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Student name: Ahmet Babayev Student ID: 0130 VMVM 0612 Intake: June, 2012 Subject name: Professional

Development I Lecturer : Fracis

1.0 Introduction to Lufthansa............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 INDUSTRY PRODUCT AND SERVICES OFFERED ............................................................................................................ 4 1.2 MISSION ................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 VISION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 Information Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Service engineering department ..................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Fleet Managers. ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Middle Fleet manager ............................................................................................................................................. 5 2.4 Operational Fleet manager...................................................................................................................................... 5 2.5 Finance department ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.6 Top managers .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.7 Middle managers ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.8 Low Managers ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.0 Information system ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Information & service .............................................................................................................................................. 6 4.0 Key features ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Mobile portal and smart phone apps ...................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Board Connect ......................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.0 Impact of e-commerce ................................................................................................................................................ 7 6.0 Conclusion and recommendation ............................................................................................................................... 8

1.0 Introduction to Microsoft corporation

Microsoft corporation the world leader in the field of the software, IT services and decisions. It is one of the largest global corporations, with representations more than in 112 countries of the world and 90,4 thousand employees. Microsoft brand one of the strongest and expensive in the world according to the research Best Global Brands 2010, its value makes more than 60 billion dollars. The range of products of Microsoft is unprecedentedly wide for the IT industry: these are desktop and network operating systems, server applications for client-server environments, desktop business applications and office applications for users, interactive programs and games, means for work on the Internet, instruments of development. Besides, Microsoft offers interactive online services, publishes books on computer subject, makes the peripheral equipment for computers and does many other things. The history of creation of Microsoft is very interesting. It begins that in 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen sold to the company making the personal computer the version of the Basic language. In fact is there was not a new version of language, and modified already existing. After language was sold, Gates is come to mind by idea and that it is necessary to create the company. He thought up also the name of future huge corporation - "Microsoft". As a result, the history of the Microsoft company passes to Microsoft corporation history. In 1981 of Microsoft becomes large corporation, and works already with very serious players at the market of the computer equipment and the software. In 1983 thanks to Microsoft corporation there is such thing as "a computer mouse", and the company declares a fast exit of an operating system which will have the graphic module (at that time the Apple company the direct competitor of Microsoft already let out such system). 1995 is issued become to already legendary Windows95 which brought Microsoft corporations a world fame and glory. In parallel, in 1986 of an action of corporation grew in price with 22 to 28 American dollars literally till evening of the first day of sale, and in March, 1990 the corporation carries out also the first charge of dividends. As a result all shareholders receive on one stock as a gift. Today the Microsoft corporation is one of leaders among producers of the software for computers, phones and other equipment.

Germanys` well - known largest airline is Lufthansa and the 5th largest airline in the world. Lufthansa is providing comfortable and flexible services not only for domestic and also for international flights

Lufthansa got 18 flights in Germany and about 183 international destinations. Lufthansa main office is in Germany and second large office is in Frankfurt. Every year more than forty five million passengers are using Lufthansa air lines to travel or business trips around the world. Lufthansa carries out the activity in various types of business segments, such as passenger transportation, logistics, MRO, public catering and IT services also the Lufthansa airline provides cargo services and is known as the largest service provider worldwide. (Air Cargo World, 2012)


In a daily life people requirements are growing. Knowing it, companies are offering better services and products. Lufthansa standing on customer needs by using authorized travel agencies offering to people full of travel services such as flights, bus tickets, online service solutions, booking hotels, insurance packages and many other services. These services are making customer traveling easier and interesting. According to individual needs Lufthansa guarantee a perfect products and services in competitive changing environment. To ensure ideal trip without circumstances Lufthansa provides Transportation Security Administration. ( 2008 Copyright by Lufthansa City Center Poland, 2008)

The mission of Lufthansa to propose solutions, providing to clients true competitive advantage at any time and everywhere

Lufthansa focusing on the future and mission leads them to their vision ( Global Telesales 2007, 2007)

2.0 Information Requirements

2.1 Service engineering department
Here the focus lies on owner support. Some of the tasks here are i.e. Development and updating of maintenance programs together with the

2.2 Fleet Managers.

Processing and drawing-up maintenance guidelines, those are in deviation or in addition to the manufacturer guidelines. Evaluating maintenance checks in order to review the maintenance intervals in the maintenance programs.
2.3 Middle Fleet manager

Helping for the Fleet Manager with customers or authorities. Taking measures in order to fulfill authority requirements. Evaluation and implementation of manufacturer suggestions.
2.4 Operational Fleet manager

Representing customer interests in international committees (for example: Maintenance Working Groups, specialized conferences). Advising for customers of regarding functional questions.

2.5 Finance department

2.6 Top managers

Top managers of Lufthansa manage finance functions including accounting, budget preparation, payables and receivables as per the adopted policies and procedures.
2.7 Middle managers

At Lufthansa they are conducting performance appraisals for subordinates according to scheduled plans and recommending necessary actions as per the applied practices.
2.8 Low Managers

Low managers are preparing periodic reports with respect to the department's activities and achievements to be submitted to the VP/Resources. (Lufthansa, 2012)

3.0 Information system

IT that makes people life easier. Two decades before there was not any internet or smart devices to buy, book or rebook your tickets or to do any other facilities. People used to go to special stations or counters to solve their problems. By the new technology came out the life is going to be easier and problems are solving fast. The cost will decrease for the company because no need to hire more stuff or write and print lots of papers. Lufthansa specialists included these all new technologies to their systems as well as

internet. The internet is the best giant marketing in the business area to appeal customers and solve problems quickly. Lufthansa systems proposes solutions, consulting, development and industry realization. The system data is secure, very easy to use and available 24/7. It can use any customer who has knowledge of Excel. Lufthansa follows 5 main business segments to lead in their industry that covers areas such as passenger transportation, air transportation and airline services. These segments are Passenger Airline Group, Logistics, MRO, IT Services and Catering. The Lufthansa Passenger Airlines are offering good services in the passenger business and thus are known as the best quality carriers. All special cargos, standard and express burdens are under Logistics segment. The Lufthansa Catering Segment is the global market leader. The outside and inside full spectrum services for airlines are done by MRO, IT Services and Catering. To carry out all requirements of customers Lufthansa offers the best quality services and products to satisfy passenger wishes. (Company Overview of Lufthansa Systems AG, 2012)
3.1 Information & service

Lufthansa Systems is one of the leaders in full IT service providers and specialists of airlines and aviation branch in the world. Lufthansa system offers to their customers many easy find applications or needs around the world. Here are requirements that people need during flying and after : plan and book, offers and ideas, Information and service, miles and more. When you go to Information & Service you can find some benefits offered to customers by Lufthansa system such as flight information, check-in, at the airport, on board, baggage , before the trip, to and from the airport and Lufthansa services. For instance, if client want to relax or have a rest in a different country`s air port, client can find the lounge and detailed information about it. Lounges got many advantages for passengers such as using of wireless network, PC with internet access, TV, International magazines and newspapers and many other benefits. (A star AllianceMember, 2012)

4.0 Key features

The value of customers of Lufthansa is on a high position. They care about clients and wants to avoid their stress and save time as well as to provide convenience to customers. In order not to be in a queue and wait at busy check-in counter, Lufthansa offers to customers fast and easy check-in by internet, phone, sms, and one of the check-in machines at the airport.

4.1 Mobile portal and smart phone apps

The portal of Lufthansa propose a new comfortable booking procedure and also rebooking a flight by using smart device like phone. Moreover, the other feature of booking flights is customers can book for their children and babies. A new feature that added to mobile app is from navigation screen you can approach to ``info-service`` directly. A time table section offers extra accessory like weather information. When the latest special offer coming out it will inform you and can book straight away. Its unique because as we mentioned before it is not force able to go to counter stations and wait there. (A Star Alliance Member, 2012)

4.2 Board Connect

The relationship between company and passengers is the most significant interface which Board Connected from Lufthansa Systems presents as an modernization to all business of airlines. The Lufthansa Board Connect make available to all its passengers video on require. The Board Connect provides videos via wireless to the passengers own devises such as laptop, smart phones and iPads whish has got WI-FI. Also, Lufthansa offers to their customers various auxiliary services such as movies, duty - free shopping, electronic books and magazines, individual cabin service and many others. Everything that need passengers will be easily transferred to their smart devices. One more thing that offers Lufthansa BoardConnect is that clients can go sufficiently easy to Lufthansa portal and enjoy content of library. ( 2012 Lufthansa Systems, 2012)

5.0 Impact of e-commerce

E-commerce has discovered in 20th century as a new way of business Sale on the Internet is the most fast-growing a trade method in the world. The E-business offers the companies new ways of development of the markets to whom they can deliver products and services more effectively and can attract more clients. There are advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce. One of the most important side of e-commerce is the lowered cost. E-commerce increase the sales therefore decrease costs of goods. Customers can buy things in the form of discounted prices. The second side of e-commerce gives a chance to sell your goods 24 hours 7 days non-stop selling even while you

are sleeping. Clients can go on-line and look through your products thus, they can place their orders. Also, they can save and manage their times, it is not compulsory to be in the store physically . Even customers lying on the bed or driving a car they can order whatever they want.

On the other hand, electronic commerce has some disadvantages. Everyone can begin business easily. There are many bad sites that can deception and eat money of clients. The opportunity to sit, carry, wear or touch a product is not existing. If buy product in a store you can touch , know what it is and how it looks like even smell it. One more thing is you have to wait for your order hours, days even months. (eSales Track Blog, 2012)

6.0 Conclusion and recommendation

The Lufthansa air lines mission is not just serving people by flying to any destinations around the world but also keep the environment clean. The global warming and changing in climate is the biggest problem for humankind. Lufthansa Climate research supports scientific projects in protecting the environment. Thus , Lufthansa testing different choices of fuel in flights such as biofuel. Lufthansa working hard on gas emissions and improving carbon efficiency. The air company was awarded to progress in fuel efficiency. Lufthansa reached fuel efficiency record. In 1991 the fuel consumption was 6.20 liters per 100 kilometers but now they reached 4.20 liters per 100 passenger kilometers. IT and research and development departments of Lufthansa are working on decreasing fuel consumption till 3.00 liters on per 100 kilometers. Furthermore, Lufthansa airline want to non - stop fly between two continents ; from Europe to China. The direct fly will not just save time but also will reduce fuel consumption and thus will reduce carbon emission. Oil and kerosene is limited. That is why Lufthansa invests on its research and development department to find out new alternative fuel. I recommend to save our world and use less air lines. (A Star Alliance Member, 2012)

2008 Copyright by Lufthansa City Center Poland, 2008. Lufthansa Citi Center. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 december 2012]. 2012 Lufthansa Systems, 2012. Lufthansa Systems. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 december 2012]. Global Telesales 2007, 2007. GTS Group. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 december 2012]. A Star Alliance Member, 2012. Environmental care. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 december 2012]. A Star Alliance Member, 2012. Lufthasa Nonstop you. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 december 2012]. A star AllianceMember, 2012. Lufthansa Nonstop you. [Online] Available at: D [Accessed 16 december 2012]. Air Cargo World, 2012. Deutsche Lufthansa. 70 years seven thrilling decades of air cargo, 102(5), pp.40-53. Company Overview of Lufthansa Systems AG, 2012. Bloomberg Businessweek. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 december 2012]. eSales Track Blog, 2012. eSalesTrack. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 december 2012]. Lufthansa, 2012. Jobs and career with Lufthansa Technik. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 december 2012].


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