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The many uses of Lavender essential oil

1 drop Lavender on underwear eradicates fungal itch in women & jock itch in men. Use on burns to heal faster.
Inhale often during flight. Helps jet lag.

- most versatile oil - "adaptogenic", adapts to your body's needs - for cuts, bruises and skin irritations - physical & emotional balance - calming & relaxing - for skin - fragrant smell

How to use
Rub all over the back & areas of pain for people with autoimmune conditions, Lavender is antifungal.

Apply on soles of feet, rub on the neck & inhale before sleep. Try on babys feet to calm her down.
D i f f u s e to increase relaxation.

Young Living Lavender essential oil in modern living

Art, DolfCheng

1 drop in palm, rub & breathe in 6x or more. This will help to increase the oxygen in our body.

1 drop of Lavender on pillow helps with sleep.

Stops bleeding & throbbing.

edited by DolfCheng, March 2013

CALMING/SLEEPING Rub under the feet for calming. Rub on pillow, on the back of the neck to help with sleep. BURNS/BITES/CUTS&WOUNDS Apply on burns to reduce pain. Apply on insect sting or bite to stop itching/reduce swelling.

Drop lavender on a cut to stop bleeding, drop lavender on wounds to kill bacteria.
edited by DolfCheng, March 2013


Put lavender on a cold sore. Mix with carrier oil and apply on: Scar (old or new); Dry/chapped skin; Eczema/dermatitis Apply under armpits as a deodorant.

edited by DolfCheng, March 2013

Apply on chapped/sunburned lips. Put few drops in sprayer with water and spray over sunburned skin. Apply lavender on diaper rash to stop itching and heal the skin.

ALLERGY/NOSEBLEED Diffuse Lavender for help with allergy, rub under the nose (natural antihistamine). Drop lavender on tissue with small ice, put under the nose and hold. NAUSEA Put a drop on the end of the tongue & behind the ears for motion sickness. HAY FEVER Put a drop on the palm, rub and inhale to calm the symptoms of hay fever.

edited by DolfCheng, March 2013

HAIR Apply on the scalp/ whisk on hair to help control dandruff, also use in shampoo. DIFFUSE/MOTH/DRYER Diffuse to kill bacteria in the air.

edited by DolfCheng, March 2013

Drop lavender on cotton balls and place in closet to repel moths. Drop lavender on a wet cloth and throw into the dryer.

Cedarwood 3
3 oils that can help with ADHD, layer each oil under the big toe of child or use singularly acc to effectivity.

1 2

First thing for thing for

If there is an injury, the soonest an essential oil is applied, the better. If LAVENDER is immediately used, the swelling is minimized and very little bruising happens. NEVER use ice as it slows down circulation. Circulation is very necessary for healing.
Shared by Frances Fuller
Art, DolfCheng

Research shows vetiver to be the most effective oil, applying on the back of the head is favorable but since the smell is very strong, rub under the big toe instead. For adults, rub on the wrists. Shared by Lisa Kullman. Art, DolfCheng

Marc Schreuder told us at Convention 2009 when OCOTEA was introduced to take 1-2 drops Ocotea under the tongue at bedtime & use PEACE & CALMING on back of neck and bottoms of feet and it is "Slumber Party"!
(I find that VALOR works better for me than Peace & Calming.),
Shared by Frances Fuller

Do you find it

Traveling by AIR and Essential Oils

Bring Di-gize for any kind of food differences that are between 2 cultures, or constipation that often comes with traveling. I consider it an absolute for traveling.
Contributed by Rachelle R Neveau

RutaVala for sleep

Use the oils at the back of the neck, bottom of the feet & inhale.

Art, DolfCheng

Lavender keeps jet lag at bay. When I was on a France trip with Young Living, Gary Young said that is his favorite oil for keeping jet lag from happening. I put it in my water bottle as well as back of neck. Never experienced jet lag the whole trip or when I returned. Didn't sleep well on the plane either but still felt great!
Art, DolfCheng

Drink in water
With cooking

Mix with carrier oils

INHALE! Mix in

Rub on the skin


do we use Essential Oils?


RUB under FEET

In a spray bottle
Put on the roof of the mouth
ArtLayout, DolfCheng

Frances Fuller taught us some of these oils in her Rainbow Healing Meditation classes! Love, love, love the 3 oils here. Orange is happiness, just the color makes me feel so happy. During my long years in Taiwan, the winters are so depressing because the sky is always overcast. Sometimes we go by 1 week with no sun, i use orange as a tea drink, one drop in a cup of hot or warm water, and it makes me think of spring again. Lavender is most associated with calmness and ease of sleep. I diffuse it in the air conditioner by putting cotton dabbed with this oil in the vent. Lavender reduces fungal growth which is always present in the humid Philippine climate. Smelling it helps to reduce fungus in the nose and in the lungs. Lemon is my most favorite oil because of its smell and health benefits. Remember, Lemon is for Liver. I drink water with lemon oil in the morning to help flush my liver. I also drink water with lemon oil to reduce the bacteria in my water.
My personal Young Living essential oil experience, by Dolf Cheng

Drop USE ON under the YOUR PETS! tongue

PUT in a capsule

Only Ingest Oils that are from Young Living Therapeutic-grade Essential Oils.

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