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Press release

Vlizy-Villacoublay (France), February 6, 2013

OLEDCOMM will show its latest developments of LiFi technology at the Mobile World Congress 2013 (February 2528, Barcelona).
"LiFi, la techno sans fil de demain". ("LiFi is a wireless technology of the future") L'Ordinateur individuel, 254, Novembre 2012

"Sur LeWeb 2012, Oledcomm montre le Li-Fi pour remplacer le WiFi". ("At LeWeb 2012, Oledcomm shows Li-Fi to replace WiFi") Le Monde Informatique, 05.12.2012 "Versailles va rvolutionner Internet" ("Versailles will revolutionize Internet") Le Parisien, 27.12.2012

In December 2012, the French start-up OLEDCOMM demonstrated innovative wireless communication technology named LiFi at the LeWEB 2012 in collaboration with France Television. OLEDCOMM will present its latest innovative products at the Mobile World Congress 2013 in Barcelona, Spain. One of the products presented by OLEDCOMM will be its highly accurate LiFi indoor GPS system GEOLIF. With its LiFi components integrated into LED lamps, each light unit becomes a pseudo GPS satellite inside the building. GEOLIF allows the determination of the location of the mobile device with an accuracy of about 10-30 cm inside the buildings. This system is a green and a lowcost solution. GEOLIF doesn't emit any radio waves and is complementary with additional functionalities already existing in LED lighting systems. OLEDCOMM offers indoor GPS/Local Bases Services solutions on mobile for retail, commerce, transport, museums and other indoor environments. To bring LiFi innovation to every home OLEDCOMM created MyLEO, the first LED light bulb which can send wirelessly high quality music thanks to its colors. The system is also wirelessly controlled by mobile device. First presentation of MyLEO will be done at the Mobile World Congress 2013.

OLEDCOMM's stand at Mobile World Congress 2013 situated in the French Pavilion, hall 5, booth E100, workstation 5. For more information please contact OLEDCOMM and follow companys news at, Facebook, Twitter. About LiFi LiFi is a new wireless communication technology which enables a wireless data transmission through LED light. LiFi is based on a unique ability of solid state lighting systems to create a binary code of 1s and 0s with a LED flickering that is invisible for human eyes. Data can be received by electronic devices with photodiode within area of light visibility. This means that everywhere where LEDs are used, lighting bulbs can bring not only the light but wireless connection at the same time. With increasing demand for wireless data, lack of radio spectrum and issues with hazardous electromagnetic pollution, LiFi appears as a new greener, healthier and cheaper alternative to WiFi. Moreover LiFi makes possible to have a wireless Internet in specific environments (hospitals, airplanes etc.) where WiFi is not allowed due to interferences or security considerations. About OLEDCOMM OLEDCOMM is a French company, provider of a new wireless communication technology LiFi. Company offers LiFi solutions for indoor GPS/LBS, wireless audio & video streaming, LiFi Internet. OLEDCOMM was established in February 2012 with objective to introduce the first commercial LiFi products and solutions for 2013. OLEDCOMM is a spin-off of the University of Versailles (France) where LiFi technology has been under researches since 2007. OLEDCOMM is a holder of several LiFi patents. Our customers or partnerships are leading European and global companies like Thales, SNCF, France Televisions, Philips.

Media contact OLEDCOMM +33 (0)1 39 25 43 78 +33 (0) 6 89 21 47 00

SAS au capital de 10 000 euros - RCS Versailles B 749 854 139 10 - 12 avenue de l'Europe 78140 Vlizy-Villacoublay Tel +33 (0)1 39 25 43 78

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