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Leisure Newsletter

Second ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1- 4, 2012 Program of Sessions of Research Committee on Sociology of Leisure RC13 Programme Coordinator Ishwar Modi, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India
Main Theme: Leisure in Turbulent Times Session A Leisure in Turbulent Times Organiser and Chair Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, 1. Postmodern play: Evaluating Huizinga's Challenge Thomas HENRICKS, Elon University, USA 2. Leisure in turbulent times: second life realizations Christiana CONSTANTOPOULOU, Panteion University, Department of Sociology, Athens, Greece 3. Whiteness, social order and heritage leisure: Reconstructing England through the national trust Karl SPRACKLEN, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom 4. South African leisure in turbulent economic times Claudia MARTINEZ MULLEN, South Africa 5. Leisure happiness and development: A contemporary Australian perspective Francis LOBO, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia 6. Leisure, social justice and democratization Alan LAW, Trent University, Canada

7. Socio-psychological dynamics of pilgrimage in turbulent times: a case study of Hazratbal shrine Amin PIRZADA, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India Session B Democratization and the promise of leisure / La democratizacin y la promesa de ocio Session in English and Spanish Organiser Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, Chairs Christianne Luce GOMES, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, Sukant K. CHAUDHURY, University of Lucknow, India, Oral Presentation: 1. Leisure and dreams: Traveling as a leisure imaginary in South America Rosario RADAKOVICH, Universidad De La Republica, Uruguay 2. El rol del profesional de educacin fsica y las polticas pblicas del deporte y ocio en el contexto brasileo / The roll of the professional of physical education and the public policies of the sport and leisure in the Brazilian context Cinthia LOPES DA SILVA, Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, Brazil 3. Leisure, social and political accountability, democratic citizenship among Indians. Misri Lal VERMA, VSSD (PG) College, CSJM University, Kanpur, India 4. la lucha por la democratizacin del sistema educativo en Chile / The fight by the democratization of the educative system in Chile Jorge VERGARA ESTVEZ, Universidad de Chile, Chile 5. Projeto politico pedagogico democratico e participativo Project democratic and participative pedagogical politician Danieli HELENA RAMPELOTTI, Universidade Tuiuti do Parana, Brazil 6. Democracy slips though the net? Digital media and the political Judith BESSANT, RMIT University, Australia Distributed Papers: 7. Process of democratization, wellbeing and leisure promises in India . G.L. SHARMA, RSA, Jaipur, India 8. Role of civil movements in Indian democracy . Yogesh SHARMA, Department of Education, Govt. of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India

Session - C Leisure across disciplines: Theories and methods Organiser Ken ROBERTS, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, Chair Thomas S. HENRICKS, Elon University, United States, Oral Presentations: 1. Modernisation Theory and Leisure in Late-Developing Countries Kenneth ROBERTS, University Liverpool, United Kingdom 2. Leisure as construction of distinction: A case of Ankara, Turkey Zerrin ARSLAN, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 3. La polmica con el humanismo como vector de problematizacin e innovacin tericas en sociologa / The controversy with the humanismo like vector of theoretical problematizacin and innovation in sociology Sergio PIGNUOLI OCAMPO, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 4. Conceptual shift in leisure patterns of the youth as a result of economic furor Sanjay TEWARI, CSJM University, Kanpur, INDIA Session - D Leisure and the arts: Identity and self-expression Organiser Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, Chairs Simon MAPADIMENG, National Arts Council of South Africa, South Africa, Lynne CIOCHETTO, College of Creative Arts, Massey University, New Zealand,, Oral Presentations: 1. Traditional arts events as new perspectives of leisure in multicultural societies in Europe Alba COLOMBO, Arts & Humanities, Barcelona, Spain 2. Extracurricular art practices: Developing emotional competence in adolescence Alexandra NENKO, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Laboratory of Sociology of Education and Science, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 3. In the flesh: The constitution of a youth musical scene in the Portuguese summer festivals Paula GUERRA, University of Porto, Institute of Sociology, Porto, Portugal

4. Cine y biografas polticas: la poltica de la imagen y la construccin biogrfica de los personajes polticos en la filmografa de silvio tendler / Cinema and political biographies: the policy of the image and the biographical construction of the political personages in the filmografa of Silvio to Tendler Joo Matias DE OLIVEIRA NETO, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil 5. The everyday image of a Peronist nation? A discourse analysis of Peronism and power in Buenos Aires street art Virginia Quimey PFLCKE, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany 6. Differences in leisure activities between older and younger Finns Pekka RSNEN, University of Turku, Department of Social Research, Turku, Finland and Outi SARPILA, University of Turku, Turku, Finland 7. Singapore touring Venice: Leisure spaces, mobilities and identities Desmond WEE, Keimyung University, South Korea 8. The course of the party and party in progress: Experiences of otherness through tourism and leisure backpack Denise FALCO, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil and Juliana CORREA, UEMG, Arts Education, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Session - E Cultural and spiritual leisure values of the East and West

Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, Chairs Veena SHARMA, Prajna Foundation, India, Ma HUIDI, Chinese National Academy of Art, China, 1. Leisure in relation to religion as seen from the results of a transnational empirical lifestyle research of the "Visegrad countries" Zsuzsanna BENK and Klra TARK,University of Szeged, Institute of Applied Health Sciences and Health Promotion, Szeged, Hungary 2. Processes of stigmatization of religions of African origin in the city of Campina Grande Melise LUNGUINHO, Brazil 3. Yoga--- an universal spiritual leisure value Ajeeta BHATIA, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India, and Aneela Gadre, Dept. of Politics, G.E.S's B.V.College of Arts and Commerce, Mumbai, India 4. La incorporacin del bienestar frente a los imaginarios del miedo. los casos del yoga, la meditacin y la respiracin en Argentina para la ltima dcada / The incorporation of the well-being as opposed to the imaginary ones of the fear: the cases of yoga, the meditation and the breathing in Argentina for the last decade Ana DANGELO, UNMdP Conicet, Los Guaranies Argentina

5. Consuming history consuming culture in XXI century Spain: The case of gernika /guernica Silvina Schammah GESSER, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Raanana, Israel 6. Ocio transformacional y diversidad cultural / Transformational leisure and cultural diversity Rodrigo Antonio Elizalde SOTO, UFMG/Grupo Otium - Lazer, Brasil & America Latina, Brazil 7. Las celebraciones de nossa senhora do rosrio en belo horizonte / Brasil / The celebrations of nossa senhora do rosary in veil horizon/Brazil Vania NORONHA, Pontificia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais, Brazil 8. The role of Muslim North African associations in Europe Moha ENNAJI, University of Fs, Morocco Session - F Future of leisure in a troubled world Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, Scott NORTH, Osaka University, Japan, and Zsuzsanna BENKO, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 1. The future of leisure in a city in transformation: The case of Rio de Janeiro Tania BARROS MACIEL, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2. Improvisations of LEISURE behind bars Cludia RESENDE, Instituto de Cincias Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal 3. Ocio y redes socials / Social leisure and networks Christianne GOMES, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil 4. ICT related youth lifestyles, habits and social class in Romania Valr VERES, Babes-Bolyai University, Sociology and Social Work, Cluj Napoca, Romania 5. Third places online - towards new forms of being-in-common in the digital age Krzysztof STACHURA, University of Gdansk, Social Sciences, Gdansk, Poland 6. Integration of online-based brand communities into value creating processes of firms Melanie WENZEL, Technical University Berlin, RA Methods of Social Research, Berlin, Germany 7. Boredom, technology and twitter Hermes DE SOUSA VERAS, Universidade Estadual do Cear UECE, Fortaleza, Brazil

8. Adopcin por parejas homosexuales: Una realidad brasilea / Adoption by homosexual pairs: A Brazilian reality Marlisa FICO, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brazil Session - G Multi-dimensionality of leisure in a multicultural world / Multi-dimensionalidad de ocio en un mundo multicultural Organiser Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, Chairs Claudia MARTINEZ MULLEN, Rhodes University, South Africa, Shalini MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Regional Centre, Mumbai, India, Session in English and Spanish 1. Gender and class dimensions of leisure for youth in Pakistan Azeema FAIZUNNISA, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA 2. Drugs and leisure activities among eastern European young people Sigita SNIKERE, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, Latvia and Ilze KOROLEVA, University of Latvia, Latvia, 3. Youth and changing leisure patterns: A study of youth in urban India Rashmi JAIN, University of Rajasthan, Department of sociology, Jaipur, India 4. Enfoque de gnero en el mbito escolar: Garanta de respeto de los derechos nias, nios y jvenes / Approach of sort in the scholastic scope: Guarantee of respect of the young rights, young and young Ana SALVADORES, Argentina 5. La voz de los chicos en una experiencia participative / The voice of the boys in a participative experience Ana Beatriz AMMANN, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Cordoba, Argentina, Paula Alicia MORALES, CEA SECyT - Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Crdoba, Argentina and Agustina Mara BELTRN, CIFFYH - Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Argentina 6. Lelikeln:centro socio-educativo y laboral / Lelikeln: partner-educative and labor center Adriana GAMEZ, Cordoba, Argentina and Romina CRISTINI, Cordoba. Argentina 7. Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en instituciones educativas pblicas y su relacin con las polticas pblicas en Colombia / Consumption of psychoactive substances in public educative institutions and their relation with the public policies in Colombia Miyerlandy CABANZO VALENCIA, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia and Carlos Felipe MUOZ BARRENECHE, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia

8. (Con)sumo placer 24 horas: Comparacin del concepto de estilo de vida entre promotoras de anorexia y bulimia y consumidores de sustancias psicoactivas /(With) extreme to please 24 hours: Comparison of the concept of style of life between promoters of anorexy and bulimia and consumers of psychoactive substances Victoria SNCHEZ ANTELO, IIGG-UBA-CONICET, Argentina Distributed Papers: 9. Recreaci"n y alcohol: Padrones DE USO ENTRE aficionados DE ftbol / Recreaci " n and alcohol: Registers OF USE BETWEEN soccer fans Liana ROMERA, Universidade Federal Do Espirito Santo, Depto De Ginastica, Vitoria, Brazil and Heloisa REIS, Universidade Estadual De Campinas, Campinas, Brazil Session H RC 13 Business Meeting Chair Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India, Session I RC04RC13 Leisure education: Social justice in life-long learning Part I Joint session of RC04 Sociology of Education and RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] Organizers A. Gary Dworkin, University of Houston, USA, , RC 04 Ishwar Modi, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India,, RC 13 Chairs: Dionysios Gouvias, University of the Aegean, Greece, RC 04 Karl Spracklen, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK,, RC13

Session I - A 1. Impact of country-specific institutions on barriers to participation in lifelong learning in Europe Eve-Liis ROOSMAA, Tallinn University, Institute of International and Social Studies, Tallinn, Estonia 2. Youth culture from an educational perspective Anne BARRRE, University Paris Descartes/ CERLIS-CNRS, Lille, France

3. Sociology, youth and school: Structural problems, constant challenges Sueli Guadelupe de Lima MENDONA, Faculdade de Filosofia e Cincias UNESP, Brazil 4. Citizens education for freedom: The proposal of projovem programme IM Brazil Silvia DA Costa STOCKINGER, Universidade Federal Do Par, Brazil 5. Building an ivory tower in the age of globalization? The process of construction hierarchical academic order in contemporary education through international university rankings Sergiy KURBATOV, University of Uppsala, Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Uppsala, Sweden 6. International reports and the reform in education: Reflections on learning Sandra Maria SAWAYA, Faculdade de Educao Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil 7. Modelos culturales e identidades sociales del profesorado de primaria en el proceso de cambio social hacia la transicin en espaa (1970-2008) / Cultural models and social identities of the teaching staff of primary in the process of change of articles of incorporation towards the transition in Spain (1970-2008) San ROMN, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain 8. Higher education and the attainment of equity and social justice: Restructuring the funding model in Mozambique Patricio LANGA, Eduardo Mondlane University, Faculty of Education, Maputo, Mozambique Distributed Papers: 9. The integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in the initial teacher training. educational policies, meanings and teacher`s training trajectories of teacher training institutes (TTI) in cordoba province Paula PALMERO, Universidad Nacional de Crdoba, Argentina 10. Joven negro y las posibilidades de integracin de la formacin agrotcnica / Young black and the possibilities of integration of the agrotcnica formation Maria Simone EUCLIDES, Brazil and Ana Louise de Carvalho FIUZA, Adjunta e Coordenadora do Programa de Mestrado em Extenso Rural Departamento de Economia Rural, Brazil and Neide Maria Almeida PINTO Adjunta do Departamento de Economia, Brazil and Sheila Maria DOULA, Adjunta do Departamento de Economia Rural, Brazil

Session I - B RC04RC13 Leisure education: Social justice in life-long learning - Part II Organizers A. Gary Dworkin, University of Houston, USA, , RC 04 Ishwar Modi, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India,, RC 13 Chairs: Ari Antikainen, University of Joensuu, Finland, RC 04 Pekka Rsnen, Department of Social Research, University of Turku, Turku, RC 13 1. Inclusion en la escuela secundaria y justicia educative/ Inclusion in the secondary school and educative justice Marcelo KRICHESKY, Magister en Cs Sociales- FLACSO: Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educacion- UBA, Tucuman 2308, Cs Sociales, Buenos Aires, 1636, Argentina Phone: 1559590632 Email: 2. The young violators of law who study in centers of education of adults of the region of Valparaiso, from the perspective of its professors. Luisa PATRICIA MUOZuniversidad De Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile and Violeta ACUA COLLADO, Universidad De Playa Ancha, Valparaiso, Chile 3. Social inequality and school education: Factoring in economic and cultural resources Julia EPIKHINA, Institute of Sociology Russian Academy Science, Krjijanovsckogo, 24/35, build.5, Moscow, Russia Phone Number: +74991280989 Fax Number: +74991280989 Email: 4. Selling out academia?: Higher education, economic crises and Freire's generative themes Greg MISIASZEK, University of California, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, CA, USA and Lauren Ila JONES, Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, Santa Monica, CA, USA and Carlos TORRES, University of California, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, Los Angeles, USA 5. Legal justice without social justice: Institutional responsiveness to the educational needs of students with disabilities in democratic South African higher education Tawanda RUNHARE, University of Venda, Teacher Education, South Africa 6. Impact of leisure education on health and family welfare Pratima VERMA, DWT College, CSJM University, Kanpur, India 7. Social justice and participation: The role of higher education AI Mahbub Uddin AHMED, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

8. Las paradojas de los mecanismos de inclusin social: Un estudio de casos sobre nueve universidades del MERCOSUR / The paradoxes of the mechanisms of social inclusion: A study of cases on nine universities of the Mercosur Adriana MARRERO, Universidad de la Repblica, Montevideo, Uruguay and Graciela CAFFERATTA, ANEP, Uruguay, and Leandro PEREIRA DE LOS SANTOS, Universidad de la Repblica, Uruguay, and Javier ACUA PREZ, ANEP, Montevideo, Uruguay Distributed Papers: 9. El estado de bien estar social x el estado de buen vivir: Que educacin quieremos nosotros? / The good state to be social x the state of good for living: That education quieremos we? Layla CESAR, Universidade de Braslia, Braslia, Brazil 10. IDENTIDAD DEL profesorado DE secundaria EN torno AL abandono escolar y elecci"n DEL alumnado EN contextos auton"micos distintos / Identity of the secondary teaching staff of around the scholastic abandonment and elecci n of the pupils in different micos contexts auton " Frutos Balibrea LOLA Universidad De Murcia, Murcia, Spain, Sonsoles San Romn Gago Dpto. Sociologa UAM, Spain and Beln Pascual Barrio Departament de Pedagogia i Didctiques Especfiques UIB, Spain 11. L'ducation et la prcarit sociale au maroc / Educational and Social Precariousness in Morocco Faoubar MOHAMED, Department of Sociology, Facult Sais Fes Maroc, Dhar University llmahraz, Morocco Session J RC05RC13RC21 Leisure, urbanization, migration and ethnic relations Joint session of RC05 Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations, RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] and RC21 Regional and Urban Development Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Azril BACAL, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru,, RC05 Yuri KAZEPOV, University of Urbino, Italy,, RC21 Chairs Teus J. KAMPHORST , WICEDSL, the Netherlands,, RC13 Azril BACAL, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru,, RC05 Talja BLOKLAND, Humboldt University, Berlin and RC21 Board Member,

1. Buenos aires, el tango como marca de la ciudad y su utilizacin en las estrategias del turismo postcrisis / Buenos Aires, the tango as marks of the city and its use in the strategies of the tourism postcrisis Sofia CECCONI, Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani", Fac. de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2. The consequences of diversity for social interactions in urban neighbourhoods Sren PETERMANN, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany, Karen SCHNWLDER, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany, Dietlind STOLLE, McGill University, Canada, Thomas SCHMITT, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany and Steven VERTOVEC,Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany 3. The participation of ethnic minority people in maintaining roads and sustainable environment development in the mountainous areas of Vietnam Nguyen THI HIEN, Ministry of Planning and Investment of Vietnam, Central Institute of Economic Management CIEM, Hanoi, Vietnam 4. Imagining the Basque city Nagore CALVO MENDIZABAL, King's College London, United Kingdom, 5. Immigration and reintegration Habtamu SIMESH, Mekelle University, Law and Governance, Ethiopia 6. Negotiating everyday integration: Intercultural opportunities in the multi-ethnic neighborhoods of Los Angeles Felicity Hwee-Hwa CHAN, University of Southern California, Price School of Public Policy, Los Angeles, USA 7. Migraciones orientadas por el ocio y participacin ciudadana en el Sur de espaa/ Migrations oriented by the leisure and citizen participation in the South of Spain Alejandro MANTECN, University of Alicante, Dept. of Sociology I, Spain, and Raquel HUETE, University of Alicante, Dept. of Sociology I, Spain 8. Keeping distance - fragility of ties between ethnic minority and majority youth in Finland Antti KIVIJRVI, University of Eastern Finland, Department of social sciences, Helsinki, Finland Distributed Papers: 9. Nueva definicin de "metropolitano" New definition of metropolitan Bernardo de Jess SALDAA TLLEZ, Centro para el desarrollo ciudadano interfronterizo, Alfonso Camacho Len, Colonia Xicotncatl, Tijuana, Mexico 10. Discriminacin a migrantes en el poder judicial: El encuentro con el otro a travs del derecho al uso de la ciudad / Discrimination to migrants in the judicial power: The encounter with the other through right to the use of the city Romina Paola TAVERNELLI, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani- Facultad de Ciencias Sociales- Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Lucila

ROTGER, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani- Facultad de Ciencias SocialesUniversidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 11. Inmigracin y fronteras urbanas: Los paraguayos en la ciudad de buenos aires/ Urban immigration and borders: The Paraguayans in the city of Buenos Aires Gabriela MERA, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina 12. Debates a cerca de la categora juventud rural'. discusiones desde un campo en construccin/ Debates to near the category rural youth. discussions from a field in construction Carla ROSALES, CARLA, Universidad Nacional de Crdoba-CONICET, Mendoza, Argentina Session - K RC09RC13RC32 Women, leisure and the family in the age of transformations Joint session of RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development, RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] and RC32 Women in Society Organisers Ulrike SCHUERKENS, Ecole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales, France,, RC09 Ishwar MODI, International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Laura MARATOU-ALIPRANTI, University of Athens, Greece,, RC32 Chairs Angelica WEHRLI, University of Berne, Switzerland,, RC09 Bula Bhadra, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India,, Laura MARATOU-ALIPRANTI, University of Athens, Greece,, RC32 Accepted for Oral Presentation: 1. Recreacin, una mirada de mujer en condiciones de vulnerabilidad social / Recreation, a glance of woman in conditions of social vulnerability Silvana Renee SUAREZ, Uncomahue, Neuquen, Argentina 2. Mujeres y agencia en Chile: Implicancias para la percepcin del tiempo libre / Women and agency in Chile: Implications for the perception of the free time Martina YOPO, Centro de Investigaciones Socioculturales, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile 3. Women's use of leisure time in Italy Fabio Massimo LO VERDE, University of Palermo, Department on Law, Politics and Society, Palermo, Italy and Daria MENDOLA, University of Palermo, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche Aziendali e Finanziarie, Palermo, Italy

4. Los usos sociales del tiempo libre: Una comparacin entre mujeres con hijos y sin hijos en los sectores medios de la ciudad de buenos aires / The social uses of the free time: A comparison between women with children and without children in the average sectors of the city of Buenos Aires Eugenia ZICAVO, Instituto Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5. Irony of "having leisure time" in the absence of men Esra DEMIRKOL, Middle East Technical University, Sociology, Ankara, Turkey, 6. Preception of leisure among working women: A sociological perspective Arvinder ANSARI, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India 7. Sport, leisure and women's in (ex)clusion: Reflections from a land where (almost) all the guys play soccer Miriam ADELMAN, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil 8. Income and health in Latin America: Is there a gender gap? Karen WATKINS, UPAEP, Centro de Investigacin e Inteligencia Econmica CIIEUPAEP, Puebla, Mexico Distributed Papers: 9. Traviesos: Trouble-making as resistance in US debuts and quinceaeras Evelyn RODRIGUEZ, University of San Francisco, USA 10. La violencia contra las mujeres un asunto pblico en Colombia: Una descripcin de la accin estatal / The violence against the women a public subject in Colombia: A description of the state action Mara Alejandra GARCA, Universidad del Valle-Cali, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Santiago de Cali, Colombia 11. Local developmnt and winemaking in maipu, Argentina / Local development and winemaking in Maipu, Argentina Ana Graciela BURGARDT, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Sociology, Mendoza, Argentina 12. Estrategias de supervivencia y bienestar en la monoparentalidad / Strategies of survival and well-being in the monoparentalidad Elisabet Almeda SAMARANCH, Dino DI NELLA and Clara Camps CALVET Session L - A RC13RC24 Leisure and tourism: Social and environmental concerns Part I Joint session of RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] and RC24 Environment and Society Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India,, RC13 Stewart LOCKIE, Australian National University, Australia,,

RC24 Tiger WU, Beijing University, China, Chairs Stewart Lockie, Australian National University, Australia, Tiger Wu, Beijing University, P.R. China, Accepted for Oral Presentation: 1. Leisure, Environment and Sustainability: Current challenges Christianne GOMES, Grupo de Pesquisa Otium - Lazer, Brasil & America Latina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil and Rodrigo Antonio ELIZALDE SOTO, UFMG/Grupo Otium - Lazer, Brasil & America Latina, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 2. Study on the opinions, perceptions, valuations and attitudes of the residents of Gran Canaria, Spain on the effects of tourism and tourists on the island Pedro MOREIRA, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Tides, Spain 3. Residents environmental attitudes and behavioral intention of tourism development in Mahmoodabad Nasser FATTAHI, Department of Tourism, Noor Azad University, Noor, Iran 4. La voz de la otredad en la prctica turstica: Transformaciones sociales y culturales/ The voice of the actually tourist otredad: Social and cultural transformations Maria Daniela RODRIGUEZ, UNCOMAHUE, NEUQUEN, Argentina 5. Faith tourism and spiritual leisure in Turkey Kemal AYDIN, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey and Vehbi BASER, Department of Sociology, Balikesir University, Balikesir, Turkey 6. Her own way: Gender, tourism and transnationality in Brazil Fernanda ANTONIOLI, Instituto de Filosofia e Cincias Humanas, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil 7. Backpackers: For leisure relational practice Denise FALCO, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Session L - B RC13RC24 Leisure and tourism: Social and environmental concerns Part II Joint session of RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] and RC24 Environment and Society Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, Jaipur, India,, RC13 Stewart LOCKIE, Australian National University, Australia,,

RC24 Tiger WU, Beijing University, China, Chair: Kemal Aydin, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey, 1. Elites polticas y empresarias en la transformacin de una ciudad en destino turstico/ Political elites and industrialists in the transformation of a city in tourist destiny Julia PIEIRO CARERAS and Julieta GAZTAAGA, FFyL, CONICET, Argentina 2. Strategy of Conservation of Environment in Global Era Sanjukta DAS, Kendrapara Autonomous College, Kendrapara, Orissa, India 3. Local community' attitudes towards impacts of tourism development in Babolsar Azita ESFANDIAN, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran 4. Exploration into tourism appeal and leisure disposition of a city Zequn NING, Institute of Tourism, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China 5. POLTICAS pblicas DE turismo EN LOS gobiernos DE vargas (BRASIL) y PER"n (ARGENTINA): UN anlisis comparado/ Public policies of tourism in the governments of Vargas (Brazil) and Per " n (Argentina): A compared analysis Valeria LIMA GUIMARES, and Roberta DIUANA, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Turismo, Brazil 6. Leisure and medical tourism development in India Shashi MISHRA, Department of Sociology, Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College, Mumbai, India 7. Tourist cities: From identity to show business Olga MOTISI, FCE UBA, Economy and Tourism Management, CABA, Argentina 8. Touristifying Himalayan Sikkim Vibha ARORA, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India Session - M RC13RC53 Leisure, democracy and diversity of lifestyles: Children and the youth Joint session of RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] and RC53 Sociology of Childhood Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Loretta BASS, University of Oklahoma, United States,, RC53 Chairs Loretta BASS, University of Oklahoma, United States,, RC53 Kenneth Roberts, University of Liverpool, UK,

1. La construccin social de las categoras niez, juventud e inclusin social: Terrenos y disputas/ The social construction of the categories childhood, youth and social inclusion: Lands and disputes Maria Florencia GENTILE, UNGS / CONICET / UBA, Argentina 2. Democracy and the child participation Sueli Machado Pereira de OLIVEIRA, Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais, Brazil and Magali REIS, PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 3. Infancia, ciudadana y modelos de pensamiento / Childhood, citizenship and models of thought Sabine CRDENAS, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile 4. Indiferencia civil e infancia: Un anlisis de la "frialdad burguesa" en relacin a los nios/ Civil indifference and childhood: An analysis of the bourgeois coldness in relation to the children Magali REIS, PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, Brazil 5. The participation of children: The importance of space and place Sissel SEIM, Dept. of Social Sciences, Oslo and Akershus University, College of Applied Sciences (OUAC), Oslo, Norway 6. Entre el ideal y la realidad. de nios, padres y nuevas prcticas de crianza en las dcadas intermedias del siglo XX en la provincia de buenos aires (Argentina)/ Between the ideal and the reality of children, parents and new practices of raising in the intermediate decades of century XX in the province of Buenos Aires Paola GALLO, IEHS-UNICEN, Tandil, Argentina, 7. Children are joy: Representations of Childhood and Children in Television Commercials in Israel Dalia LIRAN-ALPER, The College of Management Acadimic Studies, Rishon Lezion, Israel, and Orly TSARFATY, Academic College of Emeq Yezreel, Afula, Israel 8. LA niez EN LA ruralidad, desde instituciones estatales y NO estatales EN Colombia/The childhood in the ruralidad, from state and nonstate institutions in Colombia Liliana AVILA GARZN, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educacin, Universida Pedagggica y Tecnolgica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia Distributed Papers: 9. The dissonance between secularism and religious speech in a public school kindergarten in the municipality of duque DE caxias Jordanna Castelo BRANCO, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10. Consumos culturales y educacin / Cultural consumptions and education Mnica PINI, Universidad Nacional de San Martn, Buenos Aires, Argentina 11. Children participation in early education Ktia AGOSTINHO, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Campus Trindade Centro de Educao, Florianpolis, Brazil

12. Violence against Children what do they have to say? Elisabeth Mazeron MACHADO, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Caxias do Sul, Brazil Session - N RC11RC13 Transformation of leisure and ageing perspectives Joint session of RC11 Sociology of Aging and RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] Organisers Laura Hurd CLARKE, University of British Columbia, Canada,, RC 11 Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Chairs Laura Hurd CLARKE, University of British Columbia, Canada,, RC 11 Francis LOBO, Edith Cowan University, Australia,, RC13 1. Research on leisure lifestyles of the elderly in rural areas samples from Beijing suburbs Xiang LI, and Jinlian SHI, Department of Leisure and Tourism Management, Institute of Tourism, Beijing Union University, Beijing, China 2. Patterns of participation in leisure and social activities among Portuguese older adults Paula JERNIMO, Institute of Ageing, University of Lisbon, Portugal 3. Los rituales del cuerpo: Resignificando la vejez a travs del danzn en la ciudad de mxico / The rituals of the body: Resignificando the oldness through danzn in the city of Mexico Mara Cristina TAMARIZ, Centro de Estudios Sociolgicos, El Colegio de Mxico, Mxico 4. Sujeito idoso e ps-modernidade: Novas propostas de sociabilidade/ Aged citizen after-modernity: New proposals of sociability Katiusce PERUFO, Jorge Antonio Perufo e Maria de Ftima Faccin Perufo, Rua: Tuiuti, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Maria, Brazil 5. Leisure and Aged Persons Susheel TYAGI, Department of Sociology, Sri RR Morarka Govt. College, Jhunjhnu, Rajasthan, India 6. Health and body image of the elder in dual cities: Discussing the value of exercise and sport and viable policy Jeffrey J. GUO, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan and Piching LU, Athletic Department, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

7. A study on quality of life of the urban community elderly people Changcheng ZHOU, Dept. of Sociology, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China 8. When age enters intimacy space? Leisure avenues for older singles in a Swedish context Andreas HENRIKSSON, Department of Social Studies, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden Session - O RC13RC14RC23 Leisure and digital transformation: Emerging patterns of communication and electronic community/ El ocio y las transformaciones digitales/ Les loisirs et les transformations numriques Session in English, Spanish and French Joint session of RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] , RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture and RC23 Sociology of Science and Technology Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Christiana CONSTANTOPOULOU, Panteion University, Greece,, RC14 Ralph MATTHEWS, University of British Columbia, Canada,, RC23 Chairs Maria Inacia DAVILA NETO, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,, RC13 Christiana CONSTANTOPOULOU, Panteion University, Greece,, RC14 1. Social structure of the information society Vladimir IAMBUK, University of Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia 2. Interpassivity and social network subjectivity Martin BERG, School of Social and Health Sciences, Halmstad University, Halmstad, Sweden, 3. Nuevas tecnologas: Anlisis de nuevos lazos de solidaridad, modos de sociabilidad y subjetividad en el marco de la interrelacin a travs de los juegos online (Spanish)/ New technologies: Analysis of new bows of solidarity, ways of sociability and subjectivity within the framework of the interrelation through the games online Martn Ariel GENDLER, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4. The impact of new technologies on leisure activities in developed and emerging economies Lynne CIOCHETTO, Institute of Communication Design, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

5. Digitization of childrens leisure: A sociological exploration of the daily lives of Indias wired children Bula BHADRA, Dept. of Sociology, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India 6. La manifestacin de la media en el cuerpo de los nios (Spanish) / The manifestation of the average in the body of the children Ingrid WIGGERS, Isabelle SIQUEIRA and Elia PASSOS, Universidad de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil 7. The effects of the digital media in Portugal's youth daily life Maria Benedita PORTUGAL MELO, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal 8. Geeking out identities. The social uses of online gaming in adolescents' leisure time Gianna CAPPELLO, Department on Law, Politics and Society, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy Session - P RC13RC30 Leisure, work, time-budgets and the economic crisis Joint session of RC13 Sociology of Leisure [host committee] and RC30 Sociology of Work Organisers Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Emilie LANCIANO, University of Lyon, France,, RC30 Chairs Alan LAW, Trent University, Canada,, RC13 B. Gulshetty, Gulbarga University, India, , RC 13 1. Patterns of professionalization in performing art management: An interactional perspective Valerio ZANARDI, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 2. How to make a career in leisure: The case of the professionals of the outdoor sport tourism Philippe TERRAL and Fanny DUBOIS, PRISSMH University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France 3. El proceso de metamorfosis del trabajo, nuevas formas de integracion social?/ The process of metamorphosis of the work. New forms of social integration? Francisco Nicols FAVIERI, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina 4. Contrasting imagined west and fantasy east among Asian and Western backpackers Jenny Huong Thanh BUI, Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management, Griffith University, Australia, Hugh WILKINS, School of Marketing, Leisure and Tourism, Edith Cowen University, Australia, and

Young-Sook LEE, Department of Tourism, Leisure, Hotel and Sport Management, Griffith University, Australia 5. Time constraints on leisure activities Babita TEWARI, CSJM University, Kanpur, India 6. Justifications of regional gender inequality in the Norwegian culture of equality Ove SKARPENES, Department of Education, Bergen, Norway 7. Lebanese women's participation in the labour force Mhaissen ROUBA, Gender Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom 8. Empleo y desempleo en los excluidos del proceso de reestructuracin en altos hornos de mxico, monclova/ Use and unemployment in the excluded ones from the process of reconstruction in high furnaces of Mexico, Monclova Eleocadio MARTINEZ SILVA, Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len, Universidad Sociologa, San Nicols de los Garza, Mexico 9. Rules on working hours and life satisfaction of Japanese workers Koji TAKAHASHI, Department of Occupational Environments and Work-Life Balance, The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, Tokyo, Japan Besides the above RC Independent and Joint Sessions, RC 13 would also be participating in and supporting the following session hosted by ISA RC 54: The Body in Social Sciences Embodied players: Re-thinking the role of the physical in leisure Session Organizers: Bianca Maria PIRANI, University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy Ishwar MODI, India International Institute of Social Sciences, India,, RC13 Chairs: Arvinder Ansari, Department of Sociology, Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi, India Pirzada Amin, Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India 1. The impact of body image distortion and body image satisfaction upon leisure time physical activity behaviours in 13 and 14 year old boys and girls . Charlotte KERNER, Catherine KERR, David KIRK, University of Bedfordshire, Bedford, United Kingdom and Leen HAERENS, Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium 2. Boxers, briefs or bras? bodies, gender and change in the boxing gym . Elise PARADIS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 3. The risk to being naked in the leisure time .

Anna FICI, Dipartimento di Studi su Politica, Diritto e Societ Gaetano Mosca, Palermo, Italy 4. Cosmetic surgery as a way of "medical tourism" in Brazil . Ana Lcia de CASTRO, Dept. Anthropology, Politics and Philosophy, Paulista State Universty, Araraquara, Brazil 5. Cncer en la mujer ms all de una enfermedad / Cancer in the woman beyond a disease. Tais MARTINEZ and Valeria CARRASCO, Universidad de Valparaso Chile, Santiago, Chile

Ishwar Modi President ISA RC 13 Email:

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