layout found
in the Record Layout section. This table defines the SAR Field number and field length of
the field. It defines what data is valid to send in on a correction record as well as if it is a
signed value, the justification, and if the field can be corrected to blank.

ISIR Comment Codes and Text

This table associates ISIR comment codes with the text for the code. It will also tell you if
this comment sets the C code and if a reject code is associated with the code. This is
helpful when you are trying to resolve rejects because you know which comments you
need to pay special attention to.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-3
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Added Drug Offense Conviction 33 176 176
Added Father's Social Security 66 264 272
Added Father's Last Name 67 273 288
Added Mother's Social Security 68 289 297
Added Mother's Last Name 69 298 313
Added Input Record Type 116 490 490
Added Student is selected for 156 616 616
Added Assumed Father's SSN 257 1391 1399
Added Assumed Mother's SSN 258 1400 1408
Added NSLDS Post-Screening 281 1562 1562
Reason Code
Added NSLDS Aggregate 283 1569 1574
Unsubsidized Outstanding
Added NSLDS Aggregate 287 1593 1598
Unsubsidized Pending
Added NSLDS Aggregate 290 1611 1616
Unsubsidized Total
Added NSLDS Pell Award Amount 316 1697 1700
Added NSLDS Pell Award Amount 327 1745 1748
Added NSLDS Pell Award Amount 338 1793 1796
Batch Year 1 1 1 Batch Year 1 1 1
Student Last Name/ SSN Change 2 2 2 Student Last Name/ SSN 2 2 2
Flag Change Flag
Original Social Security Number 3 3 11 Original Social Security 3 3 11
Original Name ID 4 12 13 Original Name ID 4 12 13
Transaction Number 5 14 15 Transaction Number 5 14 15
Student's Current Social Security 6 16 24 Student's Current Social 6 16 24
Number Security Number
Student's Last Name 7 25 40 Student's Last Name 7 25 40
Student's First Name 8 41 49 Student's First Name 8 41 49
Middle Initial 9 50 50 Middle Initial 9 50 50
Permanent Mailing Address 10 51 78 Permanent Mailing Address 10 51 78
Student's Permanent City 11 79 94 Student's Permanent City 11 79 94
Student's Permanent State 12 95 96 Student's Permanent State 12 95 96
Student's Permanent Zip Code 13 97 101 Student's Permanent Zip Code 13 97 101
Student's Date of Birth 14 102 109 Student's Date of Birth 14 102 109

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-4
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Student's Permanent Phone 15 110 119 Student's Permanent Phone 15 110 119
Number Number
Do you have a Driver's License? 16 120 120 Do you have a Driver's 16 120 120
Student's Driver's License 17 121 140 Student's Driver's License 17 121 140
Number Number
Student's Driver's License State 18 141 142 Student's Driver's License 18 141 142
Code State Code
Student's Citizenship Status 19 143 143 Student's Citizenship Status 19 143 143
Student's Alien Registration 20 144 152 Student's Alien Registration 20 144 152
Number Number
Student's Marital Status 21 153 153 Student's Marital Status 21 153 153
Student's Marital Status Date 22 154 159 Student's Marital Status Date 22 154 159
Enrollment Plan for Summer 23 160 160 Enrollment Plan for Summer 23 160 160
1999 2000
Enrollment Plan for Fall 1999 24 161 161 Enrollment Plan for Fall 24 161 161
Enrollment Plan for Winter 25 162 162 Enrollment Plan for Winter 25 162 162
1999-2000 2000-2001
Enrollment Plan for Spring 26 163 163 Enrollment Plan for Spring 26 163 163
2000 2001
Enrollment Plan for Summer 27 164 164 Enrollment Plan for Summer 27 164 164
2000 2001
Father's Highest Grade Level 28 165 165 Father's Highest Grade Level 28 165 165
Completed Completed
Mother's Highest Grade Level 29 166 166 Mother's Highest Grade Level 29 166 166
Completed Completed
Student's State of Legal 30 167 168 Student's State of Legal 30 167 168
Residence Residence
Student's Legal Resident Before 31 169 169 Student Legal Resident Before 31 169 169
01-01-1994? 01-01-1995?
Student's Legal Residence Date 32 170 175 Student's Legal Residence 32 170 175
Are You Male? 33 176 176 Are You Male? 34 177 177
Do You want Selective Service 34 177 177 Do You want Selective 35 178 178
to Register you? Service to Register you?
Degree / Certificate 35 178 178 Degree / Certificate 36 179 179
Grade Level in College in 36 179 179 Grade Level in College in 37 180 180
1999-2000 2000-2001
HS Diploma or GED Received? 37 180 180 HS Diploma or GED 38 181 181
First Bachelor's Degree By 38 181 181 First Bachelor's Degree By 39 182 182
07-01-1999? 07-01-2000?
Interested in Student Loans? 39 182 182 Interested in Student Loans? 40 183 183
Interested in Student 40 183 183 Interested in Student 41 184 184
Employment? Employment?
No. of Months Veterans 41 184 185 No. of Months Veterans 57 252 253
Education Benefits Received Education Benefits Received

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-5
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Monthly Veterans Education 42 186 188 Monthly Veterans Education 58 254 256
Benefits Benefits
Student's Tax Return Filed? 43 189 189 Student's Tax Return Filed? 42 185 185
Student's Type of 1998 Tax 44 190 190 Student's Type of 1999 Tax 43 186 186
Form Used? Form Used?
Student Eligible to file 1040A 45 191 191 Student Eligible to file 1040A 44 187 187
or 1040EZ? or 1040EZ?
Student's Adjusted Gross Income 46 192 197 Student's Adjusted Gross 45 188 193
from IRS form Income from IRS form
Student's U.S. Income Tax Paid 47 198 202 Student's U.S. Income Tax 46 194 198
Student's Exemptions Claimed 48 203 204 Student's Exemptions Claimed 47 199 200
Student's Earned Income Credit 49 205 209 Student's Earned Income 48 201 205
Student's Income Earned from 50 210 215 Student's Income Earned from 49 206 211
Work Work
Spouse's Income Earned from 51 216 221 Spouse's Income Earned from 50 212 217
Work Work
Student's Total Amount from 52 222 226 Student's Total Amount from 51 218 222
Worksheet A Worksheet A
Student's Total Amount from 53 227 231 Student's Total Amount from 52 223 227
Worksheet B Worksheet B
Student's Cash, Savings, and 54 232 237 Student's Cash, Savings, and 53 228 233
Checking Checking
Student's Investment Net 55 238 243 Student's Investment Net 54 234 239
Worth Worth
Student's Business Net Worth 56 244 249 Student's Business Net Worth 55 240 245
Student's Investment Farm Net 57 250 255 Student's Investment Farm 56 246 251
Worth Net Worth
Born Before 01-01-1976? 58 256 256 Born Before 01-01-1977? 59 257 257
Working on Degree Beyond 59 257 257 Working on Degree Beyond 60 258 258
Bachelor's in 1999-2000? Bachelor's in 2000-2001?
Is Student Married? 60 258 258 Is Student Married? 61 259 259
Orphan or Ward of Court? 61 259 259 Orphan or Ward of Court? 63 261 261
Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? 62 260 260 Veteran of U.S. Armed 64 262 262
Have Legal Dependents Other 63 261 261 Have Legal Dependents Other 62 260 260
than Spouse? than Spouse?
Student's Number of Family 64 262 263 Student's Number of Family 91 396 397
Members Members
Student's Number in College 65 264 264 Student's Number in College 92 398 398
1999-2000 2000-2001
Parents' Tax Return Filed? 66 265 265 Parents' Tax Return Filed? 76 328 328
Parents' Type of 1998 Tax 67 266 266 Parents' Type of 1999 Tax 77 329 329
Form Used? Form Used?
Parents' Eligible to file 1040A 68 267 267 Parents' Eligible to file 1040A 78 330 330
or 1040EZ? or 1040EZ?

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-6
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Parents' Adjusted Gross Income 69 268 273 Parents' Adjusted Gross 79 331 336
from IRS form Income from IRS form
Parents' U.S. Income Tax Paid 70 274 279 Parents' U.S. Income Tax 80 337 342
Parents' Exemptions Claimed 71 280 281 Parents' Exemptions Claimed 81 343 344
Parents' Earned Income Credit 72 282 286 Parents' Earned Income 82 345 349
Father's Income Earned from 73 287 292 Father's Income Earned from 83 350 355
Work Work
Mother's Income Earned from 74 293 298 Mother's Income Earned from 84 356 361
Work Work
Parents' Total Amount from 75 299 303 Parents' Total Amount from 85 362 366
Worksheet A Worksheet A
Parents' Total Amount from 76 304 308 Parents' Total Amount from 86 367 371
Worksheet B Worksheet B
Parents' Cash, Savings, and 77 309 314 Parents' Cash, Savings, and 87 372 377
Checking Checking
Parents' Investment Net Worth 78 315 320 Parents' Investment Net 88 378 383
Parents' Business Net Worth 79 321 326 Parents' Business Net Worth 89 384 389
Parents' Investment Farm Net 80 327 332 Parents' Investment Farm Net 90 390 395
Worth Worth
Parents' Marital Status 81 333 333 Parents' Marital Status 65 263 263
Parents' Number of Family 82 334 335 Parents' Number of Family 70 314 315
Members Members
Parents' Number in College 83 336 336 Parents' Number in College 71 316 316
1999-2000 2000-2001
Parents' State of Legal 84 337 338 Parents' State of Legal 72 317 318
Residence Residence
Parents' Legal Residents before 85 339 339 Parents' Legal Residents 73 319 319
01-01-1994? before 01-01-1995?
Parents' Legal Residence Date 86 340 345 Parents' Legal Residence Date 74 320 325
Age of Older Parent 87 346 347 Age of Older Parent 75 326 327
Federal School Code #1 88 348 353 Federal School Code #1 93 399 404
Federal School Code #1 89 354 354 Federal School Code #1 94 405 405
Housing Code Housing Plans
Federal School Code #2 90 355 360 Federal School Code #2 95 406 411
Federal School Code #2 Housing 91 361 361 Federal School Code #2 96 412 412
Code Housing Plans
Federal School Code #3 92 362 367 Federal School Code #3 97 413 418
Federal School Code #3 Housing 93 368 368 Federal School Code #3 98 419 419
Code Housing Plans
Federal School Code #4 94 369 374 Federal School Code #4 99 420 425
Federal School Code #4 Housing 95 375 375 Federal School Code #4 100 426 426
Code Housing Plans
Federal School Code #5 96 376 381 Federal School Code #5 101 427 432

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-7
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Federal School Code #5 Housing 97 382 382 Federal School Code #5 102 433 433
Code Housing Plans
Federal School Code #6 98 383 388 Federal School Code #6 103 434 439
Federal School Code #6 Housing 99 389 389 Federal School Code #6 104 440 440
Code Housing Plans
Date Application Completed 100 390 397 Date Application Completed 105 441 448
Signed By 101 398 398 Signed By 106 449 449
Preparer's Social Security 102 399 407 Preparer's Social Security 107 450 458
Number Number
Preparer's Employer 103 408 416 Preparer's Employer 108 459 467
Identification Number (EIN) Identification Number (EIN)
Preparer's Signature 104 417 417 Preparer's Signature 109 468 468
Dependency Override Indicator 105 418 418 Dependency Override 110 469 469
FAA Federal School Code 106 419 424 FAA Federal School Code 111 470 475
Filler 107 425 425 Filler 112 476 476
Adjusted EFC Calculation 108 426 426 FAA Adjustment 113 477 477
DRN (Data Release Number) 109 427 430 DRN (Data Release Number) 114 478 481
Transaction Receipt Date 110 431 438 Transaction Receipt Date 115 482 489
Current Serial Number 111 439 443 Current Serial Number 117 491 495
Batch Number 112 444 466 Batch Number 118 496 518
Early Analysis Flag 113 467 467 Early Analysis Flag 119 519 519
Electronic Application Entry 114 468 468 Electronic Application Entry 120 520 520
Source Code Source Code
Filler 115 469 474 Filler 121 521 526
ETI Destination Code 116 475 481 ETI Destination Code 122 527 533
Reject Override B-- 117 482 482 Reject Override B-- 123 534 534
Reject Override N-- 118 483 483 Reject Override N-- 124 535 535
Reject Override W-- 119 484 484 Reject Override W-- 125 536 536
Assumption Override 1 120 485 485 Assumption Override 1 126 537 537
Assumption Override 2 121 486 486 Assumption Override 2 127 538 538
Assumption Override 3 122 487 487 Assumption Override 3 128 539 539
Assumption Override 4 123 488 488 Assumption Override 4 129 540 540
Assumption Override 5 124 489 489 Assumption Override 5 130 541 541
Assumption Override 6 125 490 490 Assumption Override 6 131 542 542
Assumption Override 7 126 491 491 Deleted
Application Receipt Date 127 492 499 Application Receipt Date 132 543 550
Record Type 128 500 500 Processed Record Type 133 551 551
History Correction Applied 129 501 502 History Correction Applied 134 552 553
against Transaction Number against Transaction Number
System Generated Indicator 130 503 503 System Generated Indicator 135 554 554
Duplicate Request Indicator 131 504 504 Duplicate Request Indicator 136 555 555
Parents' Calculated 1998 Tax 132 505 505 Parents' Calculated 1999 Tax 137 556 556
Status Status
Student's Calculated 1998 Tax 133 506 506 Student's Calculated 1999 Tax 138 557 557
Status Status

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-8
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Graduate Flag 134 507 507 Graduate Flag 139 558 558
Automatic Zero EFC 135 508 508 Automatic Zero EFC 140 559 559
SAR C Flag 136 509 509 SAR C Flag 141 560 560
Simplified Needs Test (SNT) 137 510 510 Simplified Needs Test (SNT) 142 561 561
Dependency Status 138 511 511 Dependency Status 143 562 562
Reject Reason Codes 139 512 525 Reject Reason Codes 144 563 576
Selective Service Match Flag 140 526 526 Selective Service Match Flag 145 577 577
Selective Service Registration 141 527 527 Selective Service Registration 146 578 578
Flag Flag
INS Match Flag 142 528 528 INS Match Flag 147 579 579
INS Verification Number 143 529 543 INS Verification Number 148 580 594
SSN Match Flag 144 544 544 SSN Match Flag 149 595 595
SSA Citizenship Flag 145 545 545 SSA Citizenship Flag 150 596 596
SSN Date of Death 146 546 553 SSN Date of Death 151 597 604
NSLDS Match Flag 147 554 554 NSLDS Match Flag 152 605 605
VA Match Flag 148 555 555 VA Match Flag 153 606 606
Filler 149 556 556 Prisoner Match 154 607 607
Filler 150 557 564 Filler 155 608 615
Transaction Verification Flag 151 565 566 Deleted
Verification Tracking Flag 152 567 568 Deleted
Subsequent Application Flag 153 569 569 Subsequent Application Flag 157 617 617
Application Source Code 154 570 570 Combined with Application
Source Site Code
Application Site Source Code 155 571 571 Application Source Site Code 158 618 619
Transaction Source Code 156 572 572 Combined with Transaction
Source Site Code
Transaction Site Source Code 157 573 573 Transaction Source Site Code 159 620 621
Transaction Processed Date 158 574 581 Transaction Processed Date 160 622 629
Compute Batch Number 159 582 584 Compute Batch Number 161 630 632
Correction Flags 160 585 704 Correction Flags 162 633 752
Highlight Flags 161 705 824 Highlight Flags 163 753 872
Paid EFC 162 825 829 Paid EFC 164 873 877
Primary EFC 163 830 834 Primary EFC 165 878 882
Secondary EFC 164 835 839 Secondary EFC 166 883 887
Federal Pell Grant Paid EFC 165 840 840 Federal Pell Grant Paid EFC 167 888 888
Type Type
Primary EFC Type 166 841 841 Primary EFC Type 168 889 889
Secondary EFC Type 167 842 842 Secondary EFC Type 169 890 890
Primary Alternate Month 1 168 843 847 Primary Alternate Month 1 170 891 895
Primary Alternate Month 2 169 848 852 Primary Alternate Month 2 171 896 900
Primary Alternate Month 3 170 853 857 Primary Alternate Month 3 172 901 905
Primary Alternate Month 4 171 858 862 Primary Alternate Month 4 173 906 910
Primary Alternate Month 5 172 863 867 Primary Alternate Month 5 174 911 915

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-9
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Primary Alternate Month 6 173 868 872 Primary Alternate Month 6 175 916 920
Primary Alternate Month 7 174 873 877 Primary Alternate Month 7 176 921 925
Primary Alternate Month 8 175 878 882 Primary Alternate Month 8 177 926 930
Primary Alternate Month 10 176 883 887 Primary Alternate Month 10 178 931 935
Primary Alternate Month 11 177 888 892 Primary Alternate Month 11 179 936 940
Primary Alternate Month 12 178 893 897 Primary Alternate Month 12 180 941 945
Secondary Alternate Month 1 179 898 902 Secondary Alternate Month 1 181 946 950
Secondary Alternate Month 2 180 903 907 Secondary Alternate Month 2 182 951 955
Secondary Alternate Month 3 181 908 912 Secondary Alternate Month 3 183 956 960
Secondary Alternate Month 4 182 913 917 Secondary Alternate Month 4 184 961 965
Secondary Alternate Month 5 183 918 922 Secondary Alternate Month 5 185 966 970
Secondary Alternate Month 6 184 923 927 Secondary Alternate Month 6 186 971 975
Secondary Alternate Month 7 185 928 932 Secondary Alternate Month 7 187 976 980
Secondary Alternate Month 8 186 933 937 Secondary Alternate Month 8 188 981 985
Secondary Alternate Month 10 187 938 942 Secondary Alternate Month 189 986 990
Secondary Alternate Month 11 188 943 947 Secondary Alternate Month 190 991 995
Secondary Alternate Month 12 189 948 952 Secondary Alternate Month 191 996 1000
TI: Total Income 190 953 959 TI: Total Income 192 1001 1007
ATI: Allowances Against Total 191 960 966 ATI: Allowances Against 193 1008 1014
Income Total Income
STX: State and Other Tax 192 967 973 STX: State and Other Tax 194 1015 1021
Allowance Allowance
EA: Employment Allowance 193 974 980 EA: Employment Allowance 195 1022 1028
IPA: Income Protection 194 981 987 IPA: Income Protection 196 1029 1035
Allowance Allowance
AI: Available Income 195 988 994 AI: Available Income 197 1036 1042
CAI: Contribution From 196 995 1001 CAI: Contribution From 198 1043 1049
Available Income Available Income
DNW: Discretionary Net 197 1002 1010 DNW: Discretionary Net 199 1050 1058
Worth Worth
NW: EFC Net Worth 198 1011 1019 NW: EFC Net Worth 200 1059 1067
APA: Asset Protection 199 1020 1028 APA: Asset Protection 201 1068 1076
Allowance Allowance
PCA: Parents' Contribution 200 1029 1035 PCA: Parents' Contribution 202 1077 1083
from Assets from Assets
AAI: Adjusted Available 201 1036 1042 AAI: Adjusted Available 203 1084 1090
Income Income

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-10
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
TSC: Total Student 202 1043 1049 TSC: Total Student 204 1091 1097
Contribution Contribution
TPC: Total Parent 203 1050 1056 TPC: Total Parent 205 1098 1104
Contribution Contribution
PC: Parents Contribution 204 1057 1063 PC: Parents’ Contribution 206 1105 1111
STI: Student's Total Income 205 1064 1070 STI: Student's Total Income 207 1112 1118
SATI: Student's Allowance 206 1071 1077 SATI: Student's Allowance 208 1119 1125
against Total Income against Total Income
SIC: Dependent Students' 207 1078 1084 SIC: Dependent Student’s 209 1126 1132
Income Contribution Income Contribution
SDNW: Student's Discretionary 208 1085 1093 SDNW: Student's 210 1133 1141
Net Worth Discretionary Net Worth
SCA: Student's Contribution 209 1094 1100 SCA: Student's Contribution 211 1142 1148
from Assets from Assets
FTI: FISAP Total Income 210 1101 1107 FTI: FISAP Total Income 212 1149 1155
SEC TI: Secondary Total 211 1108 1114 SEC TI: Secondary Total 213 1156 1162
Income Income
SEC ATI: Secondary 212 1115 1121 SEC ATI: Secondary 214 1163 1169
Allowances Against Total Allowances Against Total
Income Income
SEC STX: Secondary State Tax 213 1122 1128 SEC STX: Secondary State 215 1170 1176
Allowance Tax Allowance
SEC EA: Secondary 214 1129 1135 SEC EA: Secondary 216 1177 1183
Employment Allowance Employment Allowance
SEC IPA: Secondary Income 215 1136 1142 SEC IPA: Secondary Income 217 1184 1190
Protection Allowance Protection Allowance
SEC AI: Secondary Available 216 1143 1149 SEC AI: Secondary Available 218 1191 1197
Income Income
SEC CAI: Secondary 217 1150 1156 SEC CAI: Secondary 219 1198 1204
Contribution From Available Contribution From Available
Income Income
SEC DNW: Secondary 218 1157 1165 SEC DNW: Secondary 220 1205 1213
Discretionary Net Worth Discretionary Net Worth
SEC NW: Secondary Net Worth 219 1166 1174 SEC NW: Secondary Net 221 1214 1222
SEC APA: Secondary Asset 220 1175 1183 SEC APA: Secondary Asset 222 1223 1231
Protection Allowances Protection Allowances
SEC PCA: Secondary Parents' 221 1184 1190 SEC PCA: Secondary Parents' 223 1232 1238
Contribution from Assets Contribution from Assets
SEC AAI: Secondary Adjusted 222 1191 1197 SEC AAI: Secondary Adjusted 224 1239 1245
Available Income Available Income
SEC TSC: Secondary Total 223 1198 1204 SEC TSC: Secondary Total 225 1246 1252
Student Contribution Student Contribution
SEC TPC: Secondary Total 224 1205 1211 SEC TPC: Secondary Total 226 1253 1259
Parent Contribution Parent Contribution
SEC PC: Secondary Parents' 225 1212 1218 SEC PC: Secondary Parents' 227 1260 1266
Contribution Contribution

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-11
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
SEC STI: Secondary Student's 226 1219 1225 SEC STI: Secondary Student's 228 1267 1273
Total Income Total Income
SEC SATI: Secondary Student's 227 1226 1232 SEC SATI: Secondary 229 1274 1280
Allowance Against Total Student's Allowance Against
Income Total Income
SEC SIC: Secondary Student's 228 1233 1239 SEC SIC: Secondary Student's 230 1281 1287
Dependent Income Dependent Income
Contribution Contribution
SEC SDNW: Secondary 229 1240 1248 SEC SDNW: Secondary 231 1288 1296
Student's Discretionary Net Student's Discretionary Net
Worth Worth
SEC SCA: Secondary Student's 230 1249 1255 SEC SCA: Secondary Student's 232 1297 1303
Contribution from Assets Contribution from Assets
SEC FTI: Secondary FISAP 231 1256 1262 SEC FTI: Secondary FISAP 233 1304 1310
Total Income Total Income
Assumed Citizenship 232 1263 1263 Assumed Citizenship 234 1311 1311
Assumed Student's Marital 233 1264 1264 Assumed Student's Marital 235 1312 1312
Status Status
Assumed Date of Birth Prior 234 1265 1265 Assumed Date of Birth Prior 236 1313 1313
Assumed Student Is Married 235 1266 1266 Assumed Student Is Married 237 1314 1314
Assumed VA Status 236 1267 1267 Assumed VA Status 238 1315 1315
Assumed Student's Legal 237 1268 1268 Assumed Student's Legal 239 1316 1316
Dependents Dependents
Assumed Student's # in Family 238 1269 1270 Assumed Student's # in Family 240 1317 1318
Assumed Student's # in College 239 1271 1271 Assumed Student's # in 241 1319 1319
Assumed Student's AGI 240 1272 1277 Assumed Student's AGI 242 1320 1325
Assumed Student's Income from 241 1278 1283 Assumed Student's Income 243 1326 1331
Work from Work
Assumed Spouse's Income from 242 1284 1289 Assumed Spouse's Income 244 1332 1337
Work from Work
Assumed Student's Earned 243 1290 1294 Assumed Student's Earned 245 1338 1342
Income Credit Income Credit
Assumed Student's Total from 244 1295 1299 Assumed Student's Total from 246 1343 1347
Worksheet B Worksheet B
Assumed Student's U.S. Tax 245 1300 1304 Assumed Student's U.S. Tax 247 1348 1352
Paid Paid
Assumed Parents' Marital Status 246 1305 1305 Assumed Parents' Marital 248 1353 1353
Assumed Parents' # in Family 247 1306 1307 Assumed Parents' # in Family 249 1354 1355
Assumed Parents' # in College 248 1308 1308 Assumed Parents' # in College 250 1356 1356
Assumed Parents' AGI 249 1309 1314 Assumed Parents' AGI 251 1357 1362
Assumed Father's Income 250 1315 1320 Assumed Father's Income 252 1363 1368
Earned from Work Earned from Work

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-12
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
Assumed Mother's Income 251 1321 1326 Assumed Mother's Income 253 1369 1374
Earned from Work Earned from Work
Assumed Parents' Earned 252 1327 1331 Assumed Parents' Earned 254 1375 1379
Income Credit Income Credit
Assumed Parents' Total from 253 1332 1336 Assumed Parents' Total from 255 1380 1384
Worksheet B Worksheet B
Assumed Parents' U.S. Tax Paid 254 1337 1342 Assumed Parents' U.S. Tax 256 1385 1390
Comment Codes 255 1343 1402 Comment Codes 259 1409 1468
SAR Acknowledgement 256 1403 1422 SAR Acknowledgement 260 1469 1488
Comment Codes Comment Codes
Pell Grant Eligibility Flag 257 1423 1423 Pell Grant Eligibility Flag 261 1489 1489
Reprocessed Reason Code 258 1424 1425 Reprocessed Reason Code 262 1490 1491
ISIR Transaction Type 259 1426 1426 ISIR Transaction Type 263 1492 1492
Electronic Federal School Code 260 1427 1427 Electronic Federal School 264 1493 1493
Indicator Code Indicator
Multi School Code Flags 261 1428 1433 Multi School Code Flags 265 1494 1499
Duplicate Date 262 1434 1441 Duplicate Date 266 1500 1507
Filler 263 1442 1461 Filler 267 1508 1526
NSLDS Transaction Number 264 1462 1463 NSLDS Transaction Number 268 1527 1528
NSLDS Database Results Flag 265 1464 1464 NSLDS Database Results Flag 269 1529 1529
NSLDS Flag 266 1465 1465 NSLDS Flag 270 1530 1530
NSLDS Pell Overpayment Flag 267 1466 1466 NSLDS Pell Overpayment 271 1531 1531
NSLDS Pell Overpayment 268 1467 1474 NSLDS Pell Overpayment 272 1532 1539
Contact Contact
NSLDS SEOG Overpayment 269 1475 1475 NSLDS SEOG Overpayment 273 1540 1540
Flag Flag
NSLDS SEOG Overpayment 270 1476 1483 NSLDS SEOG Overpayment 274 1541 1548
Contact Contact
NSLDS Perkins Overpayment 271 1484 1484 NSLDS Perkins Overpayment 275 1549 1549
Flag Flag
NSLDS Perkins Overpayment 272 1485 1492 NSLDS Perkins Overpayment 276 1550 1557
Contact Contact
NSLDS Defaulted Loan Flag 273 1493 1493 NSLDS Defaulted Loan Flag 277 1558 1558
NSLDS Discharged Loan Flag 274 1494 1494 NSLDS Discharged Loan Flag 278 1559 1559
NSLDS Loan Satisfactory 275 1495 1495 NSLDS Loan Satisfactory 279 1560 1560
Repayment Flag Repayment Flag
Active Bankruptcy Flag 276 1496 1496 Active Bankruptcy Flag 280 1561 1561
NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized 277 1497 1502 NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized 282 1563 1568
Outstanding Principle Balance Outstanding Principle Balance
NSLDS Aggregate Combined 278 1503 1508 NSLDS Aggregate Combined 284 1575 1580
Outstanding Principle Balance Outstanding Principle Balance

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-13
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Aggregate Consolidated 279 1509 1514 NSLDS Aggregate 285 1581 1586
Outstanding Principle Balance Consolidated Outstanding
Principle Balance
NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized 280 1515 1520 NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized 286 1587 1592
Pending Disbursement Pending Disbursement
NSLDS Aggregate Combined 281 1521 1526 NSLDS Aggregate Combined 288 1599 1604
Pending Disbursement Pending Disbursement
NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized 282 1527 1532 NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized 289 1605 1610
Total Total
NSLDS Aggregate Combined 283 1533 1538 NSLDS Aggregate Combined 291 1617 1622
Total Total
NSLDS Aggregate Consolidated 284 1539 1544 NSLDS Aggregate 292 1623 1628
Total Consolidated Total
NSLDS Perkins Cumulative 285 1545 1550 NSLDS Perkins Cumulative 293 1629 1634
Disbursement Amount Disbursement Amount
Outstanding Balance
NSLDS Perkins Current Year 286 1551 1556 NSLDS Perkins Current Year 294 1635 1640
Disbursement Amount Disbursement Amount
NSLDS Perkins Expanded 287 1557 1557 Filler 295 1641 1641
Lending Option Flag
NSLDS Perkins First 288 1558 1558 Filler 295 1642 1642
Disbursement Prior to 10/1/92?
NSLDS Defaulted Loan Change 289 1559 1559 NSLDS Defaulted Loan 296 1643 1643
Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Discharged Loan 290 1560 1560 NSLDS Discharged Loan 297 1644 1644
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Satisfactory Repayment 291 1561 1561 NSLDS Satisfactory 298 1645 1645
Change Flag Repayment Change Flag
NSLDS Active Bankruptcy 292 1562 1562 NSLDS Active Bankruptcy 299 1646 1646
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Overpayments Change 293 1563 1563 NSLDS Overpayments 300 1647 1647
Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Aggregate Loan Change 294 1564 1564 NSLDS Aggregate Loan 301 1648 1648
Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Perkins Loan Change 295 1565 1565 NSLDS Perkins Loan Change 302 1649 1649
Flag Flag
NSLDS Pell Payment Change 296 1566 1566 NSLDS Pell Payment Change 303 1650 1650
Flag Flag
NSLDS Additional Pell Flag 297 1567 1567 NSLDS Additional Pell Flag 304 1651 1651
NSLDS Additional Loans Flag 298 1568 1568 NSLDS Additional Loans Flag 305 1652 1652
NSLDS Pell Sequence Number 299 1569 1570 NSLDS Pell Sequence Number 306 1653 1654
(1) (1)
NSLDS Pell Verification Flag 300 1571 1573 NSLDS Pell Verification Flag 307 1655 1657
(1) (1)
NSLDS Pell EFC (1) 301 1574 1577 NSLDS Pell EFC (1) 308 1658 1661

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-14
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Pell School Code (1) 302 1578 1585 NSLDS Pell School Code (1) 309 1662 1669
NSLDS Pell Transaction 303 1586 1587 NSLDS Pell Transaction 310 1670 1671
Number (1) Number (1)
NSLDS Pell Last Update Date 304 1588 1595 NSLDS Pell Last Update Date 311 1672 1679
(1) (1)
NSLDS Pell Scheduled Amount 305 1596 1599 NSLDS Pell Scheduled 312 1680 1683
(1) Amount (1)
NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to 306 1600 1603 NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to 313 1684 1687
Date (1) Date (1)
NSLDS Pell Remaining Amount 307 1604 1607 NSLDS Pell Remaining 314 1688 1691
to Pay (1) Amount to Pay (1)
NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled 308 1608 1612 NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled 315 1692 1696
Award Used (1) Award Used (1)
NSLDS Pell Sequence Number 309 1613 1614 NSLDS Pell Sequence Number 317 1701 1702
(2) (2)
NSLDS Pell Verification Flag 310 1615 1617 NSLDS Pell Verification Flag 318 1703 1705
(2) (2)
NSLDS Pell EFC (2) 311 1618 1621 NSLDS Pell EFC (2) 319 1706 1709
NSLDS Pell School Code (2) 312 1622 1629 NSLDS Pell School Code (2) 320 1710 1717
NSLDS Pell Transaction 313 1630 1631 NSLDS Pell Transaction 321 1718 1719
Number (2) Number (2)
NSLDS Pell Last Update Date 314 1632 1639 NSLDS Pell Last Update Date 322 1720 1727
(2) (2)
NSLDS Pell Scheduled Amount 315 1640 1643 NSLDS Pell Scheduled 323 1728 1731
(2) Amount (2)
NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to 316 1644 1647 NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to 324 1732 1735
Date (2) Date (2)
NSLDS Pell Remaining Amount 317 1648 1651 NSLDS Pell Remaining 325 1736 1739
to Pay (2) Amount to Pay (2)
NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled 318 1652 1656 NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled 326 1740 1744
Award Used (2) Award Used (2)
NSLDS Pell Sequence Number 319 1657 1658 NSLDS Pell Sequence Number 328 1749 1750
(3) (3)
NSLDS Pell Verification Flag 320 1659 1661 NSLDS Pell Verification Flag 329 1751 1753
(3) (3)
NSLDS Pell EFC (3) 321 1662 1665 NSLDS Pell EFC (3) 330 1754 1757
NSLDS Pell School Code (3) 322 1666 1673 NSLDS Pell School Code (3) 331 1758 1765
NSLDS Pell Transaction 323 1674 1675 NSLDS Pell Transaction 332 1766 1767
Number (3) Number (3)
NSLDS Pell Last Update Date 324 1676 1683 NSLDS Pell Last Update Date 333 1768 1775
(3) (3)
NSLDS Pell Scheduled Amount 325 1684 1687 NSLDS Pell Scheduled 334 1776 1779
(3) Amount (3)
NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to 326 1688 1691 NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to 335 1780 1783
Date (3) Date (3)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-15
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Pell Remaining Amount 327 1692 1695 NSLDS Pell Remaining 336 1784 1787
to Pay (3) Amount to Pay (3)
NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled 328 1696 1700 NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled 337 1788 1792
Award Used (3) Award Used (3)
NSLDS Loan (1) Sequence 329 1701 1702 NSLDS Loan (1) Sequence 339 1797 1798
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (1) Type Code 330 1703 1703 NSLDS Loan (1) Type Code 340 1799 1799
NSLDS Loan (1) Change Flag 331 1704 1704 NSLDS Loan (1) Change Flag 341 1800 1800
NSLDS Loan (1) Program Code 332 1705 1706 NSLDS Loan (1) Program 342 1801 1802
NSLDS Loan (1) Net Amount 333 1707 1712 NSLDS Loan (1) Net Amount 343 1803 1808
NSLDS Loan (1) Current Status 334 1713 1714 NSLDS Loan (1) Current 344 1809 1810
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (1) Current Status 335 1715 1722 NSLDS Loan (1) Current 345 1811 1818
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (1) Outstanding 336 1723 1728 NSLDS Loan (1) Outstanding 346 1819 1824
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (1) Outstanding 337 1729 1736 NSLDS Loan (1) Outstanding 347 1825 1832
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (1) Begin Date 338 1737 1744 NSLDS Loan (1) Begin Date 348 1833 1840
NSLDS Loan (1) End Date 339 1745 1752 NSLDS Loan (1) End Date 349 1841 1848
NSLDS Loan (1) GA Code 340 1753 1755 NSLDS Loan (1) GA Code 350 1849 1851
NSLDS Loan (1) Contact Type 341 1756 1758 NSLDS Loan (1) Contact 351 1852 1854
NSLDS Loan (1) School Code 342 1759 1766 NSLDS Loan (1) School Code 352 1855 1862
NSLDS Loan (1) Contact Code 343 1767 1774 NSLDS Loan (1) Contact 353 1863 1870
NSLDS Loan (1) Grade Level 344 1775 1777 NSLDS Loan (1) Grade Level 354 1871 1873
NSLDS Loan (2) Sequence 345 1778 1779 NSLDS Loan (2) Sequence 355 1874 1875
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (2) Type Code 346 1780 1780 NSLDS Loan (2) Type Code 356 1876 1876
NSLDS Loan (2) Change Flag 347 1781 1781 NSLDS Loan (2) Change Flag 357 1877 1877
NSLDS Loan (2) Program Code 348 1782 1783 NSLDS Loan (2) Program 358 1878 1879
NSLDS Loan (2) Net Amount 349 1784 1789 NSLDS Loan (2) Net Amount 359 1880 1885
NSLDS Loan (2) Current Status 350 1790 1791 NSLDS Loan (2) Current 360 1886 1887
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (2) Current Status 351 1792 1799 NSLDS Loan (2) Current 361 1888 1895
Date Status Date

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-16
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (2) Outstanding 352 1800 1805 NSLDS Loan (2) Outstanding 362 1896 1901
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (2) Outstanding 353 1806 1813 NSLDS Loan (2) Outstanding 363 1902 1909
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (2) Begin Date 354 1814 1821 NSLDS Loan (2) Begin Date 364 1910 1917
NSLDS Loan (2) End Date 355 1822 1829 NSLDS Loan (2) End Date 365 1918 1925
NSLDS Loan (2) GA Code 356 1830 1832 NSLDS Loan (2) GA Code 366 1926 1928
NSLDS Loan (2) Contact Type 357 1833 1835 NSLDS Loan (2) Contact 367 1929 1931
NSLDS Loan (2) School Code 358 1836 1843 NSLDS Loan (2) School Code 368 1932 1939
NSLDS Loan (2) Contact Code 359 1844 1851 NSLDS Loan (2) Contact 369 1940 1947
NSLDS Loan (2) Grade Level 360 1852 1854 NSLDS Loan (2) Grade Level 370 1948 1950
NSLDS Loan (3) Sequence 361 1855 1856 NSLDS Loan (3) Sequence 371 1951 1952
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (3) Type Code 362 1857 1857 NSLDS Loan (3) Type Code 372 1953 1953
NSLDS Loan (3) Change Flag 363 1858 1858 NSLDS Loan (3) Change Flag 373 1954 1954
NSLDS Loan (3) Program Code 364 1859 1860 NSLDS Loan (3) Program 374 1955 1956
NSLDS Loan (3) Net Amount 365 1861 1866 NSLDS Loan (3) Net Amount 375 1957 1962
NSLDS Loan (3) Current Status 366 1867 1868 NSLDS Loan (3) Current 376 1963 1964
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (3) Current Status 367 1869 1876 NSLDS Loan (3) Current 377 1965 1972
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (3) Outstanding 368 1877 1882 NSLDS Loan (3) Outstanding 378 1973 1978
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (3) Outstanding 369 1883 1890 NSLDS Loan (3) Outstanding 379 1979 1986
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (3) Begin Date 370 1891 1898 NSLDS Loan (3) Begin Date 380 1987 1994
NSLDS Loan (3) End Date 371 1899 1906 NSLDS Loan (3) End Date 381 1995 2002
NSLDS Loan (3) GA Code 372 1907 1909 NSLDS Loan (3) GA Code 382 2003 2005
NSLDS Loan (3) Contact Type 373 1910 1912 NSLDS Loan (3) Contact 383 2006 2008
NSLDS Loan (3) School Code 374 1913 1920 NSLDS Loan (3) School Code 384 2009 2016
NSLDS Loan (3) Contact Code 375 1921 1928 NSLDS Loan (3) Contact 385 2017 2024
NSLDS Loan (3) Grade Level 376 1929 1931 NSLDS Loan (3) Grade Level 386 2025 2027
NSLDS Loan (4) Sequence 377 1932 1933 NSLDS Loan (4) Sequence 387 2028 2029
Number Number

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-17
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (4) Type Code 378 1934 1934 NSLDS Loan (4) Type Code 388 2030 2030
NSLDS Loan (4) Change Flag 379 1935 1935 NSLDS Loan (4) Change Flag 389 2031 2031
NSLDS Loan (4) Program Code 380 1936 1937 NSLDS Loan (4) Program 390 2032 2033
NSLDS Loan (4) Net Amount 381 1938 1943 NSLDS Loan (4) Net Amount 391 2034 2039
NSLDS Loan (4) Current Status 382 1944 1945 NSLDS Loan (4) Current 392 2040 2041
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (4) Current Status 383 1946 1953 NSLDS Loan (4) Current 393 2042 2049
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (4) Outstanding 384 1954 1959 NSLDS Loan (4) Outstanding 394 2050 2055
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (4) Outstanding 385 1960 1967 NSLDS Loan (4) Outstanding 395 2056 2063
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (4) Begin Date 386 1968 1975 NSLDS Loan (4) Begin Date 396 2064 2071
NSLDS Loan (4) End Date 387 1976 1983 NSLDS Loan (4) End Date 397 2072 2079
NSLDS Loan (4) GA Code 388 1984 1986 NSLDS Loan (4) GA Code 398 2080 2082
NSLDS Loan (4) Contact Type 389 1987 1989 NSLDS Loan (4) Contact 399 2083 2085
NSLDS Loan (4) School Code 390 1990 1997 NSLDS Loan (4) School Code 400 2086 2093
NSLDS Loan (4) Contact Code 391 1998 2005 NSLDS Loan (4) Contact 401 2094 2101
NSLDS Loan (4) Grade Level 392 2006 2008 NSLDS Loan (4) Grade Level 402 2102 2104
NSLDS Loan (5) Sequence 393 2009 2010 NSLDS Loan (5) Sequence 403 2105 2106
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (5) Type Code 394 2011 2011 NSLDS Loan (5) Type Code 404 2107 2107
NSLDS Loan (5) Change Flag 395 2012 2012 NSLDS Loan (5) Change Flag 405 2108 2108
NSLDS Loan (5) Program Code 396 2013 2014 NSLDS Loan (5) Program 406 2109 2110
NSLDS Loan (5) Net Amount 397 2015 2020 NSLDS Loan (5) Net Amount 407 2111 2116
NSLDS Loan (5) Current Status 398 2021 2022 NSLDS Loan (5) Current 408 2117 2118
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (5) Current Status 399 2023 2030 NSLDS Loan (5) Current 409 2119 2126
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (5) Outstanding 400 2031 2036 NSLDS Loan (5) Outstanding 410 2127 2132
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (5) Outstanding 401 2037 2044 NSLDS Loan (5) Outstanding 411 2133 2140
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (5) Begin Date 402 2045 2052 NSLDS Loan (5) Begin Date 412 2141 2148

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-18
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (5) End Date 403 2053 2060 NSLDS Loan (5) End Date 413 2149 2156
NSLDS Loan (5) GA Code 404 2061 2063 NSLDS Loan (5) GA Code 414 2157 2159
NSLDS Loan (5) Contact Type 405 2064 2066 NSLDS Loan (5) Contact 415 2160 2162
NSLDS Loan (5) School Code 406 2067 2074 NSLDS Loan (5) School Code 416 2163 2170
NSLDS Loan (5) Contact Code 407 2075 2082 NSLDS Loan (5) Contact 417 2171 2178
NSLDS Loan (5) Grade Level 408 2083 2085 NSLDS Loan (5) Grade Level 418 2179 2181
NSLDS Loan (6) Sequence 409 2086 2087 NSLDS Loan (6) Sequence 419 2182 2183
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (6) Type Code 410 2088 2088 NSLDS Loan (6) Type Code 420 2184 2184
NSLDS Loan (6) Change Flag 411 2089 2089 NSLDS Loan (6) Change Flag 421 2185 2185
NSLDS Loan (6) Program Code 412 2090 2091 NSLDS Loan (6) Program 422 2186 2187
NSLDS Loan (6) Net Amount 413 2092 2097 NSLDS Loan (6) Net Amount 423 2188 2193
NSLDS Loan (6) Current Status 414 2098 2099 NSLDS Loan (6) Current 424 2194 2195
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (6) Current Status 415 2100 2107 NSLDS Loan (6) Current 425 2196 2203
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (6) Outstanding 416 2108 2113 NSLDS Loan (6) Outstanding 426 2204 2209
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (6) Outstanding 417 2114 2121 NSLDS Loan (6) Outstanding 427 2210 2217
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (6) Begin Date 418 2122 2129 NSLDS Loan (6) Begin Date 428 2218 2225
NSLDS Loan (6) End Date 419 2130 2137 NSLDS Loan (6) End Date 429 2226 2233
NSLDS Loan (6) GA Code 420 2138 2140 NSLDS Loan (6) GA Code 430 2234 2236
NSLDS Loan (6) Contact Type 421 2141 2143 NSLDS Loan (6) Contact 431 2237 2239
NSLDS Loan (6) School Code 422 2144 2151 NSLDS Loan (6) School Code 432 2240 2247
NSLDS Loan (6) Contact Code 423 2152 2159 NSLDS Loan (6) Contact 433 2248 2255
NSLDS Loan (6) Grade Level 424 2160 2162 NSLDS Loan (6) Grade Level 434 2256 2258
NSLDS Loan (7) Sequence 425 2163 2164 NSLDS Loan (7) Sequence 435 2259 2260
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (7) Type Code 426 2165 2165 NSLDS Loan (7) Type Code 436 2261 2261
NSLDS Loan (7) Change Flag 427 2166 2166 NSLDS Loan (7) Change Flag 437 2262 2262
NSLDS Loan (7) Program Code 428 2167 2168 NSLDS Loan (7) Program 438 2263 2264
NSLDS Loan (7) Net Amount 429 2169 2174 NSLDS Loan (7) Net Amount 439 2265 2270

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-19
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (7) Current Status 430 2175 2176 NSLDS Loan (7) Current 440 2271 2272
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (7) Current Status 431 2177 2184 NSLDS Loan (7) Current 441 2273 2280
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (7) Outstanding 432 2185 2190 NSLDS Loan (7) Outstanding 442 2281 2286
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (7) Outstanding 433 2191 2198 NSLDS Loan (7) Outstanding 443 2287 2294
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (7) Begin Date 434 2199 2206 NSLDS Loan (7) Begin Date 444 2295 2302
NSLDS Loan (7) End Date 435 2207 2214 NSLDS Loan (7) End Date 445 2303 2310
NSLDS Loan (7) GA Code 436 2215 2217 NSLDS Loan (7) GA Code 446 2311 2313
NSLDS Loan (7) Contact Type 437 2218 2220 NSLDS Loan (7) Contact 447 2314 2316
NSLDS Loan (7) School Code 438 2221 2228 NSLDS Loan (7) School Code 448 2317 2324
NSLDS Loan (7) Contact Code 439 2229 2236 NSLDS Loan (7) Contact 449 2325 2332
NSLDS Loan (7) Grade Level 440 2237 2239 NSLDS Loan (7) Grade Level 450 2333 2335
NSLDS Loan (8) Sequence 441 2240 2241 NSLDS Loan (8) Sequence 451 2336 2337
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (8) Type Code 442 2242 2242 NSLDS Loan (8) Type Code 452 2338 2338
NSLDS Loan (8) Change Flag 443 2243 2243 NSLDS Loan (8) Change Flag 453 2339 2339
NSLDS Loan (8) Program Code 444 2244 2245 NSLDS Loan (8) Program 454 2340 2341
NSLDS Loan (8) Net Amount 445 2246 2251 NSLDS Loan (8) Net Amount 455 2342 2347
NSLDS Loan (8) Current Status 446 2252 2253 NSLDS Loan (8) Current 456 2348 2349
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (8) Current Status 447 2254 2261 NSLDS Loan (8) Current 457 2350 2357
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (8) Outstanding 448 2262 2267 NSLDS Loan (8) Outstanding 458 2358 2363
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (8) Outstanding 449 2268 2275 NSLDS Loan (8) Outstanding 459 2364 2371
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (8) Begin Date 450 2276 2283 NSLDS Loan (8) Begin Date 460 2372 2379
NSLDS Loan (8) End Date 451 2284 2291 NSLDS Loan (8) End Date 461 2380 2387
NSLDS Loan (8) GA Code 452 2292 2294 NSLDS Loan (8) GA Code 462 2388 2390
NSLDS Loan (8) Contact Type 453 2295 2297 NSLDS Loan (8) Contact 463 2391 2393
NSLDS Loan (8) School Code 454 2298 2305 NSLDS Loan (8) School Code 464 2394 2401
NSLDS Loan (8) Contact Code 455 2306 2313 NSLDS Loan (8) Contact 465 2402 2409

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-20
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (8) Grade Level 456 2314 2316 NSLDS Loan (8) Grade Level 466 2410 2412
NSLDS Loan (9) Sequence 457 2317 2318 NSLDS Loan (9) Sequence 467 2413 2414
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (9) Type Code 458 2319 2319 NSLDS Loan (9) Type Code 468 2415 2415
NSLDS Loan (9) Change Flag 459 2320 2320 NSLDS Loan (9) Change Flag 469 2416 2416
NSLDS Loan (9) Program Code 460 2321 2322 NSLDS Loan (9) Program 470 2417 2418
NSLDS Loan (9) Net Amount 461 2323 2328 NSLDS Loan (9) Net Amount 471 2419 2424
NSLDS Loan (9) Current Status 462 2329 2330 NSLDS Loan (9) Current 472 2425 2426
Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (9) Current Status 463 2331 2338 NSLDS Loan (9) Current 473 2427 2434
Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (9) Outstanding 464 2339 2344 NSLDS Loan (9) Outstanding 474 2435 2440
Principle Balance Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (9) Outstanding 465 2345 2352 NSLDS Loan (9) Outstanding 475 2441 2448
Principle Balance Date Principle Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (9) Begin Date 466 2353 2360 NSLDS Loan (9) Begin Date 476 2449 2456
NSLDS Loan (9) End Date 467 2361 2368 NSLDS Loan (9) End Date 477 2457 2464
NSLDS Loan (9) GA Code 468 2369 2371 NSLDS Loan (9) GA Code 478 2465 2467
NSLDS Loan (9) Contact Type 469 2372 2374 NSLDS Loan (9) Contact 479 2468 2470
NSLDS Loan (9) School Code 470 2375 2382 NSLDS Loan (9) School Code 480 2471 2478
NSLDS Loan (9) Contact Code 471 2383 2390 NSLDS Loan (9) Contact 481 2479 2486
NSLDS Loan (9) Grade Level 472 2391 2393 NSLDS Loan (9) Grade Level 482 2487 2489
NSLDS Loan (10) Sequence 473 2394 2395 NSLDS Loan (10) Sequence 483 2490 2491
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (10) Type Code 474 2396 2396 NSLDS Loan (10) Type Code 484 2492 2492
NSLDS Loan (10) Change Flag 475 2397 2397 NSLDS Loan (10) Change 485 2493 2493
NSLDS Loan (10) Program 476 2398 2399 NSLDS Loan (10) Program 486 2494 2495
Code Code
NSLDS Loan (10) Net Amount 477 2400 2405 NSLDS Loan (10) Net 487 2496 2501
NSLDS Loan (10) Current 478 2406 2407 NSLDS Loan (10) Current 488 2502 2503
Status Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (10) Current 479 2408 2415 NSLDS Loan (10) Current 489 2504 2511
Status Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (10) Outstanding 480 2416 2421 NSLDS Loan (10) 490 2512 2517
Principle Balance Outstanding Principle Balance

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-21
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (10) Outstanding 481 2422 2429 NSLDS Loan (10) 491 2518 2525
Principle Balance Date Outstanding Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (10) Begin Date 482 2430 2437 NSLDS Loan (10) Begin Date 492 2526 2533
NSLDS Loan (10) End Date 483 2438 2445 NSLDS Loan (10) End Date 493 2534 2541
NSLDS Loan (10) GA Code 484 2446 2448 NSLDS Loan (10) GA Code 494 2542 2544
NSLDS Loan (10) Contact 485 2449 2451 NSLDS Loan (10) Contact 495 2545 2547
Type Type
NSLDS Loan (10) School Code 486 2452 2459 NSLDS Loan (10) School 496 2548 2555
NSLDS Loan (10) Contact Code 487 2460 2467 NSLDS Loan (10) Contact 497 2556 2563
NSLDS Loan (10) Grade Level 488 2468 2470 NSLDS Loan (10) Grade 498 2564 2566
NSLDS Loan (11) Sequence 489 2471 2472 NSLDS Loan (11) Sequence 499 2567 2568
Number Number
NSLDS Loan (11) Type Code 490 2473 2473 NSLDS Loan (11) Type Code 500 2569 2569
NSLDS Loan (11) Change Flag 491 2474 2474 NSLDS Loan (11) Change 501 2570 2570
NSLDS Loan (11) Program 492 2475 2476 NSLDS Loan (11) Program 502 2571 2572
Code Code
NSLDS Loan (11) Net Amount 493 2477 2482 NSLDS Loan (11) Net 503 2573 2578
NSLDS Loan (11) Current 494 2483 2484 NSLDS Loan (11) Current 504 2579 2580
Status Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (11) Current 495 2485 2492 NSLDS Loan (11) Current 505 2581 2588
Status Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (11) Outstanding 496 2493 2498 NSLDS Loan (11) 506 2589 2594
Principle Balance Outstanding Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (11) Outstanding 497 2499 2506 NSLDS Loan (11) 507 2595 2602
Principle Balance Date Outstanding Principle Balance
NSLDS Loan (11) Begin Date 498 2507 2514 NSLDS Loan (11) Begin Date 508 2603 2610
NSLDS Loan (11) End Date 499 2515 2522 NSLDS Loan (11) End Date 509 2611 2618
NSLDS Loan (11) GA Code 500 2523 2525 NSLDS Loan (11) GA Code 510 2619 2621
NSLDS Loan (11) Contact 501 2526 2528 NSLDS Loan (11) Contact 511 2622 2624
Type Type
NSLDS Loan (11) School Code 502 2529 2536 NSLDS Loan (11) School 512 2625 2632
NSLDS Loan (11) Contact Code 503 2537 2544 NSLDS Loan (11) Contact 513 2633 2640
NSLDS Loan (11) Grade Level 504 2545 2547 NSLDS Loan (11) Grade 514 2641 2643
NSLDS Loan (12) Sequence 505 2548 2549 NSLDS Loan (12) Sequence 515 2644 2645
Number Number

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-22
1999-2000 / 2000-2001 ISIR Cross Reference (Continued)
1999- 1999- 1999- 2000- 2000- 2000-
2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001
NSLDS Loan (12) Type Code 506 2550 2550 NSLDS Loan (12) Type 516 2646 2646
NSLDS Loan (12) Change Flag 507 2551 2551 NSLDS Loan (12) Change 517 2647 2647
NSLDS Loan (12) Program 508 2552 2553 NSLDS Loan (12) Program 518 2648 2649
Code Code
NSLDS Loan (12) Net 509 2554 2559 NSLDS Loan (12) Net 519 2650 2655
Amount Amount
NSLDS Loan (12) Current 510 2560 2561 NSLDS Loan (12) Current 520 2656 2657
Status Code Status Code
NSLDS Loan (12) Current 511 2562 2569 NSLDS Loan (12) Current 521 2658 2665
Status Date Status Date
NSLDS Loan (12) Outstanding 512 2570 2575 NSLDS Loan (12) 522 2666 2671
Principle Balance Outstanding Principle
NSLDS Loan (12) Outstanding 513 2576 2583 NSLDS Loan (12) 523 2672 2679
Principle Balance Date Outstanding Principle
Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (12) Begin Date 514 2584 2591 NSLDS Loan (12) Begin 524 2680 2687
NSLDS Loan (12) End Date 515 2592 2599 NSLDS Loan (12) End Date 525 2688 2695
NSLDS Loan (12) GA Code 516 2600 2602 NSLDS Loan (12) GA Code 526 2696 2698
NSLDS Loan (12) Contact 517 2603 2605 NSLDS Loan (12) Contact 527 2699 2701
Type Type
NSLDS Loan (12) School 518 2606 2613 NSLDS Loan (12) School 528 2702 2709
Code Code
NSLDS Loan (12) Contact 519 2614 2621 NSLDS Loan (12) Contact 529 2710 2717
Code Code
NSLDS Loan (12) Grade Level 520 2622 2624 NSLDS Loan (12) Grade 530 2718 2720
Filler 521 2625 2640 Filler 531 2721 2735

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-23
Table of Reject Codes and How To Respond to Each
Code Reject Reason Action Comment Code
*B Independent student and date of birth equals Verify or correct the Date of Birth. N/A
09/01/84 or greater, and date of birth is not
equal to or greater than current year.
*N Missing first or last name. Verify or correct the student's last name or first name. 080
P Invalid SSN range. Verify or correct the student's current SSN. 023
*W Questionable number of family members, If the student is dependent, verify or correct Parents' 122 if FE, FOTW or
greater than 15. Number of Family Members. ROTW application

If the student is independent, verify or correct Student's

Number of Family Members.
1 Simplified needs test is not met and all asset If the student is dependent, provide the following: Parents' N/A
data are blank. Cash, Savings, and Checking; Parents' Investment Net
Worth; Parents' Business Net Worth and Parents'
Investment Farm Net worth.

If the student is independent, provide the following:

Student's Cash, Savings and Checking; Student's Investment
Net Worth; Student's Business Net Worth and Student's
Investment Farm Net Worth.
2 Incomplete Application or Renewal If the student is dependent, provide parents' taxed and N/A
Application. untaxed income.

If the student is independent, provide student and spouse (if

married) taxed and untaxed income.
4 Date of Birth year is equal to or greater Correct the Date of Birth. N/A
than the current year.
5 Missing or invalid Date of Birth. Correct the Date of Birth. N/A
8 SSN match with Date of Death. Contact the Social Security Administration. The Social 145
Security Number (SSN) on this transaction belongs to a
deceased person according to the Social Security
10 Missing martial status and household size. If the student is dependent, review and correct Parents' N/A
Marital Status and Parents' Number of Family Members.

If the student is independent, review and correct Student's

Marital Status and Student's Number of Family Members.
11 Marital Status inconsistent with reported If the student is dependent, review and correct Parents' 089, 099
incomes. Marital Status plus Father's Income From Work and Mother's
Income From Work.

If the student is independent, review and correct Student's

Marital Status plus Student's Income Earned From Work and
Spouse's Income Earned From Work.
13 Missing Name. Provide the following: 082
Student's Last Name
Student's First Name
Or verify a blank first or last name field if the student
actually has only one name.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-24
Table of Reject Codes and How To Respond to Each (Continued)
Code Reject Reason Action Comment Code
15 Unsigned application or SAR. Signature correction must be made on a printed Student 108, 109
Aid Report certification page and resubmitted to the
FAFSA Processor or may be corrected electronically.
(Missing Parent Signature)
16 Unsigned FAFSA EXPRESS, FAFSA on Signature correction must be made on a printed Student 110, 111
the Web, Renewal on the Web Aid Report certification page and resubmitted to the
Application, or Corrections on the Web FAFSA Processor or may be corrected electronically.
Certification Document. (Missing Student Signature)
17 Unknown citizenship status or student is Review or correct Citizenship Status. 068
not an U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen.
18 SSN not on Social Security Correct the Social Security Number. Or contact the Social 024, 062
Administration's database. Security Administration for further assistance.
19 An EFC cannot be calculated because the Comments 008 or 018, student needs to call 202-708- 008, 009, 018, 056,
Department of Education has placed a 4766. 127
‘hold’ on the student.
Comment 009, student needs to call 202-260-9988 and ask
for Debarment and Suspension Specialist.

Comment 056, student needs to call 202-260-9988 and ask

for Specialist for Drug Enforcement and Compliance
20 Too many comments. Correct the highlighted fields. 076

These Alpha reject codes are the same as the Reject Override Codes.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-25
Batch Level Error Messages
Error Code Error Message Error Resolution and/or Description
02 Invalid Batch Number Invalid characters in the batch number.
03 Invalid Batch Number EDE batch ID does not match message class.
04 Missing Batch Number EDE batch number blank or partially blank.
05 Batch Computed – Skipping This Batch Batch number used more than once at the CPS, change
the batch number and resubmit.
06 Header ID Not = “CPS HEADER” Batch header ID not equal to ‘CPS HEADER’. Review
the batch header record layout, make appropriate
changes and resubmit the batch.
07 Invalid Batch Type Invalid batch header/trailer type.
08 Invalid Record Type Batch header/trailer type not equal to record type.
09 Invalid Batch Creation Date Invalid batch creation date.
10 Trailer N-count Not Equal to Actual Count Batch trailer n-count not equal to actual count.
12 Trlr ID Not = “CPS TRAILER” Batch trailer ID not equal to ‘CPS TRAILER’.
14 Date Signed Before 1/1/00 Date signed month is 11 or 12, year is 00 or 01, and
process date is before 3/15/2000.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-26
Record Level Error Messages
Error Code Error Message Error Resolution and/or Description
01 EDE Inst Number Invalid Federal school code indicated is not participating in
EDE. Check the code for validity.
02 Inst Code in Batch Not Serviced by Destination Federal school code is not valid for destination point.
03 Corr Yr not 1 Process year not equal to 1.
04 At Least One Field Must Be Corrected No field changes made to this correction record.
05 Not Found on Database SSN and Name ID are invalid or do not match record
on database.
06 DRN Number = #### Requesting institution is not listed on database record
and is not included in the correction record with the
applicant’s DRN.
07 Invalid Transaction Number Blank or invalid transaction number.
08 Trans 99 Requires DRN and Inst. Code Transaction number equals 99 and institution code and
DRN are not included on correction record.
09 Too Many Transactions Transaction number is greater than 40. Call the
regional office of the Department of Education for
10 (No message) Attempting to correct a field to blank and the field can
not be corrected to blank.
11 (Various messages; invalid data displayed on error Out of range or invalid value in data field. Review the
file) valid field content in the EDE Technical Reference,
and compare it to the data you submitted to the CPS.
12 (No message) Incorrect field number or missing field number. Verify
that field number used was valid on your record.
13 (No message) Attempting to correct a non-correctable field.
14 Not on Database FDR record not found on CPS database.
15 Not on Database FDR record not found on CPS database after 30 days.
16 Institution Already on Record The only correction being made is to your institution
code, which is already listed on this record. If
nothing else needs to be corrected you do not need to
send this record again. If you have other corrections
to this record, make them and send the record again
without your school code.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-27
This page intentionally left blank

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-28
Assumption Overrides
Override Assumption Being Made Results Of Setting Override Situation
1 Parents’ number in college Allow number in college to be greater The Parents’ Number of Family Members does
assumed to be 1 than 6. not equal the number in college. The Parents’
Number of college students in the household
equals 7 or more.
2 Parents' AGI assumed equal to Allow parents' AGI to be zero if blank Parents' AGI is blank or zero. Tax return status is
the sum of the father's and or zero is entered. filed, will file, or blank. Father's income from
mother's income earned from work or mother's income from work is positive or
work negative.
3 Student's number in college Allow number of family members to be The independent Student's Number of Family
assumed to be 1 equal to the number in college when Members equals 3 or more. The Number of
they are equal and greater than 2. College Students in Household is the same value.
4 Student's AGI assumed to be Allow Student's AGI to be zero if The Student's AGI is blank or zero. Tax return
equal to the sum of the blank is entered. status is filed, will file, or blank. Student's income
student's and spouse's earned from work or spouse's income from work is
income portions positive or negative.
5 Parents' income from Allow Parents' income from Worksheet Parents’ tax status equals filed. Income from
Worksheet B assumed to be B to be greater than zero and greater Worksheet B is greater than a fixed percentage of
zero. than a fixed percentage of the parents' Parents' AGI plus Earned Income Credit, and
total income. Parents’ Total from Worksheet A.

Parents' tax status equals non-tax filer. Income

from Worksheet B is greater than a fixed
percentage of Father's Income From Work,
Mother's Income From Work, and Parents’ Total
from Worksheet A.
6 Student's income from Allow Student's income from Students tax status equals filed. Income from
Worksheet B assumed to be Worksheet B to be greater than zero, Worksheet B is greater or equal to Student's AGI,
zero. and equal or greater than student's total Earned Income Credit, and Student’s Total from
income. Worksheet A.

Student's tax status equals non-filer. Income from

Worksheet B is greater than or equal to Student's
Income Earned From Work, Spouse's Income
From Work, and Student’s Total from Worksheet

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-29
SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights
SAR Field #
Correction/ ISIR
Highlight Flag Field FAFSA #
Field # SAR Field Name Positions FAFSA Field Name
001 Last Name 25-40 Last Name 1
002 First Name 41-49 First Name 2
003 Middle Initial 50 M. I. 3
004 Permanent Street Address 51-78 Your Permanent Mailing Address: Number and Street 4
(Include Apartment Number)
005 City 79-94 Your Permanent Mailing Address: City 5
006 State 95-96 Your Permanent Mailing Address: State 6
007 Zip Code 97-101 Your Permanent Mailing Address: Zip Code 7
008 SSN 16-24 Your Social Security Number 8
009 Date of Birth 102-109 Your Date of Birth 9
010 Telephone Number 110-119 Your Permanent Phone Number 10
011 Have a Driver’s License? 120 Do you have a driver’s license? 11
012 Student’s Driver’s License Number 121-140 Driver’s License Number 12
013 Student’s Driver’s License State Code 141-142 Driver’s License State 13
014 Student’s Citizenship Status 143 Are you a U.S. citizen? 14
015 Student’s Alien Registration Number 144-152 Alien Registration Number 15
016 Student’s Marital Status 153 Marital status as of today 16
017 Student’s Marital Status Date 154-159 Month and year you were married, separated, 17
divorced, or widowed
018 Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 160 Summer 2000 18
019 Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 161 Fall semester or quarter 2000 19
020 Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000-2001 162 Winter quarter 2000-2001 20
021 Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 163 Spring semester or quarter 2001 21
022 Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001 164 Summer 2001 22
023 Father’s Highest Grade Level Completed 165 Highest school your father completed 23
024 Mother’s Highest Grade Level Completed 166 Highest school your mother completed 24
025 Student’s State of Legal Residence 167-168 What is your state of legal residence? 25
026 Student Legal Resident Before 01-01-1995? 169 Did you become a legal resident of this state before 26
January 1, 1995?
027 Student’s Legal Residence Date 170-175 If the answer to question 26 is “No” give month and 27
year you became a legal resident.
028 Drug Offense Conviction 176 If you have never been convicted of any illegal drug 28
offense, enter “1” in the box and go to question 29. A
drug related conviction does not necessarily make you
ineligible for aid.
029 Are You Male? 177 Most male students must register with Selective 29
Service to get federal aid. Are you male?
030 Do You want Selective Service to Register 178 If you are male (ages 18-25) and not registered, do 30
you? you want Selective Service to register you?
031 Degree / Certificate 179 What degree will you be working towards during 2000- 31
032 Grade Level in College in 2000-2001 180 What will be your grade level when you begin the 32
2000-2001 school year?
033 HS Diploma or GED Received? 181 Will you have a high school diploma or GED before 33
you enroll?
034 First Bachelor’s Degree By 07-01-2000? 182 Will you have your first bachelor’s degree before July 34
1, 2000?

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-30
SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights (Continued)
SAR Field #
Correction/ ISIR
Highlight Flag Field FAFSA #
Field # SAR Field Name Positions FAFSA Field Name
035 Interested in Student Loans? 183 In addition to grants, are you interested in student 35
loans (which you must pay back?)
036 Interested in Student Employment? 184 In addition to grants, are you interested in work study 36
(which you must earn through work)?
037 Student’s Tax Return Filed? 185 For 1999 have you filed your IRS income tax return 37
or a tax return listed in question 38.
038 Student’s Type of 1999 Tax Form Used? 186 What income tax return did you file or will you file 38
for 1999?
039 Student Eligible to file 1040A or 1040EZ? 187 If you have filed or will file a 1040, were you eligible 39
to file a 1040A or 1040EZ?
040 Student’s Adjusted Gross Income from IRS 188-193 What was your (and spouse’s) adjusted gross income 40
form for 1999?
041 Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 194-198 Enter the total amount of your (and spouse’s) income 41
tax for 1999.
042 Student’s Exemptions Claimed 199-200 Enter your (and spouse’s) exemptions. 42

043 Student’s Earned Income Credit 201-205 Enter your Earned Income credit from IRS Form 43
044 Student’s Income Earned from Work 206-211 How much did you earn from working in 1999? 44
045 Spouse’s Income Earned from Work 212-217 How much did your spouse earn from working in 45
046 Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet A 218-222 Worksheet A total 46
047 Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet B 223-227 Worksheet B total 47
048 Student’s Cash, Savings, and Checking 228-233 Total current balance of cash, savings, and checking 48
049 Student’s Investment Net Worth 234-239 Current net worth of investments (investment value 49
minus investment debt)
050 Student’s Business Net Worth 240-245 Current net worth of business (business value minus 50
business debt)
051 Student’s Investment Farm Net Worth 246-251 Current net worth of investment farm (Don’t include 51
a farm that you live on and operate.)
052 No. of Months Veterans Education Benefits 252-253 If you receive veterans’ education benefits, for how 52
Received many months from July 1, 2000 through June 30,
2001 will you receive these benefits?
053 Monthly Veterans Education Benefits 254-256 Amount per month? 53
054 Born Before 01-01-1977? 257 Were you born before January 1, 1977? 54

055 Working on Degree Beyond Bachelor’s in 258 Will you be working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s 55
2000-2001? degree in school year 2000-2001?
056 Is Student Married? 259 As of today, are you married? (Answer yes if you are 56
separated, but not divorced.)
057 Have Legal Dependents Other than Spouse? 260 Answer “Yes” if: (1) You have children who receive 57
more than half of their support from you; or (2) You
have dependents (other than your children or spouse)
who live with you and receive more than half of their
support from you, now and through June 30, 2001.
058 Orphan or Ward of Court? 261 Are you an orphan or ward of the court or were you a 58
ward of the court until age 18?

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-31
SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights (Continued)
SAR Field #
Correction/ ISIR
Highlight Flag Field FAFSA #
Field # SAR Field Name Positions FAFSA Field Name
059 Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? 262 Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? 59
060 Parent’s Marital Status 263 Parents’ marital status as of today? 60
061 Father’s Social Security Number 264-272 Father’s/Step-Father’s SSN 61
062 Father’s Last Name 273-288 Father’s/Step-Father’s Last Name 62
063 Mother’s Social Security Number 289-297 Mother’s/Step-Mother’s SSN 63
064 Mother’s Last Name 298-313 Mother’s/Step-Mother’s Last Name 64
065 Parents’ Number of Family Members 314-315 How many people are in your parents’ household? 65
066 Parents’ Number in College 2000-2001 316 How many in question 65 (exclude your parents) will 66
(Parents’ excluded) be college students between July 1, 2000 and June 30,
067 Parents’ State of Legal Residence 317-318 What is your parents’ state of legal residence? 67

068 Parents’ Legal Residents before 319 Did your parents become legal residents of the state in 68
01-01-1995? question 67 before January 1, 1995?
069 Parents’ Legal Residence Date 320-325 If the answer to question 68 is “No” enter month / 69
year for the parent who has been a legal resident the
070 Age of Older Parent 326-327 What is the age of your older parent? 70
071 Parents’ Tax Return Filed? 328 For 1999, have your parents filed their IRS income 71
tax return or a tax return listed in question 72.
072 Parents’ Type of 1999 Tax Form Used? 329 What income tax return did your parents’ file or will 72
they file for 1999?
073 Parents’ Eligible to file 1040A or 1040EZ? 330 If your parents have filed or will file a 1040, were 73
they eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ?
074 Parents’ Adjusted Gross Income from IRS 331-336 What was your parents’ adjusted gross income for 74
form 1999?
075 Parents’ U.S. Income Tax Paid 337-342 Enter the total amount of your parents’ income tax 75
for 1999.
076 Parents’ Exemptions Claimed 343-344 Enter your parents’ exemptions. 76
077 Parents’ Earned Income Credit 345-349 Enter your parents’ Earned Income credit from IRS 77
078 Father’s Income Earned from Work 350-355 How much did your father / stepfather earn from 78
working in 1999?
079 Mother’s Income Earned from Work 356-361 How much did your mother / stepmother earn from 79
working in 1999?
080 Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet A 362-366 Worksheet A total 80
081 Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet B 367-371 Worksheet B total 81
082 Parents’ Cash, Savings, and Checking 372-377 Total current balance of cash, savings, and checking 82
083 Parents’ Investment Net Worth 378-383 Current net worth of investments (investment value 83
minus investment debt)
084 Parents’ Business Net Worth 384-389 Current net worth of business (business value minus 84
business debt)
085 Parents’ Investment Farm Net Worth 390-395 Current net worth of investment farm (Don’t include 85
a farm that you live on and operate.)
086 Student’s Number of Family Members 396-397 How many people are in your (and your spouse’s) 86

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-32
SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights (Continued)
SAR Field #
Correction/ ISIR
Highlight Flag Field FAFSA #
Field # SAR Field Name Positions FAFSA Field Name
087 Student’s Number in College 2000-2001 398 How many in question 86 will be college students 87
between July 1, 2000, and June 30, 2001? Do not
include your parents
088 Federal School Code #1 399-404 Federal School Code or Name of college 88
089 Federal School Code #1 Housing Plans 405 Housing plans 89
090 Federal School Code #2 406-411 Federal School Code or Name of college 90
091 Federal School Code #2 Housing Plans 412 Housing plans 91
092 Federal School Code #3 413-418 Federal School Code or Name of college 92
093 Federal School Code #3 Housing Plans 419 Housing plans 93
094 Federal School Code #4 420-425 Federal School Code or Name of college 94
095 Federal School Code #4 Housing Plans 426 Housing plans 95
096 Federal School Code #5 427-432 Federal School Code or Name of college 96
097 Federal School Code #5 Housing Plans 433 Housing plans 97
098 Federal School Code #6 434-439 Federal School Code or Name of college 98
099 Federal School Code #6 Housing Plans 440 Housing plans 99
100 Date Application Completed 441-448 Date this form was completed 100
101 Signed By 449 Student and Parent Signature 101
102 Preparer’s Social Security Number 450-458 Social Security # 102
103 Preparer’s Employer Identification Number 459-467 Employer ID# 103
104 Preparer’s Signature 468 Signature 104
106 Dependency Override Indicator 469 D/O N/A
107 FAA Adjustment 477 (NOT ON APPLICATION) N/A
108 FAA Federal School Code 470-475 Federal School Code N/A
113 Early Analysis Flag 519 (NOT ON APPLICATION) N/A
114 DRN (Data Release Number) 478-481 (NOT ON APPLICATION) N/A

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-33
NSLDS Loan Program Codes
Program Code Message
CL FFEL Consolidated
D1 Direct Stafford Subsidized
D2 Direct Stafford Unsubsidized
D4 Direct PLUS
D5 Direct Consolidated Unsubsidized
D6 Direct Consolidated Subsidized
D7 Direct PLUS Consolidated
DU National Defense Loan
EU Perkins Expanded Lending Option
FI Federal Insured Student Loan (FISL)
IC Income Contingent Loan (ICL)
NU National Direct Student Loan (NDSL)
PU Federal Perkins
RF FFEL Refinanced
SF FFEL Stafford Subsidized
SL Supplemental Loan (SLS)
SN FFEL Stafford Non-Subsidized
SU FFEL Stafford Unsubsidized

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-34
NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes
Status Code Status Message
AE Permanently Assigned to ED
BC Bankruptcy Claimed, Discharged (No prior default)
BK Bankruptcy Claimed, Active (No prior default)
CA Cancelled
DA Deferred
DB Defaulted, then Bankrupt, Active Chapter13
DC Defaulted, Compromise
DD Defaulted, then died
DE Death
DI Disability
DK Defaulted, then Bankrupt, Discharged, Chapter 13
DL Defaulted, in Litigation
DO Defaulted, then Bankrupt, Active, Other
DP Defaulted, then Paid in Full
DS Defaulted, then Disabled
DT Defaulted, Collection Terminated
DU Defaulted, Unresolved
DW Defaulted, Write Off/Compromise
DX Defaulted, Six Consecutive Payments
FB Forbearance
ID In School or Grace Period
OD Defaulted, then Bankrupt Discharged, Other
PC Paid in Full through Consolidation Loan
PF Paid in Full
RF Refinanced
RP In Repayment
UI Uninsured/Unreimbursed

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-35
State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes
State/Country/Jurisdiction Code State/Country/Jurisdiction Code
Alabama AL Minnesota MN
Alaska AK Mississippi MS
American Samoa AS Missouri MO
Arizona AZ Montana MT
Arkansas AR Nebraska NE
California CA Nevada NV
Canada CN New Hampshire NH
Colorado CO New Jersey NJ
Connecticut CT New Mexico NM
Delaware DE New York NY
District of Columbia DC North Carolina NC
Federated States of Micronesia FM North Dakota ND
Florida FL Northern Mariana Islands MP
Foreign Country (other than Canada or Mexico) FC* Ohio OH
Georgia GA Oklahoma OK
Guam GU Oregon OR
Hawaii HI Pennsylvania PA
Idaho ID Puerto Rico PR
Illinois IL Republic of Palau PW
Indiana IN Rhode Island RI
Iowa IA South Carolina SC
Kansas KS South Dakota SD
Kentucky KY Tennessee TN
Louisiana LA Texas TX
Maine ME Utah UT
Marshall Islands MH Vermont VT
Maryland MD Virgin Islands VI
Massachusetts MA Virginia VA
Mexico MX Washington WA
Michigan MI West Virginia WV
Military Location Code AA AA** Wisconsin WI
Military Location Code AE AE** Wyoming WY
Military Location Code AP AP**

* = A code of FC and a zip code of 00000 identify foreign countries (other than Canada and Mexico).
** = These codes are used for student’s mailing state only. They are not valid for state of legal residence or
driver’s license state.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-36
Correction Data Entry Specifications
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
001 16 Left Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
If nonblank, first character must be a letter.
Second character must be non-numeric.
002 9 Left Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
003 1 Left Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Y
004 28 Left Permanent Mailing Address 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
‘ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
005 16 Left Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 N
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
‘ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
006 2 Left Student’s Permanent State Uppercase A to Z Y
Valid postal code
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
007 5 Right Student’s Permanent Zip Code 00000 to 99999 N
Must be 00000 if mailing state is CN, MX or
008 9 Right Student’s Current Social Security Number 001010001 to 999999999 N
009 8 Right Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD N
19000101 to 19991231
010 10 Right Student’s Permanent Phone Number 0000000000 to 9999999999 Y
011 1 Left Do you have a Driver’s License? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-37
Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
012 20 Left Student’s Driver’s License Number 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
- (dash)
* (asterisk)
013 2 Left Student’s Driver’s License State Code Valid two letter postal code Y
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
014 1 Left Student’s Citizenship Status 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. national) N
2 = Eligible noncitizen
The value the student reported for citizenship. 3 = Neither 1 or 2
015 9 Left Student’s Alien Registration Number 000000001 to 999999999 Y
016 1 Left Student’s Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, divorced, or widowed) N
2 = Married
3 = Separated
017 6 Right Student’s Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200112
018 1 Left Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 1 = Full time Y
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
019 1 Left Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 1 = Full time Y
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
020 1 Left Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000-2001 1 = Full time Y
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
021 1 Left Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 1 = Full time Y
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
022 1 Left Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001 1 = Full time Y
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
023 1 Left Father’s Highest Grade Level Completed 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Y
2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown
024 1 Left Mother’s Highest Grade Level Completed 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Y
2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-38
Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
025 2 Left Student’s State of Legal Residence Uppercase A to Z Y
Valid postal code
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
026 1 Left Student’s Legal Resident Before 01-01-1995? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
027 6 Right Student’s Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200112

CPS will accept: CCYYMM

CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
028 1 Left Drug Offense Conviction 1 = Eligible Y
3 2 = Partially Eligible, will become eligible
during the award year
2 3 = Ineligible or Don’t Know
029 1 Left Are You Male? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
030 1 Left Do You want Selective Service to Register you? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
031 1 Right Degree / Certificate 1 = 1st Bachelor’s Degree Y
2 = 2nd Bachelor’s Degree
3 = Associate Degree (occupational or
technical program)
4 = Associate Degree (general education or
transfer program)
5 = Certificate or diploma for completing an
occupational, technical, or educational
program of less than two years
6 = Certificate or Diploma for completing an
occupational, technical, or educational
program of at least two years
7 = Teaching Credential Program (non-
degree program)
8 = Graduate or Professional Degree
9 = Other/Undecided
032 1 Right Grade Level in College in 2000-2001 1 = 1st year, never attended college Y
2 = 1st year, attended college before
3 = 2nd year/sophomore
4 = 3rd year/junior
5 = 4th year/senior
6 = 5th year/other undergraduate
7 = Graduate / Professional or beyond
033 1 Left HS Diploma or GED Received? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
034 1 Left First Bachelor’s Degree By 07-01-2000? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
035 1 Left Interested in Student Loans? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
036 1 Left Interested in Student Employment? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-39
Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
037 1 Left Student’s Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Y
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
038 1 Left Student’s Type of 1999 Tax Form Used? 1 = IRS 1040 Y
2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, Marshall
Islands, the Federate States of Micronesia, or
039 1 Left Student Eligible to file 1040A or 1040EZ? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No / Don’t know
040 6 Right Student’s Adjusted Gross Income from IRS form -999999 to 999999 Y
041 5 Right Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 00000 to 99999 Y
042 2 Right Student’s Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Y

043 5 Right Student’s Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Y

044 6 Right Student’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 YN
045 6 Right Spouse’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
046 5 Right Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet A 00000 to 99999 Y
047 5 Right Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet B 00000 to 99999 Y
048 6 Right Student’s Cash, Savings, and Checking 000000 to 999999 Y
049 6 Right Student’s Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
050 6 Right Student’s Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
051 6 Right Student’s Investment Farm Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
052 2 Right No. of Months Veterans Education Benefits 00 to 12 Y
053 3 Right Monthly Veterans Education Benefits 000 to 999 Y
054 1 Left Born Before 01-01-1977? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
055 1 Left Working on Degree Beyond Bachelor’s in 2000- 1 = Yes N
2001? 2 = No
056 1 Left Is Student Married? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
057 1 Left Have Legal Dependents Other than Spouse? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
058 1 Left Orphan or Ward of Court? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
059 1 Left Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
060 1 Left Parents’ Marital Status 1 = Married Y
2 = Single
3 = Divorced / Separated
4 = Widowed
061 9 Right Father’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Y

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-40
Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
062 16 Left Father’s Last Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
063 9 Right Mother’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Y
064 16 Left Mother’s Last Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
065 2 Right Parents’ Number of Family Members 01 to 99 Y
066 1 Right Parents’ Number in College 2000-2001 1 to 9 Y
067 2 Left Parents’ State of Legal Residence Valid postal code Y
See State/Country/Jurisdiction Table
068 1 Left Parents’ Legal Residents before 1 = Yes Y
01-01-1995? 2 = No
069 6 Right Parents’ Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200112

CPS will accept: CCYYMM

CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
070 2 Left Age of Older Parent 00 to 99 Y
071 1 Left Parents’ Tax Return Filed? 1 = Already Filed Y
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
072 1 Left Parents’ Type of 1999 Tax Form Used? 1 = IRS 1040 Y
2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040 Telefile
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, Marshall
Islands, the Federate States of Micronesia, or
073 1 Left Parents’ Eligible to file 1040A or 1040EZ? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No / Don’t know
074 6 Right Parents’ Adjusted Gross Income from IRS form -999999 to 999999 Y
075 6 Right Parents’ U.S. Income Tax Paid 000000 to 999999 Y

076 2 Right Parents’ Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Y

077 5 Right Parents’ Earned Income Credit 00000 to 99999 Y
078 6 Right Father’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
079 6 Right Mother’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
080 5 Right Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet A 00000 to 99999 Y

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-41
Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
081 5 Right Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet B 00000 to 99999 Y
082 6 Right Parents’ Cash, Savings, and Checking 000000 to 999999 Y
083 6 Right Parents’ Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
084 6 Right Parents’ Business Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
085 6 Right Parents’ Investment Farm Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
086 2 Right Student’s Number of Family Members 01 to 99 Y
087 1 Right Student’s Number in College 2000-2001 1 to 9 Y
088 6 Left Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 N
Valid characters for the first position are 0,
B, E, or G.
089 1 Left Federal School Code #1 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
090 6 Left Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first position are 0,
B, E, or G.
091 1 Left Federal School Code #2 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
092 6 Left Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first position are 0,
B, E, or G.
093 1 Left Federal School Code #3 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
094 6 Left Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first position are 0,
B, E, or G.
095 1 Left Federal School Code #4 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
096 6 Left Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first position are 0,
B, E, or G.
097 1 Left Federal School Code #5 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
098 6 Left Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first position are 0,
B, E, or G.
099 1 Left Federal School Code #6 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
100 8 Left Date Application Completed Format is CCYYMMDD N
20000101 to 20011231
101 1 Right Signed By A = Applicant N
B = Applicant and Parent
Indicates if only the applicant or both applicant P= Parent Only
and parent signed the transaction.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-42
Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
102 9 Right Preparer’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Y

Preparer’s SSN provided on the transaction.

103 9 Left Preparer’s Employer Identification Number 000000000 to 999999999 Y
104 1 Right Preparer’s Signature 1 = Yes Y

Indicates that a preparer signed the transaction.

105 8 Left Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD N
20000101 to 20011231
Date the transaction was received by the MDE
or School for data entry or the date the student
entered record on the Web.
106 1 Left Dependency Override Indicator 1 = Dependent to Independent N
2 = Cancel override
Indicates that a Dependency Override was
requested on this transaction.
107 1 Left FAA Adjustment 1 = Calculation Requested N

Indicates whether a calculation was requested

by a FAA.
113 1 Left Early Analysis Flag 1 = Early Analysis Applicant Y

Used to indicate a student who is requesting

Early Admission to your institution.
114 4 Left DRN (Data Release Number) 0001 to 9999 N

Will only be included when the transaction was

initiated at the destination point.

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-43
ISIR Comment Codes and Text
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
001 As you requested, this is a copy of the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) we processed on.
No information has been changed.
002 You indicated on your FAFSA Express or FAFSA on the Web application that you were applying for "early
analysis" and would not enroll in college before July 1, 2001. If this is not correct, contact your FAA.
003 This Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) shows corrections to data that was previously entered
incorrectly by an MDE agency.
004 This Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been produced due to a change in your financial aid
history information on the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) that may affect your eligibility for
federal student aid. Contact your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) for additional information.
006 Read this letter carefully and review each item on this Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). You
may submit corrections to the information by following the instructions given to you by your Financial Aid
Administrator (FAA).
007 This Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been produced because your
verification issue has been resolved.
008 19 We cannot process your application until you have given us additional information. Contact the U.S.
Department of Education by calling 202-708-4766, or by writing to: U.S. Department of Education, Student
Financial Assistance Programs, Washington Service Center, 7th and D Streets, SW,ROB-3, Room 5118,
Washington, DC 20202-5320. Include with your letter a copy of your ISIR and your current address and
telephone number (including the area code).
009 19 We cannot process your application because our records indicate that you are currently being denied aid due to a
debarment and suspension action. If you wish to contest this finding, please contact the Debarment and
Suspension Specialist, U.S. Department of Education, 202-260-9988, within 30 days after you receive this
010 Y To resolve your FSEOG overpayment, your FAA must access NSLDS for additional FSEOG overpayment
011 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to
repay your FSEOG overpayment. Your FAA may contact the school associated with the overpayment for
additional information.
012 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to
repay your FSEOG overpayment. For additional information, contact the
U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the
U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Room 19T89
Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
013 You tried to change your Social Security Number. The Social Security Administration already verified that this
Social Security Number belongs to you. If you need assistance, see your FAA.
014 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to
repay your FSEOG overpayment. For additional information, contact the
U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the
U.S. Department of Education, Chicago Service Center, P.O. Box 8422
Chicago, Illinois 60680-8422.
015 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to
repay your FSEOG overpayment. For additional information, contact the
U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the
U.S. Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center, 50 United Nations Plaza, Room 250
San Francisco, California 94102.
016 You reported a total income for your parents that appears to be unusually low. Review the items marked with
an "h" or an "*" in Step Four of your ISIR and make corrections if necessary.
017 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to
repay your FSEOG overpayments. Your FAA may access NSLDS for additional FSEOG overpayment

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-44
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
018 19 We cannot process your application until you resolve a prior year verification over-
payment. Contact the U.S. Department of Education by calling 202-708-4766, or by
writing to: U.S. Department of Education, Student Financial Assistance Programs,
Washington Service Center, 7th and D Streets, SW, ROB-3, Room 5118, Washington, DC
20202-5320. Include with your letter a copy of this ISIR and your current address and
telephone number (including the area code).
019 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your FSEOG overpayment. Your FAA may access NSLDS
for additional FSEOG overpayment information.
020 Y To resolve your Pell overpayment, your FAA must access NSLDS for additional Pell
overpayment information.
021 You reported a total income that appears to be unusually low. Review the items marked
with an "h" or an "*" in Step Two of your ISIR and make corrections if necessary.
022 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Pell overpayment. Your FAA may contact the
school associated with the overpayment for additional information.
023 P It appears that the social security number you reported on your application is not
valid. See your FAA for assistance.
024 18 The Social Security Administration (SSA) did not confirm that the social security
number you reported on your aid application is valid. If you believe that the number
you reported is correct, you must contact an SSA office to resolve this problem. If you
determine that the social security number you reported on your aid application is not
correct, you should correct your social security number or contact your FAA.
025 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Pell overpayment. For additional information,
contact the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Room 19T89,
Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
026 Selective Service will not process your registration until 30 days before your 18th
Birthday. If you have not yet registered, you may answer "Yes" to "Are you male?" and
"Register for Selective Service?" in Step One of this ISIR, complete a Selective
Service registration form, available at your local post office, or register on-line at If you have already requested that you be registered, Selective Service will
process your request 30 days prior to your 18th birthday.
027 This report was produced in response to your Financial Aid Administrator's (FAA's)
use of professional judgement to ADJUST your Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
028 We have forwarded your name to Selective Service for registration, as you requested.
They will process your registration request 30 days prior to your 18th birthday.
029 Selective Service confirmed your registration or your exemption status.
030 Y The Selective Service reported that you have not registered with them. If you are female or were born before
1960, please contact your FAA. Otherwise, a male who is required to register with Selective Service must be
registered to receive aid. If you have not yet registered, are male, and are 18 through 25 years of age, you must
answer "Yes" to "Are you male?" and "Register for Selective Service?" in Step One of this ISIR, complete a
Selective Service registration form, available at your local post office, or register on-line at If
you believe you have already registered or are exempt, please contact the Selective Service at 847-688-6888 to
resolve any problems regarding your registration status.
031 We have forwarded your name to Selective Service for registration, as you requested.
032 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to
repay your Pell overpayment. For additional information, contact the
U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the
U.S. Department of Education, Chicago Service Center, P.O. Box 8422
Chicago, Illinois 60680- 8422.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-45
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
033 Y We could not send your name to Selective Service as you requested because you did not
give us enough information, or because you are past the age limit range for registration. If
you are at least 18 but not yet 26, you may register by answering "Yes" to "Are you
male?" and "Register for Selective Service?" in Step One of this ISIR. You may also
register by completing a Selective Service registration form, available at your local
post office or by registering on-line at If you are a male who has reached
age 26, you cannot use this ISIR to register. You must contact Selective Service at
847-688-6888 to resolve your registration status before you can receive federal student
aid. You are exempt from registering if born before 1960.
034 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
Satisfactory arrangements to repay your Pell overpayment. For additional information,
contact the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center, 50 United Nations Plaza, Room
250, San Francisco, California 94102.
035 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
Satisfactory arrangements to repay your Pell overpayments. Your FAA may access NSLDS
for additional Pell overpayment information.
036 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
Satisfactory arrangements to repay your Pell overpayment. Your FAA may access NSLDS
for additional Pell overpayment information.
037 Certain post-baccalaureate students enrolled in teaching credential programs may be
eligible for a Federal Pell Grant. Contact your FAA for more information.
038 Y To resolve your Pell overpayment, your FAA must contact the school associated with
the Pell overpayment.
039 Y To resolve your Pell overpayments, your FAA must access NSLDS for additional Pell
Overpayment information.
040 This Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) is in response to the student aid
Application you submitted. You had already submitted an application that is on file.
This ISIR contains the same information as the ISIR or SAR you received from your
previous application. We made changes only to your address or schools. If you need
to make changes to your information, you should make them to this ISIR by following the
instructions given to you by your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA).
041 Y To resolve your Pell overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61
Forsyth Street, Room 19T89, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
042 Y To resolve your Pell overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, Chicago Service Center, P.O.
Box 8422, Chicago, Illinois 60680-8422.
043 Y To resolve your Pell overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center,
50 United Nations Plaza, Room 250, San Francisco, California 94102.
044 We could not process your FAA's request for an ADJUSTMENT to your Expected Family
Contribution (EFC). Either you did not provide corrections to your financial informa-
tion, or your FAA did not provide the information necessary to process an adjustment.
As a result, we made changes only to your name and address if requested. No changes to
financial information were made. Contact your FAA for further assistance.
045 This ISIR contains corrections sent to us from your previous ISIR or SAR. Your Financial Aid Administrator
provided a signature and/or a Federal School Code number in the School Use Only box, but did not check the
box to request a professional judgment adjustment. Therefore we cannot determine whether the changes we
received were made by the student or were FAA adjustments.
046 We could not process your FAA's request to perform or cancel a DEPENDENCY OVERRIDE. Your FAA did
not provide the necessary information. Contact your FAA for further assistance.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-46
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Code Reject
Code Code Comment Text
047 We need you to give us more information so that we can determine your eligibility for federal student aid.
REVIEW ALL OF THE INFORMATION on this Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) and respond
to each of the items that we marked with an "h" or an "*". After making all necessary corrections, you and your
parent must return all documentation to your school. Your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) will receive a new
048 You have reported a social security number for your parent that is the same as yours. Please review the social
security numbers you have reported for yourself and your parent(s) on this ISIR and make any necessary
049 You did not report a social security number for your father or mother. Please review these items on your ISIR
and provide the necessary information.
050 You need to give us more information so that we can determine your eligibility for federal student aid. REVIEW
ALL OF THE INFORMATION on this Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) and respond to each of
the items that we marked with an "h" or an "*". After making all necessary corrections, you must return all
documentation to your school. Your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) will receive a new ISIR.
051 You did not provide the complete social security number and name for your father or mother. Please review
these items on your ISIR and provide the necessary information.
052 Your answer to “Drug Conviction Eligibility” has changed since you filed your
initial application.
053 N ************************************************************************************* *
* You left “Drug Conviction Elig?” blank. IF YOU HAVE A DRUG CONVICTION, you MUST *
* answer this question. Your failure to accurately answer this question could result in legal *
* action against you by the U.S. Government. Call 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) or visit *
* on the web to determine your answer to this item, to make corrections *
* to this item, or if you need additional help. A drug conviction does not necessarily disqualify you *
* from receiving student aid. *
054 Y You reported a “2” in response to “Drug Conviction Eligibility”. This indicates that you are currently ineligible
for federal student aid but may become eligible during this award year. This means that your ineligibility period
ends on or after July 1, 2000 but before June 30, 2001. You should contact your FAA when your ineligibility
period expires, so that he or she can determine if you may receive federal funds during the 2000-2001 award year.
055 Y Your denial of benefits under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 has been resolved and processing of your student
aid application may continue. However, you must submit documentation to your FAA from the Department of
Education's Drug Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring Office that shows what aid you may be eligible to
056 19 We cannot process your application because our records indicate that you are currently being denied aid from one
or more Title IV student aid programs by court order under terms of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. If you
wish to contest this finding, contact the Specialist for Drug Enforcement and Compliance Monitoring, U.S.
Department of Education, 202-260-9988, within 30 days after the date you submit this ISIR to your school.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-47
Comment C Code Reject
Code Code Comment Text
057 We forwarded your name to Selective Service for registration, as you requested. However, Selective Service did
not complete registration for you because you did not answer “Yes” to “Are You Male”. If you are male and
have not yet registered, you may register by answering “Yes” to “Are You Male” and “Register for Selective
Service?” under Step One of this ISIR. You may also register by completing a Selective Service registration form,
available at your local post office, or registering on-line at
058 Y You reported a “3” in response to “Drug Conviction Eligibility”. This indicates that you are ineligible for
federal student aid as a result of a drug related conviction. You may still be eligible to receive state, school, or
other non-federal student aid. Please review the enclosed worksheet to ensure that you have correctly answered
this question. If you determine that you have incorrectly answered this question, you should contact your
school’s FAA. You can also call 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) if you need help or if you have
additional questions.your period of ineligibility for federal student aid, resulting from a drug-related conviction,
ends on or after July 1, 2000 and on or before June 30, 2001. You should notify your FAA of the date when your
loss of eligibility ends so he or she can determine if you can receive federal student aid during 2000-2001.

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-47a
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
059 We could not determine from the Social Security Administration if the social security
number you reported belongs to you because you did not give us your last name or date of
birth. Correct "Name" and/or "Date of Birth" under Step One of this ISIR.
060 Y The date of birth you reported on your application is inconsistent with the Social
Security Administration's records. You must review "Name" and "Date of Birth" under Step
One. If both of these items are correct, you must contact an SSA office to resolve this
problem. If you find that any of these items are incorrect, you should correct this ISIR
where appropriate.
061 Y According to Social Security Administration (SSA) records, the name you reported on
your application does not correspond with the social security number on this ISIR. You
must review "Name" and "Social Security Number" under Step One. If both of these items
are correct, you must contact an SSA office to resolve this problem. If you find that
any of these items are incorrect, you should correct this ISIR where appropriate.
062 18 In addition, the Social Security Administration could not confirm your claim of U.S.
citizenship because of questions about your social security number, name, or date of
063 Y As we indicated on your previous ISIR, the date of birth you reported on your
application is inconsistent with the Social Security Administration's records.
064 Y As we indicated on your previous ISIR, the name you reported on your application does
not correspond with the social security number you provided. You should review “Name”
and "Social Security Number" under Step One. If both of these items are correct, you
must contact a Social Security Administration office to resolve this problem. If your
name is incorrect, you should correct this ISIR where appropriate. If you determine
that your social security number is incorrect, you should contact your FAA to determine
if you should correct your social security number on your ISIR or file a new application.
065 Y To resolve your FSEOG overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61
Forsyth Street, Room 19T89, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
066 Y To resolve your FSEOG overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or writ e to the U.S. Department of Education, Chicago Service Center, P.O.
Box 8422, Chicago, Illinois 60680-8422.
067 Y To resolve your FSEOG overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center,
50 United Nations Plaza, Room 250, San Francisco, California 94102.
068 17 You did not indicate on your application that you are a U.S. citizen or an eligible
noncitizen. To be eligible to receive federal student aid, a student must be --

(1) A U.S. citizen (or U.S. National), or

(2) An eligible noncitizen, such as a U.S. permanent resident or a resident of
certain Pacific Islands, or
(3) An eligible noncitizen as determined by the Department of Education.

069 You reported that you will be an undergraduate student in the 2000-2001 school year.
This conflicts with the information you reported for "Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000 7-1-2001.
in Step One or "Working on Degree Beyond Bachelor’s" in Step Three.
070 Your answers to "Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000 in Step One or "Working on Degree
Beyond Bachelor’s" in Step Three show that you will either have a bachelor’s degree by
July 1, 2000 or you will be working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree in 2-
2001. Graduate students are eligible for most types of federal aid, but generally not
the Federal Pell Grant. See your FAA to determine what types of aid you may be able to

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-48
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
071 You did not indicate whether you will have a bachelor's degree by July 1, 2000 or if
you will be working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree in 2000-2001. After
correcting these items in Steps One and Three, see your FAA to determine what types of
aid you may be able to receive.
072 Your answers to "Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000 in Step One and "Working on Degree
Beyond Bachelor’s" in Step Three do not appear to agree. Please review your answers
and make any corrections if necessary. Then see your FAA to determine what types of
aid you may be able to receive.
073 You did not tell us your state of legal residence. To calculate your eligibility for federal student aid, we assumed
that your state of legal residence is the same as your mailing state (for independent students) or your parents'
state (for dependent students whose mailing state is blank). If this assumption is wrong, correct "State of Legal
Residence" in Step One.
074 The date you reported in "Marital Status Date" as the date you were married,
Separated, divorced or widowed does not appear to be correct. Review this information
and provide the correct month and year that your marital status changed.
075 You changed your marital status to "married." You are required to report marital
status as of the date that you signed your original student aid application, and you
should not update this item if you get married after you sign and submit your 2000-2001
student aid application. Review your response and make sure it is correct.
076 20 We could not determine your eligibility for federal student aid based on the informa-
tion you reported on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Take this
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) to the Financial Aid Administrator (FAA)
at your school to get help correcting your information.
077 Y To resolve your FSEOG overpayment, your FAA must contact the school associated with
the FSEOG overpayment.
078 Due to special circumstances, permission has been granted by the U.S. Department of
Education to process your application after the July 2, 2001 deadline.
079 Y To resolve your FSEOG overpayments, your FAA must access NSLDS for additional FSEOG
overpayment information.
080 N A student aid application was recently submitted to us by someone from this address.
It appears that an incomplete name was provided on the application. The applicant
must provide his or her full name on the ISIR. If the applicant does not have both a
first and a last name, contact your FAA for assistance.
081 Y Social Security Administration records indicate that you are incarcerated in a local
prison facility. Your incarceration may affect your eligibility for federal student
aid. Please see your FAA for additional information.
082 13 A student aid application was recently submitted to us by someone from this address.
No name was provided on the application. The applicant must provide his or her full name
on the ISIR.
083 Y Social Security Administration records indicate that you are incarcerated in a State
or federal prison facility. Your incarceration may affect your eligibility for federal
student aid. Please contact your FAA for additional information.
084 Y We could not complete eligibility matching with the Social Security Administration
because you did not give us your last name or date of birth. Correct these items on
your ISIR.
085 We could not complete eligibility matching with the Social Security Administration because you did not give us
your last name or date of birth. Correct these items on your ISIR. You didn’t tell us whether your parents filed
an income tax form for 1999, so we assumed your parent(s) did or will file a 1999 income tax return. If this
assumption is not correct, correct your Parents’ “Tax Form Filed Status” in Step Four. Also, correct any other
items in this section if needed.
086 Y To resolve your Perkins overpayment, your FAA must access NSLDS for additional
Perkins overpayment information.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-49
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
087 You didn't tell us whether your parents filed an income tax form for 1999, so we
assumed your parent(s) did not and will not file a 1999 income tax return. If this
assumption is not correct, correct your Parents' "Tax Form Filed Status" in Step Four.
Also, correct any other items in this section if needed.
088 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Perkins overpayment. Your FAA may contact the
school associated with the overpayment for additional information.
089 11 You reported incomes for both parents. However, you reported or we assumed that they
are . Please review your "Parents' Marital Status" and “Mother's and
“Father’s Income from Work” in Step Four. You should report the marital status and income
for only the parent(s) who support(s) you.
090 Y To resolve your Perkins overpayment, your FAA must contact the school associated
with the Perkins overpayment.
091 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Perkins overpayment. For more information,
contact the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Room 19T89,
Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
092 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made satisfactory
arrangements to repay your Perkins overpayment. For more information, contact the
U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the
U.S. Department of Education, Chicago Service Center, P.O. Box 8422
Chicago, Illinois 60680-8422.
093 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Perkins overpayment. For more information,
contact the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center, 50 United Nations Plaza, Room
250, San Francisco, California 94102.
094 It appears you reported the same income value more than once. Review the income items
marked with an "h" or an "*" on your ISIR. If these items are correct, do not change
095 You didn't tell us whether you filed an income tax form for 1999, so we assumed you did
or will file a 1999 income tax return. If this assumption is not correct, correct
Student's "Tax Form Filed Status" in Step Two of your ISIR. Also correct any other items
in this section if needed.
096 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Perkins overpayments. Your FAA may access NSLDS
for additional Perkins overpayment information.
097 You didn't tell us whether you filed an income tax form for 1999, so we assumed you did not and will not file a
1999 income tax return. If this assumption is not correct, correct Student's "Tax Form Filed Status" in Step
Two of your ISIR . Also correct any other items in this section if needed.
098 The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) confirmed that you have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay your Perkins overpayment. Your FAA may access NSLDS
for additional Perkins overpayment information.
099 11 You reported income for a spouse. However, you reported or we assumed that your marital status is
You should report income for a spouse only if you are married. If you are married, correct Student's
"Marital Status" in Step One of your ISIR. If you are unmarried or were married, but the separation, divorce, or
death of your spouse occurred before you applied for student aid, correct "Spouse's Income" in Step Two
and review "Student's Income" to make sure it is correct.
100 Y To resolve your Perkins overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to
the U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Room 19T89
Atlanta, Georgia 30303.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-50
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
101 Y To resolve your Perkins overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61
Forsyth Street, Room 19T89, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
102 Y To resolve your Perkins overpayment, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-
621-3115, or write to the U.S. Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center,
50 United Nations Plaza, Room 250, San Francisco, California 94102.
103 We were unable to find one or more of the schools you listed on your application on our
eligible school file. We therefore could not determine if each school participates in
federal student aid programs. To receive federal student aid, you must attend a school
that participates in these programs. Check with each school you listed on your applica-
tion that does not appear on your ISIR to find out if it participates in these programs.
Contact your FAA for assistance to make corrections to your ISIR.
104 ATTENTION: We were unable to find any schools you listed on your application on our
eligible school file, or you did not list any schools on your application or did not
verify any schools on your renewal application. To receive federal student aid, you must
attend a school that participates in the federal student aid programs. Check with each
school you are considering in 2000-2001 to find out if it participates in these programs.
Contact your FAA for assistance to make the necessary corrections to your ISIR.
105 You have corrected the information from your financial aid application at least four
times. Contact the FAA at your school to receive further instructions before making any
more corrections.
106 You have corrected information on your ISIR more than 20 times. Before sending in
another correction, contact your FAA for assistance.
107 Y To resolve your Perkins overpayments, your FAA must access NSLDS for additional
Perkins overpayment information.
108 15 Your parent did not sign your application or the corrections you submitted. If your
parent is not able to sign, see your FAA or High School Counselor.
109 15 We could not process your application or the corrections you submitted because your
parent did not sign your application or your SAR. You and your parent must make any
necessary corrections, and submit these corrections to your FAA for processing. If
your parent is not able to sign, see your FAA.
110 16 We have not received the signature page from your FAFSA Express or FAFSA on the Web
Application or correction.
111 16 We cannot process your application submitted through FAFSA Express or FAFSA on the
Web until you have signed the Certification page at the end of this ISIR and returned
it to your school for processing. If you have provided your parents' information, they
must also sign this ISIR. If your parent is not able to sign, see your FAA or High
School Counselor.
112 We have applied a formula to the financial aid information you submitted. The result
of this formula will be used by your school to determine your eligibility for most types
of federal student aid. See your FAA to determine what types of student aid you may be
able to receive. Based on the information you gave us, you are not eligible for a
Federal Pell Grant but you may be eligible for other aid. All the schools listed on this
ISIR will receive an electronic report of your information. Unless a school tells you
Otherwise, you do not need to submit this ISIR to any school. Keep the ISIR in case you
need to make corrections, or if you decide to attend a school that is not listed.
113 Your parents should not be included in number in college so we have made an assumption for that field.
Review parents’ marital status, number of family members and number in college and make necessary
114 Your parent should not be included in number in college so we have made an assumption for that field.
Review parents’ marital status, number of family members and number in college and make any necessary

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-51
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
115 Y Our records indicate you have one or more student loans discharged because of a total
and permanent disability. Before you can receive additional federal student loans, you
must see your FAA.
116 Y Our records indicate you have one or more student loans in an active bankruptcy
status. Before you can receive any additional federal student loans, you must see
your FAA.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-51a
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
117 Based on the information you provided on your application, we had to assume certain
information to calculate your eligibility for federal student aid. We printed an
asterisk (*) next to the items containing assumed information. If these assumptions
are correct, do not change them.
118 Be sure to review the items marked with an "h" or an "*" on your ISIR and make any
corrections if necessary.
119 If you need help correcting your ISIR, contact the FAA at the school you plan to
120 If you need help correcting your ISIR, contact your FAA for assistance, or call the
Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243).
121 You confirmed when you submitted your application that you were born on or after
09/01/84, you are not a ward of the court or an orphan, and you are not applying for
Early Analysis. If this information is not correct, see your FAA for assistance.
122 W You confirmed when you submitted your application that the number of family members
in your parents' household is 15 or more. If this is incorrect, you should correct
this item in Step Four of your ISIR.
123 You confirmed when you submitted your application that the number of family members
in your household is 15 or more. If this is incorrect, you should correct this item
in Step Five of your ISIR.
124 Y Contact the following agency(ies) regarding your defaulted federal student loan:
125 If you want to be considered for a Federal Pell Grant, your FAA must receive your complete, correct ISIR by
August 15, 2001, or your last day of enrollment, whichever comes first. Other student aid programs have
different deadlines. See your FAA for more information.
126 Your application record was compared with the National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS). The NSLDS confirmed that you have made satisfactory arrangements to repay
one or more defaulted federal student loans. Please continue to make payments as
provided in your agreement to avoid becoming permanently ineligible for further
federal student assistance.
127 19 It may be too late to submit any corrections to your ISIR. If you want to be
considered for a Federal Pell Grant, your school must receive a complete, correct ISIR
no later than August 15, 2001, or your last day of enrollment, whichever comes first.
Other student aid programs have different deadlines. Under certain circumstances,
students selected for verification have an additional 60 days from their last day of
enrollment, or August 15, 2001, whichever comes first, to submit corrections. Contact
your FAA for more information.
128 We were unable to determine your eligibility because the information you submitted on
your application or on your ISIR was incomplete or inconsistent. Unless you are
completing verification, it may be too late for you to make corrections or give us any
more information for this year. If you are still completing verification and you need
to correct your data, contact the Financial Aid Administrator at your school for
assistance. Your school must have your corrected ISIR no later than August 15, 2001.
129 (letter continued on back of page)
130 (letter continued)
131 Y To receive federal student aid, you cannot be in default on any U.S. Department of
Education student loan. Because of processing problems we were unable to determine
whether you are in default on a loan. Contact your FAA for more information.
132 Y Our records indicate that you are in DEFAULT on a federal student loan. You are not
eligible to receive any federal student aid until your default has been resolved.
133 Y Our records indicate that you received at least one overpayment of federal student
aid funds. You are required by law to repay any funds received from the federal
student aid programs to which you were not entitled. Until your overpayment has been
resolved, you are ineligible to receive any federal student assistance.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-52
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
134 Y Our records indicate that you are in DEFAULT on at least one federal student loan
and that you received at least one overpayment of federal student aid funds. You are
not eligible to receive any federal student aid until these items have been resolved.
135 Y To resolve your defaulted federal student loan(s), contact the lender associated
with the loan.
136 Y To resolve your defaulted federal student loan(s), contact the school associated
with the loan.
137 Your application record was compared with the National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS). However, no financial aid history information was found for printing on your
138 Y We matched your social security number (SSN) with the National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS), but neither name nor date of birth on the NSLDS record match the infor-
mation on your student aid application. Therefore this ISIR does not contain the
financial aid history that is associated with your reported SSN. You should review
your name, SSN, and date of birth and work with your FAA to resolve discrepancies.
139 NOTE: You reported a value(s) that exceeds the amount of space allowed on the ISIR.
This value appears on your ISIR as all nines. Contact your FAA to see how this affects
your EFC calculation.
140 Your application record was compared with the National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS). The NSLDS confirmed that your social security number is not associated with
any previous financial aid history.
141 Y You changed your response to citizenship or you changed the Alien Registration Number
verified with INS. You must submit proof of your citizenship status to your FAA.
142 Y The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) could not confirm your statement that
you are an eligible alien noncitizen because there is a question about your Alien Registration
Number. You must submit proof of your alien noncitizen eligibility to your school within 30
days after you receive this ISIR. If you fail to submit proof within 30 days, or longer if your school allows, you
may be found ineligible for federal student aid.
143 Your citizenship status has been confirmed by the Immigration and Naturalization
Service (INS), and you meet the citizenship requirements for federal student aid.
144 Y The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) did not confirm your statement that
you are an eligible alien noncitizen. You must submit proof of your alien noncitizen eligibility to
your school within 30 days after you receive this ISIR. If you fail to submit proof
within 30 days, or longer if your school allows, you may be found ineligible for federal student aid.
145 8 According to Social Security Administration (SSA) records, the social security number
you provided belongs to a deceased person. If the social security number you reported
is incorrect, you should correct your social security number in Step One on your ISIR
or contact your FAA. If the number in Step One is correct, you must contact an SSA
office to resolve this problem.
146 Y We sent your application to Social Security Administration (SSA) to verify your citi-
zenship status. The SSA did not confirm that you are a U.S. citizen. You need to pro-
vide your school with documentation of your citizenship status before you can receive
federal student aid. If you are an eligible noncitizen, you must correct "Citizenship
Status" on this ISIR and provide your Alien Registration Number.
147 You reported that both of your family members are in college. We have assumed the
number in college should be one because your parent should not be included in the answer
to this question.
148 You reported the same value for number of family members and number in college. We
have assumed the number in college should be one. Your parents should not be included
in the number in college. Review your answers to number of family members and number in
college and make any necessary corrections.

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-53
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
149 If all the information on this ISIR is correct, you may be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and other
federal student aid in 2000-2001. Your FAA will determine whether you meet all eligibility requirements to
receive aid. The amount of aid will depend on the cost of attendance at your school, your enrollment status
(full-time, three-quarter-time, half-time, or less than half-time), Congressional budget restrictions,
and other factors.

HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW: Review the information on this ISIR. If any of the information is
incorrect, make corrections by following the instructions given to you by your FAA. IF ALL THE
INFORMATION IS CORRECT, you do not need to submit the ISIR to the schools you listed. All schools listed
will receive the information electronically.
150 Read this letter carefully and review each item on this Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). You
may submit corrections to the information by following the instructions given to you by your Financial Aid
Administrator (FAA).
151 If all the other information on your ISIR is correct, you do not need to return it to us. For additional help with
your ISIR, contact your school Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) or the Federal Student Aid Information
Center at 1-800-4FED-AID (1-800-433-3243). If your address changes, notify your FAA.
152 (letter continued on next page)
153 On a previous ISIR, you changed information that affects your dependency status.
154 The amount you have reported in taxes paid for your parent(s) appears to be over the allowable amount based
on the amount you reported in adjusted gross income. Please review your answers to these items and make
any corrections, if necessary.
155 The amount you have reported in student’s taxes paid appears to be over the allowable amount based on the
amount you reported in student’s adjusted gross income. Please review the answers to these items and make any
corrections, if necessary.
156 When you applied, you told us that your parents would file their 1999 income tax return but hadn’t yet. If
your parents have now filed their 1999 tax return, correct any items in Step Four of this ISIR to reflect the
information as reported on their tax return. If your parents still haven’t filed their 1999 tax return, notify
your FAA once they file if any tax information changes.
157 When you applied, you told us that you would file your 1999 income tax return but hadn’t yet. If you have now
filed your 1999 tax return, correct any items in Step Two of this ISIR to reflect the information as reported on
your tax return. If you still haven’t filed your 1999 tax return, notify your FAA once you file if any tax
information changes.
158 You may not be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant because you reported that you have a bachelor's degree
or you are working on a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree, or both. Your FAA will determine what types of
federal student aid you are eligible to receive. All the schools that you listed will receive your application
information electronically.
161 As we indicated on your previous ISIR, your application has been selected for review in a process called
verification. If you have not already been instructed, your school will instruct you to provide certain financial
162 Y The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) did not confirm that you are or will be a qualifying veteran for
receiving federal student aid for the 2000-2001 school year. If this is correct, you should have provided your
parents’ information in Step Four. If you did not, you must provide the information in Step Four and you and
your parent must sign the Certification statement at the end of your ISIR. If you believe you are or will be a
qualifying veteran, you must contact a VA office to resolve this problem.
163 The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) did not confirm that you are or will be a qualifying veteran for
receiving federal student aid for the 2000-2001 school year. If this is not correct, you must contact a VA office
to resolve this problem.
164 This ISIR reflects a DEPENDENCY STATUS override, as determined by your FAA on this or on a previous
165 Your DEPENDENCY STATUS override has been canceled as requested by your FAA.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-54
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
166 The amount you reported in Parents' “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent with the
information reported in Parents' “Marital Status” and “Number of Family Members”. Please review your
answers to these items and make any corrections if necessary.
167 The amount you reported in Parents' “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent with the
information reported in Parents' “Marital Status” and “Number of Family Members”. Please review your
answers to these items and make any corrections if necessary.
168 The amount you reported in Parents' “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent with the
information reported in Parents' “Marital Status”, “Number of Family Members”, “Father's Income”, and
“Mother's Income”. Please review your answers to these items and make any corrections if necessary.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-54a
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
169 The amount you reported in Parents' “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent
with the information reported in Parents' “Marital Status”, “Number of Family Members”,
“Father's Income”, and “Mother's Income”. Please review your answers to these items and
make any corrections if necessary.
170 Your application has been selected for review in a process called verification. Your
school will request signed copies of certain financial documents for you and your
171 Your application has been selected for review in a process called verification. Your
school will request signed copies of certain financial documents for you (and your
172 This Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) has been produced because of a
processing change, and updates your previous ISIR.
173 Y The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) did not confirm that you are or will be a
qualifying veteran for receiving federal student aid for the 2000-2001 school year. If
this is correct, you should have provided your parents’ information in Step Four. If
you did not, you must provide the information in Step Four and you and your parent must
sign the Certification statement at the end of your ISIR. If you believe you are or
will be a qualifying veteran, you must contact a VA office to resolve this problem.
174 The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) did not confirm that you are or will be a
qualifying veteran for receiving federal student aid for the 2000-2001 school year. If
this is not correct, you must contact a VA office to resolve this problem.
175 You reported on your student aid application that you have dependents other than a spouse. However, you
reported that you are married, and that the number of family members is 2. These answers are inconsistent.
Review your answers to Student's "Marital Status" in Step One, "Dependents Other Than Spouse" in Step
Three, and "Number of Family Members" in Step Five of your ISIR. Make any corrections if necessary.
176 The amount you reported in Student's “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent
with the information reported in Student's “Marital Status” and “Number of Family Members”.
Please review your answers to these items and make any corrections if necessary.
177 The amount you reported in Student's “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent
with the information reported in Student's “Marital Status” and “Number of Family Members”.
Please review your answers to these items and make any corrections if necessary.
178 The amount you reported in Student's “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent
with the information reported in Student's “Marital Status”, “Number of Family Members”,
“Student's Income”, and “Spouse's Income”. Please review your answers to these items and
make any corrections if necessary.
179 The amount you reported in Student's “Earned Income Credit” appears to be inconsistent
with the information reported in Student's “Marital Status”, “Number of Family Members”,
“Student's Income”, and “Spouse's Income”. Please review your answers to these items and
make any corrections if necessary.
180 Y The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has confirmed that you are currently serving
in the U.S. Armed Forces. You indicated on your application that you will be released
from active duty by June 30, 2001. You must provide documentation of this to your FAA
before you can receive federal student aid.
181 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 611)
182 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 620)
183 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 627)
184 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 631)
185 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 654)
186 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 656)
187 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 701)
188 United Student Aid Funds, Alaska Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 702)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-55
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
189 Student Loan Foundation of Arkansas, Collections, 1-800-622-3446 (GA 705)
190 California Student Aid Commission, 1-800-367-1589 (GA 706)
191 Colorado Guaranteed Student Loan Program, 303-305-3 (GA 708) 303-305-3000
192 Connecticut Student Loan Foundation, Collections, 1-800-237-9721 or 860-257-4001
(GA 709)
193 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 710)
194 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 711)
195 Florida Department of Education, Defaulted Borrowers Assistance, 1-800-366-3475 or
850-942-4662 (GA 712)
196 Georgia Student Finance Commission, Collections, 1-800-776-6878 or 770-414-3 (GA 713) 770-414-3000
197 Northwest Education Loan Association, Collection Office, 1-800-552-0686 (GA 716)
198 Illinois Student Assistance Commission, Claims and Collections, 1-800-934-3572 or
847-948-8500 (GA 717)
199 United Student Aid Funds, Indiana Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 718)
200 Iowa College Aid Commission, Claims Dept., 1-800-383-4222 or 515-281-3501 (GA 719)
201 Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, Collections Office, 1-800-928-8926
or 502-696-7281 (GA 721)
202 Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance, 1-800-256-6882 or 1-800-259-5626
(GA 722)
203 United Student Aid Funds, Maine Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 or 317-578-6938
(GA 723)
204 United Student Aid Funds, Maryland Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 724)
205 American Student Assistance, Collections, 1-800-999-9080 or 617-426-9434 (GA 725)
206 Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority, Collections, 1-800-642-5626 or
517-373-0760 (GA 726)
207 Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, 1-800-236-3100 (GA 727)
208 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 728)
209 Missouri Default Collection Services, BTI Services, 1-800-824-4893, Ext. 1 (GA 729)
210 Montana Guaranteed Student Loan Program, Claims Management, 1-800-537-7508 or
406-444-0395 (GA 730)
211 Nebraska Student Loan Program, Collection Office, 1-800-735-8778, Ext. 6380 or
402-479-6800 (GA 731)
212 United Student Aid Funds, Nevada Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 732)
213 New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation, Claims Section, 1-800-525-2577
or 603-225-6612 (GA 733)
214 New Jersey Higher Education Assistance Authority, 1-800-792-8670 (GA 734)
215 New Mexico Educational Assistance Foundation, 1-800-279-5063 or 505-345-3371 (GA 735)
216 New York State Higher Education Service, Office of Default, 1-800-666-0991 (GA 736)
217 North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority, Collections, 1-800-544-1644
(GA 737)
218 North Dakota Post Claims Collections, 1-800-472-2166, Ext. 5662 or 701-328-5662
(GA 738)
219 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 739)
220 Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program, Collection Office, 1-800-522-8022 or
405-858-4375 (GA 740)
221 Oregon State Scholarship Commission, Collection Office, 1-800-457-0135 (GA 741)
222 Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, 1-800-233-0751
(GA 742)
223 Rhode Island Higher Education Assistance Authority, 1-800-922-9855 or 401-736-1100
(GA 744)

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-56
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
224 South Carolina State Education Assistance Authority, Collections, 1-800-347-2752
or 803-798-0916 (GA 745)
225 Education Assistance Corporation, 1-800-874-8982 or 605-622-4347 (GA 746)
226 Tennessee Default Collection Services, BTI Services, 1-800-257-6528, Ext. 1 (GA 747)
227 Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corp., Collections, 1-800-252-9743 or 512-219-7337
(GA 748)
228 Utah Higher Education Assistance Agency, 801-321-7200 or 1-800-418-8757 (GA 749)
229 Vermont Student Assistance Corp., 1-800-642-3177 or 802-655-9602, Ext. 278 (GA 750)
230 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 751)
231 Northwest Education Loan Association, Collection Office, 1-800-552-0686 (GA 753)
232 Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, 1-800-236-3100 (GA 755)
233 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 772)
234 Debt Collection Service, 1-800-621-3115 (GA 778)
235 United Student Aid Funds, Post Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 800)
236 United Student Aid Funds, Arizona Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 804)
237 United Student Aid Funds, Hawaii Claims Assistance, 1-800-331-2314 (GA 815)
238 Educational Credit Management Corporation, 612-221-0566 (GA 927)
239 Educational Credit Management Corporation, 612-221-0566 (GA 951)
245 Direct Loan Servicing Center, Utica, NY, 1-800-848-0979 (SV0101) (00100)
251 Call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, Atlanta Service Center, 61 Forsyth Street, Room 19T89,
Atlanta, Georgia 30303. (EDR 04)
252 Call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, Chicago Service Center, P.O. Box 8422, Chicago, Illinois
60680-8422. (EDR 05)
253 Call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-621-3115, or write to the U.S.
Department of Education, San Francisco Service Center, 50 United Nations Plaza, Room
250, San Francisco, California 94102. (EDR 09)
254 Y Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level, we have determined that you have received subsidized student
loans in excess of loan limits established for the federal loan programs. Please
contact your FAA to resolve this issue.
255 Y Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level, we have determined that you have received subsidized student
loans in excess of loan limits established for the federal loan programs. Please
contact your FAA to resolve this issue.
256 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level, we have determined that you have received a total amount of
subsidized loans that is close to the loan limits established for the federal loan
programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional subsidized student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
257 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level, we have determined that you have received a total amount of
subsidized loans that is close to the loan limits established for the federal loan
programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional subsidized student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
258 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level, we have determined that you have received a total amount of
subsidized loans that is close to the loan limits established for the federal loan
programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional subsidized student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-57
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
259 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level, we have determined that you have received a total amount of
subsidized loans that is close to the loan limits established for the federal loan
programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional subsidized student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
260 Y Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
student loans in excess of loan limits established for the federal loan programs. Please
contact your FAA for resolution of this issue.
261 Y Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
student loans in excess of loan limits established for the federal loan programs. Please
contact your FAA for resolution of this issue.
262 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
263 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
264 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
265 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
266 Y Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
student loans in excess of loan limits established for the federal loan programs. Please
contact your FAA for resolution of this issue.
267 Y Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
student loans in excess of loan limits established for the federal loan programs. Please
contact your FAA for resolution of this issue.
268 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
269 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-58
ISIR Comment Codes and Text (Continued)
Comment C Reject
Code Code Code Comment Text
270 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the
federal loan programs. Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be
limited. Please contact your FAA if you have any questions.
271 Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your
reported grade level and dependency status, we have determined that you have received
a total amount of student loans that is close to the loan limits established for the federal loan programs.
Therefore, your eligibility for additional student loans may be limited. Please contact your FAA if you
have any questions.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes/System Requirements

(185 H) 4-59

Printing ISIRs
The following information will assist the institution or state agency in printing the data on
a received Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR):

• Assumed Values
• Correction Flags
• Highlight Flags
• Rejected ISIRs
• Comments
• Field Types

Printing Assumed Values

“Assumed Values” reflect suppositions made by the Central Processing System (CPS) in
determining the applicant’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Assumptions are made
when certain information is not reported that is necessary for the EFC calculation or
when reported information is inconsistent. (Some unreported information will result in a
rejected transaction rather than assumptions.) The CPS uses the assumed value in place of
the reported value when calculating the EFC.

For certain fields, the only assumption ever made by the CPS is zero. The ISIR will
contain zeros for these assumption fields. (For example, ISIR field 247, Assumed
Student’s U.S. Tax Paid.) On the ISIR, an asterisk (*) must print to the left of the field
title indicating an assumption was made. The assumed value must print in place of the
reported value. If a field is both assumed and highlighted, an asterisk (*) must be printed
to the left of the field title. Positions 1311-1408 of the ISIR all contain CPS assumption

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-1
Printing Correction Flags
“Correction Flags” on the ISIR (positions 633-752 on the ISIR layout) indicate changes
to FAFSA data processed by the CPS (refer to the SAR/ISIR Correction Flag table
format). These fields are correctable and provide a comparison reference between the
SAR question number and ISIR field positions. Any field containing a correction flag
will have a value of 1. All other correction flag fields will each have a value of zero. A
zero will always be carried on those fields that are not correctable. On the ISIR, a pound
sign (#) must print to the right of the field variable that was corrected. Correction flags
are cumulative (i.e., the flag will be carried on all subsequent transactions).

Printing Highlight Flags

“Highlight Flags” on the ISIR (positions 753-872 on the ISIR layout) indicate data
highlighted in bold face on the Student Aid Report (SAR), based on FAFSA data
processed by the CPS (refer to the SAR/ISIR Correction/Highlight fields table format).
These fields are highlighted and provide a comparison reference between the SAR
question number and ISIR field positions. Any field containing a highlight flag will have
a value of 1. All other highlight flag fields will each have a value of zero. On the ISIR,
the letter ‘h’must print to the left of the field title that was highlighted. If the field is both
highlighted and assumed, an asterisk (*) must print to the left of the field title.

Rejected ISIRs
Applications and corrections submitted to the CPS, regardless of the input type or source,
can be rejected for incomplete, illogical, or inconsistent data. An EFC will not be
computed for a rejected application transaction. Transactions can be rejected for multiple
reasons. Up to seven two-digit reject reason codes are carried on the ISIR. The reject
reason codes and resolution in response to each reject reason are described in a table in
the Processing Codes/System Requirements Section.

Up to 20 three-digit numbers can appear on the ISIR record, indicating which comments
would appear on Part One of a SAR from any paper application processor. Some
comments contain critical information regarding the student’s status. The comment text
and associated three-digit comment codes appear in the Processing Codes/System
Requirements Section.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-2
Field Types
Fields can contain one of three types of data: character, numeric (N), or signed numeric
(S/N). All 9s in a field indicate that the reported or calculated value is greater than or
equal to the value of all 9s. Blanks are allowable in some S/N and N fields. With signed
numeric fields, the sign is always implied in the right most character of the field. For
example, if the Student’s Adjusted Gross Income field contains a value of negative 3507 ,
it would appear as 00350P. The following chart explains the conversion of the sign and
the number:

Signed Numeric Fields:

{ +0 E +5 } -0 N -5
A +1 F +6 J -1 0 -6
B +2 G +7 K -2 P -7
C +3 H +8 L -3 Q -8
D +4 I +9 M -4 R -9

Printing the ISIR

An ISIR must be printed according to the ED-specified format. You may develop your
own software to print ISIRs. The ED-specified format and printing specifications are
found on the following pages. One format will be printed per selected applicant,
regardless of the student’s dependency status.

The printed ISIR is two pages. Specifications for printing the ISIR follow the format. For
each relevant data element, the specifications identify how codes on the record should be
translated for printing on the ISIR. For example, if the Citizenship Status code on the
ISIR record equals 1, “U.S. CITIZEN” must be printed for Citizenship Status.

Note: All signed fields will have an extra byte printed.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-3
Printing the Renewal Application
EDExpress provides institutions with the ability to print Renewal Applications for
returning students based upon 1999-2000 Renewal Application Data (RAD) received
from the CPS. Institutions, however, may choose to develop their own software to print
Renewal Applications.

The required format for the Renewal Application are provided to software developers and
are found at the conclusion of this section. Specifications for printing the Renewal
Application follow the format. For each relevant data element, the specifications identify
how codes on the RAD record should be translated for printing on the Renewal
Application. For example, if the Student’s Marital Status code on the RAD record equals
2, “MARRIED” must be printed for the Student’s Marital Status.

With two exceptions, all data printed on the Renewal Application will originate from the
RAD file requested by the user from the CPS. The institution must print (1) its own name
and (2) the Federal School Code in the upper left corner of the first page of the Renewal

If an assumption was made during the 1999-2000 processing, the assumed value will be
carried on the 2000-2001 RAD file and printed on the Renewal Application. There are 10
fields that can have an assumed value. Each of the 10 fields will have a one-position flag
on the RAD record. If a flag is set to 1, an asterisk (*) must print to the left of the
appropriate field value on the Renewal Application, indicating the printed value was
assumed. The 10 fields are noted on the print specifications that follow.

One format will be printed per selected applicant, regardless of the student’s dependency
status. The Renewal Application is four pages in length. Pages one through three display
RAD from 1999-2000 and collect updates for 2000-2001. Page four is the Certification
and Signature page.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-4
Header for ISIR Comment Page Only
Row Column Report Print Instructions
1-3 1 None Print ‘2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record’at the top of every page in the ISIR
4 N/A None Print row of asterisks
5 N/A None Print ‘IMPORTANT: Read ALL information to find out what to do with this Report.’Across the
width of the page with single asterisks on each side.

6 N/A None Print row of asterisks
7 N/A OMB No. Print OMB Number: 1845- 0008.

Right justify.
8 1 None Print the Student’s First Name, Middle Initial, and Student’s Last Name.

1-3 Left justify each.

8 2 None Print ‘Page 1 of X’, where X = number of pages printed.

8 3 None Print Processed Date in MONTH DD, CCYY format, where MONTH is spelled out (i.e., 09 =

Right justify.
9 1 None Print Permanent Mailing Address.

4 Left justify.
9 2-3 None Leave blank.
10 1 None Print the Student’s Permanent City, Student’s Permanent State, and Student’s Permanent Zip Code.

5-7 Left justify each.

10 2 None Leave blank.
10 3 EFC If Federal Pell Grant Paid EFC Type =
P, print Primary EFC
S, print Secondary EFC
blank, leave blank

Print asterisk (*) in first position to the right of the EFC value if the Verification Tracking Flag
Student is Selected for Verification is non-blank‘Y’or ‘*’. Otherwise, leave blank.

Print C in the third position to the right of the EFC value if the SAR C flag equals Y unless
positions 563-576 (Reject Reason Codes) contain ‘16’. Otherwise, leave blank.

Right justify.
11 1-3 None Leave blank.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-5
Header for ALL ISIR Pages Except Comment Page
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1-2 1 None Print ‘2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record’ followed by one blank line at the top
of every page in the ISIR report.

3* N/A OMB No. *Print OMB Number only if comment page is not printed, making this the first page of the ISIR

Print OMB Number: 1845-0008.

Right justify.
4* 1-2 Student ID Print Original SSN, Original Name ID and Transaction number in 999-99-9999 XX 99 format.

Right justify.

*Print this field in row 4, columns 1-2 only if the OMB Number is printed on this page.
Otherwise, print this field in row 3, columns 1-2.
4* 3-4 EFC If Federal Pell Grant Paid EFC Type =
P, print Primary EFC
S, print Secondary EFC
blank, leave blank

Right justify.

Print * (asterisk) in first position to the right of the EFC if the Institution Verification Tracking
Flag Student is Selected for Verification is non-blank ‘Y’or ‘*’. Otherwise, leave blank.

Print C in the third position to the right of the EFC if the SAR C flag equals unless positions
512-515- Reject Reason Codes contain ‘16’. Otherwise, leave blank.

*Print this field in row 4, columns 3-4 only if the OMB Number is printed on this page.
Otherwise, print this field in row 3, columns 3-4.
5* 1-2 None * Leave blank.

Or *For Page 1 (if the comment page is printed, then this is Page 2), leave row 5, columns 1-2 blank
only if the OMB Number is printed on this page. Otherwise, leave row 4, columns 1-2 blank.
Last Name **
**For Page 2 and remaining pages of the ISIR report (if the comment page is printed, then start
this at Page 3), print Student’s Last Name.

Right justify.
5* 3-4 None If Bachelor’s Degree By 07-01-2000 = 1, print ‘BA DEG REC’D’.
If Working on Degree Beyond Bachelor’s in 2000-2001 = 1, print ‘GRAD/PROF’.
If both fields = 1, print ‘GRAD/PROF’.
Right justify.

*Print this field in row 5, columns 3-4 only if the OMB Number is printed on this page.
Otherwise, print this field in row 4, columns 3-4 and leave Row 5 blank.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-6
Detail for ISIR Page 1
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 N/A None Print comment text across width of page (see following Sample Output
Document- ISIR Page 1 of X).

Left justify.

Detail for ISIR Page 2

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 1 STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1 Print as is.
– Q36)
Left justify.
1 2 None Leave blank.
1 3-4 Dependency Status (CPS If Dependency Status =
Compute) I, print ‘I’
D, print ‘D’
Y, print ‘Y’
X, print ‘X’
2 1-2 Name Print the Student’s First Name, Middle Initial, and Student’s Last Name.

1-3 Right justify each.

2 3-4 None Leave blank.
3 1-2 Address: Print Permanent Mailing Address.

4-7 Right justify.

3 3-4 None Leave blank.
4 1-2 None Print the Student’s Permanent City, Student’s Permanent State, and Student’s
Permanent ZIP Code.
Right justify each.
4 3-4 Cash, Checking, and Savings Print the Student’s Cash, Savings, and Checking

48 Right justify.
5 1-2 Social Security Number Print Student’s Current Social Security Number in 999-99-9999 format.

8 Right justify.
5 3-4 Net Worth of Investments Print Student’s Investment Net Worth

49 Right justify.
6 1-2 Date of Birth Print Student’s Date of Birth in MM/DD/CCYY format.

9 Right justify.
6 3-4 Net Worth of Business Print Student’s Business Net Worth

50 Right justify.
7 1-2 Permanent Home Phone # Print Student’s Permanent Phone Number in (999) 999-9999 format.

10 Right justify.

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-7
Detail for ISIR Page 2 ( Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
7 3-4 Net Worth of Investment Farm Print Student’s Investment Farm Net Worth

51 Right justify.
8 1-2 Have Driver’s License? If Do you have a Driver’s License? =
1, print ‘YES’
11 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
8 3-4 No. of Months VA Benefits Print No. of Months Veterans Education Benefits Received.
Right justify.
9 1-2 Driver’s Lic No. Print Student’s Driver’s License Number and Student’s Driver’s License State
Code in XXXXXXXXX-XX format.
Right justify.
9 3-4 Amount Per Month of VA Benefits Print Monthly Veterans Education Benefits

53 Right justify.
10 1-2 Citizenship Sts If Student’s Citizenship Status =
1, print ‘U.S. CITIZEN’
3, print ‘NOT ELIGIBLE’

Right justify.
10 3-4 None Leave blank.
11 1-2 Alien Registration Number Print Student’s Alien Registration Number.

15 Right justify.
11 3-4 STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) Print as is.
(Q54 – 59)
Left justify.
12 1-2 Marital Status If Student’s Marital Status =
1, print ‘UNMARRIED’
16 2, print ‘MARRIED’
3, print ‘SEPARATED’

Right justify.
12 3-4 Born Before 1-1-1977? If Born Before 01-01-1977 =
1, print ‘YES’
54 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
13 1-2 Date of Marital Status Print Student’s Marital Status Date in MM/CCYY format.

17 Right justify.
13 3-4 Working on Degree Beyond If Working on Degree Beyond Bachelor’s in 2000-2001=
Bachelors 1, print ‘YES’
2, print ‘NO’
Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-8
Detail for ISIR Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
14 1-2 Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 If Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
18 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Right justify.
14 3-4 Are you Married? If Is Student Married? =
1, print ‘YES’
56 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
15 1-2 Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 If Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
19 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Right justify.
15 3-4 Dependents Other Than Spouse? If Have Legal Dependents Other Than Spouse =
1, print ‘YES’
57 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
16 1-2 Enrollment Sts Wint 2001 If Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000-2001 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
20 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Right justify.
16 3-4 Orphan or Ward of the Court If Orphan or Ward of Court =
1, print ‘YES’
58 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
17 1-2 Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 If Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
21 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Right justify.
17 3-4 Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces If Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces =
1, print ‘YES’
59 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-9
Detail for ISIR Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
18 1-2 Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 If Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001=
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
22 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Right justify.
18 3-4 None Leave blank.
19 1-2 Father’s Educational Level If Father’s Highest Grad Level Completed =
1, print ‘MDSCH/JRHS’
23 2, print ‘HIGHSCHOOL’
3, print ‘COLLEGE’
4, print ‘UNKNOWN’

Right justify.
19 3-4 STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 – Print as is.
Left justify.
20 1-2 Mother’s Educational Level If Mother’s Highest Grad Level Completed =
1, print ‘MDSCH/JRHS’
24 2, print ‘HIGHSCHOOL’
3, print ‘COLLEGE’
4, print ‘UNKNOWN’

Right justify.
20 3-4 Marital Status If Parents’Marital Status =
1, print ‘MARRIED’
60 2, print ‘SINGLE’
3, print ‘DIV/SEPAR’
4, print ‘WIDOWED’

Right justify.
21 1-2 State of Legal Residence Print Student’s State of Legal Residence

25 Right justify.
21 3-4 Father’s Social Security Num. Print Father’s Social Security Number

61 Right justify.
22 1-2 Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? If Student’s Legal Resident Before 01-01-1995 =
1, print ‘YES’
26 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
22 3-4 Father’s Last Name Print Father’s Last Name

62 Left justify.
23 1-2 Date of Legal Res. Print Student’s Legal Residence Date in MM/CCYY format.

27 Right justify.
23 3-4 Mother’s Social Security Num. Print Mother’s Social Security Number

63 Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-10
Detail for ISIR Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
24 1-2 Drug Conviction Elig? If Drug Offense Conviction? =
1= Eligible
28 3 2=Partially Elig
2 3=Inelig/Don’t Know

Right justify.
24 3-4 Mother’s Last Name Print Mother’s Last Name

64 Left justify.
25 1-2 Are You Male? If Are You Male? =
1, print ‘YES’
29 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
25 3-4 Number in Household Print Parents’ Number of Family Members

65 Right justify.
26 1-2 Register for Selective Service? If Do you want Selective Service to Register you? =
1, print ‘YES’
30 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
26 3-4 Number in College 2000-2001 Print Parents’ Number in College 2000-2001

66 Right justify.
27 1-2 Degree/Cert If Degree/Certificate =
1, print ‘1 ST BA’
31 2, print ‘2 ND BA’
3, print ‘ASSOCTECH’
4, print ‘ASSOCGEN’
5, print ‘CERT/DIPL<2’
6, print ‘CERT/DIPL>2’
7, print ‘TEACHING’
8, print ‘GRAD/PROF’
9, print ‘OTHER’

Right justify.
27 3-4 State of Legal Residence Print Parents’State of Legal Residence

67 Right justify.
28 1-2 Yr in Coll 2000-2001 If Grade Level in College in 2000-20001 =
1, print ‘1 ST YR NEVER ATT’
32 2, print ‘1 ST YR ATT PREV’
3, print ‘2 ND YR/SOPH’
4, print ‘3 RD YR/JUNIOR’
5, print ‘4 TH YR/SENIOR’
6, print ‘5 TH YR/OTHER’
7, print ‘GRAD/PROF’

Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-11
Detail for ISIR Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
28 3-4 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995? If Parents’Legal Residents before 01-01-1995 =
1, print ‘YES’
68 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
29 1-2 Have HS Diploma/GED? If HS Diploma or GED received
1, print ‘YES’
33 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
29 3-4 Date of Legal Res. Print Parents’ Legal Residence Date in MM/CCYY format.

59 Right justify.
30 1-2 Bachelor’s Degree by 7-1-2000? If First Bachelor’s Degree by 07-01-2000 =
1, print ‘YES’
34 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
30 3-4 Age of Older Parent Print Age of Older Parent

70 Right justify.
31 1-2 Interested in Student Loans? If Interested in Student Loans =
1, print ‘YES’
35 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
31 3-4 1999 Tax Form Filed Status If Parents’Tax Return Filed Status =
1, print ‘FILED’
71 2, print ‘WILLFILE’
3, print ‘NOTFILING’

Right justify.
32 1-2 Interested in Work Study? If Interested in Student Employment =
1, print ‘YES’
36 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
32 3-4 Type of 1999 Tax Form Used If Parents’Type of 1999 Tax Form Used =
1, print ‘1040’
72 2, print ‘1040A/EZ/TE’
3, print ‘FOREIGN’
4, print ‘TERRITORY’

Right justify.
33 1-2 None Leave blank.
33 3-4 Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? If Parents Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ =
1, print ‘YES’
73 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
34 1-2 STEP TWO (STUDENT & Print as is.
SPOUSE) (Q37 – Q53)
Left justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-12
Detail for ISIR Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
34 3-4 Parents’1999 AGI Print Parents’ Adjusted Gross Income from IRS Form

74 Right justify.
35 1-2 1999 Tax Form Filed Status If Student’s Tax Return Filed =
1, print ‘FILED’
37 2, print ‘WILLFILE’
3, print ‘NOTFILING’

Right justify.
35 3-4 Parents’1999 Tax Print Parents’ U.S. Income Tax Paid

75 Right justify.
36 1-2 Type of 1999 Tax Form Used If Student’s Type of 1999 Tax Form Used =
1, print ‘1040’
38 2, print ‘1040A/EZ/TE’
3, print ‘FOREIGN’
4, print ‘TERRITORY’

Right justify.
36 3-4 Parents’1999 Exemptions Print Parents’Exemptions Claimed

76 Right justify.
37 1-2 Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? If Student Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ =
1, print ‘YES’
39 2, print ‘NO’

Right justify.
37 3-4 Earned Income Credit Print Parents’Earned Income Credit

77 Right justify.
38 1-2 Student and Spouse 1999 AGI Print Student’s Adjusted Gross Income from IRS Form

40 Right justify.
38 3-4 Father’s Income from Work Print Father’s Income Earned from Work

78 Right justify.
39 1-2 Student and Spouse 1999 Tax Print Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid

41 Right justify.
39 3-4 Mother’s Income from Work Print Mother’s Income Earned from Work.

79 Right justify.
40 1-2 Student and Spouse 1999 Print Student’s Exemptions Claimed
Right justify.
40 3-4 Amt from Worksheet A Print Parents’Total Amount from Worksheet A

80 Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-13
Detail for ISIR Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
41 1-2 Earned Income Credit Print Student’s Earned Income Credit

43 Right justify.
41 3-4 Amt from Worksheet B Print Parents’Total Amount from Worksheet B

81 Right justify.
42 1-2 Student’s Income from Work Print Student’s Income Earned from Work

44 Right justify.
42 3-4 Cash, Savings, and Checking Print Parents’ Cash, Savings, and Checking

82 Right justify.
43 1-2 Spouse’s Income from Work Print Spouse’s Income Earned from Work

45 Right justify.
43 3-4 Net Worth of Investments Print Parents’ Investment Net Worth

83 Right justify.
44 1-2 Amt from Worksheet A Print Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet A

46 Right justify.
44 3-4 Net Worth of Business Print Parents’ Business Net Worth

84 Right justify.
45 1-2 Amt from Worksheet B Print Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet B

47 Right justify.
45 3-4 Net Worth of Investment Farm Print Parents’ Investment Farm Net Worth

85 Right justify.
46 1-4 None Leave blank.
47 1-2 None Leave blank.
47 3-4 STEP FIVE: (STUDENT HH) Print as is.
(Q86 – 87)
Left justify.
48 1-2 None Leave blank.
48 3-4 Number in Household Print Student’s Number of Family Members.

86 Right justify.
49 1-2 None Leave blank.
49 3-4 Number in College in 2000-2001 Print Student’s Number in College.

87 Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-14
Detail for ISIR Page 3
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 1-2 STEP 6 (Q88 – Q104) Print as is

Left justify.
1 3-6 None Leave blank.
2 1-4 College 1 Print Federal School Code #1.
House 1
If Federal School Code #1 Housing Plans =
88-89 1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Right justify each.

3 1-4 College 2 Print Federal School Code #2.
House 2
If Federal School Code #2 Housing Plans =
90-91 1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Right justify each.

3 5-6 None Leave blank.
4 1-4 College 3 Print Federal School Code #3.
House 3
If Federal School Code #3 Housing Plans =
92-93 1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Right justify each.

4 5-6 None Leave blank.
5 1-4 College 4 Print Federal School Code #4.
House 4
If Federal School Code #4 Housing Plans =
94-95 1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Right justify each.


Left justify.
5 6 None Leave blank.
6 1-4 College 5 Print Federal School Code #5.
House 5
If Federal School Code #5 Housing Plans =
96-97 1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Right justify each.

6 5-6 DRN Print DRN.

Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-15
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
7 1-4 College 6 Print Federal School Code #6.
House 6
If Federal School Code #6 Housing Plans =
98-99 1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Right justify each.

7 5-6 Primary EFC Type Print Primary EFC Type.

Right justify.
8 1-4 None Leave blank.
8 5-6 Secondary EFC Type Print Secondary EFC Type.

Right justify.
9 1-4 STEP 7 (Q100-104) Print as is.

Right justify.
9 5-6 Processed Date Print Transaction Processed Date in MM/DD/CCYY format.

Right justify.
10 1-4 Date Application Completed Print Date Application Completed in MM/DD/CCYY format.

100 Right justify.

10 5-6 Application Source If Application Transaction Source Site Code begins with a
4, print ‘FAFSA EXPRESS’
5, print ‘ACT’
6, print Separated out into
7, print ‘NCS’
8, print ‘PIC’

Right justify.
11 1-4 Signed By If Signed By =
A, print ‘APPLICANT’

Right justify.
11 5-6 ISIR Transaction Type If Transaction Type =
2, print ‘ELEC. C HISTORY CORR.’
3, print ‘ELEC. DUP. REQUEST’
5, print ‘ELEC. RENEWAL APP.’

Right justify.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-16
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
12 1-4 Preparer’s SSN If Preparer’s Social Security Number =
Nonblank , print ‘REPORTED’
102 Blank, leave blank

Right justify.
12 5-6 Institution Number If Electronic Federal School Code Indicator =
1, print Federal School Code #1
Note to servicers: 2, print Federal School Code #2
If you serve more than one of 3, print Federal School Code #3
the institutions listed, you will 4, print Federal School Code #4
need to refer to the Multiple 5, print Federal School Code $5
Institution Flag to determine 6, print Federal School Code #6
which schools will need an
ISIR printed. Right justify.
13 1-4 Preparer’s EIN If Preparer’s EIN =
Nonblank, print ‘REPORTED’
103 Blank, leave blank

Right justify.
13 5-6 Reject Override Codes: Print as is.

Left justify.
1-4 Preparer’s Signature If Preparer’s Signature =
14 Nonblank, print ‘REPORTED’
104 Blank, leave blank

Right justify.
14 5-6 B Print Reject Override Code B as is.
N Print Reject Override Code N as is.
W Print Reject Override Code W as is.

Left justify.
15 1-4 None Leave blank.
15 5-6 Assumption Override Codes: Print as is.

Left justify.
16 1-4 None Leave blank.
16 5-6 1 Print Assumption Override 1 as is.
2 Print Assumption Override 2 as is.
3 Print Assumption Override 3 as is.
4 Print Assumption Override 4 as is.
5 Print Assumption Override 5 as is.
6 Print Assumption Override 6 as is.

Left justify each.

17 1-6 None Print ‘-------------------------------------’.
18 1-2 FAA Information Print as is.

Left justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-17
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
18 3-4 Early Analysis Flag: If Early Analysis Flag =
1, print ‘YES’
blank, leave blank

Right justify.
19 1-2 Date ISIR Received Print the date ISIR was received on your system in MM/DD/CCYY format. (This
field is not in the ISIR record layout.)

Right justify.
19 3-4 Rejects Met: Print up to 7 2-digit Reject Reason Codes, each separated by a comma.

Right justify.
20 1-2 Verification Flag Print Transaction Verification Flag Student is Selected for Verification.

Right justify.
20 3-4 None Leave blank.
21 1-2 Systems Generated Indicator Print Systems Generated Indicator.

Right justify.
21 3-4 Dependency Override If Dependency Override Indicator =
1, print ‘YES’
2, print ‘NO’
blank, leave blank

Right justify.
22 1-2 FAA Adjustment Flag If FAA Adjustment =
1, print ‘YES’
If blank , print ‘NO’

Right justify.
22 3-4 Duplicate Request If Duplicate Request Indicator =
D, print ‘YES’
blank, leave blank

Right justify.
23 1-2 Date Application Received Print Application Receipt Date in MM/DD/CCYY format.
23 3-4 Correction # Applied To Print Correction Applied Against.

Right justify.
24 1-2 Reprocessing Code Print Reprocessed Reason Code.

Right justify.
24 3-4 Transaction Receipt Date Print Transaction Receipt Date in MM/DD/CCYY format.

Right justify.
25 1-2 Processed Record Type Print Processed Record Type

Right justify.
25 3-4 Input Record Type Print Input Record Type

Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-18
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
25 5-6 None Leave blank.
26 1-2 Pell Paid EFC If Federal Pell Grant Paid EFC Type =
P, print ‘PRIMARY’
S, print ‘SECONDARY’

Right justify.
26 3-4 Pell Elig Flag Print Pell Grant Eligibility Flag.

Right justify.
26 5-6 Intermediate Values Print as is.

27 1-2 Primary EFC Print Primary EFC.

Right justify.
27 3-4 Secondary EFC Print Secondary EFC.

Right justify.
27 5-6 TI Print TI: Total Income.
FTI Print FTI: FISAP Total Income

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

28 1-4 Mon 1 Print Primary Alternate Month 1.
Mon 7 Print Primary Alternate Month 7.

Right justify.
28 5-8 Mon 1 Print Secondary Alternate Month 1.
Mon 7 Print Secondary Alternate Month 7.

Right justify.
28 9-12 ATI Print ATI: Allowances Against Total Income
APA Print APA: Asset Protection Allowance

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

29 1-4 Mon 2 Print Primary Alternate Month 2.
Mon 8 Print Primary Alternate Month 8.

Right justify.
29 5-8 Mon 2 Print Secondary Alternate Month 2.
Mon 8 Print Secondary Alternate Month 8.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-19
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
29 9-12 STX Print STX: State Tax Allowance
PCA Print PCA: Parents’Contribution from Assets

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

30 1-4 Mon 3 Print Primary Alternate Month 3.
Mon 10 Print Primary Alternate Month 10.

Right justify.
30 5-8 Mon 3 Print Secondary Alternate Month 3.
Mon 10 Print Secondary Alternate Month 10.

Right justify.
30 9-12 EA Print EA: Employment Allowance
AAI Print AAI: Adjusted.

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

31 1-4 Mon 4 Print Primary Alternate Month 4.
Mon 11 Print Primary Alternate Month 11.

Right justify.
31 5-8 Mon 4 Print Secondary Alternate Month 4.
Mon 11 Print Secondary Alternate Month 11.

Right justify.
31 9-12 STI Print STI: Student’s Total Income
TPC Print TPC: Total Parent Contribution

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

32 1-4 Mon 5 Print Primary Alternate Month 5.
Mon 12 Print Primary Alternate Month 12.

Right justify.
32 5-8 Mon 5 Print Secondary Alternate Month 5.
Mon 12 Print Secondary Alternate Month 12.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-20
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
32 9-12 IPA Print IPA: Income Protection Allowance
TSC Print TSC: Total Student Contribution

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

33 1-4 Mon 6 Print Primary Alternate Month 6.

Right justify.
33 5-8 Mon 6 Print Secondary Alternate Month 6.

Right justify.
33 9-12 AI Print AI: Available Income.
PC Print PC: Parents Contribution

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

34 1-8 None Leave blank.
34 9-12 CAI Print CAI: Contribution from Available Income.
SIC Print SIC: Dependent Students’Income Contribution

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

35 1-8 None Leave blank.
35 9-12 DNW Print DNW: Discretionary Net Worth
SCA Print SCA: Student’s Contribution from Assets

If Pell Paid EFC Type is:

P, print primary values
S, print secondary values

Right justify each.

36 1-12 None Leave blank.
37 1-4 Auto Zero EFC Flag If Automatic Zero EFC =
Y, print ‘YES’
Blank, leave blank

Right justify.
37 5-8 None Leave blank.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-21
Detail for ISIR Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
37 9-12 Subsequent App Flag If Subsequent Application Flag =
Y, print ‘YES’
Blank, leave blank

Right justify.
38 1-4 SNT Flag If Simplified Needs Test =
Y, print ‘YES’
N, print ‘NO’
If blank, leave blank.

Right justify.
38 5-12 None Leave blank.
39 1-12 None Leave blank.
40 1-6 Match Flags:
SSN Print SSN Match Flag.
SSA Print SSA Citizenship Flag.
INS Print INS Match Flag.
PRI Print Prisoner Match.

Right justify each.

40 7-10 SS Print Selective Service Match Flag.
NSLDS Print NSLDS Match Flag.
VA Print VA Match Flag.

Right justify each.

40 11-12 None Leave blank.
41 1-2 None Leave blank.
41 3-6 INS Verification # Print INS Verification Number.

Right justify.
41 7-8 None Leave blank.
41 9-12 SS Registration Flag Print Selective Service Registration Flag.

Right justify.
42 1-2 None Leave blank.
42 3-6 NSLDS Transaction Number Print NSLDS Transaction Number.

Right justify.
42 7-8 None Leave blank.
42 9-12 NSLDS Database Results Flag Print NSLDS Database Results Flag.

Right justify.
43 1-12 None Leave blank.
44 1-12 Comments: Print up to 20 3-digit Comment Codes, each separated by a comma.

Right justify each.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-22
Detail for ISIR Page 4
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 1 READ, SIGN, AND DATE Print as is.

Left justify.
2 N/A None Leave blank.
3-25 1 None Print certification statement across width of page (see following Sample Output
Document - Page 4 of X).

Left justify.
26 N/A None Leave blank.
27 N/A None Leave blank.
28 1 Student Print as is.

Left justify.
28 2 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.
28 3 Date Print as is.

Left justify.
28 4 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.
29 1 Parent Print as is.

Left justify.
29 2 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.
29 3 Date Print as is.

Left justify.
29 4 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-23
Summary for ISIR Comment Page Only
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
Last 1 None Leave blank.
Last 2 None Print SSN, first two letters of last name and transaction number in 999-99-9999
Line XX 99 format.

Last 3 None Leave blank.

Summary for ISIR Pages Except for Comment Page

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 N/A None For every page except for Page 1 of X: Print ’ # * = assumption h = highlight flag
* # = history correction’and ‘Page’ Y ‘of’’X, where Y = current page number and
X = number of pages printed.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-24
Sample Output Document
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

* IMPORTANT: Read ALL information to find out what to do with this Report. *
OMB Number:1845-0008

Read this letter carefully and review each item on this Institutional
Student Information Record (ISIR). You may submit corrections to the
information by following the instructions given to you by your Financial Aid
Administrator (FAA).

We need you to give us more information so that we can determine your

eligibility for Federal student aid. REVIEW ALL OF THE INFORMATION on this
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) and respond to each of the
items that we marked with an “h” or an “*”. After making all necessary
corrections, you and your spouse must return all documentation to your
school. Your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) will receive a new ISIR.

If you need help correcting your ISIR, contact your FAA for assistance,
or call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction 99999999 XX 99

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-25
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

EFC 99999
Student ID 999999999 XX 99
STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1 – Q36) Dependency Status X
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX 99999 Cash, Savings, and Checking $999999
Social Security Number 999-99-9999 Net Worth of Investments $999999
Date of Birth 99/99/9999 Net Worth of Business $999999
Permanent Home Phone # (999)999-9999 Net Worth of Investment Farm $999999
Have Driver’s License? XXX No. of Months VA Benefits Received 99
Driver’s Lic #XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XX Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 999
Alien Registration Number XXXXXXXXXX
Marital Status XXXXXXXXX Born Before 1-1-1977? XXX
Date of Marital Status 99/9999 Working on Degree Beyond Bachelor’s XXX
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 XXXXXXXXX Are you Married? XXX
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 XXXXXXXXX Dependents Other Than Spouse? XXX
Enrollment Sts Wint 2001 XXXXXXXXX Orphan or Ward of the Court XXX
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 XXXXXXXXX Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces XXX
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 XXXXXXXXX STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 – Q85)
Father’s Educational Level XXXXXXXXXX
Mother’s Educational Level XXXXXXXXXX Marital Status XXXXXXXXX
State of Legal Residence XX Father’s SSN 999-99-9999
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? XXX Father’s Last Name XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Date of Legal Res. 99/9999 Mother’s SSN 999-99-9999
Are You Male? XXX Number in Household 99
Register for Selective Service? XXX Number in College in 2000-2001 9
Degree/Cert XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX State of Legal Residence XX
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Legal Residents before 1-1-1995? XXX
Have HS Diploma/GED? XXX Date of Legal Res. 99/9999
Bachelor’s Degree by 7-1-2000 XXX Age of Older Parent XX
Interested in Student Loans? XXX 1999 Tax Form Filed Status XXXXXXXXX
Interested in Work Study? XXX Type of 1999 Tax Form Used XXXXXXXX
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? XXX
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37 – Q53) Parents’ 1999 AGI $999999
1999 Tax Form Filed Status XXXXXXXXX Parents’ 1999 Tax $999999
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used XXXXXXXXXXX Parents’ 1999 Exemptions XX
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? XXX Earned Income Credit $99999
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI $999999 Father’s Income from Work $999999
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax $999999 Mother’s Income from Work $999999
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions XX Amt from Worksheet A $99999
Earned Income Credit $99999 Amt from Worksheet B $99999
Student’s Income from Work $999999 Cash, Savings, and Checking $999999
Spouse’s Income from Work $999999 Net Worth of Investments $999999
Amt from Worksheet A $99999 Net Worth of Business $999999
Amt from Worksheet B $99999 Net Worth of Investment Farm $999999
Number in Household 99
Number in College in 2000-2001 99

Page 2 of X

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history


March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-26
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record
EFC 00000* C
Student ID 999999999 XX 99
STEP 6 (Q88 – Q99)
College 1 999999 House 1 XXXXXXXXXX
College 2 999999 House 2 XXXXXXXXXX
College 3 999999 House 3 XXXXXXXXXX
College 5 999999 House 5 XXXXXXXXXX DRN XXXX
College 6 999999 House 6 XXXXXXXXXX Primary EFC Type X
STEP 7 (Q100- Q104) Secondary EFC Type X
Date Application Completed 99/99/9999 Processed Date 99/99/9999
Preparer’s EIN XXXXXXXX Institution Number 999999
Preparer’s Signature XXXXXX Reject Override Codes:
Assumption Override Codes:
1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X

FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag XX
Date ISIR Received 99/99/9999 Rejects Met: 99,99,99,99,99,99,99
Verification Flag 99
System Generated Indicator X Dependency Override XXX
FAA Adjustment XXX Duplicate Request XXX
Date Application Received 99/99/9999 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code 99 Transaction Receipt Date 99/99/9999
Processed Record Type X Input Record Type X
Pell Paid EFC XXXXXXXXX Pell Elig Flag X Intermediate Values
Primary EFC 99999 Secondary EFC 99999 TI 9999999 FTI 9999999
Mon 1 99999 Mon 7 99999 Mon 1 99999 Mon 7 99999 ATI 9999999 APA 9999999
Mon 2 99999 Mon 8 99999 Mon 2 99999 Mon 8 99999 STX 9999999 PCA 9999999
Mon 3 99999 Mon 10 99999 Mon 3 99999 Mon 10 99999 EA 9999999 AAI 9999999
Mon 4 99999 Mon 11 99999 Mon 4 99999 Mon 11 99999 STI 9999999 TPC 9999999
Mon 5 99999 Mon 12 99999 Mon 5 99999 Mon 12 99999 IPA 9999999 TSC 9999999
Mon 6 99999 Mon 6 99999 AI 9999999 PC 9999999
CAI 9999999 SIC 9999999
DNW 9999999 SCA 9999999

Auto Zero EFC Flag XXX Subsequent App Flag X

INS Ver. No. 999999999999999 SS Registration Flag X
NSLDS Transaction Number XX NSLDS Database Results Flag X
Comments: 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 3 of X

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-27
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 999999999 XX 99 EFC 999999* C



By signing below, you certify that all the information on this form is true and
complete to the best of your knowledge. If asked, you agree to give proof of the
information, which may include a copy of your U.S. or state income tax form. If you
purposely give false or misleading information, you may be fined $10,000, sent to
prison, or both. You also certify that:

> you will use any federal student financial aid funds received during the award
year covered by this application solely for educational expenses related to
attendance during that year at the institution of higher education that
determined eligibility for those funds;

> you are not in default on a Title IV educational loan, or you have repaid or
made satisfactory arrangements to repay your loan if you are in default;

> you do not owe an overpayment on a Title IV educational grant, or you have
made satisfactory arrangement to repay that overpayment;

> you will notify your school if you do owe an overpayment or are in default.

Everyone whose information is given on this form should sign below. The student (and
at least one parent, if parent information is given) MUST sign below.

Student __________________________________________ Date: ______________

Parent __________________________________________ Date: ______________

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 4 of X

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-28
Header for NSLDS Financial Aid History
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 N/A None Print Student’s First Name, Middle Initial‘.’, and Student’s Last Name.

Left justify.
2 N/A None Print Student’s Social Security Number

Left justify.
3 1 2000-2001 NSLDS Print as is.
HISTORY Left justify.

For every page after page 1, print “Cont.” after this title.
3 2 Processed: Print Transaction Processed Date in MM-DD-CCYY format. Match font size
with that of ‘Processed’report label.

Left justify.
4-6 N/A None Print “This page contains your previous financial aid information, which is
contained in the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Your Financial
Aid Administrator will use it to determine your eligibility.”
7 N/A None Print ‘************************’across width of page.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-29
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 1 None If NSLDS Overpayments Change Flag =
#, print ‘#’
N, leave blank

Left justify.
1 1 Overpayment: Print as is.

Left justify.
1 2 Contact: Print as is.

Left justify.
1 3 None If NSLDS Defaulted Discharged Loan Change Flag =
#, print ‘#”
N, leave blank

Left justify.
1 3-4 Discharged: Print NSLDS Discharged Loan Flag.

Left justify.
1 5 None If NSLDS Discharged Defaulted Loan Change Flag =
#, print ‘#”

N, leave blank
Left justify.
1/2 5-6 Defaulted Loans: Print NSLDS Defaulted Loan Flag.

Left justify.
1 7 None If NSLDS Loan Satisfactory Repayment Change
Flag =
#, print ‘#”

N, leave blank
Left justify.
1/2 7-8 Loan Sat. Repayment: Print NSLDS Loan Satisfactory Repayment Flag.

Left justify.
1 9 None If NSLDS Active Bankruptcy Change Flag =
#, print ‘#’
N, leave blank

Left justify.
1/2 9-10 Active Bankruptcy: Print Active Bankruptcy Flag.

Left justify.
1/2 11-12 Post Screening Reason: Print Post Screening Reason.

Left justify.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-30
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
23 1-2 Pell: Print NSLDS Pell Overpayment Flag.

Right justify.
23 3 None Print NSLDS Pell Overpayment Contact. If Y, print “Access NSLDS”.

Left justify.
34 1-2 FSEOG: Print NSLDS SEOG Overpayment Flag.

Right justify.
34 3 None Print NSLDS SEOG Overpayment Contact. If Y, print “Access NSLDS”.

Left justify.
45 1-2 Perkins: Print NSLDS Perkins Overpayment Flag.

Right justify.
45 3 None Print NSLDS Perkins Overpayment Contact. If Y, print “Access NSLDS”.

Left justify.
56 N/A None Print ‘************************’across width of page.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-31
Aggregate Amount for FFELP/Direct Loans Section

Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
7 1 Aggregate Print as is.
Amount Left justify.
8 1 None If NSLDS Aggregate Loan Change Flag =
#, print ‘#’
N, leave blank
Left justify.
8 1 FFELP/Direct Print as is.
Loans: Left justify.
7/8 1 2-3 Outstanding Print as is.
Prin. Bal.: Left justify.
7/8 1 4-5 Pending Print as is.
Disb(s): Left justify.
7/8 1 6-7 Total: Print as is.
Left justify.
9 1 Subsid. Loans: Print as is.
Left justify.
9 2-3 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Outstanding Principal Balance in dollar ($999,999)
format. Do not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
Right justify.
9 4-5 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Pending Disbursement in dollar ($999,999) format.
Do not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
Right justify.
9 6-7 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Total in dollar ($999,999) format. Do not zero fill if
amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
Right justify.
10 1 Unsubsidized Print as is.
Loans: Left justify.
10 2-3 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Outstanding Principal Balance in dollar ($999,999)
format. Do not zero fill if the amount is less than 6 digits. If the value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
Right justify.
10 4-5 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Pending Disbursement in dollar ($999,999) format.
Do not zero fill if the amount is less than 6 digits. If the value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
Right justify.
10 6-7 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Total in dollar ($999,999) format. Do not zero fill
if the amount is less than 6 digits. If the value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
Right justify.
11 1 Combined: Print as is.
Left justify.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-32
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
9 11 2-3 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Combined Outstanding Principal Balance in dollar ($999,999)
format. Do not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Right justify.
9 11 4-5 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Combined Pending Disbursement in dollar ($999,999) format. Do
not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Right justify.
9 11 6-7 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Combined Total in dollar ($999,999) format. Do not zero fill if
amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Right justify.
10 12 1 FFELP Consol. Print as is.
Left justify.
10 12 2-3 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Consolidatedion Outstanding Principal Balance in dollar
($999,999) format. Do not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print

Right justify.
10 12 6-7 None Print NSLDS Aggregate Consolidatedion Total in dollar ($999,999) format. Do not zero
fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-33
Perkins Loans Section

Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
11 13 1 None If NSLDS Perkins Loan Change Flag =
#, print ‘#’
N, leave blank

Left justify. Bold.

11 13 1 Perkins Loans: Print as is.

Left justify.
12 14 1-2 Outstanding Principal Print NSLDS Perkins Cumulative Disbursement Outstanding Balance Amount in
Bal.: dollar ($999,999) format. Do not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is
N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Right justify.
12 14 3-4 Current Year Loan Print Perkins Current Year Disbursement Amount in dollar ($999,999) format. Do
Amount: not zero fill if amount is less than 6 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Right justify.
13 1-4
None Leave blank.
14 15 N/A None Print ‘************************’across width of page.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-34
Pell Payment Data Section

Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
15 16 1 None If NSLDS Pell Payment Change Flag =
#, print ‘#’
N, leave blank
Left justify.
15 16 1 Batch Year ‘Pell Print as is.
Payment Data:’ Left justify.
16 17 1-2 Sch. Code: Print NSLDS Pell School Code (1). If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave
Right justify.
16 17 3-4 Tran: Print NSLDS Pell Transaction Number (1). If blank, leave blank.
Right justify.
16 17 5-6 Sch. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Scheduled Amount (1) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave
blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
17 7-8 Award Amt: Print NSLDS Pell 1 Award amount in dollar ($9999) format. If black, leave blank.
Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify
16 17 7-8 9-10 Disb. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Date (1) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave
blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
16 17 9-10 11-12 Rem. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Remaining Amount to Pay (1) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank,
leave blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
16 18 11-12 1-2 % Sch. Used: Print NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled Award Used (1) in 999.99 format. If blank,
leave blank.
Right justify.
17 18 1-2 3-4 As of: Print NSLDS Pell Last Update Date (1) in MM/DD/YY format. If value is N/A, print
‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.
Right justify.
17 18 3-4 5-6 Pell Verification Flag Print NSLDS Pell Verification Flag (1).
Right justify.
17 18 5-6 7-8 EFC Print NSLDS Pell EFC (1)
Right justify.
18 19 1-2 Sch. Code: Print NSLDS Pell School Code (2). If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave
Right justify.
18 19 3-4 Tran: Print NSLDS Pell Transaction Number (2). If blank, leave blank.
Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-35
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
19 5-6 Sch. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Scheduled Amount (2) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave blank.
Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
19 7-8 Award Amt: Print NSLDS Pell 1 2 Award Amount in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave blank. Do
not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
19 9-10 Disb. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Date (2) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave
blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
19 11-12 Rem. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Remaining Amount (2) to Pay in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave
blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
20 1-2 % Sch. Used: Print NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled Award Used (2) in 999.99 format. If blank, leave
Right justify.
20 3-4 As of: Print NSLDS Pell Last Update Date (2) in MM/DD/YY format. If value is N/A, print
‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.
Right justify.
20 5-6 Pell Verification Flag Print NSLDS Pell Verification Flag (2).
Right justify.
20 7-8 EFC Print NSLDS Pell EFC (2)
Right justify.
21 1-2 Sch. Code: Print NSLDS Pell School Code (3). If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.
Right justify.
21 3-4 Tran: Print NSLDS Pell Transaction Number (3). If blank, leave blank.
Right justify.
21 5-6 Sch. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Scheduled Amount (3) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave blank.
Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
21 7-8 Award Amt: Print NSLDS Pell 1 3 Award Amount in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave blank. Do
not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify
21 9-10 Disb. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Amount Paid to Date (3) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave
blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
21 11-12 Rem. Amt: Print NSLDS Pell Remaining Amount to Pay (3) in dollar ($9999) format. If blank, leave
blank. Do not zero fill if numeric amount is less than 4 digits.
Right justify.
21 22 1-2 % Sch. Used: Print NSLDS Pell Percent Scheduled Award Used (3) in 999.99 format. If blank, leave

Right justify.

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-36
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
21 22 1-2 3-4 As of: Print NSLDS Pell Last Update Date (3) in MM/DD/YY format. If value is N/A, print
‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.

Right justify.
21 22 3-4 5-6 Pell Verification Flag Print NSLDS Pell Verification Flag (3).

Right justify.
21 22 5-6 7-8 EFC Print NSLDS Pell EFC (3).

Right justify.
22 23 N/A None If NSLDS Additional Pell Flag =
Y, Print ‘Access NSLDS for additional Pell data.’
N, leave blank

23 24 N/A None Print ‘*************************’across width of page.

*If NSLDS Additional Pell Flag = N, print this line of asterisks on row 18.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-37
Loan Detail Section
*Start the Loan Detail Section at row 22 if NSLDS Additional Pell Flag =N (‘Access NSLDS for additional Pell data’
message will not print).
Start the Loan Detail Section at row 23 if NSLDS Additional Pell Flag = Y (‘Access NSLDS for additional Pell data’
message will print on row 21).
Follow the specifications below and see the following Sample Output Document – NSLDS Page for format information.

Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
* 1-4 Loan Detail: Print as is.

Left justify.
* 5 Print as is.
Net Loan Amount
* 6 Begin Date Print as is.

Left justify.
* 7 End Date Print as is.

Left justify.
* 8 GA Code Print as is.

* 9 School Code Print as is.

* 10 Grade Lvl Print as is.

Left justify.
* 11 Contact/Cntct Type Print as is.

Right justify.
* N/A None Leave blank.

Sort and print NSLDS Loan Detail information in ascending order by NSLDS Loan Sequence Number (01
through 12). Repeat the format shown in the following table for each NSLDS loan. Print this information for up to
twelve NSLDS loans. Skip one line before printing the data for each NSLDS Loan. Print only five loans on the
first NSLDS page.

If the entire Loan Detail Section does not fit on the first page, print the details for the loans that fit on the first
page (keep the data for each loan together/print the details for each loan in groups of three lines). Then go to the
next page and print the Loan Detail Section column headings (shown in the above table) under the header, skip a
line, then print the remaining NSLDS loan data. Continue to skip a line between each loan.

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-38
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
* 1 None If NSLDS Loan Change Flag =
#, print ‘#’
N, leave blank

Left justify.
* 1 None If NSLDS Loan Program Code =

CL , print ‘FFEL Consolidatedion’

DU, print ‘National Defense Loan’
D1, print ‘Direct Stafford Subsidized’
D2, print ‘Direct Stafford Unsubsidized’
D4, print ‘Direct PLUS’
D5, print ‘Direct Consolidatedion Unsub’
D6, print ‘Direct Consolidatedion Sub’
D7, print ‘Direct PLUS Consolidatedion’
EU, print ‘Perkins Expanded Lending’
FI, print ‘Federally Insured (FISL)’
IC, print ‘Income Contingent Loan (ICL)’
NU, print ‘NDSL’
PL, print ‘FFEL Plus’
PU, print ‘ Federal Perkins’
RF, print ‘FFEL Refinanced’
SF, print ‘FFEL Stafford Subsidized’
SU, print ‘FFEL Stafford Unsubsidized’
SL , print ‘Supplemental Loan (SLS)’
SN, Print ‘FFEL Stafford Non-Subsidized’
If blank, leave blank

Left justify.
* 5 None Print NSLDS Loan Net Amount in dollar ($999,999) format. Do not zero fill if amount
is less than 5 digits. If blank, leave blank.

Right justify.
* 6 None Print NSLDS Loan Begin Date in MM/DD/CCYY format. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’.
If blank, leave blank.

Left justify.
* 7 None Print NSLDS Loan End Date in MM/DD/CCYY format. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If
blank, leave blank.

Left justify.
* 8 None Print NSLDS Loan GA Code in 999 format. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave

Left justify.
* 9 None Print NSLDS Loan School Code. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.

Right justify.
* 10 None Print NSLDS Grade Level.

Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-39
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
* 11 None Print NSLDS Loan Contact Code. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.

Right justify.

Underneath NSLDS Loan Contact Code, print NSLDS Loan Contact Type. If value is
N/A, print ‘N/A’.

Left justify.
* 1-2 Status Code Print NSLDS Loan Current Status Code. If blank, leave blank.

Left justify.
* 3-4 as of Print NSLDS Loan Current Status Date in MM/DD/CCYY format. If blank, leave blank.

Left justify.
* 1-2 Outstanding Bal. Print NSLDS Loan Outstanding Principal Balance in dollar ($999,999) format. Do not
zero fill if amount is less than 5 digits. If value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.

Right justify.
* 3-4 as of Print NSLDS Loan Outstanding Principal Balance Date in MM/DD/CCYY format. If
value is N/A, print ‘N/A’. If blank, leave blank.

Left justify.

Summary for NSLDS Financial Aid History

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 N/A None If NSLDS Additional Loans Flag = Y, print ‘Access NSLDS for additional loan records’
BEFORE the details for the first NSLDS loan are printed.

2 1 None Leave blank.
2 2 None At the bottom of every page, print Trankey in 999-99-9999 XX 99 format.

Right justify.

March 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-40
John B. Student
2000-2001 NSLDS FINANCIAL AID HISTORY Processed: 03-17-2000
This page contains your previous financial aid information, which is contained in the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Your Financial Aid Administrator will use
it to determine your eligibility.
#Overpayment: Contact: #Discharged:Y #Defaulted #Loan Sat. #Active
Loans:Y Repayment:Y Bankruptcy:Y Reason:5
Pell: Y Access NSLDS
FSEOG: Y 12345678
Perkins: Y 12345678
Aggregate Amount Outstanding Pending Total:
#FFELP/Direct Loans: Prin. Bal.: Disb(s):
Subsid Loans: $123,456 $123,456 $123,456
Unsubsidized Loans: $123,456 $123,456 $123,456
Combined Loans: $123,456 $123,456 $123,456
FFEL Consol.Loans: $123,456 $123,456 $123,456
#Perkins Loans:
Outstanding Principal Bal.: $123,456 Current Year Loan Amount: $123,456
#2000-2001 Pell Payment Data:
Sch.Code:12345678 Tran:03 Sch.Amt:$2470 Award Amt:$1270 Disb.Amt:$1270 Rem.Amt:$1200
%Sch.Used: 100.00 As of :09/03/1998 Ver. Flag: EFC: 00000
Sch.Code:12345678 Tran:03 Sch.Amt:$1234 Award Amt:$1270 Disb.Amt:$1000 Rem.Amt:$1000
%Sch.Used: 100.00 As of :09/09/1998 Ver. Flag: EFC: 00000
Sch.Code:12345678 Tran:03 Sch.Amt:$1234 Award Amt:$1270 Disb.Amt:$1000 Rem.Amt:$1000
%Sch.Used: 100.00 As of :09/09/1998 Ver. Flag: EFC: 00000
Access NSLDS for Additional Pell Data
Loan Detail: Net Loan Begin End GA School Grade Contact/
Amount Date Date Code Code Level Cntct Type

#Direct Stafford $ 10,000 N/A N/A 555 00132900 X 555

Status Code DT as of 09/01/1996 EDR
Outstanding Bal. $ 10,000 as of 02/01/1996

#Stafford $ 1,043 09/01/1991 01/01/1992 705 00132300 X 005

Status Code DL as of 01/01/1996 GA
Outstanding Bal. $ 109 as of 02/01/1996

#Supplemental Loan (SLS) $ 961 01/01/1987 04/01/1988 701 00132600 X 701

Status Code DU as of 05/01/1996 N/A
Outstanding Bal. $ 0 as of 02/02/1994

#Stafford Unsubsidized$ 1,500 N/A N/A 555 00132700 X 555

Status Code DB as of 05/01/1997 EDR
Outstanding Bal. $ 10,000 as of 02/02/1996

#Perkins Exp Lend Opt $ 7,000 09/02/1992 06/02/1993 N/A 00132100 X 555
Status Code DU as of 01/05/1995 SCH
Outstanding Bal. $ 4,400 as of 01/01/1994

Page X of X 123-45-6789 ST 01

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-41
John B. Student
2000-2001 NSLDS FINANCIAL AID HISTORY (Cont.) Processed: 03-17-2000
This page contains your previous financial aid information, which is contained in the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Your Financial Aid Administrator will use
it to determine your eligibility.
Loan Detail: Net Loan Begin End GA School Grade Contact/
Amount Date Date Code Code Level Cntct Type

#Stafford $ 800 01/04/1992 12/01/1992 701 00132800 X 300

Status Code RP as of 02/01/1995 N/A
Outstanding Bal. $ 700 as of 02/01/1996

#Direct Stafford $ 10,000 01/01/1996 01/01/1997 N/A 00132600 X 100

Status Code FB as of 09/01/1994 N/A
Outstanding Bal. $65,200 as of 02/02/1996

#Stafford Unsub $ 916 09/01/1987 06/01/1988 701 00132100 X 906

Status Code ID as of 04/01/1994 LEN
Outstanding Bal. $ 588 as of 09/02/1994

#Dir Staf Unsub $ 996 04/01/1996 07/01/1997 N/A 00132100 X 200

Status Code DA as of 01/05/1995 N/A
Outstanding Bal. N/A as of N/A

#Direct Stafford $ 1,400 01/01/1996 01/01/1997 N/A 00132700 X 100

Status Code ID as of 09/06/1996 N/A
Outstanding Bal. $ 913 as of 02/03/1996

Access NSLDS for additional loan records.

123-45-6789 ST 01

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-42
Printing the Renewal Application

Header for Renewal Application

Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1 1 None Print the following at the top of Page 1 of X only:

Left justify.

1-2 2 None Print the following at the top of every page except for
Page 1 of X:

For Page 1, leave blank.

1 3 None Print ‘Page’ Y ‘of’ X, where Y = current page
number and X = number of pages printed.

Right justify.
2 1 None Print the following at the top of Page 1 of X only:

Left justify.

2 2 None Leave blank.

Print OMB Number in 1845-0001 format.

Right justify.
3 1 None Print the following at the top of Page 1 of X only:

Left justify.

3 2 None Leave blank.

3 3 None Print the following at the top of Page 1 of X only:

Left justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-43
Detail for Renewal Application Page 1
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1-3 1-2 None Reserved for Header.

Left justify.
4 1 None Print the following on Page 1 of X only:
Batch Year ‘SCHOOL YEAR’

Left justify.
4-27 2 None Print comment text (see following Sample Output
Document - Page 1 of 5).

Left justify.
5-7 1 None Leave blank.
8 1 None Print the Student’s First Name, Middle Initial, and Student’s
Last Name.
Left justify, leave one space between first name and middle
initial and between middle initial and last name.
9-10 1 None Print Permanent Mailing Address.

4-7 Right justify.

28 1 None Leave blank.
28 2 None Leave blank.
28 3 None Leave blank.
29 1 Institution Number: Print ‘Federal School Code’ Assumed Institution Number.

Left justify.
29 2 None Leave blank.
30 1 None Print Assumed Federal School Code Name. (Not found in
the RADD01OP record Layout.)

Left justify.
30 2 None Leave blank.
30 3 None Print Original Social Security Number and Name ID.
Separate fields with a space.

31 N/A None Print dash (-) across width of page.
32 N/A None Print comment text (see following Sample Output
Document - Page 1 of X).

Left justify.
33 1 None Reserved for comment text from line 32.
33 2 None Print ‘Our’Batch Year - 1 .

Left justify.
33 3 None Print ‘Enter Correct Data’.

Left justify.
34 1 None Leave blank.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-44
Detail for Renewal Application Page 1 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
34 2 None Print ‘Records Indicate’.

Left justify.
34 3 None Print ‘for’Batch Year.

Left justify.
35 1 STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) Print as is.

Left justify.
35 2 None Leave blank.
35 3 None Leave blank.
36 1-2 1. Last Name Print Student’s Last Name.

1 Left justify.
36 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
37 1-2 2. First Name Print Student’s First Name.

2 Left justify.
37 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
38 1-2 3. Middle Initial Print Middle Initial.

3 Left justify.
38 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
39 1-2 4. Permanent St. Address Print Permanent Mailing Address.

4 Left justify.
39 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
40 1-2 5. City Print Student’s Permanent City.

5 Left justify.
40 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
41 1-2 6. State Abbreviation Print Student’s Permanent State.

6 Left justify.
41 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-45
Detail for Renewal Application Page 1 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
42 1-2 7. ZIP Code Print Student’s Permanent Zip Code.

7 Left justify.
42 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
43 1-2 8. Social Security Number Print Student’s Current Social Security Number in 999-99-
9999 format.
Left justify.
43 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
44 1-2 9. Date of Birth Print Student’s Date of Birth in MONTH DD, CCYY
Left justify.
44 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
45 1-2 10. Perm. Home Phone Number Print Student’s Permanent Phone Number in (999) 999-
9999 format.
Left justify.
45 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
46 1-2 11. Do You Have a Driver’s License? If Do you have a Driver’s License =
1, print ‘YES’
2, print ‘NO’
Left justify.
46 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
47 1-2 12. Driver’s License Number Print Student’s Driver’s License Number

12 Left justify.
47 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
48 1-2 13. Driver’s License State Abbr. Print Student’s Driver’s License State Code in XX format.

13 Left justify.
48 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-46
Detail for Renewal Application Page 1 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
49 1-2 14. Citizenship Status If Student’s Citizenship Status =
1, print ‘U.S. CITIZEN’
3, print ‘NOT ELIGIBLE’

Left justify.
49 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
50 1-2 15. Alien Registration Number Print ‘A’immediately followed by Student’s Alien
Registration Number.
Left justify.
50 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
51 1-2 16. Marital Status If Student’s Marital Status =
1, print ‘UNMARRIED’
16 2, print ‘MARRIED’
3, print ‘SEPARATED’

Left justify.
51 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
52 1-2 17. Date of Marital Status Print Student’s Marital Status Date in MONTH CCYY
Left justify.
52 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
Last 1-2 * indicates an assumed answer Print as is.
Last 3 None Leave blank.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-47
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1-2 1-3 None Reserved for Header.
3 1-3 None Print comment text (see following Sample Output
Document - Page 2 of X).

Left justify.
4 1 None Continue comment text.
4 2 None Print ‘Our’Batch Year-1.

Left justify.
4 3 None Print ‘Enter Correct Data’.

Left justify.
5 1 None Leave blank.
5 2 None Print ‘Records Indicate’.

Left justify.
5 3 None Print ‘for’Batch Year.

Left justify.
6 1 STEP ONE (CONT’D) Print as is.

Left justify.
6 2-3 None Leave blank.
7 1-2 18. Enroll. Status for Summer 2000 If Enrollment Plan for Summer 2000 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
18 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Left justify.
7 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
8 1-2 19. Enroll. Status for Fall 2000 If Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
19 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Left justify.
8 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-48
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
9 1-2 20. Enroll. Status for Win. 2000-2001 If Enrollment Plan for Winter 2000-2001 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
20 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Left justify.
9 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
10 1-2 21. Enroll. Status for Spring 2001 If Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
21 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Left justify.
10 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
11 1-2 22. Enroll. Status for Summer 2001 If Enrollment Plan for Summer 2001 =
1, print ‘FULL TIME’
22 2, print ‘3/4 TIME’
3, print ‘½ TIME’
4, print ‘LESS ½’
5, print ‘NOT ATTEND’

Left justify.
11 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
12 1-2 23. Father’s Educational Level If Father’s Highest Grade Level Completed =
1, print ‘MIDSCH/JR’
23 2, print ‘HIGH SCHOOL’
3, print ‘COLLEGE’
4, print ‘UNKNOWN’

Left justify.
12 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
13 1-2 24. Mother’s Educational Level If Mother’s Highest Grade Level Completed =
1, print ‘MIDSCH/JR’
24 2, print ‘HIGH SCHOOL’
3, print ‘COLLEGE’
4, print ‘UNKNOWN’

Left justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-49
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
13 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
14 1-2 25. State of Legal Residence Print the Student’s State of Legal Residence in XX format.

25 Left justify.
14 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
15 1-2 26. Legal Resident before 1-1- 1995? Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

15 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
16 1-2 27. Date of Legal Residence Print Student’s Legal Residence Date in Month CCYY
Left justify.
16 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
17 1-2 28. Drug Conviction Eligibility? Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

17 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
18 1-2 29. Are You Male? If Are You Male =
1, print ‘YES’
29 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
18 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
19 1-2 30. Register for Selective Service? If Do you want Selective Service to Register you =
1, print ‘YES’
30 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
19 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-50
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
20 1-2 31. Type of Degree/Certificate If Degree/Certificate =
1, print ‘1 ST BA’
31 2, print ‘2 ND BA’
3, print ‘ASSOCTECH’
4, print ‘ASSOCGEN’
5, print ‘CERT/DIPL < 2 YRS’
6, print ‘CERT/DIPL > 2 YRS’
7, print ‘TEACHING’
8, print ‘GRAD/PROF’
9, print ‘OTHER’
blank, leave blank

Left justify.
20 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
21 1-2 32. Grade Level in College 2000-2001 Print ‘-->‘across width of column.

21 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
22 1-2 33. Have HS Diploma/GED? If HS or GED received =
1, print ‘YES’
33 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
22 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
23 1-2 34. First Bachelor’s before 7-1- 2000? If First Bachelor’s Degree by 7-1-2000? =
1, print ‘YES’
34 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
23 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
24 1-2 35. Interested in Student Loans? If Interested in Student Loans? =
1, print ‘YES’
35 2, leave blank
blank, leave blank

Left justify.
24 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-51
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
25 1-2 36. Interested in Work Study? If Interested in Student Employment =
1, print ‘YES’
36 2, leave blank
If blank, leave blank

Left justify.
25 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
26 1-3 None Leave blank.
27 1 STEP TWO Print as is.

Left justify.
27 2-3 None Leave blank.
28 1-2 37. Tax Form Filed Status Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

28 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
29 1-2 38. Type of Tax Return Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

29 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
30 1-2 39. Eligible to File a 1040A or EZ? Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

30 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
31 1-2 40. Adjusted Gross Income Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

31 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
32 1-2 41. U.S. Income Taxes Paid Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

32 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
33 1-2 42. Exemptions Claimed Print Student’s Exemptions Claimed.

42 Left justify.
33 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-52
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
34 1-2 43. Earned Income Credit Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

34 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
35 1-2 44. Student’s Inc Earned from Work Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

35 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
36 1-2 45. Spouse’s Inc Earned from Work Print ‘-->‘across width of column.

36 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
37 1-2 46. Amount from Worksheet A Print ‘-->’across width of column 2

37 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
38 1-2 47. Amount from Worksheet B Print ‘-->’across width of column 2

38 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
39 1-2 48. Cash, Savings, and Checking Print ‘-->’across width of column 2

39 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
40 1-2 49. Net Worth of Investments Print Student’s Investment Net Worth

49 Left justify.
40 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
41 1-2 50. Net Worth of Business Print Student’s Business Net Worth

50 Left justify.
41 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
42 1-2 51. Net Worth of Investment Farm Print Student’s Investment Farm Net Worth

51 Left justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-53
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
42 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
43 1-2 52. How Many Months Rec VA Benefits? Print No. of Months Veterans Education Benefits Received.

52 Left justify.
43 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
44 1-2 53. Monthly VA Benefits Amount Print Monthly Veterans Education Benefits in dollar format.

53 Left justify.
44 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
45 1-3 None Leave blank.
46 1-3 STEP THREE (Student Status) Print as is.

Left justify.
47 1-2 54. Born Before 1-1- 1977? If Born Before 01-01-1977? =
1, print ‘YES’
54 2, print ‘NO’
47 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
48 1-2 55. Enrolled in Grad Prog in2000-2001? If Working on a Degree Beyond Bachelor’s in 2000-2001 =
1, print ‘YES’
55 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
48 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
49 1-2 56. Are You Married? If Is Student Married? =
1, print ‘YES’
56 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
49 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
50 1-2 57. Dependents Other Than Spouse? If Have Legal Dependents Other than Spouse =
1, print ‘YES’
57 2, print. ‘NO’

Left justify.
50 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-54
Detail for Renewal Application Page 2 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
51 1-2 58. Orphan or Ward of the Court? If Orphan or Ward of Court? =
1, print ‘YES’
58 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
51 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
52 1-2 59. Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? If Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? =
1, print ‘YES’
59 2, print ‘NO’

Left justify.
52 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
53 1-3 None Leave blank.
54 1 STEP FOUR (PARENTS) Print as is.

Left justify.
54 2-3 None Leave blank.
55 1-2 60. Parent(s) Marital Status If Parent’s Marital Status =
1, print ‘MARRIED’
60 2, print ‘SINGLE’
3, print ‘DIV/SEP’
4, print ‘WIDOWED’

Left justify.
55 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
56 1-2 61. Father’s Social Security Number Print as is.

61 Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

56 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
Last 1-2 * indicates an assumed answer Print as is.
Last 3 None Print Original Social Security Number and Name ID.
Line Separate fields with a space.


October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-55
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1-2 1-3 None Reserved for Header.
3 1-3 None Reserved for comment text from line 1.
4 1 None Continue comment text.
4 2 None Print ‘Our’Batch Year-1.

Left justify.
4 3 None Print ‘Enter Correct Data’.

Left justify.
5 1 None Leave blank.
5 2 None Print ‘Records Indicate’.

Left justify.
5 3 None Print ‘for’Batch Year.

Left justify.
6 1 STEP THREE ( CONT’D) Print as is.

Left justify.
6 2-3 None Leave blank.
7 1-3 Blank line Leave blank.
8 1-2 62. Father’s Last Name Print as is.

62 Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

8 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
9 1-2 63. Mother’s Social Security Number Print as is.

63 Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

9 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
10 1-2 64. Mother’s Last Name Print as is.

64 Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

10 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
11 1-2 65. Parent(s) Number of Family Members 2000-2001 Print Parents’ Number of Family Members

65 Left justify.
11 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
12 1-2 66. Parent(s) number in College 2000-2001 Print as is.

66 Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-56
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
12 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
13 1-2 67. Parent(s) state of Legal Residence Print Parents’State of Legal Residence in XX State Code
Left justify.
13 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
14 1-2 68. Residents before 1-1-1995? Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

14 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
15 1-2 69. Date of Legal Residence Print Parent’s Legal Residence Date in Month CCYY
Left justify.
15 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
16 1-2 70. Age of Older Parent Print Age of Older Parent

70 Left justify.
16 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
17 1-2 71. 1999 Tax Form Filed Status Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

17 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
18 1-2 72. Type of 1999 Tax Return Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

18 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
19 1-2 73. Eligible to File 1040A/EZ? Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

19 3 None Print ‘Yes [ ] No [ ]’.

Right justify.
20 1-2 74. Adjusted Gross Income Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.


October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-57
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
20 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
21 1-2 75. U.S. Income Taxes Paid Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

21 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
22 1-2 76. Exemptions Claimed Print Parents’Exemptions Claimed

76 Left justify.
22 3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
23 1-2 77. Earned Income Credit Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

23 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
24 1-2 78. Father’s Inc Earned from Work Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

24 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
25 1-2 79. Mother’s Inc Earned from Work Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

25 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
26 1-2 80. Amount from Worksheet A Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

80 Left justify.
26 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
27 1-2 81. Amount from Worksheet B Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

81 Left justify.
27 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
28 1-2 82. Cash, Savings, and Checking Print ‘-->‘across width of column 2.

28 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-58
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
29 1-2 83. Net Worth of Investments Print Parents’ Investments Net Worth.

Left justify.
29 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
30 1-2 84. Net Worth of Business Print Parents’ Business Net Worth.

84 Left justify.
30 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
31 1-2 85. Net Worth of Investment Farm Print Parents’ Investment Farm Net Worth.

85 Left justify.
31 3 None Print ‘$__________________’

Right justify.
32 1-3 Blank line Leave blank.
33 1 STEP FIVE Print as is.

Left justify.
33 2-3 None Leave blank.
34 1 86. Number of Family Members 2000-2001 Print Student’s Number of Family Members.

86 Left justify.
34 2-3 None Print ‘__________________’

Right justify.
35 1-2 87. Number in College in 2000-2001 Print Student’s Number in College 2000-2001.

Left justify.
35 3 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
36 3 Same for Print as is.

Right justify.
36 4 If Different, Print as is.

37 1 STEP SIX Print as is.

Left justify.

37 2 None Leave blank.

37 3 Batch Year’?’ Print Batch Year followed by a question mark.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-59
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
37 4 Enter New Data Print as is.

38 1-2 88. 1 st College Name Print Federal School Code #1.

88 Left justify.
38 3 None Print ‘[ ]’.

Right justify.
38 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
39 1-2 City and State Print Federal School Code #1 City’,’Federal School Code
#1 State. (Not on RADD01OP file)

Left justify.
39 3 None Leave blank.
39 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
40 1-2 89. First Housing Code If Housing Code College #1 =
1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
89 2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Left justify.
40 3 None Leave blank
40 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
41 1-2 90. 2nd College Name Print Federal School Code #2.

90 Left justify.
41 3 None Print ‘[ ]’

Right justify.
41 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
42 1-2 City and State Print Federal School Code #2 City’,’Federal School Code
#2 State. (Not on RADD01OP file)

Left justify.
42 3 None Leave blank.
42 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-60
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
43 1-2 91. Second Housing Code If Housing Code College #2 =
1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
91 2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Left justify.
43 3 None Leave blank.
43 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
44 1-2 92. 3rd College Name Print Federal School Code #3.

92 Left justify.
44 3 None Print ‘[ ]’.

Right justify.
44 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
45 1-2 City and State Print Federal School Code #3 City’,’Federal School Code
#3 State. (Not on RADD01OP file)

Left justify.
45 3 None Leave blank.
45 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
46 1-2 93. Third Housing Code If Housing Code College #3 =
1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
93 2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Left justify.
46 3 None Leave blank.
46 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
47 1-2 94. 4th College Name Print Federal School Code #4.

94 Left justify.
47 3 None Print ‘[ ]’.

Right justify.
47 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
48 1-2 City and State Print Federal School Code #4 City’,’Federal School Code
#4 State. (Not on RADD01OP file)

Left justify.
48 3 None Leave blank.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-61
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
48 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
49 1-2 95. Fourth Housing Code If Housing Code College #4 =
1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
95 2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Left justify.
49 3 None Leave blank.
49 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
50 1-2 96. 5th College Name Print Federal School Code #5.

96 Left justify.
50 3 None Print ‘[ ]’.

Right justify.
50 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
51 1-2 City and State Print Federal School Code #5 City’,’Federal School Code
#5 State. (Not on RADD01OP file)

Left justify.
51 3 None Leave Blank
51 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
52 1-2 97. Fifth Housing Code If Housing Code College #5 =
1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
97 2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Left justify.
52 3 None Leave blank.
52 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
53 1-2 98. 6 th College Name Print Federal School Code #6.

98 Left justify.
53 3 None Print ‘[ ]’.

Right justify.
53 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-62
Detail for Renewal Application Page 3 (Continued)
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
54 1-2 City and State Print Federal School Code #6 City’,’Federal School Code
#6 State. (Not on RADD01OP file)

Left justify.
54 3 None Leave blank.
54 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
55 1-2 99. Sixth Housing Code If Housing Code College #6 =
1, print ‘ONCAMPUS’
99 2, print ‘OFFCAMPUS’
3, print ‘W/PARENT(S)’

Left justify.
55 3 None Leave blank.
55 4 None Print ‘____________________’

Right justify.
56-57 1-4 None Leave blank.
Last 1-3 * indicates an assumed answer Print as is.
Last 4 None Print Original Social Security Number and Name ID.
Line Separate fields with a space.


October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-63
Detail for Renewal Application Page 4
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1-2 1-4 None Reserved for Header.
3 1 READ, SIGN, AND DATE Print as is:

Left justify.
4 N/A None Leave blank.
5-27 1 None Print certification statement across width of page (see
following Sample Output Document – Page 4 of X).

Left justify.
28-29 N/A None Leave blank.
30 1 Student Print as is.

Left justify.
30 2 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.
30 3 Date Print as is.

Left justify.
30 4 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.
31 1 None Leave blank.
31 2 None Print the Student’s First Name, Middle Initial, and Student’s
Last Name.

Left Justify each.

31 3-4 None Leave blank.
32 N/A None Leave blank.
33 1 Parent Print as is.

Left justify.
33 2 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.
33 3 Date Print as is.

Left justify.
33 4 None Print ‘________________’.

Right justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-64
Detail for Renewal Application Page 5
Row Column Report Label Print Instructions
1- N/A None Print text across width of page following
Last Sample Output Document - Page 5 of X.
Left justify.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-65
Sample Output Document
RENEWAL Pg. 1 of X
2000-2001 SCHOOL YEAR You can use this Renewal Application to
apply for Federal student aid for 2000-2001.
Or you can file your Renewal Application
on the Internet at
RHELLO I SUBRAMANIAN beginning January 3, 2000.
120 17th ST. S.W.CEDAR RAPIDS, IA 52444 Your 1999-2000 information is printed under
the questions. Use the spaces provided in
the 2000-2001 column only if you need to
write in new answers, or to correct
information from 1999-2000. Questions with
arrows require new answers.

Print legibly, using capital letters and block numbers. Use black ink.
Erase or white-out mistakes completely.
If an answer is zero, write in “0”. If the question does not apply, leave it blank.
An asterisk (*) next to a 1999-2000 response means we assumed an answer.

Institution Number: 001002

If the 1999-2000 column is correct, then DO NOT rewrite the same data in the
2000-2001 column. Our 1999-2000 Enter Correct Data
Records Indicate for 2000-2001


1. Last Name SUBRAMANIAN ____________________
2. First Name RHELLO ____________________
3. Middle Initial I ____________________
4. Permanent St. Address 120 17TH ST S.W. ____________________
5. City CEDAR RAPIDS ____________________
6. State Abbreviation IA ____________________
7. ZIP Code 52444 ____________________
8. Social Security Number 100-00-0001 ____________________
9. Date of Birth SEPTEMBER 09, 1970 ____________________
10. Perm. Home Phone Number (319) 789-0989 ____________________
11. Do You Have a Driver’s License? No Yes [ ] No [ ]
12. Driver’s License Number 12345678909876543210 ____________________
13. Driver’s License State Abbr IA ____________________
14.*Citizenship Status U.S. CITIZEN ____________________
15. Alien Registration Number (BLANK) ____________________
16.*Marital Status MARRIED ____________________
17. Date of Marital Status JUNE 1989 ____________________

* indicates an assumed answer

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-66

If the 1999-2000 column is correct, then DO NOT rewrite the same answers in the
2000-2001 column. Our 1999-2000 Enter Correct Data
Records Indicate for 2000-2001
18. Enroll. Status for Summer 2000 FULL TIME ____________________
19. Enroll. Status for Fall 2000 FULL TIME ____________________
20. Enroll. Status for Win. 2000-2001 FULL TIME ____________________
21. Enroll. Status for Spring 2001 FULL TIME ____________________
22. Enroll. Status for Summer 2001 FULL TIME ____________________
23. Father’s Educational Level COLLEGE ____________________
24. Mother’s Educational Level COLLEGE ____________________
25. State of Legal Residence IA
26. Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
27. Date of Legal Residence 12/1996 ____________________
28. Drug Conviction Elig? --> --> --> --> ____________________
29. Are You Male? YES Yes [ ] No [ ]
30. Register for Selective Service? (BLANK) Yes [ ] No [ ]
31. Type of Degree/Certificate 1ST BA ____________________
32. Grade Level in College 2000-2001 --> --> --> --> ____________________
33. Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Yes [ ] No [ ]
34. First Bachelor’s before 7-1-2000? YES Yes [ ] No [ ]
35. Interested in Student Loans? YES Yes [ ] No [ ]
36. Interested in Work Study? YES Yes [ ] No [ ]
37. Tax Form Filed Status ALREADY FILED ____________________
38. Type of Tax Return IRS1040A ____________________
39. Eligible to file 1040A or EZ? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
40. Adjusted Gross Income --> --> --> --> $________________
41. U.S. Income Taxes Paid --> --> --> --> $________________
42. Exemptions Claimed 2 ________________
43. Earned Income Credit --> --> --> --> $________________
44. Student’s Income Earned from Work --> --> --> --> $________________
45. Spouse’s Income Earned from Work --> --> --> --> $________________
46. Amount from Worksheet A --> --> --> --> $________________
47. Amount from Worksheet B --> --> --> --> $________________
48. Cash, Savings, and Checking --> --> --> --> $________________
49. Net Worth of Investments $ 123,450 $________________
50. Net Worth of Business $ 123,450 $________________
51. Net Worth of Investment Farm $ 123,450 $________________
52. How Many Months Rec VA Benefits? 11 _________________
53. Monthly VA Benefits Amount $-330 $________________
54. Born before 1-1-1977? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
55. Enrolled in Grad Prog in 2000-2001 NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
56. Are You Married? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
57. Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
58. Orphan or Ward of the Court? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
59. Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? YES Yes [ ] No [ ]
60. Parents’ Marital Status SINGLE _________________
61. Father’s SSN --> --> --> --> _________________

* indicates an assumed answer 100-00-0001 SU

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-67

If the 1999-2000 column is correct, then DO NOT rewrite the same answers in the
2000-2001 column. Our 1999-2000 Enter Correct Data
Records Indicate for 2000-2001
62. Father’s Last Name --> --> --> --> _________________
63. Mother’s SSN --> --> --> --> _________________
64. Mother’s Last Name --> --> --> --> _________________
65. Number in Household 2 _________________
66. Number in College in 2000-2001 0 _________________
67. State of Legal Residence IA _________________
68. Residents before 1-1-95? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
69. Date of Legal Residence 12/1996 __________________
70. Age of Older Parent 60 __________________
71. 1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED _________________
72. Type of 1999 Tax Return IRS1040A _________________
73. Eligible to File 1040A or EZ? NO Yes [ ] No [ ]
74. Adjusted Gross Income --> --> --> --> $________________
75. U.S. Income Taxes Paid --> --> --> --> $________________
76. Exemptions Claimed 3 _________________
77. Earned Income Credit --> --> --> --> $________________
78. Father’s Inc Earned from Work --> --> --> --> $________________
79. Mother’s Inc Earned from Work --> --> --> --> $________________
80. Amount from Worksheet A --> --> --> --> $________________
81. Amount from Worksheet B --> --> --> --> $________________
82. Cash, Savings, and Checking --> --> --> --> $________________
83. Net Worth of Investments $ 123,450 $________________
84. Net Worth of Business $ 123,450 $________________
85. Net Worth of Investment Farm $ 123,450 $________________

86. Student’s Number in Household 2 ________________
87. Student’s Number in College in 2000-2001 1
Same for If Different,
STEP SIX 1999-2000? Enter New Data
88. 1st College Name (BLANK) [ ] ____________________
City and State (BLANK) ____________________
89. First Housing Code ____________________
90. 2nd College Name (BLANK) [ ] ____________________
City and State (BLANK) ____________________
91. Second Housing Code ____________________
92. 3rd College Name (BLANK) [ ] ____________________
City and State (BLANK) ____________________
93. Third Housing Code ____________________
94. 4th College Name (BLANK) [ ] ____________________
City and State (BLANK) ____________________
95. Fourth Housing Code ____________________
96. 5th College Name (BLANK) [ ] ____________________
City and State (BLANK) ____________________
97. Fifth Housing Code ____________________
98. 6th College Name (BLANK) [ ] ____________________
City and State (BLANK) ____________________
99. Sixth Housing Code ____________________

* indicates an assumed answer 100-00-0001 SU

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-68


By signing below, you certify that all the information on this form is true and complete to
the best of your knowledge. If asked, you agree to give proof of the information, which may
include a copy of your U.S. or state income tax form. If you purposely give false or
misleading information, you may be fined $10,000, sent to prison, or both. You also certify

> you will use any federal student financial aid funds received during the award
year covered by this application solely for educational expenses related to
attendance during that year at the institution of higher education that determined
eligibility for those funds;

> you are not in default on a Title IV educational loan, or you have repaid or
made satisfactory arrangements to repay your loan if you are in default;

> you do not owe an overpayment on a Title IV educational grant, or you have
made satisfactory arrangement to repay that overpayment;

> you will notify your school if you do owe an overpayment or are in default.

Everyone whose information is given on this form should sign below. The student (and at
least one parent, if parent information is given) MUST sign below.

Student __________________________________________ Date: ______________

Rhello I. Subramnian

Parent __________________________________________ Date: ______________


October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-69

H. PREPARERS USE ONLY (for preparers other than student and parents)
Preparer’s Name ________________________________ _______________________ __
Last First MI
Firm Name _____________________________________________________________________
Firm or Preparer’s Address ___________________________________________________
Number and Street (Include Apt. No.)
_________________________________ ________ _______
City State ZIP Code

102. Preparer’s Social Security Number (SSN) ______-____-________

103. Employer Identification Number (EIN) ____-______________
CERTIFICATION: All of the information on this form is true and complete to
the best of my knowledge.

104. Preparer’s Signature_____________________________________ Date____________


October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Printing

(185 H) 5-70

This section provides additional information necessary to further assist the user in the
implementation of the EDE process. 2000-2001 ISIR Changes, Message Classes, as well
as Correction Test Cases, are provided in this section.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-1
2000-2001 ISIR Changes
When looking at this table, note that the Valid Field Content Modified lists ONLY the
changes. It DOES NOT list ALL the valid content.
In the 2000-2001 ISIR layout some filler lines have been deleted that are NOT included
in this table because they are typically replaced with other fields.

Note: The order of the Dependency Status questions has changed. Also, the Assumption
Override codes have been renumbered to reflect the removal of assumption override 1.

2000- 1999-2000 Deleted,

2000-2001 ISIR 2001 ISIR 1999-2000 ISIR Field ISIR Field Added or Valid Field Content Modified
Field Name Field # Name # Modified
Application Source Code 154 Deleted Combined this field with Application
Source Site Code
Assumption Override 1-- 120 Deleted Deleted Assumption #1; reordered
Parents’ Number In College remaining assumptions
assumed to be 1 when
number in college equals
number in the household and
both are greater than 2.
NSLDS Perkins Expanded 287 Deleted
Lending Option Flag
NSLDS Perkins First 288 Deleted
Disbursement Prior to
Transaction Source Code 156 Deleted Combined this field with Transaction
Source Site Code
Transaction Verification Flag 151 Deleted
Verification Tracking Flag 152 Deleted
Assumed Father’s 257 Added 000000000 to 999999999
SSN Blank
Assumed 258 Added 000000000 to 999999999
Mother’s SSN Blank
Drug Offense 33 Added 1 = Eligible
Conviction 2 = Partially Eligible, will become
eligible during the award year
2 3 = Ineligible or Don’t Know
Father’s Last 67 Added 0 to 9
Name Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Father’s Social 66 Added 000000000 to 999999999
Security Number Blank
Input Record 116 Record Type 128 Added C = Correction Application
Type D = Duplicate Request
H = History Correction
R = Renewal Application/ Renewal
Application on the Web
S = FE or FOTW applications
Blank = Initial Application

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-2
2000- 1999- Deleted,
2000-2001 ISIR Field 2001 ISIR 1999-2000 ISIR Field 2000 ISIR Added or Valid Field Content
Name Field # Name Field # Modified Modified
Mother’s Last Name 69 Added 0 to 9
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
‘ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Mother’s Social Security 68 Added 000000000 to 999999999
Number Blank
NSLDS Aggregate 287 Added Numeric
Unsubsidized Pending N/A
NSLDS Aggregate 283 Added Numeric
Unsubsidized Outstanding N/A
Principle Balance
NSLDS Aggregate 290 Added Numeric
Unsubsidized Total N/A
NSLDS Pell Award Amount 316, 327 Added Numeric
(1, 2 or 3) and 338 Blank
NSLDS Post-Screening 281 Added 1 = Student went into default
Reason Code on a loan
2 = Student owes a newly
The student’s eligibility has reported overpayment
changed since the initial 3 = Student is no longer in
screening. See code for default
description of change. 4 = Student no longer owes an
5 = Other
Prisoner Match 154 Filler 149 Added 1 = Not a prisoner
2 = Prisoner in local facility
3 = Prisoner in state or federal
8 = Record not sent to match
9 = Sent, match not conducted
Student is selected for 156 Added Y = Selected
Verification N= Not Selected
* = A subsequent transaction
was selected for verification
Application Source Site Code 158 Application Site Source Code 155 Modified 11 = Electronic App
21 = Electronic Renewal App
Indicates the origin of the Indicates the origin of the 41 = FAFSA Express
initial application and the site initial application. 52,53,55,56 = ACT Mt.
location. Vernon
61 = FAFSA on the Web
62 = Renewal on the Web
71 = NCS ADE
FAA Adjustment 113 Adjusted EFC Calculation 108 Modified
Indicates whether a
calculation was requested by Indicates whether a
an FAA. calculation was requested by
an FAA.
Application Receipt Date 132 Application Receipt Date 127 Modified 20000101 to 20011231

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-3
2000- 1999- Deleted,
2000-2001 ISIR Field 2001 ISIR 1999-2000 ISIR Field 2000 ISIR Added or Valid Field Content
Name Field # Name Field # Modified Modified
Assumption Override 2-- 127 Assumption Override 3-- 122 Modified Assumption #3 became #2
Parents’ AGI assumed equal Parents’ AGI assumed equal
to sum of father and mother to sum of father and mother
earned income portions. earned income portions.
Allow AGI to be zero or blank Allow AGI to be zero or blank
as entered. as entered.
Assumption Override 3-- 128 Assumption Override 4-- 123 Modified Assumption #4 became #3
Student’s Number in College Student’s Number in College
assumed to be 1 when number assumed to be 1 when number
in college equals number in in college equals number in
the household and both are the household and both are
greater than 2. greater than 2.
Assumption Override 4-- 129 Assumption Override 5-- 124 Modified Assumption #5 became #4
Student’s AGI assumed equal Student’s AGI assumed equal
to the sum of student and to the sum of student and
spouse earned income spouse earned income
portions. Allow AGI to be portions. Allow AGI to be
zero or blank as entered. zero or blank as entered.
Assumption Override 5-- 130 Assumption Override 6-- 125 Modified Assumption #6 became #5
Parents’ Total from Parent’s total from worksheet
Worksheet B assumed to be B assumed to be zero. Allow
zero. Allow parents’ income parents income from
from Worksheet B to be less worksheet B to be less than or
than or equal to parents’ total equal to parents’ total income.
Assumption Override 6-- 131 Assumption Override 7-- 126 Modified Assumption #7 became #6
Student’s Total from Student’s total from worksheet
Worksheet B assumed to be B assumed to be zero. Allow
zero. Allow parents’ income parents income from
from Worksheet B to be less worksheet B to be less than or
than or equal to student’s total equal to student’s total
income. income.
Batch Number 118 Batch Number 112 Modified Changed year reference:
1 digit for Cycle Year = 1
#S = Signature Corrections
Batch Year 1 Batch Year 1 Modified Changed year reference to “1”
for 2000-2001
Born Before 01-01-1977? 59 Born Before 01-01-1976? 58 Modified
Date Application Completed 105 Date Application Completed 100 Modified Changed year reference:
20000101 to 20011231
Duplicate Date 266 Duplicate Date 262 Modified Changed year reference:
200000101 to 20011231
CPS Process Date of the CPS Process Date of the
duplicate transaction duplicate transaction
requested. requested.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-4
2000- 1999- Deleted,
2000-2001 ISIR Field 2001 ISIR 1999-2000 ISIR Field 2000 ISIR Added or Valid Field Content
Name Field # Name Field # Modified Modified
Electronic Application Entry 120 Electronic Application Entry 114 Modified Added:
Source Code Source Code 8 = FAFSA on the Web Form
Indicates the origin of the Indicates the origin of the based Entry
electronic application electronic application Modified:
6 = FAFSA on the Web Interview
based Entry
Enrollment Plan for Fall 2000 24 Enrollment Plan for Fall 1999 24 Modified
Enrollment Plan for Spring 2001 26 Enrollment Plan for Spring 2000 26 Modified
Enrollment Plan for Summer 23 Enrollment Plan for Summer 23 Modified
2000 1999
Enrollment Plan for Summer 27 Enrollment Plan for Summer 27 Modified
2001 2000
Enrollment Plan for Winter 25 Enrollment Plan for Winter 25 Modified
2000-2001 1999-2000
FAA Federal school code 111 FAA Federal school code 106 Modified
Indicates the Federal school code Indicates the Federal school code
that requested a dependency that requested a dependency
override or Adjusted Calculation override or Adjusted EFC
request. Calculation request.
Federal school code #1 Housing 94 Federal school code #1 Housing 89 Modified
Plans Code
Federal school code #2 Housing 96 Federal school code #2 Housing 91 Modified
Plans Code
Federal school code #3 Housing 98 Federal school code #3 Housing 93 Modified
Plans Code
Federal school code #4 Housing 100 Federal school code #4 Housing 95 Modified
Plans Code
Federal school code #5 Housing 102 Federal school code #5 Housing 97 Modified
Plans Code
Federal school code #6 Housing 104 Federal school code #6 Housing 99 Modified
Plans Code
First Bachelor’s Degree by 07- 39 First Bachelor’s Degree by 07- 38 Modified
01-2000? 01-1999?
Grade Level in College in 2000- 37 Grade Level in College in 1999- 36 Modified
2001 2000
Parents’Calculated 1999 Tax 137 Parents’Calculated 1998 Tax 132 Modified
Status Status
Parents’Legal Residence Date 74 Parents’Legal Residence Date 86 Modified Changed year reference: 190001
to 200112
CPS will accept:
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
Parents’Legal Residents before 73 Parents’Legal Residents before 85 Modified
01-01-1995? 01-01-94?
Parents’Number in College 71 Parents’Number in College 83 Modified
2000-2001 1999-2000
(Parent’s excluded)

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-5
2000- 1999- Deleted,
2000-2001 ISIR Field 2001 ISIR 1999-2000 ISIR Field 2000 ISIR Added or Valid Field Content
Name Field # Name Field # Modified Modified
Parents’ Type of 1999 Tax 77 Parents’ Type of 1998 Tax 67 Modified
Form Used? Form Used?
Processed Record Type 133 Record Type 128 Modified
Reject Override B-- 123 Reject Override B-- 118 Modified
Date of Birth since September Date of Birth since September
1, 1984 1, 1983
Signed By 106 Signed By 101 Modified Added: P = Parent only

Indicates if only the applicant, Indicates if only the applicant,

or only the parent, or both or both applicant and parent
applicant and parent signed signed the transaction.
the transaction.
SSN Date of Death 151 SSN Date of Death 146 Modified 19000101 to 20011231

Date of Death provided for Date of Death provided for

this SSN from the Social this SSN from the Social
Security Administration. Security Administration.
Student’s Calculated 1999 138 Student’s Calculated 1998 133 Modified
Tax Status Tax Status
Student’s Legal Residence 32 Student’s Legal Residence 32 Modified Changed year reference:
Date Date 190001 to 200112

CPS will accept: CCYYMM

CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
Student Legal Resident Before 31 Student’s Legal Resident 31 Modified
01-01-1995? Before 01-01-94?
Student’s Marital Status Date 22 Student’s Marital Status Date 22 Modified Changed year reference:
190001 to 200112
Student’s Number in College 92 Student’s Number in College 65 Modified
2000-2001 1999-2000
Student’s Type of 1999 Tax 43 Student’s Type of 1998 Tax 44 Modified
Form Used? Form Used?
System Generated Indicator 135 System Generated Indicator 130 Modified Added:
P = Duplicate request and
Transaction initiated by the Transaction initiated by the change on hold file
CPS with no input from the CPS with no input from the Removed:
applicant. applicant. * = Special handling request
Transaction Processed Date 160 Transaction Processed Date 158 Modified Changed year reference:
20000101 to 20011231
Transaction Receipt Date 115 Transaction Receipt Date 110 Modified Changed year reference:
20000101 to 20011231

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-6
2000- 1999- Deleted,
2000-2001 ISIR Field 2001 ISIR 1999-2000 ISIR Field 2000 ISIR Added or Valid Field Content
Name Field # Name Field # Modified Modified
Transaction Source Site Code 159 Transaction Site Source Code 157 Modified 11 = Electronic App
21 = Electronic Renewal App
Indicates the origin of the Indicates the origin of the 31 = Electronic History
transaction and the site transaction. Correction
location. 41 = FAFSA Express
51,54 = ACT Lawrence
52,53,55,56 = ACT Mt.
61 = FAFSA on the Web
62 = Renewal on the Web
63 = Web History Corrections
71 = NCS ADE
72 = NCS System Generated
73 = NCS NSLDS Post-
75 = NCS Signature HC
81 = PIC
VA Match Flag 153 VA Match Flag 148 Modified 8 = Record not sent to VA
Working on Degree Beyond 60 Working on Degree Beyond 59 Modified
Bachelor’s in 2000-2001? Bachelor’s in 1999-2000?

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-7
Message Classes
2000-2001 Record
Sent/Received Length
Message Class Data Description By User User ID
CORR01IN Electronic Corrections/Duplicates Sent 450 CPS TG50002
EAPR01OP Electronic Application Reject Received 109 CPS TG50002
EAPS01IN Electronic Applications Sent 620 CPS TG50002
EAPS01OP Electronic Application ISIRs Received 2735 CPS TG50002
EDM001OP ED Initiated Imports 0 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM101OP ED Initiated Imports 1 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM201OP ED Initiated Imports 2 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM301OP ED Initiated Imports 3 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM401OP ED Initiated Imports 4 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM501OP ED Initiated Imports 5 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM601OP ED Initiated Imports 6 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM701OP ED Initiated Imports 7 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM801OP ED Initiated Imports 8 Received 0 Not Determined
EDM901OP ED Initiated Imports 9 Received 0 Not Determined
EREP01OP Renewal Request (RAD) Errors Received 109 CPS TG50002
ESFN01OP State Agency ISIR Nonresident Received 1526 CPS TG50002
ESFR01OP State Agency ISIR Resident Received 1526 CPS TG50002
FDRE01OP Rejected FDR Request Received 109 CPS TG50002
FDRF01OP Processed FDRs Received 1526 CPS TG50002
FDRS01IN FDR Request Sent 450 CPS TG50002
FDRU01OP Unfulfilled FDRs After 30 Days Received 109 CPS TG50002
RADD01IN Renewal Data Requests (RAD) Sent 109 CPS TG50002
RADD01OP Renewal Data from RAD Requests Received 525 CPS TG50002
RAPR01OP Renewal Application Requests Rejects Received 109 CPS TG50002
REAP01IN Renewal Applications Sent 620 CPS TG50002
REAP01OP Renewal Application ISIRs Received 2735 CPS TG50002
SARA01OP Automatic ISIRs Received 2735 CPS TG50002
SARA01TS Electronic SAR--Test Mode Received 2735 CPS TG50002
SARE01OP Electronic Correction/Duplicate Errors Received 109 CPS TG50002
SARR01OP Electronic Correction/Duplicate ISIR Received 2735 CPS TG50002
SIGA01OP Signature Correction Acknowledgments and Errors Received 109 CPS TG50002
SIGS01IN Signature Corrections Sent 450 CPS TG50002
SYSG01OP Systems Generated Received 2735 CPS TG50002
YTDF01OP State Agency YTD ISIR Nonresident Received 1526 CPS TG50002
YTDN01OP State Agency YTD ISIR Resident Received 1526 CPS TG50002
YTDO01OP Year-to-Date ISIRs Received 2735 CPS TG50002

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-8
Optional Testing with the Central Processing System
The certification testing process is optional for all Electronic Data Exchange
participants. Testing is available for institutions that choose not to use the EDExpress
software to create history corrections. This testing can take place after all enrollment
forms for Title IV WAN have been filled out and submitted and the network
connectivity test completed. You can receive the 50 test ISIR records, and you may also
request the file by calling the number listed below.
1. To begin the process users will need to contact CPS Customer Service at 800-330-
2. CPS will then send a file containing 50 test ISIRs to the user’s mailbox.
3. The ISIR file will need to be downloaded from the Student Aid Internet Gateway
(SAIG) network and brought into the user’s system.
4. Print a sample of these ISIRs to verify that this process has worked successfully.
5. Make corrections to the 10 ISIRs specified on the following pages. This will entail
entering changes to various fields on student records and saving these revisions.
6. Once all updates are entered, the user’s system should batch up the corrections into
a CORR01IN.DAT file that the user will need to transmit via the SAIG to CPS.
7. Within 3 days, a representative from CPS will contact the user with the results of
the test. If there were errors with the correction file, you will want to make the
appropriate changes suggested to your system and then resubmit the full correction
file again.
Note to 3rd Party Vendors and Custom System Participants: The test cases
mentioned above can be used to test your systems. Simply call CPS Customer Service
and request the 50 test cases be placed in your SAIG mailbox. Ten of the 50 test cases
have been run through the compute process of the CPS and are “realistic” scenarios of
student paper applications. The history correction cases provided on the subsequent
pages are corrections to these 10 ISIRs. Copies of the 10 printed ISIRs are provided in
the section for reference purposes.

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-9
History Correction Test Cases
To better assist in testing the history correction process, 10 of the 50 test ISIR records,
which you can receive from the Central Processing System (CPS), have been run
through the CPS compute process. The following history test cases can be used as
stand-alone corrections (those without an ISIR on file) or corrections to the
corresponding ISIR in the test file. Use the following correction cases to test the history
correction process with the CPS or to test vendor software correction processing:

1. 002472030 O’01

Field Value

Student’s First Name Sam

Student’s Permanent Phone # 301-555-4444
Student’s Current Social Security Number 002472031
Enrollment Status Fall 2000 ¾ time
Enrollment Status Spring 2001 ¾ time
Student’s Income Earned from Work 12987
Federal School Code 1 Housing Plans On Campus

2. 0699987246 BA 01

Field Value

Student’s Permanent City Laurel

Student’s Permanent Zip code 12322
Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? Yes
Student’s # in College 2000-2001 02 2
Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet B 345
Student’s Investment Net Worth 11999

3. 031289426 NE 01

Field Value

Federal School Code #2 001892

Federal School Code #2 Housing Plans On Campus
DRN 1234

4. 236010028 I 01

Field Value

Interested in Student Employment? NO

Age of Older Parent 67

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-10
5. 236010112 HO 01

Field Value

Student’s Number of Family Members 02

Is Student Married? Yes

6. 236010029 MI 01

Field Value

Student’s Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040

Student’s Adjusted Gross Income 23500
Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 3300
Student’s Other Untaxed Income 1200

7. 236010046 FL 01

Field Value

Parent’s Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040

Parent’s Adjusted Gross Income 47585
Father’s Income Earned from Work 45788
Parent’s Total Amount from Worksheet A 11455

8. 233010018 PI 01

Field Value

Monthly Veterans Education Benefits 110

No. of Months Veterans Education Benefits
Received 5

9. 429887341 01

Field Value

Student’s State of Legal Residence Maryland

Student Driver’s Lic # 245 1233 ABCDEF

10. 472981234 HI 01

Field Value

Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 4100

Student’s Cash, Savings, and Checking 0

August 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-11
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 002-47-2030 O' 01 EFC C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status X

Address: 833 ELM STREET
LACONIA NH 03246 Cash, Savings, and Checking 1739
hSocial Security Number 002-47-2031 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 10/13/1980 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # (301)555-4444 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? YES No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic 10FAHJ74131-NH Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status UNMARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? NO
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 FULL TIME Are you Married? NO
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 3/4 TIME Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 FULL TIME Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 3/4 TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001
Father's Educational Level HIGH SCHOOL STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level COLLEGE Marital Status MARRIED
State of Legal Residence NH Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? YES Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. 10/1974 Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? YES hNumber in Household 19
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001 4
Degree/Cert ASSOCTECH State of Legal Residence NH
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995? YES
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res. 01/1957
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? YES 1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED
Interested in Work Study? YES Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI 86000
h1999 Tax Form Filed Status Parent's 1999 Tax 4219
hType of 1999 Tax Form Used Parent's 1999 Exemptions 09
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES Earned Income Credit 0
hStudent and Spouse 1999 AGI Father's Income from Work 86000
hStudent and Spouse 1999 Tax 0 Mother's Income from Work 0
hStudent and Spouse 1999 Exemptions Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 12987 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household
Number in College in 2000-2001

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-12
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 002-47-2030 O' 01 EFC C

Last Name O'TOOLE
STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 002573 House 1 ONCAMPUS
College 2 001002 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met: P ,W
Verification Flag
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC Pell Elig Flag Intermediate Values

Primary EFC Secondary EFC TI FTI
Mon 1 Mon 7 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI APA
Mon 2 Mon 8 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX PCA
Mon 3 Mon 10 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA AAI
Mon 4 Mon 11 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI TPC
Mon 5 Mon 12 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA TSC
Mon 6 Mon 6 AI PC
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag NO Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,047,023,053,051

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 2 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-13
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 031-28-9426 NE 01 EFC 49195 C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status I

PORTLAND OR 97232 Cash, Savings, and Checking 28375
Social Security Number 031-28-9426 Net Worth of Investments 3888
Date of Birth 03/26/1949 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? NO No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic NONE- Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status UNMARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? YES
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 NOT ATTEND Are you Married? NO
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 FULL TIME Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 NOT ATTEND Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 FULL TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 NOT ATTEND
Father's Educational Level HIGH SCHOOL STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level HIGH SCHOOL Marital Status
State of Legal Residence OR Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? YES Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. 03/1947 Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? NO Number in Household
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001
Degree/Cert ASSOCTECH State of Legal Residence
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 1st YR NEVER ATT Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? NO 1999 Tax Form Filed Status
Interested in Work Study? NO Type of 1999 Tax Form Used
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 0
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040A/EZ/TE Parent's 1999 Exemptions
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO Earned Income Credit 0
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 125000 Father's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 8400 Mother's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 01 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 125000 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 01
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-14
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 031-28-9426 NE 01 EFC 49195 C

Last Name NELSON
STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001002 House 1 OFFCAMPUS
College 2 001892 House 2 ONCAMPUS
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 2
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 04/16/2000 Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag N
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 01/03/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 01/03/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 49195 Secondary EFC TI 125000 FTI 125000
Mon 1 5466 Mon 7 38262 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI 27214 APA 31400
Mon 2 10932 Mon 8 43728 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX 7500 PCA
Mon 3 16398 Mon 10 49195 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA 0 AAI
Mon 4 21864 Mon 11 49195 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI TPC
Mon 5 27330 Mon 12 49195 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA 5000 TSC
Mon 6 32796 Mon 6 AI 97786 PC
CAI 48893 SIC
DNW 863 SCA 302
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag NO Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,112,053

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February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-15
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 069-98-7246 BA 01 EFC 99999 C
STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status I
LAUREL NJ 12322 Cash, Savings, and Checking 125000
Social Security Number 069-98-7246 Net Worth of Investments 11999
Date of Birth 09/14/1936 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? NO No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Alien Registration Number A007681243 STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status MARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? YES
Date of Marital Status 10/1954 Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? YES
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 NOT ATTEND Are you Married? YES
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 3/4 TIME Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 NOT ATTEND Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 3/4 TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces YES
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 NOT ATTEND
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level Marital Status
State of Legal Residence NJ Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? YES Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. 10/1954 Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? NO Number in Household
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001
Degree/Cert TEACHING State of Legal Residence
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 GRAD/PROF Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? NO 1999 Tax Form Filed Status
Interested in Work Study? NO Type of 1999 Tax Form Used
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI
1999 Tax Form Filed Status WILLFILE Parent's 1999 Tax 0
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO Earned Income Credit 0
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 62000 Father's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 4200 Mother's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 02 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
*Student's Income from Work 62000 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
hSpouse's Income from Work Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 3600 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 340 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 02
Number in College in 2000-2001 2

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February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-16
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 069-98-7246 BA 01 EFC 99999 C

STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001002 House 1 OFFCAMPUS
College 2 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 2
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 02/24/2000 Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag N
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 01/03/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 01/03/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 99999 Secondary EFC TI 65600 FTI 65600
Mon 1 11111 Mon 7 77777 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI 18911 APA 76600
Mon 2 22222 Mon 8 88888 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX 1968 PCA
Mon 3 33333 Mon 10 99999 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA 0 AAI
Mon 4 44444 Mon 11 99999 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI TPC
Mon 5 55555 Mon 12 99999 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA 8000 TSC
Mon 6 66666 Mon 6 AI 46689 PC
CAI 23345 SIC
DNW 670400 SCA 234640
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag NO Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,112,072,053,117,118,157

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February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-17
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 233-01-0018 PI 01 EFC 0 C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status I

TOWSON MD 20204 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Social Security Number 233-01-0018 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 02/01/1970 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # (301)555-1212 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? NO No. of Months VA Benefits Received 5
Driver's Lic Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 110
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status MARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? YES
Date of Marital Status 04/1990 Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 3/4 TIME Are you Married? YES
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 3/4 TIME Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 3/4 TIME Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 3/4 TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level MDSCH/JRHS Marital Status
State of Legal Residence MD Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? YES Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. 02/1967 Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? YES Number in Household
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001
Degree/Cert 2nd BA State of Legal Residence
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 1st YR ATT PREV Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? 1999 Tax Form Filed Status
Interested in Work Study? Type of 1999 Tax Form Used
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 0
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES Earned Income Credit 0
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 2000 Father's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 0 Mother's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 01 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 0 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 0 Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 01
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-18
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 233-01-0018 PI 01 EFC 0 C

STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001004 House 1 OFFCAMPUS
College 2 001002 House 2 W/PARENT(S)
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN 2105
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 5
Secondary EFC Type 2
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 01/24/2000 Application Source ELECTRONICAPP
Preparer's SSN REPORTED Institution Number 001004
Preparer's EIN REPORTED Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature REPORTED B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag N
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 08/21/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 08/21/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Y Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 0 Secondary EFC 0 TI 2000 FTI 2000
Mon 1 0 Mon 7 0 Mon 1 0 Mon 7 0 ATI 8120 APA
Mon 2 0 Mon 8 0 Mon 2 0 Mon 8 0 STX 120 PCA
Mon 3 0 Mon 10 0 Mon 3 0 Mon 10 0 EA 0 AAI
Mon 4 0 Mon 11 0 Mon 4 0 Mon 11 0 STI TPC
Mon 5 0 Mon 12 0 Mon 5 0 Mon 12 0 IPA 8000 TSC
Mon 6 0 Mon 6 0 AI -6120 PC
CAI -3060 SIC
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag YES Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,149,053

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February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-19
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 236-01-0028 I 01 EFC 452*C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status D

Address: 900 FENTON STREET
SILVER SPRING MD 20816 Cash, Savings, and Checking 300
Social Security Number 236-01-0028 Net Worth of Investments 990
Date of Birth 01/01/1978 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? NO No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
*Marital Status MARRIED *Born Before 1-1-1977? NO
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors?
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 1/2 TIME hAre you Married?
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 3/4 TIME Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 3/4 TIME Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 FULL TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 FULL TIME
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level Marital Status WIDOWED
State of Legal Residence MH Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? YES Number in Household 05
Register for Selective Service? *Number in College in 2000-2001 1
Degree/Cert State of Legal Residence VT
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent 67
Interested in Student Loans? NO 1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED
Interested in Work Study? NO Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040A/EZ/TE
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI 20000
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 3000
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions 04
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO Earned Income Credit 0
*Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 10000 Father's Income from Work 20000
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 0 Mother's Income from Work 0
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 00 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 10000 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 0 Net Worth of Investments 690
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 01
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-20
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 236-01-0028 I 01 EFC 452*C

STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001002 House 1
College 2 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 1
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 01/24/2000 Application Source NCS
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag Y
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type C Input Record Type C

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Y Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 452 Secondary EFC TI 20000 FTI 30000
Mon 1 452 Mon 7 452 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI 31310 APA 27400
Mon 2 452 Mon 8 452 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX 1400 PCA 0
Mon 3 452 Mon 10 452 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA 2800 AAI -11310
Mon 4 452 Mon 11 452 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI 10000 TPC 0
Mon 5 452 Mon 12 452 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA 22580 TSC
Mon 6 452 Mon 6 AI -11310 PC 0
DNW -26710 SCA 452
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag NO Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,149,053,117,118,051,170

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February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-21
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 236-01-0029 MI 01 EFC 0*C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status I

Address: 390 WONDER LANE
SHAZAM MA 20007 Cash, Savings, and Checking 1000
Social Security Number 236-01-0029 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 01/01/1975 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # (000)000-0000 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? NO No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
*Marital Status UNMARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? YES
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors?
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 LESS 1/2 hAre you Married?
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 1/2 TIME hDependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 1/2 TIME Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 3/4 TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 3/4 TIME
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level Marital Status MARRIED
State of Legal Residence MD Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? YES Number in Household 03
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001
Degree/Cert 1st BA State of Legal Residence MD
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 1st YR NEVER ATT Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent 45
Interested in Student Loans? 1999 Tax Form Filed Status WILLFILE
Interested in Work Study? Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040A/EZ/TE
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI 20000
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 30000
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions 03
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES Earned Income Credit 0
*Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 18000 Father's Income from Work 20000
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 3300 Mother's Income from Work 0
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 00 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work -2000 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 20000 Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 1200 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


hNumber in Household 03
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-22
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 236-01-0029 MI 01 EFC 0*C

Last Name MIGHTY
STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001002 House 1
College 2 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 6
Secondary EFC Type 3
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 01/24/2000 Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag Y
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type C Input Record Type C

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Y Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 0 Secondary EFC 0 TI 18200 FTI 18200
Mon 1 0 Mon 7 0 Mon 1 0 Mon 7 0 ATI 18486 APA
Mon 2 0 Mon 8 0 Mon 2 0 Mon 8 0 STX 1456 PCA
Mon 3 0 Mon 10 0 Mon 3 0 Mon 10 0 EA 0 AAI
Mon 4 0 Mon 11 0 Mon 4 0 Mon 11 0 STI TPC
Mon 5 0 Mon 12 0 Mon 5 0 Mon 12 0 IPA 15500 TSC 0
Mon 6 0 Mon 6 0 AI -286 PC
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag YES Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,149,053,117,118,171

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 2 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-23
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 236-01-0046 FL 01 EFC 0*C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status D

Address: 40 BAYLOR ROAD
PASADENA OK 20816 Cash, Savings, and Checking 200
Social Security Number 236-01-0046 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 01/01/1978 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? YES No. of Months VA Benefits Received 9
Driver's Lic -GU Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 250
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
*Marital Status MARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? NO
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors?
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 hAre you Married?
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 NOT ATTEND Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 NOT ATTEND Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001 NOT ATTEND
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level *Marital Status MARRIED
State of Legal Residence OH Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? YES Number in Household 03
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001 1
Degree/Cert ASSOCGEN State of Legal Residence WA
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? 1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED
Interested in Work Study? Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) *Parent's 1999 AGI 9000
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 0
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions 04
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES Earned Income Credit 0
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 10001 Father's Income from Work 45788
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 500 Mother's Income from Work 0
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 03 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 10000 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 0 Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 999998


Number in Household 01
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-24
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 236-01-0046 FL 01 EFC 0*C

Last Name FLITE
STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001002 House 1
College 2 001005 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 4
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 01/01/2000 Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001005
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag Y
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Y Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 0 Secondary EFC TI 9000 FTI 19001
Mon 1 Mon 7 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI APA
Mon 2 Mon 8 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX PCA
Mon 3 Mon 10 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA AAI
Mon 4 Mon 11 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI 10001 TPC
Mon 5 Mon 12 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA TSC
Mon 6 Mon 6 AI PC
Auto Zero EFC Flag Y
SNT Flag YES Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,149,053,117,118,051,170

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February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-25
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 236-01-0112 HO 01 EFC 0*C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status D

Address: SC G
CITY TX 20007 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Social Security Number 236-01-0112 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 01/01/1978 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? NO No. of Months VA Benefits Received 0
Driver's Lic Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status UNMARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? NO
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 Are you Married? YES
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 Dependents Other Than Spouse? NO
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level Marital Status MARRIED
State of Legal Residence CA Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? YES Number in Household 03
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001 1
Degree/Cert State of Legal Residence VI
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent 45
Interested in Student Loans? 1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED
Interested in Work Study? Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040A/EZ/TE
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI -75000
1999 Tax Form Filed Status NOTFILING Parent's 1999 Tax 1000
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used Parent's 1999 Exemptions 01
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES *Earned Income Credit 2312
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 0 hFather's Income from Work 0
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 0 *Mother's Income from Work -75000
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 00 Amt from Worksheet A 15100
Earned Income Credit 99999 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 0 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 0 Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 02
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-26
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 236-01-0112 HO 01 EFC 0*C

Last Name HOLLY
STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001002 House 1
College 2 001004 House 2
College 3 001005 House 3
College 4 001007 House 4 OFFICE INFORMATION
College 5 001012 House 5 DRN
College 6 001014 House 6 Primary EFC Type 4
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed 01/24/2000 Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001005
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag Y
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type C Input Record Type C

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Y Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 0 Secondary EFC TI 17412 FTI 17412
Mon 1 Mon 7 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI APA
Mon 2 Mon 8 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX PCA
Mon 3 Mon 10 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA AAI
Mon 4 Mon 11 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI 0 TPC
Mon 5 Mon 12 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA TSC
Mon 6 Mon 6 AI PC
Auto Zero EFC Flag Y
SNT Flag YES Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,149,053,117,118,166,051,152,130,170

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 2 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-27
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 429-88-7341 01 EFC C
STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status Y
Address: 42-B AVON CIRCLE
STRATFORD IA 52555 Cash, Savings, and Checking 973
Social Security Number 429-88-7341 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 07/02/1952 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # (319)349-8392 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? YES No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic 245 1233 ABCDEF-IA Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status MARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? YES
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 Are you Married? YES
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 Dependents Other Than Spouse? YES
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001
Father's Educational Level COLLEGE STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level HIGH SCHOOL Marital Status
State of Legal Residence MD Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? YES Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. 12/1942 Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? NO Number in Household
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001
Degree/Cert ASSOCTECH State of Legal Residence
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? YES Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? YES 1999 Tax Form Filed Status
Interested in Work Study? YES Type of 1999 Tax Form Used
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 0
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES Earned Income Credit 0
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 39172 Father's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 3742 Mother's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions 05 Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 29130 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 10042 Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 05
Number in College in 2000-2001 2

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-28
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 429-88-7341 01 EFC C

Last Name BA DEG REC'D
STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 001869 House 1 OFFCAMPUS
College 2 001002 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met: N
Verification Flag
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC Pell Elig Flag Intermediate Values

Primary EFC Secondary EFC TI FTI
Mon 1 Mon 7 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI APA
Mon 2 Mon 8 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX PCA
Mon 3 Mon 10 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA AAI
Mon 4 Mon 11 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI TPC
Mon 5 Mon 12 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA TSC
Mon 6 Mon 6 AI PC
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag YES Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,080,050,072,053

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 2 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-29
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

OMB Number: 1845-0008

Student ID 472-98-1234 HI 01 EFC 4989 C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q36) Dependency Status I

Address: PO BOX 92
BEAVER DAM KY 42320 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Social Security Number 472-98-1234 Net Worth of Investments 0
Date of Birth 02/09/1980 Net Worth of Business 0
Permanent Home Phone # (502)372-9210 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0
Have Driver's License? YES No. of Months VA Benefits Received
Driver's Lic 329748062A-KY Amount Per Month of VA Benefits 0
Citizenship Sts U.S. Citizen
Alien Registration Number A STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q54 - Q59)
Marital Status MARRIED Born Before 1-1-1977? NO
Date of Marital Status Working on Degree Beyond Bachelors? NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2000 FULL TIME Are you Married? YES
Enrollment Sts Fall 2000 FULL TIME Dependents Other Than Spouse? YES
Enrollment Sts Wint 2000-2001 FULL TIME Orphan or Ward of the Court NO
Enrollment Sts Spr 2001 FULL TIME Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces NO
Enrollment Sts Summ 2001
Father's Educational Level STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q60 - Q85)
Mother's Educational Level Marital Status
State of Legal Residence KY Father's SSN 000-00-0000
Legal Resident before 1-1-1995? YES Father's Last Name
Date of Legal Res. 02/1974 Mother's SSN 000-00-0000
Drug Conviction Elig? Mother's Last Name
Are You Male? NO Number in Household
Register for Selective Service? Number in College in 2000-2001
Degree/Cert ASSOCTECH State of Legal Residence
Yr in Coll 2000-2001 Legal Residents before 1-1-1995?
Have HS Diploma/GED? YES Date of Legal Res.
Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2000? NO Age of Older Parent
Interested in Student Loans? YES 1999 Tax Form Filed Status
Interested in Work Study? YES Type of 1999 Tax Form Used
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? YES
STEP TWO (STUDENT & SPOUSE) (Q37-Q53) Parent's 1999 AGI
1999 Tax Form Filed Status FILED Parent's 1999 Tax 0
Type of 1999 Tax Form Used 1040 Parent's 1999 Exemptions
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO Earned Income Credit 0
Student and Spouse 1999 AGI 47932 Father's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Tax 4100 Mother's Income from Work
Student and Spouse 1999 Exemptions Amt from Worksheet A 0
Earned Income Credit 0 Amt from Worksheet B 0
Student's Income from Work 16558 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Spouse's Income from Work 31374 Net Worth of Investments 0
Amt from Worksheet A 0 Net Worth of Business 0
Amt from Worksheet B 0 Net Worth of Investment Farm 0


Number in Household 04
Number in College in 2000-2001 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 1 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-30
2000-2001 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 472-98-1234 HI 01 EFC 4989 C

STEP 6 (Q88-Q99)
College 1 002002 House 1 OFFCAMPUS
College 2 001002 House 2
College 3 House 3
College 5 House 5 DRN
College 6 House 6 Primary EFC Type 3
Secondary EFC Type
STEP 7 (Q100-Q104) Processed Date 03/28/2000
Date Application Completed Application Source ACT
Preparer's SSN Institution Number 001002
Preparer's EIN Reject Override Codes:
Preparer's Signature B N W
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
FAA INFORMATION Early Analysis Flag
Date ISIR Received 01/24/2000 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag N
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override
FAA Adjustment Duplicate Request
Date Application Received 02/01/2000 Correction # Applied to
Reprocessing Code Transaction Receipt Date 02/01/2000
Processed Record Type Input Record Type

Pell Paid EFC PRIMARY Pell Elig Flag Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 4989 Secondary EFC TI 47932 FTI 47932
Mon 1 554 Mon 7 3878 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI 28483 APA 0
Mon 2 1108 Mon 8 4432 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX 2876 PCA
Mon 3 1662 Mon 10 4989 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA 2800 AAI 19746
Mon 4 2216 Mon 11 4989 Mon 4 Mon 11 STI TPC
Mon 5 2770 Mon 12 4989 Mon 5 Mon 12 IPA 19140 TSC 4989
Mon 6 3324 Mon 6 AI 19449 PC
DNW 2478 SCA 297
Auto Zero EFC Flag
SNT Flag NO Subsequent App Flag


INS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 3

Comments: 006,112,053

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=history correction Page 2 of 2

February 2000 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Miscellaneous

(185 H) 6-31
Access America for Students, 1–7
Alien Registration Number, 1–7
see Alien Registration Number, 1–7
Assumed Values
printing, 5–1
Assumption Overrides, 4–29
Assumptions, 1–6
Automatic ISIRs
for institutions, 2–8
for state agencies, 2–10

Batch Level Error Messages, 4–26

Batch Level Rejects
Batch Level Error Report, 1–4
handling, 1–4

Central Processing System

customer service contact information, 1–8
testing with, 6–9 to 6–11
assumption overrides, 4–29
comment codes, 5–2
ISIR comments, 4–44 to 4–59
NSLDS Loan current status, 4–35
NSLDS Loan program, 4–34
reject, 4–24 to 4–25
state/country/jurisdiction, 4–36
Comment Codes
overview, 1–6
printing, 5–2
Contact Information
Central Processing System (CPS), 1–8
Direct Loan contact numbers, 1–8 to 1–9
Federal Pell Grant Program, 1–10
Federal Student Aid Information Center, 1–11
Grant Administration and Payment System (GAPS), 1–11
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), 1–11
Program Development Division, 1–11
Student Financial Aid Programs, 1–12
Title IV WAN, 1–12
Correction Data Entry Specifications, 4–37 to 4–43
Correction Flags
printing, 5–2
Corrections on the Web, 1–7

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) i
Data Entry
see Electronic Application process
see Electronic Corrections
Data Records
about, 2–22 to 2–23
Department of Education
Direct Loan contact information, 1–8 to 1–9
Federal Pell Grant Program, 1–10
Federal Student Aid Information Center, 1–11
Grant Administration and Payment System (GAPS), 1–11
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), 1–11
Detail for ISIR
Page 1, 5–7
Page 2, 5–7 to 5–14
Page 3, 5–15 to 5–22
Page 4, 5–23
Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History, 5–34 to 5–35, 5–36 to 5–44
Aggregate Amount for FFELP/Direct Loans section, 5–32 to 5–33
Loan detail section, 5–38 to 5–42
Pell Payment data section, 5–35 to 5–38
Perkin Loans section, 5–34
Summary for NSLDS Financial Aid history, 5–40
Detail for Renewal Application
Page 1, 5–44 to 5–47
Page 2, 5–48 to 5–55
Page 3, 5–56 to 5–63
Page 4, 5–64
Page 5, 5–65
Direct Loan Client Account Managers
contact information, 1–8
Direct Loan Consolidation
contact information, 1–9
Direct Loan Operations Staff
contact information, 1–9
Direct Loan Origination Center
contact information, 1–9
Direct Loan Servicing Center
contact information, 1–9
Direct Loans
see Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History
DLSS, 1–7
Drug Offense Conviction Question, 1–5
Duplicate Request Export Record Layout, 3–77 to 3–78
Duplicate Requests, 1–3
see also Electronic Corrections

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) ii
see Electronic Access Code, 1–7
EDE Batch Level Error Report Import Record Layout, 3–6 to 3–9
EDE processing
electronic application process, 2–1 to 2–4
electronic corrections, 2–13 to 2–21
electronic renewal application process, 2–5 to 2–6
header records, 1-2, 2-22 to 2–23
introduction, 2–1
ISIR receipt process, 2–7 to 2–10
trailer records, 2–22 to 2–23
EDE Record Level Error Report, 1–4
EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout, 3–8 to 3–9
Electronic Access Code
renamed PIN, 1–7
Electronic Application process
compute rejects, 2–3 to 2–4
description, 2–1 to 2–4
entering information, 2–2
formatting and transmitting records, 2–2
overview, 1–2
receiving applications, 2–2
receiving processed records, 2–3
rejected initial records, 2–3
transaction rejects, 2–3
Electronic Corrections
adding FSC, 2–18 to 2–19
description, 2–13
detailed data entry specifications, 2–14 to 2–15
general correction entry specifications, 2–13 to 2–14
rejected correction/duplicate records, 2–21
requesting a duplicate ISIR, 2–20
response to correction/duplicate record, 2–21
signature corrections, 2–18
tips, 2–19
Electronic Corrections/Duplicate Requests, 1–3
Electronic Renewal Application process
description, 2–5
overview, 1–2
receiving the RAD records, 2–6
requesting the RAD file, 2–5 to 2–6
Electronic Renewal Application Requests, 1–2
Entering information
see Electronic Application process

FAFSA on the Web and FAFSA Express

contact information, 1–10
FDR Export Record Layout, 3–80 to 3–81

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) iii
processing, 2–11 to 2–12
rejected records, 2–12
requesting, 2–11 to 2–12
response to requests, 2–12
Federal Data Request
see FDR
Federal Pell Grant Program
contact information, 1–10
Federal School Code, 1–6
Federal Student Aid Information Center
contact information, 1–11
FFELP/Direct Loans
see Detail for NSLDS Financial Aid History
Field Types
printing, 5–3
correction, 5–2
highlight, 5–2
printing, 5–2
verification, 1–6

see Grant Administration and Payment System, 1–11
Graduate Students, 1–7
Grant Administration and Payment System
contact information, 1–11

Handling Batch Level Rejects, 1–4

Handling Rejected Records, 1–4
Header and Trailer Records, 1–2
Header for All ISIR Pages Except Comment Page, 5–6
Header for ISIR Comment Page Only, 5–5
Header for NSLDS Financial Aid History, 5–29
Header for Renewal Application, 5–43
Header Record Sent To/Received From The CPS, 3–2 to 3–3
Header Records
description, 2–22 to 2–23
overview, 1–2
Highlight Flags
printing, 5–2
History Correction Export Record Layout, 3–73 to 3–76
History Correction Process
test cases, 6–10

Initial Application/Renewal Application Export Record Layout, 3–62 to 3–72

Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR), 1–3

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) iv
ISIR, 1–3
automatic ISIRs for institutions, 2–8
changes for 2000-2001, 6–2 to 6–7
description, 1–3
ISIR receipt process, 2–7 to 2–9
ISIR types, 2–7 to 2–8
overview, 2–7
requested ISIRs, 2–8 to 2–9
ISIR Comment Codes and Text, 4–44 to 4–59
ISIR receipt process, 2–7 to 2–9
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary, 3–10 to 3–47
ISIR types, 2–7 to 2–8
printing, 5–1 to 5–3

Legal Residence Date, 1–6

see SFATECH, 1–7

Message Classes, 1–6, 6–8

what's changed for 2000-2001, 1–6

National Student Loan Data System

contact information, 1–11
New software items, 1–5
see What's New for 2000-2001
NSLDS, 1–7
see National Student Loan Data System
NSLDS History Page, 1–7
NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes, 4–35
NSLDS Loan Program Codes, 4–34

Overview, 1–1 to 1–12

Parent's Number in College, 1–6

PIN, 1–7
assumed values, 5–1
comments, 5–2
correction flags, 5–2
field types, 5–3
highlight flags, 5–2
illustrations, 5–5 to 5–70
ISIRs, 5–1 to 5–3, 5–3
rejected ISIRs, 5–2
renewal application, 5–4, 5–43 to 5–70
Prisoner File Match, 1–5

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) v
Processing Codes/System Requirements
illustrations, 4–2 to 4–59
overview, 4–1
Program Development Division
contact information, 1–11

RAD Import Record Layout, 3–52 to 3–61

RAD Request Address 1 Export Record Layout, 3–50
RAD Request Address 2 Export Record Layout, 3–51
Record Layouts
changes for 2000-2001, 1–6 to 1–7
illustrations, 3–2 to 3–81
overview, 3–1
Record Level Error Messages, 4–27 to 4–28
Records, rejected, 1–4
Reject Codes, 4–24 to 4–25
Rejected ISIRs
printing, 5–2
Rejected Records, 1–4
batch level, 1–4
compute rejects, 2–3 to 2–4
correct/duplicate records, 2–21
FDRs, 2–12
initial rejects, 2–3
printing rejected ISIRs, 5–2
Rejects, batch level, 1–4
Rejects, records, 1–4
Renewal Application
printing, 5–4, 5–43 to 5–70
Renewal Applications
see Electronic Renewal Application process
Renewal FAFSA on the Web, 1–7
batch level error, 1–4
EDE record level error, 1–4
Requested ISIRs, 2–8 to 2–9
Requesting FDRs, 2–11

Sample Output Documents

ISIR, 5–25 to 5–28
NSLDS page, 5–41 to 5–42
Renewal FAFSA, 5–66 to 5–70
SAR, 1–7
SAR C codes, 1–6
SAR/ISIR Correction Flags Correction/Highlights, 4–30 to 4–33
Signature Record Layout, 3–79
Signed Numeric Fields table, 2–16 to 2–17
Sources of Assistance, 1–8 to 1–12

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) vi
State Agency Options
automatic ISIR processing, 2–10
Federal Data Request processing, 2–11
State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes, 4–36
Student Financial Assistance
Customer Support Inquiry Center
contact information, 1–12
Summary for ISIR Comment Page only, 5–24
Summary for ISIR Pages Except for Comment Page, 5–24

1999-2000/2000-2001 ISIR cross reference table, 4–4 to 4–23
assumption overrides, 4–29
batch level error messages, 4–26
correction data entry specifications, 4–37 to 4–43
ISIR comment codes and text, 4–44 to 4–59
list, 4–2
NSLDS loan current status codes, 4–35
NSLDS loan program codes, 4–34
record level error messages, 4–27 to 4–28
reject codes and how to respond to each, 4–24 to 4–25
SAR/ISIR correction flags correction/highlights, 4–30 to 4–33
signed numeric fields, 2–16 to 2–17
state/country/jurisdiction codes, 4–36
Taxes, 1–7
Teaching Credential Program, 1–7
Technical Assistance
sources, 1–8 to 1–12
Testing Cases, 6–9 to 6–11
Testing with the Central Processing System, 6–9 to 6–11
Title IV Institution Code, 1–6
Title IV WAN Customer Service
contact information, 1–12
Trailer Record Sent To/Received From The CPS, 3–4 to 3–5
Trailer Records
description, 2–22 to 2–23
overview, 1–2
Transaction rejects
electronic application process, 2–3
electronic corrections, 2–19
Transmitting records
see electronic application process
Type 2 Individual RAD Request Export and RAD Error Import Record Layout, 3–48 to 3–49

U.S. Department of Education

see Department of Education
see Universal Automated Labs

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) vii
Universal Automated Labs
contact information, 1–12

Verification flags, 1–6

What's Changed for 2000-2001

assumptions, 1–6
comment codes, 1–6
Federal School Code, 1–6
legal residence date, 1–6
message classes, 1–6
parent's number in college, 1–6
SAR C codes, 1–6
Title IV Institution Code, 1–6
verification flags, 1–6
YTD batches, 1–6
What's New for 2000-2001, 1–5
drug offense conviction question, 1–5
fields, 1–5
ISIR cross reference table, 1–5
parental data, 1–5
prisoner file match, 1–5
reject error code, 1–5

YTD batches, 1–6

October 1999 (2000-2001) EDE Technical Reference Index

(185 H) viii

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