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Determining Task Optimal Modular Robot Assembly Con gurations

I-Ming Chen and Joel W. Burdick

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Mail Code 104-44, CALTECH, Pasadena, CA 91125

Abstract. In this paper, we employ genetic algorithms because of
A \modular" robotic system consists of standardized the discrete nature of the assembly con guration set.
joint and link units that can be assembled into a num- Paredis and Khosla [11] have considered task-based
ber of di erent kinematic con gurations in order to robot design for xed con guration robots. In their
meet di erent task requirements. Given a predeter- formulation, all design parameters, such as link lengths
mined set of modules, this paper considers the prob- and joint twist angles, assume continuous values, and
lem of nding an \optimal" module assembly con g- hence conventional optimization techniques can be em-
uration for a speci c task. We formulate the solution
as a discrete optimization procedure. The formulation ployed. In the problem posed in this paper, the search
is based on an assembly incidence matrix representa- space, the set of assembly con gurations, is a discrete
tion of a modular assembly con guration and a general set.
task-oriented objective function that can incorporate
many realistic task criteria. Genetic algorithms (GA) 2. Conceptual Module Models
are employed to solve this optimization problem, and For generality, a conceptual module model set based on
a canonical method to represent a modular assembly the features found in many real implementations is in-
in terms of genetic strings is introduced. An example troduced. However, the method is not limited to these
involving a 3-DOF manipulator con guration is pre- particular modules. Our module set consists of link and
sented to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. joint modules. We consider the following self-actuated
1. Introduction 1- or 2-DOF joint modules: revolute joint (R), pris-
A modular recon gurable robotic system is a collec- matic joint (P), helical joint (H), and cylindrical joint
tion of various sub-assemblies, at the level of links and (C). Joint modules are connected to the link modules
joints, that can be easily separated and reassembled through connecting ports and link modules typically
into di erent con gurations through standardized con- possess multiple joint connections. We further assume
necting interfaces. By recon guring the modules, dif- that link modules have symmetrical geometry and sym-
ferent robots can be created so as to suit a diversity of metrically located connecting ports (though modules
task requirements. Several prototype modular robotic with only two connecting ports and no symmetry can
systems have been built and demonstrated [3,5,12,14]. be handles as well). The connecting ports are labeled
accordingly. The symmetry design allows link modules
Let the arrangement and assembly of modules in a to be re-used easily in di erent purposes. For illustra-
modular robot be called an assembly con guration . We tion purposes, we assume only two types of link mod-
consider the task-oriented optimal con guration prob- ules are available: square prisms (10 ports) and cubic
lem in this paper|i.e., how to to nd an optimal as- box units (6 ports), which are shown in Fig. 1. Other
sembly con guration from a set of modules for a spe- objects can be similarly treated.
ci c task. We assume that the set of modules is xed
at planning time, and thus only freedom available for Y

optimization is the re-combination and rearrangement 6

of modules. For simply designed module sets, the to-

2 10

tal number of possible assembly con gurations can be

6 5
3 2

manually enumerated, and this set of robot con gura- Z

5 1 X

tions can be easily tested against the task requirements.

1 X 8
4 Z 9

As the module design becomes more complicated and 7

versatile, the possible number of the robot's assembly Figure 1: Link modules{a cubic box and a prism
con gurations grows tremendously. An ecient and
systematic method to nd an optimal con guration is
thus necessary. 3. Representation of Modular Robot Assem-
In [1,2], we proposed an enumeration algorithm to list blies
all possible kinematically unique robot con gurations We now brie y review the means to represent modu-
from a speci c set of modules. Here we introduce a lar that was introduced in [1]. To describe the loca-
general framework for determining an optimal assem- tion of a joint on a multi-port link module, we use the
bly con guration. There are two possible solutions to following function. Let PORT be the set of port num-
the optimal assembly con guration problem. We de- bers on a link and ATT be the set of connecting sta-
ne a generally applicable task related objective func- tus on a port. ATT contains eligible joint types and
tion. This function evaluates a modular robot assem- a zero indicating an empty port. For our modular
bly con guration for a given task while avoiding sub- robotic system, ATT = f0; R; H; C; P g. For a cubic box,
assemblies with undesirable kinematic properties. This PORT = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g.
function could be applied to all of the unique assembly De nition 1: The assembly pattern on a link module
con gurations which result from the algorithm outlined is an injection mapping
in [1]. Alternatively, we can use this function as the ba-
sis for discrete or combinatorial optimization method. f : PORT ! ATT: (3:1)
If the port is connected, f will assign a joint type. If it
is empty, a zero will be assigned. Because of the link
symmetry, many assembly patterns can be reoriented
in a way that they function identically in a large robot
structure. In [1], an equivalence based on the symmet- homogeneous robot example

ric rotations of link modules was de ned on f . This

with kinemetic graph

equivalence relationship was used to classify distinct

link-joint assembly patterns. Using this equivalence
relationship, [2] introduced an enumeration algorithm,
OrbitEnumerate, to list all distinct assembly patterns
on a link module with a prescribed number and types
of joints. Examples of assembly patterns are shown in
Fig. 2. Figure 3: Di erent assembly con gurations
Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
to reduce the number of unique robot assembly con g-
Att R H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
urations. Two AIMs are said to be equivalent if the un-
derlying graphs are isomorphic and the corresponding
1 (R) 2 (H)

2 (R) 9 (H)
Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 link assembly patterns are equivalent. The con gura-
Att 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0
tion enumeration algorithm, RobotEnumerate, stated
in [2] follows this equivalence de nition. All possi-
Figure 2: Two assembly pattern examples ble non-isomorphic graph combinations from the given
module set are found at rst. Then all possible dis-
tinct assembly patterns are enumerated and combined
The connectivity of individual links and joints, or the for each graph. The result is a set of kinematically
topology, in a robot mechanism can be represented by unique robot assembly con gurations.
a kinematic graph, in which vertices represent links and
edges represent joints [4]. This graph, in turn, can be 4. General Formulation of the Task Optimal As-
expressed as a vertex-edge incidence matrix [16], where sembly Con guration Problem
elements of the matrix represent the connectivity of
the graph. The number of columns and rows in this This section outlines our general strategy for solving
matrix are equal to the number of edges and vertices the task optimal assembly con guration problem. The
in the graph respectively. Entry (i; j ) is equal to 1 if basic idea is to formulate an objective function that
edge j is incident on vertex i, or it is equal to zero will evaluate how well an assembly con guration can
otherwise. accomplish an assigned task. Ideally, the form of the
evaluation function should be general enough so that
De nition 2: Let G be the graph of a modular robot it is applicable to a wide variety of tasks, but exible
and let M (G) represent its incidence matrix. The as- enough to incorporate di erent criteria which may be
sembly con guration of this robot can be represented task speci c. We term this function an assembly con-
by an assembly incidence matrix, A(G), obtained by guration evaluation function (ACEF).
replacing every entry of 1 in M (G) with a non-zero in- This function can be used in two di erent ways. First,
teger, k 2 PORT. The zero entries remain unchanged. using the methods outlined in [1,2], the number of kine-
aij = k indicates that joint ej is attached to port k of matically unique assembly con gurations can be de-
link vi; aij = 0, otherwise. termined from a given set of robot modules. Each of
For heterogeneous modular robots, which contain dif- these assembly con gurations can then be evaluated
ferent kinds of link and joint modules, the assembly using the ACEF, and the assembly con guration with
incidence matrix is augmented with an additional row the greatest ACEF value is deemed optimal. Alterna-
and column that speci es the type of link and joint tively, the ACEF function can be used as the basis for
modules. This matrix is called the extended assembly a discrete optimization scheme. The remainder of this
incidence matrix (eAIM) [2]. Examples of assembly paper focuses primarily on the task evaluation function
con gurations of the following AIMs are shown in Fig. and its use for a discrete optimization procedure.
3. Before discussing the general strategy, it is important
to note that from a given set of modules it may be
e1 e2 e3 possible to construct robots with various topologies|
v1 0 10
e2 e3
5 1 1 v1
0 10 5 1 L1 e.g., robots with serial or parallel kinematic structures.
0 A e vv2 B 09 1 0 BC Even with a xed robot topology class, the number of
A(G) = vv23 @ 09 2
0 0 A(G) = 3 @ 0 0 L A: degrees of freedom (DOF) can alter the kinematic func-
v4 0 0 4 v4 0 0 2 B tionality of the system. For example, non-redundant
C C R 0 and redundant serial manipulators have similar topol-
(3:2) ogy but signi cantly di erent kinematic capabilities.
For simplicity, we discuss the case of xed topology
As pointed out in [1], di erent AIMs may have identical and xed number of DOF. Note that the enumeration
kinematic properties, such as the size and the shape of scheme developed in [2] will generate all unique assem-
the workspace and location of joint singularities. These blies with a given topology, but possibly di erent num-
AIMs are classi ed by an equivalence relation in order bers of DOFs.
MODULE ENUMERATION FORWARD det(JJ T )1=2 [15] and the condition number or mini-
mum singular value of J [9,10]. Other con guration
Forward Kinematics dependent criteria are possible.
Let i be the value of a modular robot performance

measure at task point i. For a collection of n task
points, we choose to de ne the total task performance,
, to be the smallest i among the task points, i.e,

 = i min
1; ;n
i :

 represents the worst case among the collection of task

TASK-ORIENTED points. Since i  0, by de nition,   0. This choice
ensures that one robot assembly will be better than the
other in the worst case.
Figure 4: The problem solving scheme 6. Module Assembly Preference
Fig. 4 depicts the scheme to solve the task-oriented In modular robots, the choice of how joint modules are
optimal con guration problem for the case of a speci c attached to a single link module will e ect the kine-
robot topology. The desired robot topology and the matic capability of the entire assembly. It is useful to
number of DOFs are fed into the con guration enu- be able to specify the preference of certain link/joint as-
meration algorithm in advance. A quanti able task sembly patterns in the overall assembly con guration.
de nition and task evaluation criteria (TEC) are pa- This is done to avoid undesirable kinematic conditions,
rameters to the ACEF. Furthermore, an auxiliary func- such as link interference or joint redundancy. By joint
tion, termed the module assembly preference (MAP), redundancy, we mean that the number of e ective DOF
is de ned on individual assembly patterns to lter out of a robot is less than the number of its joints. For ex-
those with inappropriate or undesirable kinematic fea- ample, assembly patterns with collinear revolute joint
tures. The overall optimization problem can be stated axes (shown in Fig. 5) exhibit joint redundancy. How-
as follows. ever, the same assembly patterns may be emphasized in
other situations. For example, the redundant assembly
GIVEN: a robot task, a TEC, a MAP, and prescribed patterns extend the dimension of the robot arm and
robot topology, enlarge the workspace. Besides, when one of the two
FIND: an AIM in the assembly con guration set joints fails, the other joint is able to drive that degree
whose ACEF value achieves a maximum. of freedom.
If the complete enumeration algorithm of [1] is em-
ployed, the optimization step can be bypassed. Alter-
natively, the enumeration algorithm can be bypassed,
and the optimization procedure employed. Or, both
can be used. The following sections explain the details
of choosing task de nitions, TEC, and MAPs. We use a Figure 5: Joint patterns with redundancy
serial type xed base modular arm with revolute joints
to demonstrate this problem solving strategy.
5. Task Speci cations In order to retain or lter out a joint assembly patterns
in a modular robot, a binary-valued function called the
Definition of Robot Tasks module assembly preference (MAP), , is de ned on a
set of distinct assembly patterns. Let F represent the
A robot task is de ned as a collection of working set of distinct assembly patterns. [f ] 2 F represents a
points, wp, in the operation space R3 [8] or a collec- distinct joint pattern.
tion of the end-e ector positions/orientations wp =
(x; y; z; ; ; ), where , , and are Euler angles rep- De nition 3: A module assembly preference,  : F !
resenting the orientation of the end-e ector frame. If f0; 1g, is a surjective function such that
the robot is to follow a trajectory, this task can be  : [f ] 7! w ; w = 0; 1; (6:1)
approximated by a set of points along the path.
Task Evaluation Criteria (TEC) ([f ]) = 0 represents an undesirable joint pattern. The
Many monotonically increasing local kinematic perfor- MAP can be thought of as a quanti able rule varying
mance measures can be employed for task evaluation with di erent kinematic requirements. The preference
of an entire robot assembly con guration is de ned
[9,10,15]. These measures are typically evaluated at based on a MAP of assembly patterns. Suppose the
a particular working point with a speci ed mechanism robot has n links and the values of the MAP on Link i
posture. Many measures are based on the mechanism's is wi. The structural preference of an entire robot, ,
Jacobian matrix, J |e.g., the manipulability measure , is de ned as follows.
De nition 4: The structural preference, , of a mod- 01
ular robot assembly con guration A is the product of 0 FB 1
0 01 0 0 FB 1
the MAPs of the robot's assembly patterns,
A1 = B 2 L A ; A2 = B
1 0 L C
2 1 2 0 L C
n @ 00 2 L
@ 0
9 L A (6:3)
2 L
(A) = wi ; (6:2) R R R 0 R R R 0
The structural preference of A1 is calculated starting
where A is the AIM of a robot assembly con guration. from the base module. Since there is only one assembly
Since wi is equal to 0 or 1, (A) is equal to 0 or 1 as state on the xed base (pattern 14), its MAP is set to
well. (A) = 0 indicates the assembly con guration 1. There are two R-joints connected to port 1 and 2 of
contains undesirable assembly patterns. The choice of link 2 (pattern 1), so w2 = 1. R-joints are connected
a MAP, , is illustrated in the following example. to port 2 and 5 of link 3 (pattern 5), so w3 = 1. For
the end link (pattern 10), w4 = 1. Therefore, (A1) =
Example 5: Suppose a 3-DOF xed base serial type w2  w3  w4 = 1. Similarly, in A2, w2 = 1 (pattern
with R-joints and prismatic links must satisfy the kine- 1), w3 = 0 (pattern 8), and w4 = 1 (pattern 10), so
matic conditions: minimum link interference and no (A2) = 0.
joint redundancy. The MAP of assembly patterns sat-
isfying the above condition can be de ned as Fig. 6. 7. Assembly Con guration Evaluation Function
The structure of the ACEF for a serial modular robot
is shown in Fig. 7. This function evaluates the \good-
ness" of a robot assembly con guration for a required
task and structure speci cation. The \goodness" is
1 1 8 1 represented by a non-negative real number. An AIM
with large real value represents a good assembly con-
2 0 9 0
AIM (with DOF & Topology)
3 1 10 1

4 0 11 1 STRUCTURE TASK Task


5 1 12 1

6 1 13 0
Φ = Πw

7 0 14 1

Figure 6: MAP for patterns on a prism and a cube No

IN ?


Note that intermediary prism link modules are con-


nected by two joints. From [2] we obtain 9 distinct

assembly patterns on link modules and 2 distinct pat- µ = 0 µ > 0
terns on cube modules. The choice of no joint redun-
dancy implies that the MAP will be zero for patterns
4,9, and 13. The requirement on minimum link inter-
ference will set the MAP of patterns 2 and 7 to zero,

Ψ= Φµ
since two joints are attached to the same end of the
prism. The remaining patterns are assigned a MAP
value of one. For the end prism link, there exists only Figure 7: ACEF for serial modular robots
two distinct assembly patterns (patterns 10 and 11).
The requirements on the robot structure have little in-
uence on the end link patterns, so their MAPs are set The input of the ACEF is an AIM with a prede ned
to 1. If joint redundancy is allowed, patterns 4,9,13 number of DOFs and prede ned topology. The func-
will be set to 1. tion is divided into task and structure parts. The MAP,
, is given to determine the structural preference .
Using this MAP, the structural preferences of the 3- Task points and the TEC are given for task evaluation.
DOF robot con gurations given below can be obtained In the rst part of task evaluation, the workspace check
as follows. procedure determines if an assembly, represented by an
AIM, can carry out the speci ed task. If a task point for preferring GAs to other discrete optimization pro-
is outside of the robot's workspace, there is no need cedure, it is interesting to note the analogy between
to proceed with the task evaluation, and  will be set the e ect of module sub-assembly patterns on overall
to zero. If all task points are reachable, the TEC is modular robot performance of a modular robot, and
applied to calculate . the in uence of sub-strings on overall string tness.
De nition 6: The ACEF, , for the performance of Coding Schemes for AIMs
a robot assembly, A, is To employ GAs e ectively, a coding scheme to trans-
(A) = (A)  (A): (7:1) form an AIM into a string structure is necessary. A bi-
nary string of 0s or 1s is chosen to represent an AIM be-
cause it can o er the maximum number of schemata per
Since (A) is equal to zero or one, and (A)  0, by bit of any coding [6]. This string contains substrings,
de nition, (A)  0 as well. Note that the structure where each substring represents the types of joints and
preference  functions as a lter for the ACEF. For the types of link and joint patterns in an AIM. We
assembly con gurations satisfying the kinematic con- call this binary string an assembly string . The lengths
straints,  is always equal to 1. Therefore, (A) = of the substrings are determined by the numbers of
(A). Comparing the total performance of acceptable joint types and the number of distance joints and link
AIMs is equivalent to the comparison of the TECs of patterns. Since joints and links are arranged in alter-
the task points only. nating sequence in a serial type robot, the substrings
Workspace Check Procedure
representing the types of joints and links are arranged
in the same alternating sequence as in the AIM shown
The workspace check is accomplished by solving the in Fig. 8.
inverse kinematics of the manipulator for a given task
point. If a real valued solution can be found, the task 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 ......... 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0
point is within the workspace, otherwise, the task point
is out of reach. A numerical inverse kinematics tech-
nique proposed by [7] is adopted here for its robustness
and eciency. The detail of the workspace checking
can be found in [2].
Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint n
Type Link 1 Type Link 2 Type Link n
Type Link 1 Type Link n-1 Type Link n

8. Genetic Algorithms for Modular Robots

Pattern Pattern Pattern

If the number of assembly con gurations that can be Joint 1 Joint 2 Joint n-1 Joint n

generated from a given set of modules, using either

a brute force approach or the enumeration procedure

of [1], is small, then an exhaustive evaluation of each Figure 8: An assembly string representation
assembly con guration can be performed in a reason-
able amount of time. However, as the number of robot
DOFs increases, the set of assembly con gurations may Suppose the substring for the joint type is of length
become factorially large and the exhaustive search be- l1. Each joint type is assigned a unique bit string pat-
comes undesirable. Instead, a discrete random search tern of length l1. Similarly, a substring of length l2
technique can be used for eciency. Here, we explore is used to represent the link type. The possible types
the use of genetic algorithms (GA) to solve this prob- of joint/link assembly patterns is assigned a substring
lem. Other researchers have applied GAs to modular of length l3 . In order to reduce the size of the search
or distributed robotic systems and task-based robot de- space, bit string patterns are only assigned to kinemat-
sign [8,13]. ically unique patterns. Note that in a serial robot, the
number of joints connected to the intermediary links,
A \genetic algorithm" is a search and/or optimization links 1;    ; n ? 1, is di erent from the number of links
method based on a model of an ecological system in attached to the end link, link n. Hence, the length of
which the mechanics of natural selection and natural
genetics are the primary factors for improving the per- the joint pattern substring for link n is di erent from
that of links 1 to n ? 1. Let the length of this substring
formance of a population [6]. In this algorithm, can- be l4 . Since there is only one way to attach a joint to
didate solutions are coded into string structures that the base of the robot, the base assembly pattern need
are analogous to a genetic code. A tness function not be speci ed in the assembly string. Hence, an n-
will assign a tness value to every string. The can- DOF serial type robot can be expressed by an assembly
didate strings are combined among themselves with a string of length n l1 + n l2 + (n ? 1) l3 + l4 . If all joints
structured, yet randomized, information change in or- (or all links) are of the same type, the joint (link) type
der to form a new generation of candidate solutions. substrings can be removed from the assembly string,
The change is based on three operations that mimic i.e, l1 = 0 (or l2 = 0).
the adaptive process of natural systems: reproduction,
crossover, and mutation. The strings of the new gen- Because the number of distinct joint patterns is deter-
eration are created by using bits and pieces of the mined by the link module type, the joint pattern sub-
ttest strings in the previous generation. These bits string must be suciently long to represent the entire
and pieces of the string contribute to the overall perfor- set of joint patterns. For some link module types, the
mance of the string, and create o springs with higher number of distinct joint patterns which can be repre-
tness values. While there is no rigorous justi cation sented by this substring is much larger than the number
of the actual distinct joint patterns. Hence, it is always Task Point Task Point
possible to map an AIM into an assembly string, but
the converse does not hold every time. In other words, 1 (3:0; 0:5; 0:5) 4 (2:0; 2:0; 0:5)
the mapping from the set of AIMs to the set of assembly 2 (3:0; 0:5; 1:5) 5 (0:5; 3:0; 0:5)
strings is injective. For consistency, the tness values 3 (2:0; 2:0; 1:5) 6 (0:5; 3:0; 1:5)
of those assembly strings that cannot be mapped back
to AIMs will be set to zero. Table 1. Task point set
Fig. 9 depicts the application of GA in solving the task-
optimal con guration problem. The input is a set of correspond to any AIM. Their tness values are set
randomly chosen assembly strings, PopInitial. The to zero. The tness values of these AIMs obtained
number of elements in the set is speci ed by the user. from the ACEF are (5:7963; 0:; 0:; 5:7963; 0:; 0:). The
Note that the initial population set may be chosen from parameters used in the GA are Pcross = 0:6, the
the set of kinematically unique assemblies provided by probability of crossover operation, and Pmutate = 0:1,
the algorith of [1]. This ensures that the initial pop- the probability of mutation. The destination genera-
ulation is kinematically unique. The tness function tion is chosen to be the 10th generation. After evolv-
becomes the ACEF. The tness value of every AIM in ing ten generations, the AIMs in the nal genera-
PopInitial is obtained through an ACEF.
tion are shown in Fig. 11. Their tness values are
(5:7963; 0:; 5:7963; 5:7963; 0:; 0:). Fig. 12 shows the av-
PopInitial erage and maximum tness value in every generation.
(AIMs) i=1
Assembly con gurations 1, 3, and 4 are identical and
have the highest tness value of 5:7963 so they are cho-
sen as the optimal one.
Assembly Configuration
Task Points
Evaluation Function

Pop, FitVec

GA Figure 10: Initial con gurations

i ++ Reproduction


Figure 11: Final con gurations



Figure 9: GA for task-optimal con gurations 4

A new generation of assembly strings is created by the 3

GA operations, and are then presented to the ACEF for

tness evaluation. The whole process will repeat until a

predetermined generation, i.e., PopFinal in the gure, Gen.

is reached. After the destination generation is reached,

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

we choose the assembly string in this generation that Figure 12: Avg. & max. tness in each generation
has the largest tness value as the optimal assembly
con guration satisfying the required task and structure
speci cations. 9. Conclusion
Example 7: We wish to nd a 3-DOF xed base se- In order to evaluate a modular robot assembly con g-
rial robot with R-joints that passes through a set of uration, we introduced a exible and general assembly
task points listed in Table 1. We also demand that con guration evaluation function. This function can
there are no redundant joints and minimum link inter- be used in two ways to nd the optimal modular robot
ference. The TEC is chosen to be the manipulator's assembly con guration that solves a given task. First,
manipulability measure and the MAP is described in the function could be ised to evaluate the suitability
Example 5. of each of the kinematically unique assembly con gu-
The initial set of AIMs is shown in Fig. 10. The ration that is enumerated by the algorithm in [1]. The
empty boxes represent assembly strings that do not con guration with the highest evaluation is obviously
the most suitable. However, in some instances, such a [15] T. Yoshikawa, \Manipulability of Robotic Mechanisms," Int.
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sirable alternative. We have found the Genetic Algo-
rithm method to be especially well suited for the modu-
lar robot problem, and we presented a method to e ec-
tively encode modular robot assembly con gurations
in the bit strings required for the Genetic Algorithm
In this work, the objective function was formulated as
a single-valued function. A multi-objective function
approach can be explored instead. The objective func-
tion thus becomes a vector-valued function which eval-
uates not only the task performance of the robot but
also other goals to be achieved by the robot. A multi-
objective genetic algorithm can be employed in this
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