8255 Peripheral Study Card

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INTRODUCTION: Logsuns 8255 peripheral study card is unique peripheral solution for all 8085, 8086 and 8051

microcontroller. This card can be interfaced with all the CPUs independently. The 8255 study card consists main 8255 peripheral interfacing IC. It consists of three ports viz. port A, port B and port C. Card supports two execution modes single stepping execution & full swing execution. This card also consists of 26 pin output connector so that you can also interface cards like stepper motor, ADC, DAC through 8255. All the ports, control signals and data signals are displayed by leds on the card.

OBJECTIVE: To study 8255 peripheral interface card.

THEORY: It is a general purpose programmable I/O device which may be used with many different microprocessors for data transfer. There are 24 I/O pins which may be individually programmed in 3 groups of 8 port A, port B and port C. The eight bits of port C can be used as individual bits or be grouped in two 4-bit ports.: port C upper and port C lower. It is used in 3 major modes of operation. a) Mode 0: Simple input output mode. b) Mode 1: Input /output with handshake. c) Mode 2: Bi-directional data transfer. The high performance and industry standard configuration of the 8255 make it compatible with the 8085, 8086 and other microprocessors. Static CMOS circuit design insures low operating power. TTL compatibility over the full military temperature range and bus hold circuitry eliminates the need for pull-up resistors.

SPECIFICATION: 1. Pin compatible with NMOS 8255A. 2. 24 programmable input/output pins. 3. Fully TTL compatible. 4. High speed operation, no wait state operation with 5MHz and 8MHz processors. 5. Direct Bit Set/Reset capability. 2

6. Enhanced control word read capability. 7. Low standby power. 8. 2.5mA drive capability on all I/O Ports. 9. It can be programmed to transfer data under various conditions, from simple I/O to interrupt I/O. 10. Can be operated in three I/O modes: 1) Mode 0 2) Mode 1 3) Mode 3.

INTERFACING WITH DIFFERENT MICROPROCESSORS: The Logsuns 8255 peripheral study card can be independently interfaced with different CPUs as follows;

INTERFACING WITH 8085U MICROPROESSOR: The 8085L microprocessor kit has a 50 Pin FRC connector. The following procedure must be followed to interface 8255 peripheral card with 8085L, 1. Set the following settings in the HyperTerminal in the PC, a. Baud rate-2400 b. Data bits-8 c. Parity-None d. Stop Bits-2 e. Flow Control-None. 2. Serial In the data from the PC with the help of SI/p command on the Keyboard. 3. When WAIT appears on the display transfer through program hex file to the kit through the serial COM port of the PC. 4. Execute the program with EXE instruction and observe the output on the port LEDs on the 8255 peripheral card 5. The data is sent to different ports with some delay. 6. You can also observe the control signals and data line on the card. 7. Use the particular position of the switch provided on the card to run the single stepping mode or full swing mode.

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