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Writing and speaking exercise: Academic English Write and give a lecture on engineering (you decide which discipline,

bioengineering, for example) together with a classmate (5-10 min). Another pair takes notes during the lecture, presents a summary of the content and evaluates the performance. Sentence connectors: Expressing opposition But, however, though, nevertheless, yet, even so, nonetheless, although, even though, even if, despite, in spite of, in defiance of, regardless of. However, that is not the issue in this case. Hes a skillful liar, though, and usually he gets away with it. I always try to do my best; even so he keeps nagging at me. Dennis gave us orders, although he was not in charge. Despite the heavy rain, we decided to go out and take a stroll. Expressing addition And, in addition, additionally, furthermore, moreover, also, further, as well, as well as, in addition to, along with, alongside, together with, not only but also, by the way. In addition, it is necessary to consider background facts. Jenny and Michael are coming as well. London is the worlds largest financial center alongside New York. We further suggest that you take some time off and rest. By the way, I would like to clear up some details in this report. Expressing cause Because, since, for, due to, on account of, by reason of, thanks to, owing to, as a result of, as a consequence of. I cant answer your question right now because Im busy. Due to the traffic jam, Emma arrived late to the meeting. I ran out of savings, but was able to get by thanks to my parents. Larry doesnt drink alcohol on account of his health. Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. Expressing effect Therefore, thereby, so, thus, hence, as a result, as a consequence, consequently. Therefore, her opinions are mainly negative. I felt pain in my left knee so I stopped running. They planned to reduce staff and thus to cut costs. His mother is Swedish; hence his odd name: Lars. Consequently, we cannot affirm that this is the only possible solution. Expressing comparison Just as, like, likewise, in the same way, similarly, correpondingly, in/by comparison, in comparison with, compared to, similar to, equivalent to, parallel to, corresponding to, comparable to, akin to, approximate to. Just as high level positions are stressful, they can be harmful to your health. Water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the livingroom. In comparison, Collins theory is definitely more reliable. This experiment is similar to the one we carried out three months ago. They speak a language akin to Spanish and French.

Expressing contrast But, while, whereas, on the one hand on the other hand, unlike, instead, on the contrary, quite the opposite, in/by contrast, in contrast to, contrary to, opposite to, in contradiction to, distinct from, distant from, incompatible with, unrelated to. Heather told me she scored 118 p., but I know thats a lie. Calvin is a very diligent student, whereas Leonard is quite the opposite. On the contrary, I believe the level of proficiency is quite good. By contrast, these premises can easily be refuted. Remember that this pattern is slightly distinct from the other ones. Expressing condition If, only if, unless, otherwise, or else, if not then, as long as, provided that, given that, on condition that, under the condition that, on the assumption that, in the event of, dependent on, subject to. If you dont stop watching that stupid baseball game, I will kick you out. Adam wont be here on time, unless someone gives him a lift along the way. Its fine by me as long as you promise to change your attitude. I will lend you my laptop provided (that) you give it back to me next week. In the event of a reactor becoming overheated, we will take responsibility. Expressing intention To, in order to, so as to, with the purpose of, with the aim of, aiming at, looking to, trying to, attempting to, aspiring to. Its obvious that he said those things to hurt you. Professor Jameson provided more details in order to clarify an important principle. We modified the experiment with the purpose of obtaining a wider perspective. The talks are aiming at a compromise. Rafael Nadal is looking to win his sixth title at the French Open. Expressing relation About, concerning, regarding, as to, with respect to, in respect of, with reference to, in/with regard to, in connection with, in relation to, on the subject of, on this matter, in this regard. What do you think about the movie? Similar results are presented by Prince (2004) concerning active learning strategies. With respect to Browns hypothesis, it is important to note that it is not very plausible. Lets have a closer look at these outcomes in relation to previous studies. In this regard, he said it was a very interesting conclusion. Expressing means Through, by, by way of, by means of, by virtue of, with assistance of, on the basis of, resorting to, turning to, falling back to, taking as a starting point, using, employing, making use of. We improved our level of English by completing a series of assignments. Rosie tried to put across what she wanted by means of gestures. Decisions were often made on the basis of incorrect information. Finally, we resorted to another strategy because we needed a more trustworthy method. Taking as a starting point McGuires approach, we made an attempt at solving the dilemma.

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