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Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

Table of Contents.
1.0 Introduction. .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.1 An initial reasons for proposal business. ...............................................................................3 1.2 The PESTLE analysis of Turkmenistan. ...............................................................................4 1.3 SWOT analysis of Business proposal. ...................................................................................4 2.0 Other institutional & Technological factors. .............................................................................5 2.1 Government. ..........................................................................................................................5 2.2 Competition. ..........................................................................................................................5 2.3 Employment. .........................................................................................................................5 3.0 Sell the idea. .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Bar Chart of users. .................................................................................................................7 4.0 Organization design factor.........................................................................................................7 4.1The proposed plan of an organization. ...................................................................................7 4.2 Human resource needs of the company. ................................................................................8 4.3 Budget of the company. .........................................................................................................9 5.0 Threats. ...................................................................................................................................10 5.1 Summary. ............................................................................................................................. 10 6.0 Conclusion. .............................................................................................................................. 11 Group reflection. ............................................................................................................................ 11 References. ....................................................................................................................................15 Presentation Part. ...........................................................................................................................17

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

1.0 Introduction.
1.1 An initial reasons for proposal business.
The initial interests to make the social contact of the opportunity of internet cafes in Turkmenistan is on the way. The main reason is that lack of information in Turkmenistan. The public cannot use the Internet and cannot get international information from the global. Our goal is to build this Internet Cafe and make it available for the public. If we make it available for community sector, people can access to global and they can get all the information which is needed for their social problems. The idea of chance of these Internet Cafes is to be a symbol of approach of growing up the modernization. Todays modern life requires being aware form worlds information system. Turkmenistans location is in central Asia or it is neighbor country with Afghanistan in the southeast, Iran in the south and southwest, Uzbekistan in the east and northeast, Kazakhstan in the north and northwest and the Caspian Sea in the west. Our business must locate in capital city of Turkmenistan. It is Ashgabat city and there are a lot of companies and all business sectors which deal with international trade.

[Source Accessed 24 November]

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

1.2 The PESTLE analysis of Turkmenistan.

There is one political provider of internet in Turkmenistan, the official government body, Turkmen Telecom. All channels pass through Turkmen Telecoms central focus and all are in detail monitored by security services. Turkmen Telecom doesnt offer some service connections for individual and organizations, especially, pornographic websites. (Telecom, 2010) The Internet access, the Web is more than restricted in the country. This is connected to unkind official control, the serious control of the accessibility and speed of Internet connections in cities, and its total absence in villages. Even the high price is going on to use Internet, the strict state monitoring of the few public Internet cafes in the cities, and the general practice of opening and examining immediate communications and e-mails. (Begmedova, 2009) The economy of Turkmenistan determined on achieving with developed, high investment in modern economies and a stable macro-economic climate. Turkmenistan had State owned property and State interest in the economy, and designed to guarantee well-being for all people at all levels of society. Free secondary and primary education is guaranteed for all. This economy system can help our business to grow in a period. Of course, business depends on the countrys economy too. The National Programme of Turkmenistan intended to change social improvement in cities, villages and the total country and include health, sports, child development and condition of safe drinking water. Turkmenistan has the lowest priced petrol and fuels in the world and natural gas, electricity, water and salt are free for citizens. So that is more positive result for our business sector. (UNOG, 2011)

1.3 SWOT analysis of Business proposal.

Initially, we have some opportunities to set up new business which is Internet Cafe in Turkmenistan. For example, there are less competitive companies, only government provide this communication system. Once we set up this business for the public, company can earn a lot of money and get a huge number of consumers. But, on the other hand, there is possibility that the government can take the business company after it makes more profit. For example, recently, our government took the main telecommunication company which is Russian MTS Business Company. That thing can bring threats to our business too.

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 The strongest thing is that we can build up all the technologies which are needed for the

company. For example, if we need additional money to organise the company, we can get financial support to do the business. Because, we have big opportunity to build the business company and it will bring more benefit in short time. But, we also have some weakness point to do this in short time. For example, we need a lot of IT people to operate the system, because the lack of high educated IT people. It takes time to train people for this operation.

2.0 Other institutional & Technological factors.

2.1 Government.
In 2008 the government of Turkmenistan (GOTX) has accepted legal reforms concerning foreign investments and licensing. Nevertheless, absence of the established leadership of the law, inconsistent practice of regulation, and also ignorance of the international norms of business are the cores of an obstacle for foreign investments. Economy of Turkmenistan heavily depends on production of natural gas, oil, petrochemicals and, to a lesser degree cotton and textile and more lesser is the communication sector. Even though the result of the president's policy of providing "the Internet in each house, school and a kindergarten" its still hard to get the Internet connection with high speed and affordable for everyone. (weblog, 2011)

2.2 Competition.
In the beginning of 2007 the government has opened Internet cafe in capital Ashgabat and was to follow this movement in the regional centers. One hour costs 4 US dollars, with considerable restrictions on Internet use, however, the high prices in the country where two thirds of population lives below the poverty line, and the monthly average income is below 100 US dollars. (server, 2010) Our company will try not only give internet connection, also try provide with good Internet access for everyone with low price as much as possible.

2.3 Employment.
Turkmenistan's labor regulations demand, that all vacancies will be placed in local bureaus on employment. The majority of vacancies are low-skilled workplaces. Placement services weren't effective tools in struggle against unemployment, or in granting of suitable candidates for the international companies. The government demands, labor of the foreign companies to have 70 percent of local employees. (Department, 2010)

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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 With our new company we will attract employees with IT specialization, who already skilled and got knowledge about their job, and give the chance for those student who studied IT who need some pocket money and experience. They can study in the day time and after classes work as an operator.

3.0 Sell the idea.

The idea of using our business proposal is simple. Printing several thousand flyers. We have gone in each hotel the concierge and the notice on them our service. By the time, people were able go in any hotel the concierge in a city, ask them where there is an Internet cafe, and they will mention our shop. Placing our shops in a necessary place where it will really do good to our business. An example of it is to put our shop near to the airports. The current trend for people to print a boarding pass before that, in the airport. In some places, especially in old people, probably, 40 % from your business from boarding passes is necessary. Also near to school and universities Advertisement on media. Separate the rooms for smokers and non-smokers. Its hardly to see the internet cafes with the separate rooms. Sometimes the customers who dont smoke cannot stay long for using of internet because of smoke. For that reason we will separate the rooms to satisfy customers needs Having pre-package food, such as Danishes, sweets and chips, and also water and coke. As usual they are two basic sellers in cafe. (Anon., n.d.)

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

3.1 Bar Chart of users.

4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5

Student Workers Others

1 0.5 0
4.0 Organization design factor.
4.1The proposed plan of an organization.



General Manager

Marketing Manager


Cafe Attendance

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

THE GENERAL MANAGER In an organization the general manager coordinate, organize, leads and control the company, he also set the cooperate goals of the organization which is the strategic set goals of organization which is the long term or future aims and goals of the company, that is he or she is the overall boss of the business. The company in focus is an internet caf named Busy Internet. The C.E.O makes sure the works and orderliness is followed in the daily running of the company to achieve the set goals mention above. (Buzzle, 2011) THE MARKETING MANAGER The human resource department consists of the marketing manager in which, he makes sure the needs and wants of the customers are met profitably and he makes sure the advertisement of the company is being cared for properly. Also, he ensures that the branding of the company is entailed. SUPREVISOR He is responsible for the day to day activity of an organization; also the supervisor guides the organization towards their goal and aims. Moreover they see to it that the executives of the organization are productive and able to resolve problems when they arise and he also apportion the salaries and draws the budget of the company. (Academy, 2011) CAF ATTENDANCE They are also responsible for the day to day activity of the company and also responds to the needs of the customers profitably. In addition they are the line staff which means, they come to face to face with the customers. They also deliver message from the customer to the managers.

4.2 Human resource needs of the company.

The HR department need well trained intellectual to handle the department, since its an IT company. Also they need 2 middle managers, two supervisors and two line staff and they ought to make sure advertisement for new employees (caf attendance is placed in the media). E.g. graphics, radio, etc. This advertisement must contain a good job description and job analysis. In addition the HR managers must make sure that the y right candidate are identified and located for the right job at the right time.

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 Moreover, they must also see to it that a good strategy is placed for employees performance

assessment. Bonuses and compensations must be given to the employees (caf attendance) to motivate them. (Line, 2011)

4.3 Budget of the company.

NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Six caf attendance

DAY TO DAY ACTIVITY They try to help customers when they face problems. They check whether the computers are in good shape. Also, they respond to the needs of the customers.

MONTHLY SALARY PER TO START A HOUR 1.8$ a day but maximum work a day is 8 hours. Shifting and off taking will be added in the company. COMPANY 100,000$ will be needed to start a company, which is the BUSY INTERNET CAF. Also, 30 computers, 2 photocopy machines, 2 printers and also 2 scanner machines will be provided to start the business.

One supervisor

They make sure that the caf attendances are productive. . He is the overall boss who leads and controls the company.

10$ a day and working hours a day is also 8.

One general manager

20$ per day and working hours is also 8 hours.

Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

5.0 Threats.
When we plan business, we have to think also about threats that we can face while doing our business, for us to take some precautions or measures to prevent it or to face it. So here are some of the threats: Decrease cost of internet access : as now ( ISP ) internet service provider continue to increase where we find people use their home internet that they pay each month , but still there are many people who still dont want to add such expenditures to their monthly bills Coming of new competitors : discover what our competitors are doing so that we can do more than what there are doing for us to keep our customers by being every time innovative and have something special from others Internet in phones : people like it because it good for privacy, lower cost, convinience for chat but where it comes for download pdf documents , they still need printers Changing technology to keep up with the new technology , when technology is changing every time, this make more expenditures to the company, because we will always need to buy new product every time things change ,so for us to keep our company update and for the customer to be comfort and still attract them, we will need to be up to date about new arrival technology.

Lower price because of home users but we will monitoring prices : when most of people are using their home internet we find the number of customers so low but we will motivate them by reducing our prices (Bplans, 2010)

5.1 Summary.
REAL internet cafe, unlike a distinctive cafe, will provide a unique environment for communication and entertainment through the medium of the Internet. REAL internet cafe will work according to public want such as some of our objectives: (1) Availability to the system of communication and quantity of information now available on the Internet. (2) Affordable cost in the way they are not used to use. Objectives (3)The creation of a unique, upscale, innovative environment that will differentiate Our internet cafe from others. 10

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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 (4) Inform people on what the Internet offer because there still people who still dont know what internet is about, they just think is something to entertain. (5)Affordable access to the resources of the Internet and other online services. As the popularity of the Internet continues to increase we will provide an easy and affordable access, because we can see that internet is quickly becoming a necessity of life. Our internet cafe will offer to the community the ability to access to the Internet, by enjoying a cup of coffee, and share Internet experiences in a comfortable environment. So this will not be for certain people but for all ages and backgrounds will come to enjoy our unique, good and easy way of communication with a social, educational, entertaining, atmosphere for worldwide communication. (BPLAN, 2011)

6.0 Conclusion.
REAL internet cafe will be integrated as a closed corporation. This will protect the owner and the other investors, from threats of personal liability and double taxation. The investors and shareholders will be treated the same. The large initial capital investment will allow REAL internet cafe to provide our customers a full featured Internet cafe. A unique, upscale, and innovative environment is needed for our customers to enjoy a good atmosphere that will inspire socialization and to keep our customers update on the world technology.

Group reflection.
1) Nurmyrat Geldiyev. My name is Nurmyrat Geldiyew. This report is about my knowledge which I learned during my group assignment with my classmates. Actually, group assignment was really interesting which I have ever seen. Because, everybody has a different idea about decision-making, planning and organizing. Our group was ready and active for any time. I did not see any difficulties while we were doing this assignment. All of my friends had excellent idea how to organize the presentation. It is very important to learn from each others or to share information to develop our knowledge for future planning in the real life. Moreover, other interesting things were that to learn about my own country. I learned a lot of information about my country during the research which I did not know before. Especially, I got information about internet system and its price, speed and others. It is different to compare with 11

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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 my own knowledge and learning from internet. And one more thing is that I learned some idea and thinking from other group presentations. Other presentations also were very good practice to learn information from other topics. For example, their performances, speeches and ideas were excellent to learn something for future organizations. 2) Myrat Atayev. Working in the group as a team with different people from different part of the world, is the one of the best experiences in my life. This is not my first presentation, I already had it before with my friends from my country. From each presentation I get some knowledge some experience and skill. In this presentation my group mates were Sarah and Maamy from Africa. At the beginning I thought that it will be a bit difficult to get each other, not because of language barriers, because of different level of mentality. Nevereless by passing of time I start understand that because of them I improve my communication skills, becoming more open minded and independent thinker person. Even though we were in the same level, they always were pushing me up and saw me as a leader, who can control situation, make a meetings, help in the time of need and work effectively as a group member. From the beginning we already divide the question, so each of us know exactly what to do and how to do. By doing that we were planning to make a good presentation, and I think we achieved our goals and did our job well done. 3) Maame Araba Afeduwa Sam REFLECTIONS ON PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Challenges and benefits we faced during the discussion and meeting of our individual assignment on the 30th of November, 2011 as we present it on a power point slip. CHALLENGES Lateness in individual presentation Punctuality Difficulty understanding each other Excuses

BENEFITS Good co-operation Good presentation Tolerance (Leader)


Westminster International College DISCUSSION OF THE POINTS

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

Lateness in individual presentation: Lateness was one of the things we faced during our meetings. Members of the group presented their individual work late, and that drew us back because of time wastage. Also, discussion of individual portion of the work took us a lot of time before combining and arranging each and every ones aspect. Punctuality: When we talk of punctuality, its always needed in an organization to enhance the company and to know the caliber of people with. However, group 4 as in my co members never shows up on time, not even a person. This made the time scheduled for our meeting take a lot of time. Difficulty in understanding each other: This was another problem we during our group discussion, in terms of each others way of speaking and pronouncing an English word and also difficult in the points each other raises up in meeting concerning our presentation. Excuses: One thing that also hindered the group from working early and fast was excuses. I think as individuals, each and every one has his or her personal problems and caused as to move slowly in our meeting, because everyone had different needs to attend to. In every organization, there are good traits, despite the differences each and every one had in the group we managed to co-operate and work as one. Below are some of the benefits and achievement we had during the group discussion; Good co-operation: Despite our lateness and excuses during meetings, we managed to meet and have a discussion in our group to understand each others view in our discussion to enhance our presentation. This also made us the members to know each one better and despite the excuses, we never felt lazy in our meetings, which really helped us. Good presentation: On the day of presentation, I could proudly say, our group was the best on the day, this even tells us that if we had putting in more effort, the presentation would have been extraordinary. Also this made members know the kind of people working together. Tolerance (Leader): In every good organization, there is a good leader who coordinates and leads the people to achieve the goals and aims of the organization. So did group 4 chose sensible and a tolerant leader who helped the group to move forward, despite our flaws. He is in the person of Myrat, and to each member in our group he is the best. In the nut shell, group 4 is the best group for us because, we made the group, thus success will always be what we will achieve. 4) Isimbi Mugwaneza Sarah As a member of this group, I came up with different ideas which were useful for the fulfillment of our assignment requirements. These ideas were to be shared and discussed by all the group members, so as to come up with the best ideas together With the proper understanding of the


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 whole assignment. My main role was to talk about threats that our business can face and set out the conclusion. As we were conducting our discussions, I tried my level best to come up with proper understanding of all the discussed points so as to assist my group in answering different types of questions. Coherence and good flow of ideas were one of my main areas of interest so as to help my group to come up with the good work.

Working under this group, I have learned that good cooperation and effective communication are the best tools in accomplishing the required task in the most efficient way .I also realized that, by working together as a group, it was easy for us to share different ideas hence learning different aspects involved in solving given tasks. I have realized its easy to accomplish a big task through team work and the maintenance of a harmonious existence. Working under this group, I had a chance of getting opinions from my group members which I believe is the best way of getting more ideas.

In conclusion, It was nice working together with this group ,because I learnt a lot of useful things, such as no longer be ashamed to stand in front of more many people because this was my first presentation, so it was a good experience and especially with my group they learnt me to be confident of myself. And I believe I played my role under maximum capacity hence assisting my group leader in accomplishing this assignment.


Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

Academy, W., 2011. World Academy. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 December 2011]. Anon., 2009. Turkmenistan Committee to protect journalists. [Online] Available at: Anon., 2010. Turkmenistan Open Net Initiative. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2011]. Anon., n.d. Internet cafe Wifi. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 November 2011]. Begmedova, T., 2009. Turkmenistan Committee to protect journalists. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2011]. BPLAN, 2011. Bplan. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 November 2011]. Bplans, 2010. Bplans. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 november 2011]. Buzzle, 2011. Buzzle. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 December 2011]. Communication, C., 2001. C3BB. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 november 2011]. Department, U., 2010. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 November 2011]. J., B., 2011. [Online] ExxonMobil energy company Available at: &pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjOti-Y [Accessed 16 Novebmer 2011]. Line, O.t., 2011. One Tone Line. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 December 2011].


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1 server, G., 2010. Turkmenistan: communication. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 November 2011]. Telecom, T., 2010. Turkmenistan Open Net Initiative. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 November 2011]. UNOG, 2011. The United Nations in the heart of Europe News and Media Commitee on economy. [Online] Available at: 4F004309C1?OpenDocument [Accessed 29 November 2011]. weblog, T.a.n.s., 2011. Therearenosunglases weblog. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 November 2011].


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1

Presentation Part.


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


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BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


Westminster International College

BABS Semester 2 Professional Development 1


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