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DmC: Devil May Cry: FAQ/Walkthrough by Bkstunt_31 Version: 1.

10 | Last Updated: 2013-01-24 | View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to DmC: Devil May Cry (X360) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. ^ _____________________________________________________ ^ ^/ \^ .''. ^/ \^ // \\ | Please click the link above to recommend this FAQ | // \\ / | | \ | to other users. This is the best way you can show | / | | \ | | | | | your appreciation for my FAQs. Thank you very much! | | | | | | | | | '._______________________________________________________.' | | | | |_||_| |_||_| _______________________________________________________________________________ -and- Blitz Knight Stunt Present: ________________________________________________________________________________ _,__ _,ggpgg_ qMMMMMMN&p__ _pgqQMNMMMMMMMg q#MQMBQMMMMMMNNma, _&MNNM#MMNNMM#MMNM& `MBMMMBMMMMB#MMMMBg _g#MMMM^"^` ~NMMg 4MNMMMMMMMMMBMMMQqGg , ggm,_ g#NMF` ^~##p #MMMNMc .7PMMMNj&pgMMMMM#, pBNBNMMM, =MNMMM M8 #MMMMf ^QNMMMMMMMMMMMpgpNMMMMMMMNN&#NMMM& #M#MM& ,qNMMMMM#MMMMMMNMMMMMM#MB#"###NMMN# JNM@M& ^ #MMMNM6B&MMN#B#NMRBMN#MB##MM#@MMN "BN&N# QMMMMM&4NMM#^#QRMB&"QNNBMB&MNB&MQ# M#M#M _g #MMMMM@]#MN@ QB#MR& #B#MBM#MMNMM#Mw ,N ,__ MMMNM, _QMMMMMMMMMf4#MNM# Q#MMN3xMMM##&#~~7NMFMMMQgg__*** jMMpg B#QMMNLM#MNNf qNMMMMMMMMMM# ]NM ]NMNMf "MN#MN&# *NMNM&M#NNN#&QpgqqgNMMMMM6 ^MMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM#F R# MM#H ' !"@~ ^ . ~~~~~"~~7~`` "MMMM^ ~#MMMMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMM' ~ ` # BMMMMMMMM#MMMMMM~ ] RMMMMMMV ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ `RP7"& | \ |___ | | | | |\/| |__| \_/ | |__/ \_/ f # |__/ |___ \/ | |___ | | | | | |___ | \ | P # @ & ,' Q ________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Platform: Playstation 3 Version: 1.10 Last Updated: 1/24/2013 Email: Web Site: Facebook Page: FAQs @ bkstunt .com

This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New. If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look

strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Table of Contents >==O ``-.______________________________________________________________.- Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section. THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PLAY Introduction......................................................[DmC-INT] Controls..........................................................[DmC-CON] Style Ranks.......................................................[DmC-STY] Tips and Tricks...................................................[DmC-TIP]

MAIN WALKTHROUGH Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: Found........................................[DmC-01] Home Truths..................................[DmC-02] Bloodline....................................[DmC-03] Under Watch..................................[DmC-04] Virility.....................................[DmC-05] Secret Ingredient............................[DmC-06] Overturn.....................................[DmC-07] Eyeless......................................[DmC-08] Devil Inside.................................[DmC-09] Bad News.....................................[DmC-10] The Order....................................[DmC-11] Under Siege..................................[DmC-12] Devil's Dalliance............................[DmC-13] Last Dance...................................[DmC-14] The Trade....................................[DmC-15] The Plan.....................................[DmC-16] Furnace Of Souls.............................[DmC-17] Demon's Den..................................[DmC-18] Face Of The Demon............................[DmC-19] The End......................................[DmC-20]

CONCLUSION Weapons & Moves...................................................[DmC-WPN] Enemies...........................................................[DmC-ENM] Trophies..........................................................[DmC-TPH] Version History...................................................[DmC-HIS] Credits...........................................................[DmC-CRE] ___ | \ | | | E V I L __ __ ___ | \/ | / __| | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y

__________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Introduction >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-INT]___.- Hey guys, Bkstunt here with a FAQ/Walkthrough of Devil May Cry / DmC. I was really questioning whether or not I should do this guide. I've had a love/meh relationship with Devil May Cry for years now, meaning that I greatly enjoyed 1 and 3 and didn't really care for 2 and 4. I suppose Capcom sensed the general "mehness" (totally a word) from fans as well and decided to hand the franchise over to someone. Since Platinum Games was busy, that someone was Ninja Theory, makers of Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Journey to the West. I hadn't played either of those games, which didn't help me out when it came to deciding if I should do this one or not. Well after playing through the DmC Demo and most of Enslaved, I think we all know that DmC won me over. So come join me on this crazy demon-slaying adventure! Enjoy the guide everyone! ~ Bkstunt ____________ FOLLOW ME! ____________ Want to talk about some games!? Maybe throw out some ideas for what YOU want to see me write about next? I made a facebook account for just that reason! You can 'Like' me at: ______________________ ______________________ I also have a website you can visit to see what other guides I've written, as well as see upcoming projects. I've also written a TON of reviews that will go up there (You want to play GOOD games, right?!). _____________ _____________ So between those two sites, come on over and say 'Hi!' sometime. ___________ Donations ___________

First of all, let me say that my primary motivation for writing guides is, and always will be, for the gamer. However, as I've learned by writing just a few guides on new games, it can hit your pocket book! I wish they'd give me these games so I could crank out great guides, but they don't! Ah, maybe one day! Until then, if you've found this guide helpful please consider donating to help me offset my costs. You can donate to my paypal account below: ________ PAYPAL ________ Paypal ID: Gregorio31 @ Gmail . Com Hey, it's WAY better than paying $20 for a guide, right? Even the smallest amount will be appreciated. ________ AMAZON ________ ALTERNATELY, if you shop at (who doesn't?!) you can ALSO help me out by shopping through me! It doesn't cost you a SINGLE CENT either, which is kick-ass. All you do is visit my webpage's donation page below: ____________________________ ____________________________ Once you are there, you can click on the AMAZON link at the top and shop as normal. 4% of what you buy will then be sent to me. Please be sure to send me an email so I can thank you personally as well! Or just send me an email to say "Thanks!" Every one of those I read makes my day! ~ Bk

___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Controls >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-CON]___.-

Here are the controls for Devil May Cry:

_,.--.,_ _,.--.,_ | _____ | | _____ | |-' `'.__________________________,'` `-| ,' __ `. ,' .,. `. / | | \ SONY / (/_\) \ ! __ \/ __ | ! ,-. `-' ,-. | | |__ > < __| !__SELECT START__| ([ ]) ( O ) ! ! /\ ___`-. ,-' `-' ,-. `-' | |\ |__| ,' `. \ / ,' `. ( X ) /| | `. / \ | | / \ `-' ,' | | `-.____,-. \ / |____| \ / ,-.____,-' | | ,'\ `.___,' / \ `.___,' /`. | | / `-.___,-' `-.___,-' \ | \ / \ / \ / \ / `.__,-' `-.__,' .''. | | | X Button: Jump. | | | | Square: Shoot. | | | | Triangle: Basic Melee Attack. | | | | Circle: Special Melee Attack. | | | | L2: Angel Mode. | | | | R2: Demon Mode. | | | | R1: Evade 1. | | | | L1: Evade 2. | | | | R3: Center Camera. | | | | L3: Cycle Ranged Target. | | | | UP Button: Cycle Gun. | | | | LEFT Button: Cycle Angel Weapon. | | | | RIGHT Button: Cycle Demon Weapon. | | | | R3 + L3: Devil Trigger. | | | | X + Square: Gun Special. | | | '.______________________________________________________________________.' ___ | \ | | | E V I L __ __ ___ | \/ | / __| | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y

__________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Style Ranks >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-STY]___.- Style is VERY important in Devil May Cry's history. So important that it gets it's own section! There's a few things I feel strongly that you should know about STYLE. o You gain Style as you FIGHT. o Style is used at the end of Missions to score you. FIGHTING -------Let's cover fighting first. As you fight, you will be given points for your actions. The game recognizes each and every move you perform and scores you on it. You even get scored for things like: - Combos - Kills - Parries - Evades - Environmental Kills - Enemies hurting eachother All of these things add up and go towards a running tally called Style Points. Style Points are one factor you get graded on when you beat a mission. As you fight the right side of the screen will keep track of your Style Points as well as tell you how well you are doing in battle. There are ranks of Style as well, as shown below from WORST to BEST: ___ | \ | |) | |___/ I R T Y ___ / __| | (__ \___| R U E L ___ | _ ) | _ \ |___/ R U T A L

( Points x 2 )

( Points x 3 )

( Points x 4 )

_ /_\ / _ \ /_/ \_\ N A R C H I C ___ / __| \__ \ |___/ A V A G E

( Points x 5 )

( Points x 6 )

___ ___ / __/ __| \__ \__ \ |___/___/ A D I S T I C

( Points x 7 )

___ ___ ___ / __/ __/ __| \__ \__ \__ \ |___/___/___/ E N S A T I O N A L

( Points x 8 )

The KEY to racking up a good style bonus is TWO things: - Do NOT get his. You will be sent down in the rankings which just kills your point accumulations. - Variety! Doing the same mover over and over will lower the point value it rewards drastically. Mix up your moves and weapons!

MISSION COMPLETE SCREEN ----------------------Now let's talk about the Mission Complete screen. This is where you are graded based on what you did. You are judged on a total of FIVE areas, with a final score being given out afterwards. The areas are: o STYLE POINTS This is your Style Points you accumulated in the mission. This is why getting a high ranking for the score multiplier matters so much. o TIME This is simple. How Note that FAST isn't can complete without well hurt your Style o COMPLETION This shows how many of the hidden items you've following this guide you will find all of them, Completion always rewards a SSS rank. Note that will have to COME BACK and find items you can't found. If you are naturally. 100% on some missions you access at first, so long did it take you to complete the mission? ALWAYS best. Keep in mind that some missions you fighting everything, and that quickness may very Points.

your Final Score is coming to suffer until then. o ITEMS USED Your score will take a hit if you use items. Plain and simple. o DEATHS Did you die? Your score will take a big hit then. Note that it is better to use an item and live than it is to die in a mission. If you are struggling to live, you probably aren't worried about maxing your score anyways... This all goes into your FINAL SCORE. The points will be multiplied together to form it. From here you can submit your score to the leaderboard (if you are offline) or it will automatically be posted (if you are online). Now that you know these basics of STYLE, go out and make me proud! ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Tips and Tricks >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-TIP]___.- Here's some basic tips and tricks to the game. (-NOTE-) This guide is still very new, so if you have something that you think belongs in here let me know! o Throughout the guide I will be referring to "Red Orb Containers". This is literally anything that gives you red orbs. These containers vary so much that you should always be on the lookout. You can find orbs by destroying trash cans, pockets of red flesh, lights, boxes... basically anything that looks red-ish and crumples up when you get near it. Oh, and spiders! Kill all the spiders! o If you're having a hard time in the game put those red orbs to work buying items like vitality stars and gold orbs. If you're having an easy go of it or can at least hold your own, use them to buy health and devil trigger upgrades instead! o Be sure to go back and re-play previous chapters after Mission SIX and Mission TEN. You will find a lot of new items as well as get yourself some upgrade points. o As you get late in the game it's easy to forget that you still have

DEVIL TRIGGER. Remember that it charges up as you fight so use it every now and again. You may as well. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 1: Found >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-01]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: SIX When you start a game you'll have to pick a difficulty. You have these three choices from the start: o HUMAN: Enemies are weaker and do less damage. Select this mode if you don't usually play melee action games, and just want to experience the story. o DEVIL HUNTER: Enemies use core attacks, and do moderate damage. Select this mode if you've played other melee action games, and want a bit of a challenge. o NEPHILIM: Enemies are stronger and more challenging. Select this difficulty if you've played Devil May Cry before, and want the full DmC experience. (-NOTE-) This guide is written on DEVIL HUNTER difficulty.

After watching the scenes that establish Dante is a party animal (and still loves pizza just like we remember), you'll be woken up by a news broadcast. The Order, huh? Interesting. Not as interesting as the girl knocking at our door though. Looks like we've been careless. Watch as the Hunter Demon destroys your house as Dante gets dressed. That's a well-placed piece of pizza, isn't it? Afterwards it will leave us alone while some smaller demons come out to play. Thankfully we have our broadsword Rebellion with us. Time to play! The game will teach you the HACKER combo (Triangle x4) and then the DEATH COIL combo (Triangle x2, pause, Triangle x3). After taking out the first two enemies (Who are called "Lesser Stygians"), three more will pop up. The game will tell you how to LAUNCH enemies here (Hold Circle) and the juggle enemies in the air. Nothing too hard. Take out these enemies and three more will show up. The game will teach you how to evade now (R1), but remember that you can do this in the air as well. Slay these enemies and you'll find your first WHITE ORB. WHITE ORB

Slain enemies release White Orbs, which fill Dante's upgrade bar. Each time the bar is filled, Dante can unlock a new ability via the Upgrade Shop. You will also find a RED ORB while fighting these foes: RED ORB Slain enemies release Red Orbs which can be spent at the Item Shop on consumables, health upgrades, and more. Kill any enemies that remain and a nearby obstacle will disappear. The woman from before will tell us to follow her. BEFORE you do so let's pause just a moment to check out the left side of the area to find a GARBAGE CAN that shrinks as we approach. You can destroy this thing and similar items like it (light poles, etc.) to gain RED ORBS. Throughout this guide I will be calling these items RED ORB CONTAINERS. Every little bit helps. Let's follow the girl now. You'll learn you to jump here (X), but you've already likely figured you that you can jump AND double jump (X x2). You'll also see your guns dangling in the distance, but the Hunter is back and destroys the boardwalk! Quick, we have to run to safety! This section is fairly easy (its still early in the game!) so run forward and keep to the left. A trailer will fall over to the left so steer right and keep running. Steer to the left as more trailers fall to the right. Double Jump the gap when you come to it and run and jump to the slanted trailer in the distance. You'll see a quick scene here and then you'll have your girls back. Ebony & Ivory, together in perfect harmony! The Hunter will leave again and some new enemies called "Bathos" will show up. Time for some target practice. NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------EBONY & IVORY High caliber handguns capable of maintaining high rates of fire against a single target. Though they deal low damage, Ebony and Ivory are useful for interrupting weak enemy attacks. GROUND AND AIR: SHOOT: Square Awesome. The game will tell you how to shoot (Square, of course) so take this time to gun down the Bathos. They will generally just sit there and take it (there's a joke there, somewhere...), but will also toss out grenades

so be careful. The grenades explode after some time but also show their explosion range so it should be really easy to dodge them. After awhile, some Lesser Stygians will show up to join the party. Focus on them and let the grenades come down. The grenades will actually help you out here as they can't tell the difference between friend and foe so use them to help take out the Stygians and gun down the Bathos afterward. After battle destroy the garbage cans nearby. You'll also find some DEVIL SPIDERS here which you should always take the time to kill as they will give us red orbs too! You'll run into the girl again who will introduce herself as Kat. She'll claim to want to help you and can help you out of limbo, saying you don't want to fight the Hunter. Hmm... well, maybe. After the cutscene, turn around and you'll see some Devil Spiders and a red orb container. The RED DOOR here can't be broken through right now. We have to wait until AFTER MISSION SIX. Don't worry, I'll remind you. AFTER MISSION 6: .- | | Hey guys, welcome back. Now that you have Eryx, go ahead and charge it | up and punch through this Red Crystal Door. You'll see that there is a | .: LOST SOUL 1/6 :. back here. Trick tricky! He's ours now though! | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Continue forwards destroying the crates until the game shows you your first LOST SOUL (if you don't count the one we can't get yet, that is). These things are a tad disturbing but need freed. They act as a sort of hidden treasure throughout the game, so I will be numbering them as we go along. Use melee attacks on them to destroy them. Destroy this one for .: LOST SOUL 2/6 :.. LOST SOUL Souls trapped in Limbo. Free them all to increase your Mission Completion Bonus. Cool. BEFORE GOING TO THE RIGHT, turn to the left and jump across the gaps. You can break several red orb containers this way (the one on the right lamp is challenging, but you can line up some shots easily enough) and at the end of the path you will find a .: COPPER KEY :.. Throughout the game we will find keys to open secret doors and do missions. Keep following the guide and we'll collect all the keys and lost souls! Head back and continue on the right path. Destroy the objects until you get to the Tilt-a-Whirl. The city will tell you to die (aggressive much?) as more Stygians show up. The game will teach you how to pop up enemies without following them up (tap Circle), so if you want to get fancy get under the Tilt-a-Whirl and pop up some enemies into it! I HIGHLY recommend killing all of the enemies here that way for a trophy: (-NOTE-) You should get the 'It's only the rain' Bronze trophy here.

Once all the enemies are dead take the other path out of here and near the ledge the game will teach you to HOLD X to jump higher. Pretty simple. There's actually a pathway to the left here too, but we need a special ability for that that we don't have yet. You can get it after MISSION TWO. AFTER MISSION 2: .- | | This path is simply three Angel Lifts, one after another. They lead | out to the far boardwalk in the distance. Out here you can find a | .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :.. Not really worth the effort, but oh well, | it's nice to have these things. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Back to business. Use the high jump to continue on. Head down the slope and at the end double-jump up to the ledge above you. You'll find a new item up here, a Golden Orb: GOLDEN ORB Can be used upon death to resurrect Dante. Gold orbs can also be purchased from the item shop. So here we have our phoenix down. Interesting. This will undoubtedly be useful. Let's continue on to the next open area and keep to the right. You'll find a red orb container and some Devil Spiders, but take the corner and you'll also see a green items sitting out in the open. Pick it up for a new item: SMALL VITAL STAR Restores a small portion of Dante's health. During gameplay, press start and select 'Items' to use Vital Stars. There is another Angel Lift point off to the left here. Once again we must be past MISSION TWO to use this, so come back later. AFTER MISSION 2: .- | | This path is simply three Angel Lifts, one after another. They lead | to a small area with .: LOST SOUL 3/6 :. and a red orb container. | Very nice. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' After getting that head back to the open area and you'll see a statue light up. This thing is a DIVINITY STATUE and is what we're going to use to upgrade Dante! You should have an upgrade point by now so use it to upgrade something. It's really your choice on what to upgrade, but I personally like

the STINGER skill (I also tend to like new skills over upgrades, but I dunno, go with what you're comfortable with). Also note that you can try out new moves! How cool is that!? (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Time to go to work, guys' Bronze trophy here, assuming you purchase something. Continue on and you'll see that the hunter is back. He'll jump onto the huge Ferris Wheel as Dante sees his coat. The Hunter will then push it towards you as Dante will go grab his coat. You'll see how Limbo can affect the real world as well. Interesting. Run forward and take out the team of Stygians and Bathos that show up. Remember to let the grenades help you and take them all out. After you do the Hunter will show up in the background and try to shoot his claw at you. This also makes a giant hand try to grab you. Be sure to avoid it (if you do get hit you need to fight your way out) and after a couple of attempts Kat will call out to you. Follow her into the fun house to see a scene. Keep going through the corridors destroying anything you can for orbs. You will be surprised by the Hunter's hand at one point as well. Don't worry about the barred door on the left, we'll get there. As you continue on keep your eyes open to the right for a COPPER DOOR. Let's use that key we picked up earlier here. COPPER - AIR BRAWL -----------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all the enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage in the air. TIME LIMIT: 1:20 This is an interesting challenge. You have to keep the enemies airborne to damage them so any launching attacks automatically become much more valuable. We really only have our LAUNCH combo, so simply follow enemies up in the air and juggle them once you do. Keep up strategies like that and avoid attacks and you'll soon clear this challenge. It shouldn't be too hard since you only have to kill five enemies. Once you do, you will be awarded with a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :.. Very nice.

END COPPER - AIR BRAWL ---------------------Continue on to the giant mirror to see a short scene. Very nice! You got skills, sir. Continue on past where the mirror was and kill the Devil Spiders you see as you can get red orbs from them. You can head left or right here. First, head slightly to the right and look on the right wall. You'll see a .: LOST SOUL 4/6 :. here. Destroy it. Further down the corridor you'll see a door glowing red. We can't enter this door until after we finish MISSION TWO, so come back later.

AFTER MISSION 2: .- | | Once you have the Arbiter, you can smash through this door. Inside | there is a TON of red orb containers and .: LOST SOUL 5/6 :.. Kill | it, collect all the orbs, and kill the Devil Spiders. Nice haul! | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Head back and go down the left path. You'll be shocked by what you see here (I'm here all week!), but more importantly you'll see a small hallway to the left (ignore the right path for now). Go through it to kill even more Devil Spiders. There's also hanging red orb containers in here you should destroy as well. Be sure to turn around and look above the entryway you came in here from to find another .: LOST SOUL 6/6 :.. After all of that head back and continue on. You'll reach a room with an exit, but that'd be too easy. Watch the short scene and get ready to take on a number of Stygian foes. You can use the gears in this room to help you with environmental kills as well (use STINGER to throw them into the gears if you can). After killing a number of foes off, the room will grow, putting the exit even further away. As you head towards it you'll see gears on the ground blocking you way by moving back and forth. Oh, a classic timing obstacle! The first section should be easy to get past, just wait for a gear to move and get past it. The next one you need to double jump over. The third one you need to wait until the gears move away and then run through (or jump... doesn't really matter). Continue on and watch the scene. Ha! They're clearly making fun of the old series here. Heh. Kat will appear again and tell us the Hunter is bullet-proof (we already knew that). Once you have control break the two red orb containers to the right and then you can check out the Divinity Statue if you wish, but then its time to run. Follow Kat and jump over the narrow gaps you come across. Keep following her but note you can destroy the light poles here for more red orbs. Head towards the giant clown face and soon you'll see a scene. Time to face the Hunter! Check out the boss fight info below. +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Boss Battle Hunter - Boss Battle | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | - General Information: This guy is huge, but still fairly easy. You'll | | want to attack his face and hands to hurt him. After some attacks he | | will prop himself on his elbow: press the attack and he will actually | | fall down, which is a PRIME TIME to attack! | | | | After awhile it will jump to a tower in the background and shoot its | | claw at you. Dodge like you did before and use your guns to shoot it | | down. Once he falls, quickly get to him and lay on the pain. |

| | | Near the end of the fight the Hunter will make the edges of the area | | dark and hide, then use its kunai throw multiple times in a row. | | Here you can either focus on dodging until it's over (which is easy | | enough) or you can COUNTER his kunai back at him (hit it back at him). | | Pay attention to the attacks below and you'll be fine. | | | | | | - Kunai Swipe: The Hunter attacks with the kunai in its right hand. It | | can attack high or low, depending on what you do. Get in quick after | | its attack and attack its face. | | | | - Kunai Stab: The Hunter uses its knife to stab down into the floor. | | Dodge the attack and retaliate quickly. You can only get off 1-3 hits | | here so don't be too greedy. | | | | - Kunai Throw: The Hunter throws his kunai at you. It will come spinning | | at you either horizontally or vertically. Jump over the horizontal | | spin (Double Jump, that is) and dodge over the vertical ones. | | | | - High Jump: The Hunter will jump high up into the air. You'll see its | | shadow coming down after awhile so get away. When it lands a shockwave | | will come out so be ready to jump when he lands to stay safe. | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ After the fight enjoy all of the ensuing scenes. Your Mission Complete screen will come up here. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Come on Puppy. Let's Go!' Bronze trophy here. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 2: Home Truths >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-02]___.- KEYS: TWO SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: NINE Lots of scenes to watch here. You'll meet the leader of The Order, Vergil, who has a hard time convincing Dante of anything, including joining him in what he is doing or even his own past. Eventually you'll head to a place called "Paradise". Here you'll learn that Kat and The Order can put you INTO Limbo. Wow... Once you enter Limbo you'll be able to see both Kat and Vergil. You'll also have control once again. Head forward through the corridor to the open area where you'll see a short scene. Destroy the red orb containers on the walls here and note the doorway to the left. We can't do anything over there right now (not in our current state, anyways) so let's head up the stairs. We can

go left or right up here. For the hell of it let's go left. Through the doorway you'll find a DIVINITY STATUE. Past that is a hole in the wall to the right that has blue webbing over a door. We can't do anything with that right now. We can come back to this once we beat this Mission, MISSION TWO. AFTER MISSION 2: .- | | Once you have the Osiris, we can enter this door (well, after we do | some double jumping and slashing. Inside is .: LOST SOUL 1/9 :., | along with a few red orb containers. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Head into the next big room to see it transform before you eyes as Dante remembers it. You'll then go check out the portrait here. Sparda. Enough reminiscing, you have some enemies to kill! Take out the Stygian foes that show up. After killing off the first wave you'll have to take on a new enemy that shows up: a "Death Knight". Sounds intimidating! Despite the name the Death Knight isn't too tough. He's got a shield to block your attacks and if you attack him while he's blocking too much he'll bash you and follow up with a swipe. He can also do a medium range stab and a close upward swipe. Get behind him or attack from the sides to give yourself an opening. After taking him out, go check out the painting again. Dante will notice the glow and put his hand on it, which turns the rebellion into some sort of axe weapon. Looks like a new weapon to me! NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------ARBITER A demonic axe whose swings are slow, but powerful. Arbiter is especially effective against shields. GROUND: JUDGEMENT: Triangle x3 TREMOR: Circle AIR: AERIAL FLUSH: Triangle DROP: Circle (-NOTE-) You should get the 'It's got to stay in the family' Bronze trophy here.

Well well well... we have a giant axe. Another Death Knight comes out to play as well. Time to see what this baby does against shields. REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE TO HOLD R2 TO USE ARBITER! The game will tell you how to use Arbiter so go ahead and try it out against the Death Knight. It'll be MUCH easier to stun him with this weapon. After he is dead you'll get some more Stygian enemies to kill, followed by some more (two) Death Knights. Fun! Try to mix in Rebellion and Arbiter attacks on the fly. Once you kill everyone, exit out of this room (there's only one exit) and you'll hear laughing. The far wall will zoom away as well as you proceed. Be sure to note the LOST SOUL here, across the pit. Don't bother trying to jump over there as you can't (not with our current powers anyways). We'll need to come back here after MISSION THREE: AFTER MISSION 3: .- | | Once you have the BOOST ability you can easily cross this gap and | kill .: LOST SOUL 2/9 :. Now if only everything was this easy. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Oh well. Go ahead and drop down and look behind you for .: LOST SOUL 3/9 :.. There's also some RED ORB containers on the ceiling so be sure to destroy them. I'm sure you've also noticed the RED CRYSTAL spot on the ground. We need another weapon to break it. We'll get that weapon after MISSION SIX, so we'll have to come back then. AFTER MISSION 6: .- | | Once you have the ERYX, go ahead and jump up and charge up a STOMP | ability. You'll destroy the ground here and gain an .: ARGENT KEY :.. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Head onwards and drop into the pit. You'll be in the area leading back to the main hall (that door on the left, remember?). On the way there look up and to the left and you'll see a blue ring (Angel Lift point). We can't use it yet, we'll need to wait until we beat this mission. AFTER MISSION 2: .- | | You can now use the Angel Lift point to get up here. Head up to find | a bunch of Devil Spiders and another .: LOST SOUL 4/9 :.. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Head back there but once you do you'll be jumped by a Death Knight and

three Stygian enemies. Take them out and afterward you'll see a scene showing Dante and Vergil as children fighting. They'll run into a door on the second floor. That's our next destination. Head up there and the game will tell you to use ARBITER to break through doors with red glowing cracks. Before we do that though, head through the door on the left. You can find Devil Spiders in here along with some red orb containers. Head back out to the red door and go past it now. You'll see a glowing object through a doorway ahead. Go grab it to obtain a .: COPPER KEY :.. There's a red orb container above the key as well. Head back and use the ARBITER to break through the door. Step through the door and look above it to see a .: LOST SOUL 5/9 :.. Destroy it and follow the corridors and you'll see another blue webbing door. Once again we must wait until after this mission to get through it. AFTER MISSION 2: .- | | Use Osiris to get past the door. Kill the .: LOST SOUL 6/9 :. | and the Devil Spiders as well as the red orb container. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Keep following the kids out into the next wide open area. You'll have to fight a bunch of Death Knights here (three), so make generous use of Arbiter. Once you take them all out, you'll see another scene with the kids heading under the nearby bed. Dante will look under it and find a small shield. Holding it makes him remember... WHOA, what happened to us. Well, this area really looks cool. Head forward and double jump the gaps you find until you reach a gap way too far to jump. Here Rebellion will turn into something else entirely. Always convenient, huh? NEW ABILITY UNLOCKED! --------------------OPHION DEMON PULL Throw out the Ophion Whip to grapple enemies or objects and pull them toward Dante. GROUND AND AIR: DEMON PULL: R2 + Square Well, let's try it out. Pull the red point towards you and you'll make a path. Continue on and pull the next point as well. Use that point and a door to jump to a bigger area and pull the next demon grapple point you see. Keep going like this until you get to a large area. Time to fight! The game will teach you to pull enemies towards you here (R2 + Square, of course), so use it to take out the Bathos and Stygian enemies. It really helps with the Bathos, huh!?

After the fight continue down the path and at the end use Arbiter to destroy the rock you find. This will let loose a chain and end this segment. After a short scene you'll be in control again. Jump down the pit to continue and break the three red orb containers you find. You'll note the big Red Floor Crystal as well. We can get to that after MISSION SIX. AFTER MISSION 6: .- | | Use ERYX to smash the floor open. What shall we find!? Well, just | one single lone .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :.. Damn. Oh well, one more. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Let's enter the door here using our COPPER KEY. COPPER - SIMPLE ERADICATION --------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 1:00 A very easy combat challenge. We have one minute to kill SIX enemies. This should be like taking candy from a baby. They are six Lesser Stygian foes so you can just do your thing here and expect to win. Once you complete it, you will be given a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. for your trouble and be taken back to the door in the "real world". END COPPER - SIMPLE ERADICATION ------------------------------Continue on and head through the doorway. When the glass breaks stop and look behind you for another .: LOST SOUL 7/9 :.. Destroy it and continue on. In this hallway use Demon Pulls to get to the end where you have to break a door with the Arbiter. You'll see another figment now (a woman, this time) and you'll be in the first hallway. Go left really quick to kill some Devil Spiders, then head back out to the big room. Here the place will be torn apart and you'll meet a new enemy: Shielded Banthos! This things are just like normal Banthos but are shielded. You can rip the shields off with a few Devil Pulls though. Take out the first one then let them help you kill off the Stygians that show up. Once they are all dead continue on and through the Arbiter Door. You'll run into a Divinity Statue you can use if you wish (I bought my first HEALTH CROSS here), then head onward. You'll see another BLUE VINE door. We can come back to this door in a little bit, just be patient.

Once you get into the big room a ways you'll see a short scene. Another portrait here with Eva. Makes sense. The demons won't leave us alone though, so it's time to fight. You should get a note here about an advanced tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------BLOCK BREAKER! Ophion Demon Pull is useful for opening vulnerabilities on enemies who can block. A good tip. Note the light that comes out of enemies when they are vulnerable! Kill off the Lesser Stygians and the Death Knight and soon the circle under your mother's portrait will light up. Head over there to get a new goodie: NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------OSIRIS An angelic scythe, particularly useful for dealing with large crowds of enemies. GROUND: KARMA: Triangle x4 PROP: Circle AIR: HANGER: Triangle x3 RAKE: Circle FEED: Passive: Osiris becomes powered with Devil Energy when striking enemies, granting bonus damage when fully charged. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Thing drives me crazy' Bronze trophy here. Time to try it out! Osiris is a grand weapon with crowds. Be sure to check out it's PROP and RAKE abilities as well, as we will use those quite a bit in aerial combat. REMEMBER THAT YOU HAVE TO HOLD L2 TO USE OSIRIS! Take out the enemies and head back the way we came in. We can get through the BLUE WEBBING on the left now. Use OSIRIS to hack through it and kill the Devil Spiders you see. There's a .: LOST SOUL 8/9 :. above the entryway here too, as well as some red orb containers.

Head back now and use the Divinity Statue if you wish (Demon and Angel EVADES are now available) and head back to the hub area. (-NOTE-) If you haven't already, buy the FLUSH ability for ARBITER. The scenery will change again as you are shown another door you need to head to. Follow the path and use Demon Pull when you have to and cut through some Blue Webbing. Head down the path and note the gap to the right. We can't get over there in our current condition (and we definitely need to), but if you have the FLUSH ability for the ARBITER we can at least kill the .: LOST SOUL 9/9 :. over there. If not, don't worry. We need to replay this level anyways, there's more over there than the Lost Soul. We can come back to this after MISSION 3. AFTER MISSION 3: .- | | Use BOOST to cross the gap. Kill the LOST SOUL if you haven't yet | already. Now, to the left is a COPPER DOOR. See below for the mission | it contains. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' COPPER - STYLISH VICTORY -----------------------OBJECTIVE: Gain an S rank within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 2:00 Not much to say about this challenge. You'll be in a room of constantly spawning Razor Demons. The game will do its best to make sure you have 3 of them attacking you at all times. Be sure to mix up your attacks. Variety and NOT getting hit are the keys here! Mix up your attacks and weapons and be sure to throw in some special hits here and there. Do all of this without getting hit and you'll be ok. Once you are done, you'll be given a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. for your troubles. END COPPER - STYLISH VICTORY ---------------------------Continue on killing any Devil Spiders and head into a library. Destroy the three red orb containers in here. Head to the glowing blue spot on the ground and Dante will pick up a blue rose... time for a trip again! Looks like we're back in that weird world (because Limbo isn't weird enough). Head forward and at the end of this first piece of rubble we'll get another new ability:

NEW ABILITY UNLOCKED! --------------------OPHION ANGEL LIFT Throw out the Ophion Whip to grapple enemies or objects, and lift Dante towards them. GROUND AND AIR: ANGEL LIFT: L2 + Square So, pretty much the opposite of Demon Pull. Got it. Continue down the path and Angel Lift when you need to. You'll eventually be shown that enemies can be used to Angel Lift to when needed. Use the first enemy then kill it and continue. You'll use another enemy soon but you'll also have to fight a number of Stygian and Bathos enemies. Kill them all (the game explains you can Angel Lift to them, but I'm betting you knew that). Before the next part the game will tell you to Angel Lift twice THEN Devil Pull. Do so and continue on so you can break the rock with Arbiter at the end. Doing so releases another chain and takes you back to the "real world". Back here you'll get another advanced tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------PROP PARRY! Osiris Prop Attack is especially useful for parrying ranged projectiles back at the enemy. Hold L2 + Circle Ah, that they long smart. Go ahead and try it out on the first Shielded Bathos. Follow up with a fight against more Stygian and Shielded Bathos enemies. Once fall the door past where the rose was open up. You'll see some rather scenes here as Dante remembers...

Well, that was revealing. Continue on and use the three Angel points to carry on. Kill the Devil Spiders you find. We'll go down a descent now back to the hub area. It will change yet again. Use Demon and Angel pulls to continue on: the path is very linear. Just keep going and when you get back to the hallways and the glass breaks it is time to RUN. Carry on sticking to the left and jumping the gaps (there's nothing down the side areas) until you reach the end. You'll see several more scenes here as the chapter comes to a close. ___ | \ | | | E V I L __ __ ___ | \/ | / __| | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y

__________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 3: Bloodline >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-03]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: THREE (-NOTE-) This is by far the best Mission to get the 'Where does the time go?' Bronze Trophy on. Just replay it after you have the boost ability and go straight to the exit! You'll see quite a few scenes here as Dante and Vergil talk. Vergil will quickly point out who the enemy is but soon you'll be "spotted". Grrr, I guess further talking will have to wait as it's time to fight. We're up against some Shielded Bathos and Death Knights here. The game will take a moment to talk to you about STYLE POINTS, but I won't repeat that info here since we covered it up above pretty well. Once you defeat the enemies here a new foe will come out of the walls: the RAVAGER. The Ravager has a chainsaw for an arm. Yeah. He can do long runs with it pointed at you and a couple varieties of close slashes, but isn't too hard. Just take him out like normal (easier than a shielded enemy). Afterwards Kat will call for you. Before going collect all of the red orb containers in the area as there is a lot of them. There's also a GREEN growth on the wall here above a door that holds health for you. It should give you a new item prompt: GREEN ORB Immediately restores some of Dante's health. Nice. I'll point these out when I can. There's two of them here if you need them. Also note the BLUE VINE door in this area. It's WAY out of reach: we'll have to come back here once we beat MISSION 10. AFTER MISSION 10: .- | | Use AQUILA to open the door, then lift up. You'll be rewarded with | some red orb containers and .: LOST SOUL 1/3 :.. Very nice! | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Head into the archway and kill the Devil Spiders, then take a right. Kill more and grab the .: SMALL VITAL STAR :. over here. Go back and to the left now. There is a Divinity Statue over here and near that is a wall the Arbiter can smash. Destroy it and go inside for some red orb containers and a .: COPPER KEY :..

Ok, NOW time to follow Kat. Once you do the city will make the path impassable forcing you to turn back. Be sure to turn away from the gap and look to the upper left for a .: LOST SOUL 2/3 :.. Head back to the beginning area now. You'll have to do another fight here. TONS of Lesser Stygians and a Ravager. Quite fun! Take them out and the city will tell you to come closer while opening up an Angel Lift. Go use it and STOP. Look out the hole and to the left you'll see a platform. There is an ARGENT DOOR over there, but you likely do not have a key for it. Just keep it in mind. Head down the corridor. A Ravager will come out, so kill him and then kill the Devil Spiders at the end. This next part wants us to Angel Lift three times, but we're only going to do it twice for a Lost Soul. Angel Lift once, then again but on the second one Double Jump to the right and use an Air Evade to make sure you land on the ledge over here. Then kill .: LOST SOUL 3/3 :.. Good. We can continue on from here, using Angel Lift and Demon pull until Dante sees another blue rose. It's on top of the center platform, but you have to time your jump to the swirling blocks right to get to it. Once you do, you'll be transported to the other world again, as well as given a new goodie: NEW ABILITY UNLOCKED! --------------------ANGEL BOOST Dante propels himself forwards, while airborne. AIR: BOOST: L2 + X (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Only kind of gift worth giving' Bronze trophy here. A VERY handy ability! The game tells you to use it here and you'll need to to continue. Keep going as the game tells you to hold down L2 to extend boosts and then to combine Angel Lifts and boosts. You'll have to get by a tricky gap here but just remember you can double jump after each lift. You'll use it with a Demon Pull as well but soon you can get to the end and break the rock to get back to the "real world". You'll be back in the hub now and will face a new enemy: the PATHOS. They are just like the Bathos except they have bows and arrows. No biggie. Before they shoot you can tell as a line shows that they are about to hit you. Take them out with the two Ravagers. Now that we have ANGEL BOOST, we can easily get to the ARGENT DOOR. Again, you likely don't have a key by now so come back when you feel like it! The

door will be waiting for you. ARGENT - WHAT GOES AROUND ------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from other enemy's attacks. TIME LIMIT: 1:10 This is a fun one! You have to defeat two Lesser Stygians and two Bathos foes. But they only die if hurt by their own attacks. The key Stand by grenades them and here is of course the Bathos. They throw those grenades after all. the Stygians until they are dead via grenades. Next, wait for more and DEMON PULL the Bathos into the explosion. Do that for both of you'll be done!

Once you are done, you'll be given a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. for your troubles. END ARGENT - WHAT GOES AROUND ----------------------------Once they are dead go back to the huge gap we encountered earlier and you should easily be able to cross it. After that you'll be shown some more scenes at The Order HQ. We've got our targets. Raptor News Network and Virility. Time to go hunting. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 4: Under Watch >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-04]___.- KEYS: TWO SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: EIGHT Walk forward and take out the two lamp posts on the sides of the street. You'll be stopped in the open area by a short scene as a camera has seen you and recognized you. Great. We'll have to kill some enemies here as Kat hides away. You'll meet a new enemy here: the Stygian. Well, I guess they are no longer "lesser". They'll get a Ravager reinforcement as well. Still, nothing to worry about. Take them all out and be sure to return to where you started from. From the street split, check out the covered walkway to the right to find a .: LOST SOUL 1/8 :. on the southern end. There's a pocket of red souls on the northern end. To continue we need to head straight as that's where the

camera is (short scene there as well), so naturally that means head down the OTHER street. At the end of this street you can find a group of Devil Spiders to kill. Get the easy souls and find the Demon Latch on the building on this street. Pull the ledge out and lift yourself up to it. Jump to the next platform and pull the far ledge out as well. Now before jumping look to your left and you will see another .: LOST SOUL 2/8 :. above you and to the left. Take it out and get back up here. Continue on and lift yourself to the far building, then double jump to get closer to the camera. Demon pull it out to clear the way forward. Head on and you'll see a scene showing the city street just... disappearing! Ok... Kat will tell us to follow her. Not like we have much choice. Destroy the motorcycle and INSTEAD of following her take the left path up the stairs to a .: SMALL VITAL STAR :.. After grabbing it, turn around and look up. You'll see another .: LOST SOUL 3/8 :. on the building's wall. Get it and then follow Kat. Head down the stairs and to the right. Here a clown wall will close in from the distance. We can't get through this wall until after we beat MISSION SIX. We'll come back after that. AFTER MISSION 6: .- | | Use ERYX to smash the clown wall. He had it coming. You can find | several red orb containers here and an .: ARGENT KEY :.. Nice. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Go back and head straight now. Break the motorcycle and lamppost and head onward. The city will speak and afterward will throw a Demonic Shards enemy at you. Whip out Ebony & Ivory and shoot it to death. From here you can see a key up in the distance but we can't get it yet, so head down the path on your left. Down here you'll have to use a double jump + Angelic boost to get over the long gap. Easy stuff. On the other side you'll be immediately greeted by a new enemy: the SHIELDED PATHOS. Bah, I knew that was coming. You'll have to kill around three of those here along with some Stygian and Ravager enemies. Just watch out for their arrows. I like to focus on them first with some Demon Pulls. Once they are dead destroy all the motorcycles and items in the area. You can find some Demon Spiders by the fountain as well. Now we have a couple of Lost Souls to set free. Stand up on the fountain (up on the very top) and look to the right. On the building over there you should see .: LOST SOUL 4/8 :.. You can either double jump/angelic boost over there to kill it or you can use the Arbiter's Aerial Flush to kill it from range. Easy. After that look to the south and you'll see an Angel Lift point. Use the lift point and once you do look to the right. You'll see yet another .: LOST SOUL 5/8 :. on the nearby wall. Easy to take out. Be sure to head back

up here and continue through the doorway up here. You'll find SEVERAL (a total of six) red soul containers up here but more importantly this path leads to that key we saw earlier: the .: GOLD KEY :.. After grabbing it, head onward to meet back up with Kat and see a scene. Quick, the walls are about to crush us! Jump over the gap with a double jump and Angelic Boost. As you continue on stay in the middle of the street as a small ledge will appear. Use it to double jump / Angelic Boost to safety. As you land you will be greeted by another new demon: the FROST KNIGHT. The most important thing to note about this guy is that ONLY OSIRIS CAN HURT HIM. This is why he's all blue, after all. He also does a ranged ice move that can trap you, so be sure to avoid it. After killing one another one will be joined by Stygian and Shielded Pathos enemies, with a Ravager later. Take them all out to give yourself some peace and quite. If you need it there is a health container on the walls here. Gather up all the red orb containers on the streets as well. There's also a Divinity Statue here is you want to use it for anything. After that head down the right pathway and use the Angel Lift to get up. Once you do look down the street (away from where you came in at) and on the right wall is a .: LOST SOUL 6/8 :.. Go kill it. Get back up once you're done Move over to the Blue Vines entry way and go in. There's some red orb containers here and a COPPER DOOR. If you have a key, use it and get ready for a challenge! COPPER - SIMPLE TRAVERSAL ------------------------OBJECTIVE: Reach the goal within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 1:00 OK, we have a time race here. Note that you have to press select to begin, so we can check out this area before we run it. I'll take you thought this on a dry run before we do it. Head forward and straight, under the arch and double jump to the higher ledge. Keep going and you'll see angel lift points. There are three in a row here, so use them all to get to another platform. Run forward and use another lift point to get further. Take a right and double jump over all the gaps until you come to some more angelic lifts. There are FOUR in a row here and they lead to the FINISH LINE. Ok, pretty easy easy. When you feel comfortable with it, hit select and run it. You should be able to do it with plenty of time left. Once you complete it, you will be given a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. for your trouble and be taken back to the door in the "real world". END COPPER - SIMPLE TRAVERSAL -----------------------------

After that head out of this room and boost to the next platform. There is a camera here for us to destroy so do so. From here we can also double jump and boost / use a angel lift point to reach an ARGENT DOOR, but on your first run through here you won't have the key for it... (-NOTE-) Do this one when you come back for the key we missed earlier. AKA After MISSION SIX.

ARGENT - FLAWLESS CONQUEST -------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies without taking any damage. TIME LIMIT: N/A This one is fun. A bit challenging, but fun. We have to beat all of the enemies without taking ANY damage. Yeeha! We're facing TWO Frost Knights, ONE Ravager, and TWO Shielded Bathos. First, focus on the Frost Knights. Let them and the Bathos grenades hurt everything else. Focus on dodging the ice slashes, grenades, and Ravager Chainsaw rampages while hurting the Frost Knights. Once the Frost Knights fall take out the Bathos. Demon Pull them twice and Hacker them to kill them fast. That leaves you with one Ravager. Easy stuff. Once he is dead claim the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. for your troubles. END ARGENT - FLAWLESS CONQUEST -----------------------------Ok, let's head down the left path now. Earlier we couldn't do anything but now Kat is over here. Follow her and you'll see a short scene. She'll make a Demon Pull point for you on the stairs. Go ahead and use it. Keep using the pull points until you are on the far building. Once you are, TURN AROUND and find the .: LOST SOUL 7/8 :. behind you. Take him out. Get back up here once you are done and use Arbiter to break open the door. Inside you'll find another .: LOST SOUL 8/8 :., along with several Demon Spiders and three red orb containers. Good haul. Go back outside and head to the camera now. Destroy it. You'll spawn a wave of enemies after you do. Take out the two Shielded Pathos from where you are and drop down to fight some Stygian enemies and a Ravager. Fun. Once they are all dead the pathway will open up and we can continue. Make sure you've broken all the red orb items here and continue. Once you do you'll see some cars ahead while the city says "CRUSH HIM". Yikes! Start to dash forwards but keep your eyes open for an angel lift point you can use. After the lift stay roughly in the middle of the screen and keep dashing until you have to go right. The city will say "FALL" here but you can use another angel lift point to continue. Head into the archway on the right.

Here, boost yourself to the opposite far corner and head up the stairs there. Head forward and you'll drop down. Boost forward and shoot up the Demonic Shard enemy you find before it crashes into you. Take the right corner and keep running and Dante will automatically make his way into the church below. Here you'll have to face some enemies. This includes two FROST KNIGHTS (remember OSIRIS only) followed by Shielded Pathos and Ravagers. Once you defeat them a new enemy called the TYRANT will show up. This fat guy can charge at you, do a jumping shockwave attack and can quickly turn around and nail you with his fists. There's also two health orb containers in this area if you need them. Keep on attacking the Tyrant after his charges and moves and he'll fall in no time. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Flock off, feather-face!' Bronze trophy here. After that Kat will tell you she's found a way out via the church window in the distance. Time to get there. You're about to do a lot of double jumping and air dashing, so get ready! Run forward and double jump forward. Next dash to the ground to the right, followed by the ground to the left. Now head to the right platform. DO NOT stick to the right wall here but double jump / dash towards the middle of the next platform (note that it's missing some area on its right side). One more jump to the left followed by four consecutive angel lifts and you're home free! You'll see a cool news report afterwards and will be taken to the Mission Complete screen after that. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 5: Virility >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-05]___.- KEYS: TWO SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: SIX Watch the scenes as Kat and Dante visit the Virility Facility. Hey, that rhymed huh? Anywaaaay... the Secret Ingredient is thought to be a Succubus but we'll have to go through Limbo to reach it. Once you have control follow Kat. Just stick with her since we can't do anything else. There's a few alternate paths but just stick with her and watch all the short scenes until you are in Limbo again. Here we have a left path and a right path. It's better to go left here for now (you'll see why). Use Demon pull to continue and tear away a big black mass, then Angel Lift. Once you do two Angel Lifts, STOP and look up and to the left. Another Angel Lift! Take it and follow the path with a boost and

Angel Lift to a .: LOST SOUL 1/6 :.. From here you can boost over to the wide area ahead. (-NOTE-) If you didn't take this path you would have got to the same area, but you would have used three demon pulls to do it. You'll kill some Stygian and Shielded Pathos enemies here. Take them then kill the Devil Spiders. We have another choice here: go straight the path to the right. We're going to go right as it has some goodies straight path doesn't have. We'll end up in the same place though, so worry: it really isn't much of a "choice". out and or take the don't

Pull the black gunk away and move to the next platform. This path actually leads back to the beginning, if you head towards the right (which is why we picked left earlier). Angel Lift to the left though and you'll hit a bigger area. There's Devil Spiders here and some red orb containers. From here pull the nearby box and continue. You'll see an Angel Lift followed by a Devil Pull coming up: be careful and be sure to BOOST to the container after you do the Devil Pull. You'll be on another big piece of land now. Here you'll meet a new enemy: the HELL KNIGHT. This guy is the opposite of the Frost Knight, ONLY ARBITER CAN KILL HIM. He's got close range slashes and can plunge his sword into the ground and make an area turn to lava, so be sure to get out when he does this. Take him down with Arbiter. You'll have to fight another one with Stygian and Shielded Pathos enemies. Near the end you'll even take on a Tyrant. Take them all out with style! Once you're done heal up with the health containers and take a moment and look out over the abyss. You should see an Angel Lift in the distance. Boost over there and use it with another one to land near .: LOST SOUL 2/6 :.. Take it out and return back to where you came from. We're not done yet though. On the right wall should be some boxes you can jump on top of with a double jump. Follow this semi-hidden path around and down to the area behind the fence for a .: COPPER KEY :. and a red orb container. Sweet! OK, now let's continue. We'll use that key soon. Head into the hallway and you'll see a Divinity Statue. Use it if you wish and climb the boxes nearby. Boost over to the boxes further away and climb those and you'll see a platform to your left. Boost over there for some red orb containers and a COPPER DOOR. Let's put that key to use! COPPER - DEMONIC CONFLICT -------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from Demon Weapons. TIME LIMIT: 1:20 A fairly easy challenge. Note that enemies only take damage from demon weapons, aka the ARBITER (it's all we have right now), so make good use of it. The flying enemies here are Shielded Bathos, so watch out for their

grenades. The other foes are Death Knights, but since we're using the Arbiter this should be a cinch. Keep spamming Judgement and Trinity Smash and you'll have this beat in no time. Once you win collect your .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :.. If you're doing a brand new game and following the guide this is your FOURTH one so you should get a HEALTH CROSS out of this as well. Wheee! Back to the real world. END COPPER - DEMONIC CONFLICT ----------------------------Continue on and a Demonic Shards enemy will pop out. Shoot it to death and continue up the stacks of soft drinks. You'll soon be shown where you need to go in a small scene. Kill the cherubs that attack you and Demon Pull your way to continue. As soon as you do check out the RIGHT path for .: LOST SOUL 3/6 :. and destroy it. We have some choices on what to do in here, and there's some obvious stuff that we can't do right now, but for now let's take the left path. Follow it to a long piece of rubble and kill the Pathos you find, then Angel Lift to continue. After that STOP and turn around. Boost over to the higher platform to the right. Once you do that STOP and turn around again. Look to your upper left and you'll see an Angel Lift. Double jump and grab it. There's a RED CRYSTAL door nearby but don't jump over there since we can't do anything with it yet. We'll have to come back after MISSION SIX. AFTER MISSION 6: .- | | Use ERYX to smash the door down. Inside you'll be disappointed as | all there is there is Demon Spiders and a bunch of Red Orb containers. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Instead boost over to the platform in the other direction and follow the path using an Angel Lift (and BOOST after the Angel Lift) to find an .: ARGENT KEY :..That's all the keys in this level. Head back to the Red Crystal Door and drop down to the path underneath it. Continue on (to the left) and Demon Pull the spot you see (the path here leading off to the right connects back to where we came from so no need to go that way). Head up two flights of floors and go forward to the wide area. You'll see a Hell Knight pop up but so will an Advanced Tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------CAN'T TOUCH THIS! Demon Mode renders Dante immune to the Hell Knight's Ground Inferno. Interesting, but we don't even have Demon Mode yet! Silly game! A Hell

Knight and a Frost Knight will team up here so use your special weapons to take them out and kill the Demon Spiders afterward. From the area they showed up in, head to the right and at the end is a .: LOST SOUL 4/6 :.. Kill it and head back to the Hell/Frost Knight area. Go LEFT this time and climb the boxes you see to get up to another level. Follow this platform to the middle area and look for another .: LOST SOUL 5/6 :. and kill him as well. (-NOTE-) There's a set of Angel Lifts / Demon Pulls by the fourth Lost Soul but that path just leads back to the Red Crystal door. Don't bother with it for now. Up on the top level you can also spy a BLUE VINE DOOR in the distance, out over the abyss. We can't get to it now, but we can after MISSION TEN. We will have to come back then... AFTER MISSION 10: .- | | Use Aquila to open the Blue Vine door. Boost over there and use the | launch points to get up to a higher platform. From here survey the | area around you and you'll see .: LOST SOUL 6/6 :.. Head over there | and kill him. There's another platform you can lift to that leads to | some spiders but we got the big prize already! | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Whew, with all that exploring done let's head past where the Hell and Frost Knights came from. Follow the corridors until you get to a wide open room where we'll get into a fight! You'll start out with a TON of Stygian foes and a Ravager. Soon a Frost Knight will show up along with an advanced tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------FRIENDLY FIRE! Many enemies affect each other with their attacks. This can often be used to Dante's advantage. You've likely already seen this happen before, like with the Bathos grenades and such. Not much of a tip, but keep it in mind. You'll face another Hell Knight / Frost Knight combo here so take them out. Limbo will tell you to Fuck Off and THREE DEMON SHARDS will appear. Shoot like crazy! You'll likely get hit once if you don't have Ebony & Ivory leveled up. Let's keep going. We'll come to a split in the path but like most splits this isn't much of a choice. Go STRAIGHT for now. Keep your eyes open for red orb containers via barrels and packets on the ceiling. This path leads to a Death Knight fight but it's easy enough. Keep going past the hallway opening up to a FOUR WAY SPLIT. The path to the RIGHT is where we came from though, so there's really only TWO NEW PATHS here. Here head left to the BLUE VINE door. Break it open and grab all the red

orb containers and .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :.. The path nearby is a dead end. Now just go back and take the one path we didn't take with the virility puddles (don't step in them!). Follow this path and kill the Death Knight we come across. Keep your eyes open for a RED DOOR on the left we can break and enter. Gather up the red orb containers and you'll find an ARGENT DOOR. Well, we DO have a key. Let's do this... ARGENT - DISPLACED SKIRMISH --------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from within the active zones. TIME LIMIT: 1:50 GAH! This one is hard! You'll be in a circular arena with FIVE Stygian and TWO Ravagers. You have to kill them all. But here's the kicker: you can only do it in the GREEN CIRCLES! These circles shrink over time and will reappear in other places. This is hard but here's some tips: o Use DEMON PULL to get enemies in the circles. o Use ANGEL LIFT if the enemies are in the circles and you aren't. o You can PUSH enemies into the circles with your attacks. o Let the Ravagers chase you with their chainsaw run into the circles. In the meantime pull the Stygians in. Try to attack groups of enemies in the circles with Osiris. This is a tough challenge but with some practice you can do it. It took me three tries until I got it, but practice makes perfect! Once you win collect your .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :.. Congrats on a hard fought victory! END ARGENT - DISPLACED SKIRMISH ------------------------------Ok, let's keep going past the red door. You'll run into a Ravager on your way but keep going. There's a Divinity Statue on the way as well. Keep going and you'll see some truly disgusting sites. Ugh. We're in the tasting room now I suppose. Before we can follow Kat though, we'll be in for a fight! We'll have to deal with a few waves of enemies here. The big thing to note here is the arena. Pools of Virility will show up in certain places, so stay out of them. Kill off the first wave of Stygians then deal with the second, who have a Hell Knight with them (Note that you can knock enemies up and down into the middle area to instantly kill them). After that wave you'll be up against two Tyrant enemies. Dodge there attacks and don't get too greedy! You do NOT want to be ganged up on here, so try to separate them if you can. Divide and conquer. Yada yada. Once they are dead grab the health orbs and

red orb containers then follow Kat. That's actually the end of the Mission. How did you do? ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 6: Secret Ingredient >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-06]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: TWO Watch the scenes and Dante will fall down. Once you have control IMMEDIATELY turn around and you'll see a .: COPPER KEY :.. Jump down and collect it. Off to a good start. We are being timed down here. TWO MINUTES isn't a long time. There is a trophy for killing all the enemies though. Kill or ignore the Devil Spiders you see and boost to the foe. Kill or ignore him and keep going using the platform on the right to two more foes. Take them out and continue. We'll have to kill two PATHOS and STYGIAN enemies next. Once they are dead use Demon Pull and Angel Lift / Boost to continue. When you get to solid ground again TURN AROUND and find the .: LOST SOUL 1/2 :. to the upper right. Continue on and cross the gap, killing the Stygian. Keep on going killing the Stygians and following any Angel Lifts, boosting when you can until you are at the end. Here you need to DEVIL PULL a grate on the left (it can be hard to see). This entire area can be tough to do while killing all the enemies, but you should definitely aim to do it. If you fail you'll just end up restarting, but on your second run you won't have to worry about the Key or Lost Soul, so you will just be even faster! (-NOTE-) You should get the 'A man with guts and honor' Bronze trophy here. Continue on and you'll see a short scene as Dante drops down. Once you have control look to your LEFT for .: LOST SOUL 2/2 :. and destroy it. Continue on for a Divinity Statue as well. Before continuing straight down the path be sure to check out the left wall as there is another platform over there you can air dash to. Here nab the red orb container and go check out the COPPER DOOR. Time for a challenge! COPPER - RAPID DESCENT ---------------------OBJECTIVE: Reach all of the goals within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 1:20

This is an interesting challenge. We're heading DOWN collecting goals as fast as we can. We have 20 to collect before all is said and done. We can of course do a dry run before we go, so take some time to find out where all the goals are. QUICKLY start and collect the goals as you go down. The first five are extremely easy: grab 1 and look to the right for 2, then follow them down. You should have 5 by the time you hit the big area down below. From here we can do a number of things. What *I* recommend doing is jumping straight off to the left, past the closest goal to the one after that. Next, TURN AROUND and ANGEL LIFT your way up for number 7, and then again to the left for number 8. From here BOOST your way straight ahead for 9 and boost again to the platform for 10. HALFWAY DONE. Now, after 10 head to the left and double jump / boost out towards the abyss while HOLDING L2. Aim for the goal on the far right side, that should be straight in front of you for 11. Turn left quickly for 12 and air boost ahead for 13. From here turn to the right and get the one in the middle (careful jumping!) for 14 and then the one further down to the left for 15! FIVE MORE TO GO. Now get another one in the middle for 16, then to the far right up on a box for 17. Turn around and continue down for the last three, leading down to the concrete. Congrats! I'm able to do this with 20 seconds left, so you should have plenty of time. Once you win you will be awarded with a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :.. Good job on your descent! END COPPER - RAPID DESCENT -------------------------Once you're back to the main area head forwards to enter the boss arena. Dante and the "Secret Ingredient" will trade jabs at each other until Dante goads the disgusting creature into attacking! +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Boss Battle Succubus - Boss Battle | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | - General Information: Ok, I don't know about you but this thing looks | | DISGUSTING. Makes me want to kill it even more! The Succubus uses a | | lot of swiping attacks at you and complements those with breath | | attacks and bile attacks. I've listed its attacks below for you to | | check out and plan for. However, the best thing you can do for | | yourself in this fight is to know the boss area. | | | | You start out in the middle platform once the fight begins, but there | | are also platforms to both your left and your right. You can travel to | | these platforms at any time by using the Lift Points to get between |

| them. In fact, to beat the boss you'll HAVE to travel to the side | | platforms. The boss actually has THREE LIFE BARS that you will need to | | deplete before you can kill it. Once you take off the first life bar | | you'll see a short scene. The boss will then be stunned and you'll | | need to travel to one of the two side platforms (or you may be on one | | of them already) and use DEVIL PULL to pull off one of its hoses. | | After that quickly move off the platform to avoid a counterattack | | which destroys the platform. The fight will resume again and you'll | | have to take off another life bar. Once you do that you'll need to | | travel to the other remaining side platform and pull off another hose | | (and then quickly move off of it, of course). Once that is done you'll | | be working on the last life bar but you'll also be stuck on the | | initial platform. Take him out and pull one last Devil Point. | | | | As far as an attack strategy goes, it's best to get to know its | | attacks below and learn when to evade. Some of the attacks are quick | | close-range area attacks, which makes prolonged attacks by you a | | dangerous proposition, so think about a hit and run strategy and | | backing off after 3-5 good hits. You can attack and damage the | | Succubus by attacking its arms and head. | | | | After the last Devil Pull try to leave the area. As you leave it will | | come back for one last hurrah. Here move to the right platform in the | | distance when you can and use a Devil Pull. Angel Lift and Devil Pull | | it until you get it to a point where it is hanging on for dear life. | | From here simply attack its hands to end the fight. Nice, huh? | | | | | | - Claw Swipe: A fairly basic claw swipe. The boss will use one of its | | hands to swipe at you. This can cover quite a bit of range. Evade | | towards the swipe to dodge it, then keep attacking. You can | | alternately just jump over the swipe as well. | | | | - Palm Slam: Another very basic attack that the boss will use when | | you're too close. He will pick up a hand and slam it down. Be sure | | to roll away! | | | | - Double-Palm Slam: The ugly beast rears back and brings both of its | | fists down. You should have more time to evade this than the regular | | palm slam. | | | | - Yell/Scream: The beast does a yell attack which hits you and knocks | | you back a ways. This is a close to mid-range attack and is designed | | to get you away. | | | | - Bile Attack: The beast sprays corrosive bile all over the platform you | | are on. When it does this you can double jump in the air and attack to | | wait it out (and take minimum damage) or you can move to another | | platform to outright avoid damage. If you do choose to move, the boss | | will follow you. You'll know this attack is coming when the boss looks | | like it is about to hurl. | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ After the fight view the scenes. Hmmm, Mundus doesn't seem too happy. Good. You'll also have unlocked a new weapon:

NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------ERYX Powerful Gauntlets, useful for dealing massive damage to a single target. Each attack can be charged for greater effect. GROUND: BRAWLER: Triangle x3 SLAM: Circle AIR: SHOWDOWN: Triangle STOMP: Circle CHARGE: All Eryx attacks gain damage or effect when charged up by holding the button down. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'This baby sure can pack a punch' Bronze trophy here. (-NOTE-) Now that you have ERYX you can go back and FULLY COMPLETE Missions ONE, TWO and FOUR. Go ahead and do so now, if you wish. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 7: Overturn >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-07]___.- KEYS: THREE SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: EIGHT More info about Kat's backstory. Fun. Sounds like she's had it rough. We'll meet up with Vergil and check out the Raptor News tower. Looks like that main news guy is a demon. Figures. Time to head into Limbo. When you gain control check out the graphics. Everything is upside down and raining? Cool. Continue on and the game will teach you how to equip other weapons. Hit right to equip ENYX, then BASH the door. Note that you can charge EVERY attack with Enyx. Cool. Past that we'll learn how to stomp (X, R2 + Circle). We'll crash through the bridge. Continue on and punch the next crystal, the boost over to the van, Angel Lift and break through the crystal.

Here we'll have to fight two Death Knights. May as well try out your fists like the game tells you to. Try out charge attacks as well. Once you've beat them continue on and break the next crystal. You'll fight two more Death Knights here, a Hell Knight and some Stygian enemies before a Tyrant pops out and gives you an advanced tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------TYRANT LAUNCHER! A fully charged Eryx Uppercut can interrupt a Tyrant and launch him into the air. Hold R2 + Circle, wait until full charge is reached, then release. May as well try it ou.. holy crap that's effective. And cool looking. Let's do more of that! Anyways, kick his ass and break the next crystal to keep going. You'll see the prison here. There's a couple of red orb containers up behind you. Grab them and lift up to the left. Keep using lift and pull to continue (be fast on that pull after the lift) and you'll come to some Demon Spiders and another Red Crystal. Before breaking the crystal, look to your left. Boost over there to find a .: LOST SOUL 1/8 :. to free, then go back and break the crystal. You'll fall down and hear Bob Barbas making a speech. Man this place sucks. Here we have to Angel Lift to the Boost Ring, and press X to boost out of it. Try it out. Useful. Do it again to the left and then Angel Lift to the point beyond. You'll see a BLUE VINE DOOR to the right, but we can't get to it yet. We'll have to come back after MISSION TEN. AFTER MISSION 10: .- | | Use Aquila to open the Blue Vine door. Boost over there and use the | launch points to get into the building. Inside are several red orb | containers and a .: COPPER KEY :.. Very nice. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Head down a bit and look to the left. You should see a small ledge you can jump to. Get on it and Demon Pull the crate you see. Jump over to that and BEFORE bashing the Red Crystal look to the left and double jump/boost over to the ledge here. There is some red orb containers here, a GOLD DOOR, and a .: LOST SOUL 2/8 :.. Kill it and enter the Gold Door for a challenge. GOLD - DIVERGENT SLAUGHTER -------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies. Do not use the same attack twice.

TIME LIMIT: N/A Another interesting challenge. You can't use the same move twice. You have to kill TWO Ravagers and TWO Stygians here. The biggest tip I can give you is to try and KNOCK THEM OFF this platform. You can often kill one off with LAUNCH alone. Try to get another one with UPPERCUT. From there use all of your main attacks, then switch to your forward x2 attacks. That right there should do it, but you also have special attacks and overdrive to call upon, should you need them. Don't forget to also switch between Arbiter and Eryx. Once you win you will be awarded with a .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :.. This happened to be my 8th one so another Health Cross for me. Yea! END GOLD - DIVERGENT SLAUGHTER -----------------------------Head back to the Red Crystal boxcar and punch it. You should make a path forward and find a new item thanks to it! Oooo! NEW ITEM FOUND! --------------LARGE VITAL STAR Restores all of Dante's Health. During gameplay, press start and select 'Items' to use Large Vital Stars. Very nice. Head back and take the other path to the right of the boxcar and you'll have to kill some Shielded Bathos. Take them out and continue. Once Dante spies the tower STOP and look to your upper right. You can double jump/boost to an Angel Lift point and get to a .: LOST SOUL 3/8 :. this way. Head back down once you kill him. Use the boost point further on and check out the weird rat thing. Ugh. There's a Divinity Statue to the right up here. Across of it in the distance is an Angel Lift. Boost over there and follow the path. This room has an .: ARGENT KEY :., red orb containers, and Devil Spiders on the ceiling. Yep, shoot them down. Head back and continue on. You'll come to a big rec-room of sorts where Dante laments the poor bastards here before we get into a fight. This fight is mostly Stygians but there are Frost and Hell Knights thrown in to keep it interesting. A lift point will open up afterward. Continue on and you'll see the rat again. It'll run off but another creature (kinda looks like a rat/porcupine) will come out. This is a RAGE. It has a one-two swipe combo, a regular swipe, a jump attack, and an attack where it can cast needles in the sky to have them home in on you in a few

seconds. Take it out and another one will show up. This one will be ENRAGED (oh, I get it!) at the first one's death and will gain the ability to shrug off most of your attacks and do a spinning charge move. Take him out and gather up the health / red orb containers. Jump through the hole on the left and TURN AROUND once you do for .: LOST SOUL 4/8 :.. Continue on to see some black rats and a red crystal we have to punch. Out here take the RIGHT path first and follow it around to another .: LOST SOUL 5/8 :. and some red orb containers. Go back and head up. The floor will break so you'll have to jump. Up here you'll face a Hell Knight and a couple of Shielded Pathos. Take them out and grab the red orb containers. Go angel lift to continue, follow the path, and angel lift again. After that second one TURN AROUND and boost over to the red orb containers. Gather them up and boost again to another one. Grab it too and boost once more to find a .: LOST SOUL 6/8 :.. Well, he was well hidden, huh? Head back and continue heading up to get to that red crystal. Smash down with Eryx and that will open up the path. You'll see another red crystal but BEFORE smashing it check the room for a .: LOST SOUL 7/8 :.. THEN smash it. There is a COPPER DOOR down here you can check out but you'll also have to kill two Rage enemies. COPPER - ANGELIC WARFARE -----------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage from Angel Weapons. TIME LIMIT: 1:20 This is like the opposite of the Demonic Warfare. At this point in the game this challenge just means "Only use Osiris!". Done. I love Osiris. We are facing 10 Stygian enemies, so this should be a piece of cake. You could probably just spam basic moves in win, but be stylish with Prop, Double Up and Raze. And anything else you can do! :) Once you win the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. will be yours! Congrats! END COPPER - ANGELIC WARFARE ---------------------------You Head turn that MAY not have a Copper Key on you but we can fix that really quickly. to the right wall and go Angel Lift yourself up to continue. STOP and around. Boost over there for a .: COPPER KEY :., just what we need for door. How very timely.

Let's continue on now (door or no door!). You'll run into a Divinity Statue. Turn around and find the .: LOST SOUL 8/8 :. nearby and the red orb containers. Continue on with a lift and head out on the platforms. You'll see a scene here and afterwards you'll see an old man being hassled.

Head over there with an Angel Lift to the right. Follow the cars and use the Boost Point to get over there. You'll meet the new enemies: HARPIES. These things seem to be passive, from what I've experienced. Every once in awhile they tried to dive bomb me. They resist grab attacks so try to shoot them and THEN grab them. Talk to the old man afterwar HOLY CRAP WHERE'S YOUR FACE?! I mean, um.. hey, what's up? Watch the scenes and soon the chapter will end. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 8: Eyeless >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-08]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: FIVE Nothing in the world is free, it seems. We gotta help this guy get his eye back. He'll call down some Harpies on top of him so we can follow them back. Jump down there and the Harpies will flee. Follow them up and check the room for red orb containers. Head up again and then demon pull the point you find. Try to jump on it and they'll pull it back! Bastards! Angel Lift up to the left and break the Red Crystal wall here. Note the BLUE VINE WALL on the right. Don't worry about it for now, we will come back to it in this very same mission. Head forward and break this wall too for a .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :. and some red orb containers. Head back and to the left pull the demon point, then use the lift. You'll shoot forward. Keep going to see a train (a demon train, perhaps!?). Out here head to the LEFT first and find a .: LOST SOUL 1/5 :. on the left wall. Head down the tracks now and Limbo will tell you to come closer again. I DON'T TRUST YOU, LIMBO! You shouldn't either! The Demon Train will be back. What you want to do here is to stick to whatever wall has the GREEN LIGHTS as the Demon Train comes barreling down the tracks. You'll need to do this twice before you are safe. Use the lift point to get to a station. Here you'll have to fight a Hell Knight and some Stygians, followed by a Frost Knight and some Stygians. Fun. The Demon Train will continue to run on the ceiling as you fight, so try and smack the enemies up into it for quick kills, if you can. Nab the health orbs on the wall if you need them. We have TWO path options here. Head to the TUNNEL with the RED LIGHTS first. This leads to a dead end straight ahead but there's an open gate on the right. Follow it and destroy the Blue Vine door. This hallway is FULL of red orb containers and at the end is an .: ARGENT KEY :.. Head back now and take the

other path through the wall. Here you'll need to shoot a Demonic Shard enemy to death and head down. Kill another one and nab the red orbs, then break through the red crystal wall. There is a Divinity Statue here and to the left of it jump up for more red orbs. Continue on and enter the upper RIGHT room for red orbs and another .: LOST SOUL 2/5 :.. From there head back down and enter the LEFT room, then break the Arbiter door you find. There is an ARGENT ROOM here. Let's enter! ARGENT - MODERATE TRAVERSAL --------------------------OBJECTIVE: Reach the goal within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 1:30 Oh, another race course. Time to go on a dry run (don't you love that we can do dry runs?!). Head to the left (Boost!) and use the two Angel Lifts you find. Drop down from there and use the Demon Pull. On this long stretch be sure to boost to cover more ground. Angel lift when you can and BOOST, then Angel Lift again and boost, then again. This next part is tricky. You have to LIFT twice, then PULL. AFTER you pull, do a DOUBLE JUMP in the air and then BOOST while HOLDING L2 to float further. Took me awhile to get that! From here hit the Angel Lift and boost, then do a pull to get on solid ground. Double Jump / Boost to the platform on the right. This part is tricky, but there's a trick to it. Angel lift the JUMP, then PULL, then JUMP, then LIFT, then JUMP, then PULL, then JUMP, then LIFT, then Jump. See what you do here? Just jump every time you need to do something. This makes this part SO much easier. From here just cross the finish line. Once you've done a dry run and are comfortable do the live version! You can do it! You've got this! Once you win the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. will be yours! Congrats! END ARGENT - MODERATE TRAVERSAL ------------------------------Let's continue on. You'll run into three Demonic Shard enemies as you continue. Kill them and be sure to nab the red orb containers on the ceiling. Continue on to the central area. Once you have control again look for the sign that says PLATFORM 1 and Angel Lift up to it. There's a health orb up here and some Demonic Shards. Kill them and nab the red orb containers and the .: LOST SOUL 3/5 :. at the end, then head back. Now look for PLATFORM 2 and Angel Lift up to it. More red orb containers and another Demonic Shard. Kill it and save the .: LOST SOUL 4/5 :.. Head

back. Go ahead and pull out the eye now. You'll then be ambushed by the Harpies (four, at least) who are reinforced by Shielded Bathos. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'He's a demon too' Bronze trophy here. Use your guns to hurt the Harpies and pull them in for combos when you can. This area is small with no ground enemies, so focus on the Bathos as well once you can since they are easy to kill. Take them all out and the path will open. Look for the WAYOUT sign. This leads back up to the hallway we were in before, meaning you can ignore the side exits and visit the Divinity Statue if you want. Head back up the way we came. Destroy a Demonic Shard and in the station area kill two Rage enemies. Keep backtracking and on the tracks you'll face Stygian enemies and Demonic Shards. EASY. Keep going and soon you'll face two Death Knights and a Tyrant. Take out the Death Knights first with your Demon Weapons to focus on the Tyrant. He's much easier one on one. After that the way forward will clear. Before you go on, use the Angel Lift and Boost over to the BLUE VINE door. Attack it in the air. This will need to be repeated several times but you can get the door open like this. Inside is a .: LOST SOUL 5/5 :. and further in a COPPER DOOR. COPPER - A TASTE OF HEAVEN -------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies and Dante die in one hit. TIME LIMIT: 1:20 Not too much to say here. Kill or be killed. You have 11 enemies to defeat and eight of them are Death Knights. This means use Eryx or the Arbiter. The enemies you really have to watch out for are the three Shielded Pathos. Dodge their arrows and any charge attacks and you'll do ok. Once you win the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. will be yours! Congrats! END COPPER - A TASTE OF HEAVEN -----------------------------Keep heading back and soon you'll be back to the old man. Watch the scenes here as the mission comes to a close. ___ | \ __ __ | \/ | ___ / __|

| | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 9: Devil Inside >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-09]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: TWO Watch the scenes here as Phineas pretty much clears the way to the tower, undoing what the train did. Continue down the path and break down the Arbiter door at the end. Continue on inside the building shooting Demon Spiders and getting the red orbs until you see the .: LOST SOUL 1/2 :. to the left, behind the Blue Vine door. Easy to get to. Grab the red orbs too. Continue on and Phineas will meet up with you and tell you a quick story. Sounds like a lot of history. We should definitely go check out this Assiel statue though. To get down there we need to do some double jump / boosts. Be sure to hold down L2 here so you can float to your targets. Keep heading down the same way until you can boost on over to the wing. Here you'll meet a WITCH. This is a new enemy. The first thing to notice is the force field, which will stop your bullets. To attack she prefers to send homing swords at you but if you get up close she can use earth magic to make the ground jut up at your feet and knock you back. Get in and get off a quick combo and get out, then get in again after the counter-attack. She can also do the earth attack at range, as well. You can also knock her off the edges here if you wish. There's some Devil Spiders in the area as well. Watch the scene afterward and you'll see a symbol up above you. Angel Lift up twice, then do a Pull. Double Jump and dash after the pull and keep up with the Lifting until you are on firm ground. Keep following the path and use the Angel Boost once you can to continue. You'll see a scene and will be transported to the odd world once again. Continue forward (it's really easy this time) and destroy this last block. Watch the scenes that follow. Very nice. NEW ABILITY UNLOCKED! --------------------DEVIL TRIGGER A manifestation of Dante's true power, Devil Trigger unleashed sends the world into chaos, throwing surrounding enemies helplessly into the air. GROUND AND AIR: Enable/Disable DEVIL TRIGGER: L3 + R3 (-NOTE-) You should get the 'You are not a Human, are you?' Bronze trophy here. (-NOTE-) The shop will start selling DEVIL TRIGGER CROSSES, which of course increase your Devil Trigger bar.

Afterward you'll get a tutorial about Devil Trigger, which I won't go into since we talked about it earlier. Use it here and use Angel Left to get up in the air with the enemies and take them out. Afterward we need to meet back up with Phineas. Use the lift in the distance and kill the Spiders you find. Head further on and you'll be in a open area. This room will throw two Rage enemies at you, followed by a couple of Witches and Stygian enemies. Before killing the Rages though, check the note below: SPECIAL!: .- | | Getting this key is a PAIN. It's up on the catwalk above us, but | that is WAY too high to reach. We can get to it though, if we are | smart. First we NEED the LEAP ability. If you haven't bought it yet | you'll need to and come back. Next we'll need to use a fully charged | ERYX UPPERCUT. Go stand on the platform under the catwalk and use it | on on of the Rages. Then, once you are in the air, Angel Lift onto | the rage, leap off of it, and boost onto the catwalk! Once you've | done that, the .: GOLDEN KEY :. is yours! | | NOTE: You can also (likely; I haven't personally done it) use the | skill ENEMY STEP with an Eryx Uppercut and do this as well. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Once the enemies are dead continue on and use the lift point. You'll come to a Divinity Statue as well. Keep going and lift onwards. Kill the Demon Spiders and keep lifting to a new wing platform. One more time to the far building. Once you land, STOP and look to the right. There is another catwalk to the right. Jump over to it and get the red orb container then round the corner for the .: LOST SOUL 2/2 :.. Head back to the main path now. Enter the big room and some Harpies will come out, along with a tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------FALLEN HARPY! Harpies' Wings can be destroyed using Dante's firearms. Be sure to act quickly, as the wings grow back in time. Good tip. Destroy the wings, draw them in. That's what I've been doing! Let's put it to practice. This room should be noted for it's ODD layout though. Basically the middle is a deathtrap. The four corners are the only safe points, but they are all divided. You will face two Harpies and some Death Knights here. Try to focus on the Harpies but feel free to take out the Death Knights if they are a nuisance. You can knock them down the holes of course. This wave of enemies is followed up by Witches. Not very fun, given their ranged attacks.

Once everyone is dead (Gah, I fell a few times!) the way forward will be open. There are red orbs and health orbs on the walls here. There is also a GOLD DOOR in this area, so use it if you got that key earlier. GOLD - SUBSISTENCE -----------------OBJECTIVE: Survive until the timer expires. Each enemy killed restores some of Dante's health. TIME LIMIT: 3:00 Ooo, this one is fun. What they don't tell you right away (but what makes it interesting) is that your health is AUTOMATICALLY decreasing as time goes on. The first two minutes of the fight are extremely simple. Stygian foes start things out and after awhile they will be joined by Death Knights. After that you will have Ravagers thrown into the mix. But during the last 45 seconds or so you will be joined by a DREAMRUNNER! This guy shows up later in the game, but is tough. Don't be too scared though. He is the skinny guy with the blades. He'll block most of your attacks unless they are charged, which makes ERYX great for dealing with him. He can also reflect projectiles and warp. When he warps into a hole he will often come out and attack you. Normally I'd say counter him and his warps with Eryx but in THIS challenge you are better off forgetting him and focusing on all of the other enemies. You just need to hold off and do some occasional killing after all; no need to go after him yet. Once you are done you'll be awarded a .: DEVIL CROSS FRAGMENT :.. Congrats! END GOLD - SUBSISTENCE ---------------------Continue on using the lift points and you'll meet up with Phineas once again. He'll end up blowing Dante's mind. Heh... ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 10: Bad News >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-10]___.- KEYS: N/A SECRET DOORS: N/A LOST SOULS: N/A

Watch the scenes as Phineas gives you some clues about what would REALLY piss off Mundus. Good info. He'll open the way for us but we'll have to travel it upside down! Ugh, this perspective is giving me a headache. You only have to do it for a little bit though so keep running. Soon the tower will destroy the bridge and we'll be right-side up. Time to get down there. Boost down to the platform and you'll see the tower is still after us. Go down to the next one (stick to the right) and be ready to Lift up to the left! Use the lifts here and boost over quickly. The tower will turn this into a slide. Keep boosting while the viewpoint is straight as the tower beam chases you. Use three more lift points, stay to the right and slide down, then four lift points in a row. After this you'll crash into the monitor and, well... will be inside the news show! Yeah... quite the view, huh? Head down this path using the Lift points and boosting when you need to. It's quite linear so no need to go in-depth. At the end you'll break through to a circular arena. Time to face ol' Bob. +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Boss Battle Bob Barbas - Boss Battle | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | - General Information: While you can go up and hurt Bob's face, it won't | | do any damage. What we need to do here is use the ERYX SMASH ATTACK on | | one of the orange nodes out in the battlefield. This will send a | | shockwave up Bob's way and make him vulnerable. THEN go attack. You'll | | only get so long to attack, so retreat when you see an orange circle | | form around him. Keep attacking after that though until a HUGE orange | | circle appears. Retreat again and repeat this process until you take | | off 1/3rd of his lift. Once you do that Angel Lift his eye and you'll | | be taken to the piers. Fight the Stygian's here (a great place for SSS | | and orbs) until you get back to the boss fight. | | | | This second phase ratchets up the speed a bit and changes the attacks | | a bit. Generally there's either more obstacles or they get faster. Or | | both. Keep up the same strategy though and pound the ground, attack | | when he's blue, watch out for orange circles. You have to pound TWO | | points to make him vulnerable now. Soon you can Angel Lift the other | | eye and you'll be in the Virility Factory. More cool commentary here | | as you kill Stygians, then back to the fight for another scene. | | | | The third phase turns up his attacks even more and you have to pound | | all THREE points to make him vulnerable. No biggie. Keep at is and | | soon you'll emerge victorious! | | | | | | - Purple Lasers: Three purple lasers fan out and start rotating. This is | | probably his easiest attack to avoid: just jump over them. They aren't | | even really fast... Just be careful of them (randomly) spawning right | | under you. They get faster, wider, and more numerous as the fight goes | | on. | | | | - Green Lasers: Bob spits out two green laser walls and tries to hit you |

| with them. He makes them stay in the same area you are and come | | together. You can easily double jump in-place and remain safe, though. | | These get faster as the fight goes on. | | | | - Double-Palm Slam: The ugly beast rears back and brings both of its | | fists down. You should have more time to evade this than the regular | | palm slam. | | | | - Laser Wall: Bob sends a circular wall of laser boxes outward from his | | center location. It is tall and all-encompasing, meaning it WILL pass | | you, but the wall has SEVERAL GREEN SPOTS that allow you to pass | | through unhurt. When you see this attack, look for the green spots and | | get to them to remain safe. There are more walls as the fight goes on. | | | | - Blue Lasers: Bob spits out a tall wall of blue lasers and rotates it a | | bit. He can do this when you aren't even near him to give you a | | breather. If he does this when you're close, run with the laser | | direction and you'll be ok. This lasts longer and gets wider as the | | fight goes on. | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ After the fight, you will acquire a new angelic weapon! Aquila! NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------AQUILA Lightning fast, dual wielded weapons. Their long range and sweeping attacks make them devastating against large groups of weak enemies. GROUND: KILLER: Triangle x4 ROUND TRIP: Circle AIR: SKIRMISH: Triangle x2 CALIBUR: Circle (-NOTE-) You should get the 'No talking!' Bronze trophy here. (-NOTE-) Now that you have AQUILA, you can go back and COMPLETELY finish Missions THREE, FIVE and SEVEN. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 11: The Order >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-11]___.-

KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: SEVEN Good music here. Watch the scene and a demon will spot you. Back to Limbo. Here the game will tell you to equip Aquila and use it with some tutorial messages. Go ahead and try it out. I like it's ranged features the best: tie up enemies and attack other enemies at the same time. The fun doesn't last too long though as you meet a new enemy called the BUTCHER. This thing can use sawblades to attack. Neat. After the quick scene you'll be in a much wider area (good!). The butcher can fling his blades at you if you're too far away (both horizontally and vertically, kinda like the Hunter's Kunai). When you're up close he has a variety of close swipes. His weak point is the yellow point on his suit, where his stomach would be. A good idea is to stay close to him which baits him into using close attacks, evade, then go in for a few hits. A hit and run strategy. The spot will turn red as you hurt it and he'll explode when he's about to die so be careful! Once he's dead the scenery will change a bit. Use the Angel Lift points until the game gives you another tutorial to throw Aquila at distant Blue Vines. Ah, so THAT'S how you do that... do so and Lift into the building. Punch the next crystal and you can use a Divinity Statue if you wish. Punch the ground now and open the next Blue Vine door but DO NOT go through it. There's another Blue Vine door in the distance. Open it up too and boost over there for a .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :. and some red orb containers (and a spider). THEN drop down. Down here look around for a small room with a .: LOST SOUL 1/7 :. in it, then break the Red Crystal door. Looks like the SWAT are just killing whoever. Huh. Keep going through the floor and gather up the red orbs and then through the next crystal door. You'll see Kat's wards are working. Jump down and take on the Butcher who is reinforced by Stygian enemies. After you take them out it is tip time: ADVANCED TIP! ------------ROUNDTRIP Aquila Roundtrip attack is great for juggling enemies, but is also very effective at destroying a witch's shield. Hold L2 + Circle to charge up the attack, then release. Good to know, what with the witch here. Try it out and it works wonders. You'll face a Tyrant and a Witch here, so be careful of charge attacks from the Tyrant as you take out the witch. Once they are dead check the walls for health orbs. The SWAT team will also blow open the door. Follow them through another door and into an open area. Look to the left for .: LOST SOUL 2/7 :. on a wall and where you came in from for some red orbs.

Here you'll have to fight some Stygians and Shielded Bathos. Take them out and use Aquila to open the Blue Vine door. Lift up and you'll find yourself in some sort of server room. Kill the two Demonic Shards and take out the Stygian and Bathos foes. After that will be a wave of Ravagers and Pathos. Once they are all dead the pathway will open up. This area leads to a split in the path. We can go left or right. The left path is actually a DEAD END, so let's do that one first... Head down the corridor as Limbo shuts off a door (Cannot Hide!). Take a right and break down the Arbiter door on the left. Grab the red orbs in here and kill .: LOST SOUL 3/7 :.. Break down the other door and the crystal door in front of you. Go through the next archway and look to the left wall for .: LOUST SOUL 4/7 :.. Easy. Continue on and explore the area past here for red orbs and a COPPER DOOR. Time for a challenge. COPPER - THE POWER WITHIN ------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies before Dante's Devil Trigger expires. Each enemy killed restores some of Dante's Devil Trigger. TIME LIMIT: N/A This should be a fun challenge. Rather easy. You start off in Devil Trigger. Angel Lift to each enemy and take them out. Standard Aerial Rave attacks are more than enough here. Once you kill all of them you'll be done. Collect the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. and rejoice in victory! END COPPER - THE POWER WITHIN ----------------------------After that, head back to the path split. There? Good, let's get a Lost Soul. Head to the far right and then right again. Past the first archway look behind you to see .: LOST SOUL 5/7 :.. Kill it and head to further in to find this is a dead end. Grab the red orbs here and leave, killing a Ravager on your way out. Head back now and take the right path (your first right). Gather the red orbs but BEFORE going into the green door head to your right and kill off .: LOST SOUL 6/7 :.. Head through the door now. Go down the stairs to a split. The left is a dead end but does have some red orbs. Head right and when the path goes left head STRAIGHT. Around this corner you'll see a key. Follow the path to a red crystal door and smash it for a .: COPPER KEY :. and red orbs. Good. Kill the Ravager that rushes you as well. (Go use the Copper Key on the door from earlier, if you had no Copper Keys!).

Continue down the path and you'll come to a Divinity Statue. Upgrade if you wish and continue. (-NOTE-) I bought my fourth Health Cross here and got the 'This is my kind of rain' Bronze Trophy. You get this for spending 10,000 Red Orbs. Head past the statue and take a LEFT. Up here is a .: SMALL DEVIL TRIGGER STAR :., a new item! SMALL DEVIL TRIGGER STAR Restores a small portion of Dante's Devil Trigger. During gameplay, press Start and select 'Items' to use Devil Trigger stars. Cool. Keep going and you'll run into a hallway. Here you'll have to fight a Butcher and some Stygians. The Butcher will try and stay at range and throw shit at you. Try to stay close to the walls to make him miss while you kill the Stygians, then go take him out. After that go forward and note the LOST SOUL up above (too high up). You'll then meet a new nameless foe (who when I looked it up online is called a Dreamrunner... let's run with that!). The Dreamrunner is AGILE. Very agile. He can do a quick dash attack and can block many of your moves. He can also create portals and launch surprise attacks. He'll block bullets and even Aquila (at times). Before we kill him though, let's address that last Lost Soul SPECIAL!: .- | | Getting this last lost soul is a chore. It's WAY too high to reach. | to do this make sure you have the LEAP ability. Now during the fight | with the Dreamrunner you want to use ERYX and charge up an uppercut. | This is best done when he creates a portal and is about to attack you: | charge an uppercut underneath the lost soul. When he comes out let him | have it and QUICKLY Angel Lift him, jump off his head, boost over to | the lost soul and kill it. That's how you get .: LOST SOUL 7/7 :.. | Tricky? Yes, but you can do it. It will take some practice so be ready. | `-.----------------------------------------------------------------------' Ugh, OK, that last Lost Soul is a pain. Once you have it beat the Dreamrunner by using Aquila (which can land if you're lucky) and power attacks with Eryx. He'll run away afterward. Collect the health orbs if you need them and let's continue. You'll be at the end of the mission soon enough. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 12: Under Siege >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-12]___.-

KEYS: N/A SECRET DOORS: N/A LOST SOULS: N/A No items to worry about in this mission. Good. Follow Kat as she makes the red circles near the main door. Pull them down as soon as you can to stop the SWAT. Go back to the first circle now and pull it when she completes it. Keep following Kat and watching the scenes. A SWAT member will find her at one point but you can pull a rack of equipment down on him. Keep following Kat and she'll lead you to Dante... eventually. Just be a bit patient and soon you'll see Vergil is in Limbo with you and a Butcher. Tip time! ADVANCED TIP! ------------BLADED BUTCHER! Using carefully timed strikes, the Butcher's blades can be parried back at him, leaving him vulnerable. Oh can they now? Let's try it. Take out the Butcher and Stygian foes. We'll have to hold out for awhile in this room, by the way. There IS a Divinity Statue to the left and a bunch of red orb containers. The next wave is a challenge. Three Ravagers and a Butcher. Try to isolate the Ravagers and take them out (be careful of their charges) while avoiding the Butcher's ranged attacks. After that you'll be introduced to a new enemy: RAGE SPAWN. These things are tiny and weak, but can get quick hits in. I recommend Aquila on them. Once they are dead the center floor will disappear and waves of Demonic Shards will show up. Blow them all to bits. Once you've killed them Vergil will throw you a new firearm! Nice! NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------REVENANT A powerful shotgun, useful for clearing crowds of enemies, and dealing high damage at close range. GROUND AND AIR: SHOOT: Square (-NOTE-) You should get the 'More than just a few sparks' Bronze trophy here.

Very nice! Use it on the upcoming Demonic Shard enemies and you'll see what power is all about. After that you'll have another wave of Rage Spawn (good shotgun fodder) followed by a ton of Stygian and Harpy foes. The Revenant can take off the Harpy wings in a single shot, so use it to drop them and follow up with Angel Weapon attacks. I like to use Angel Weapons followed by Drive and Death Coil. They do wonders. After that wave watch the scenes. Wow.... ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 13: Devil's Dalliance >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-13]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: SEVEN Watch the scenes here as Vergil and Dante argue a bit. Eventually Dante will win. Sounds like Kat held up quite well. Kinda surprised that she's still, well, alive. Vergil will find Lilith's nightclub and Dante will enter. It won't take long for his name to be yelled (go figure) and he'll be dragged into Limbo. Play time. Take out the Death Knights and Stygian foes. Kinda hard to see in here. After them will be more Stygians and a Hell Knight. Focus on him first and have fun afterward. That is followed up by a Witch and even more cannon fodder. After you defeat that wave there'll be some scenes with Dante and Lilith conversing. She'll turn the place into a pit and throw a Tyrant and some Harpies at you. Take out the Harpies first (Shotgun!) and then the Tyrant. After that are some more Stygians. After you've killed them all there's another scene and the place will open up quite a bit! First let's turn around and jump up to the level above us. There's a .: LOST SOUL 1/7 :. up here on the wall above the door, as well as GREEN Demon spiders! Hah. From up here face the dance floor. Go to the far right. There's an Angel Lift in the distance you can use. Do so and kill the spiders where you land. Use the next lift to the right and collect the red orbs and the .: GOLDEN KEY :.. Head back to the upper area where the soul was. Go to the far left now. Another Angel Lift in the distance. Go over there and collect the red orbs. There is an IVORY DOOR here (but we haven't seen an Ivory Key yet! We'll have to come back for this!). IVORY - SHENANIGANS -------------------

OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies. TIME LIMIT: N/A This is a good old-fashioned fight. Nothing spectacular here. You are up against THREE enemies: A Witch, a GHOST RAGE, and a BLOOD RAGE. Take out the witch first. Ignore the rages until she is dead. Use Aquila to drop her shields and make her vulnerable and take her out. Once she is dead the Rage's can easily be maintained. Tie up the Ghost Rage with Aquila while you kill the Blood Rage. After that you just have one pissed off Ghost Rage to deal with. No biggie. Once you finish admire the .: DEVIL TRIGGER CROSS :. you are given! An entire cross, just for us! Wow! END IVORY - SHENANIGANS ----------------------Head back down to the dance floor. There is a Divinity Statue to the left if you need it. Now instead of going up the ramp, go BEHIND it to find a .: LOST SOUL 2/7 :. and kill it. Now up the ramp. There's a health orb on one of the columns up here. Smash the floor plate with Eryx when you're ready. Time for The Devil Has Talent! Or something like that... anyway check out the tutorial on the screen: Hold R2 for IMMUNITY to Demonic Floors. Hold L2 for IMMUNITY to Angelic Floors. Pretty easy, no? Head down the RIGHT path and take the right path over the alternate floors when you can, to the far platform. You'll find spiders here as well as .: LOST SOUL 3/7 :.. Head back now and continue to the wide area up ahead. This will be "Round One". We'll have to fight four Stygian foes here while the floor changes. It's mostly going to be a normal floor, but strips of Devil and Angel flooring will come out so be ready for them and use those weapons when they come. Once you beat Round One, smash the button with Eryx again. You'll see a ton of platforms appear. These things bounce slightly when you land on them, but this path is straight forward with no evil tricks (I was totally expecting an evil trick). Just boost when you have to and you'll come to the next wide area. ROUND TWO! Here you have to kill the enemies in 30 seconds. This is laughably easy. Two Stygian foes and two Bathos. Take them out and smash the button with Eryx again.

A new path will pop up. You can choose the high ground or the low ground here. It doesn't matter which path you choose, they are both linear and easy to navigate. You will be attacked by a Stygian no matter which path you take, but only one. Soon you'll be in a wide area again. Time for ROUND THREE! This is another floor fight with Hell Knights and a Ravager. The floor tiles will come in sideways this time but no big deal. Kill them all and hit the button with Eryx to continue. Once you hit the button pause and look behind you for .: LOST SOUL 4/7 :. is right here. Continue on and kill the spiders and soon you'll be in a wide area. ROUND FOUR! FIGHT! We are up against Rage Spawn here, but we'll get a tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------CROWD CLEARER! Revenant's Fireworks attack is great when surrounded by weak enemies. Press X + Square to perform Fireworks (Must be unlocked from the upgrade shop). Good tip! I happen to have it at this point and it does work nicely. I used it followed by regular shots to clear the whole room. Lilith will come talk to you a bit afterward. Hit the button to make some walkways appear. (-NOTE-) In the paragraph below I'll take you to a Lost Soul. Go that way and DON'T follow the path. If you were curious the path leads to a fight with a Frost Knight and some Stygians but makes you give up the Lost Soul! Take the right path but look out to the right and you'll see an Angel Lift in the distance. Boost over there to the platform. There's another one beyond that, so boost over there and shoot off of it to another platform. Smash the button here to make a walkway appear. Follow it to .: LOST SOUL 5/7 :.. Pound the button to continue and head down to another platform. Kill the Hell Knight and Stygians here and collect the red orbs. Lilith will come out to talk some more shit. Hit the button. Continue on to the next platform and Angel Lift / Boost to the next big area. ROUND FIVE! Oh boy, another Dreamrunner. As usual avoid his attacks and try to hit him hard with Eryx. The more charged up the better. You can occasionally get an Aquila to stick and REALLY lay into him then. Just be ready to dodge at any time. Hit the button when you are done. Head up the stairs and at the top they will disappear. From where you are standing there is a Divinity Statue to the left, with a red orb container. Use it if you want and check out the edges of this platform. There is an area with a ARGENT DOOR nearby. If you have a key be sure to take on the challenge!

ARGENT - HASTY ACQUISITION -------------------------OBJECTIVE: Gain the target number of red orbs within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 0:35 OOOOH boy. We have to beat up red orb containers until we get 90 red orbs! And we only have 35 seconds! This one is ROUGH. First take a look at the area we're in. Note where all the clusters of red orb containers are at! Plan a route, but keep this one life saving thing in mind: you can SHOOT these things to get the orbs too! That being said, you need to have the proper aim to do it, which is a bit tricky. Line yourself up with the containers near the walls and you can often shoot them and save yourself some time. Once you have it done, claim the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. as your own and enjoy the victory! END ARGENT - HASTY ACQUISITION -----------------------------After that, head back to the Divinity Statue and look behind it. In the distance is a platform with an Angel Lift. Go use it. Once you are on it turn around and look up for another one. Once you are on that look ahead for a third platform. Get on it for a .: SMALL DEVIL TRIGGER STAR :. and another .: LOST SOUL 6/7 :.. Head back down to the main area now. Continue down the main path. You'll come to a big platform that has the final .: LOST SOUL 7/7 :. on the far wall. Kill it and smash the button once you are ready. Take a path and continue. You'll soon come to a dance floor. Watch the scene and you'll soon meet a new enemy: a GHOST RAGE. Fun. Oh, and guess what? This thing is only harmed by ANGELIC WEAPONS! Take it out however you can (SHREDDER!) and you'll meet another new enemy: a BLOOD RAGE. Yep, it's RED, so only DEMONIC WEAPONS. Take him out too. Now we'll have to face both. I like to focus on the Blood Rage first since I can personally kill with Eryx faster but it's up to you. Really no different than Frost / Hell Knights, just more dangerous perhaps. Kill them both and the mission will be over. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 14: Last Dance >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-14]___.-

KEYS: N/A SECRET DOORS: N/A LOST SOULS: N/A This mission is really just a boss fight. And no, it's not against Lilith. Well, it kind-of is, but not really. We're mostly going up against Mundus' Spawn. Watch the scenes as you find out what that really means. Ugh. Well, let's do this... +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Boss Battle Mundus' Spawn - Boss Battle | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | - General Information: First of all, note the two health bars. The top | | one is for LILITH, who as of right now we can't see. The bottom one | | is for the SPAWN. We can definitely see him! The fight is over when | | Lilith's life bar is depleted. The Spawn will just get new life bars | | when we take it out. That's the key here though, once we take out the | | spawn, we will be able to DEMON PULL Lilith out of it and hurt her. | | Later on in the fight I HIGHLY recommend using DEVIL TRIGGER when you | | pull Lilith out so you can layeth the smacketh downeth... | | | | But getting the Spawn down needs to come first. You can hurt him in | | the conventional manor but there's some things you should know about | | the Spawn. First of all, there's an Angel Lift point ON his body. | | Check his left side for the point. You can use it to get up close and | | pour on the aerial combos. A ways into the battle you'll see that the | | Spawn has a third eye that converts into a Lift Point as well. Handy. | | | | As the fight continues the third eye will phase in and out, so you | | can only grab it at certain times. He'll also try and cover up his | | side lift point with a short stubby hand. Note that it is red and you | | can pull it away. Heh. Check out his moves below, and above all be | | sure to remember to Devil Trigger Lilith near the end of the fight. | | | | | | - Shockwaves: This is the most annoying attack, in my opinion. The | | Spawn will pound on the floor and send out shockwaves. These look | | like audio waves. Fitting for a club. Double Jump over them. Near | | the end of the fight it will do this MULTIPLE TIMES IN A ROW. Quite | | annoying. | | | | - Punch: A normal punching attack. He does this when you're hanging | | around his side, to get you away. More of a flick attack, I suppose. | | | | - Phasing: The Spawn can phase in and out of sight. He often follows | | this up with a sweeping/swiping attack while charging at you. This | | isn't really an attack on its own, but you should know about it. | | | | - Swipe/Sweep: This is the Spawns most dangerous attacks. He uses these | | the most, I've seen. He can do a large swipe through the air as well | | as sweep the ground in front of him. Drop down for the swipes and try | | and stay on the offensive (at least attack the side) on the sweeps. | | |

| - Ball Attack: I rarely see this attack, but from what I've seen the | | Spawn picks up a ball from somewhere (not sure where) and chucks it | | at you. Very easy to avoid. | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ After the fight watch the entertaining scenes. Dante done good. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Whatever, Lady' Bronze trophy here. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 15: The Trade >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-15]___.- KEYS: TWO SECRET DOORS: N/A LOST SOULS: N/A Watch the scenes. You KNOW this isn't going to go well... and sure enough. How did I know that? Oh well, once you have control, quickly go Angel Lift to the car, then jump to the railcar box to the left and pull the next boxcar out of the way. Watch the scene after that. Looks like our work isn't done yet. Go get on the car again and boost ahead. You'll need to slam down three times to get the boxcars out of the way. Once that is done STOP and look to the LEFT. There should be a yard full of boxcars over there. Boost over there and find the .: COPPER KEY :. over there. You can also shoot the spiders and collect some red orbs. Get out of there and continue down the path the car was heading using all of the Lift points at your disposal. At the end you'll see a scene with even more trouble for the car. A spinning propeller this time! You'll have to fight a Ravager and two Stygians here first though, so take them out. You can even drop them in the hole between you and the car if you wish. If you're brave there's some red orb containers here you can gather then boost over there and pull the propeller out of the way. More scenes follow. Ride on top of the truck until it goes down, then use the two Angel Lifts on the light poles on the right side of the street. After the second one head to the left side and keep going. Time will slow down once again. We have a lot to do! Quickly boost to the right next to the building, gather the red orbs, break the Blue Vine door and take the .: SMALL VITAL STAR :.. Head back and pull the bus now. Get on it and boost to the LEFT near the warehouse. Don't go in but up the boxes ahead of you and look to the left. There is a .: COPPER KEY :. over here. That's all the keys in the level.

Drop down and enter the warehouse now. There's three Stygian enemies here you can kill. Do so quickly. After that gather up the red orb containers and the health one too if you need it and head to the brace where the game pointed out the Red Crystal. Over here you can gather red orb containers too. Punch the brace when you're done and we have escaped! Win! ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 16: The Plan >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-16]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: TWO LOST SOULS: NINE Watch the scenes as Kat shares what she's learned. Time for the brothers to split up. Dante sure get's his attention all right... Quick, run forward and stay on the street. Keep to the left and boost to continue. You'll have to Angel Lift soon but you can shoot out of it and another one to gain some ground. Keep going and use more Angel Lifts when you can. At the third set by sure to boost inbetween the Lifts. Once you reach solid ground you'll meet a new enemy: ELITE STYGIAN. Huh, I guess it's about time they change them up. They have a much larger blade and can additionally do a shockwave attack. No biggie, have fun with them like normal. Once you take them out you'll have to kill a Witch with more of them. After that a scene will play showing the gates opening up. We only have a few seconds to get over there so play with the new reinforcements for a bit and then head inside. In here you'll face a Dreamrunner... TO THE DEATH! Heh. Use proven tactics like charged Eryx attacks to take him out. Grab the health orbs nearby if you need to. Time to continue on. You'll find a Divinity Statue up ahead. Watch the scene and use it if you want but DO NOT go in the elevator. Break down the Arbiter Door nearby and go down for red orbs, a .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :., and .: LOST SOUL 1/9 :.. Head back up and use the elevator now. You'll head to Floor 87 where you will meet up with Vergil. The two of you will split off. Follow the path Kat tells you while collecting Red Orbs along the way. You'll have to fight a Ravager and some Stygians at one point, so kill them and move onto the sky bridge (the door to the left). Watch the scene until the lasers turn off. Move past them onto the next building and you'll see a scene. After that will be a new tip! ADVANCED TIP! -------------

PING PONG! The Dreamrunner can parry Dante's ranged attacks back at him... but you can return them again with a well timed strike. Sounds fun. Try it if you wish, but not at the cost of taking him out. He's joined by two Shielded Pathos: focus on them and then use Enyx to finish the job. After that you can check out the only open room here to find a Demonic Shard and Spiders if you wish. The elevator (the one with the bright light) will hurt you if you try to go in it... yeah... Instead find the Lift point and move up a floor. Head to the wide area and fight two Rage enemies. After they are dead break the Red Crystal door and kill the spiders. You can also find an area to the left of the weird moving bookcases where black boxes are floating upwards. If you wait long enough you can boost past them and find a room full of spiders. Once you are done playing around hit the elevator. Onto Floor 105 for us. Good job, dumbass. Oh well. Follow the path left (note the path to the right is blocked) and you'll get into a fight. Tons of Stygian's and a Witch. Kill them all off and the path will open. In fact, the path near the elevator is open too. Head over there and you'll see another pit behind the elevator, but this one has a key and lost souls beyond it! Boost over there and claim the .: GOLD KEY :., .: LOST SOUL 2/9 :. and .: LOST SOUL 3/9 :.. Very nice. Head back. I should mention the health orbs here. Nab them if you wish. Kill two Demonic Shards that show up and ignore the room on the right. You'll run into two Ghost Rages over here, and a tip! ADVANCED TIP! ------------DOUBLE TEAMED! Aquila Round Trip can be used to stun one enemy, while you concentrate on another. This is particularly useful against Ghost Rages. Hold then release L2 + Circle to perform Round Trip. We... kinda already knew that. Or well you SHOULD have. Anyway, trap one or both and attack them. Heck, you could trap them to death if you wanted. Do what you wish and then jump on top of the room to the right. There's a Lift point here, get up on it. Kill the spiders to the right and then go through the door like the game says. The hallway will try to crush you here so boost to safety. Keep going down the only path (lots of holes in this next room!) and you'll have to kill some Stygians. The path back will also close. In this new area keep your eyes open for a path to the right. It will have some pits in it. Get between the pits and go left, to the staircase. From here if you head UP you will get some red orbs and .: LOST SOUL 4/9 :.. If you go down you can find a GOLD DOOR!

GOLD - EXTREME TRAVERSAL -----------------------OBJECTIVE: Reach the goal within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 1:40 Oh man... we knew this was coming eventually... Thank god for dry runs. Let's dry run this together first. Head forward and you forward so be you can continue. the bridge and up use the Lift points. Some of the lift points will shoot ready to hit X right away. Land and pull out the stone so You'll run into an Arbiter door, so smash it. Boost past to the tree area.

Here use the Lifts which are all shooters. Be ready to Devil Pull a piece of land though. It'll go underneath you. Quickly switch to Eryx as you boost forward and smash the Crystal you see. Run forward to find some more Lift points. The first ones are shooters while the last two aren't, so be ready to boost between the last ones to land safely. Get up the stairs and bust out Osiris to get through the Vines, then use Eryx for the Crystal. More Lift points are past the door. Use the first one then use a Pull. Shoot for a ways and be ready to use another Lift and Pull after that. Finally just keep shooting to the finish line. Exciting! Now that you've got the gist of it all you have to do is execute. Not too hard but you can't make any serious mistakes. If you do you may as well start over. Once you have it done, claim the .: HEALTH CROSS FRAGMENT :. as your own and enjoy the victory! END GOLD - EXTREME TRAVERSAL ---------------------------Now that we've done that, head back up and out to Floor 106. If you were curious, past that second whole is just the part of the floor with all the holes in the floor. In front of us is a Lift point (DO NOT use it yet) and a room to the left. There are red orbs in the room. Instead of using the Lift point drop down to the section below. Down here kill all of the Stygian foes that come out. The first room on the left also has two Demonic Shard enemies. Once they are dead open the Blue Vine door and claim .: LOST SOUL 5/9 :. and red orbs (spiders!). Head back out and go check the table for a .: SMALL DEVIL TRIGGER STAR :.. More importantly, go check out the elevators. The one on the right will open when you get close enough. Jump in it and kill .: LOST SOUL 6/9 :. as well as

.: LOST SOUL 7/9 :.. Jackpot! Head back now and go up a floor (there is a lift where you dropped down). Use the Lift points with the shooters to carry on. Head through the door and you'll see a scene. Looks like Vergil has company. We, on the other hand, have some timing puzzles. We HAVE to get through this unscathed. Well, HAVE is a strong word. There is a trophy in it for us, so we have motivation! This first set of lasers you can just air dash above. Pretty easy, just time it right. The next one you need to be a little higher on so double jump then air dash. The third one needs a short jump and an air dash. There's a break between the laser sets now, but it won't be boring. You'll have to fight a Dreamrunner and two Stygian enemies here. Don't get hit by the lasers. Take care of the Stygian foes and then use Eryx to focus on the Dreamrunner. Stay in the middle to be safe. The fourth set of lasers requires a high air dash. Shouldn't be too hard. The fifth one is pretty much the same but different timing. Again, you got this. After that Kat will talk a bit and soon the trophy is yours. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Now my coat's all charred' Bronze trophy here. The game wants you to go right but go left instead. You'll be rewarded with an easy to see .: LOST SOUL 8/9 :.. Head back now and go right. There is a Divinity Statue here if you need it. Continue on and meet up with Vergil in the elevator. Watch the short scene and Vergil will give you ANOTHER firearm. Man, that guy... NEW WEAPON UNLOCKED! -------------------KABLOOEY Fires explosive needles that stick in enemies, and can be manually detonated. GROUND AND AIR: SHOOT: Square DETONATE: X + Square (-NOTE-) You should get the 'You're not going to shoot me' Bronze trophy here. I suppose we should try it out. The game things so to as it will give you an enemy and a tutorial just for the gun. Huh. Fun. Keep heading down the path fighting some Pathos and Stygian foes until the game tells you to go right. Instead, go STRAIGHT. This corner has .: LOST SOUL 9/9 :. as well as some red orbs. Now go to the skybridge.

It will collapse on us. Boost forward and use the Lift, then keep boosting to the other building. Kat will mention five stories of hell. Ugh. Fun. BEFORE you go into the elevator open the Blue Vine room and shoot the spiders and gather all the red orbs. Also, head into the far corner of this area to see a COPPER DOOR. May as well use a key! COPPER - BAIT AND SWITCH -----------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies within the time limit. Enemies only take damage while the Demon Evade damage bonus is active. TIME LIMIT: 1:30 Huh. I guess this door only works if you bought that skill... Still, this is a VERY easy mission. Keep Demon Mode on and get ready to evade. You only have to beat three Stygian enemies. Perfectly evade one and then retaliate. With Eryx I was able to do this in NINE SECONDS. Once you have it done, claim the .: DEVIL TRIGGER CROSS FRAGMENT :. as your own and enjoy the victory! END COPPER - BAIT AND SWITCH ---------------------------Head into the elevator now and endure your hell! Hah! Note how the floor numbers change. Yep, I knew that 666 was coming... Once you exit you'll be outside. Battle some Harpies until a Tyrant shows up with yet another tip: ADVANCED TIP! ------------ENRAGE BREAKER! The Kablooey is extremely useful for getting in behind enemy defenses. Using 4 darts, it's even possible to break enemy enrage states. Press Square to shoot darts. Press X + Square to detonate. That actually sounds helpful, especially for Rages and Tyrants. I tried it out and didn't really like it though. Up to you. Kill the Harpies and the Tyrant and a "new" foe called the DREKAVAC will show up. He looks like the Dreamrunner to me. Treat him exactly the same and he will fall soon enough.

After that and dash to you need to and use the

Limbo will say NO and start to tear the place apart. Run forward the first piece of rubble, then run and dash to the second. Here use some lift points and a boost to get into a walkway, then run next lift point to end this level.

___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 17: Furnace Of Souls >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-17]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: FIVE Well, we're in a hell of a place. On our own too... Damn. (-NOTE-) There will be continuous periods of fire erupting from down below, so we have to time our jumps just right. I won't be pointing this out as we go either.

First of all, there is a split in the path. Left or right? Well, there is a WRONG way to do this area and a RIGHT way (well, when it comes to gathering items, that is). Take the right path first. Continue on until you get in a fight with a Hell and Frost Knight on a skinny platform. Kill them both. From here look off to the left and note the huge rock we can pull. Continue on the main path instead and kill the spiders. When you get to the platform with the tree on it, look behind it for a .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :.. DO NOT use these Angel Lifts! Head back to the platform where we killed the Knights. Wait for the fire to die down, then boost to the rock. Pull it down and use a quick lift to get up there. Kill the spiders and the .: LOST SOUL 1/5 :. on the wall. Now, from the wall look out to the left. See the platform in the distance? Jump to it and then the platform beyond it (the one with the wall). This wall is actually important as you can go BEHIND it (even with the fire going) and find .: LOST SOUL 2/5 :.. This is the left path from the beginning. Go ahead and follow it up using the lift points. At the top you'll have to fight several Stygian foes with a Butcher. Try and focus on the Butcher and kill them all. After that is another Butcher and a Witch. I like to kill the Witch first here. Once they are dead you can gather the health orbs (two of them) in the area and then check out the right side for .: LOST SOUL 3/5 :.. Very nice. Continue on using the left path. Jump out to the rocks and follow them using two demon pulls until you can get to a BIG area. Once you land check

out the right path to see more Angel Lifts. Follow them to find a Blue Vine door with red orbs and a (new) .: IVORY KEY :.. Head back to the big area now. Continue on down the path and you'll have to fight a Hell Knight and a Ravager. Take them out and look onward. See the Lift with a Pull after it? Get ready. There's two sets of Pulls - Lifts after the first Lift. You have to be FAST to do this without getting hit by fire. The far platform you land on has a Divinity Statue on it you can use. After that use the Lift points to continue. You'll have to kill two Stygian foes but after they are dead check the right wall for yet another .: LOST SOUL 4/5 :.. Nearly have them all. Before we continue down the main path, from the wall look out to the abyss to the left. Keep going left and you'll see a PULL point on a rock. Pull it out. Jump on the platform it makes and the next, down to a GOLDEN DOOR. Challenge time! GOLD - A DAY IN HELL -------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill all enemies. Dante dies with one hit. TIME LIMIT: N/A Well, this evading. We to get your trouble and one is an eye-opener. Hopefully you are good at timing and are up against six Elite Stygians and one Ravager. A good mix teeth wet on. Shouldn't be too hard. If you're REALLY having wanting to be cheap use DRIVE. Otherwise, get good already!

Once you have it done, claim the .: DEVIL TRIGGER CROSS FRAGMENT :. as your own and enjoy the victory! END GOLD - A DAY IN HELL -----------------------After the door you'll need to get back up to the main platform you were on before you pulled the rock out. Get back up there using the convenient Angel Lifts and continue on. You'll have to use some shoot points to carry on but after the second one kill the spiders and STOP. Look off to the LEFT. Boost over there for the .: LARGE DEVIL TRIGGER STAR :., a new item. LARGE DEVIL TRIGGER STAR Restores all of Dante's Devil Trigger. During gameplay, press Start and select 'Items' to use Devil Trigger stars. And now we've found every item there is. Huh. Took longer than I thought it would. Boost back to the previous platform and continue on. It's pretty

much a linear path. Pull the pull point and boost over to the large floating area. Here, as you would expect, you'll have to fight. You'll be up against some Tyrants, Witches and then Dreamrunners. They'll be working together by twos. Be sure to take the Witches out first and save the Dreamrunners for last in any combination you see. There's health and red orbs hanging up. I actually used Devil Trigger here as well, and I hardly EVERY do that. Once the fight is done, use the lift points and get up to solid ground. Here, check behind the rock on the right to find .: LOST SOUL 5/5 :.. Continue on with the Lift Points and shoot over to some new ground. One more lift point to go and you'll be done with this mission. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 18: Demon's Den >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-18]___.- KEYS: ONE SECRET DOORS: ONE LOST SOULS: THREE The brothers will have a quick little chat before starting. There's that sibling rivalry... Look behind you for a .: SMALL VITALITY STAR :. and some red orbs, then continue. Watch the scene and you'll be in a hub area with four different tunnels. Generators, huh? In limbo? OK... there's a Divinity Statue here as well. We may as well do this in some sort of order. Let's call the vault door "NORTH". SOUTHWEST TUNNEL ---------------Head down the tunnel and collect all the red orbs (spiders!). At the end WAIT before jumping down. Get to the edge and look to the right. UPPER right. There's a Lost Soul over there. We can double jump / boost over there though so do so for .: LOST SOUL 1/3 :.. Jump down from here and follow the tunnel down below to the "generator". Pull it to start it. You'll battle a Ghost Rage and a Blood Rage here, so keep the Ghost busy with Aquila and kill the Blood Rage off to make things easy. NORTHEAST TUNNEL ---------------Yes, yes, this is out of order. I do this for a reason though (a reason I leared AFTER playing but oh well). Head down the tunnel and at the first gap look down. There is a tunnel down below, to the left. Drop down and boost over there. Follow this path up and collect the red orbs. At the end kill the two Demonic Shards that show up and claim the .: ARGENT KEY :.. We'll need this in a bit. Drop down the hole to be near the generator. Go start it up and you'll need to fight a Butcher and some weak Stygians. Take them out and

head back. Some Demonic Shards will be waiting for you. (-NOTE-) If this is your last key of the game, you should get the 'Dude, the show's over!' Bronze Trophy now. If not, go get the rest of the keys already! NORTHWEST TUNNEL ---------------Time to go to the northwest. Head down the tunnel and you'll be in an open area soon. There's an ARGENT DOOR in the distance. Before we go to it follow the path and when it ends you'll see a Lost Soul. Boost over to him and kill it for .: LOST SOUL 2/3 :.. Boost over to the close walkway now and head up to the door. See, that key we got is useful this way! ARGENT - COLOSSAL TRIUMPH ------------------------OBJECTIVE: Kill the Tyrant within the time limit. TIME LIMIT: 0:45 This shouldn't be a challenge at all. Just brawl it out with Eryx. Seriously, you'll have time to spare! Very easy! Once you have it done, claim the .: DEVIL TRIGGER CROSS FRAGMENT :. as your own and enjoy the victory! END ARGENT - COLOSSAL TRIUMPH ----------------------------(-NOTE-) You should get the 'Let's welcome chaos!' Bronze trophy here if this is your last door opened. If it isn't, go find all the keys and open the doors already! (-NOTE-) Once you complete the door you should get the 'One hell of a party!' Silver Trophy for beating all of the challenge rooms! Congrats! Once you are done, head down the path and start the generator. You'll need to fight some Bathos, Stygians and a Dreamrunner here. The Dreamrunner is of course the big threat but the grenades can help. Kill them all and head back, killing some Demonic Shards along the way. SOUTHEAST TUNNEL ---------------Follow the path until you get to the generator room. To the upper left is a Lost Soul you can get to using the platforms. Kill it for .: LOST SOUL 3/3 :.

(-NOTE-) If you've been following the guide, this should be your last one. This will get you the 'Fill your dark soul with light' Silver trophy. Congrats on the trophy, if you've got it. You may need to go find some hidden Lost Souls before you have them all and if so that's no big deal. Now let's start that generator. We'll fight a Witch, Bathos and Stygians. Kill them all and head back. After the cool chat we'll have to ALIGN these things. You have to PUNCH the red buttons to make the circles turn. Puzzle time! (-NOTE-) There's probably an easier way to do this, send me your solution and if it's better than mine I'll add it in. I just came up with this one on the first try, after all... Punch the buttons in this order: NORTH - 1 EAST - 2 WEST - 3 SOUTH - 1 EAST - 1 WEST - 1 SOUTH - 2 EAST - 3 Once that is done watch the scene and the mission will be over. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'It's time to finish this!' Bronze trophy here. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 19: Face Of The Demon >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-19]___.- KEYS: N/A SECRET DOORS: N/A LOST SOULS: N/A Watch the very entertaining scenes. There's quite a few of them, so enjoy. You'll eventually see Mundus in his GIANT form. Once you have control use the three Angel Lift points to escape. After that more scenes. Once you have control again use the Angel Lift points (some of them are boosts) until you

get to his face, then Demon Pull it. More scenes will follow. again pull the car out of you have to and break the attack his physical body. Angel Lift points. Vergil will save you and once you have control the way and follow Vergil. Use your Pull when Crystal and Arbiter doors. Sounds like we need to Watch the scenes and escape to the right using the

Here we'll actually get to the boss fight: +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Boss Battle Mundus - Boss Battle | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | - General Information: Time to face the big guy himself. And I do mean | | BIG. Note the two health bars here. They are for his ARMS, each arm | | gets its own health bar. The next important thing to note about this | | fight is that there are TWO building tops you can fight on. From the | | first building you can boost to the right and use an Angel Lift to | | shoot over to another one. This is handy for avoiding a single attack | | (Lava Breath), so keep it in mind. | | | | This fight is actually a LOT easier than I thought it would be. The | | arms will do several different types of attacks (see below), but will | | often stay on top of the building giving you a chance to hurt them. | | Each arm also has an Angel Lift point on it, meaning you can get in | | there FAST. Dodge all of the attacks and counterattack when you can. | | | | Once each arm is downed, you'll have to pull out an eye. Very easy | | stuff. Once both arms are downed the armless body will exclusively do | | the Meteor Rain attack, followed up by screaming at you. When Mundus | | decides to scream get in there quick (there's another Angel Lift) and | | attack. There's a new life bar here but it should only take you TWO | | attacks to finish him off. And that is literally it! Avoid the attacks | | below and you'll win easily. | | | | | | - Smash Barrage: You'll see this a lot. He basically does three smashes | | in a row with his fists. You can evade each one and in fact you can | | even see where they are going to land. No chance to counterattack | | this move, though. | | | | - Two-Hand Smash: This is what you want to see. He'll bring both of his | | fists down. Double jump to avoid the attack and pick your target | | afterwards. I'd aim for whichever arm has the most health. | | | | - Lava Flow Attack: A somewhat rarer attack, he'll use an arm to smash | | the SIDE of a building and send out a wave of lava. Jump over it and | | counterattack the arm. | | | | - Lava Breath: This move is easy to see coming. He'll suck energy in | | for a bit and than breath lava onto the building. This is when you | | should change buildings. He'll of course follow you but you are safe. | | | | - Meteor Shot: Mundus will rear back a fist and shoot a Meteor at your | | location. It's best to boost away as it is coming at you. You have to |

| be quick, though. | | | | - Meteor Rain: This is the move Mundus does with no arms. He'll make | | THREE Meteors rain down. Unlike the Meteor Shot though, these aren't | | really aimed AT you. You'll have to just predict where they'll land | | and do your best to stay out of the way. | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ Watch the scenes and you'll be done with this mission. (-NOTE-) You should get the 'Cleaning up his Dad's mess' Bronze trophy here. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Chapter 20: The End >==O ``-.___________________________________________________[DmC-20]___.- KEYS: N/A SECRET DOORS: N/A LOST SOULS: N/A Watch the scenes here. Awesome. Well, if you've played any Devil May Cry you probably saw this coming from a mile away but still... Awesome. Here we go... +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | Boss Battle Vergil - Boss Battle | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ | | | | | - General Information: Can't let brother rule... everything we've done | | would be for naught if that was the case. Time for some good ol' | | fashioned Sibling Rivalry... | | | | No tricks to this fight. Vergil will block most of your attacks, as | | you would expect, but he does have several moves you can counterattack | | after, which is where we're going to be doing most of our damage. | | That being said be sure to read about the moves below and become | | knowledgeable. | | | | Not too much else to say. One last thing: near the end of the fight | | Vergil will take a knee. Avoid the clone and enter Devil Trigger, | | then attack Vergil. This will start the final cutscenes. | | | | | | - Summoned Swords: Vergil's ranged attack. He'll materialize swords | | above him and after a bit they'll home in on you. Pretty easy to | | dodge. Note that he can do OTHER attacks while he is doing this one, | | which makes dodging trickier. Later on he'll summon four at once and |

| they'll come at you one after another. | | | | - Rapid Slash: An ultra-cool looking move. Vergil will get ready to | | pull the Yamato out and will phase forwards. He moves so fast it looks | | like a teleport. In his wake will be slashes from the Yamato. Lucky | | for you he only does this in a straight line, so get out of the way! | | | | - Stomp: Much like your stomp, Vergil will teleport above you and stomp | | down. This attack is ripe for a counterattack: get in there after he | | lands and put in a solid combo. | | | | - Blade Throw: Another ranged attack. Vergil throws twirling (spectral) | | blades at you. He can do this from the air where he throws one blade | | down at you or from the ground where he throws three in a row. You | | can evade easily from the air but from the ground I recommend an air | | dash. You can counter the end of this if you are fast. Use an Angel | | Lift to get over to him. | | | | - Starfall: Another aerial attack. Vergil will teleport above you and | | come crashing down with a diagonal kick. This move is also just | | begging to be countered. | | | | - Judgement Cut: This is another ultra-cool move. Vergil will charge | | his Yamato and deliver a sphere of cuts in an area. He can do this | | when you are close to him or when you are at a moderate distance away. | | If you are too far away he can't reach you. Keep moving to stay safe | | from this attack. | | | | - Cloning: Oh boy. Vergil's last trick is to clone himself. His clone | | essentially acts just like him and he'll be attacking you at the same | | time as well! This effectively doubles his attacks. However, most of | | the time the clone will attack at the same time as Vergil. You can | | destroy these clones but Vergil can make more so focus on Vergil. He | | only does this near the end of the fight so victory is close at hand! | | | +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ And with that you've beaten DmC: Devil May Cry. Congratulations! (-NOTE-) You should get the 'The end? Don't bet on it' Silver trophy here. (-NOTE-) You will also unlock the "Son of Sparda" difficulty once you beat the game, as well as "White Hair Dante", a new skin for Dante. (-NOTE-) I hope you've found this guide helpful. Be sure to give the guide a recommend using the link up at the very top if you've enjoyed it. Also, be sure to swing by my Facebook page ( and say Hi, or shoot me an email! ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-..


Weapons & Moves >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-WPN]___.-

Here's a list of all the weapons and moves in the game. This list is in the same order it is in the game. Note that some moves have LEVELS to them, which of course make them better. Those levels are in the move names. ABILITIES Dante's abilities focus on mobility and being in the right place at the right time. Multiple Evade options keep you safe while Angel Pulls and Demon Lifts keep the party going! JUMP X Dante leaps into the air. - A very basic ability... really not too much to say about jumping. If you need help with this you're playing the wrong game... DOUBLE JUMP (Requires Jump) X X Summons a demonic platform allowing Dante to jump a second time in the air. - Another very basic concept. But how the hell does a platform become "Demonic"? I don't really wanna know... ENEMY STEP (Requires Double Jump) In the air, and near an enemy: X Jump off enemy while in the air. Doing so resets aerial abilities such as Double Jump and Aerial Evade. - Only useful in VERY specific circumstances. I don't use this much. Maybe I'm just not fancy enough? EVADE R1 Evade enemy attacks with dashes and rolls. (Can be used on the ground, and in the air). - Your basic evade attack. Very useful. Be sure to master it early and use it to string into combo attacks of your own. DEMON EVADE (Requires Evade)

Just before being hit: R2 + R1 Fuelled by adrenaline, Dante's damage output is boosted after the precisely timed, last minute demon evade. LEVEL 2: Increased damage bonus - Useful if you want to evade while using demonic weapons. I like this evade a lot more than the angelic one due to the increased damage bonus! ANGEL EVADE (Requires Evade) Just before being hit: L2 + R1 Dante phases through Limbo, granting additional evade distance and invulnerable time. LEVEL 2: Increased phase distance - Never really used this much as I preferred Demon Evade and don't wish to get TOO far away from my foes. Still, try it out. ANGEL BOOST 'Air' L2 + X Channels Devil Energy to propel Dante forwards in an airborne boost. - A very handy and often necessary ability. Can of course be combined with your double jump for extreme horizontal coverage. Get used to using this! OPHON ANGEL LIFT L2 + Square Fire a grappling hook at enemies, or points in Limbo, and lift Dante to them. - Great for closing the gap between you and an enemy. Necessary in all of your platforming as well. Good players will use this after knocking away an enemy to continue stringing attacks together. PAYOFF (Requires Orphon Angel Lift) During Lift, Just Before Impact: L2 + Square Follow up a successful angel lift with a timed uppercut that launches enemies into the air. NOTE: Timing is important to execute the move successfully. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - An entertaining punch move if you have nothing else to do with your current Angel Lift. I started using this later in the game to add some variety to my attacks.

ORPHON DEMON PULL R2 + Square Fire the Orphon whip to grapple enemies or objects, and Pull them towards Dante. - Pretty much the opposite of Angel lift. Use this to pull objects while you are platforming. While fighting, use this move when your position is safter than the enemies to continue your swordplay. KICKER (Requires Orphon Demon Pull) During Pull, Just Before Impact: 22 + Square A timed kick, following a successful Demon Pull. NOTE: Timing is important to execute the move successfully. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - Another entertaining move, granted you weren't doing anything better with your pull. I actually like the kicker better than the uppercut. Again, good for variety. LEAP During LIFT or PULL, just before impact: X On arrival, Dante leaps off his Angel Lift or Demon Pull target. - Like the Enemy Step move, only useful in VERY specific circumstances. I didn't end up using this much at all. DEVIL TRIGGER L3 + R3 A manifestation of Dante's true power, Devil Trigger unleashed sends the world into chaos, throwing surrounding enemies helplessly into the air. - Pretty much puts you in God Mode by making enemies float aroudn you helplessly. Use your lifts and pulls and make short work of them. Also, remember you have this and be sure to use it every now and again!

REBELLION Dante's default weapon and inheritance from his father, Sparda. Rebellion will always be with you and provides a wealth of offensive choices.

HACKER 'Ground' Triangle x4 A quick succession of four slashes. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - Your basic attack. "Hacker" is an approriate name. Still, don't get caught up in combos too much that you can't pull this out every once in awhile. Conversely, do your best to branch out from here! DEATH COIL 'Ground' Triangle x2, PAUSE, Triangle x3 Damages enemies surrounding Dante, and clubs a final target with massive force. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - The pause here is real brief but still adds a nice area-attribute to this attack. I use this one quite a bit. As an added note you can wait for the pause and then launch into the extended version of Osiris or other weapons! See, versatile! HIGHTIME 'Ground' TAP or HOLD Circle TAP to launch enemy into the air. HOLD to follow enemy up into the air. A powerful upward strike that launches enemies skyward. - Since you can choose to follow the enemy up or not this is another good move that offers versatility. Launching enemies into hazards is easy here, as is getting into some aerial combos. Make this a go-to move! AERIAL RAVE 'Air' Triangle x4 A multistrike combo that juggles airborne enemies. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - Your basic aerial attack. I like Roulette more, but in the heat of battle sometimes just pulling out the basic does the job. ROULETTE 'Air' Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle A deadly spin that lifts Dante, and his target, higher into the air.

LEVEL 2: Increased height gain - A fun move to use, but mostly useful when there are multiple enemies in the air with you. I like how fancy it is HELLBREAKER 'Air' Circle A devastating overhead strike that slams an enemy into the ground. - SLAM THEM DOWN! This move is great for finishing an aerial string. Sometimes just for kicks I use Hightime and this over and over... DRIVE 'Ground' HOLD, then release Triangle Release a powerful shockwave of devil energy toward distant foes. Charge the attack for more power. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - HOLY CRAP what a good move. Seriously. If you want one move that's going to seriously help your STYLE rating throw in a DRIVE at least once every batch of enemies, ESPECIALLY when you get this maxed up with OVERDRIVE. OVERDRIVE (Requires Drive) After DRIVE: Triangle Adds 2 additional shockwaves to the DRIVE attack. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - A complimentary attack to the DRIVE attack. Get it as soon as you start using DRIVE regularly. STINGER 'Ground' Towards, Towards, Triangle Cover great distance with a high speed, lunging stab. LEVEL 2: Increased lunge distance - A useful move, especially for getting around. Knocking enemies away is a pain, granted, especially if you wanted to use Trillion Stabs, but still a decent move. TRILLION STABS (Requires Stinger) After Stinger: Mash Triangle

A blinding flurry of lightning fast stabs. LEVEL 2: More stabs possible - If you can use STINGER and not knock an enemy (or a group) away, definitely follow it up with this! It just... it just looks SO cool!

ARBITER A demonic axe whose swings are slow, but powerful. Arbiter is especially effective against shields. JUDGEMENT 'Ground' R2 + Triangle x3 A slow, powerful, 3 hit combo. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - Absolutely great for shields and a good early power weapon (I prefer ERYX later on). This is your basic attack. I prefer Trinity Smash to be quite honest but variety is good. TRINITY SMASH 'Ground' R2 + Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle Dante focuses his demon energy and unleashes a formiddable, triple damage strike. LEVEL 2: Each hit creates a radial ground tremor - The third attack in this chain is a doozy and looks awesome. Great for a line of enemies or if you want to lay down some pain! TREMOR 'Ground' R2 + Circle Smashes the axe into the floor with power enough to crack the earth. Enemies standing on the fault line are launched into the air. LEVEL 2: Longer fault line - I only used this attack sparingly, but it's very useful for attacking from a medium range safely and launching enemies skyward. AERIAL FLUSH 'Air' R2 + Triangle

Hurl the axe at targets below Dante. The weight of the axe makes it impossible to aim this attack upwards. LEVEL 2: Axe head explodes on impact - I mainly used this attack for trying to hit distant LOST SOULS, to be honest. Using an axe in the air just didn't fly well with me. DROP 'Air' R2 + Circle Drop from the sky with a thunderous strike that cracks the earth. Enemies standing on the fault line are launched into the air. LEVEL 2: Longer fault line - The aerial version of TREMOR. Didn't use it much, but I can see how it would be useful since it can launch enemies. FLUSH 'Ground' R2 + Towards, Towards, Triangle Hurl the axe head at distant targets. The weight of the axe makes it impossible to aim this attack upwards. LEVEL 2: Longer damage - The ground version of Aerial Flush. Again, hardly ever used it but it did come in handy for getting a Lost Soul early.

OSIRIS An angelic scythe, particularly useful for dealing with large crowds of enemies. KARMA 'Ground' L2 + Triangle x4 A whirlwind of blades that slashes at enemies surrounding Dante. - Great for crowds of enemies. Not the most damaging weapon, but it does have good crowd control. CLEAVER 'Ground' L2 + Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle x3 Dante weaves the scythe around his body, cutting at enemies in front, and all around, him.

- A fun and stylish move. I like to combine this with Death Coil (Death Coil > Pause > Cleaver) when in groups of enemies so I can get the spinning scythe action followed by some area attacks. PROP 'Ground' L2 + Circle Spin the scythe like a propeller, juggling enemies on its blade. - This move may very well be overpowered... especially with the SHREDDER upgrades. I mean, this move completely makes the enemy your B$!#CH for its duration, after all. SHREDDER After PROP: L2 + Tap or HOLD Circle Continue slicing and dicing enemies with this extension to Prop. (Hold Circle to extend the length of the move.) LEVEL 2: Can be maintained longer - Yeah.... HANGER 'Air' L2 + Triangle x3 An aerial combo of wide, sweeping attacks. Capable of juggling multiple airborne enemies. - A good air move. I prefer Double Up but again variety is good. DOUBLE UP 'Air' L2 + Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle x2 Spins the scythe above Dante's head like rotor blades; lifting him, and surrounding enemies, higher into the air. - A very stylish move and absolutely fantastic for groups of airborne foes. RAKE 'Air' L2 + Circle Hook enemies below Dante and yank them into the air. LEVEL 2: Wider range on hook - Circumstantially useful, mostly for when you are doing some air combos and an enemy walks under you wanting some of the action...

RAZE 'Ground' Hold, Then Release, L2 + Triangle Raise Dante and surrounding enemies in a sweeping, sky bound hurricane. LEVEL 2: Wider range on launch - Man I love RAZE. Not only does it look awesome but it can launch you and multiple enemies into the air to start some aerial combos. Be sure to give this one a try! STREAK 'Ground' L2 + Towards, Towards, Triangle A forward lunging attack that ends with a sweeping spin. LEVEL 2: Increase lunge distance - I didn't use this that much, to be honest. It looks like a good lunging move into a group of enemies. FEED Attack enemies continuously to reach full charge. Osiris becomes powered with devil energy when striking enemies continuously. Once fully charged, it grants bonus damage with all attacks. LEVEL 2: Increased damage bonus when charged LEVEL 3: Maximum damage bonus when charged - A good passive ability and one of the few abilities with multiple upgrade levels. If you love using the OSIRIS, this ability is a MUST BUY!

ERYX Powerful Gauntlets, useful for dealing massive damage to a single target. Each attack can be charged for greater effect. BRAWLER 'Ground' R2 + Triangle x3 Unleash 3 brawling punches at a single target. (Hold Triangle to increase the damage of each punch) - A solid three-hit combo. Faster than Arbiter (Unlesh you charge). I REALLY like to use two hits and then charge the third one. SLAM

'Ground' R2 + Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle Slam a fist into the ground, shaking the earth and staggering surrounding enemies. (Hold Triangle to charge the attack for increased damage.) LEVEL 2: Larger area of effect - The slam is a good change from the Brawler, although I hardly ever use it. I think I would've liked more punches instead of a slam though, but then you'd need to think of another move name! UPPERCUT 'Ground' R2 + Circle An uppercut infused with demonic power. (Hold Circle to increase damage and cause Dante to follow the enemy into the air) LEVEL 2: Increased damage - A very cool move. Use this with a charge after a combo to deliver an (oftentimes) fatal blow. You can also use this to get foes airborne. SHOWDOWN 'Air' R2 + Triangle A powerful blow that pounds an enemy into the ground, while leaving Dante airborne. (Hold Triangle to charge the attack for increased damage) LEVEL 2: The target deals area of effect damage when landing - Your only regular air Eryx move. I mostly used it after Uppercut and NEVER charged it since foes often drop too fast. STOMP 'Air' R2 + Circle Plummet down with earth shattering speed and power. Surrounding enemies are pushed back. (Hold Circle to charge the attack for greater effect) LEVEL 2: Increased area of effect on landing - Man, STOMP is awesome, especially when you're going down into a group. This can seriously build your STYLE meter and points. Be sure to buy it and try it out. SNAKE EYE 'Ground' R2 + Towards, Towards, Triangle Step back to evade an enemy attack, then counter with a right hook. (Hold Triangle to increase the damage of the punch)

LEVEL 2: Increased damage - An interesting move given its evasive nature before the punch. I had fun playing around with this one but still only used it on occasion.

ERYX CHARGE With any Eryx Attack: Hold Triangle or Circle All attacks performed with the Eryx can be charged up for increased damage or effect, by holding the attack button down. LEVEL 2: Increased payoff from charging attacks LEVEL 3: Maximum payoff from charging attacks - A cool feature of the Eryx is your ability to charge attacks with it. Be sure to try it out.

AQUILA Lightning fast, dual wielded weapons. Their long range and sweeping attacks make them devastating against large groups of weak enemies. KILLER 'Ground' L2 + Triangle x4 A storm of thrown blades that slices, and herds, enemies surrounding Dante. LEVEL 2: Increased combo range - A good basic move. Serious range. BUY IN 'Ground' L2 + Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle Yank surrounding enemies towards Dante, positioning them for follow up attacks. LEVEL 2: More enemies can be pulled in - Draws lots of enemies towards you. Great when paired up with something like Raze or Stomp or something. ROUND TRIP 'Ground' L2 + Tap or Hold Circle Send forth a spinning blade that traps enemies caught within it. (Hold Circle to charge the attack for a bigger blade, and increased lifetime.)

LEVEL 2: Increased blade lifetime - This move is essential for opening up Blue Vine doors and dealing with witches. It can also easily tie up Ghost Rages and such. Definitely get use to this move! SKIRMISH 'Air' L2 + Triangle x2 Effortlessly juggle groups of airborne enemies. LEVEL 2: Increased combo range - A good air move. Not very much to it and shorter than I would've liked. AERIAL BUY IN 'Air' L2 + Triangle x2 PAUSE Triangle Snatch surrounding enemies, and yank them into the air, towards Dante. LEVEL 2: More enemies can be pulled in - Pretty much an aerial version of Buy In. I hardly ever used this move, to be honest. Try it out for yourself though. CALIBER 'Air' L2 + Circle A swift aerial dash towards a focused target. LEVEL 2: Increased dash range - A very cool air move that covers some range and gets you to a distant target. Regardless, I didn't use this that much. TORNADO 'Ground' HOLD L2 + Triangle Slice through enemies as Dante whips forward in a spinning tornado. LEVEL 2: Can be maintained for longer when holding Triangle - I got this late in the game but it's a very cool move. Good for crowds. BIG SLICK 'Ground' L2 + Towards, Towards, Triangle Focus an aerial target, and leap up towards him. Grounded targets in front of Dante are also dragged up.

LEVEL 2: Increased range - Haven't even tried this one out yet. Looks like a fast uppercut but I suspect I'll still like Eryx's uppercut better...

EBONY & IVORY High caliber handguns capable of maintaining high rates of fire against a single target. Though they deal low damage, Ebony and Ivory are useful for interrupting weak enemy attacks. SHOOT Square Dante fires his dual wielded pistols with lightning speed, at a single target. LEVEL 2: Increased damage LEVEL 3: Maximum damage - You'll have these beauties for quite awhile and should be used to them. Great for aerial foes and keeping your Style up. What else can I say!? RICOSHOT Hold, the release Square Infuses a bullet with demonic power. Shots bounce back and forth between targets. Longer charges increase the number of potential bounces. LEVEL 2: Can bounce multiple times on a single target - Super easy to run around with a charge shot, but I still didn't use this that often. RAINSTORM 'Air' X + Square Dante spirals out of the sky, showering an area beneath him with bullets as he descends. LEVEL 2: Increased firing rate - A really cool and stylish move. Mostly useful in groups. I prefer a well-places Stomp, myself. INVERSE RAINSTORM

'Ground' X + Square A barrage of bullets spray targets above Dante as he spirals into the air. LEVEL 2: Increased firing rate - An interesting (and less useful) alternative to Rainstorm.

REVENANT A powerful shotgun, useful for clearing crowds of enemies, and dealing high damage at close range. SHOOT Square A powerful buckshot with a wide spread. Delivers high damage at close range. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - Man I love the Revenant. It can take down Harpies with a single shot! Give it a try and invest! CHARGE SHOT Hold, then release Square Powers a shot into a demonic bomb. When released, the bomb sticks to enemies and explodes shortly after. LEVEL 2: Increased area of effect on explosion - Again, super easy to run around with a charge. The explosion takes a bit long for my tastes but it can be useful. FIREWORKS X + Square Flip the shotgun around with style and flare, shooting 3 times at enemies surrounding Dante. LEVEL 2: Increased damage - I really like Fireworks. It makes short work of Rage Spawns and smaller foes and is just so damn stylish!


Fires explosive needles that stick in enemies, and can be manually detonated. SHOOT Square Fires demonic darts that embed themselves into enemies. The darts have no effect until detonated. LEVEL 1: Maximum of 4 darts LEVEL 2: Maximum of 5 darts LEVEL 3: Maximum of 6 darts - An interesting gun. The last weapon you'll get in the game. Being able to choose when to detonate the darts is neat but at this point it's more of a luxury than a necessity. DETONATE While Darts are embedded: X + Square Detonates all darts currently embedded in enemies. - Not much to say here. The detonate to Kablooey's shoot! ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Enemies >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-ENM]___.- Here you can find info on the enemies you'll run into during the game. Note that these attacks and characteristics are only true for Devil Hunter mode (I have no idea what they do differently on harder difficulties...). o Stygians (Lesser / Normal / Elite) (-NOTE-) Throughout the guide I just refer to these foes as Stygians. I don't really pay attention to their "rank"... they are still just cannon fodder to me. Stygians, as noted above, are your typical hack-and-slash cannon fodder. They are relatively weak foes that telegraph their moves well ahead of time. They can get in a lucky hit only if you aren't paying attention. The ELITE Stygians add a tremor move to their repertoire. They get bigger with longer weapons as they progress in rand but in the end are still just cannon fodder. o Death Knights

The first enemy you'll run across with a shield, the Death Knight is introduced just in time to try out your newly acquired demonic weapons. If you don't use a demonic weapon and attack from the front you are going to waste your time until they counter with a shield bash. They can also charge up and do a charging move that covers a good amount of ground (it is very easy to see this coming). Attack from behind or better yet just use demonic weapons. o Ravagers You'll recognize the Ravager right away as he has a chainsaw on his arm and well, he makes a lot of noise. He focuses entirely on offense so you can often wail away on him. He does have a charge move and various chainsaw swipes, so be careful. If he catches you you'll be incapacitated for a bit. Additionally he can go berserk (rage mode) from time to time and be resistant to all but your heaviest attacks while charging around. o Frost Knights The Frost Knight is an interesting foe. Besides regular slashes he can make a line of ice move along the ground that freezes anything it touches in place (including enemies, by the way). The other thing that makes him interesting is that only ANGELIC weapons can harm him. Everything else just bounces off, so have an Osiris combo ready to go whenever you see one. o Hell Knights Hell Knights are pretty much the exact opposite of Frost Knights. The only thing you can hurt a Hell Knight with is a DEMONIC weapon. They have a few regular short-range slash attacks as well as a giant area attack in which they plunge their sword into the ground and turn it to lava. Boost away to avoid damage. o Bathos / Shielded Bathos Bathos (and their cousin Pathos) resemble a cherub, but are anything but friendly. These enemies will fly around in the air and occasionally throw grenades at you. These grenades show their blast range before they explode, so get to safety quick. The grenades can additionally hurt other enemies as well. You can even knock them back skyward with good timing. Later on in the game these enemies will come with shields as well. They have very low health and are more of a nuisance than anything. o Pathos / Shielded Pathos Pathos (like Bathos) also resemble some sort of Cherub but instead of throwing grenades they try to hit you with an arrow attack. This attack is telegraphed well ahead of time and a quick evade should keep you safe. They also gain shields later on in the game and have very low health as well. Again, more of a nuisance than anything else. o Tyrant

The tyrant is a big boy that kinda looks like a huge (and ugly) doll. Still, it can be surprisingly fast. It likes to charge at you (which you can interrupt with a charged Eryx uppercut) and also likes to jump up and try to slam into you. Avoid these attacks and counterattack, but be ready to doge as it also has a short-range slap move if you get too close. I personally prefer to use Eryx on this guy but that's just me. o Rage Wow, what a fierce name. The Rage is some sort of animal that, at least on Devil Hunter, isn't TOO fiercesome. It can do a 2-hit combo attack at will and can even make quills float up in the air and home in on you for a ranged attack. You will almost always fight these things in pairs though, and when one dies the other will enter a berserk mode which causes it to shrug off more attacks and do a special spinning move. o Harpies Ugh. These things are annoying. Harpies are of course a flying enemy that you discover halfway through the game. They will fly in place and occasionally try to dive-bomb you. They can also through a spear at you with very little warning or telegraph. They are resistant to grab attacks, although if you spam the grab move you have a chance to nab them. You can actually blast their wings off and ground them, although their wings do grow back over time. I personally like to use the Revnant to ground them immediately and let them play in my ground-combo games... o Witches Unlike most enemies witches WON'T try to smack you. Instead, they opt to use their magic to attack you from range. These attacks include an earth attack by forming a stalagmite at your feet and launching magic swords at you. They are also surrounded by a magic shield (which Aquila can just melt away) and can even transfer this shield to other foes! They have low health and should more often than not be focused on first when they are in a group of enemies. o Butcher The butcher is an impressive foe! He's big like the tyrant but looks to be more machine than monster. He wields a buzzsaw in each hand! He can do a variety of swipes with these saws but he can also throw them (more than 2!) at you either vertically or horizontally (high AND low!) if you're far away. His weak spot is where I suppose his stomach would be, which looks like a glass tank of sorts that gets redder the closer he is to death. In addition he can also enter a rage mode and speed up his attacks. Don't get near him when he's about to die as he explodes upon death. o Rage Spawn Rage Spawn are just that: children of the Rage animals. They are quite small as a result (they are just kids after all!) but what they lack in might they make up in numbers. Or, well... they try to. Honestly you can just whip out your guns and take care of all of them. They will try to surround you with their numbers and get a cheap hit in. Use area weapons like Aquila or Osiris. The Revenant's Fireworks attack is also godly on

these things. o Ghost Rage The Ghost Rage is a special kind of Rage enemy. Much like the Frost Knight, the Ghost Rage can only be harmed by ANGELIC weapons. Other weapons will just bounce off of it. Other than that they act exactly like any other Rage enemy. They are often paired up with Blood Rages. o Blood Rage The Blood Rage is the opposite of the Ghost Rage. You can only hurt him with DEMONIC weapons. He too acts just like every other Rage enemy out there. He is often paired up with Ghost Rages. o Dreamrunner Dreamrunners are a good challenge. They are slim and agile foes that attack with two blades (Wakizashi, maybe?). They will block the majority of your attacks, but a charged Eryx strike may still get through. They are also very acrobatic. In fact, the Dreamrunners can create portals to jump into. They will often wait for a bit afterward and jump out of another portal near you and attack! Try to charge up an Eryx uppercut and greet them with it when they attack you. ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Trophy Information >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-TPH]___.- In this section I'll list all the trophies in the game along with my best description on how to obtain them. I'm sure that you Xbox 360 players out there have the same exact "achievements", so this should help you out too. (-NOTE-) Trophies are here in the order they appear in the PS trophy list. . . . . __| Platinum Trophy |__________________________________| Platinum |__ ' . '' ' Description | Collectet all DmC Devil May Cry Trophies | How to Obtain | This will quite simply be the last trophy you get in the | game. Once you have all of the other trophies, this one will | unlock. The ultimate reward for the ultimate fan. (PS3 ONLY) ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . __| Time to go to work guys! |___________________________| ' . '' Description | Purchase your first upgrade . |__ '


| How to Obtain | Make a purchase from a Divinity Statue! Easy! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Come on Puppy. Let's go! |___________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Defeat your pursuer | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| It's got to stay in the family |______________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire Arbiter | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Thing drives me crazy |______________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire Osiris | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Only kind of gift worth giving |______________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire the Angel Boost ability | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Flock off, feather-face! |___________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Survive the encounter with the Tyrant | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________

. . . . __| This baby sure can pack a punch |____________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire Eryx | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| He's a demon too |___________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Help Phineas retrieve his eye | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| You are not a Human, are you? |______________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire the Devil Trigger ability | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| No talking! |________________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire Aquila | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| More than just a few sparks |________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire Revenant | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . __| Whatever, Lady |_____________________________________| ' . '' Description | Defeat Mundus' spawn . |__ '


| How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| You're not going to shoot me |_______________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Acquire Kablooey | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| It's time to finish this! |__________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Help Vergil open the Vault | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Cleaning up his Dad's mess |_________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Defeat Mundus | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| The end? Don't bet on it |___________________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete the final mission on Human, Devil Hunter, or | Nephilim difficulty | How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't | miss it! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . __| Looks like ' . Description | | How to Obtain | | | . . |_____________________| '' Complete a level without taking any damage it's your lucky day . |__ '


I have to imagine that MISSION THREE on a second playthrough would be the best place to get this. Heck, put the difficulty on HUMAN even.

| | Reader Zorn74 advised that this is a VERY easy trophy to | get in "Heaven or Hell" mode. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Every hero has a weakness |__________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete Furnace of Souls without taking damage from the | furnace | How to Obtain | I have actually yet to get this one, but doing this | without being worried about collecting stuff HAS to help. | Being patient will help immensely as well. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| It's only the rain |_________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Kill 10 enemies by pushing them into the Hurricane ride | on Mission 1 | How to Obtain | This one is entertaining! Haha! Just use Rebellion's LAUNCH | ability under the ride and nothing else! NOTHING ELSE! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| A man with guts and honor |__________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Reach the end of the descent on Mission 6 having killed | all of the enemies | How to Obtain | Another neat one. Do this on a second run so you don't have | to worry about items. You'll also know where to go which | helps. Be efficient and kill quickly! Restart from the | checkpoint if you have to. | | Reader Zorn74 advised that this is a VERY easy trophy to | get in "Heaven or Hell" mode. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Now my coat's all charred |__________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Navigate the Sky Bridge on Mission 16 without hitting the | lasers | How to Obtain | VERY easy to do. Follow the guide if you need help. Above | all be patient and look for the patterns. ________________|______________________________________________________________

. . . . __| Where does the time go? |____________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete a level with 2 minutes or less on the clock | How to Obtain | Easily done by replaying MISSION THREE when you already | have the BOOST ability. Heck, you can do it in less than a | minute! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| For Tony Redgrave |__________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Kill 50 enemies using nothing but firearms | How to Obtain | I've found that using the REVENANT and doing the mission | UNDER SIEGE helps here... | | Reader Zorn74 advised that this is a VERY easy trophy to | get in "Heaven or Hell" mode. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| In the name of my father |___________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Demon weapons | How to Obtain | I've found that using ERYX and doing the mission UNDER | SIEGE helps here... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| You'll never have her fire |_________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Kill 100 enemies using nothing but Angel weapons | How to Obtain | I've found that using OSIRIS and doing the mission UNDER | SIEGE helps here... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Impressive |_________________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Slay 100 Demons | How to Obtain | I defy you to beat the game and NOT get this... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . .

__| Bring it on! |_______________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Slay 1,000 Demons | How to Obtain | You'll get this if you spend any time at all trying to | explore. I think you'd get this even if you didn't.... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Looks like we have a winner |________________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Slay 5,000 Demons | How to Obtain | I have yet to get this one myself. I'd imagine it is easy | if you play through the game on multiple difficulties though! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Sensational! |_______________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Gain a SSS Style Rank during combat | How to Obtain | I'd be surprised if anyone didn't get this naturally. If | you didn't, go back and play Mission 1 and fight the boss. | Change up your moves and avoid all attacks. Drive does | wonders for building the style gauge! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| It's showtime. Come on! |____________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Earn 1,500 Style Bonuses | How to Obtain | You'll get this as you beat the game as long as you don't | get hit every other enemy. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| This is my kind of rain |____________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Spend 10,000 Red Orbs | How to Obtain | Not hard to do at all. Just buy health upgrades until you | get this. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . __| Absolutely crazy about it |___________________________| ' . '' Description | Spend 50,000 Red Orbs . |__ '


| How to Obtain | I have yet to get this one either, but I imagine buying | everything in the shop will get you this. That is going to | take another playthrough. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Let's rock, baby! |__________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Upgrade Dante's health to maximum | How to Obtain | You probably won't get this on a first playthrough, but | if you've been focusing on health you should get it early | in your second playthrough. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| You can't handle it |________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Upgrade Dante's Devil Trigger to maximum | How to Obtain | I have yet to get this one... I'm guessing a second | playthrough is required for this one as well... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Power... Give me more power! |_______________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Purchase all of Dante's combat upgrades | How to Obtain | Another trophy that is going to take you a second | playthrough to acquire. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Let's welcome chaos! |_______________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Open all of the Secret Doors | How to Obtain | Follow the guide and this one is a cinch! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| And you are set free |_______________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Free half of the Lost Souls | How to Obtain | Follow the guide and this one is a cinch! ________________|______________________________________________________________

. . . . __| Fill your dark soul with light |_____________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Free all of the Lost Souls | How to Obtain | Follow the guide and this one is a cinch! ________________|______________________________________________________________

. . . . __| Keeps getting better and better |____________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Gain a 100% completion rank on all missions (difficulty | doesn't matter) | How to Obtain | Follow the guide and this one is a cinch! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Stylish! |___________________________________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete a mission with a SSS rank | How to Obtain | Once you beat the game, go play Mission 3 or something on | Human and you should get this easily. ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Too easy! |__________________________________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete all missions on the Son of Sparda difficulty | How to Obtain | Opinion forthcoming.... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Devils never cry |_____________________________________| Gold |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete all missions on the Dante Must Die difficulty | How to Obtain | Opinion forthcoming.... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . __| This is what I live for! |____________________________| Bronze ' . '' Description | Complete all missions on the Heaven or Hell difficulty . |__ '

| How to Obtain | Opinion forthcoming.... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| And welcome to Hell! |_________________________________| Gold |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete all missions on the Hell and Hell difficulty | How to Obtain | Opinion forthcoming.... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| Jackpot! |_____________________________________________| Gold |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete all missions on the Nephilim difficulty with a | SSS rank | How to Obtain | Opinion forthcoming.... ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| This party's just getting crazy! |___________________| Bronze |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete 10 Secret Missions | How to Obtain | Follow the guide and this one is a cinch! ________________|______________________________________________________________ . . . . __| One hell of a party! |_______________________________| Silver |__ ' . '' ' Description | Complete all of the Secret Missions | How to Obtain | Follow the guide and this one is a cinch! ________________|______________________________________________________________ ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Version History >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-HIS]___.- Version 0.50: January 17th, 2013 -------------------------------About halfway through the game. I have a feeling I'd be further if I stopped

replaying levels. Oh well. Got most of the items along the way at least. Also need to go back and post my best times, plan to do that when I beat the game. This version of the guide is exclusive to Version 1.00: January 18th, 2013 -------------------------------Finished up the main guide and some other stuff. Still not quite done, but the guide itself is actually finished. Yea! Version 1.10: January 24th, 2013 -------------------------------Finished up the weapon section and enemy section. But mostly played a heck of a lot of Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. What a fantastic game! Not quite done with DmC though, so stay tuned... ___ __ __ ___ | \ | \/ | / __| | | | E V I L | |\/| | A Y | (__ R Y __________|___/____________|_|__|_|_______\___|_______________ ..-`-.. O==< Credits >==O ``-.__________________________________________________[DmC-CRE]___.- - WALKTHROUGH CREDITS o Crazyasain55 for the Hunter tip. o Mookiethebold for the Mission 15 directional mistake. o Zorn74 for the Heaven or Hell tips. o LittleDemonBoy for the Enemy Step / Key tip. - PEOPLE CREDITS o Jeremy Wise from for the support. o Power Pyx for some of the collectable locations o Johnathan Sawyer for the ASCii Artwork. o Gamefaqs Contributor board for the support (You know who you are!) _______________________________________________________________________________ *CUE ELEVATOR MUSIC* Document Bkstunt_31 2013 SHE'S RIGHT... Devil May Cry 2013 Capcom THIS *IS* HELL... E N D O F D O C U M E N T DmC: Devil May Cry: FAQ/Walkthrough by Bkstunt_31 Version: 1.10 | Last Updated: 2013-01-24 | View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to DmC: Devil May Cry (X360) FAQs & Guides

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