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21st March 2013


OP-ED: Genuine Constitutional Monarchy Is the Only Way Out for Al Khalifa
As the Bahraini and international media continue to dissect the meaning of Crown Prince Salmans appointment as rst deputy prime minister, powerful factions within the ruling Al-Khalifa family must be pondering the future of their rule. Its interesting to note that no prominent royals congratulated the crown prince on the appointment other than his siblings and children.[pullquote]3[/ pullquote] A make-believe constitutional monarchy grounded in regime repression and apartheid policies against the Shia majority is a sure formula for regime demise. The Arab upheavals in the past two years forced powerful authoritarian regimes out of power. The Al-Khalifa rule is no exception. Their survival could be achieved through a genuine constitutional monarchy. Read More 60 years through 38 miles of pipeline. Naji Ahamed, a spokesman for the Bahrain Petroleum Co., said studies were completed on a pipeline that could deliver as much as 450,000 barrels per day. "This means that oil exports from Saudi Aramco to Bahrain would increase," he was quoted by Arab News as saying. Read More collectively pay 10,508 Bahraini dinars.

16 get 15 years over bid to kill policemen

A court in Bahrain on Thursday sentenced 16 people to 15 years in prison for their attempt to kill policemen and to torch their vehicle patrolling near a village to the west of the capital Manama. The criminal court also ruled that the defendants

On Tuesday, the lower chamber of the bicameral parliament endorsed a recommendation by the foreign affairs, defence and national security committee to toughen punitive actions against people inciting attacks on security servicemen. Read More

Detention Situation Deteriorates for Prominent Human Rights Defender Zainab Al-Khawaja
As Bahrain and the international community watch to see whether a consensus on reforms will come out of the Bahrain National Dialogue, prominent human rights defender Zainab AlKhawaja declared she was going on hunger strike to protest against her treatment in prison.

The Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR) reported on Monday that AlKhawaja began a hunger strike on March 17 at 4pm after members of her family, including her threeyear old daughter, were prevented from visiting her. The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation stated ofcials were only following protocol after she refused to wear the uniform allocated for inmates. Al-Khawaja refuses to go to a hospital until she is allowed to see her daughter. Read More

Bahrain to secure more Saudi oil

Bahrain aims to secure more oil supplies from Saudi Arabia through a $350 million pipeline set for 2015 completion, a Bahraini energy spokesman said. Saudi Arabia has delivered oil to Bahrain for more than

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