Section 2

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Section 2.

2, Internet Safety
Personal Online Internet Safety Guidelines

Online Disclosure of Personal Information

1. Full Name-use nicknames & partial names
2. Home address- do not give out personal address to individual on the web.
3. Phone number- a phone number can be used in a reverse search on the internet to
identify the addresses of an individual.
4. Social security number-disclosure of social security numbers is not a good idea
unless the website is secured. It could be used to steal financial and personal
5. Disclosure of passwords to anyone should be avoided. The greater the number of
people with access to personal information, the greater the risk
a) The password should be at least 8 characters long
b) Use a combination of letters & numbers
c) Change password every 1-2 months
d) Do not give out password
e) Do not use birthdays, pets names, friends names, common words
6. Disclosure of the names of family members is not a good idea as well.
7. Credit Card Information should be disclosed to trusted, verified, and secure sites
that have security and encryption software.
8. Photos- are potential sources of risk because they are personal information.
Photos can also be edited to falsify information, such as to make ID cards.
Control Netwo0rking & Online Chatting
9. Behave properly when online
Employers & colleges recruiters are frequently turning to online social
networking sites to assess the behavior of potential employees
a) Inappropriate pictures and illegal behavior may be viewed by future
employers can prove fatal to one’s job potential.
b) Your online reputation is valuable.
10. Safety guidelines and precautions:
a. Avoid yelling (keying in all caps) when chatting online.
b. Do not bully- spreading malicious & false information. Ignore bullies
c. If a situation escalates or a bully does not stop, contact school authorities
& inform parents.
d. Never meet someone in person that you have met online only.
11. Posting harmful information about someone on the internet & especially on social
networking sites is never a good idea.
12. Do not open emails or respond to sites that promise you will get rich quick or
anything else that seems too good to be true. Phishing schemes.
13. Do not give out credit information without parental permission and only when the
site is certified secure. Encryption.
14. The URL of a secure site begins with https: - the “s” indicates a secure web site
15. An interactive lock is displayed n the site, usually in the bottom corner.
16. A seal is another indication of safety. If there is a seal, inspect it & make sure it is
17. Virus- a small piece of software that attaches to programs that are installed on a
user’s pc. An email virus has the potential to automatically mail itself to contacts.
18. Spam- unwanted and unsolicited email advertisements or messages.
19. Spyware- malicious software designed to take partial control of a computer’s
operations without the consent of the user.
a. Some spyware intercepts and records passwords and credit card numbers
b. Tracks a user’s visits to different web sites to analyze their spending
Operator Search String Result
1. AND Movies AND advertising Documents and
AND sales websites,
containing both
terms, movies and
2. + Movies+advertising+sales Documents and
websites that
contain all three
terms, movies,
advertising, and
3. OR Jam OR jelly Jam and jelly, or
either term
4. OR Jam OR jelly OR Documents and
preservers websites
containing one or
all of the terms
5. AND/OR Orchids AND (growing Documents and
OR planting) websites that
contain the word
orchids and either
the term growing
or the term
planting or both
6. “ “ “President Clinton” AND President Clinton
“foreign policy” AND foreign

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