Indira Singh Bio

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Indira Singh

9/11 Whistleblower, Risk Technology Architect,

Ground Zero EMT

Photo Credit: Insider Magazine, January 2005.

Indira was born in London England, and is a
naturalized US citizen. She's received undergraduate
degrees from City University and is now working on a
PhD in a clinical field.

With degrees in Mathematics and Biology, she has
been working on Wall Street since 1975 working
primarily in strategic management consulting arenas.

She was an early practitioner of applying advanced IT
techniques to high-level strategic problems. For
example, Indira wrote predictive financial, economic
and political risk applications in the late 1970's,
Indira Singh Guns and Butter Bio 2005
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utilizing precursors to Artificial Intelligence based
modeling and simulation languages.

By the time of the terror attacks on our nation, Indira
had over 20 years experience in Information
Technology and Risk Management. She had pioneered
the field of Risk Enterprise Architecture - creating real
time computer models of large global enterprises -to
identify and manage all risk exposures.

Her technology experience included developing the
Internet for use by the Tibetan Government-in-Exile.

Indira has worked with leaders in technology, risk and
security to develop next generation blueprints for
business and government sectors. She consulted for
major financial institutions including Credit Suisse
First Boston, Deutsche Bank (formerly Bankers Trust),
American Express and JP Morgan Chase.

Indira's experience with the United Nations and the
Interoperability Clearing House (a DARPA funded
company) provided exposure to a variety of
government and intelligence operations. In addition,
she co-founded the Object Developers Group, a user
group dedicated to providing a center of technology
excellence for US based IT professionals.

On 9/11 Indira was working as a Senior Consultant
for JP Morgan Chase. She was tasked with developing
a next-generation operational risk blueprint, which
would proactively identify exposures including money
laundering, rogue trading and illicit financing
patterns. It was in this capacity nine months later she
became aware of the biggest threat to our country - a
transnationally protected terrorist cartel that brought
us 9/11, which continues to operate today.

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Indira is a private pilot and a climber. Prior to 9/11,
she volunteered as a civilian Emergency Medical
Technician, until she was injured at Ground Zero.

She is currently writing two books "Blueprint for
Terror", the personal story into her three year
investigation as to how and why the US intelligence
agencies, mainly the FBI, obstructed efforts to shut
down the terror network behind 9/11, specifically her
exposing the matter of Ptech, Inc. Ptech, she
maintains, is the one "golden thread" linking to all
those who paid for and planned 9/11, as well as
drugs-for-weapons operations in Turkey, Chechnya
and Afghanistan.

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