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US!\ ruiu rro 1
Fourth Semester B. E. Degr ee Examinati on, July 2006
Computer Organization
l'ime hrs I [Max.
Not e: /. Auswer any PIVfull quesriu11s.
2. A/1.\Wer be brief twtf wtlte ptJillt.
a. Distinguish bc1ween :
i) l'ipelining and upcr scalar 11pcrution
ii) CISC and RJSC
iii) Multiproccsso1' and multict>mputcrs. (091\hrl..<)
h. Explain clearly.._,.,.< l{ating and ilo (OJ MMks)
c. Conven the ft>llow111g pnirs ol numbers to 5 bil signed 2's complement btnat)
nuntbel'l> and ndd them. State \\he! her an overOO\\ occurs in each case
i) - 14 and II ii) - 10 and - 13. CU-I I\1J1rkll)
d. Discuss the two wa)!i in "hich b)1C are ass1gned across words.
(04 Murk)
l n. F:\('lnin with n SJ><'d lie example how a stack frame buill and dismantled for
a in\'l:>el' 100 of a (lllll\brkll)
b. Which ot the lollowHlg poss1biliues lb1 saving return address of a >Ubroutinc
>upport subroutine nesting and \\hit:h suppon subroutine recursion and wh)"
i) in a processor rcg1ster ii) in u memory location associated wtth call
iii) on a stack tO.C
c. Explajn clearly the Bus Arbitmtion Methods. (08 Mou ks)
J a. Draw a , output interfaLe c1rcuit und c:>.pllun the <lifli.:rent
opcrmion'> clcarl} (Ill Mari.J
b. Con,Idcr a S)OChronous bus that transfers dUla in one clock cycle. Address
tntn\mittcd h) the pwccssor appears on the hus allcr .J nam>sccunds.
propagation dcla) un the bub varh:o from I to 5 nunoseconds,
decoding 6 nanoseconds. Addressed device tal,es 5 to I 0 nanosccomls to
place the datu on the bus. Input huller needs 'l nanoseconds setup 11111e.
Estimate the clue).. srccd at which can11penttc. (11-1 Mnri<!>J
c. Distinguish between the processor clocil speed bus clock 'peed and
c:-..plain the dispanty occurs between the rwu. Stutc the value ol lhe
ahovc in a modern computing s)stem (06 \'1ark>)
_. 11 Dbcuss the main phases invoh ed in the uperation of 'iC!'.I bos in d!!lail.
(W Mnrks)
h. El\plain the Optralion of a split bus \\ith <lliiagram
c With a diagram USB p.tckct fonntll denrly. (Of' MorksJ
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