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Lemongrass Efficiency Review of Literature A study from Sarah Dray (2011) in which lemongrass are good for.

A number of studies have shown that lemongrass kill cancer cells in vitro. But in this situation, no studies have been done to evaluate this study directly to cancer patients, so whether lemongrass is effective for cancer treatment is up for a debate.

A fact from Edmon Argon (2012), in a laboratory experiment about lemon grass may help repel dengue mosquitoes, volunteers were instructed to apply oil extracts from different target crops including lemon grass in their arm. Oil extracts from lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, citronella and cloves were both effective to repel dengue and malaria mosquitoes as a result.

According to Sandra Corbitt- Sears (2013) considered lemongrass as a mosquito repellent due to presence of aromatic oils. It is compared to the effectiveness of 81% for the DEET product from the plant brew that was 51% effective in repelling mosquitoes. But citronella oil proved and was said to be more effective in repelling mosquitoes than the highest concentration of lemongrass extract. Oils in the leaves and stems of lemongrass plants do possess some ability to repel mosquitoes. In this case, the aromatic oils in lemongrass released by crushing or bruising the stalks in order to repel mosquitoes. A zone of protection from mosquitoes are created n=by growing lemongrass plants in your yard.

Another idea from Jennifer Vanbaren (2012), lemongrass oils derives from an organic grass that is used in aromatic therapy, relaxation and etc. The plant contains chemicals that is for respiratory infections, skin toner, antiseptic and to relieve muscle pain such as farmesol, nerol,

citronella, murcene, and geranyl acetate. The oil can also be digested as a pill and be ingested by

breathing in fumes or directly applied to the skin.

A study from Foster (2000), there are some other factors that can help to keep mosquito away, in addition in using mosquito repellent plants that we might consider. Mosquitoes find their prey in following the carbon dioxide and other chemicals animals and human breathe out. People that have been eating processed sugary foods, have greater attraction from mosquitoes. But these mosquitoes are less attracted to people with a natural and balanced diet.

Also a study of Newtech Bio (2004), a very popular plant found commonly in India and used for medicinal, food and mosquito and insect repellent products which is the lemongrass herb. The leaves of the lemongrass can be dried and frozen but it requires rehydration before use. It grows best in full sun and moist soil and can be propagated by dividing root clump into section, particularly it is popular with seafood due to its distinctive lemony aroma and flavour. It is also extremely safe and listed on EPAs Gras List.

According to Esoteric Oils CC-14 (2011), lemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell that revitalizes the body and relieves the body and relieves the symptoms of jetlag, clears headaches, and helps to combat nervous exhaustion and stress-related condition. The essential oils from the lemongrass were extracted from Cymbopogon Citratus of the poaceae family.

An idea from Power Your Diet (2012), there are numerous health benefiting components from lemongrass like essential oils, chemicals, minerals and vitamins that are known to have anti-oxidant and disease preventing properties. The herb also contains 99 calories per 100 grams

but it contains no cholesterol. The plant parts are also rich I many invaluable essential vitamins like pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and thiamine. Fresh herb contains small amounts of antioxidant, herb parts containing other constituents of the essential oils such as citronella, methyl heptenone, dipentine and geraniol.

A writer, Janet Fang (2010), says that causes of a huge further medical and financial burden were mosquitoes by spreading yellow fever. Mosquitoes live on almost every continent and habitat and serve important function in numerous ecosystem. They have been on Earth for more than 100 years and they have co evolved with so species along the way. An ecological scar left by a missing mosquito would heal as the nime was filled with another organism.

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