Meet The Esper by Travis M. Greene

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Meet the Esper By Travis M.


Based on the Esper class of the Wildstar MMO by NCSoft and Carbine Studios

EXT. VERDANT FIELDS A lovely young woman runs through a twilight field of flowers, face alight with joy. Exotic iridescent insects take flight all around her, bursting into scintillating starbursts of color as stars twinkle overhead. An omnipresent voice speaks in soothing tones. ESPER (VO) Thats it. Everythings wonderful. Happiness and peace and so on and so forth. One star flashes, burns brighter, grows larger and larger. ESPER (VO) Run to the light, my child. Its warm here and... I dont know, fluffy. Do you like fluffy? The woman stops, jaw agape in exuberant wonder. ESPER (VO) (sing-song) Ive got cake. The woman runs for the light. The camera becomes her POV. The star grows, washing out the screen... ... then fades into the ESPERs face, a gaunt middle-aged man with a purple monocle peering skeptically down at her. ESPER No, no, its not working guys, shes dead. So dead. Is there someone else who can do the interview, or...? The woman coughs and sits up. ESPER Wait, wait, shes alive! Get her into make-up, stat! The Esper leans forward, shaking the woman. ESPER Sally! Do you remember what happened?


EXT. FRONT-LINE CAMP A broadcast cameras POV. The same woman, a sensibly-dressed reporter, SALLY, faces the camera. Standing next to her is the Esper, flamboyantly appointed mugging for the camera. Sally speaks to the camera over the sounds of battle waging nearby. Along the bottom of the screen is printed: SALLY BRINKMAN, IMBEDDED REPORTER and DOMINION ASSAULT ON SECTOR 9. SALLY Just a mile from the main battle line, you can hear the artillery shells bursting all around us. Im speaking now with one of the men fighting against the Dominion, a Mr-A shell crashes into the camp, obliterating the reporter. The Esper, singed and wide-eyed, stares at the camera a moment. He makes a cut gesture with one hand. LATER: A broadcast cameras POV. The interview has resumed in a tent, much more quietly. The Esper sits, brushing soot off his shoulder. SALLY (VO) That was remarkable. The Esper manages to look smug and humble at the same time. SALLY (VO) I was on the brink of death, and you brought me back. Tell me how. ESPER Well, the mind is a most powerful entity, Sally. I harness that power through sheer force of personality and impeccable fashion. He makes a grandiose gesture. ESPER I can use it to heal and inspire... GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE: The Esper buffing his squad.


ESPER (VO) (in game) Youre handsome and healthy and a god damn killing machine! RETURN TO INTERVIEW: The Esper leans towards the camera, clenching his fist. ESPER (menacing) Or to terrorize and destroy. GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE: The Esper summoning a terrifying phantasm to destroy his enemies. ESPER (VO) (in game) Grrr! Scary! Raaaar! RETURN TO INTERVIEW: The Esper lounges, thoughtful. ESPER It can be difficult to strike a balance. Smiling, the Esper leans forward, as if sharing a secret. ESPER Some of my friends even call me schizophrenic. A moment of silence, before the Esper bursts into manic laughter. GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE: The Esper slaughtering a group of enemies with his psyblade while laughing maniacally. RETURN TO INTERVIEW: The Esper, completely plain-faced. ESPER I dont see it, personally. Cut to Wildstar logo. MAN (VO) (distant) Incoming! An EXPLOSION. The Esper sighs. ESPER (VO) (exasperated) Again, Sally?

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