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Career Education 9

Date: November 5
, 2012
Subject: Career Education 9
Author: Julia Thomson
Grade Level: 9
Time Duration: 1 hour (A and B)
Overview of Lesson: This lesson will consolidate materials previously discussed in the course
pertaining to seeking employment.
Professional Growth Guide Goal(s):
Goal 1: Support broad areas of student growth by providing varied and
constructive learning opportunities
Goal 2: Affirm dignity and respect for individuals (students, families, colleagues)
Goal 5: Create a positive community in the classroom and school
Personal Goals:
Reinforce Student Responses
Hands-up Culture in the classroom
Outcomes and Indicators:
CG9.1 Plan for, demonstrate, and document improvements of ones own capacity for
building a positive self-image
o Assess ones own personal characteristics and apply those that contribute
positively to achievement of personal goals
LW9.1 Assess ones own abilities to seek, obtain, and/or create wrk through researching
successful strategies and applying them to ones own life
o Demonstrate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes in preparing personal career
documentation (e.g., rsums, proposals, portfolios, cover letters, interviews)
LW9.2 Use acquired knowledge to create a plan for life and work based on ones preferred
o Determine whether or not it is necessary to modify and/or create new life/work
scenarios and adjust ones short-term action plans
Materials: SMART Board, Interview handouts, Teacher Notes,
*the students are to bring their cover letters, rsums, and dress professionally for this lesson*
Activities and Procedures:
Motivational Set !
Handout on How to Ace an Interview
o Go through each of the sections with the students
o This lesson is fairly interactive
" Give One, Get One
On their handouts they have a chart that is divided into 9 boxes.
For this portion they will identify one thing that they think is
important to remember when they are going to a job interview
and write it down in one of the boxes. They will have 2-3
minutes to go around to their classmates and fill in the rest of the
boxes by swapping answers. They should try not to have
repeated items
" First Impressions
This is meant to go over some of the key points that the students
should know about showing up to a job interview. Your handout
has some potential answers but feel free to add what you would
like. The students should write in some points for each, as theirs
has blank spots beside each word
Student generated as much as possible
" Mock Interviews
They will select three questions that wish to ask people in the
interview. I have listed some sample questions on the handout. I
encourage them to create their own
Throughout the interviews they will write down the interviewees
Set it up like a speed dating exercise
Arrange students into an even number of rows (multiples of two)
One row will remain in the same seats while the other group will
rotate through
Because of the size of the class and the desk arrangement you
may have to have two groups as opposed to one long line
The time for this is 2 minutes per person, for a total of 4 minutes
per pair. They will be with three different people (time
Assessment: This will consist of teacher observations.

Teachei Notes foi 'Fiist Impiessions' Section:

First Impressions: llrsL lmpresslons are lmporLanL when you are golng for a [ob lnLervlew.
8eslde Lhe lLems llsLed below, wrlLe ln some lmporLanL deLalls for each:

!"#$%"&'(%)* Showlng up laLe does noL glve a good lmpresslon Lo your prospecLlve
employer. lL glves Lhem Lhe lmpresslon LhaL you wlll noL be on Llme for work.
As well, some buslnesses requlre you Lo flll ouL an appllcaLlon form. So, you wlll
wanL Lo have exLra Llme Lo compleLe LhaL before you begln your lnLervlew.
- Arrlve aL Lhe lnLervlew slLe a few mlnuLes early. lf you're noL sure where Lo go,
geL dlrecLlons ahead of Llme. lf you don'L have a drlver's llcense, make sure you
have a rlde.
+,-)./&#0"&01* example of a hand shake! demonsLraLe how Lo shake someones hand
flrmly and confldenLly
- Lye ConLacL
- osLure
2,#3(-1#$1* Pow do we show confldence? AsserLlveness, poslLlve aLLlLude, conLrol of
volce and body (noL shaklng or qulverlng)
4%%(%"-1* Show up wlLh a poslLlve ouLlook and aLLlLude and remaln poslLlve LhroughouL
Lhe lnLervlew process
56177.%,.(896177: 1he flrsL Lhlng LhaL a prospecLlve (poLenLlal) employer ls golng Lo see
ls Lhe way LhaL you presenL yourself. 1haL ls why lL ls lmporLanL Lo show your
besL self.
- lL ofLen depends on Lhe [ob you are belng lnLervlewed for LhaL wlll
deLermlne how you need Lo dress. Lx: don'L show up Lo an lnLervlew aL
Sobey's ln a Luxedo or a fancy dress. lnsLead, wear a clean buLLon up shlrL
and Lrousers.
+1.!619&61-*.?ou may need Lo brlng your cover leLLer and resume wlLh you Lo Lhe
- lL ls a good ldea Lo pracLlce answerlng lnLervlew quesLlons before you show
up for you lnLervlew. 1hls helps Lo reduce anxleLy and unwelcomed surprlses.
+1.!,'(%1* lL's essenLlal Lo have good manners when lnLervlewlng. Shake your
lnLervlewer's hand. uon'L slL unLll you are lnvlLed Lo. uon'L slouch ln your
chalr. uon'L use slang or swear. 8e pollLe, poslLlve, and professlonal
LhroughouL Lhe lnLervlew.
;#,<.=,"6.>$?1-"'1* know whaL days and hours you are avallable Lo work. 1he
employer wlll ask. Make sure LhaL you know lf you have commlLmenLs aL
school, clubs, or Leams. llexlblllLy ls deflnlLely an asseL, because Lhe more
Llme you are avallable, Lhe easler lL ls for Lhe employer Lo seL a work
schedule. Also know how you are golng Lo geL Lo and from work, lf you don'L
@,.,#.=,"6.A<#* lf your mom or dad brlngs for you an lnLervlew, don'L brlng Lhem lnLo
Lhe lnLervlew room wlLh you. Co by yourself. lL's lmporLanL LhaL you speak
for yourself and connecL wlLh Lhe lnLervlewer, wlLhouL someone else's

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