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MAN POWER PLANNING What is man power planning ?

Man power planning is one of the main function which every organization does . it will do recruitment and also for finding the right person for the right position in which he suit and work efficiently to achieve organization goal. THE GENESIS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: Manpower planning owed its importance to the importance of business strategy and planning in many organizations, were they will plan represents one of the outcomes of the process that seeks to find a solution to a defined problem. Business strategy and plans find their expression in measurable of financial; marketing stability and the production targets which they want to implicit or explicit demand for people. The manpower plan represents a response by the personnel function to ensure that the necessary supply of people is forthcoming to allow the targets to be met . The manpower plan is expressed to fit the overall of the business strategy and their plan to show how the demand increase for people and their skills which rely on the organization can be balance them in supplying and The rationalized approach which lead them to a balance of demand and supply can be found in some of the definitions and explanations of manpower planning over the past 30 years. PROCEDURE OF MAN POWER PLANNING : Analysis the current inventory of man power. Forecasting the man power needed in future . Keep on developing the program for the employee. Training are designed according to the trend .

Analysis the current inventory of man power : Man power planning is one of the efficient work done by the organization which match or suited person will be found for the employment and find his or her ability to organization requirement in both way as short term as well as long term Forecasting the man power needed in future : Every organization has its own structure in which as its own department so they have forecast the work according to future when they have a plan to expand ; new product development ; government policy ; management philosophy .And also the have to think if over labor are recruited it will also create some loss so they have to forecast according to the need .

Keep on developing the program for employee : Development for the employee are done within organization by were can people can recruit weather it can be within or outside of the organization .analyzing the market condition and how is company performing so what type of employee should needed as like the employee should be a fresher or experience .

Training and development according to the trend: Training is the important for the all organization who want they worker to do the work in efficiently and also without any damage and also in less time . training are given to every employee not for the enhancement his skills but to increase his or her future performance . which helps them to learn about the organization culture and what are the requirement they needed for the job are known to the employee before he start the work after training . every training are different according to trend .

BENEFITS OF MAN POWER PLANNING : The benefits of the human resource planning to provide the scope for advancement and development of organization through employee in the human resource planning enable s the company to have the right men ant right place It provide anticipated cost of salary ,benefits and all other cost to human resource which facilitating the formulation of the budgets in the organization and this will help in increase productivity ,sales and in turnover it will also control all function in the organization.

MAN POWER PLANNING IN RAILWAYS : Railway in big organization which is controlled by central government which see man power planning by In open line ; in case of death, deputation, dismissal ; creation of new employee and apprentice ;leave reserve under quota and the yardsticks etc., which influences them by assessment of manpower. Most of the work are construction projects ; performance evaluation and review of technique and skills , phasing of work etc., are used to assess the people in process of manpower planning . Now day they are many changes in the technology and in modernization, electrification, computerization, mechanization of track maintenance etc. as demand taking place very fast as to meet the challenges of traffic requirements in Indian railways because of the increase in population. To meet those challenges of the changing environment, systematic and new invention creative manpower planning is very essential for every developing organization. Therefore all the category-wise analysis of staffing should be carried out, and this will identify the surplus and to arrange manpower in the areas of its need. This will adjusts the surplus in not only one category to other categories, but all over the organization

were there is more demand. Human resource planning ensures that the existing manpower is utilized to the maximum extent. Manpower planning emphasize on training to different categories of staff to improve the skill and to increase the productivity of the labor. This step will reduces the availability of the unskilled staff who can get training form organization itself, which can increase productivity and also increase the manpower utilization. Regular conversion training programs reduce the wastage to have a changeover in manpower. The staff are also deputed to get refresher course; the conversion course and promotional course . it leads to archive the organization goal . The primary objective of the manpower planning is to ensure the availability of the required skill and wastages are reduced reduce. When there is manpower availability the decision can clearly known and the arrangements can be easily made to cater to the additional needs of manpower are clearly indicated the demand forecasts of employee . most of the time , the field officers who take the responsibility for executing the job are responsible for the manpower planning Railway employee will learn more skills by working in various categories in the Zonal Railways and also Productions Units. They have around 700 categories of work in which staff are divided into four Groups viz. Group A, B, C & D according to working responsibility which they are assigned . The manpower is usually distributed in Open line and Construction Wings having all type of Engineering, who are skilled in Signal and Telecommunication; Electronic communication ; Administration department , Accounting and ware house departments. In open line the additional staff are required for working in the Transport, Mechanical engineering; Commercial work; hospitality and Security services According to 31 march 2002 staff expenditure for 15,10,759 employees of the Indian Railways was 19037.20 crore. This is 51.42 per cent of gross

expenditure and 48.37 per cent of gross revenue receipts. Every time before recruiting A comparison of present staff expenditure is calculated and staff cost with that of 1990-91 would reveal that the staff strength has reduced by about 8.54 per cent but the staff expenditure has gone up by 268.51 per cent. Which shows the standard of expenses have been increased . As the trend changes the policy of railway also change every year according to the expectation of the employee the policy are changed which give more benefits to employee . these are the man power planning of the Indian railway.

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