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In addition to a SWOT analysis for the Greater San Diego Business Association, this report contains an analysis of all relevant competitors of the GSDBA. The data included is composed of primary and secondary data.

SWOT & Competitive Analysis

A r i e l a E n g b e r

SWOT Analysis

Well attended events
150-300 attendees of GSDBA hosted events. Compared to the other chambers, this is a moderate-high amount, indicating that members are consistently benefiting from events. It is suggested that more research be done to collect information about event attendance across industries and demographics. Established The GSDBAs title as the second largest LGBT chamber of commerce in the U.S. and establish credibility.

Membership Groups
While there are other chambers with group opportunities, the GSDBA has the largest number of groups with some of if not the most - actively involved member bases.

LGBT community
Though other chambers such as the Hispanic Chamber and the Asian Chamber also provide a personal tie for many members, being a part of an LGBT community evokes an extremely strong sense of identity. This makes the atmosphere at events more fun with more concentration on sustainable professional relationships.

The GSDBA directory has a broad circulation, and is known by members and non-members alike, generating exposure and offering another avenue to interact with members/potential new members.

The Community Connection provides a unique platform to reach members. I did not come across any information about other chamber magazines, though it is possible that other magazines do exist.

Search Engine Optimization

The GSDBA is the second result to appear when you search for chambers of commerce in San Diego, which makes it likely that people will look at the site when they are searching.

Online Directory
The online directory is not organized well. The search button provides way for people to search, but if people arent looking for specific information and want to search manually there are too many specialized categories and they may not find the information.

Though the website provides a comprehensive amount of information, there are a lot of features/information that are not updated yet are highly visible. This may be visually overwhelming to a prospective member, and may make them less likely to peruse the site.

Currently there is no trackability of click through rates from the directory for members. This is a compelling piece of information that would make the benefits of advertising/joining tangible.

Educational Workshops
While the educational workshops now are well attended and popular, more structured events may draw a larger crowd of members and non-members alike.

Website Engagement
Due to the fundamental nature of chambers of commerce to expand yourself and your business - as well as the community aspect of the GSDBA, members can be motivated to interact. This will increase value, in turn increasing word-of-mouth. Also, a LinkedIn group should be created for the GSDBA, and for affinity groups as well. This provides a professional forum where people can interact while increasing the possibility for GSDBA exposure. Similarly, a Youtube channel should be considered as an opportunity to engage members, and to reach the broader public. For example, a video contest could increase member activity while providing public exposure. Notable events could be recorded as well to demonstrate the uniquely comfortable and organic feel of GSDBA hosted events. Lastly, the Open 4 Biz section has potential for growth. Though there is already a large amount of members participating, with higher promotion and publicity, this section of the site could increase significantly in value. Additionally, it is suggested that trackability be implemented in this section of the site, as this would provide tangible metrics for members to see the value of Open 4 Biz.

Search Engine Optimization

Through article submissions on sites relevant to small business owners (e.g., traffic to the GSDBA website can increase. For example, an article about steps to take in starting a business could suggest the chamber of commerce (amongst a list of other information) with a hyperlink embedded that will lead people to the GSDBA website.

Competing Member Groups
Though the GSDBA still has a competitive edge against most of these groups, the other chambers are attempting to stimulate growth within this area. This poses a threat, as the BNGs and PDGs are one of the more valuable and unique resources that the GSDBA offers members.

Other chambers promote education as one of their number one values, which is particularly valuable to small businesses with few resources, and could be the deciding factor in signing up for a membership. Though seminars, webinars and workshops are hosted, chambers such as the Regional Chamber provide many more events/opportunities.

* More suggestions are in the interview section of the GSDBA report.* 1. Promote interactivity on the GSDBA website This will increase exposure, engage members, and - eventually - generate word-ofmouth. Possibilities: Video contests Blog scavenger hunt 2. Video of member testimonials This would increase credibility, as there are many loyal members who can testify to the value of their association with the GSDBA. 3. Encourage member engagement through a promoted competition amongst

For example: Submit a copy idea for the cover of next months edition of Community Connection. 4. Create and publicize a Why Join PDF report This will legitimize the GSDBAs membership benefits, prove differentiation, and inform people about the market potential within the LGBT community.

5. Print/e-mail campaign promoting the utilization of membership features. The idea behind the campaign would capture the essence of small v. big through an eye-catching image, embodying a concept that any small business owner would understand. With benefits listed on the sides it will remind people about the opportunities available exclusively to them, while motivating them to take action. This could also promote educational opportunities, which is another area for growth. Look on the next page for examples of images.

Small Business Big Problem? Equip yourself and your business with the tools you need to succeed. Attend this months GSDBA workshop

Data and Analysis

The following are a series of charts based on information from the website and from some various staff members. Some information was not available, and therefore, is not included. Bar charts were used because they make information visually easy to compare. The software needed to generate a scatter-plot turned out to be incompatible with my computer, and therefore, is not included in this report. Groups refer to member run groups. This chart reflects that the GSDBA has the more PDGs and BNGs than any of the other chambers.

Number of Groups
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 27

9 3 San Diego Regional Chamber 6 Degrees GSDBA 4 National City Chamber 0 National Association of Women 2 San Diego County Hispanic Chamber 0 Asian Business Association 4


Until more information is collected about mixer attendance, analysis is difficult.

Mixer Attendance
250 200 150 100 50 0 San Diego Regional Chamber National Association of Women San Diego County Hispanic Chamber San Diego East County Chamber Asian Business Association National City Chamber 6 Degrees North County Chamber GSDBA

San Diego East County Chamber

North County Chamber

The chart below reflects that the San Diego Regional Chamber has the most members by far. The GSDBA represents the second largest chamber, however without information about North County and NAWBO the conclusion that the GSDBA is the second largest chamber overall cannot yet be drawn.

Number of Members
3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 3,000


450 6 Degrees San Diego Regional Chamber


350 National Association of Women *San Diego County Hispanic Chamber

400 Asian Business Association North County Chamber 325 North County Chamber


The cost of general membership typically an individual membership with basic benefits ranges between $350 and $99, though information about membership costs is missing for the Regional Chamber and the East County Chamber. The GSDBAs cost lies almost directly in the middle of this range.

Cost of General Membership

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 250 279 200 99 125 300

San Diego Regional Chamber

National Association of Women

San Diego County Hispanic Chamber

San Diego East County Chamber

Asian Business Association

National City Chamber

6 Degrees


San Diego East County Chamber


National City Chamber

Though there may be other opportunities presented to members, the chart below reflects those promoted on the website. This is significant information, as the website is where members will look for this information. If it is not publicized, we can assume that it is not a major priority of the organization if it is offered at all.

Website Promoted Advertising Opportunities

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 6 3 0 6 Degrees GSDBA 0 San Diego Regional Chamber National City Chamber 0 National Association of Women 0 San Diego County Hispanic Chamber San Diego East County Chamber 8 San Diego East County Chamber Asian Business Association North County Chamber 4 8

The following chart reflects the number of staff of each organization. However, information was missing for the Hispanic Chamber, the Asian Business Association, and NAWBO, and is TBD.

25 20 15 10 5 0 6 Degrees GSDBA San Diego Regional Chamber National City Chamber 5 5 4 0 National Association of Women 0 San Diego County Hispanic Chamber 0 Asian Business Association North County Chamber 10 22

The number of facebook followers for each organization varies greatly. Significantly, 6 has a very notable facebook following that is more than double

that of the GSDBA. The GSDBA has the second largest following overall, but has the largest following of the chambers of commerce analyzed.

Facebook Followers
2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2,108 951 892 283 National City Chamber 6 Degrees San Diego Regional Chamber GSDBA 237 National Association of Women 362 San Diego County Hispanic Chamber 389 Asian Business Association 470


The number of twitter followers is very sporadic. However, as noted in the following reports, member interactivity levels are typically very low for these organizations, and where the follows came from may not be organic. More information is included in the social media sections of each organization.

Twitter Followers
9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 7,923 7,115 4,555 2,435 584 GSDBA San Diego Regional Chamber 6 Degrees 258 National City Chamber 239 National Association of Women San Diego County Hispanic Chamber 86 North County Chamber Asian Business Association 324 San Diego East County Chamber

San Diego East County Chamber

North County Chamber

Greater San Diego Business Association

Diversity is the ground of creativity and strengthens us as an association. Membership in GSDBA is a powerful choice.

Mission Statement
The Greater San Diego Business Association promotes prosperity and equality for our members, supporters and the LGBT community.

LGBT Community
Members identify with the GSDBA because of the thriving San Diego LGBT community. Staff and members alike describe the atmosphere at events as fun and valuable, however more research on member perceptions is encouraged.

Though other chambers have member groups that are similar to the GSDBAs Business Networking Groups and Professional Development Groups, the GSDBAs groups are thriving and active in comparison.

The GSDBAs print directory has a large circulation to members and non-members alike, generating broad exposure.

The Community Connection

The print magazine is a feature that not many other chambers have, and adds value to the GSDBAs credibility and members alike.

Founded in 1979 According to the website, there are currently 724 members The GSDBA is composed of 5 staff, 17 board members, and 1 intern. Second largest LGBT supportive chamber in the nation. Named Chamber of the Year by the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Publishes a bimonthly magazine The Community Connection with a circulation of 1,000 Annually publishes a print directory with a circulation of 30,000 Currently running a San Diego Gay Travel campaign to promote LGBT travel to San Diego

Greater San Diego Business Association

This is an analysis of membership trends, though a survey is suggested for more information about member satisfaction. The information about membership below reflects data from 2012.

The chart below shows where membership was generated over 2012. Due to information that is currently unavailable, it only contains information from the first 6 months of 2012 and November. Also, other includes information that is difficult to categorize, such as people named specifically, the GSDBA directory/magazine, events etc.
January March April May June July November 3 1 4 4 3 2 4 2 0 6 4 8 10 1 2 11 1 3 1 18 2 1 4 10 Member referral Replacement Matt Harding Website Other 1 3 10 15 20 25 30 35

1 2 1 3 5 5

This information, while limited, demonstrates that:

The website does not generate many leads directly Matt Harding and referrals from other people are a strong source of membership Member referrals are consistently 2-4 a month May was a particularly strong month

Membership by Industry
The pie chart in the attached PDF file entitled GSDBA Membership by Industry represents the membership frequency across industries listed in the directory. The graph demonstrates areas for potential growth. Analysis based on this information is available on the following page.

Greater San Diego Business Association Listed below are notable categories with the amount of members within that industry. It is suggested that potential new members from these categories be approached.

Lodging and Travel - 27 Computers, IT and Technology 22 Personal Services and Care 31 Restaurants, Food and Beverage 28 Automotive 9 Communication 7 Arts and Culture - 16

Greater San Diego Business Association

Member Groups
The GSDBA offers several group options to its members so that they can expand their network, increase industry knowledge, and keep members involved. While many other organizations are beginning to offer groups, the GSDBA has a large amount of groups 9 in total that are currently active. There has been positive feedback from members about groups, as it allows them the chance to be consistently updated within and across industries. This is especially valuable to small businesses that would not otherwise have access to educational resources.

Business Networking Groups

There are currently 9 groups. This demonstrates that this is a very valuable asset to GSDBA members.

Business Affinity Groups

There are currently 18 groups that range in membership between 1-33. There does not appear to be much interactivity within groups on the site, but the large number of groups and members does indicate that people are utilizing this feature.

Greater San Diego Business Association

The GSDBA hosts several different types of events. Events are hosted often, and can be hosted by members or by the GSDBA. Events are hosted at bars/restaurants as well as in members businesses. This allows members to gain exposure and generate traffic to their store. GSDBA events generally draw a quite sizable crowd, typically between 150 200. Large events draw 300 plus, as more corporate sponsors attend. Notably, the GSDBAs July Pride and events early in the year are highly attended. More information about events is contained in the interview section.

Greater San Diego Business Association

The GSDBA website contains an extensive amount of information.

The Homepage
The main homepage contains a lot of features on the front page. While the amount of information is impressive, it may be visually overwhelming to viewers. However, the menu is sorted well and there is plenty of information present, and the directory is conveniently located on the front page for easy access.

While there are many photos posted, the amount of views per photo is low (3-5) and there are not many comments. The pictures are of GSDBA members and events. The website offers the ability to upload your own pictures, but almost all of the pictures are uploaded by the GSDBA.

Greater San Diego Business Association

Membership Blog
Typically 100-500 word posts by members. There have been a total of 232 blog posts to date, which demonstrating the activity level of this feature is high. About half of the posts are by GSDBA or by GSDBA employees such as Tom Luhnow, though other members do post as well. Blog posts have low-moderate views between 2 and 6 on average - indicating that members may not be in the habit of reading them. Almost none of the posts have comments, illustrating that this is not a particularly interactive component of the site. Most posts are about either the members business or industry.

The GSDBA website has a forum or a discussion section where posts almost exclusively by the GSDBA are submitted. Out of the 54 discussions, there have only been 5 responses, illustrating that this is not a widely trafficked part of the website. Views in this section are extremely low, and sometimes there are no views at all. The most recent post was made in 2010, indicating that this is a stagnant part of the website.

The video section of the website is moderately trafficked with 3 12 views per video - and contains videos uploaded from members and from the GSDBA. This portion of the website offers a good way to gain exposure and provides value to other members which may be why it is somewhat active. Even if the views are low, the amount of videos uploaded by members must be acknowledged. There are a total of 55 videos that have been uploaded sporadically over the past two years.

Greater San Diego Business Association

Online Directory
The GSDBA has an online directory in addition to the print directory. Information is categorized in categories, though the amount of categories is quite extensive which makes it difficult to find information. However, there is a search function to make the process easier. There also is an option to download an app for smart phones and iPads. The online directory gets a sizable amount of traffic, and generates roughly 12-15,000 visits a month. The high amount of activity illustrates that the significance of this feature. Open for Biz The open for biz section is a unique feature that allows members to post discount options to other members. There are a total of 86 businesses that have submitted deals in this section, possibly because it has low visibility on the site. However, the number of businesses participating is sizable, especially compared to other chambers. With increased promotion/accessibility, this section has potential for growth.

Member Profile
Similar to facebook, the GSDBA website allows for interactivity through member profiles. All videos, blog posts, pictures, and comments can be posted by members. There is a large membership, with 723 current members. A 30-day free trial membership is available if people are not paid members yet, giving people a chance to try out the site before they sign up. While there are many people signed up, the active use of this forum as a way to interact with other members is unknown. Though I could not assess all 723 members, in looking through a wide variety of profiles it seems as though members have very few if any pictures/friends/comments/posts. These members may be frequent users, but without the generation of content it is difficult to see how active users are.

Greater San Diego Business Association

Social Media
There are currently no links to get connected to social media on the homepage.

Facebook - High
Not only does the GSDBA have an active facebook, but members of the affinity groups have created their own facebook groups as well. The picture below encompasses the GSDBAs presence on facebook.

The GSDBAs facebook has a sizable amount of likes 951 and has a relatively active following. This is more than the San Diego Regional Chambers site, despite its larger membership base.

Greater San Diego Business Association

Affinity Groups The affinity group facebook has 135 likes, and moderate activity from members (a few sporadic comments and likes). Updates are relatively frequent, and have information about upcoming events, meetings, and workshops.

Twitter Low/Moderate
There is a moderate to high twitter following with 584 current followers. However, since the GSDBA account is following 549 people, the source of follows must be questioned. There is little to no interactivity on twitter, with hardly any retweets or comments. Posts are similar to facebook posts in content, and are posted relatively frequently.

Greater San Diego Business Association

Member Groups
The GSDBA offers several group options to its members.

Business Networking Groups

A more formal opportunity for networking can be found in our Business Networking Groups. These groups meet weekly to exchange business leads and require a commitment to attendance and group cohesiveness. They are also limited to one person from each specialty. BNGs are an excellent vehicle for growing your client base. There are currently 9 groups. This number demonstrates that this is a very valuable asset to GSDBA members, and represents an area of further growth.

Business Affinity Groups

These groups, made up of members of the same specialty, help you network within your field, share best practices, information and insights. Some goals:

Provide a forum for exchange of information and mutual support. Engage members in professional development by capitalizing on the varied abilities within the group. Bring in outside expertise/training when indicated. Share information on recent developments in a particular field such as computer programs, legislative changes, training courses/workshops, resources and marketing ideas. Create lasting strategic partnerships and business friendships. Share individual successes. Bring challenges to the group for discussion and advice.

There are currently 18 groups that range in membership between 1-33. There does not appear to be much interactivity within groups on the site, but the large number of groups and members does indicate that people are utilizing this feature.

Greater San Diego Business Association

The GSDBA hosts several different types of events. Events are hosted often, and can be hosted by members or by the GSDBA. Attendance is high, and typically ranges between 150 and 200. The GSDBA hosts mixers and educational events. Events are hosted at bars/restaurants as well as in members businesses. This allows members to gain exposure and generate traffic to their store. More information about events is available in the interview section. Additional event analysis is suggested.

Greater San Diego Business Association

The following is an interview with relevant suggestions integrated. Note: Though I conducted two employee interviews, the transcript from my first interview has been lost and I am in the process of attempting to recover it.

Matt Harding GSDBA Director of Marketing

What feedback have you gotten from members/attendees about GSDBA mixers? Fun, friendly, welcoming Complaints o Too crowded o Too loud o Some people dont feel welcome Suggestion: Host an event similar to the Cigar Society and Foodie & Wine events hosted by 6. These events are well attended, and provide a unique way to network for those members who are older and more established. Also, to promote the GSDBA, a video of the fun/friendly environment with member testimonials would be a great way to capitalize on a major strength. Compared to other chamber events youve attended, what makes GSDBA events unique? Sense of community Not a lot of speaking or announcements so its organic. How many people on average attend a given event? All different types, so it depends Typically 150- 200 Big events closer to 300, as more corporate sponsors attend What are youre most well attended events? January events, as they are the first event of the year July pride When members host events, what has their feedback been? Happy with attendance Positive results o Microsoft store made $2,000 hosting a mixer Suggestion: Testimonials in the membership section with specific ROI (such as the Microsoft store) would demonstrate a tangible value to potential new members.

Greater San Diego Business Association How do people find out about events? Word of mouth E-mail Social media Website Magazine

Out of all GSDBA members, how many are actively involved? Most come to events within the first couple of events Heavy attendance then tapers off Due to: o Time o Not feeling like they got results Suggestion: Implementation of a survey would be beneficial to improving event attendance and overall member utilization of strategy. This is essential, as the more involved people are, the more value is perceived. This in turn increases word-of-mouth. The statistics/findings could be formatted in a report for the GSDBA that would be available for perspective members to view. For example, 78% of members who attended the GSDBAs July Pride event made an average of 7-9 connections. Are there any trends in involvement? (Industry, company size, geographic location, other affiliations etc.) People who attend events o Financial planners o Lawyers o Real estate o Business services o Nutritional o Practitioners don't come to events - time is bad for them.

Professional Development Groups

Own page on the website o Can post discussions War stories and best practices Problems theyve seen, things they've tried Not highly structured Free More of a schedule, facilitators that are responsible for organizing 10% of members are involved

Greater San Diego Business Association

Lots of health-care practitioners and accountants Some groups have specialization Can switch groups, but people generally stick in their groups Some educational 25% are involved

Suggestion: More structured educational events. Small businesses lack educational resources, so by providing notable speakers on relevant topics regularly at a convenient time, it is likely that many people will attend. For example, a once a month Saturday/Sunday morning seminar/workshop event could generate word-of-mouth and high attendance. It is also likely that people would bring friends, increasing GSDBA exposure to potential members.

People dont track where their leads are coming from 12-15,000 page visits per month 8-12,000 to directory with 75-100,000 views

Mission Statement
Due to technical difficulties with the website, there is currently no information about the history of the chamber or of its values/missions.

While other chambers have similar programs, the East County Chamber has a very structured educational program that offers a variety of learning opportunities across multiple subjects.

Committees Committees represent an area of expansion for the East County chamber, as is indicated by a new Social Media committee.


34 board members and directors. 6 staff members. Has a scholarship program funded by Barona Resort and Casino. The chamber has an educational program called Leadership East County. Publishes an annual print directory. Has a series of committees, including: o Business Education o Finance o Government Affairs o Health Care o Leadership East County o Marketing and Social Media


Boost your business by expanding your network. Raise your impact and make your business heard. Lift your community through educational and leadership programs.

The Chairmans Club

Recognition at all Chamber events Permanent signage in the Chambers office Premier placement on the home page of the Chambers website at, with a link to the members website Recognition in every edition of the East County Business News Special recognition in the Chambers Business Directory

In addition to being associated with every Chamber event and activity, the Chairmans Club offers a menu of additional benefits enter dependent on the size of investment. $15,0000 Platinum level members: 5 additional benefits of their own choosing $10,000 Gold level members: 4 additional benefits of their own choosing $5,000 Silver level members: 3 additional benefits of their own choosing $2,500 Bronze level members: 2 additional benefit of their own choosing

Platinum Membership Additional Benefits Platinum members are entitled to their choice of 5 of the benefits listed below. Sponsorship of a First Friday Breakfast One foursome at the Annual Grip It and Rip It Golf Tournament 2 annual complimentary passes for First Friday Breakfasts 4 complimentary tickets to Annual Dinner Promotional Flyer in East County Business News Promotional Flyer in Event Mailing 4 complimentary tickets to Women in Leadership luncheon Membership labels updated quarterly Booth at Summer Health Saturday Display table at Chambers MegaMixer Business Expo Complimentary Use of Chamber Board Room When Available Private reception with President/CEO and Chairman of the Board $550.00 $400.00 $400.00 $300.00 $350.00 $350.00 $200.00 $400.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ 75.00 priceless

Gold Membership Additional Benefits Gold members are entitled to their choice of 4 of the benefits listed below. Promotional Flyer in East County Business News Promotional Flyer in Event Mailing 4 complimentary tickets to Women in Leadership luncheon Membership labels or disk updated quarterly Booth at Summer Health Saturday Display table at Chambers MegaMixer Business Expo Complimentary Use of Chamber Board Room When Available Private reception with President/CEO and Chairman of the Board $350.00 $350.00 $200.00 $400.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ 75.00 priceless

Silver Membership Additional Benefits Silver members are entitled to their choice of 3 of the benefits listed below. Promotional Flyer in East County Business News Promotional Flyer in Event Mailing Membership labels updated quarterly Booth at Summer Health Saturday Display table at Chambers MegaMixer Business Expo Complimentary Use of Chamber Board Room When Available $350.00 $350.00 $400.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ 75.00

Bronze Membership Additional Benefits Bronze members are entitled to their choice of 2 of the benefits listed below. Promotional Flyer in East County Business News Promotional Flyer in Event Mailing Membership labels updated bi-annually Booth at Summer Health Saturday Display table at Chambers MegaMixer Business Expo Complimentary Use of Chamber Board Room When Available $350.00 $350.00 $400.00 $ 70.00 $ 70.00 $ 75.00

Member Groups
The East County Chamber of Commerce has a wide variety of committees that members can become involved in.

The Chamber Ambassadors function as the public relations arm for the Chamber. They represent the Chamber in the community at ribbon-cuttings, community celebrations and serve as hosts and hostesses at Chamber events. The committee is also responsible for welcoming new members and introducing them to existing members at Chamber functions.

Business Education
The San Diego East County Chamber of Commerces Business Education Committee believes that education is the cornerstone of our regions economic health and is key to the well-being of all our member businesses and residents. The Mission of the Business Education Committee is to bring school districts, colleges and member businesses together in order to: Share information and ideas in order to avoid duplication of effort, and to foster an environment of collaboration. Make the resources of our business community available to our educators. Sponsor and conduct annual education-related events.

The committee is responsible for coordinating with the Chamber staff, Chamber members and the community, to both create and execute, successful and profitable events. The committee is comprised of volunteers from Chamber members, the community and the Board of Directors and is a backbone for the Chamber.

The Chambers Finance Committee works with the Executive Board and President/CEO of the Chamber in an advisory capacity. The committee: Monitors and works on The Chambers annual budget. Identifies trends in the business and economic market relevant to The Chamber.

Government Affairs
This committee is the workhorse of the Chambers political and legal advocacy for business in East County. The committee: - Analyzes pending legislation. - Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. - Brings together business people and government officials on a monthly basis to review government actions on local, state, and federal levels. Health Care This committee is functioning as the eyes and ears of the Chamber with regard to healthcare reform initiatives. The committee: Analyzes state and federal proposals. Monitors legislation to ensure it is aligned with key Chamber principles. Makes recommendations to the Government Affairs Committee for legislative action/advocacy.

The mission of the Leadership East County is to utilize the unique perspective, experience and talent of its membership to identify, mentor and prepare the East County leaders of tomorrow with these goals: Identify and motivate current and emerging leaders committed to the betterment of East County. Acquaint participants with East County's assets, needs and challenges. Provide a forum to promote, provoke, discuss, and resolve challenges with experienced community leaders. Encourage and promote active community involvement, whether it be strong business leaders, through public service, non-profit organizations, or volunteerism persons who make a difference in the community. Increase personal awareness and confidence.

Marketing and Social Media There is currently no information about the Marketing and Social Media Committee on the East County website, so it can be assumed that this is a new committee. However, this is an interesting committee that no other chamber has. It is suggested that more information is gathered about this committee as it becomes available. Membership Committee The membership committee simply ensures that members are gaining value from their membership.

The East County Chamber has between 5 and 10 events scheduled per month.

Networking Opportunities
These events range in focus, including monthly membership meetings, industry-focused meetings, athletic events, etc.

Dine and Dialogue Lunches

This luncheon series features high-profile speakers who impact the San Diego and East County business community. More than 250 top business executives will be invited to this program.

Annual Chairmans Luncheon

The largest business event of the year, more than 500 San Diego and East County business and community leaders attend this event each year. This event includes special presentations that range from the University of California San Diego coaching teams to local artists and musicians to nationally recognized celebrities from the area. The Chairman of the Board of Directors also provides an overview of accomplishments for the year and highlights the vision for the next year.

Annual Chamber Gala

Join the San Diego East County Chamber of Commerce for an evening of celebration as we honor businesses and individuals whose accomplishments throughout the past year have made a tremendous and lasting impact on our community. Sponsorship opportunities are available.

First Friday Breakfasts

This is the Chambers regular monthly membership / networking event with a focus on economic development. At each Breakfast Forum, there are 150 to 300 people who attend each Breakfast Forum, and new members are acknowledged by the emcee during the event.

Women In Leadership Luncheon

Please join the Chamber for it's 10th Annual Women in Leadership Luncheon (WILL) where we recognize the important role San Diego's dynamic women play in our workforce today. The Chamber will honor 6 outstanding women in the fields of Art/Media & Culture, Business, Education, Government, Healthcare and Non-Profits at an event designed to both empower and honor the women of our region. Jo Dee Jacob, CEO of the Girl Scouts of San Diego, is this years keynote speaker.

Chamber Lunch & Learns

This is an interesting and unique concept. More information should be collected about the Chamber Lunch & Learns regarding member feedback and attendance. The Chamber Lunch & Learn program features presentations from local business leaders who address important issues related to small business success. These programs also provide time for networking with other business executives and a complimentary lunch. These programs are limited to only 25 participants and are held at the Chamber office in the boardroom.

Connect For Lunch

You eat lunch every day, so why not make lunch work for you? Join the Chamber's Connect For Lunch program to meet area professionals in local restaurants for engaging lunch-time networking - on your schedule.

Politics In Paradise
No information is currently available about this event.

Grip It and Rip It Golf Classic

The Annual Chamber Golf Tournament is played on East County's finest golf course, Sycuan's Singing Hills. Benefits include lunch, cart and green fees, player bag, complimentary beverages on the course and an awards reception following the tournament. The number of participating teams is limited to 28.

In The Mix After Hours

These are a great way to meet and connect with fellow members and non-members alike. There are approximately 100 to 200 people in attendance at each one of these networking mixers.

Membership Drive
The San Diego East County Chamber holds an annual membership drive that is supported by our membership. This is a great way to work on a project with other Chamber members, strengthen your existing networks and create new ones.

Low quality website due to glitches and an unattractive layout. Many of the links do not work at all. However, East Chamber is currently in the process of revamping the webpage.

Some links from the home page do not work, while others link you to the wrong page. This makes navigating the site extremely frustrating. This also prevents people from getting all the information that they need.

Chamber Online/Chamber2Go
Members have a username and a password and can sign into their account. However, without a membership, it is impossible to assess the activity level through this medium. Chamber2Go is simply an application that makes it easier to use the website.

Though there is a Member2Member section on the website, there are currently no posts, indicating that this is a rather stagnant part of the website.

Membership Directory
The Membership directory is organized well, has a sophisticated search function with multiple filters, and is easy to use. Companies are sorted by categories that have sub-lists below describing them, making it easy to find specific listings.

The East County Chamber has a page dedicated to the Centurions, which are members who have made extraordinary contributions to charity events. Though this is not a particularly unique part of the site, it does reflect that the East County Chamber has many opportunities for public recognition.

Hot Deals
This section has only one company listed, therefore indicating that there is little to no activity on this site.

Chamber Blog
The chamber blog is updated every couple of days with relevant and current articles. There is no opportunity for member interactivity through the blog.

Photo and Video

There is a Photo and Video section on the website, but there are only three posts from last year, indicating that there is little activity on this page.

Leadership East County

The mission of the Leadership East County is to utilize the unique perspective, experience and talent of its membership to identify, mentor and prepare the East County leaders of tomorrow with these goals:

Identify and motivate current and emerging leaders committed to the betterment of East County. Acquaint participants with East Countys assets, needs and challenges. Provide a forum to promote, provoke, discuss, and resolve challenges with experienced community leaders. Encourage and promote active community involvement, whether it be strong business leaders, through public service, non-profit organizations, or volunteerism persons who make a difference in the community.

Increase personal awareness and confidence.

Program Leadership Dynamics Believing that leadership is learned, this day focuses on understanding individual styles and leadership methodologies, for you and the class. Get acquainted with those who will share this experience in Leadership East County. History and Art Learn about some of the early settlers in East County, from the Kumeyaay people to miners, farmers and entrepreneurs. View what is being done in the area of visual and performing arts in East County. Visit local museums and art galleries for a flavor of the past. The Justice System Hear from judges, law enforcement personnel, offenders and innocent victims. Learn about the levels and functions of our judicial system, its issues, challenges, and solutions.

Economy Spend an exciting day learning about pertinent economic information as issues facing East County are discussed: manufacturing, retail, real estate, consumer spending and financial investments. The Leadership Retreat This is an experience in developing a variety of skills in teambuilding, personal growth, and leadership. It is a great time to interact with the group and alumni, building relationships that will last a lifetime, while focusing on an issue with a team to make a difference in the community. Regional Collaboration Discover the art of true collaboration -how to bring people together, build strong relationships and foster collaborative solutions in the broader community a win, win for us all. Human Services Explore non-profit organizations, why they exist and those that are available in the East County. You may find a wonderful opportunity to positively assist in situations with children, families and senior adults in poverty; domestic violence, physically and developmentally disabled; and the homeless population. Education Our area is filled with a variety of great schools and community colleges. Learn from educators about the issues and challenges facing education today, and about some of the innovative projects that are taking place in our schools and colleges. Health Care Visit first hand the health care industry during a tour of a local hospital. Discuss the financial challenges faced in providing local residents with necessary health care services. Government and Safety Meet some of the key figures in local government as you learn about the local political scene, including mayors, city councils and city staff. Discuss the challenges in keeping the community safe while dealing with immigration, wild fires and Homeland Security.

Future Vision Together you and your group will have the opportunity to make a difference in our community. Discuss with your teammates a topic that holds a special interest as you collectively develop a project that can have a positive impact in that one area of the community. Discover the thrill of working with others in leadership roles as you bring your project to life.

Social Media
Facebook - low
Though 476 people is a moderate/high following, East County Chamber facebook has little to no follower activity. There are few if any likes on posts, and of the few that there are they come from the same people. However, posts are made very frequently every couple of days so exposure is still somewhat high even if interactivity is low.

Twitter - Moderate
The East County Chamber Twitter has 323 followers. Although this number is much lower than many of the other chambers, the number of people that the chamber is following, 49, indicates that many of the followers may have been organic. However, there is almost no interactivity with followers. Updates are made quite regularly every day or every other day.

LinkedIn - Low
There is an East County Chamber of Commerce LinkedIn account, but no East County group. There are only 54 connections, demonstrating that this is not a particularly active medium of communication for the East County Chamber.

Youtube - Low
There are currently only three videos uploaded to the East County Chamber YouTube channel. Of these videos, there have been collectively only 34 views. The videos posted are recordings of forums, which may explain why there is such a low viewership.

Google+ - Moderate
East County Chamber has over 48 connections, which is much higher than the other chambers. However, there has been little to no activity on the account.

Home Page Advertising
This Logo ad is prominently positioned on the homepage and links back to the website of your choice. - Quarterly - $3,000.00 - Annually - $10,000.00

Pillar Landing Page Advertising

This Logo ad is prominently positioned on one of the four key pillar landing pages: Community, Members, Newsroom or The Chamber, and links back to the website of your choice. Members Landing Page $1,500.00 / quarter $5,500.00 / year $7,500.00 / Annual Pillar Buyout $1,500.00 / quarter $5,500.00 / year $7,500.00 / Annual Pillar Buyout $1,500.00 / quarter $5,500.00 / year $7,500.00 / Annual Pillar Buyout Landing Page Not For Sale $5,000.00 / Annual Pillar Buyout

Community Landing Page

Newsroom Landing Page

The Chamber Landing Page

Membership Directory Advertising

The Chambers website includes a search engine function for our Membership Directory Database. All of our active members are listed in the directory and searchable by visitors. Your listing can be graphically enhanced to stand out in search results.

Enhanced Directory Listing - $250.00 / annually

Visitors can search our Membership database by keyword. If you purchase keyword advertising, your banner ad will be prominently displayed above the search dialogue box based on user search criteria. Multiple Keywords can be purchased to increase banner ad displays following a search.

Keyword Advertising - $1,000.00 per keyword / annually

Individual Webpage Advertising The Chamber offers advertising on all individual sub-pages under all four pillars, Newsroom, Community, Members, and The Chamber.

E-mail Jane Moore, East County Administrator 1. What unique benefit does the East County Chamber provide to members that is not offered by other chambers? See Attachment 1 which talks about members and benefits, levels, Chairman Club, etc. 2. Do people generally continue their membership? About a 60% retention rate. 3. What different types of events do you host? How well attended are the various events? (e.g. workshops, seminars, etc.) See attachment about events. 4. What is the feel of your events? (e.g. professional, laidback etc.) Some are very formal, others information/laidback and interactive (mixers, breakfasts, etc.). 5. Do you have a directory? If so, how many print copies do you distribute a year? Yes printed every other year about 5,000 and is on website. 6. How do people hear about East County Chamber? (e.g. online, word-of-mouth, etc.) Mostly networking. 7. Are East County members also members of other chambers? Yes, many are members of La Mesa, Santee, etc. 9. How many members do you have? Approx. 650 members.

North County Chamber of Commerce

The San Diego North Chamber of Commerce is the steward for business in our communities, supporting businesses of every size through proven programming, a unified voice in front of government, and dedicated committees. Strong support from our membership allows the Chamber to thoroughly focus on each individual community while providing the benefit of a regional Chamber of Commerce.

Mission Statement
Building Vibrant Communities Through Stronger Commerce.

In 2011, the North Chamber of Commerce became the only accredited U.S. chamber in San Diego County. This speaks to the credibility of the chamber.

Members have the chance to be individually awarded for their excellence online and at events. This motivates people to participate, and increases member value.

Cleantech Corridor Strategy

Cleantech Corridor Strategy is an initiative funded by the North Chamber with the goal of creating a climate advantageous for the SD North County CleanTech Industry. With increasing green trends, an association with an environmentally friendly cause is advantageous.

Number of members TBD 72% of members are a part companies that contain 1-9 employees Among only 3% of U.S. chambers nationwide. Has 25 members who have been a member for 25+ years 63 businesses are a part of the Chairmans Circle Has 10 staff; 21 officers/directors, Publish an online weekly update From 2011-2012 o Moved to a larger facility o Became the only accredited U.S. chamber in San Diego County o Launched the CleanTech Corridor project to facilitate the creation of a climate advantageous for Cleantech manufactureing

North County Chamber of Commerce

Member Benefits

North County Chamber of Commerce

Membership Levels and Costs

North County Chamber of Commerce

Member Demographics
A report on their website lists demographic information. The distribution across industries seems to be similar to the GSDBA. However, the North Chamber has a significantly higher membership of Government, Education and Individuals. Also, the location of businesses is more towards Rancho Bernardo East, Carmel Mtn. while GSDBA members are typically located in San Diego/Downtown.

North County Chamber of Commerce

Information about member attendance to events and of event frequency is TBD. Beyond hosting mixers, seminars, and workshops, the North Chamber also hosts a variety of larger events.

State of the Region

An annual event that addresses the current regional business environment and provides an economic forecast for the San Diego North community.

Womens Week
San Diego Women's Week is a week of events and a one-day conference designed to inspire, empower, and connect women of all ages and professions. Women from San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino counties are expected to attend the weeklong events, which will address topics that impact the women of today. "Women's Week" will feature speakers who will discuss a wide variety of topics that have an impact on women's lives. More than 500 visitors from the San Diego region are expected to attend the Friday Conference hosted at The New Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa.

Celebration of Business
North Countys Celebration of Business highlights achievements in corporate and individual categories. Business Achievement Awards will be presented to members at this event.

RB Alive!
An annual event marketed as a full day of entertainment and enjoyment with over 300 booths.
Several special interest areas are in store for the 55,000 expected visitors. The Kids

Zone will provide lots of rides, games and special carnival foods. The Cultural Center will have historical reenactments and local organizations will share their art, culture, history and/or handiwork. And everyone will want to stop by to view the Classic Car Show.

SDNCC Golf Tournament

There is currently little information about this event on the website.

Business Salute to Police and Public Safety Luncheon

This event is aimed at recognizing the hard work and commitment of those who serve and protect our region.

Comprehensive information about this event is available on a PDF located on the website under Events.

North County Chamber of Commerce

Member Groups
The North Chamber has several well-established committees.

Economic Development Committee

The mission of the Economic Development Committee is to retain, grow and attract business of all sizes to San Diego North. Three main focus areas:

Business Development Workforce Development Innovation and Local Economies

Health Committee
The San Diego North Chamber of Commerce strives to deliver up-to-date, health related information to enhance the quality of life of Chamber members and the business community at large. The Health Committee serves as the Chamber's front line to educate San Diego North businesses about health care issues specific to the region that impact bottom lines and workforce productivity.

Public Policy Committee

The purpose of the Public Policy Committee is to ensure recommendations presented to the Board of Directors effectively address public policy issues at the local, state, federal and/or international level. The Committee serves to evaluate evolving policy issues on a timely basis and provides oversight and direction on efforts to increase member participation in the Policy Committee process.

North County Chamber of Commerce

Leadership Council
A key role of the Leadership Council is to navigate new members and prospective members into the Chamber's offerings, assuring each new member derives maximum return on its membership investment and each prospective member is educated as to what the Chamber has to offer.

North County Chamber of Commerce

The North County website is easy to navigate, and has a comprehensive amount of information available. Reports/statistics about the chamber are available, and there is an interactive component for members (this is inaccessible to the public, and therefore cannot be assessed externally).

North County Chambers homepage is clear and professional. Its simplicity makes it aesthetically pleasing, though there is enough information to navigate easily.

Weekly Newsletter
A comprehensive weekly newsletter distributed online that contains: Promotions about upcoming events/workshops Quick Links to information Committee meetings on the side

North County Chamber of Commerce

Online Directory
The online directory allows search by name or by category, making the search process simple and easy.

Annual Report
The North Chamber produces an annual report that contains financial, demographic, and other pertinent information that prove its value. For more information, this report is available via the website.

North County Chamber of Commerce

Social Media
Facebook High
The North Chambers facebook has a large following of 892 people. Posts are made frequently, and generally promote events and acknowledging members. There is a moderate to high level of interactivity as demonstrated by frequent member posts, and by comments/likes (2-4 on average) on North Countys posts

Twitter Moderate
SD North Chamber has a large amount of followers (4,555). However, the North County Chamber is following 4,504 accounts, so it cannot be assumed that these follows happened organically. There are almost no retweets or comments on posts, indicating a low level of involvement through this medium.

North County Chamber of Commerce

LinkedIn - Low
North Countys LinkedIn has only 93 followers, which is much less than facebook or twitter. Posts are made about events, though there does not seem to be any interactivity with members through this medium.

North County Chamber of Commerce

Advertising Opportunities
It is TBD whether there are other advertising options available to members, but online advertising is promoted on a website banner and information about advertising is extremely accessible.

North County Chamber of Commerce

Cleantech Corridor Strategy

This is just a basic overview of the strategic plan for Cleantech Corridor.

The San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce aims to be the most influential business network, advocate and resource for growing commerce in the San Diego region.

Mission Statement

To serve our member businesses and employees representing all sectors throughout the San Diego region; To provide opportunities to enhance our members best business interests through networking, advocacy and business resources; and, To partner with our members and other organizations to make the San Diego region more prosperous.

Not only is the San Diego Regional Chamber the largest chamber of commerce in California, but also it is also 140 years old, speaking to its credibility as a valuable organization.

Educational Opportunities
The SD Regional Chamber offers numerous educational opportunities that are little to no cost to members, allowing them to utilize their membership to better themselves and their business.

The Regional Chamber has numerous reports with statistics speaking to the credibility of the chamber. Though a few other chambers have information, the Regional Chamber has information that is well organized and compelling.

Founded in 1870 3,000 members representing 400,000 employees 32 workshops a year and over 85 events 9 business alliance groups 750 new businesses joined in 2011 An estimated 30 referrals a day are generated by SDRCC, totaling 7,920 a year 5-7 connections are made at each event Named Chamber of the Year by the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce The Regional Chamber is composed of 22 employees and 63 board members The Chambers Harbor Committee helped pass legislation that would ultimately help
complete the construction of the Coronado Bay Bridge in 1969.

Raised money to transform Balboa park into a major San Diego attraction in 1909

Membership Benefits
The different levels of membership are not listed on the site, and are only available via inquiry and I am still waiting to hear back about specific levels. Without this information, it is unclear what benefits are included for different amounts. Demographic information from the Membership Report is listed on the following page.

The cost was estimated by Robert Hacken as between $20 - $50,000 a month. A more specific estimate is TBD.

Member Groups
The Regional Chamber has many programs for members, many of which provide educational/training opportunities. The educational events are sponsored, and provide added value to members.

Business Alliance Groups

8 groups are located downtown and 5 meet in other various locations, coming to a total of 13 groups (though the website advertises 9). There are 15-20 members per group, and the dynamic is similar to the GSDBAs BNGs.

Speakers Bureau
This consists of chamber members who are a part of the Regional Chambers Professional Development. This allows people to gain exposure through a brief presentation.

Chamber Academy
Chamber Academy is the Chamber's complimentary training and workshop series to help you and your staff expand your skill set and develop professionally. Each year the Chamber offers up to 48 trainings and workshops for members, a value of $45 per person per training.

Unlocking the Secrets Workshops

The Unlocking the Secrets training workshops are designed to provide valuable skills to help Business Alliance participants make the most out of his or her Business Alliance experience. Attending a workshop is a tremendous way to improve professionally and to learn firsthand how so many members have taken their business to the next level. These workshops cover the topics such as: The art of giving a presentation Referral generation Networking strategies The power of strategic alliances Using technology to nurture referrals

Educational Seminars

Policy Forum
Chamber Policy Forums bring public and private sector leaders and stakeholders together to inform members on vital public policy topics that have an effect on the region. Our mission is to share information, hear varying perspectives and facilitate meaningful dialogue. Participants always have the opportunity to express their concerns about how business and policy decisions impact the business and/or industry they represent.

ChamberZoom Training Workshops

ChamberZoom is management tool software that is offered inexpensively to members.

Events are promoted through a calendar on the website, social media, and e-mail blast, though it remains to be determined whether there is print promotion. There are roughly 5-7 events hosted per month, of which there are educational events, networking mixers, and specialty events. Most events are free, though specialty events may cost a nominal amount. Events for non-members typically cost $15-$20. More information about attendance and the different types of events is listed on the next several pages from the Regional Chamber Event Report.

The Regional Chamber website is quite sophisticated, but there is an extensive amount of information to sort through and the dropdown menu is somewhat difficult to navigate.

The Homepage
The home page is very professional, and has many places to look for information. The menu is a bit dysfunctional however, making it hard to click on menu items.

Online Directory
I was unable to speak with a representative, so whether there is a print directory in circulation is TBD. The online directory has several options: to search the member database, for member offerings, for new members, and for renewing members. There is a search function that makes navigation simple and fast.

Within the membership section of the webpage, member testimonials are also available. There are currently 20 testimonials listed. The examples below represent the value that their (active) members feel they are gaining through their membership.

Member Resources
The member resources section of the website provides compelling information that encourages membership. There are several PDF reports containing various statistics that prove the value of a Regional Chamber membership. The reports listed include: San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce Fact Sheet Chamber Membership by the Numbers (dysfunctional link) Overview of Chamber Benefits Membership ROI Overview of Chamber Events Guide to Business Alliance Groups Business & Employee Solutions & Resources Chamber FAQ Small Business Tools & Resources Discounts & Savings

Social Media
There are several links to get connected via social media on the homepage. There are numerous avenues/sites to share the Regional Chamber site.

Facebook Low/Moderate
The Regional Chamber of Commerce Facebook has a moderate to low following of 807, which is surprising considering how large the chamber is. There are a wide variety of posts, including welcoming new members, event promotion, and links to articles, and pictures from events. There is a moderate amount of activity on the page, with about 2-3 likes on average per post. Member posts generally consist of event promotions, and have a moderate amount of visibility (indicated by 3-7 likes on member posts).

Twitter Moderate
The Regional Chamber has a large following of 7,115, but these may not all be organic as they are also following 5,373 people. There are very few member tweets/retweets, indicating that they are not actively participating via twitter.

LinkedIn Low/Moderate
There is a moderately high following on LinkedIn 391 - though members do not seem to be active in this group. Posts are sporadic and similar to the informational/promotional posts on facebook.

Youtube - Moderate There is a moderate viewership on the Regional Chamber youtube channel with 176 total views. Considering there are only 8 videos and the channel started in February 2012, this channel is getting a notable amount of traffic. Two videos are about events, while the remaining six are brief clips of members speaking.

GooglePlus - Low
The Regional Chambers google plus account has little to no activity.

Members can gain exposure through the various memberships, sponsored events, and networking. Though there may be more opportunities, the information is either not present or not publicized on the website, indicating that this is not a significant feature promoted by the Regional Chamber.

The San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is here to help you get connected! Connecting with the growing Hispanic community is essential for any business in today's economy. We are the ultimate resource for organizations that wish to do business with the Hispanic business community. The SDCHCC strongly emphasizes the importance of members to use the Chamber network and contacts.

Mission Statement
To create and promote opportunities for Hispanic businesses and the greater community.

Cultural Tie
Cultural ties are strong especially in an area with such a high Hispanic population making the Hispanic Chamber a natural choice for Hispanic/Spanish speakers.

Founded in 1989 Members are generally small business owners, corporate executives, and government leaders. Hosts mixers and workshops Use the internet and word-of-mouth to attract members but not print advertising Attracts members who cannot speak English While the website says there are over 500 members and affiliates, the marketing director informed me that there are only 200, so it is unclear as to exactly how many members there are

The San Diego Hispanic Chamber offers two levels of membership: (1) Individual, and (2) Corporate. Within the Corporate Membership, there are three subcategories: (1) Standard, (2) Bronze), and (3) Silver.



Member Groups
The San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the availability of this program exclusively for its members: The Latino Business Connection Networking Groups (LBC). LBC is the result of our constant push to provide our members with the maximum referrals and business opportunities. Hosted in different regions of the county tentatively twice a month, the groups will be composed of one representative of each industry providing professional development, leads, visibility and long lasting relationships. These main benefits are reserved to members only and are part of the unique value offered with the SDCHCC membership. There are currently two groups that meet twice a month. Unfortunately, the woman I contacted is still getting back to me for more detailed information about the groups (e.g. their popularity, when they were introduced etc.) so it is unavailable at this time.

Two events are hosted every month: (1) a mixer, and (2) an educational event (seminars/workshops). Mixers are generally hosted in the evening and workshops are hosted during the day (generally on Thursdays). There is little information on the website about events. Basic information is posted with the date, title, time and location, but you cannot purchase tickets online. Events are free to members, and range from $10-$20 for non-members.

Mixers are hosted at bars/restaurants while workshops are located in venues such as the San Diego Intelligence Office.

According to the marketing director, an average of 20 people attend mixers and workshops. However, this seems extremely low so more information is needed to assess attendance.

The website is the main way that the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce attracts members who do not hear about it from other members, as they do not promote through print. However, the website is somewhat outdated.

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerces homepage is very simple. There are no animations, links to social media, or ads. The Iluminada section on the menu on the right is an outdated event from October, indicating that they do not update their site very often.

Membership Information
In the membership section there is a testimonial video that consists of a compilation of members speaking about their experience with the SDCHCC. Though many of the testimonials are somewhat typical of any Chamber of Commerce, the one listed below represents the Hispanic Chambers differentiation. Due to the large Hispanic population in San Diego, this Chamber has a broad potential community.

Online Directory
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce directory is only available online. It has an advanced search function as well as categorized content (e.g. automotive, insurance etc.)

Social Media
Due to the lack of connectability on their website, the social media listed below may not be the only social media used by the SDCHCC. (These are the ones I could find, but there may be more labeled under different names.)

The San Diego County Hispanic Chamber has a small following - 362 likes especially considering how long it has been established. Theres a good amount of likes on posts (1-5) however, which demonstrates that members are somewhat interactive. Comments by members are generally promoting their services.

The San Diego Chamber of Commerce has a sizable twitter following of 2,435, which is surprising considering their low level of facebook involvement. However, the last post was made March of this year, indicating that the twitter has become stagnant. Tweets almost exclusively promote events.

The San Diego Chamber of Commerce has 249 members and is private. Since it is private, I cannot assess the quality of the group until I am accepted.

The Chamber firmly represents businesses in public policy by pro-actively addressing important issues. We deliver value added tools and resources to help businesses prosper and the community flourish.

Mission Statement
To advance the commercial, industrial, and civic interest of National City and vicinity, to promote integrity, good faith, and just and equitable principals in business, and to represent National City in the consideration and decision of state and national issues.

Having been established over 100 years ago, the National City Chamber of Commerce, by very nature, has prestige.

Annual Events
The National City Chamber hosts 6 large annual events. Though other chambers host annual events as well, National Citys events are quite sizable and draw a large crowd (as several of them are open to the public).

National City Guide

The National City Guide is a publication that is similar to an online magazine, in that it highlights members, and has articles published about relevant information about the chamber and National City.

Founded in 1911. There is a current focus on bayfront development and redevelopment in the downtown area along National City Blvd. There are 4 staff listed on the website. 17 people sit on the board of directors. Business and Professional Development was listed first in 2012 programs and services. Currently has over 600 members. Hosts 6 large annual events. The annual Auto Heritage show draws over 2,000 people a year

Direct Cost Savings

Complimentary Notary Services (limit 1 per month) Chamber member-to-member discount and rebate programs Free Certificates of Origin Discounted local room rates at select area hotels Complimentary listings on, accessible to local job seekers Chamber Conference room with special rates for members

Business and Professional Development Business development and networking events Business education courses and leadership training Participation on NCCC Committees: Governmental Affairs, Economic Development, Ambassadors, Business Development Complimentary SCORE counseling Complimentary business counseling at the Small Business Development and International Trade Center (SBDITC) Economic Development

Access to o Enterprise Zone tax credits o Free Technical Assistance o Microloan Program o SCORE business counselors o Business Outreach, Attraction and Retention (O.A.R.) Program Job Postings and Job Fairs National City Green Business Program Listing in online and printed membership directory Proud Member logo available for individual business website Chamber Hot Deals Section to offer discounts and promotions Invitations to Chamber signature events (Auto Heritage Day, Taste of National City, Salute to Navy, Annual Dinner, Golf Tournament) Cost effective advertising on Chamber website and email marketing Monthly mailers to all chamber members and community partners Monthly Chamber breakfasts meetings Local and regional business mixers Committee meetings monthly

Marketing and Networking

Public Policy and Access to Legislators

2011 Public Policy Manual Participation on NCCC Economic Development and Governmental Affairs Committee Legislative advocacy Input into local planning processes Direct access to representative offices Membership Plaque Free listing on Chambers Website Referrals to your business Display of your business cards in Chamber lobby Complimentary Ribbon cutting for new business Grand openings Business event calendar listings on website Community Business Directory Dining and Lodging Guide National City Map Chamber Website Chamber Newsletter Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) Local demographic statistics Major employer list Membership labels Educational Breakfast Series- Bi-Monthly Chamber Committee Meetings Monthly Business Networking Mixer Quarterly Executive Speaker Series Quarterly Maximize your Membership Quarterly State of the Chamber Address Annual Mayors State of the Business Address Annual

Business Promotion

Advertising Opportunities

Business Resources

Regular Chamber Programs

Each new member receives one free business card ad in Chamber Newsletter and one mailing of an advertising flyer to all Chamber members. *Member dues are nonrefundable.


Member Groups
Business and Membership Development Committee
Works collaboratively with community partners to foster a healthy business environment by: Marketing the Chamber of Commerce services. Promoting members and community assets Developing the Chambers communications and collateral materials (including the Business Directory, Quarterly Newsletter, Website, and Press Releases.)

Economic Development Committee

Focuses on promoting economic development in National City through the development and implementation of projects, programs, and policies that stimulate economic growth and prosperity, enhance community development initiatives, leading to improved quality of life. This committee is the legislative and regulatory advocate for business at the local, state, and federal levels. The Committee reviews legislation, supports pro-business policies, and actively represents Chamber members.

Executive Committee
Maintains oversight over: - Chambers finances. - Execution of Chamber Policies. - Member services. - Products and programs. - Performance of the chief executive officer.

Special Event Committee

Tasked with organizing the Chambers annual events, including: Automobile Heritage Day Taste of National City Golf Tournament Salute to Navy Annual Inauguration and Awards Dinner

Beyond the annual events, the National City Chamber hosts workshops and mixers (typically one of each per month).

Annual Installation Dinner

Presents the Business of the Year Award and the Community Leader Award.

National Cinco De Mayo

A multicultural festival hosted in National City. Includes free entertainment, traditional foods, and a car show.

Taste of National City

At the Taste, local restaurants offer an array of multicultural food set to the tune of live bands. Entertainment will include art exhibits, attractive raffle prizes, Free open houses held at Brick Row and Kimball House Museum by the National City Historical Society.

Automobile Heritage Show

The Automobile Heritage Show is one of the National City Chambers larger events, with over 200 entrants anticipated for the 21st annual show.

Kile Morgan Golf Tournament

Begun in 2009, the Kile Morgan Golf Tournament is a relatively new annual event. It recognizes business advocate and long term Mayor, Mayor Kile Morgan.

Salute to Navy
National Citys Salute to Navy has been a longstanding tradition for the past 56 years. With strong ties to the Navy station, National City holds this event every year during the month of October and jointly celebrates the Navys birthday. This is the first and longest running event of its kind in the United States.

Our full-color chamber newsletter is published four times each year and reaches both our membership and the local community. The Newsletter highlights members who have been active/awarded and details the chamber activity regarding public policy. It also welcomes the new years board of directors, and reiterates the chambers vision and mission statement. Lastly, it highlights upcoming events and opportunities. This reminds members what their membership entitles them to, and informs non-members of numerous membership benefits. Advertising space is available.

The National City Chamber of Commerce website is professional, and easy to navigate.

There are social media links on the bottom of the homepage, as well as information about upcoming events. However, the bottom of the page is somewhat cluttered.

Strategic Plan The National City Chamber of Commerce publishes its strategic plan for the year on their website. This includes information about different actions that the committees will take in the coming year.

Online Directory
The online directory is easy to navigate, and has a sophisticated search function. Businesses are grouped by a few simple categories which makes it very easy to find information.

The National Chambers website has a video section that contains videos from the National City YouTube channel. The videos promote the National City Chamber and National City.

Hot Deals
The Hot Deals section has 8 deals currently listed, indicating that there is moderate member interest in this program. Though the number is low, it is higher than the other Chambers (other than the GSDBA).

Commerce Career Center

Working with, the National City Chamber of Commerce provides its members with a comprehensive list of employment opportunities throughout San Deigo. Job Seekers can post their resume, and Employers can look for perspective candidates. Chamber members can be an Employer for free on the NCCC website or pay a discounted fee to expand their reach. For Job Seekers, this portion of the website is free. Though it is unknown how much member activity this section of the website has, it is an interesting feature that is unique to the National City Chamber.

National City Chamber Guide

The National City Chamber Guide is a publication, much like a magazine, that contains information about: National City Transportation Business and Industry City Government Healthcare and Education Arts, Culture, and Recreation Shopping and Dining Chamber Programs and Services

It is unknown whether the guide is published in print in addition to the electronic version posted on the website. Advertising is available.

Social Media
Facebook Low
National City has a low number of facebook followers, at only 285. There is little to no interactivity on the facebook page, with few likes or shares of posts. Posts are made every day or two concerning local opportunities and relevant information. Posts about job openings are also shared on facebook.

Twitter - Low
The San Diego National Chamber of Commerce has a sizable twitter following of 2,435, which is surprising considering their low level of facebook involvement. However, the last post was made March of this year, indicating that the twitter has become stagnant. Tweets almost exclusively promote events.

LinkedIn - Low
The National City Chamber LinkedIn has only 22 followers, indicating low involvement through this medium.

YouTube - High
There is a surprisingly high amount of traffic on the National City Chambers YouTube channel. Some videos have few views (0-10), and some have over 100 views. This may in part be due to the fact that has posted some videos with backlinks, increasing the Chambers exposure through this medium.

There is little information about advertising on the website beyond newsletter promotion information. However, according to a National City Chamber representative, advertising is one of the major benefits offered to members, therefore more information about advertising opportunities could prove insightful.

Newsletter Ad Rates

Phone Interview - Michelle Luna, Marketing Coordinator 1. What do people gain from becoming a member?
Branding, the ability to market themselves. Advertising on website, facebook, directory, sponsorship or attendance.

2. Do people generally continue their membership? Yes. 3. What different types of events do you host? (e.g. workshops, seminars, etc.)
Networking breakfast every other month 100-150 o Host many different speakers Workshops 36-40 2 networking events a year o Evening o Semi-formal Annual events o Dinner in January - 300 o Auto heritage show open to public free 2,000 o Taste of national city o Golf tournaments

4. Do you have a directory? If so, how many print copies do you distribute a year?
Print directory 600 for people who sign up and distribute it across the city about 1000. Every two years

5. How do people hear about (chamber)?

Walk in, sometimes directed by the city. Also, through recommendation from current members and board members.

6. What is the feel of your events? (e.g. professional, laidback etc.)

Workshop/breakfasts network based. Evening mixers are less formal, more fun to let people mingle.

7. Are your members members of other chambers?

Yes. Many times the Asian American Business Association, Phillipino, and Regional chamber. CEO meets on a monthly basis with other chambers.

8. How many members do you have?

Over 600

We are a professional business networking group bringing together the best San Diego has to offer local executives and business owners of all industries, ages, and status for the purpose of increasing positive business building relationships.

Mission Statement
Our goal is to provide a true business networking organization that bridge the gap between

online and offline networking.

6 is not a chamber of commerce, but rather, a business development organization. This makes 6 distinct.

Diverse Events
Many of the events are similar to chamber events, but several are unique to 6: the Cigar Society, Womens Only functions, and Foodies & Wine.

Non-Profit Support
A portion of each events proceeds are donated to a non-profit. Money generated at large charity events are 100% donated to a designated charity.

Founded in 2007 5 staff members; 8 directors/advisors; 9 membership committee chairs 80% of members are between 25-45 Host 9 different types of events Presence in San Diego and North County 450 members (breakdown of membership type by type is unavailable) 15,000 opt-in subscriptions to the 6 newsletter 15,000 local executives have been to at least one event Over the past 3 years, 6 has introduced: o Breakfast Speaker Series o The Cigar Society o The Savvy Womens Group o Foodies & Wine Series o 2 Degrees o Break Out Groups o A new interactive website



Corporate $5,400





Member Groups
Similar to the GSDBAs Business Networking Groups, 6 offers two groups for their members to interact with each other so that they can better themselves/their businesses: (1) 2 Degrees, and (2) 6 Elite. 2 Degrees targets people who are in middle management or who provide a service, whereas 6 Elite is aimed more at CEOs and Corporate Executives. While 2 Degrees is already implemented, 6 Elite will be launched in 2013.

A new style of networking within 6 Degrees. 2 Degrees is a referral-based, industry specific group which hosts weekly meetings over lunch for a more intimate type of networking. Each member in 2 Degrees represents one industry within their 2 Degrees Chapter. The goal of 2 Degrees is to connect business professionals in a more intimate setting. According to volunteer 2 facilitator Anna Stalwart: There are currently 3 groups but more are in the process of forming. With such rapid growth, 6 is aiming to have 10 groups by the second quarter of 2013. Weekly meetings are casual and fun. o Volunteer facilitators like Anna help to coordinate open bars and trivia nights. 2 groups function like BNGs: o Only one industry member per group o Firm attendance policy o Member formed

6 Degrees Elite
6 Degrees Elite is a peer advisory network that facilitates invaluable exchanges leading to higher business performance and profits. This advisory process is enhanced by a variety of professional, premier-level tools, training, and services that help members achieve their goals and visions. With an invitation-only membership, group leaders select candidates to create complementary team environments for intentional business development. 6 Degrees Elite supports each member and team in business success, professional relationships, and personal growth.

6 has an ideology that is similar to the GSDBA. They work to facilitate sustainable professional relationships by providing a fun environment that is not overly focused on networking. 6 also distinguishes itself by giving back to the community through supporting various non-profits at each of their events. At their 5-year Anniversary Gala they raised over $20,000 for the Make A Wish Foundation. Tickets range in cost, and can be purchased through the 6 website.

All over the city. The San Diego mixers are usually found at quality hotels and restaurants downtown or near downtown while the North County mixers are typically held at high quality venues from Del Mar north to Carlsbad.

According to 6 Membership Connector Derrick Ribeiro, 6s different events draw different crowds. Special Events/Breakfast events: 250 Foodies & Wine/Cigar Society: 75 North County mixers: 100 San Diego mixers: 200-250

Mixers are held twice a month, once in North County and once in San Diego. Some events such as the Charity events are held annually, while events such as the specialty events are held only once. The other events range in frequency. Happy Hour Mixers Foodies & Wine Series Member Receptions Special Events Educational Functions Breakfast Speaker Series Womens Only Functions Cigar Society Charity Functions

Happy Hour Mixers Happy Hour Mixers are typical mixers with drinking, music, and networking. According to Derrick Rebero, this event typically draws a younger crowd. These events are hosted at various restaurants and companies and are free to members. It costs $15-$20 for non-members.

Foodies & Wine Series The Foodie and Wine Series is summed up well by its title. Food and drinks are provided, making tickets more expensive than the typical mixer ($20-$45). Members Receptions These events are similar to the GDSBAs member hosted mixers. They are generally free to members, and inexpensive/free for non-members (free - $10). Special Events Special events such as the upcoming New Years Beach Party are promoted to members but are not hosted directly by 6. There are not enough upcoming special events currently to estimate price. Educational Function Educational events are designed to leave members with fresh industry knowledge. This includes seminars and workshops. There is not enough information about upcoming events to estimate the price.

Breakfast Speaker Series 6 Degrees also brings the community a quarterly speaker series featuring pertinent local issues with amazing panelists. This element of 6 Degrees provides our members and community at large another opportunity to connect, network, and learn about the local market. Derrick Rebero noted that these are the most well attended events - aside from nonrecurring specialty events - because they are in the morning so most people are available. Some previous speakers include: Mark Fabiani- General Counsel, San Diego Chargers Bill Walton Executive Chairman, SDSI Dave Alberga CEO, Active Network Andy Laats Owner, Nixon Dan Novak VP Global Marketing, Qualcomm Blake Miller Chief Marketing Officer, CYMER Greg Koch CEO, Stone Brewing Co.

Womens Only Functions San Diego SAVVY. San Diego SAVVY is a fun, relaxed environment to meet up with entrepreneurs, mompreneurs, CEOs, directors and other entrepreneurial-minded women who are interested in sharing ideas, learning, teaching and helping one another! Mingle with these amazing women while dining on some yummy appetizers and a complementary cocktail, powered by Chic CEO. 6 is partnered with Chic CEO a business forum for women and co-hosts/promotes Chic CEO events to members. These events are for women only.

Cigar Society While younger members participate in mixers, older members tend to attend the Cigar Society events. These events are hosted downtown (generally) and may include activities such as scotch tastings. Derrick Rebero seemed to think that these were the most rewarding events in terms of creating sustainable professional relationships. These events tend to be on the more expensive side ranging from $25-$50.

Charity Function One of 6s points of differentiation is their active involvement with charities. Every event supports a non-profit, but occasionally there are charity functions (generally raising money for the larger non-profits such as the Make A Wish Foundation). These events are well attended, but they tend to cost more. The ticket covers the cost of food and drinks.

The website provides multiple tools for our members to promote themselves, their business, connect with each other and more. All member profiles are Search Engine Optimized and allow members to connect online with each other. Our newly launched Blog and Marketplace platforms also are in place specifically for members to post and promote their business and local news.

The 6 homepage has a couple unique features. The video on the right side is a Featured Member Video, which allows members to make a video that could end up on the front page. Similarly, there is a Featured Member Blog. These Featured Member functions provide an easy and free way for members to gain exposure, and encourage people to be interactive with 6.

Membership Blog
Typically 300-500 word posts by members. Most posts are about either the members business or industry, and are tagged as such at the bottom (e.g. a matchmaker tagged her article as lifestyle and health to sort the content). Currently there is no option to like or comment on posts. Though the read-through of the blog posts cannot be assessed externally, it is clear through the frequency of posts that there is medium/high active use of this feature. This indicates that members are involved and using this resource, demonstrating the interactive nature of the 6 website, and further, of 6 itself.

The website has a section where members can post testimonials. Though these testimonials are only representative of those who are satisfied with their membership, it is clear from their comments that 6 events are unique and fun. Stalwart Communications - Anna Keeve, Program Manager I have been involved with 6 Degrees for almost a year now and each time I go to an event I am impressed all over again. The 5 Year Anniversary Gala was one of the best events I have ever attended - they brought in Black Tie Casino Events to do a variety of casino games, which made it such a unique experience. The dealers were really fun and corky which made it a blast to interact with them and the people at the table. It was actually a great way to network and meet people too. Guaranteed Rate - Moose Mau, Business Development "6 Degrees is amazing. I have enjoyed going to the different cocktail parties and breakfast meetings. I have closed transactions as a result of just showing up. The members have all been easy to talk to and very professional. The staff at 6 Degrees makes it easy to know about the events and they keep me informed of what is going on. 6 Degrees is not the typical networking group. Executive Renaissance Forums - Jim Tenuto, CEO Finally! The website is as great as the events. I have always been impressed by the quality of the 6 Degrees events, the quality of the speakers and the quality of the people who attend those events. San Diegos young, up-andcoming business leaders can be seen at any 6 Degrees event. The new website is easy to navigate, full of information about upcoming networking meetings, specialty events, and the Breakfast Speaker series. The member area makes it easy to find members either by name or specialty.

Online Directory
The 6 online directory allows for you to search for members by name, but does not provide a list that is broken down by industry.

Member Profile
Similar to Facebook, the 6 website allows for interactivity through member profiles. Members can join groups, share photos, and post on walls. Unfortunately it is impossible to assess the usage/structure of this function without purchasing a membership, as it is for members only.

Social Media
Facebook- High

6 has a large facebook following (2,108) that is very active. Posts are made a few times a day and are almost all about events. Below is a members picture/comment from an event. The amount of likes is typical of most pictures posted to the wall. The comments/likes illustrate that members are involved with each other actively outside of 6.

Twitter High
6 has a sizable twitter following of 9,477. However, this may be due to the amount of followers - 7,923 so we cannot conclude that these were all organic. Posts are synchronized with facebook. There arent very many retweets or comments on posts, which would indicate that followers are not very involved on Twitter.

LinkedIn Medium/High
6 LinkedIn group has 1,083 members. While there is some variance in who posts, many posts come from Jodi C. who is partnered with 6. This demonstrates that despite the large following, there is not a lot of member interactivity through this medium.

Youtube - Moderate
6s youtube channel has 3,768 video views but only 11 subscribers. This is understandable however considering that people do not subscribe on youtube as they do on facebook or twitter. Videos are created by members 6, but their viewership is moderate-low (around 18-50).

Derek Rebero 6 Membership Connecter
1. Networking with people who are likeminded and building relationships 2. Yes, a few a month drop off (life coaches, health coaches etc.) 3. No workshops, two mixers a month - North County and San Diego Mixers have loud music and drinks o 100 people North County, 200-250 San Diego. Special events breakfast events 250 people o An hour of good networking o People can attend in the morning Scotch tasting o Senior executives o Draws around 75 people Foodies and wine smaller more refined crowd Charity events poker tournament Support a non-profit at every one of their events. 5-year anniversary Gala generated 20,000 for make a wish foundation Golf tournament may 10th 4. Don't distribute print, but directory is for members only 5. Word-of-mouth and online First search-term networking San Diego Easy to find 6. More fun, drinks, loud. Some people dont care for that so they attend the other events. More value in the morning ones. Mixers are inexpensive o Mixers 15-20 non-members 7. Encourage members to branch out and network

Anna Stalwart Partner, Member, and Volunteer Facilitator

2 Degrees is a subgroup within 6 Degrees 10-20 people. One industry per group No competing businesses so that you can refer business 3 right now but groups popping up Goal is to have 10 by the second quarter of 2013 Differentiation is that its informal/casual Trivia events and open at meetings Volunteer facilitator Good feedback Rapid growth

ABA provides a strong voice on business, cultural and political issues of interest to San Diegos Asian and Pacific Islander community.

Mission Statement
The mission of ABA is to unite, promote and advocate the San Diego Asian business community. We provide resources for economic growth and help businesses to compete effectively in the local and global marketplace. Mainstream in our focus, ABA facilitates the growth and development of member businesses through ongoing entrepreneurial education, communication and business networking programs. One of our major goals is to enable members to participate fully in San Diego economic development, without regard for race, color, creed or national origin.

Active Members
The level of activity via facebook and linkedin indicate that members are active participants with the Asian Business Association.

Both the annual Lunar New Years Celebration and the Annual Awards Dinner draw a sizable crowd (300+ and 400+ respectively).

Founded in1990 Almost 400 members 2 staff listed; 20 board members Annual Award Gala draws 450-500 guests

Membership Levels

Ivory Members There are currently 48 Ivory members.

Member Groups
There was no information on the site about any membership groups.


The Asian Business Association website is easy to navigate, and has relevant information that is extremely accessible. The appearance is simple and professional.

The home page is not cluttered, and has only a few menu items to simplify the search process.

Cultural Enrichment
Several San Diego cultural events, locations, restaurants, and educational opportunities are listed in this section. For example, the Museum of Man is listed and has information on a notable Asian exhibit. Language classes are listed as a resource as well. Lastly, Asian Flavors provides information about Asian restaurants. However, there are only three listed in this sub-section, which demonstrates that there is not much activity on this section of the website.

Government and Community Affairs

This section contains links to government resources and outlines relevant legislation, linking members to information that may be valuable to them.

Online Directory
There is a somewhat sophisticated search tool for the directory. There are many different search options provided to make the process easier.

Social Media
Links to social media are not provided on the front page of the webpage, and must be searched for manually.

Facebook - Moderate
The Asian Business Associations facebook has a low-moderate amount of likes (389). Posts are sporadic, and contain information about events, chamber updates, pictures, and member recognition. Member interactivity through facebook is moderate. Though there are not many recent posts by members the last one was on October 11 there is a relatively high amount of likes/comments on posts (ranging between 2 and 20 on average).

Twitter - Low
The low number of followers for the Asian Business Association twitter 86 and has virtually no retweets or comments. Posts promote events and have links to resources and articles. Posts are sporadic.

LinkedIn Moderate/High
Beyond having a sizable following of 265 people, Asian Business Association followers are somewhat active in the LinkedIn group. Posts by different members are made sporadically, and there are some comments and likes within the group. Though the number of comments/likes/members is not that large, the Asian Business Association LinkedIn group has one of the most engaged followings of all chamber LinkedIn accounts.

The Asian Business Association has roughly half the amount of website traffic of the GSDBA.

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