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Sagar Falguni Sagar (10MBA15) Prof. Dipti Bhatt MBA 4th SEM Subject: - BE&CG 17th Feb.



The men play dice and wage wars in Mahabharata, as anywhere else; but it is the women who wield power and influence. It is the women who take decisions, direct the course of events and decide the fate of men and their generations to follow. The women are the true leaders of the Epic, Pritha the fair maiden who reluctantly became the mother of five sons. I have tried to make comparison between epic and contemporary character and their ethics, moral value. It is important in corporate and business life. How can it help to deal with social and personal life? Results of research become quite match with my issue and justified the problem.


Kunti - an epic character of the Mahabharata
Queen Kunti is one of the most honored and saintly women from Vedic history. As the queen mother of the Pandava heroes, she suffered tremendously through all their trials and tribulations, and still came through with unshaken faith in Lord Krishna. She is famous for her faith and devotion to Lord Krishna. Indeed her offering of prayers glorifying the Lord after the devastating battle of Kurukshetra is oft-quoted and relished by all devotees till today. This illustrated easy reader helps children learn more about her great example.1 The woman, who, commanded by her husband to procreate children, refuses, is guilty of the sin of infanticide.Pradip Bhattacharya

illustrated by Satadhama Devi dasi


The issue is related to the epic character and contemporary characters value. There are so many question arise in my mind related epic character of Kunti and contemporary character Anu Aga. What was the value of Kunti? What were ethical behavior, strengths, will power, and decision making in Kunti? Is it helpful in modern era? Am I found any woman who has same characteristic and value in today? If I found than what is similarity between them? Kunti's character within the Mahabharata is accorded much respect within the Hindu tradition. Her activities were that of a very pious and loyal wife and of a person with a great deal of selfcontrol. Kunti was given a special boon which enabled her to bear the sons of great celestial devas as many times as she wished. After the death of Pandu and Madri, Kunti was left to tend for all five sons.2

Kunti,the mother of eldest three sons of pandu is regarded as pious and loyal women highly respected by every one in shreemad bhagvadtam Kunti has mention about Lord Krishna s philosophy of devotion. Hence Kunti is held as a figure of great importance within many Hindu traditions and especially with worshipper of Lord Krishna.



http://www.indianetzone.com/3/kunti.htm indianetzone

Sagar How Kunti Suffered Because of Her Lie

Kunti was the wife of King Pandu and mother of the Pandava. Kunti is considered one of the most respected characters of Mahabharata. Till end of war the Pandava did not know that Karna was their own brother. Kunti had hidden this truth from her sons. This lie made Kunti suffer tremendously. Along with Kunti, Karna also suffered. Because when he came to know that he was the son of a queen but was being brought up by a charioteer, he did not know what to do? Karna could not give up his friendship with Duryodhana because it was Duryodhana who had made Karna the king of Ang Desh during the competition. Those who have read Mahabharata must know about this competition.

The story is this. This competition was held to find out who was the best warrior amongst all the princes. Arjuna came out as the winner. At that time Karna who was unknown to others came forward and did all that Arjuna could do. But Karna was not accepted as a competitor because he was son of a charioteer. This was a great disrespect Karna suffered in front of the public. Kunti was one of those sitting in the audience. She saw her son being humiliated but did not dare to say that Karna was her son. She was a mute spectator of her son's state. At that time Duryodhana came forward and made Karna the king of Ang Desh. This made Karna a friend and follower of Duryodhana for life. He vowed never to leave Duryodhana. This was a turning point in the story because Karna was a great warrior.

If Kunti had got up and spoken the truth, Karana would have been saved from this humiliation. But she kept quite and lied. She had hidden the fact of Karans birth right from the day he was born. That was a blunder and a sin because she hid this fact from her husband, her pother sons and Karna himself. A charioteer brought up a prince. Karna suffered agony all his life because of


his mother's lie. Kunti herself had to suffer the pain of having lied to all and watch her son suffering. She wanted to look pious and she sacrificed her son for that lie.

This story teaches us that a lie spoken for whatever reason always brings nothing other than suffering.

Kunti was the wife of King Pandu and mother of the Pandava. Kunti is considered one of the most respected characters of Mahabharata. Till end of war the Pandava did not know that Karna was their own brother. Kunti had hidden this truth from her sons. This lie made Kunti suffer tremendously. Along with Kunti, Karna also suffered. CD Mohatta 4

Prayers of Queen Kunti - Words of Divine Inspiration The prayers of Queen Kunti are very significant and well loved by the devotees of Krishna. These heartfelt prayers were offered when the Lord mounted His chariot and was about to depart for His magnificent city, Dvaraka. Seeing the Lord seated, Kunti Devi felt an immense mood of separation overwhelming her heart. She couldn't restrain herself for she was a pure devotee of Lord Krishna and therefore she approached Him with utmost humility and offered her prayers of surrender at the lotus feet of the Lord. By: Victor Epand.

Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=CD_Mohatta

Sagar Anu Aga: A House by the River

Anu Aga anchored the family business and took it forward when personal tragedy put her in the lead role. Work, in turn, proved to be her anchor.5 Subroto bagchi

Aga is always in her trademark cotton or silk saris, whether its for a talk on women achievers at a convention organized by the Indian Institute of Management (Kolkata), for the pages of the November issue in Business Today as part of the top 25 most powerful women in business, or while accepting the lifetime achievement award at the Financial Express-Electrolux Women in Business Awards, as she did last year. Just like the sari, the no-nonsense expression on her face, reflecting steely determination, is an intrinsic part of her.6 By arzan sam wadia Silk & steel: Anu Aga Presenting Harmony's silvers - sparkling lives, success stories, accounts of endurance, courage, grit and passion.

After 19 years of hectic activity, businesswoman and former chairperson of Thermax India, Anu Aga is making time for the things she loves most - reading, writing, travelling, social causes and, above all, her grandchildren, says Nilanjana Sengupta 7

http://forbesindia.com/column/zen-garden/anu-aga-a-house-by-the-river/2362/1 FEATURES/ZEN GARDEN Jul 21,


http://parsikhabar.net/news/anu-aga-of-thermax-india-awarded-the-padma-shri/2112/ January

25, 2010 By arzan sam wadia


Sagar I have gathered huge information regarding ethics and value in history and nowadays. I have search and read about historical literature it help me to enlarge my height of thoughts. It is also increase my analytical skill. Increase the decision making power. I have found the way for peace and harmony.

Research gives me inspiration for make combination of both historical and contemporary values and ethics and how to apply in my life.

I fill intuition from the weekly column of DHARMLOK Akash ni Olakh by DR.Kumarpal Desai which is about story Mahabharata .in it there are nice portrayal of character of Kunti .so my research plan started with this column, some other magazine, our Epic books. I arranged personal and telephonic interview for discussion about issue. I have also used the internet and computer service to make if accomplish. My solution is quite match with my thoughts and perception regarding my issue. Primary data: - Personal interview, telephonic Interview, Secondary data:

- Articles, Magazine, Epic books

Data were Helpfulness in my term paper as well as life because it was quite relevant to my issue and quality was also good. I have take special step to take data are personal and telephonic interview as well as weekly reading columns of Gujarat Samachar.


The values, virtues and Ethical behavior of Kunti Wise daughter, Responsible wife and loving mother, Pity, soft spoken, neutrality, Great Worshiper. Inexhaustible Patience, Devotion, great beauty, tolerance, steady, Strong will power, Decency and justice. Kunti has no hesitation in appearing in Hastinapura with five grown sons claiming that they are sons of gods. Kuntis command as the cause of the five-husbanding of Draupadi, and that satisfies him as the answer to the enigma of the polyandrous union. . It is a calculated move in the game plan carefully laid out by Kunti to secure the unity and thereby the success of her sons from the very beginning. Her uncanny ability to sense the potential mischief in a situation and act ruthlessly to avert the danger is borne out as the five brothers. Believe that politics and governance should base on truth, justice and dutiful. Kuntis last moments are perhaps the greatest enigma of all. After the war has been won, she does not stay on as the Dowager Queen to preside over a victorious Pandava empire. peacefulness, sacrifice, Foresight,

patient, foresight, dedicated life,Care,

The values, virtues and ethical behavior of Anu Aga Responsible wife and loving mother, Pity, peacefulness, sacrifice, Foresight, neutrality,

Inexhaustible patient, foresight, dedicated life, Care, Patience, , tolerance, steady. Strong will power. Corporate governance and ethics in business life. Thinking specially for education, growth and value, She has written about corruption free politics and woman empower.

Sagar Higher-Ambition Leaders, Decency and justice.

Anu Aga also believes that politics and power of governance should base on truth and justice also free from lobbying.

Historical ethical behavior:Philosophers often wonder why people act ethically. Because ethical behavior seems to be the norm we speculate that there must be some reason for it. Thus, partly motivated by a desire to explain the phenomenon, we form theories that demonstrate that ethical behavior is rational, or motivated by self-interest, or some intuitive grasp of universal goodness. We have seen so many historical characters who were not behave ethically but also died for ethics, rights, values, truth, to stop valiance. More neutrality, desion making power, strong will power, Although many of these theories may agree with our intuitive sense of right and wrong, and may even make a reasonable code to live by, they fail to explain why we should be ethical, leaving us to wonder at the actual reasons that people are good more often than they are bad. Contemporary ethical behavior Todays high-intensity business environment makes it more important than ever to have a strong ethics program in place. In these troubled times rife with examples of corporate, institutional, and personal misbehavior, it is sometimes difficult to determine just what is an ethical response. So that Values and ethics become more selfish and moral standard also down. High per tension, competition and jealousy make person more and more selfish.

Sagar 10

Combination of both It is necessary to live one's personal and professional life in a manner that models high ethical standards. Today, in the name of development there are companies aiming to expand their operations at the cost of human rights of groups of people, who often are the vulnerable sections of our public. In personal life, corporate and in social life should follow the on should follow the classical ethics in life so balanced of them sustain and they never become wavering in critical situation.

Sagar 11


If we arent motivated by ethics itself we might suppose that we are motivated by the consequences of not being ethical instead, leading to a negative theory of ethical bse behavior, namely that people behave ethically because they are afraid of punishment, and that if there were no penalties people would simply do whatever they desired . There are many times when it might be easy to steal or take advantage of others, but for the most part we restrain ourselves, even though the possibility of being punished is extremely remote. Since we cant understand why people are ethical by examining ethics and its associated rewards and punishments it is time to look for other kinds of explanations. One way to understand the origin of ethical behavior that doesnt depend directly on ethics itself and argue that ethical behavior has come about as the result of societal evolution. Should we abandon our ethics? No, because there are practical reasons for us to be ethical. Perhaps we simply wish to get along with other people, or to satisfy our natural feelings of sympathy, or perhaps we want society to continue to prosper so that our children, next generations can enjoy it as well. Here I have observed so many similarities in classical and contemporary character. Both are very responsible and strong women. They know very well that how to deal with personal and social life. Both had faced blow in their personal life because Kunti and Anu aga had lost their husband in very early stage of life but both were deal very neutral in this critical situation and concentrate in children, social and business successfully.

Sagar 12 Another similarity of their life is son, kunti had left her son Karana before her marriage because Karana was born before her marriage and for she had felt pain and sorrow whole life .same way Anu Aga has lost her son after her husbands death. Her son died at very early age of her life. But were accepting reality and justice with fortunate play their life. Responsible wife and loving mother, Pity, neutrality, Great Worshiper. Inexhaustible peacefulness, sacrifice, Foresight, soft spoken, patient, foresight, dedicated life, Care, Patience,

Devotion, great beauty, tolerance, steady, Strong will power, Decency and justice are similar virtue and moral values in Kunti and Anu Aga. Both were become very strong after death their husband. They knew very well that how to taking care of their children and give them good virtues. They gave such a conduct to their children so they become success in their life. They were dedicated their whole life for their family, social welfare. Kunti was devotee of Lord Krishna and Anu Aga is devotee of work.

Sagar 13

Conclusion:I am quite satisfied with my research work. It has given me satisfaction because whatever issue I have posted in introduction justified by research work. Solutions of issue give me inspiration in my life. The ethics, moral value and virtues of both historical and contemporary women

give me brain wave to behave, work and act ethically in personal, social and working life.

Sagar 14

Work cited
Title quotation illustrated by Satadhama Devi dasi and Pradip Bhattacharya 10th march 2012 The Mahabharata Epic Book Dr.Kumalpal Desais column Akash Ni olakh in Gujarat samachar. Dr. P.V.Sagar Personal interview 20th Feb 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=714EbN-bUlc you tube 13th march 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR48i-rCpMI you tube 13th march 2012 DR. Rameshbhai chaudhari telephonic interview 5th march 2012 Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=CD_Mohatta Article 5th march 2010 P OS TED BY S AYANTAN HA LDER AT W EDNES DAY, S EP TEMBER 21, 2 0 1 1 LA BE LS : ILLUS TR AT IO NS 4 T H MARCH 2012 http://forbesindia.com/column/zen-garden/anu-aga-a-house-by-the-river/2362/1 FEATURES/ZEN GARDEN Jul 21, 2009 .magazine.5th march 2012 http://parsikhabar.net/news/anu-aga-of-thermax-india-awarded-the-padma-shri/2112/ 25, 2010 articles. 4th march 2012 By arzan sam wadia 5th march 2012 http://www.harmonyindia.org/hportal/VirtualPageView.jsp?page_id=1412 2012 http://www.indianetzone.com/3/kunti.htm indianetzone you tube 5th march 2012 Dr.kinjal trivedi Telephonic interview. 8th Feb.2012 Dr.krishna Parmar Telephonic interview 8th Feb. 2012 articles 6th march January

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