Boys and Girls Have Equal Chances in Life

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MEN AND WOMEN HAVE EQUAL CHANCES IN LIFE Justice is a moral virtue, the highest from all 4 cardinal

virtues and it consists in the fact of offering each other what is his own and in respecting the others rights. According to the parent of Romanian explanation, DEX, equality is defined being the fundamental truth which explains that the same rights are recognized to all the people, to all nations and states. People have the same rights and the same duties. It represents the situation in which people are glad about the same rights and have the same duties. Submitting this definition, I notice that, during time, many conceptions regarding equality have been developed because of the dissensions provoked by the discrimination between women and men. The mentors defined them being the 6 ideal types of politics dedicated to promote the equal chances between women and men. The friendly and equal method towards women represents the Scandinavian model and hint at the equality between women and men in all domains from the social life, the paid and the unpaid work, also the mens implication in the life of their children and in the family one. The demographical model guided to the work field, imposed in France, exploits the whole potential of the working class and encourages women to participate actively on the work field, with a short interruption for taking care of their babies. Family is the one that should make its own necessary arrangements for looking after their children, without any help of the state. This model adopted by Great Britain, the liberal one, focuses on woman, assigning her a role which can provide oneself with her children and her family and also a role of a working woman. A rigid and discriminating model is the one developed by Austria, Germany and promotes the men implication in any kind of work and the women exclusion from the work field after they got married and gave birth to children. The anterior period of the conception it is an important role for the woman because she can still work. While she is forming her family she cannot work, but she can return gradually when children have the perfect age for school. The Mediterranean model leaves the family to have an active role in the development of their children. The last model, social East-European it has the same characteristics to the demographical one: no sexual discrimination, women can work in every domain and the implication of the state in their family. This is a communist model. The presentation of these models of non-sexual discrimination between women and men reveal the people sacrifice to eliminate this phenomenon. This frequently debated problem has become a thing of fundamental truth where people expose their decent impressions in private conversations or political debates. There are differences that divides men of women because frankly speaking, men and women have been naturally dowered cu different characteristics. This inequality must not become differentiated at a social level because it is normally that we didnt approve a woman to become a carpenter s long as she hasnt the strength of a man. But if she proves that she has great abilities and talent for this job she is a perfect candidate for it. Society is in a continuous development, it searches to homogenize this discrepancy between sexes which is against nature. We denied every psychological and physiological difference between man and woman. The equality between husbands like

persons is an equality which refers to their dignity and interior, moral, spiritual and supernatural value. They have to accept the differences and inequalities that even nature have put between them. Nowadays, there is a danger for the womans union and basement, due to the new conditions of life in a industrial world. This happens because of the womans emancipation and her social promote, considering if woman does the same jobs as the man does it is realized the real equality between sexes. But this fact does not represents reality but just the rudeness of a woman. In my opinion, after many debates and fights, we have an equality between sexes and we all, women and men, have the same chances in life because of the women emancipation and vow of independence and also because mens tolerance.

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