Presentation 7-02-13 Graph Drawing

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Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Graph Drawing
Computational Geometry

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach

Malte Skambath
zu Lubeck Universitat Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


February 7, 2012

1 / 46


Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Introduction Force-directed approach Crossing Minimization Orthogonal Bend Minimization Summary

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


2 / 46

What is Graph Drawing?

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

How to draw nice graphs?

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


3 / 46

What is a nice graph?

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Visualization of the graph should have nice look No precisely denition. Criteria on nice drawings
Symmetries Less crossing as possible Less bends as possible

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Drawing should represents special properties

Topological sorting

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


4 / 46

Types of drawings

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing







Figure : Types of drawings: a polyline (a), straight-line (b) and (c) an orthogonal drawing of K3,3 ; (d) upward drawing

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Is it useful for me?

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

state-machines UML class diagrams electrical circuits / chip-design trafc-nets (e. g. bus map)
rtlenburger Str. rd-Wagner-Str.

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree







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(17) 9 ibis Hotel An der 7 12 Stadt3 freiheit 21




Torneiweg Bun we Luisenstr. BurgtorHanse friedhof Reside

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


R1 R2


keine Bedienung


Walkm hlenweg Bei der en Gasanstalt en Zeistr

Verwaltungszentrum Mhlentor Theodor-HeussSt



Stresem annstr.

Kernzone 6000

Pensebusch Trk

6 / 46

Force-directed approach

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder

Used for straight line drawings Model the graph-vertices and edges as physical objects with forces Distance of adjacent vertices (v , w ) should be nearly the same distance d (v , w ) No overlapping vertices

Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


7 / 46

Force-directed approach
1. Generate random representation of G with random positions p(v ) for v V 2. Calculate forces between each pair of vertices vi , vj : f (vi , vj ) 3. Calculate resulting force f (v ) for each node v V : f (v ) w V \{v } f (v , w ) 4. Update positions p(v ) = p(v ) + f (v )

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


8 / 46

Spring Embedder
Remember: we want a unit distance d (v , w ) if v , w are adjacent Model edges as springs with a unit length unit length no force attracting force (adjacent vertices): fa = ca log d cr repelling force (non-adjacent vertices): fr = 2 d stepwise simulatable fa (v , w ), (v , w ) E f (v ) = (p(w ) p(v )) fr (v , w ), (v , w ) E w V \{v } p(v ) := p(v ) + f (v )

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


9 / 46

Spring Embedder

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


10 / 46

Advantages & Disadvantages

easy implementable usefull for interactive implementation time-complexity: O (n|V |2 ) slow with huge graphs non-predictable result

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


11 / 46

Simulated Annealing

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Goal: optimize drawing to selected criterias No forces, but physical model Inspired by cool-down process in liquids Dene an energy-function E : R Low value E ( ) ts many criteria High temperature T high propabilty P nding a better conguration Low energy value E ( ) low propability P nding a better conguration

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Simulated Annealing
Algorithm 1: Simulated Annealing Graph Drawing input : A graph G = (V , E ), an initial temperature T output: A straight-line drawing of G begin Create initial drawing/conguration with random pos. for each vertex v V ; while do Choose a new conguration from the neighborhood of ; Let E and E be the energy values of and ; if E < E or with a probability of e(E E )/T then ; Decrease T

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Energy function
should depend on the criteria low time complexity Example (by R. Davidson and D. Harel.): f = 1
i =j

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

1 d (ni , nj ) dbord (n)

distribution border dist. edge length edge crossings edge-distance

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

+ 2

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem

+ 3

d (e)


+ 4 crossings + 5
eE ,nV

d (n, e)

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Neighborhood & energy function

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

How can we dene the neighborhood? change the position of a single node in

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


15 / 46

Simulated annealing

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


R. Davidson, D. Harel Drawing Graphs Nicely Using Simulated Annealing, 1996

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Crossing Minimization
Goal: reduce number of crossings in a drawing of a non-planar graph G We know: planar graphs can be drawn without crossings Approximate Graph as a planar graph Idea: convert non-planar graphs into planar graphs and replace non-removable crossings as virtual vertices Planarizataion approach: create a planar embedding of the new graph

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Planarization Approach

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

1. Find maximum planar subgraph and embedding, without crossing 2. Create embedding of the graph 3. Insert the non-planar edges with a minimum number of crossing, use crossings as virtual vertices

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Planarization Approach

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

1. Find maximum planar subgraph and embedding, without crossing 2. Create embedding of the graph 3. Insert the non-planar edges with a minimum number of crossing, use crossings as virtual vertices Problem Finding a maximum-planar subgraph is N P -hard . trade off nd a maximal planar subgraph

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Maximal planar subgraph

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Algorithm 2: Maximal planar subgraph input : a graph G = (V , E ) output: a maximal planar subgraph G = (V , E ) of G begin E = ; while there is an edge e E \ E that G = (V , E {e}) is planar do E E { e }; return G ;

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Denition A dual graph DG = (F , E ) of a planar graph G = (V , E ) is a (multi-)graph where F represents the faces in a planar embedding of G. Each pair f1 , f2 F of adjacent faces is splitted by an edge in G. E (F ) E (G)

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Insert non-planar edge with min. crossings

Insert non-planar edge e = (v , w ) E 1. Find shortest path p in the dual-graph DG 2. Insert e over path p generate new virtual nodes and split faces

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


21 / 46

Insert non-planar edge with min. crossings

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


22 / 46

Insert non-planar edge with min. crossings

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


23 / 46

Shortest Path in the Dual Graph

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization



Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Improve with parallel substructures

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Problem: for some edges the graph can easily be modied to reduce number of crossings if the 2 vertices of the edge are in different blocks of a parallel substructure switch the order to decrease number of crossings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder

s e t
(a) trivial case (b) parallel case (c) series case (d) rigid case

Simulated Annealing

e e

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


Figure : the four different types of nodes in a SPQR-tree

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b a d c e g n f h l k m i o j p

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

a c d f h k

b e g n i l j m
f d e h h h h h k l m m h j h d

d e e e

c e

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

e e n n j j j i j j n n n

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


o p

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a d d d f h h h h h k l m m j h i h j j j j j e e e n n n o p e n e c e e g n b

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings


Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


29 / 46

a d f h k l b c e g n i j m R S P S o p R P S P S P R P S

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


30 / 46

g e d b c a f i h l j k m n R o P p S P R S P S S P R P S

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


31 / 46

Orthogonal Drawing
(E ) for each edge e E is a set of orthogonal lines (v ) for each vertex v V is a point in R2 Denition We call an orthogonal planar drawing of G if 1. v , w V : (v ) = (w V ) w = v (invective) 2. e = (v , w ) E : (v ), (w ) are endpoints of (e) 3. e1 , e2 E : e1 = e2 (e1 ), (e2 ) only intersect at a point (v ) of a common vertex v (if exists)

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Orthogonal Drawing

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing

two different planar orthogonal representations , of the same Graph G, but with a different number of edges and the same faces



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Bend Minimization as MinCostFlow-Problem

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach

If we have a planar representation of a planar Graph, keeping the the same faces we can minimize the number of bends with solving a minimum cost ow problem.

Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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Bend Minimization as MinCostFlow-Problem

Denition A min-cost ow network N = (D , u , l , b, c ) consists of directed (multi-)graph D = (W , A) capacities u : A N0 {}, l : A Z node demands b : W Z costs c : A N0 . f : A N0 is a ow on N if l (a ) f (a ) u (a ) b(v ) = (v ,w )A f (v , w ) v W (b (v ) = 0) f is a min-cost-ow if

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


(w ,v )A f (w , v )

aA c (a)f (a)

is minimal.
35 / 46

Dene the ow network for the problem

node demands & capacities

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach



Spring Embedder

(v5 , v3 ) = 2 (v3 , v5 ) = 2; (v5 , v3 ) = 1;

Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree



v3 (v3 , v5 ) = 1

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem

dene labels (v , w ), (v , w ) for each edge (v , w ) in G: : (v , w ) E #of L-bends in ((v , w )) : (v , wi ) E betw. ((v , wi ))and((v , wi +1 ))


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Dene the ow network for the problem

node demands & capacities

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Remember: We want to minimize the total number of bends on edges in the drawing (G). The total number is (v ,w )E (v , w ) + (w , v ). So the goal is: minimize (v ,w )E (v , w ) + (w , v ) 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


37 / 46

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Theorem The sum of angles(at vertices or bends) around an inner/outer face f F is: (deg(f ) + #bends 2) This implies: ((v , w ) + (w , v ) (v , w )) = 2 deg(f ) 4
(v ,w )E (f )

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


38 / 46

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction


((v , w ) + (w , v ) (v , w )) = 2 deg(f ) 4
(v ,w )E (f )

Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

1 1 1 1 1 2 1

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


Let the face-to-face edges (producers of bends on an edge) get edges in the ow networks with costs 1

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Dene the ow network for the problem

The directed (multi-) Graph DG

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

DG = (W , A) with W = V F consists DF as the face-induced subgraph of F by (G)

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem

demands in the ow-network N : 2 deg(x ) 4 , x F (inner / outer face) b(x ) = : 4 ,x V capacities: e A : u (e) = ; e AF : l (e) = 0; e AF : l (e) = 1 costs: eF AF : c (eF ) = 1; e AF : c (e) = 0


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Assign ow
Given a ow f : E N f (v , fv ,w ): angle() at node v in face fv ,w left of (v , w ) f (f1 , f2 )e : #LeftBends ( ) on the edge (f1 , f2 )e between the faces f1 and f2 A ow f is a valid model for a valid drawing if: for all nodes v : b(v ) = for all faces f :
( (v , w ) + (w , v ) (v , w )) = 2 deg(f ) 4
(v ,w )E (f )

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

(v ,w )E

f (v , w ) = 4

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


inow outow

A valid ow implies a valid graph representation A cost-minimal ow implies a bend-minimal graph representation
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Assign ow
Given a ow f : E N f (v , fv ,w ): angle() at node v in face fv ,w left of (v , w ) f (f1 , f2 )e : #LeftBends ( ) on the edge (f1 , f2 )e between the faces f1 and f2 A ow f is a valid model for a valid drawing if: for all nodes v : b(v ) = for all faces f :
( (v , w ) + (w , v ) (v , w )) = 2 deg(f ) 4
(v ,w )E (f )

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

(v ,w )E

f (v , w ) = 4

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


inow outow

A valid ow implies a valid graph representation A cost-minimal ow implies a bend-minimal graph representation
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Assign ow
Given a ow f : E N f (v , fv ,w ): angle() at node v in face fv ,w left of (v , w ) f (f1 , f2 )e : #LeftBends ( ) on the edge (f1 , f2 )e between the faces f1 and f2 A ow f is a valid model for a valid drawing if: for all nodes v : b(v ) = for all faces f :
( (v , w ) + (w , v ) (v , w )) = 2 deg(f ) 4
(v ,w )E (f )

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

(v ,w )E

f (v , w ) = 4

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


inow outow

A valid ow implies a valid graph representation A cost-minimal ow implies a bend-minimal graph representation
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Existence of a valid ow: Inow=Outow


Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction


to proof:

v W

b(v ) = 0 b(v ) + b (f )
f F

Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

b (v ) =
v W v V

Crossing Minimization

= |V |4 +

(2 deg f + 4) 2 deg fo 4
f F \{fo }

Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

= |V |4 + (|F| 2)4 2
f F

(deg f )

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem

= |V |4 + (|F| 2)4 4|E | = 4(|V | + |F| |E | 2) = 0


42 / 46

Bend Minimization

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

-14 3 -4 3 2 1 2 -2 3 3 -4 2 3 2

-14 1 -2 2 3

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


43 / 46

graph drawing is a wide area with many problems most problems are N P hard problems depend on the type of drawings and the slected criterias good approximation is possible for many problems combination of algorithms may be possible there exists many tools for graph drawing
1. 2. 3. 4. yEd GraphViz Gephi Tulip

Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


44 / 46


Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction




graph G{ 2 node[label=""]; 3 a1 -- a2; a1 -4 a1 -- a4; 5 a1 -- a5; a1 -6 a2 -- a3; a2 -7 a2 -- a5; a2 -8 a3 -- a4; a3 -9 a3 -- a6; 10 a4 -- a5; a4 -11 a5 -- a6; 12}

Types of drawings

a3; a6; a4; a6; a5; a6;

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


45 / 46


Graph Drawing Malte Skambath Introduction

Challenges Types of drawings

Force-directed approach
Spring Embedder Simulated Annealing

Crossing Minimization
Planarization Approach Dual graph SPQR-tree

Orthogonal Bend Minimization

Orthogonal Drawing MinCostFlow-Problem


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