VP Product Management Chief Technology Officer in Seattle WA Resume Scott Toborg

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Scott T. Toborg, Ph.D.

Bellevue, WA 98006 425-747-4371 scott@toborg.com

Technology Executive with outstanding combination of technical depth, leadership skill and business savvy. Proven C-Level experience in both large enterprise and entrepreneurial organizations. Track record of success in the development & deployment of products and services used by millions and generating billions in revenue. Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, MS Computer Science, BS Physics, Deep expertise in: Mobile Application Development M2M, Wireless, Cellular Technologies Software Development Management Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics Data Mining / Big Data Architectures Lean and Agile Development Techniques SOA, SaaS and Cloud Architectures Cross-Functional, Global Program Management Complex Technical Product Management Business Process Management

EXPERIENCE Chief Technologist, TOBORG TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES, Bellevue, WA 2009-Present Executive consultant to high growth enterprises in the development and execution of technology, product, and partnering strategies. Vice President, Products, Control4, Inc. Line manager for team of 15-20 Product and Program Managers. Led comprehensive revamp of product strategy, roadmap, and development processes for 40+ products generating $100M+ in annualized revenue. CTO HealthMate Medical. Low-cost heart diagnostics device. Developed new product concepts for medical device communication, data storage, and data analysis service. Program Manager/Architect, AT&T Mobility Product Realization / CTO. Lead development, onboarding and lifecycle management of over 40 AT&T branded or pre-loaded consumer mobile applications. Portfolio includes top revenue generating applications for AT&T. Product Development Consultant for major food processing equipment company. Identified market and technology gaps. Defined new $200M product line. Performed due diligence on technology partners. Reviewed current Image Processing algorithms and developed technology strategy to enhance next generation systems. Completed (2011) In-depth Technology Assessment for Investment Group in the area of wireless location and tracking technologies (RFID, Nanotechnologies, WiFi, WiGig, UWB, SAT, 4G, M2M). SVP Service Delivery Systems (CIO), STRATA8 NETWORKS, Bellevue, WA Smallcell and Fixed-Mobile convergence service provider for medium to large enterprise 2007-2009

Defined and deployed companys first multi-phase, multi-vendor operation support system. Included billing, order management, service provisioning, doc management, workflow. Resulted in systems that increased company order processing and subscriber support capabilities many times over previous manual system. Defined agile development and product release process linking business strategy, market drivers, technology and operations. Used as an integral part of Scrum development process. Led 15 member cross-functional Scrum team. Resulted in rapid development of Release 1 fixedmobile convergence product and service. Led business process team to define end-to-end service delivery processes. Processes documented in BPMN format. Used as foundation for manual and automated systems.

Assessed and revised patents for Wireless Signaling Network and Service. Chief Technical Officer, COSCOMM INTERNATIONAL, Kirkland, WA Satellite and terrestrial hybrid communication solutions for first responders 2006-2007

Redesigned in-vehicle voice/data product line to incorporate next generation IP over Satellite technology. Resulted in cheaper, easier to integrate product and immediate sales into first responder market. Wrote and Revised Patents on Mobile Satellite and Terrestrial Data Systems. Developed SAT/LMR interoperability solution. New product line opened up new market for agency-wide first responder systems. Wrote Proposal and Project Charter for County-wide first-responder communication system that resulted in multi-million $ award. Managing Partner, TRIMTAB ALLIANCE, Portland, OR Venture capital fund and professional services for early stage tech companies 2005-2006

Co-Founder and Chief Technologist, responsible for portfolio company screening, selection and portfolio company product strategy consulting. Developed screening criteria and due diligence processes including intellectual property assessment. Reviewed business plans from hundreds of high-tech companies. Selected 10-12 initial investments. Participated on executive management teams for select portfolio companies (Coscomm, Montavo, ECRONA Health Systems). Served on Advisory Boards for BigScreen, SNAP, Teraquant. Served on screening committee for Keiretsu Forum (largest US angel investment group). Chief Technology Officer, MOSAIX COMMUNICATIONS, Seattle, WA 2002-2003 Private IP, VPN and unified communications service provider. Venture Capital funded start-up. Co-Founder. Secured $2MM in VC funding. Designed Virtual Private Network (VPN) service and unified communication solutions for smallmedium business. Deployed breakthrough low-cost point of presence (POP) architecture and nationwide virtual broadband network. Saved 5-10X over previous POP designs . Designed and deployed initial network management and operation support systems with customer web portal. Executive Consultant, TELECOM TECHNOLOGY STRATEGIES, Bellevue, WA 2001-2006 Consultant to major telecom operators and suppliers in the development and execution of technology, product, and partnering strategies. Selected engagements: VP Data Analytics for cellular location based services company. Architected multi-terabyte data warehouse and data mining application to analyze and predict customer purchasing preferences and target advertising based on customer model. Product Manager for network management start-up. New network configuration management product produced $10M in first year revenue. TeleManagement Forum Project Manager responsible for defining Web Service standards for NMS/EMS integration. Resulted in creation of MTOSI 1.0 standard. VP Business Development and Product Strategy for SOA Design Tools company.

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Acting CIO responsible for design of high-performance, high-availability e-commerce website. Wrote patents on Neural Network Optimization Approach to Real Estate Lead Matching. Recognized national expert in the area of Telecom Systems, Processes & Software Development. Served as Consulting Expert and Expert Witness on multi-million $ litigations Member University of Washington Graduate School of Business Curriculum Committee, Technology Executives Peer Group (Puget Sound CIOs, CTOs) Vice President and Chief Information Officer, 360NETWORKS, Seattle, WA 2000-2001 Second largest fiber optic network in the world (route miles). Billion $ global broadband service provider. Company Officer and Member senior management team reporting to CEO/COO. Built global IT organization from ~85 to over 250 employees + 50 contractors + 10 system integrators. Managed $100M+ annual development and operations budget. Successfully supported corporate expansion from 700 to 2000 employees in 10 months on 4 continents (NA, SA, Asia, Europe) and 125+ offices/sites. Established Information Technology Executive Steering Committee. Resulted in streamlined process for prioritizing, funding and managing cross-functional resources for IT projects. Defined and Built IT Program Management Office. Used PMO organization and governance processes to successfully track and manage 150+ simultaneous projects. Redesigned and deployed Business / Operation Support Systems. Previous design was too complex and expensive for current business needs. Renegotiated all vendor contracts. Reduced costs by over $20M. Resulted in more flexible, scalable architecture while meeting immediate business needs. Defined and documented end-to-end cross-functional Service Delivery Processes. Business processes were used to run global fiber optic services business with revenues of $500M. Responsible for strategy, architecture, application development and operation of all information systems including: corporate network, global data centers, high availability servers (UNIX, NT), desktops, storage systems, video conferencing, telephony, intranet, finance, ERP, human resources, billing and operation support systems (OSS). Director, Product Development, TELEDESIC CORPORATION, Bellevue, WA 1999-2000 Global multi-billion $ multi-satellite system with objective of creating broadband Internet in the Sky Developed product/service strategy for Teledesics global broadband satellite system. Defined cross-functional stage-gate product development process to support network service realization. Process used to guide activities throughout company. Developed breakthrough network service concepts and strategy for early entry services (broadband GEO, global fiber network, content distribution network, interactive TV). SBC TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES INC. (NOW AT&T LABS), Austin, TX Central R&D Center for Fortune 50 company. Largest communications provider in US. 1995-1999

Technical Leadership: Performed technology due diligence and product assessments on hundreds of technology vendors. Built testing lab for network management, network hardware, network design tools, and operation support system products. SBC Communications representative for Internet 2 Program Chairman, SBC IP/ATM Broadband Architecture Team Member XIWT Steering Committee on Internet Performance Metrics Member IETF IP Performance Metrics (IPPM) Working Group Technical Program Committee Member for Neural Networks in Telecommunications
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Directed Bellcore (Telcordia) research project on Internet traffic modeling Technical Chair OPNETWORK99 international conference on network simulation & design Chief Data Warehousing Architect (acting CIO): Led comprehensive redesign of SBC Wireless (now AT&T Mobility) information systems. Developed technical architecture and business plan for nationwide system incorporating data warehousing, data mining, and end-to-end integrated customer relationship management to support 10M+ cellular subscribers. Initial system deployed for customer retention. ROI breakeven in 6 months, first year savings (retained revenues) conservatively estimated at $40M+. Network Architect: Served as a member of an executive team to develop broadband network convergence strategy for SBC. Resulted in architecture and plan to convert backbone TDM networks to IP. Chief Technologist on $200M government IT reengineering project to support e-government systems. Created new architecture that saved millions for customer. Resulted in proposal win. Responsible for evaluation and deployment of network design, simulation / modeling and performance monitoring tools throughout SBC. Resulted in selection and deployment of tools. Responsible for development of strategy and services for high-speed Internet access technologies (ADSL, Cable Modem, Satellite, Fixed Wireless). Resulted in first network ADSL design that acted as catalyst for ADSL service rollout. Program Manager (acting CTO), SBC Internet: Part of founding team and direct report to CEO of Southwestern Bell Internet Services with responsibility for development and deployment of software systems for new ISP business. Responsible for coordinating efforts of 50+ member multi-vendor team, development of project plan and schedule, planning for new services. Helped grow business from 0 to 500K subscribers; 4 to 200 employees. [AT&T Internet is now the largest ISP in the US.] Contributions recognized by TRI Cabinet Award for Teamwork and Technical Leadership. Project Manager: Direct report to CEO, part of start-up team responsible for development of high capacity Internet Yellowpages e-commerce website (www.yellowpages.com). Major responsibilities included: Management of software development, project schedule, network architecture and development of new business processes. Contributions recognized by TRI On the Spot Award for outstanding technical leadership. Deputy Director Intelligent Systems Group, MCC, Austin, TX 1994-1995 Worlds largest research consortium. Focused on semiconductors, electronics and software systems. Responsible for new business development, technical marketing, product licensing, system architecture design, task delegation, day-to-day technical supervision of research staff. Developed algorithms and software tools for complex signal/image processing. Applications included: Visa Credit Card Fraud Detection, Kodak Face Recognition, Eastman Chemical Commodity Price Prediction, Postal System Handwriting Recognition, Hyper-Spectral Image Data Fusion, Computer Vision Application Platforms.

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HUGHES RESEARCH LABORATORIES, Malibu, CA Central R&D facility for multi-billion $ Hughes Aircraft (now part of Boeing)


Project Manager / Technical Lead responsible for development of neural net, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm and multi-sensor fusion technologies applied to automatic target recognition (ATR), under water mine detection, and multi-sensor resource optimization. Responsible for overall project management including: system design, software engineering, task allocation, technical marketing, and periodic program reviews. Results exceeded customer specs, used in $300M DoD follow-on proposal. Principle Investigator for design and implementation of computer vision technologies. Results documented in 7 refereed publications and Ph.D. Thesis. Implemented computer vision algorithms on massively parallel machine (DAP) and designed special purpose 3-D wafer scale hardware for real-time embedded processing. HUGHES SPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, El Segundo, CA Fortune 100 company. Worlds largest manufacturer of satellite systems. 1984-1989

Proposal Manager responsible for analyzing future telecommunication satellite autonomy requirements and developing concepts to improve reliability through connectionist expert systems. Conducted satellite processing technology assessments that were incorporated into long-term DoD technology forecasts. Large-Scale Satellite Network Simulation Lead Software Engineer for development of large-scale Strategic Defense Initiative discrete-event simulation. Simulation included sophisticated models for global computer and communication networks, missile trajectories, directed energy weapons and battle management. System used to support SDI proposals throughout Hughes. Required Secret and EBI national security clearances. Project Manager, IBM LOS ANGELES SCIENTIFIC CENTER, Los Angeles, CA 1983-1984 Fortune 50 company. Research Center associated with Almaden and Santa Teresa laboratories. Designed and implemented software interface for object-oriented tools used in Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) products. Responsible for directing day-to-day work of 16-member graduate student team. Interviewed, hired, and trained new student research assistants. Responsible for periodic oral and written reports to IBM management. EDUCATION / CERTIFICATION Ph.D., Electrical Engineering (Computer Engineering), University of Southern California Major Fields: Data Mining, Computer Vision, Image Processing, Neural Networks, Data Fusion, and Parallel Hardware Architectures. Awarded Hughes Aircraft Doctoral Fellowship MS, Computer Science, Brigham Young University Major Fields: Software Engineering, Enterprise Information Systems Design BS, Applied Physics, (with honors) Brigham Young University Minors: Mathematics, Computer Science, and German PMP, Project Management Institute, Certified Project Management Professional Certified Scrum Master, Scrum Alliance

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MEMBERSHIPS and AFFLIATIONS PMI, IEEE, ACM, AAAI, Sigma XI, Sigma Pi Sigma, Whos Who in Telecommunications, XIWT Internet Performance Metrics Steering Committee, IETF IP Performance Metrics Working Group (IPPM), SBC Internet 2 representative, TeleManagement Forum, Technology Executives Peer Group (TXPEG), University of Washington Business School Curriculum Committee, Keiretsu Forum, WTIA. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS, PRESENTATIONS, REPORTS Wireless Location and Tracking Technology Assessment Prepared for INFINITY Group, July, 2011. Pathogen Management: Technology Survey and Commercialization Strategy, Prepared for Key Technologies, May 5, 2010. The Enterprise New Product Development Process", Technology Executives Leadership Academy, Seattle, WA, May 30, 2007. An Introduction to MTOSI: A Web Services-Based Standard for OS-OS Communications, (with Francesco Caruso), Proceedings TeleManagement World, Nice, France, May 2005. Implementing NGOSS with MTOSI: A Case Study on the Development of Inventory Interface Standards, (with Don Gibson and Paul McCluskey), Proceedings TeleManagement World, Long Beach, October 2004. Winning Strategies: Transforming Networks, Operations, and Services to Drive Business Success, invited opening address and executive panel, IEC Executive Forum, Chicago, Il., June, 2004. Beyond OSS/BSSNext Generation Customer-Centric Service Delivery, invited opening address and executive panel, Billing and OSS World, Washington, D.C., May 5, 2004. Core Competencies for Technology Leaders, University of Washington, International Executive Management Workshop, September 8, 2003. The IT Competency Chasm: How can we more effectively leverage technology to deliv er business value? University of Washington, Technology Management MBA Guest Lecture Series , May 3, 2003. Strategic Planning for Information Technology, Technology Executives Peer Group, Bellevue, WA, 28 August 2002. Building a Large-Scale Stage-Gate Network Service Delivery Process, invited keynote address, Product Management Conference, Bellevue, WA, Jan. 8, 2002. Information Systems and Technology Vision 2001: How Information Systems will Revolutionize our Business, keynote address, Information Systems and Technology Summit, Vancouver, B.C., January 2001. Changing the Paradigm for Global Optical Service Provisioning, Proceedings IEC Operation Support Systems Summit, Miami, FL, 6 March 2001. Business-Driven Network Design and OperationThe Business Value of Network Design Tools, Proceedings OPNETWORK2000, Washington, D.C. August 29, 2000.
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The Future Role of Simulation in Network Design and Operations, invited keynote address, Proceedings OPNETWORK99, Washington, D.C., August 31, 1999. Critical Role of Network Simulation in the Design of Next Generation Network Services, Communications News, August 1999. A Systems Perspective on the Impact and Role of Business Intelligence Solutions in Telecommunications, Telcordia Engineering Seminar, Morristown, NJ, April 20, 1999. SBC Wireless Customer Relationship Management System, invited keynote address, Wireless Retention Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 15, 1999. New Directions for Unified Network Design and Operation, Proceedings Next Generation Networks Conference, Washington, DC., Nov. 6, 1998. Integrated Network Design and Performance Analysis, Proceedings OPNETWORK98, Washington, DC., May 1998. Neural Techniques for Fault Diagnosis of Broadband Networks (with Thomas John), Conference on Communications Networks and Neural Networks, Duke University, Durham, NC, March 4-6 1996. HyperSAR: An Integrated Hyperspectral / SAR Remote Sensing Platform for Wide-Area Search, Terrain Mapping, and Environmental Monitoring, ARPA Technology Reinvestment Concept Paper, Dec. 21, 1994. New Paradigms in Technology Transfer, Keynote Address, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. July, 1994, Orlando, FL. Performance Comparison of Neural Networks for Undersea Mine Detection, (with D. Rowe and M. Lussier), Applications of Artificial Neural Networks V, Proceedings SPIE Volume 2243, pp. 200-211, 1994. "Neural Network Computing with 3-D Wafer Scale Integration", (with M. Campbell), IEEE Transactions on Circuits, Hybrids, & Manufacturing Technology, Special Issue on Wafer Scale Computing, Nov. 1993. Stability and Convergence Control in Cooperative Integration Networks, International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Amsterdam, Sept. 13-16, 1993. "3-D Wafer Stack Neurocomputing", (with M. Campbell, S. Taylor), IEEE International Conference. on Wafer Scale Integration, San Francisco, Jan. 20-22, 1993. Cooperative Vision Integration Through Data-Parallel Neural Computations, (with K. Hwang), IEEE Transactions on Computers, pp.1368-1379, Dec. 1991. Neural Network Vision Integration with Learning, SPIE Conference on Applications of Artificial Neural Networks II, ed. Steven K. Rogers. pp.77-88. Orlando, FL, 1991. Parallel Vision Integration on the AMT Distributed Array Processor, (with K. Hwang), Fifth International Parallel Processing Symposium, ed. V. K. Prasanna Kumar, pp.178-185. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991.

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"A 3-D Wafer Scale Architecture for Early Vision Processing", International Joint Conference on Application Specific Array Processors, Princeton, NJ, Sept.5-7, 1990. "An Approach to Image Recognition Using Sparse Filter Graphs", (with K. Flaton), International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. June 18-22, Washington, D.C., 1989. "Exploring Neural Network and Optical Computing Technologies", (with K. Hwang), Ch.16 of Parallel Processing for Supercomputer and Artificial Intelligence, K. Hwang and D. DeGroot, eds., McGraw-Hill, 1989. "STRADEM: A Simulation for SDI Architecture Analysis", (with S. DePicciotto, T. Lonski), Proceedings of the 1986 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 28-30, Reno, NV, 1986. DirecPC: High-Speed Satellite Internet Access, SBC Technology Resources Internal Report, July 1997. Neural Networks Technology Assessment, (with S. Shams, W. Przytula), Hughes Research Laboratories, Technology Assessment Report #93002, April 1993. Cooperative Integration of Multispectral Infrared Images, Hughes Aircraft Common Image Processing Technologies Project, Karen Olin (editor), December 1992. Cooperative Vision Integration: From Neural Algorithms to Wafer Scale Architectures, Hughes Research Laboratories, Research Report No. 587, August 1992. Using CASE Tools for Systems Engineering Support, Hughes Space and Communications Group, Technical Report No. 4M11.26/26, March 3, 1989. Processing Needs for Future DoD Communications Spacecraft, (with Mark Schwene, Mike OHara), MilSatCom Technology Assessment Report, June 1988. "Connectionist Expert Systems for Autonomous Spacecraft Control", Hughes Space and Communications Group, Report No. 4M11.23/17, May 20, 1988. "Exploring the Application of Neural Networks for SDI Weapon Assignment", Hughes Space and Comm Group, Tech. Report No. 4912.3/197, May 29, 1987. Parallel Processing for Space Battle Management, Hughes Space and Communications Group, Jan. 9, 1987. THESES Cooperative Vision Integration: From Neural Network Algorithms to Parallel Hardware Architectures, University of Southern California, Department of Electrical Engineering--Systems, Ph.D. Dissertation, May 1992. "Developing a General Model for Information Systems Design: An Analysis and Synthesis of Methodologies", Brigham Young University, Computer Science Department, Master of Science Thesis, May 1984. "Design Considerations for Nd:YAG-Glass Laser Systems", Brigham Young University, Honors Program, Bachelor of Science Thesis, April 1982.

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SKILLS SUMMARY Management: Chief Information Officer. Chief Technology Officer. VP Product Development. VP Business Development. Senior Executive Management. Technical Personnel Management. Cross-Functional Distributed Team Building. Multi-project Program Management. Strategic Technology Planning and Forecasting. R&D Project Management. Technical Marketing. Technology Assessment. Product Specification and Evaluation. Financial Planning and Budgeting. Business Process Engineering. Business and Technology Strategy. Global Team Management. Lean-Agile Development. Scrum. Software and Hardware: IBM Business Discovery Solutions and Data Miner. NeoVista DecisionSeries Data Mining. SAS Enterprise Miner. MS Project. HP OpenView. Riversoft Network Management. OPNET Network Simulation Package. SPSS. PV-WAVE. Matlab. Mathematica. Sun. Silicon Graphics. Distributed Array Processor (DAP). 3-D Wafer Scale Integration. Cisco IOS. UNIX. Solaris. Windows. Mac OS. UML. C/C++. XML. Java. JMS. Fortran. Lisp. Pascal. Assembly. Web Services. Service Oriented Architectures. Microsoft SharePoint Server. Dreamweaver. Adobe Creative Suite. Technologies: Large-Scale Network Design and Planning. Network Simulation and Modeling. Network Management. High Availability Web Site Design. TCP/IP. Ethernet. Local Area Networks. ATM. IP over ATM. ADSL. HDSL. VDSL. FTTC. HFC. Cable Modems. Routers. Ethernet Switches. ATM Switches. Routers. Wireless Cable. Broadband Satellite Data Networks. Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites. Wi-MAX Software Engineering Methodologies. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Enterprise Information Systems Architecture. CASE. Data Compression. Intelligent Agents. Database Management Systems. Multimedia Databases. Multimedia Systems. Internet. Neural Networks. Fuzzy Logic. Genetic Algorithms. Pattern Recognition. Multi-Sensor Data Fusion. Computer Vision. Image Processing. Signal Processing. Time Series Analysis. Wavelets. Massively Parallel Computer Architectures. Parallel Processing Algorithms. Machine Learning. Artificial Intelligence. Predictive Analytic Algorithms. Land Mobile Radio (LMR). CDMA Cellular Communication Systems. Picocells. Femtocells. Wi-Fi Networks. Fixed-Mobile Convergence. Multi-spectral/Hyperspectral Image Processing. RFID. Cloud Computing. Applications: Network Performance Monitoring. Internet Access Services. ADSL Access. ATM Backbone Architectures. High-Speed Internet Access Architectures. Electronic Yellow Pages. Data Mining. Automatic Target Recognition. Credit Card Fraud Detection. Hyperspectral Image Processing. Infrared Imaging. Character Recognition. Face Recognition. Handwriting Recognition. Real-time Embedded Processing. Resource Optimization. Speech Recognition. Customer Acquisition and Churn Analysis. Telecom Market Segmentation. Market Basket Analysis. Telecom Operation Support Systems. Telecom Inventory Management Systems. Customer Relationship Management. Public Safety and First Responder Communications and Applications. Computer Aided Dispatch Systems. Mobile (Cellular) Advertising Systems. Foodborne Pathogen Detection. Home Automation Systems. Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS). Content Delivery Networks (CDN).

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