Announcements March 24, 2013

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PHONE: 780-467-5730, EMAIL:, WEBSITE: A Mission Church of Jesus Christ Seek, Shape, Serve March 24, 2013

Lenten Worship
Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Palms: Luke 19: 28-40; Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29. Liturgy of the Passion: Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Psalm 31: 9-16; Philippians 2: 5-11; Luke 22: 14-23: 56 ( or Luke 23: 1-49) 8 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Chris Dowdeswell; Lay Administrant : Betty Lucas 9 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Chris Dowdeswell/The Rev. Stephen London; Hospitality Team: Team 4; 1st Reader: Betty Hopfner; 2nd Reader: Trish Downing; Lay Reader: David Holehouse; Lay Administrants: Michele Clapp & Betty Hopfner. 11 am Eucharist: Preacher/Preside: The Rev. Chris Dowdeswell/The Rev. Stephen London; Greeters: Roland & Doreen TeapeUshers: Richard Hanna & Craig Dobson; 1st Reader: Pat Lawrence; 2nd Reader: Gerry Parlby; Lay Reader: Roy Parker; Lay Administrants: Dale & Judy Purkis. Easter Sunday: Acts 10: 34-43; Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24; 1 Corinthians 15: 19-26; John 20: 1-18.

Today, we remember in our prayers: Marissa, Tammy Jo, Bonnie, Robert, Michael & Tammy, Margaret, Nancy, Jenn, World Wide: we PRAY for the church in Jerusalem Michaela, David, Nancy, Sydney, Hillary, Jean, Tim, (Jerusalem & Middle East) The Rt Revd Suheil Dawani Sarah, Dale, Toni, Ed & Mae, Helen & Dave, Vera, Vic & Here at Home: Childrens Ministry, Hospitality ministries, Susan, Jill, Kate and all those known to the Lord alone. Project 2015 & the Steering Committee, Youth Ministry. Specifically at Home: We pray for Wade Screpnek, Winston & Jocelyn Taljit. Flowers on the altar this morning are given to the Glory of God. You are invited to contribute to the flowers in the sanctuary by filling out the form in the foyer. Please place your $45.00 cheque clearly marked Flowers into the offertory plate.

Office Hours: .Tues.: 8:30 2:30; Wed. 8:30 2:30; Fri.: 8:30 4:30.
St. Thomas Sherwood Park is seeking a permanent, part-time administrative assistant to work in a busy parish office beginning on May 21, 2013. The position is considered 50% (20 hours per week) with some flexibility as to how those hours are scheduled. You will be the familiar face and voice to those who contact the parish office as well as the one responsible for managing the day-to-day administrative operations of St. Thomas. Those interested in learning more or applying are invited to e-mail or call 780-499-4706. The application deadline is April 12, 2013.
SOCIAL MEDIA: have you wondered what all the fuss is about? Do you hear people talking about Facebook, Twitter and other but are not sure how they work and why they are so popular? St. Thomas has started using social media for various reasons and wants to give you the chance to see how we and using it and why. On April 21st we are going to have a brief seminar for interested people to see how it all works together. They will take place at the coffee hours after the 9am and the 11am. Stop by our table so we can demonstrate it for you!

Your pastor loves conflict! Okay, that is not quite true. But I do think that having Crucial Conversations is essential to the health and well being of any group and especially the church. Most would agree with this, but shy away from having these conversations or are not sure how to navigate the difficult waters. On May 11 from 10am to noon, I am offering a seminar on how to have these Crucial Conversations: how to approach them, how not to be fearful of them, what works to turn a dispute into a productive conversation, and more. There will be both information and role playing. Please consider coming; the more who come the better the church as a whole is prepared for rough waters when they come. There will be another one in the fall. Please notify the office if you plan to come.

YOUTH GROUP Winter Schedule. Grade 5 & up! Join us at the church and have some fun! Bring a friend or 2 with you! All are welcome! YOUTH. Each week a new adventure! 5:30-6:30. BIBLE STUDY and light supper 6:30-8:30. YOUTH All youth are welcome to come to both or just one. March 27: No Youth Spring Break April 3: Rev. Steve leads youth group! Be prepared for a wild and crazy night! April 10: Bowling @ Sherwood Bowl. Meet there at 6:30. Amount TBA. April 17: Monk Dinner!? Come hungry! April 19 20: Overnight Unplugged: off the GRID! Contact: Kim (780) 850-3190 Devon (780) 686-3384

The next Senior Ladies Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at 11:45 a.m. If you are able to help with the luncheon, please see the sign-up sheet in the foyer. Thanks.
If you are interested in helping with the outreach efforts of the Strathcona County Ecumenical Mission group called Companions on the Way, please contact Pearl Newman or Rev. Steve. This year the day is Tuesday, May 7th. Thanks! If you are interested in purchasing Easter flowers for the church, please sign the sheet in the foyer. $10 each. Thanks! HOLY WEEK SERVICE TIMES: Maundy Thursday, March 28, 2013 7 pm Prayer vigil begins following service Good Friday, March 29, 2013 10 am Music and Drama 1 pm Celebration of our Lords Passion Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013 Services at 8 am, 9 am, and 11 am PROCORO CANADA with the Alberta Baroque Ensemble presents the Mozart Requiem and Peter Tognis Missa Liberationis. 7:30 pm, Friday, March 29, 2013 at the Winspear.

Visit us on facebook at

Daytrippers invites everyone to Sunday Pranzo (multi course, served brunch) $20.00 at Santa Maria Goretti Church Facility. Sunday, April 21, 2013, departing St. Thomas at 12:15pm. The sign-up list w/details is on the Event Board. Hope you can join us!

Intro. to mission Course from Fresh Expressions: Wednesdays from 6-8:30 April 10- May 15.
The sign-up sheet for the Holy Vigil is in the foyer. You are invited to sign up for a prayer time. Art Classes Art Classes will be held in the church basement starting April 11 through May 16. Classes will start at 7 PM sharp. Cost for classes will be $30.00 per person. All canvas, paints and instruction will be provided by artist Brenda Young. No previous experience needed. Come to one or all classes. Each class is individualized to meet your need. Brenda has a very unique teaching style. Everyone can paint under her direction. Come out for a relaxing, fun evening. You will be surprised by the fellowship, entertainment and the wonderful painting you will take home with you each night. If possible, please email Brenda prior to the class day, so she will have an idea of the number of canvases to prepare: To view a current copy of Synod Scene online, log on to , then click on Synod Scene. The Alberta chapter of the International Order of St. Luke is bringing the The Rev. Mike Endicott to Edmonton on May 10 & 11, 2013. Information and registration are available at the church office or from Bruce and Audrey Aylard. The conference will be held at St. Matthias in Edmonton.

Marriage Encounter weekend Nov. 8-10. Go to

Sunday, March 24 Sunday Services 8, 9, & 11 am Monday, March 25 Mens crib, 7 pm Wednesday, March 26 Wonder, 6-8 pm/Youth Bible study 5:30 6-7:30 KIT potluck and de-brief Thursday, March 28 Maundy Thursday service 7 pm Prayer vigil Good Friday, March 29 10 am Music and Drama 1-3 pm Celebration of our Lords Passion Easter Sunday, March 31 Sunday Service 8,9 & 11 am He is Risen!

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