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A. Prezentul continuu cu sens de viitor. 1. pentru a exprima ceva deja aranjat sau planificat pentru viitorul apropiat. Timpul (tomorrow, Monday morning etc.) trebuie mentionat pentru a evita confuzia: The PM is flying to Brussels tomorrow. The Committee is meeting on Monday morning. 2. pentru a intreba pe cineva de planurile de viitor: What are doing on Saturday night? Im going to the club with my girlfriend. NOTA: Si prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima planuri de viitor, cu expresii de timp. Este considerat mai formal. We leave tonight and arrive tomorrow morning. B. Viitorul cu TO BE + going to. 1. pentru a exprima intentia de a face in viitor ceva ce nu a fost aranjat, dar probabil se va intampla: Sarah and James are going to get married next year. My son is going to study law at the university. 2. pentru a prezice o intamplare in viitor (predictia se bazeaza pe indicii din situatia prezenta): Look at how fast those cars are moving. There is going to be an accident. That little girl isnt looking where shes going. She is going to walk into a tree. 3. forma cu was / were going to se foloseste pentru a exprima o intentie din trecut care nu s-a realizat: I was going to phone you last night but I fell asleep in front of the TV. My parents were going to go to Greece for their holidays but they changed their minds. NOTA: About to se poate folosi in loc de going to atunci cand inseamna eram pe punctul de a dar nu s-a realizat. I was about to have my dinner when the phone rang. C. Viitorul simplu cu will. 1. pentru a exprima o reactie sau decizie spontana sau neplanificata: Im too tired to go out tonight. I think I will stay at home.

2. pentru evenimente probabile in viitor (pentru a transmite ceea ce vorbitorul stie, crede, spera, presupune, se teme de, se indoieste de, se asteapta sa, se intraba daca, stie etc.): After this rainy summer, I expect the harvest will be good. I believe the unemployment rate will drop after the governments plan of privatisation. 3. pentru a prezice evenimente viitoare: By the year 2050 we will be driving electric cars. 4. pentru a te oferi sa faci ceva: I cant do this exercise. Dont worry. I will help you. D. Viitorul continuu (will be + ING). 1. pentru a exprima actiuni in desfasurare in viitor, cand timpul este mentionat sau dedus: Cathy will be wearing her red dress at the party on Saturday night. This time next week I will be lying on a hot sunny beach. 2. pentru a exprima ceva ce a fost deja palnuit sau decis, fara intentia vorbitorului si fara a se mentiona un timp anume: Ill be going to the supermarket soon. Do you want something? 3. pentru a intreba politicos despre planurile altora: Will you be using your car this evening? No, why? Could I borrow it? E. Viitorul perfect (will + have + participiul trecut) pentru a exprima faptul ca o actiune se va fi petrecut deja pana la un anumit moment din viitor. Este importanta mentionare momentului. I will have retired from work by the time Im 65. In four months from now, she will have saved enough money to buy a car. F. Viitorul perfect continuu (will + have been + ING) pentru a exprima faptul ca o actiune se va afla inca in desfasurare la un anumit moment in viitor. They will have been building that house for 2 years next Christmas. (= Ei vor fi construind acea casa de 2 ani Craciunul viitor.)

1. Puneti verbul la forma corect la forma corecta folosind will sau going to. 1. The fire has gone out. Oh yes! I (go) get some wood. 2. What are you doing with the vegetables?

I (get) lunch ready. 3. Mr. Doyle has just arrived. Oh good, I (meet) him at the elevator. 4. I havent bought any cigarettes because I (try) and give up smoking. 5. Ive got a hole in my trousers. Give them to me. I (mend) them for you. 6. Look what I bought at the auction this morning! How nice! Where (you / put) it? 7. Did you post that letter with me? I completely forgot. I (do) it now. 8. What would you like to drink: red or white wine? I (have) red, please. 9. What (you / do) when you leave university? I dont know yet; perhaps I (travel) around Europe for a year. 10. You look exhausted. Sit down and I (make) you a cup of tea. 11. (you / pass) me the salt please? 12. I (not buy) any more new clothes until Ive lost five kilos. 2. Decideti daca in aceste propozitii este mai potrivit viitorul perfect sau viitorul perfect continuu. Mrs. McGregor always goes to bed at 9.30 pm. Dont phone her at 10.00 pm 1. (she / go / to bed) 2. (she / sleep / half an hour) Colin began to study French last January. By July when he goes on holiday, 3. (he / study / six months) 4. (he / take two exams) Robert came to Spain nearly 15 years ago. Next May it will exactly 15 since he arrived. Next May 5. (he / be / here / exactly 15 years) 6. (he / live / same city for all that time)

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