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Course Plan Worksheet

Part I: Audience and Course

Nan Ketpura-Ching

Course Topic
Write a brief description of your course. What is the topic or subject of the course? If you had to advertise this course to encourage people to sign up for it, how would you describe the course? What are a few things they may learn (no need to write specific objectives yet this comes in Part II of the Course Plan Worksheet.)

The GOA Model: An Introduction to Online Learning and Teaching. This 4-week fully online asynchronous course will be implemented through Haiku Learning Management System. This Professional Development course will introduce participants to the best practices of online teaching in the Global Online Academy. The course will be hands-on and collaborative allowing participants to interact while learning necessary skills to apply techniques in online teaching.

My Audience: Who Are My Students?

Who are your students? (first semester freshmen, majors, non-traditional, developmental, professionals in the field (state what field), college professors, high school teachers, etc.) Be as specific as possible in describing their demographics and general characteristics. Participants will be high school teachers interested in online teaching. Participants may or may not be GOAaffiliated independent school teachers. They will be interested in seeing online teaching as a new tool for teaching high school students. They will have access to internet, be comfortable with technology, have at least a Bachelors degree, and most importantly, be enthusiastic about learning how to create and implement an online course.

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My Audience: Why Do They Take This Course?

Why do most of them take the course (general education, major requirement, elective, professional development, career preparation, etc.)? This will be a Professional Development course for teachers interested in developing their own online course.

My Audience: What Knowledge Do They Bring to the Course?

How much background knowledge do they typically have on the subject? Is your content going to be novel to them or will it build on prerequisite knowledge? Background knowledge on online teaching (Distance Education) will probably vary. I plan on assigning an article to read about the status and current research on online learning and teaching to cover this topic during Week 1. Participants should be a subject-matter expert in their field and have an idea for a course they would like to develop into on online course. Many will probably have not had exposure to using Haiku Learning Management System (Haiku LMS). But they should be comfortable navigating around web sites.

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My Audience: What Attitudes Do They Bring to the Course?

Generally speaking, what are their attitudes toward the course content? If you dont know, please make an educated guess. Do they come to your class with negative or positive attitudes and why? For example, will completion of your course lead to a pay raise, therefore giving them a good attitude and high level of motivation? Do students come to your class feeling resentment or question the relevance of the content? I imagine most will be enthusiastic about converting an existing F2F course to an online course or would like to learn the benefits of online teaching. They would be interested in taking the course so that they will be able to implement an online course of their own in the future. I may have some participants being skeptical about why online teaching would be beneficial. Another challenge I envision is that participants will have varying comfort level using computers and different Web 2.0 tools. They will come to the course with varying level of experience in terms of computer use and online learning and teaching. One of the challenges I would face is to ensure that I provide enough technical support for participants who need additional help.

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Course Plan Worksheet

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Part II: Course Goals and Student Learning Outcomes

Course Goals
What are the broad goals of the course? The goals of this 4-week Global Online Academy Teacher Training Course are: Familiarize teachers with Haiku Learning Management System (Haiku LMS) Expose teachers to the tools and relevant technology they will use in their own online course (Camtasia, VoiceThread, Google Docs,,, etc..) Begin to introduce best practices in online teaching Model good course design Build an interactive cohort of teachers Practice redesigning a great classroom assignment into a great online assignment Brainstorm and develop pedagogical strategies that take advantage of online platform, such as asynchronous learning, and cultural and geographic diversity. Give teachers a student experience in an online course. Practice with web curation Leave course with enough skills and knowledge to start their own class.

Course Outcomes
What are the specific student learning outcomes of the course? Upon completion of the course, the learners will be able to: 1. Use VoiceThread to create an introductory video. 2. Develop a syllabus with course description, goals and objectives, and course expectations for the online course and post onto Haiku LMS using 3. Create an assignment to build a sense of community for their students in an asynchronous online course through the Discussion board feature on Haiku LMS. 4. Collaborate with a partner on a Google Docs to brainstorm and develop pedagogical strategies to take advantage of the asynchronous learning in a global setting. 5. Plan one unit of a lesson for an online course from start to finish. 6. Create a screencast using one web 2.0 tools to explain what the tool is used for and how it might be used in an online course.

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Course Plan Worksheet

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Part III: Course Outline

Course Title
The GOA Model: An Introduction to Online Learning and Teaching.

Course Description
This 4-week online asynchronous course will be implemented through Haiku Learning Management System. This Professional Development course will introduce participants to the best practices of online teaching in the Global Online Academy. The course will be hands-on and collaborative allowing participants to interact while learning necessary skills to apply techniques in online teaching.

Course Goals
The goals of this 4-week Global Online Academy Teacher Training Course are: Introduce best practices in online teaching including a brief review of current literature. Familiarize participants with online learning and teaching through Haiku Learning Management System (Haiku LMS). Practice developing a classroom assignment into an online assignment while discussing strategies to take advantage of the asynchronous platform and embracing the richness of global participants. Expose participants to the tools and relevant technology of online learning and teaching (Camtasia, VoiceThread, Google Docs, Skype, web conferencing tools, etc.). Give participants a student experience in an online course.

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the learners will be able to: 1. Use VoiceThread to create an introductory video. 2. Examine benefits and challenges of online learning and teaching. 3. Collaborate with a partner on a Google Docs to brainstorm and develop pedagogical strategies to take advantage of the asynchronous learning in a global setting. 4. Plan one unit of a lesson for an online course from start to finish. 5. Critically review how a web 2.0 tool or software can be used in an online course.

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Course Outline
I. Overview and Building a community of learners a. Literature review i. Read provided literature ii. Post answer to Discussion Prompt 1. Follow up with peer feedback b. VoiceThread introduction i. Create self introduction with pictures and voice over using VoiceThread ii. Follow up with peer feedback II. Lesson planning I: Strategies and Analysis a. Strategies for online learning and teaching i. Google Doc collaboration with partner 1. Also to discuss support for online learners b. Analysis of an online course i. Examples of course design ii. Types of teaching methods and interactions iii. Types of assessments III. Lesson Planning II: Design and Development a. Design one lesson or module of an online course i. Wiki project to include: 1. Goals and objectives 2. Lesson/Module outline b. Develop one lesson or module of an online course i. Wiki project to include: 1. IV. Activities for lesson/module 2. Assessments for lesson/module Tech tools and course feedback a. Web 2.0 and Tech tools i. Review of chosen web 2.0 tools or software 1. Follow up with peer feedback ii. Course feedback

1. Google Form

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Possible Readings
Week 1: I. E. Allen and J. Seaman (Sloan Consortium). (2007). Online Nation: Five Years of Growth in Online Learning. A. G. Picciano and J. Seaman (Sloan Consortium). (2009). K12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-up of the Survey of U.S. School District Administrators. Week 2: American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC). Guiding Principles for Distance Learning. T. Anderson and F. Elloumi (Editors). (2004). Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University.

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Course Plan Worksheet

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Part IV: Activities to Deliver Content & Engage Students with Content
Course Content Assignment Overview
Enhance your course outline by adding the following items for all topics in your one selected module: 1. at least TWO content items, i.e., reading, lecture, or video that present the information on the topic; if it is online, provide the URL. If it is a file that you have, please submit the file with your assignment. You MUST implement at least ONE UDI Principle related to course content as indicated below. 2. at least one individual activity that engages the students with the content presented in item 1 above 3. at least one collaborative activity such as a discussion response, pair or team analysis of a case study the activity must directly support the topic.

Course Content

List your course content items with a brief description of each item. Provide copies of the content if possible, or give URLS if they are web-based. You MUST have at least TWO content items for the module (not TWO for each item in the module). I. Overview and Building a community of learners b. Literature review i. Read provided literature 1. Picciano, A. G. & Seaman J. (Sloan Consortium). (2009). K12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-up of the Survey of U.S. School District Administrators.

2. Allen, I. E. & Seaman. J. (Sloan Consortium). (2007). Online Nation: Five Years of Growth in Online Learning. ii. Post answer to Discussion Prompt 1. What did you find to be significant and/or surprising about distance education adoption and use? 2. Were these statistics surprising to you? Why or why not? 3. Why would knowledge of such statistics be important in designing and implementing an online course? iii. Follow up with peer feedback to discussion posts c. Voicethread introduction i. Create self introduction with pictures and video/voice using Voicethread ii. Follow up with peer feedback V. Lesson planning I: Strategies and Analysis a. Strategies for online learning and teaching: i. Read the following 2 articles: Page | 8


American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC). Guiding Principles for Distance Learning.

2. Dawley, L. (2010) K-12 Online Engagement Strategies. 3. Hobgood, B. (2003). Becoming an online teacher. ii. Set up a Skype time with partner to discuss readings. iii. Collaborate with partner on Google Doc following Skype session with regards to these prompts: 1. What are some strategies to prepare and support students for success in an online environment?

2. What are some strategies to prepare and support teacher/faculty for success in an online environment? 3. What kind of challenges do you imagine facing in your locus of control in an online environment? How would you resolve the situation? b. Analysis of an online course i. Examples of course design ii. Types of teaching methods and interactions iii. Types of assessments VI. Lesson Planning II: Design and Development a. Design one lesson or module of an online course i. Wiki project to include: 1. Goals and objectives

2. Lesson/Module outline b. Develop one lesson or module of an online course i. Wiki project to include: 1. Activities for lesson/module

2. Assessments for lesson/module VII. Tech tools and course feedback a. Web 2.0 and Tech tools i. Review of chosen web 2.0 tools or software 1. Follow up with peer feedback

ii. Course feedback

1. Google Form

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UDI Principles
Describe how you implemented one or more of these UDI Principles (Provide Multiple Means of Representation, Provide Multiple Means of Engagement) in your course content.

To address Principle I: Provide Multiple Means of Representation, readings for first two weeks will be one way to introduce the topics. In addition, videos, images, and graphics will be used to supplement the readings [Checkpoint 1.2 - offer alternatives for auditory information]. Video to post for Week 1 as Introduction to Online Learning and Teaching. Sir Ken Robinson. Changing Education Paradigms (RSA Animate version) Nesbitt, B. A Vision of K-12 Students Today. Edutopia. One Teachers Take: How Holly Mortimer Took Her Teaching Career Online. (Optional) Edutopia. The Virtual Classrom: Online Learning.

To address Principle II: Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression, participants will interact with each other through several types of media: text (Discussion Board), pictures and voice/video (Voicethread), and video chat (Skype) [Checkpoint 5.1 use multiple media for communication]. To address Principle III: Provide Multiple Means of Engagement, participants will respond to a prompt in the discussion post and also introduce themselves on Voicethread in the first week. For both of these assignments, participants will need to provide feedback to 2 peers following the initial post. In the second week of instruction, participants will Skype with an assigned partner and follow up by collaborating on a Google Doc to discuss strategies to support online learners based on the information from assigned readings. These activities will meet the following checkpoints: Checkpoint 7.2 - Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity Checkpoint 8.2 - Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge Checkpoint 8.3 - Foster collaboration and community

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Activity to Engage Students With Course Content

Describe in detail at least ONE individual activity that engages the student with your course content. If your activity includes a handout or worksheet, provide a copy of that document. For week 3, participants will design and develop one lesson/module for an online course. Participants will build their online course as a Wiki project on the Haiku LMS course site. For the design portion, participants will have to outline a) goals and objectives and b) an outline of the lesson or module for an online course of their choice. For the development, participants will develop an activity and an accompanying assessment for a lesson/module. From this week, participants will gain a better sense of the necessary components in an online class.

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Collaborative Activity
Describe in detail at least one collaborative activity such as a discussion response, pair or team analysis of a case study - the activity must directly support the topic. In week 2, participants will read 2 current literatures about distance education and online learning. Participants will then Skype with an assigned partner about the readings, then collaborate on a Google Doc to discuss strategies to support online learners based on the information from assigned readings: 1. American Distance Education Consortium (ADEC). Guiding Principles for Distance Learning.

2. Dawley, L. (2010) K-12 Online Engagement Strategies. 3. Hobgood, B. (2003). Becoming an online teacher. Prompt: What are some strategies to prepare and support students for success in an online environment? What are some strategies to prepare and support teacher/faculty for success in an online environment? What kind of challenges do you imagine facing in your locus of control in an online environment? How would you resolve the situation?

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Course Plan Worksheet

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Part V: Community-Building Activities Introduction

In weeks 7 and 8, you read and reflected on community-building in online courses. We read, A community is a necessary and integral part of a functional learning group. Students need to bond in a community in order to have a sense of trust with each other and respect for each other's that students construct knowledge together as a group. This is where real learning happens." In this assignment you will describe in detail ONE community-building activity that you plan to integrate into your online course.

Construct one community-building activity for your online class. You may adapt any of the activities mentioned in our reading or an activity you have experienced in your own classes. Provide details of the activity as follows: 1. Context: When will you use this activity?, e.g., week two of a six-week class and What technologies will you use to accomplish this?, e.g., email, discussion board, blog, word processed document. 2. Instructions to students: Write out the instructions for this activity as if I was your student. Be sure to describe it in detail for your students so they know how to complete the activity. Remember you are writing the instructions for your students, not for me, so use age-appropriate language. 3. If the activity requires a product, e.g., a poem or drawing, be sure to provide at least one sample or model.

When will you use this activity?, e.g., week two of a six-week class and What technologies will you use to accomplish this?, e.g., email, discussion board, blog, word processed document.

This self-introduction using VoiceThread ( will be the second assignment for the first week of the 4- week Global Online Academy professional development course. Participants will get to know each other using this media. Participants will use the features of VoiceThread to post pictures, video, voice, and text to include relevant information. This activity will not only create a sense of community, but also allow participants to utilize this web 2.0 tool to make use of audio, visual, and text in order to introduce themselves virtually.

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Activity Description
Write out the instructions for this activity as if I was your student. Be sure to describe it in detail for your students so they know how to complete the activity. Remember you are writing the instructions for your students, not for me, so use age-appropriate language. Okay to submit this as an attachment in the Assignment tool. Unit I, lesson B: VoiceThread Introduction Part I: Create a self-introduction using VoiceThread ( Include the following information: 1. Name, affiliate school, role or locus of control

2. Your education background and areas of interests 3. Your views on distance education and online learning 4. Your experience thus far in distance education and online learning 5. Reason for taking this professional development course

6. Include pictures, video/voice, and text using the features of VoiceThread Part II: Follow up with peer feedback on 2 VoiceThread posts directly on VoiceThread. 1. Do you and your peer have any similar interests?

2. What was one thing you learned about your peer? 3. Do you any follow up questions to ask this person about his/her interest or his/her view on online education? Directions: 1. Log into VoiceThread using your GOA Gmail account. You have already been added to the GOA PD group so that you will be able to view each others VoiceThreads.

2. View the tutorials below if you are new to using VoiceThread or need a refresher. 3. Its a good idea to find a few photos or create a few slide using PowerPoint/KeyNote, then upload the files into the VoiceThread. 4. Add your comments using the audio or video features on VoiceThread. 5. Be sure to add a Title and use pd as the tag.

6. Save your VoiceThread the VoiceThread should be public. 7. Embed your VoiceThread into the course Wiki page.

Tutorials: About VoiceThread (2 min 20 sec). VoiceThread Tutorial for new users (20 min).

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If the activity requires a product, e.g., a poem or drawing, be sure to provide at least one sample or model. Okay to submit this as an attachment in the Assignment tool. Nans Self-Introduction on VoiceThread.

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Part VI: Assessment

Assessment Assignment
How will you know that the content items and engagement activities were successful? Throughout the 4-week course, an ongoing component will be creating a Wiki Project in Haiku LMS to create a complete lesson or module of online course. I. Week 1 - Overview and Building a community of learners a. Create a profile page that includes: i. Introduction VoiceThread ii. Contact information: 1. E-mail address 2. Skype handle and/or Twitter handle iii. Location II. Week 2 - Lesson planning I: Strategies and Analysis a. Set clear goals and objectives for the lesson b. Create a community-building activity to take advantage of the asynchronous learning in a global setting. III. Week 3 - Lesson Planning II: Design and Development a. IV. Insert 2 learning objects relating to content b. Create an assignment and assessment relating to topic Week 4 - Tech tools and course feedback a. Create screencast to introduce a topic for an assignment

At the end of each week, peer review will be important to provide ongoing feedback while participants continue building their online course. Completion of this project will meet the course outcomes as outline in the Course Plan Worksheet Part III: Upon completion of the course, the learners will be able to: 1. Use VoiceThread to create an introductory video. 2. Examine benefits and challenges of online learning and teaching. 3. Collaborate with a partner on a Google Docs to brainstorm and develop pedagogical strategies to take advantage of the asynchronous learning in a global setting. 4. Plan one unit of a lesson for an online course from start to finish. 5. Critically review how a web 2.0 tool or software can be used in an online course.

Additionally, a Google Form will be sent to participants to survey the effectiveness of this professional development and to obtain feedback for the course. Page | 16

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