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1.- Write what these people, animals or things are.

1.- Its got a long neck and its very tall. Its a ___________________
2.- Its very big. Its grey and its got a long nose . Its ___________________
3.- He looks after your teeth. Hes ___________________
4.- Its got walls, a roof, a door and windows. Its ___________________
5.- Shes got a class, a board and she teaches. Shes ___________________
2.- Write what instruments you play and what instruments you dont play. Choose
instruments from the list.
1.- I play ________________________ or I dont play ________________________
2.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
3.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
4.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
5.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
6.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
7.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
8.- ______________________________ or _________________________________
3.- Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct words from the list.

ice hockey

1.- Splodge likes Geography but he doesnt like ___________________________

2.- Today Splodge is having a peanut butter sandwich for ___________________________
3.- Splodge has never been to ___________________________
4.- Splodges favourite subject at school is ___________________________
5.- Ruff cant play tennis but hes good at ___________________________
4.- How often do you do these things?
wash your hands: ___________________________________________________________
brush your teeth: ____________________________________________________________
have English lessons: ________________________________________________________
go on holiday: _____________________________________________________________


Rincn del Maestro:

5.- Fill in the card

My name is Andrea. I am a teacher and I am 32 years old. I am from Spain. my address is 41
Segovia Street in Madrid. My parents are from Zamora. My fathers name is John and my mothers
name is Sarah. They are 60 years old. I have got many brothers but only one sister.
My favourite book is Jane Eyre and my favourite singer is Enya. I am a short woman. I have got
black hair and brown eyes.
Name: ________________________________
Age: _________________________________
Address: _______________________________
Country: _______________________________
Occupation: _____________________________
Parents names: _______________________________________________________________
Favourite book: __________________________
Favourite singer: _________________________
6.- Answer the questions
1.- Where are her parents from?
2.- How old are they?
3.- What colour is Andreas hair?
4.- What colour are her eyes?
5.- Is she tall?
6.- How many brothers has she got?
7.- How many sisters?
7.- Write about you
Rincn del Maestro:

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