EWI-Review 4 / May 2008

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Combining Economy, Science and Innovation for a better society

Periodical of the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation | May 2008

Brussels calling

Flemish government

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 1 13-05-2008 14:05:02

Welcome Be Fleming to become European 3

Forword Game without frontiers 4

International Studies Flemish entrepreneurship: can it do more? 5

From Flanders Start-up entrepreneurs? Certainly! But what about bankruptcies in Belgium 6

and Flanders?

What’s what Gross Domestic Product: New challenges, new standards? 8

Let us explain The Permanent Representation and the European Decision-making Process 10

Focus on European instruments for monitoring and analysing research and innovation policy 14

Central theme The European Research Council: a champions league for basic research 17

Central theme Found: A network and a bottom-up approach 20

Central theme A new era in European research policy 23

Explained European cohesion policy: growing together 26

In sum All programmes lead to Lisbon 30

Central theme Flanders in the European Framework Programme: in the vanguard or just part of 34

the pack?

Interview Flanders: Afraid of Europe? 37

From Europe The European Services Directive 42

The Policy

Research Centres Policy Research Centre on Governmental Organisation in Flanders 44

Crossing the borders FIT gives Flanders more international clout in high-tech sectors 47

Policy in practice Supporting the Flemish media sector 48

Results Greening the economy 50

Column The researcher of the future? 53

EWI-Review: Periodical on Economy, Science and Innovation – Volume 2, Issue 1: EWI-Review is a publication of the Department of Economy, Science and
Innovation of the Flemish government

Editorial office: Office for Policy Research and Foresight Studies, Department of Economy, Science and Innovation, Koning Albert II-laan 35, bus 10,

B-1030 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: +32 (0)2 553 59 80 - Fax: +32 (0)2 553 60 07 - www.ewi-vlaanderen.be

Responsible publisher: Veerle Lories

Editorial staff: Peter Spyns (editor-in-chief), Emmelie Tindemans (copy editor), Marjolein De Wit, Els Jacobs, Yves Govaert, Marleen Verleysen

Editorial committee: Pierre Verdoodt (chairman), Peter Bakema, Pascale Dengis, Bart Laethem, Tom Tournicourt, Els Vermander

Contributors to this issue: Peter Bakema, Ilse Boeykens, Erwin Dewallef, Kathleen D’Hondt, Karen Haegemans, Mieke Houwen, Bart Laethem, Veerle
Lories, Peter Spyns, Tom Tournicourt, Tom Vandenbogaerde, Monica Van Langenhove, Frank Vereecken, Els Vermander, Hilde Vermeulen, Koen Waeyaert

Guest authors: Jan De Beule, Nathalie Goethals, Jan Larosse, Bart Matheï, Ilse Scheerlinck, André Van Haver, Danny Van Steenkiste, Joris Voets

Layout and printing: Delfine Vande Moortele - www.newgoff.be

Disclaimer: EWI-Review is published in Dutch and English. Articles are accepted only if sources are cited and with the consent of the EWI Department

EWI and the editors and staff accept no liability for any consequences that may arise from the use of information contained in this publication

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PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 2 13-05-2008 14:05:07

> Welcome

Be Fleming
to become European
During the most recent formation of the federal government, it was stated yet again - among all the
vicissitudes - that Belgium would evaporate. After all, the Flemish region now has a broad range of powers and
responsibilities, while more and more matters are regulated at European level - to the detriment of the Belgian
national level. But how does Europe really work, and how does Europe intervene in the reality that is Flanders?
We shall try to provide a (modest) answer to these questions as far as the EWI policy domain is concerned.

The core issues here are the Lisbon strategy, the 3% standard and the European internal market with the
accompanying European research area. Europe is endeavouring to become the strongest knowledge-based
economy in the world by 2010. An arsenal of measures and subsidies is being deployed to this end. In this
issue, we discuss those that are most important for the EWI policy domain. We also try to give an indication
as to whether Flanders is onboard in this quest taken up by the peoples of Europe. That Flanders cuts no
mean figure in this regard can be illustrated by the fact that Flemings play an important role in the European
institutions. We even managed to track one of them down for an interview (p. 37).

This issue also features a number of familiar sections. Another policy research centre in this series, the Policy
Research Centre on Governmental Organisation in Flanders, is also introduced (p. 44) while the notion of gross
domestic product is explained (p. 8).

As always, I hope you enjoy reading this more ‘Europe-oriented’ issue.

Peter Spyns
1 As said by August Vermeylen, when he opened the first Flemish academic year in Ghent in 1930.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 3 13-05-2008 14:05:08

> Foreword

Game without frontiers

The international dimension has always been dominantly present in fundamental research. The

findings of curiosity-driven research (i.e. research performed on the initiative of the researcher) have

since time immemorial been made public through international contacts, scientific papers and con-

ferences. Accumulated knowledge is shared and used as a basis for further work, not only at the site

of origin, but by everyone who so wishes.

Beyond the scope of curiosity-driven re- is for a region to remain attractive to The European Union is banking strongly
search, however, things are quite different (foreign) corporate investments in general on the globalisation of research and wants
and more complex. Knowledge is approa- and to research and development (R&D) to create what is known as the European
ched as a source of economic and social in particular. This is certainly the case for Research Area. In this issue of the EWI
development, and constitutes an essential Flanders, as foreign companies already Review, we shall discuss the challenges
factor for the competitive position of a account for a very large part of total R&D and opportunities facing Europe on this
country or region. Funding authorities will expenditure in the region. The quality of front. It is up to Flanders to adopt a pro-
come up with support for research only if infrastructure and research, the supply active approach to these challenges and
there is sufficient guarantee that the new of well educated and inspired people, to wisely exploit the opportunities offered.
knowledge will be used to perpetuate the funding opportunities and efficient And above all to capitalise on its assets!
wealth welfare in their own region. governance are all facets of an attractive
investment climate for knowledge-inten-
The context is changing rapidly, however, sive companies.
in particular for research and innovation
in companies. Multinational companies Universities, research centres and individu-
are not only capitalising on their know- al researchers must be encouraged to get
ledge beyond borders, but they are also involved in this globalised drive towards
obtaining the knowledge they need more innovation and to hold their own with the
and more from foreign research centres best in the world. This is the only way to
and networks. guarantee sustained quality and capacity
in the region. The government must pro-
National and regional governments need vide incentives both to ensure maximum Veerle Lories
to adapt their policy to this globalised interaction with the local economic fabric Acting Secretary General,
research context. The major challenge and the ability to compete internationally. EWI Department

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 4 13-05-2008 14:05:12

> International Studies

Flemish entrepreneurship:
can it do more?
As usual, we do not want to withhold the new results of the
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research study2 this
year.3 GEM primarily assesses the level of entrepreneurial
activity across countries via the Total Entrepreneurial Activity
(TEA) index. TEA indicates the percentage of the adult popula-
tion actively involved in setting up a business (nascent entre-
preneurship) or new business owners in the last three years
(new entrepreneurship).

Not just in terms of quantity…. educated. In 2007, no fewer than 63.4% ders compared with Europe as a whole,
had attended higher education. there are proportionally more of them.
The TEA index for Flanders is up signifi- The nature of new entrepreneurship
cantly, from 3.05% in 2006 to 3.70% in in Flanders is also on a positive trend. Although new companies are not created
2007 (3.15% for Belgium). After a drop In concrete terms, the study examined in such high numbers in Flanders, they are
in 2006, Flanders is back at the 2005 how innovative the new companies are, of sound quality in terms of innovation,
level. With this score, Flanders is still in whether they expected high growth in job creation and international orientation.
the group of least performing countries the number of employees, or whether This could provide an initial indication that
and far below the EU average of 5.28%. they were targeting international sales. government initiatives to encourage en-
Only Austria and France score even lower. No fewer than 52.1% of Flemings actively trepreneurship, pursued for several years
In 2007, there was a clearly percepti- engaged in setting up a company or who now, such as the call for entrepreneurship,
ble entrepreneurship deficit, with the have done so recently, indicated that their the call for projects that reconcile business
intentions to create a business (nascent new company was innovation-oriented. with education and training, business plan
entrepreneurship) clearly higher than the As such, Flanders scores higher than the competitions, and so on, are beginning to
number of businesses actually created European average of 39.4%. However, bear fruit.
(new entrepreneurship). Although this such innovation is not necessarily ac-
phenomenon occurs in most countries, companied by extensive job creation.
it is especially pronounced in Flanders. A Although more than half of Flemish
clear indication of an entrepreneurship start-up entrepreneurs said their company
deficit in Flanders is the relatively low is based on innovation, only 18% of them
percentage of intentions that ultimately (or 0.39% of the entire labour force)
come to fruition: only 26%. expected that the new start-up would
create twenty or more jobs in the coming
… but also quality five years. In absolute figures, therefore,
fewer companies are started with this am-
The profile of these start-up entrepreneurs bition in Flanders compared to Europe as
projects a positive image. Nearly all such whole. Nevertheless, Flanders scores bet-
start-up entrepreneurs (some 95%) set ter than the European average in relation
up their own company because they saw to the number of companies created.
a gap in the market, and not necessarily In 2007, 21.6% of entrepreneurs who
because they had no other alternative had started a business in the previous 3.5
for generating income. This figure is so- years or were currently in the process of
mewhat lower for Europe as a whole, i.e. starting one up, expected to have more Els Vermander
around 78%. Another trend is that more than 25% foreign customers. Although Entrepreneurship, Science Popularisation
and more start-up entrepreneurs are well fewer such companies are set up in Flan- and International Cooperation Team

2 Coordinated by the London Business School (UK) and Babson College (US), with 42 participating countries, including 17 EU member states, this worldwide research study was conducted
for the eighth time in 2007. In Belgium, the study was carried out by the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School in cooperation with TNS Dimarso, and commissioned by the Policy
Research Centre for Entrepreneurship and International Entrepreneurship.” 5
3 See also EWI Review 1 (1): 9

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 5 13-05-2008 14:05:15

Start-up entrepreneurs? Certainly!
But what about bankruptcies in
Belgium and Flanders?

In addition to the number of start-ups, the number of bankruptcies also gets plenty of media coverage.
Graydon4 calculates the number of bankruptcies in Belgium on a monthly basis, but a meaningful state-
ment on such a number requires a basis for comparison. For that reason, Graydon has this year once
again analysed the trend in the number of bankruptcies in the European Union. The results are given



PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 6 13-05-2008 14:05:16

> From Flanders

The downward trend in the number of terms, Flanders set the bankruptcy pace in charted course if continuity problems arise
bankruptcies in Europe in 2006 continued in Belgium in 2007. This seemingly less positive after the frontline advice. After all, healthy
2007, albeit to a significantly lesser extent development for Flanders should be placed businesses form the basis of a prosperous
than in 2006 (see Table 1). Belgium did less in the right context, as Flanders accounts for society.
well, with an increase of 0.38%, but it is not 58.61% of all companies and 57.79% of the
alone. France, Denmark and Luxemburg are population in Belgium.
in the same position. Among our neigh-
bouring countries, only the Netherlands With these figures in mind, we can state wit-
and Germany fared better, with drops of hout reservation that more work is needed
15.66% and 10.4% respectively. So, where both in Flanders and in Belgium on a sound
bankruptcies are concerned, we can say that prevention policy. The Flemish government
Belgium is part of the pack when compared is currently working on an early warning
with our neighbouring countries. But we system. The aim is to be able to give ample
should nonetheless be careful about drawing warning to companies that veer into the
such conclusions. Graydon has warned that danger zone, not to predict bankruptcies.
it is very difficult to make a true comparison The right of initiative in this kind of pre- Ilse Boeykens
at European level because of the diversity vention policy lies with the companies and Entrepreneurship, Science Popularisation
and enforcement of bankruptcy legislation. entrepreneurs themselves. and International Cooperation Team
For instance, the low number of bankrupt-
cies in Spain is attributable more to inef- The prevention policy will be carried out by
fective legislation than to the actual financial the Flemish Agency for Entrepreneurship5
situation of companies. and is implemented through four lines of
force (or sections). One of these entails
In this respect, a comparison within Belgium giving companies a tool for self-diagnosis as
seems more advisable, since the same well as frontline advice by account managers
legislation applies throughout the country. using a diagnosis tool and standardised me-
The increase continues both in Flanders thodology. The EWI Department has provi-
(up 2.44%) and in Wallonia (up 1%). ded the policy preparation for both tools and
Only the Brussels Capital region escapes continues to monitor their implementation.
this trend, with a drop of 4.31%. In both The aim is to make businesses aware about
absolute (3881) and relative (47.82%) this prevention policy and to offer them a

Table 1: Number of bankruptcies in Europe6

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 %05-06 %06-07

Belgium 7143 7265 7640 7986 7910 7692 7721 -2,76% 0,38%
Germany 32390 37620 39470 39270 36850 30680 27490 -16,74% -10,40%
France 43000 44900 45804 45579 45305 43402 48050 -4,20% 10,71%
Italy 10555 10570 10258 11404 12348 10826 6113 -12,33% -43,53%
Luxemburg 475 742 712 671 686 634 680 -7,58% 7,26%
Netherlands 5880 6841 8849 9456 10228 9276 7823 -9,31% -15,66%
Denmark 2263 2453 2452 2531 2423 1990 2401 -17,87% 20,65%
Ireland 456 428 429 351 331 304 313 -8,16% 2,96%
United Kingdom 14972 16305 14184 14102 15609 16202 15278 3,80% -5,70%
Greece 770 660 693 577 640 520 510 -18,75% -1,92%
Portugal 1383 1400 3055 3120 2053 2404 3911 17,10% 62,69%
Spain 1951 2168 2207 2386 2223 887 796 -60,10% -10,26%
Finland 2077 2165 2125 1412 1461 1367 1387 -6,43% 1,46%
Sweden 6313 6919 7134 7485 6653 6004 5630 -9,75% -6,23%
Austria 5178 5281 5643 6318 7056 6707 6295 -4,95% -6,14%

Total EU-EURO-Zone 111258 120040 126885 128530 127091 114699 111089 -9,75% -3,15%
Total EU (15) 134806 145717 150655 152648 151776 138895 134398 -8,49% -3,24%

4 Graydon Belgium is a provider of trade and marketing information. It also provides the credit and debit management for companies, and is a structural partner of the National Bank of
5 The Flemish Agency for Entrepreneurship will in the near future be merged with the Economy Agency. 7
6 http://www.graydon.be/download/studies/216.doc (press release of 15 February 2008)

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 7 13-05-2008 14:05:18

Gross Domestic Product:
New challenges,
new standards?

In cooperation with the European Commission, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and De-

velopment (OECD), the Club of Rome and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the European parliament

recently organised an international conference on the usefulness of economic indicators, and more

specifically the measurability of prosperity and well-being. But how is something like this actually


Starting point of the measurements Nowadays, GNP has made way for Gross Alternative criteria: strengths and
Domestic Product (GDP). Whereas GNP weaknesses
When the American economy went measures output (at market prices) gene-
through one of the deepest crises in the rated by the residents of a given country This issue is attracting more and more
economic history of the world (better in a given period (usually one year), GDP attention from institutional and policy
known as the “Great Depression”) in the measures output within a certain terri- quarters, as attested by the various
late 1920s and early 1930s, a great need tory. GDP has the advantage of providing conferences and congresses recently
arose to chart the economic problem internationally comparable figures, as the devoted to the most suitable criteria for
objectively. Before World War I, measu- methodology is established in accordance measuring progress and prosperity and
rements of economic activities were with UN guidelines. Furthermore, there how these can be used in the deci-
based solely on rough estimates, as data is a strong correlation with indicators sion-making process.10 The Wuppertal
were not collected by the government at such as employment, level of education, Institute classifies the most important
the time. life expectancy and so on.9 indices into three categories for adjus-
ting, replacing and supplementing GDP.
Under the impetus of Simon Kuznets Expanding on all the assessment me- In addition, a SWOT analysis (Strengths-
(1901-1985), the American Department thods, components and variants of GDP Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats) is
of Trade addressed this need by develo- (e.g. Net National Product, National conducted on each index.11 Some impor-
ping the Gross National Product (GNP). Income, etc.) would take us too far. They tant indices are discussed briefly below.
Kuznets’s contribution was particularly are all used to understand the economic
important due to the scope of this indi- cycles and activity of the major econo- • Adjusting GDP
cator and the meticulous way in which mic actors (consumers, companies, the The most important ‘corrective’
it was developed. The indicator drew a government and other countries). Fur- indicator is the Index of Sustainable
distinction between the categories of thermore, the indicators are convenient Economic Welfare (ISEW). This index
savings, consumption and investments, measuring gauges that governments use takes account of income inequality,
which could be used also for a quanti- to intervene in the economy by means of household work, the costs of environ-
tative approach to the income-determi- fiscal and monetary instruments. mental pollutions, social costs and the
nation theory of John Maynard Keynes costs of exhausting natural capital.
(1883-1946). Although people were aware of these
limitations when GNP and GDP were The index has already been calculated
In the late 1940s, however, Kuznets and developed, today the indicator still for ten countries, including a number
the Department of Trade had a difference measures mainly economic activity, while of EU Member States: Germany, Au-
of opinion. Kuznets wanted to use GNP the qualitative elements of prosperity stria, Sweden, Poland and the United
to measure economic well-being as well, and income distribution are neglected. As Kingdom. The results of the studies
by including the value of unpaid hou- the world economy faces non-economic show that per-capita GDP and econo-
sehold work. The Department of Trade challenges too (such as climate change, mic prosperity had registered the same
refused to do that – and indeed conti- poverty, leisure time, part-time employ- rising pattern up to about 1980; after
nues to do so today. Other organisations, ment, ethics, corruption and income which, measured on the basis of the
such as the Eurostat7, do not include this inequality), there is a need for a broader per-capita ISEW, the economic welfare
component either when calculating GNP or alternative indicator that incorporates began to drop, whereas per-capita
and related indicators.8 non-economic components as well. GDP has continued to rise.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 8 13-05-2008 14:05:19

> What’s what

The index was also calculated for Bel- The best choice? as in the case of sustainability, refining
gium, specifically for the period 1970- and improving indicators is a long-term
2004. The findings of this study are As great as the temptation may be to undertaking.
not in line with the other ISEW studies, strive for a new indicator that measures
as economic prosperity rose in Belgium the various aspects of prosperity, this
until the year 2000. The period of option is not feasible. The indicator
decline in prosperity after 2000 is too would actually be more concealing than
short to allow for general conclusions revealing. GDP is still a useful indicator Ilse Scheerlinck
to be drawn.12 that measures what it initially tried to Vesalius College / Vrije Universiteit Brus-
measure, i.e. economic activity. sel
• Replacing GDP
The UN Human Development Index Whereas those indices that seek to With the cooperation of Frank Vereecken
(HDI) takes account of both economic replace GDP constitute the most drastic Office for Policy Research and Foresight
and social indicators. The required data approach of the three and are difficult to Studies
are easily available and thus compari- translate into (EU) decision-making, the-
sons can be made between different re is broader consensus among experts
countries. However, the relevance of on those indices that aim to correct GDP.
the index to policy is limited because it These indices reduce both the social and
does not take account of the environ- environmental costs and are understan-
mental aspects of sustainability. dable to a broad target group. On the
other hand, the assessment methods still
Well-being and environmental factors require some adjustment.
are taken into account in the Happy
Planet Index (HPI). However, elements The biggest consensus in the EU is on
such as happiness and satisfaction are those indices that supplement GDP,
rather subjective, personally biased which approach GDP from a broader
and difficult to measure. They are also perspective without neglecting the
influenced by culture and politics. strengths of the original indicator. This
consensus confirms that society is com-
7 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 12
• Supplementing GDP plex. Given the challenges of the 21st
8 The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. http://www.econlib.
A series of indicators is used to supple- century, decision-makers must look into org/library/Enc/bios/Kuznets.html
ment GDP on the basis of the national economic, social and ecological factors.
9 Bleys, B. (2007). Alternatieve Indicatoren voor Welvaart. OIKOS
accounts. Using one or more criteria that address 41(2): 17-25. See also http://www.oikos.be/content/view/38/
The National Accounting Matrix inclu- these concerns will provide the most in- 10 Example: ‘Beyond GDP’, a congress held in Brussels on 19-20
ding Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) formation to decision-makers, companies November 2007 at the initiative of the European Commission, the
charts the environmental implications of and stakeholders as well as consumers, European Parliament, the Club of Rome, the OECD and the WWF.

production and consumption, but does NGOs and trade unions. Only then 11 See www.wupperinst.org and European Parliament (2007), Policy
Department Economic and Scientific Policy ‘Alternative progress
not take account of the social aspect. can sustainability be stimulated. But, indicators to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a means towards
sustainable development’.
12 Bleys, B. (2008). Proposed changes to the Index of Sustainable
Economic Welfare: An application to Belgium. Ecological Economics
64(4), pp. 741-751.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 9 13-05-2008 14:05:19

The Permanent
Representation and
the European Decision-
making Process


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 10 13-05-2008 14:05:20

> Let us explain

It takes little persuading these days to convince anyone just how important and influential the

European decision-making process is to Flemish policy, but it may not always be clear how

influence can be exerted the other way, i.e. Flanders’ influence on EU decision-making. So

let us zoom in on the Council of the European Union (also known as the Council of Ministers)

and the role of the Permanent Representation in the Council’s decision-making process.

What is the Council of the European How the Council works The Flemish Permanent Representation
Union? reports on the most recent European De-
• Council meetings velopments with a view to defining a posi-
The Council is the most important decision- The Council Formations for the EWI policy tion. It provides texts and commentary to
making body of the European Union and domains (internal market, industry and interested third parties, takes part in many
consists of one minister per Member State. research) usually meet four to five times of the consultation meetings and so forth.
Depending on the issue, the Council deci- per year. At the formal meetings, the The Flemish Permanent Representation
des alone or together with the European ministers discuss and vote on the proposals also keeps in close touch with the Euro-
Parliament, whether a proposal by the of the European Commission. During each pean institutions. This activity is crucial in
European Commission will be turned into presidency, council meetings are usually ensuring accurate monitoring of European
a European law (directive, regulation, etc.). also organised where the ministers can issues. In addition, the Flemish Permanent
The composition of the Council depends exchange ideas on an informal basis about Representation is developing a network of
on the subject for which it convenes. If important European initiatives at hand. contacts inside the regions, as well as with
the Council has to deal with research, for These meetings are known as informal other Member States and regions. All this
instance, the Member States dispatch their councils. can be collectively referred to as defending
ministers responsible for research policy the interests of Flanders.
to the Council. In practice, the Council • COREPER
convenes in nine different compositions or The important work for a formal meeting
Council Formations (see box), and is chaired of the Council of Ministers, however, How is the Belgian position for the Coun-
by the minister of the Member State that is done beforehand in the Permanent cil defined?
holds the presidency of the European Representatives Committee (COREPER).
Union. Belgium will assume the presidency COREPER consists of the Members States’ The Cooperation Agreement on the repre-
of the European Union in the second half of ambassadors to the European Union and a sentation of Belgium in the Council of the
2010, at which time ministers from Belgium number of other committees and working European Union stipulates that the regi-
will chair the Council. parties composed of representatives of ons, communities and federal government
every Member State. These committees are to take turns attending the meetings
and working parties meet throughout the of the Council.
entire year in Brussels. The working parties The Council’s powers and responsibilities
The nine Council negotiate and try to find a compromise that are divided into six categories. The com-
respects the interests of all Member States. position of the Belgian delegation depends
Formations The ministers negotiate directly with each on the category under which a policy
other only in very important and politically domain or policy issue falls (see box).
• General Affairs and External sensitive matters.
The rotation between the different tiers of
Relations Flanders and the Permanent Representa- government ensures that a minister from
• Economic and Financial Affairs tion at the EU another region, community or the federal
(ECOFIN) government represents Belgium at the
• Justice and Home Affairs Flanders has a separate delegation at the Council every six months. This coincides
Permanent Representation of Belgium to with the rotation of the EU presidency.
• Employment, Social Policy, the European Union. The Flemish Perma-
Health and Consumer Affairs nent Representation consists of five mem- Both regional and federal ministers repre-
• Competitiveness (internal mar- bers (attachés or advisers), each of whom is sent Belgium in the Council. The position
ket, industry and research) specialised in a specific policy domain, and that they present and the votes that
who take part in the corresponding wor- they cast are the result of a compromise
• Transport, Telecommunications king parties of the Council. They defend reached by all Belgian tiers of government
and Energy the position adopted at Belgian level and (federal and regional) responsible for a
• Agriculture and Fisheries report to the Flemish government and the given matter.
• Environment Flemish administration. This team is coordi-
nated by the representative of the Flemish For the EWI policy domain, the Belgian
government to the European Union. position is fine-tuned before each official


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 11 13-05-2008 14:05:22

Council meeting. For research-related Say it with figures and create customised data tables. In ad-
issues, this is done in the permanent dition, publications such as the Yearbook
International Cooperation commission and Statistics in Focus are available in
(CIS), which is part of the Interministerial hard copy. The electronic versions of these
Commission for Scientific Policy (IMCWB). publications can be downloaded free of
Industrial policy and the internal market charge.
are handled by the Interministerial Eco-
nomic Commission (IEC). The secretariat So it is clear where the EWI policy domain
of the Directorate-General for European gets its data to compare Flanders internati-
Affairs and Coordination of the Federal onally in publications such as the EWI
Public Service Foreign Affairs (DGE) then Budget Browser13 and the Indicator Book.14
holds a coordinating meeting where all Eurostat is the statistical office of the The EWI indicator database (currently un-
relevant governmental authorities are European Union and has existed under der construction) combines Flemish figures
represented (civil service and/or cabinet that name since 1959. It is located in with Eurostat and OECD data.
staff) to hammer out a Belgian position. Luxembourg.
Unanimity is required.
Eurostat provides the European institutions
If no agreement can be reached at of- with figures and indicators that help them
ficially, the item on the agenda is referred take policy decisions, but it also serves
to the Interministerial Conference on national and regional authorities, compa-
Foreign Policy (ICFP), where the ministers nies, citizens, etc., in other words anyone
of the relevant governments try to reach a looking for figures, statistics and indica-
compromise. tors. The online database - available at
http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat for queries
The position agreed at the DGE or ICFP on structural indicators (GDP, employment
meeting is adopted by the minister who rates, etc) - contains thematically arranged
represents Belgium at the Council. If data (economics and finance, science and
no agreement is reached beforehand, technology, etc.). The focus on regional
Belgium’s representative will abstain from figures is increasing, something which we
voting in the Council. in Flanders can only applaud. Visitors to Koen Waeyaert
the website can request predefined tables Statistics and Indicators Team
If the Belgian position has to be urgently
adapted during a Council or a COREPER
meeting, the Belgian representative must
make the necessary contacts. If that is not
possible, he can align himself ad referen-
dum with the position in the best interest
of our country. The definitive Belgian
position is communicated to the Council
within three days after internal Belgian

Bart Laethem
Entrepreneurship, Science Popularisation
and International Cooperation Team

7 J. Albrecht, Blijft de Andere Overheid volslank in Nederland Gidsland ?, Itinera Institute Nota 2007/9, p. 1 -6.
8 OECD Studies of human resource management in government: Belgium: Brussels capital Region, Federal Government, Flemish Government, French Community and Wal-
loon Region, OECD, Paris, 13/07/2007, 134 p.
13 http:// http://www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/speurgids/index.php?lan=en
14 http://www.steunpuntoos.be/indicatorenboek2007.pdf


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 12 13-05-2008 14:05:23

EWI in the Permanent Representation

Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU

Representation of the Flemish Government
Wetstraat 61-63
B-1040 Brussels

Karel Boutens Adviser for Economic Affairs (industry, internal market)

T: +32 (0) 2 553 62 15 M: +32 (0) 499 864 936

Bart Laethem Adviser for Research

T: +32 (0) 2 553 62 13 M: +32 (0) 477 271 291

Domains Representative at Council sessions

Category I Exclusively federal powers: Federal minister, exclusively

General affairs and foreign relations, ECOFIN, budget,
justice, telecommunications, consumer affairs,
cooperation for development and civil protection

Category II Mainly federal powers: Federal minister with regional minister as assessor*
Internal market, public health, transport, energy,
employment and social affairs

Category III Mainly regional or community powers: industry, Regional minister with federal minister as assessor
research and the environment

Category IV Exclusively community or regional powers: culture, education, Regional minister, exclusively
tourism, youth, town and country planning, and housing

Category V Fisheries Flemish minister for fisheries

Category VI Agriculture Federal minister assisted by regional minister

* The assessor may assist the cabinet minister on matters within the purview of his/her government level. The assessor may also address the mee-
ting, after consultation with the cabinet minister.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 13 13-05-2008 14:05:24

> Focus

European instruments for

monitoring and analysing
research and innovation policy

A modern research and innovation policy

must have instruments for international
benchmarking and international policy
learning so that they can be used to sup-
port the policy and performance of the
national innovation system in a rapidly
changing international environment.
This is no mean feat because research
and innovation policy is a relatively new actors - are involved. PRO INNO Europe Croatia, Turkey, Israel, Brazil, Canada,
and complex matter, and the interac- combines the policy monitoring and ana- China, Japan, the USA and India. Cor-
tion between such monitoring tools and lysis of the TrendChart with project sup- respondents produce reports on new
proprietary policy preparation is not yet port for policy learning, cooperation and policy measures for each country and, in
sufficiently strong. joint actions. The well-known ERA-net addition to their annual report on trends
projects,18which in recent years laid the in policy, they also draw up thematic
Due to mobilisation for the Lisbon strate- foundations in many domains for nascent reports, which are used for specific policy
gy15 the need for international benchmar- joint European actions, are now being discussions, e.g. on policy about innova-
king and for learning from best practices supplemented by INNO-NET19 projects. tion in services.
in research and development has been
higher on the agenda since 2000. The INNO Policy TrendChart was set up by
European Commission has in recent years the Directorate for Innovation within the The TrendChart website features:
taken a number of initiatives to stimulate Directorate-General for Enterprise and • a database of innovation policy measu-
evidence-based policy work: INNO Policy Industry to collect surveyable information res in 39 countries;
Trend Chart (through the Directorate- for policymakers, programme managers • a news service;
General16 for Enterprise and Industry and intermediaries on innovation policy • a ‘who’s who’ of agencies and govern-
– DG ENTR) and ERAWATCH (through in Europe, both on national innovation ment departments actively involved in
the Directorate-General for Research performance and trends in Europe as a innovation;
– DG RTD). The Commission supports the whole. A network of innovation analysts • annual reports on policy monitoring for
method of open coordination17, introdu- has been set up to this end, headed all countries monitored;
ced by the European Council in March by Intrasoft and Technopolis20, with • an annual summary report on analyses
2008, with information systems accessible correspondents in all 27 EU Member of trends in innovation policy throug-
to the public. ERAWATCH and Trend- States, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, hout the EU.
Chart have in the meantime emerged as
benchmark sites, thanks to a plethora of
detailed and internationally comparable
information on research and innovation
policy in the EU-27, associated countries
and the most important third countries.

INNO Policy TrendChart

The TrendChart is the oldest initiative,

dating from 2000. It is particularly well
known for its annual country reports on
innovation policy. In 2006, it was integra-
ted into the broader policy learning plat-
form of PRO INNO Europe (http://www.
proinno-europe.eu). PRO INNO Europe
is a strategic initiative of the European
Commission to stimulate European com-
petitiveness through trans-national coo-
peration on innovation, where some 400
partners - policymakers and innovation


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 14 13-05-2008 14:05:26

ERAWATCH tion sheets for country profiles, research ledge specialisations of the EU and the
programmes and the most important individual Member States.
The ERAWATCH project was launched in policy documents and research organisati-
2005, and has been online since October ons. The country profiles are accessible via ERAWATCH is part of the broader portfo-
2006 (http://cordis.europa.eu/erawatch). a special screen and provide an extensive lio of intelligence instruments of DG RTD.
ERAWATCH was set up as a strategic presentation of the most important cha- A sister project is the Industrial R&D In-
intelligence project by the Directorate for racteristics of the research policy in each of vestment Scoreboard that publishes a TOP
the European Research Area: Knowledge the 43 countries. All information sheets for 1000 of European R&D companies annu-
Economy of DG Research, in cooperation programmes, documents and organisati- ally (http://iri.jrc.es/research/scoreboard.
with the Institute for Prospective Techno- ons can be consulted directly through the htm). Where indicators are concerned, the
logical Studies (IPTS) which is responsible search function on the website, forming a flagship project consists of the annual Key
for the implementation. As in the case unique basis for internationally compara- Figures (http://ec.europa.eu/invest-in-re-
of TrendChart, there is an international ble studies. search/monitoring/statistical01_en.htm).
network for information-gathering and for The Directorate also organises the mutual
specific study assignments. The research • Intelligence unit learning of the Scientific and Technical Re-
policy in 43 countries is currently monito- The intelligence unit was started by con- search Committee (CREST), the advisory
red, with the EU-27 as the core group, of ducting analytical studies on the basis of group on research and technology policy
course. the aforementioned inventory and other of the European Council. ERAWATCH will
sources on core themes of the research play a role in monitoring the policy action
The project consists of two components: policy in the EU. The policy perspective is that the Commission and the Member
the research inventory and an intelligence the support of the Lisbon strategy, but as States undertake for implementing the
unit. the name ERA-WATCH indicates, parti- ERA Green Paper21.
cular attention will be focused on themes
• Research inventory in relation with the European Research
The inventory of research policy and Area. Reports are already available on the
research systems in the 43 monitored regional dimension of the research policy,
countries is based on structured informa- trends in industrial R&D and the know-

On the ERAWATCH website you will find:

• ERAWATCH Inventory
This section offers a collection of structured information on research policy in the EU, associated countries and other important countries:

43 Country Profiles (country profiles of all EU Member States and other important countries)
508 Research Programmes (basic information on research programmes)
343 Policy Documents + Information Sources (short summaries of important texts)
349 Research organisations (profiles of organisations active in research or in policy)

These documents also contain a large number of electronic links to information sources on the web.

• ERAWATCH Intelligence
This section contains various reports and studies on the development of research policy and the national research systems in Europe. A new series of analytical
country studies of all EU Member States and a summary report of trends in the EU-27 towards the completion of the European Research Area will be published in

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 15 13-05-2008 14:05:28

Further developments

Because research and innovation policies

are closely intertwined, cooperation by
and between ERAWATCH and Trend-
Chart is self-evident. As of 2008, the
two networks have been cooperating in
gathering information in the countries that
they monitor and on preventing dupli-
cation through an agreed distribution of
tasks. The two websites will offer access
to the complete collection of research and
innovation programmes on the European
Inventory of Research and Innovation
Policy Support Measures, that already
boasts some 1300 such programmes. This
forms a powerful and new instrument for
evidence-based policy work in line with Jan Larosse24
the Lisbon strategy. EU Directorate-General for Research,
Technological Development
ERAWATCH and TrendChart consist and Demonstration25
of a network of paid consultants who
guarantee independent information
gathering according to uniform standards.
Compared with complete and up-to-date
first-hand information, such an intermedi-
ary step may at times become a handi-
cap. A stronger partnership between the
Commission and the Member States on
policy monitoring is likely to emerge in the
future. How are ERAWATCH and TrendChart used?

European initiatives offer major advan- - The European Commission delves into these information sources to evaluate
tages of scale thanks to considerable Member States’ policies on research and innovation through annual progress
investments by the Commission in reports on their National Reform Plans for the Lisbon Strategy.
specialised information systems. They - It is well known that in designing new programmes, administrative authorities
create a public asset that many Member and consultants use information on how certain types of programmes are set
States that do not have sufficient means up in other countries.
can use as a springboard for their own - In contacts between administrative authorities in different countries, ERA-
policy work. Nevertheless, European WATCH and TrendChart datasheets and reports constitute a much used and
monitoring and analysis cannot take the fast way for gathering the necessary background information. More specifi-
place of developing one’s own strategic cally, ERAWATCH and TrendChart are an important source of information for
intelligence. The innovation potential of a preparing peer reviews .
country or region is ultimately measured - Attentive trend watchers can even detect new trends in policy by analysing
by its capacity to manage such potential. the composition of and changes in the database (e.g. the appearance of fiscal
Strategic governance is developed to that support forms for R&D in recent years).
end in modern innovation systems where
policy learning is accorded pride of place,
from policy development (via foresight22)
to policy evaluation.
15 The common goal to build a competitive knowledge-based economy by 2010, with the specific objec-
In this modern policy learning process, tive of investing 3% of GDP in Research and Development.
benchmarking good examples is merely 16 A directorate-general is a component of the European administration responsible for a policy domain.
the first step. To facilitate opportunities for 17 This includes setting common goals at European level, developing appropriate national action plans to
achieve these goals, and reporting on the progress and results of the national policy. This method helps
international cooperation and carve out the Member States to develop a policy that reflects the
competitive positions on new markets, re-
18 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 23
search and innovation efforts will have to
19 INNO-NET is a programme under the Community Innovation Programme (CIP), headed by DG ENTR,
be better focused. Monitoring and analysis intended to support transnational cooperation associations between national and regional programmes
must therefore rely on the knowledge of – see also elsewhere in this issue: p. 33. It focuses on cooperation in cluster policy, support to know-
own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities ledge-driven

and threats. To develop these manage- 20 Not to be confused with the institution of the same name in Mechelen for science popularisation.
ment capacities, Flanders must not only 21 The Green Paper on the European Research Area was published by the European Commission in April
2007 to give new impetus to the goal of creating a European knowledge market and to coordinate
continue to take part in European projects research programmes better so as to remedy fragmentation. http://ec.europa.eu/research/era/pdf/
on policy learning, but also become a era_gp_final_en.pdf
frontrunner, together with advanced Scan- 22 See also EWI Review 1 (2): 14-16
dinavian countries, in order to position 23 See also EWI Review 1 (3): 19
itself as a knowledge region. 24 Jan Larosse has been seconded to DG RTD from IWT as a national expert. He works as a policy officer
in the Directorate for ‘ERA: Knowledge Economy’. He is also a project manager for ERAWATCH.
25 The author provided this contribution in his own name.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 16 13-05-2008 14:05:31

> Central theme: Europe

The European Research Council:

a champions league for basic
A new initiative with a special status handles the administrative aspects thereof. plan. This new approach offers new
Composed of representatives of the prospects for theoreticians in all fields of
The most important innovation of the Member States, the programme com- knowledge, including the humanities. The
Seventh Framework Programme of the mittee functions as a sounding board ERC focuses on the individual scientists
European Union is without question the and discussion group. The role of the and provides broad accessibility. In this
establishment of the European Research European Commission will be limited to respect, too, it differs from the rest of the
Council (ERC) – the flagship of European funding, even though it is still responsible framework programme, where projects as-
basic research. For the first time, the EU is for the executive tasks of the agency to be sume the form of an international network
geared specifically to the university resear- established. and the research topics are determined by
cher. The ERC differs in content from other a very specific work programme.
components of the framework programme
which is geared to applied research in The champions league: stimulating com- The ERC aims to stimulate basic research
specific areas, such as IT, health, biotech- petition through stiff competition. Only the best
nologies and the humanities26. projects will receive funding, and the
German chancellor Angel Merkel has Member States are not entitled to a more
Furthermore, the ERC is with time acqui- called the ERC a ‘champions league’ for or less proportional share in accordance
ring a special and autonomous status on researchers. The aim is to select excellent with their population. Competition at
the organisational front too. It is on the scientists with as little bureaucratic red European level is by nature already keener
way to becoming an agency headquarte- tape as possible and provide them with the than at national level, as there are more
red in Brussels. It is currently still embed- necessary funding so that they can develop and better proposals. The basic assumption
ded in the structures of the European a research group within five years in rela- is that competition will be beneficial to
Commission. The scientific council consists tive freedom. The only selection criterion the quality of all basic research in Europe.
of 22 leading scientists who determine is scientific excellence. Such excellence can The bar will be set consistently higher and
the strategy, the work programme and be demonstrated by publications, their those who want to be in the running will
the evaluation process, while the agency career, previous projects and the research have to submit better and better proposals.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 17 13-05-2008 14:05:32

Overcoming fragmentation both types of grants will be offered. In the of years of required work experience for
end, 1/3 of the budget will go to Starting Starting Grants will be restricted, so that
European research is fragmented among Grants and 2/3 to Advanced Grants over fewer candidates can be eligible. This
the Member States, and then yet again these periods. criterion naturally has next to nothing to
among national and regional authorities, The distribution of the budget depends on do with scientific excellence: a post doc
agencies, etc. The ERC is an important the scientific policy: 39% for nature and with 7 years of seniority may be better
instrument for countering such fragmen- technology, 34% for biotechnologies, and than a post doc with 8 years of experience.
tation. Just like the other components of 14% for the social sciences. The remai- Such a seniority limit is arbitrary, therefore.
the framework programme, the ERC must ning 13% is intended for interdisciplinary In addition, the ERC wishes to have the
encourage the creation of a European projects. two-phase procedure scrapped, so that
research area. This research area must everyone will have to submit a definitive
be seen as a unified market of mobile Evaluation research proposal from the outset. Candi-
researchers unhindered by the borders of dates had better take a look in the mirror
Member States. Leading researchers will The results of the two-phase – now com- and ask whether they are good enough
head for the best research institutes of pleted – evaluation and selection process to make submitting a proposal worth the
their field. The ERC is the European answer are examined below. In the first phase, trouble.
to comparable organisations in the United a researcher submitted a concise project
States such as the National Science Foun- description which was presented to a panel The ERC hopes that the evaluations will
dation (NSF), so that Europe can become of experts. The panel could either reject also be used by the national governments.
the most competitive knowledge-based the proposal or select the researcher for Thus, France, Italy and Switzerland finance
economy in the world. A campaign will be the second phase. In the latter case, the candidates who received a positive evalu-
launched in the US in 2008 to promote the researcher had to submit a more elaborate ation, but did not make the top 300. The
ERC, with a view to encouraging European proposal, and go for an interview lasting Flemish universities have an opportunity
researchers already established in America about one half hour. to offer such candidates a Methusalem or
to return. Odysseus financing.
As expected, the European research com-
Budget munity responded massively, with no fewer Belgian results
than 9,167 project proposals being submit-
Some €7.5 billion euro has been earmar- ted. The scientific council had to call on an The top 300 include 10 Belgian projects:
ked for the ERC in the period 2007-2013, additional 600 people for the evaluation seven from Flanders and three from Wal-
about 15% of the total budget of the and selection process, assisting the 244 lonia (see Figure 1). Flanders scores as
framework programme. In principle, this members of the 25 ERC panels (ten for well as Finland on this front. Four of the
comes to over €1 billion euro per year, but nature and technology, nine for biotechno- Flemish projects are from the KU Leuven,
everything will initially start off on a small logies and six for social sciences). two from the VIB, and one from the VUB.
scale, with the budget gradually increa- The other Flemish universities submitted
sing every year. By way of comparison, In the end, 554 proposals made the cut proposals too, but did not make it to the
the NSF budget is more than €5 billion to the second phase, of which some 300 top 300. The KU Leuven is among the
dollar per year. In other words, the ERC is will be subsidised. The ERC considers the top scoring universities in Europe, but it is
proportionally underfunded. This trend is high response a real success – proof that hoped that the other Flemish universities
further exacerbated by the fact that unlike the ERC has a high profile and is attrac- will carry off prizes this year. By way of
the ERC, the NSF does not cover all scienti- tive. On the other hand, the chances of comparison, here are the figures for the
fic fields. Medical research, for instance, is success for the ERC are about 3%, far universities of Cambridge (9), Oxford (5),
excluded. below the already low averages (10-15%) and Leiden (3). These results also put
of the other components of the frame- into perspective the importance of what is
In principle, the ERC provides two types work programme. The jury is still out on known as the Shanghai ranking of the best
of grants. The ERC Starting Independent how the research community will react universities in the world on the basis of
Researcher Grant for post docs with 2-8 to this and whether the enthusiasm will Nobel Prize winners and publications and
years of research experience, and the ERC be (excessively) dampened as a result. citations in leading periodicals. According
Advanced Investigator Grant where the The enormous volume of proposals to be to this ranking, Cambridge is number 4,
number of years of experience plays no evaluated cannot be processed without Oxford 10, Leiden 71 and Leuven 132.
role. A call for the first type of grant only bringing extra people in, and that leads to
was organised in 2007. Some €300 million additional costs. Although other scientific fields such as
euro has been allocated and is expected mathematics, architecture and nanotech-
to finance the projects of 300 young The ERC has admitted that the door was nology are given a chance, the emphasis is
researchers. This year, the budget has opened too wide and will thus take ap- on biotechnologies. No project has been
been increased to €500 million euro, and propriate measures in 2008. The number nominated in the humanities.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 18 13-05-2008 14:05:33









Figure 1: Flanders ranks 12th in the top 30027.

Did Belgium and Flanders score well? core areas and thus to the decline of • Political balancing act
Yes, certainly by comparison with Eastern research. The best researchers will go to The ERC naturally refers to its limited
European countries, each of which has the best research groups and universi- budget, for which initially some €12 billion
less than five projects. The excellent sco- ties and have the best chances for ERC was earmarked, but after negotiations
res achieved by the United Kingdom, Is- funding. In the long term, the lead that with the Member States, this sum was
rael and the Netherlands stand out. The the top centres have over the rearguard reduced substantially, the unanimous
results of Austria, Denmark and Ireland will keep getting greater and greater. support for the establishment of the ERC
are much lower than one would expect. Instead of having a stimulating effect, notwithstanding. Additional funds could
Switzerland, Sweden and Finland score the competition principle widens the have come from the EU agriculture budget
much higher, compared with Belgium, already sizeable differences between the for instance (which accounts for no less
when the size of the population of those European regions. The end result will be than 40% of the total EU budget) – only
three countries is taken into account. a sort of monopoly: the number of cen- the political will is lacking. As a result of
tres with top researchers will get smaller this political balancing act, the develop-
Flanders invests a lot in biotechnologies and smaller, while the rest of the group ment of the European knowledge-based
(through VIB, FWO, IWT, etc.) and languishes. Competition will continue to economy remains stuck in a potato or
comes out on top in this field. By way shrink while funding becomes automatic. sugar beet field.
of comparison between the different The winner takes it all; the loser standing
countries, we can for instance look at the small.
percentage of the gross national product
allocated to R&D. Israel allocates nearly • The national level is more attractive
5%, while most European countries In evaluating the ERC, we must also
under 2%, with 1.8% as the European draw a comparison with the national
average. Furthermore, R&D allocations programmes for top researchers, such
are growing robustly in Israel, whereas as Methusalem and Odysseus funding.
they tend to stagnate in European The annual budget and the chance of Peter Bakema
countries. The Israelis have a strong intel- success of these programmes are higher Policy Support and Academic Policy Team
lectual tradition and various specialised than with the ERC. For instance, the an-
research institutes. nual funding for the ECR Starting Grant
is €100,000 to €400,000 per year, not • Additional information
We must of course admit that it is still much more than the Odysseus II grant For more information on the ERC, go to:
too early to detect trends here. This can of €100,000 to €200,000 per year. If http://erc.europa.eu.
be done only once the ERC has been the ERC Advanced Grant wants to be
running for a number of years. Fur- attractive to Flemish researchers, the For the strategic goals and desired effects of the ERC, in
thermore, the image of the champions minimum financing must amount to €1.5 particular, cf. the report: Frontier Research: The European
league is inappropriate, as the competiti- to €2 million per year – a sum equal to Challenge, European Commission, DG Research, 2005.
on is between individual researchers and the maximum grant of the Methusalem Available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/future/
not between teams or countries. and Odysseus programmes. However, it basic_research/documents_en.htm.
seems to be in the range of €100,000 to
Undesired side-effects €500,000. If this is really the case, then The position of European research in the world is
it is paradoxical that the European level, described in: Europe in the Global Research Landscape,
• Development of competence core where competition is the keenest and the
areas and decline quality requirements the most stringent,
It is worth asking whether the competi- is less attractive for top researchers than
tion principle leads to sustainable quality the national level. So, to extend the 26 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 30
improvement in the long term and not to metaphor, this is no longer a champions 27 http://circa.europa.eu/Members/irc/rtd/ideas/library?l=/outcome_start
an excessive development of competence league – not even a first division. ing&vm=detailed&sb=Title (annex 2)


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 19 13-05-2008 14:05:33

> Central theme: Europe

A network and
a bottom-up
The year is 1983. The American president, Ronald Reagan, has just announced the Strate-

gic Defence Initiative. There was immediate concern in Europe. One of the reasons for this
concern is the enormous level of research funding in American industry, as Europe could

be left behind once and for all in the technologies from which the defence shield would

be developed.

Thereupon, in early 1985, the European the French and German governments, A number of very large projects emerged
Commission announced plans to esta- eighteen Western European countries at the time that have left their mark
blish a European Technology Community were already prepared to cooperate on down to the present day. HDTV (E! 95:
and called for the tripling of financial the initiative in July 1985. 1987 – 1993, €730 million) for example,
resources for a framework programme laid the foundations for today’s High De-
for research. French president François By the end of 1985, consensus had been finition Television through a cooperation
Mitterrand responded by tabling a plan reached on a German proposal for a scheme between the major television
for EUREKA: a European Research Coor- bottom-up approach, i.e. projects and production companies and related firms.
dination Initiative. Within a few weeks, cooperatives or consortia put together by In AMADEUS (E! 328: 1987 – 1993,
the plan won the support of several the participants themselves. These were €350 million), airlines developed the
European heads of government. At the also responsible for funding the project reservation programme now accessible to
same time, a group of leading European based on their own resources, the capital the public via the Internet.
IT companies (known as the Big 12 market and financial means to be applied
round table) and some twenty major for directly from their own government. EUREKA in the making: the emergence
industrial manufacturers (the Gyllenham- In other words, EUREKA would not have of EUREKA clusters
mar Group, named after the then CEO of a central financing role, but was to be a
Volvo) announced a declaration of intent network of government representatives The EUREKA network has continued to
to cooperate with the EUREKA initiative, to provide assistance to project partners expand over the years. An initial impetus
even before there was any agreement on in their search for financial support for in 1989 was the fall of the Berlin Wall, of
the rules for participating or for finan- market-oriented projects in the existing course, which opened the way for Cen-
cing. Announcements of major industrial national and regional financing program- tral and Eastern European countries to
cooperation projects came flooding in. mes. become members. Today, the network
With promises of financial support by comprises 37 countries and the European


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 20 13-05-2008 14:05:34

Union, thus spanning the entire Euro- ITEA 2 started in 2006. more SMEs are partners or organisers of
pean continent. - EURIMUS30 (EUReka industrial Initiative increasingly smaller individual EUREKA
for Microsystems, 1998) is geared to projects (in terms of consortium, budget
In 1990, history was made in the ‘Microsystem Technologies’. PIDEA and term).
EUREKA saga when the largest project (Packaging and Interconnection De-
platform ever was launched: JESSI (E! velopment for European Applications, The bottom-up principle in its purest
127: Joint European Submicron Silicon 1998) pertains to the packaging and form in the individual project. The free
Initiative). The aim of this project was to communication of integrated circuits. choice of subject and partnership, and
enable the European microchip industry EURIMUS II and PIDEA + were merged the experience of the network in market-
to gain ground in its economic struggle into one cluster in 2006: EURIPIDES. oriented projects have a clear and special
with the American and Japanese compe- - CELTIC31 (Cooperation for a European appeal. This freedom, and the industry-
tition. By the end of the project, in 1997, sustained Leadership In Telecommu- and market orientation, still constitute a
the leading European companies Inline nications) is the most recent cluster unique quality of the programme, in con-
Technologies, Philips Semiconductors and (2004) and pursues activities in tele- trast with the opportunities presented by
STMicroelectronics had regained a place communication technologies, systems the European Framework Programme.32
among the top ten in the world. and services.
The system has some indisputable
The concept of JESSI, a broad platform EUREKA today: highly SME-oriented disadvantages nonetheless. The EUREKA
project led by the most important Eu- network may well provide assistance
ropean companies in the sector, where The total financial volume of the cluster and advice and bestow a quality label
subprojects are launched on the basis projects has gradually overtaken that of on projects after an international quality
of a roadmap charted by industry, has the individual projects and now amounts control, but it has no financing oppor-
turned out to be a successful formula to about €1 billion per annum, or about tunities of its own. The quality label
that was bound to attract a following. 2/3 of the total annual EUREKA portfo- makes it possible to get more subsidies in
Four platforms were active in Information lio. The subprojects of the clusters are certain countries through national and/or
and Communication Technology (ICT) by initiated chiefly by large corporations, but regional support or to apply for specific
the end of the last century according to offer excellent opportunities for SMEs to support programmes. Not all the Mem-
this model, known as clusters: take part in a development project with ber States have ample support budgets,
the big players. however, and as these are investments
- MEDEA28 (Micro-Electronics Develop- using tax money, many specific (i.e. local)
ment for European Applications, 1997) The programme for the individual added-value requirements33 are set. As
is geared to micro-electronics and projects has seen a striking shift in the a result, financing is not forthcoming
information technology. MEDEA sub- last decade. As of the mid 1990s, the for all the partners in a large part of
sequently developed to the successors average budget and the average term of the projects. So it is important for each
MEDEA+ (2001) and CATRENE (2007). the projects started to drop. This may partner in the project to have a pro-
- ITEA29 (Information Technology for be due in part to the fact that develop- prietary added-value route, and optimal
European Advancement, 1998) is ment projects in industry are increasingly configurations or the timing of the local
dedicated to supporting and stimulating short-term oriented. Just as decisive is (financing) procedures are at times a real
competition in software development. apparently the factor that more and expedition.

Figure 2: Total scope of project budgets in the period June 2006-June 2007 per Member State in percentage of Gross National Product. (Source: International EUREKA Secretariat)




% of GNP









Sw l




































PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 21 13-05-2008 14:05:34

Figure 3: In the SAFEFEED project (E! 3934: Natural Figure 4: The EASY GROWN APPLES project (E! Figure 5: In the SMARTTOUCH project (ITEA 05024),
Alternatives For Antibiotics In Animal Husbandry), 3101), in cooperation with a Czech partner, makes Alcatel-Lucent Bell, together with partners from Finland,
Nutrition Sciences, in cooperation with Dutch partners, a significant contribution to the apple improvement France, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Spain and the
is conducting research into materials of plant origin programme of the Flemish SME Better3fruit, in parti- United Kingdom, wish to create highly personalised
and effective micro-organisms for enriching feed and cular as regards the creation of new cultivars with a applications, using information supplied by “intelli-
for preserving feed raw materials. natural resistance to diseases. The cultivation of such gent” objects in the user’s environment, be it the home
cultivars in future will lead to sizeable reduction in the environment, the nomadic urban environment and health
use of plant treatment products. and well-being. For instance, the user will be able to
pay for a parking place, store information on all sorts of
products and services, or start a personalised training
programme by simply holding his or her mobile telep-
hone close to a parking meter, advertising or information
board, or fitness machine. For more information, go to

EUREKA in Flanders projects by establishing and cultivating

business relations or by joining industrial
Belgium is not merely the home of the networks. Figure 3 to Figure 5 illustrate
international EUREKA Secretariat. The a number of projects in progress or just
proportionally very high involvement of completed in which Flemish companies
Belgian companies has long placed our play an important role. The topics in turn
country at the forefront of loyal EUREKA illustrate EUREKA’s broad scope.
participants. This is well illustrated in
Figure 2, where the total annual scope The future of EUREKA
of projects is presented in terms of
percentage of GNP. As participants in EUREKA has long ceased to be the
the cluster projects usually stem from biggest programme for Research &
the Flemish Region, and Flanders is also Development on the international scene,
the leader for individual projects, we can having been largely overshadowed by
safely say that Flanders plays a promi- the Framework programme34 in the
nent role in EUREKA. past decade; but it still retains its unique
characteristics. In an offer that is getting
Flemish partners take part in some twen- increasingly more complex (and inclu-
ty-five projects every year. This number des new programmes such as the Joint
is roughly evenly distributed among indi- Technology Initiatives or programmes
vidual projects and cluster participations. based on Article 16988, the network is
Support from the Flemish government, endeavouring to retain its track record
for which applications can be submit- of a bottom-up approach, flexibility and
ted to the Institute for the Promotion of response.
Innovation by Science and Technology
in Flanders (IWT), amounts to €15 to The EUREKA network has recently Danny Van Steenkiste
€20 million per year. Participations in the acquired a third pillar, EUROSTARS35, set EUREKA contact for the Flemish Region
cluster projects take up the lion’s share of up in cooperation with and co-financed Institute for the Promotion of Innovation
the support budget. Flemish partners are by the European Commission. EUROS- by Science and Technology in Flanders
involved in a dozen individual projects TARS projects are still being financed by (IWT)
every year, and they receive co-financing the Member States, but applications for
(totalling €2 to €4 million every year) in support are evaluated centrally with help
about half of these projects. This means from the Member States. EUROSTARS For more information:
that not all participants can apply nor can still be considered an experimental http://www.iwt.be/
be eligible for government support in programme: it has a restricted target http://www.eureka.be
Flanders either, usually because of an group (research-intensive SMEs) and bud-
insufficient added-value rationale or get. The annual budget amounts to about
because the Flemish partner carries out €50 million from the Member States and 28 http://www.medeaplus.org/
tasks that do not qualify for support in €15 million from the European Commis- 29 http://www.itea-office.org/
the project (for instance, less risk-bearing sion via the Framework Programme. 30 http://www.euripides-eureka.eu/
demonstration activities or engineering). 31 http://www.celtic-initiative.org/
The figures show that this does not It remains to be seen whether EUREKA 32 See also elsewhere in this issue: p 30.
necessarily stand in the way of partici- can play its pioneering role again. In the 33 The projects must be able to show that they
pation. The partners involved aim at in- meantime, the network is always ready to will have positive economic effects for the
country or the region (or that they will lay the
tangible benefits in the long term in such provide advice to interested companies. foundations for such effects).
34 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 30
35 http://www.eurostars-eureka.eu/

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 22 13-05-2008 14:05:34

> Central theme: Europe

A new era
in European
research policy
Why is there a need for a European Research Area (ERA)? Creating such an area will mean more
complementary and less overlapping research, and thus a better use of resources. This will in turn
mean greater efficiency, improved use of knowledge, and greater facility in bringing products to
market. The aim is more extensive information interchange and coordination of the support for
research activities. Making this a European-level power will lead to a keener quest for excellence,
the ultimate aim being to bolster European research, especially with regard to America, and later,
also to China.

In the previous framework programme,36 in which Flemish research groups want research groups, no extra funding has
Philippe Busquin, the European Com- to take part. Financial support is being been made available at this time. Parti-
missioner in office at the time, launched sought from IWT’s financial instruments to cipation is therefore possible only on the
the concept of ERA-nets. These form be able to participate. basis of funding from the regular Flemish
an umbrella network in which research support mechanisms.
funders take stock of possible partners Of twelve project proposals submitted
for cooperation in research and of eligible from Flanders in call A, five consortia
research fields. Information from existing (out of a total of 44) were invited, after
programmes and activities is exchanged an initial evaluation round, to submit a
accordingly, and best practices are iden- full project proposal. After a second peer
tified. In many cases, such stock-taking review procedure, 2 projects (ex aequo)
actually leads to the development of a with Flemish involvement were ultimately
joint research programme with a common selected. The joint contribution from EWI
budget from national sources. Calls for and the Flanders Interuniversity Institute
proposals are published for different ERA- for Biotechnology (VIB) (€150,000 each)
net projects as part of the process of trying made it possible to finance both projects
out common activities. These calls are for a period of three years. By comparison,
financed with national (regional) research 15 projects in all were financed in call A.
funds and are not part of the European Call B was not relevant for Flanders at that
Framework Programme. They are open to time.
research teams, institutions and/or compa- Kathleen D’Hondt
nies. The IWT has, for its part, worked on ERA-PG recently launched a second call Policy Support and Academic Policy Team
such calls in the CORNET, ERA-SME, Etra- for cooperation projects. Although Flemish
net, MATERA and MNT projects. The EWI researchers have expressed an interest in Peter Spyns
Department is involved in the coordination taking part, and European partners were Office for Policy Research and Foresight
of the PV ERA-net (photovoltaics), HY-CO prepared to work together with Flemish Studies
ERA-net (Hydrogen and Fuel Cells), MA-
RINERA (marine sciences), PLANT GENO-
MICS (see box) and VISION. The contents
of the latter network are closely related to
ERA-net Plant Genomics (ERA-PG) is one of the most efficient and successful ERA-nets. After the infor-
the EWI Department’s own remit. There
are currently calls in PV ERA-net and mation phase, a call was actually launched in the ERA-PG for European cooperation projects. Applicati-
HY-CO ERA-net for cooperation projects ons were received for academic cooperation projects (call A) as well as joint public-private projects (call
B). More than €35 billion in national research funds were mobilised for European research associations
in plant genomics for subjects that were not included in the framework programme.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 23 13-05-2008 14:05:36

The American researcher Henry Chesbrough38 was the first to name the phenomenon of ‘open innovation’ and to subject it to scholarly investigation. This is
nothing new, in fact. A fine example of Flemish open innovation is the deep-frozen vegetable industry around Roeselare and Ardooie. Vegetable growers have
through the years optimised their production process (process innovation), setting specific requirements to the local machinery manufacturers for refrigeration and
deep-freezing installations, for instance. They thus acquired new expertise that enabled them to innovate their offer (product innovation), and to tap new markets
worldwide both in the vegetable sector and in new, related markets (market innovation). This win-win situation was attained only through exchange of know-
ledge and mutual trust (accompanied, in certain cases, by marriages between the families of growers39). These companies have in recent years also joined forces
in a competency pool40 under the name of ‘Flanders Food’41. This sector accounts for about 46% of all European exports of deep-frozen vegetables and is a net
exporter, which shows that this sector has a competitive edge over foreign competitors42 -- a competitive edge acquired by applying ‘open innovation’.

With foresight: the ERA-net VISION

With this ERA-net (on common know-

ledge platforms for a sustainable innova-
tion policy37), the EWI wants to enhance
its own knowledge in order to underpin
its preparatory tasks for the Flemish inno-
vation policy in a scientifically responsible
manner. In concrete terms, this means that
the EWI wants to convert the results from
the studies, commissioned and financed
together with other countries/partners research and innovation are always too of investment policy with risk spreading).
(twelve partners from ten countries) in the high for a single company to assume them In addition, there are also “business ecosy-
VISION network, into Flemish innovation on its own. stems” where large and small companies
practices. Last year, four projects, inclu- complement each other and engage in
ding two with Flemish research groups, Open innovation can provide sizeable cooperation, each from its own area of
were approved by the VISION partners in leverage in enabling companies to acquire expertise. Nokia is the best example of
August. A joint budget of nearly €600,000 a competitive edge. It is therefore up to this. The government should facilitate
was made available. A larger budget will the government to support such a form these various forms through specific
this year be allocated for a new call. of cooperation, taking due account of the measures. A research call has been laun-
characteristic traits of the various sectors. ched under the VISION ERA-net in order
Three of the four projects examine how Open innovation can come in various to avoiding setting up such support at ran-
the government can stimulate innovation. forms. There is the classic example of sur- dom and in a purely intuitive manner.
The term ‘open innovation’ points to a fers who developed their own surfboard
new form of cooperation by and between (‘democratic innovation’). There are large One project is geared to defining and
(in many cases competing) companies on multinationals that invest in all sorts of studying new indices and indicators for
research and innovation; for the costs for small companies and start-ups which may measuring degrees of (successful) open
be taken over entirely afterwards (a form innovation. Another is distilling open in-


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 24 13-05-2008 14:05:39

novation from case studies and identifying The FWO in the ERA-net action funding no longer plays any role. Larger
best practices. The idea is to get compa- partners have a clear advantage here.
nies to adopt these examples with govern- The FWO supports basic research on the However, the FWO wants to make sure
ment help. A third project applies (and initiative of researchers and carries out that Flemish funds support research that is
hones) Chesbrough’s theoretical model on evaluations based on scientific quality. conducted in Flanders, as stipulated in the
the ways in which a government can best Unlike some ERA-net programmes, the management agreement with the Flemish
intervene to stimulate open innovation. FWO sets no priorities in any of its actions Community.
Chesbrough himself is involved in the in terms of disciplines or topics.
latter project. The results were presented The FWO can also join this type of ERA-
recently at a symposium in Stockholm.43 When cooperation is restricted to consul- net as an associate partner. As such, the
tation and coordination by and between FWO does not take part in the common
research councils and no research funding pot, but in the call. In theory, it then
The EWI Department wants to stay the is involved, the FWO lends its support provides the funding for one Flemish sub-
well chartered course of the VISION ERA- provided there is a clear added value for project of a highly regarded cooperation
net. A new project call will be initiated the Flemish research system. For instance, project that is approved. With this stra-
later, and a larger sum will be available for this could be an initial phase for an action tegy, the FWO prevents research budgets,
funding. The consortium is also conside- that does require research funding. which are small by comparison with those
ring how this form of supranational coo- Examples of such cooperation at this time of our larger neighbouring countries, from
peration can be continued. It falls within include in particular the ERA-net pro- going abroad without benefiting research
the remit of EWI in any event to prepare grammes for Chemistry, the Humanities, in Flanders. At the same time, it affords
and evaluate the policy in a scientifically Life-KIT and Aspera. If research funding is Flemish researchers an opportunity to
responsible manner. Building up and ex- needed for a joint call, the interests of the submit a project via an ERA-net, and their
panding strategic intelligence on this front Flemish research community take priority. project can benefit from the programme
is essential to achieving these goals. As it However, researchers must take the initia- networking supported by the EC and from
turns out, this net is also what the other tive to respond to such calls in the future. the involvement in international associa-
participating countries want. Finally, it en- tions.
hances the international prestige and soli- The procedure used by the FWO is based
darity of the department and the Flemish on the EUROCORES procedures of the Finally, a research team can join through
policy. The policy domain scores less well European Science Foundation (ESF)46, the regular FWO projects any interesting
on this point in international comparisons an action that has served as a model for cooperation scheme that offers added
such as the Inno Trend Chart44. This limi- the EC’s ERA-net action. It is essential value.
ted international dimension of the Flemish for evaluation and selection to take place
innovation instruments was also criticised at European level, but also for the FWO
in the Soete report. Learning from each to retain control of its own budget. This
other in an international context, i.e. from means that, in principle, one Flemish
the other VISION partners, will undoub- subproject of one of the most highly
tedly help here. To be continued. ranked applications is supported, based on
international peer review and priority. This
procedure is followed by all authorities in
some ERA-net actions. This is the case for
the European Polar Consortium which will
launch an call for candidates soon.

Other ERA-net actions, however, work

with common funding (known as the
‘common pot’). Participating funding
authorities pledge a certain amount to
Peter Spyns ERA-net. The call is then launched and
Office for Policy Research and Foresight projects are assigned according to the Jan De Beule
Studies available funding; the source of that Research Foundation – Flanders

36 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 30

37 Shared knowledge bases for sustainable innovation policies (http://www.visioneranet.org).
38 http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/chesbrough.html
39 W. Vanhaverbeke and J. Larosse, “Flanders Vegetable Valley”: De Vlaamse diepvriesgroentesector als voorbeeld van een clusteranalyse, IWT Studie 52, Brussels, p.19
40 An area of competency wants to perform a bridging function for a certain domain between research and practice, between the government, research and industry,
between economic policy and technological innovation policy. In addition to research, technology watch and dissemination activities are organised jointly.
41 www.flandersfood.com
42 W. Vanhaverbeke and J. Larosse, “Flanders Vegetable Valley”: De Vlaamse diepvriesgroentesector als voorbeeld van een clusteranalyse, IWT Studie 52, Brussels, p. 13
43 More in a subsequent EWI Review issue.
44 http://www.proinno-europe.eu/trendchart; See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 14
45 L. Soete (ed.), (2007), Eindrapport expertgroep voor de doorlichting van het Vlaams Innovatie-instrumentarium, 68 p., Maastricht
46 The European Science Foundation (ESF), established as an independent network organisation in 1974, promotes science in Europe, as well as scientific cooperation by and
between its 77 members, research organisations from 30 European countries. Its activities include the evaluation of research proposals, the publications of papers, and the
organisation of workshops, conferences and symposia. One of its longest running and best known cooperation programmes is COST (European Cooperation in the Field
of Scientific and Technological Research).

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 25 13-05-2008 14:05:40

cohesion policy:
growing together
The European Union pursues its cohesion policy in order to reduce economic differen-

ces between regions and improve the economic structure in the Union. Notice the word

‘regions’. In other words, subsidies also go to poorer areas in rich countries of the EU, e.g.

for the restructuring of old industrial estates, training and transnational cooperation.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 26 13-05-2008 14:05:41

> Explained

Origin and development Structural and cohesion funds competitiveness and innovation, are also
accorded extra attention in the updated
Back in 1957, the signatories of the Structural funds (90% of the cohesion cohesion policy.
Treaty of Rome had already mentioned, policy resources) are used to finance
in the Preamble, the need to ‘strengthen projects that can contribute to structural Furthermore, since the reform, the focus
the unity of their economies and to improvements, such as infrastructure and has been on structural measures that are
ensure their harmonious development facilities, part of rural development and geared more to the EU strategic guide-
by reducing differences existing between the promotion of employment. They are lines and to the least favoured regions,
the various regions and the backward- available for EU regions with a per capita and are smaller in scale and simpler. It
ness of the less favoured regions.’ To GDP below 75% of the EU average, and is worth noting that, in relative terms, a
that end, the European Social Fund provisionally for some regions where far greater budget (€347.41 billion) is al-
(ESF), the European Orientation and that was the case prior to the accession located to regional development for the
Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EOAGF) of the twelve new Member States. period 2007-2013, than for the period
and the European Fund for Regional The cohesion fund (10% of the cohesion 2000-2006 (€234.71 billion). This means
Development (EFRD47) were set up. policy resources) is available for EU that regions have more funds available
Member States with a per capita GDP in a decentralised manner, and are thus
The European Single Act of 1986 laid the below 90% of the EU average, and for a able to address local needs better.
foundation for a real cohesion policy to number of ultra-peripheral regions. The
strengthen economic and social cohe- countries that qualify for the cohesion Although competitiveness, employment
sion, and thus offset the negative conse- fund are Spain, Portugal, Greece and and sustainable development are accor-
quences of the completion of the market the twelve new Member States. The ded a more sizeable share in the cohe-
for the less favoured Member States and fund can be used to make financial sion policy, by far most of the resources
reduce the differences between regions contributions for projects relating to the are still allocated to convergence, which
further. Previously, various regions could environment (chiefly water projects) and is the original aim of the cohesion policy
easily take protectionist measures to transport infrastructure. Preparatory after all.
defend certain sectors and keep them studies and technical support measures
profitable. This was less and less the are also financed. There were apprehensions that after the
case henceforth. But additional means For policy purposes, the structural and accession of new Member States with
and resources were provided to prevent cohesion funds fall under the purview of a GDP far lower than the EU average,
social and economic hardships. the Directorate General for Regional Po- there would not be anything left for the
licy. Implementation, however, is highly other Member States. Were such fears
In the Treaty on European Union, which decentralised. This means that the design warranted?
entered into force in 1993, cohesion and execution of projects are the task of Certainly not for the period 2007-2013,
was confirmed as one of the main goals national, regional and local authorities and as far as our region is concerned.
of the Union - along with Economic in the recipient countries. Whereas the Flanders receives about €670 million
and Monetary Union and the internal structural funds are used primarily at re- from the Structural Funds (in 2004
market. There were also provisions gional level, the cohesion fund operates prices). €469 million is put aside for
to set up a Cohesion Fund to support at national level. The aid amounts to supporting ERDF projects. By way of
environmental and transport projects 80% to 85% of the public outlays for comparison, in the previous programme
in less favoured Member States. Since the project. In principle, these must be period, Flanders received more than
then, about a third of the Community projects that cost at least €10 million. €627 million. The pie to be shared has
budget has been allocated to the cohe- grown by more than €1 billion.
sion policy. The structural funds were
supplemented with a new instrument: Adjustments in an expanded Union Structural funds therefore target soli-
the Financial Instrument for Fisheries darity within the borders of the Union,
Guidance (FIFG). The recent accession of ten new Mem- where due account is taken – during
ber States in 2004 and another two in reform - of the radically changed land-
2007 has made a thorough adjustment scape after the recent accessions.
of the cohesion policy (Europe’s largest
expenditure after agriculture) inevitable.
Cohesion policy budget 2008: Mechanisms and priorities are being
€46.9 billion adjusted for the advent of more and
poorer regions within the EU. Accession
was prepared in the early years of the Mieke Houwen
Fully in line with the principle of
new millennium, and on 6 October 2006 Entrepreneurship, Science Popularisation
subsidiarity, whether a euro is best the Council approved the ‘Community and International Cooperation Team
spent by the EU or by the national strategic guidelines on cohesion’, which
governments is always examined lay the foundation for the new cohesion
when deciding on budgets. Conse- policy.
quently, the EU budget for 2008 is
A number of mechanisms must ensure
‘only’ €129.1 billion, or 1% of the
that the economic shock of the sud-
total wealth of the EU for the year den, major accession wave does not
2008. €46.9 million of this amount derail the entire system and that said
(36.3% of the total budget, and system remains affordable and worka-
thus about 0.363% of the total ble. Sustainable development and the
wealth), is available for the cohe- goals of the Lisbon strategy, which stress
sion policy.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 27 13-05-2008 14:05:42

ERDF in Flanders 2. Entrepreneurship. participating in four cross-border, two
The second priority is to promote Fle- transnational, and three inter-regional
There are wide differences in econo- mish entrepreneurship in the widest programmes.
mic and social development within the sense of the term so as to create em-
European Union. To eliminate such ployment and economic growth. The The Economy Agency: the ERDF one-
inequalities between its Member States, focus in this priority is on stimulating stop shop
the European Union set up a number of the entrepreneurial spirit and entre-
European Structural Funds in 1975. One preneurial skills, creating a facilitating The Flemish government has set up a
of these funds is the European Regional framework for start-ups, growth and structure with one programme for all of
Development Fund, which pursues three takeovers, and stimulating entrepre- Flanders for managing the Objective 2
objectives through financial support: neurship on an international scale subsidy. The Economy Agency has been
vested with central responsibility and
Objective 1: Convergence 3. Territorial-Economic Environment will process all applications through an
Member States and regions where Factors. electronic one-stop shop. Furthermore,
the average income is less than 75% The third priority consists of impro- contact points have been established
than the European average, and are ving the appeal of Flemish cities and with the provincial authorities and in the
thus considered as states and regions regions for businesses to be establis- cities of Ghent and Antwerp to provide
whose socioeconomic development is hed there. A sustainable upgrading of guidance and support to the promoters
lagging behind, are accorded a sup- the territorial and economic environ- of the projects. The agency is also res-
port package. Flanders is not eligible ment-related factors is crucial in this ponsible for managing (and this includes
for this support. respect. This priority focuses on: selecting and following up) Interreg IV
• sustainably strengthening economic projects (i.e. Objective 3 projects).
Objective 2: Regional Competitiven- ports and international multimodal
ess and Employment preparedness (in particular hinterland The ERDF subsidies are intended mainly
Programmes for strengthening the links for harbours and airports via rail for projects pursued by public players
competitiveness of, and for promoting and waterways, strengthening logisti- and intermediaries. Private players are
employment in, Member States and cal service, etc.); eligible, but they are subject to the
regions which do not fall under the • offering high-quality sites for busi- regulations on state aid. Project leaders
ERDF Objective 1, also get European nesses (geared chiefly to revitali- must submit project proposals through
support. For the period 2007-2013, sing obsolete industrial estates and the electronic one-stop shop (at www.
Flanders got a support package of brownfields48, park management and efro.be), which also provides informa-
over €200 million management support in company tion on the different objectives, priorities
incubators); and calls.
Objective 3: Territorial Cooperation • creating Flemish and subregional le-
(also known as Interreg IV) verage projects (in particular strategic Project applicants have 40% (Objective
Projects for the promotion of sustai- business centres and estates, regional 2) or 50% (Objective 3) of their costs
nable integrated European territorial pact projects49, etc.). reimbursed by the ERDF. The Economy
development, European interregional • Making optimal use of the potential Agency can act as an additional funder
cooperation and the exchange of for preserving economic concentra- for projects with an economic aim.
experiences on the matter can also tions (e.g. promoting environmental Other governmental authorities can
count on financial support. . clusters, rational energy consumption, also act as co-funders. The applicant is
renewable energy, cooperation on expected to contribute at least 15% of
Flemish accents with the ERDF objec- industrial waste, water management, the budget for Objective 2 projects.
tives etc.).

Four Objective 2 priorities have been 4. Urban development.

set, each accounting for a fourth of the The fourth priority comprises bolste-
budget: : ring the appeal of entrepreneurship
and innovation in cities by supporting
1. Knowledge-based economy and In- urban development projects, and
novation more specifically integrated urban
The first priority is to stimulate the development projects in the thirteen
knowledge-based economy and Flemish centre cities and the Flemish
transfer of knowledge, and to use urban area round Brussels, and small-
knowledge and innovation in econo- scale district and neighbourhood
mic activities and social application. projects in both Ghent and Antwerp.
Concrete points of interest in this
priority include awareness raising, Flanders is using Objective 3 (or Inter-
advice and support, the promotion of reg IV) programmes for cooperation
cooperation, stimulating globalisation, on innovation and entrepreneurship,
innovation of the rural economy and transport and mobility and sustainable
renewed knowledge capitalisation for economic development. These program-
example in ecological innovation, ICT mes are organised according to coherent
use and quality assurance. areas connected to one operational André Van Haver
(multiannual) programme. Flanders is Economy Agency

47 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 28

48 Neglected or under-utilised grounds that have been affected to such a degree that they can be rehabilitated only by taking structural measures, such as soil decontamina-
49 A regional pact constitutes the framework for a regionally oriented employment and economic policy. It comprises a problem analysis, a long-term vision on the soci-
oeconomic development of the region, as well as an implementation plan subscribed to by representatives of the employers, workers, and the municipal and provincial

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 28 13-05-2008 14:05:43


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 29 13-05-2008 14:05:44

All programmes
lead to Lisbon
The economic pillar of the Lisbon strategy is to make the EU the most competitive

and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010. At the same time, the

Lisbon strategy is also based on a social pillar (geared to maintaining and improving the

European social welfare model) and an ecological pillar (sustainable growth).


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 30 13-05-2008 14:05:47

> In sum

An important tool deployed by the technical support for environmental career development on the basis of
European Commission’s Directorate-Ge- protection, the safety and security of individual trades and financed program-
neral for Research to achieve the Lisbon citizens and sustainable development. mes at the international, national and
objectives is the Framework Programme The four sub-programmes of the EU 7th regional level, (iii) support for interna-
for Research, Technological Develop- Framework Programme are discussed tional outgoing and incoming grants
ment and Demonstration Activities. The briefly below. intended to develop European research
purpose of the current Seventh Frame- talent outside Europe, and (iv) specific
work Programme (FP7) is to expand The lion’s share of the budget has been actions for the completion of a real
and strengthen the European Research allocated to Cooperation (€32.37 bil- European labour market for researchers,
Area51 so as to bring about a European lion). Support in this sub-programme where mobility thresholds are removed
knowledge-based society. In addition, is granted to international cooperation and career prospects improved.
the Directorate-General for Enterprise projects across the European Union and
and Industry has launched a specific beyond. The programme focuses on The sub-programme Capacities (budget:
framework programme in which SMEs stimulating knowledge and technology €4.22 billion) is intended to optimise
(which constitute the backbone of the development in ten thematic research the European research and innovation
European economy) and competitiveness areas. These are considered priorities capacity and the use thereof. The
take centre stage: The Competitiveness and essential for tackling the challenges support of regional research and the
and Innovation Framework Programme facing Europe in health, society, the promotion of the research potential in
(CIP). The CIP offers a coherent, sy- economy, industry and ecology; more the most remote regions of the EU are
nergy-oriented coordination of industrial, specifically (i) Health, (ii) Food, agricul- the core concerns of this programme. It
SME and innovation policy and the po- ture and biotechnology, (iii) Information is specifically geared to horizontal acti-
licy instruments to dismantle bureaucra- and communication technologies (ICT), ons and international cooperation and
tic barriers and bring about an internal (iv) Nanosciences and technologies, consists of the following components:
market. The objectives, activities and (v) Energy, (vi) Environment (including (i) Research infrastructure, (ii) Research
complementary nature of both frame- climate change), (vii) Transport (in- for the benefit of SMEs, (iii) Regions
work programmes are described below cluding aviation), (viii) Socioeconomic of knowledge and support for regional
sciences and humanities, (ix) Space, and research-drive clusters, (iv) Research
Seventh Framework Programme for (x) Security. potential of convergence regions55, (v)
Research, Technological Development Science in society, (vi) Support to the co-
and Demonstration (FP7) The sub-programme Ideas (budget: herent development of research policies,
€7.46 billion), carried out by the Euro- and (vii) International cooperation.
The purpose of this programme (2007- pean Research Council (ERC)53, focuses
2013) is to strengthen the scientific and on stimulating European competitiveness
technological foundations of European through scientific excellence. Its aims b) EURATOM Seventh Framework
industry, to promote the development include attracting and retaining the most Programme
of the EU’s international competitiveness talented scientists, supporting risky, The European Atomic Energy Commu-
and to meet the research needs of other high-impact research and promoting nity (EURATOM) carries out a sepa-
EU policy domains. The programme sup- world-class scientific research in new and rate programme specifically geared to
ports research and technological deve- fast-growing branches of science. The research, technological development,
lopment in selected priority fields with a starting premise is that top researchers international cooperation and training
view to making the EU the world leader are best placed to identify new opportu- in nuclear science and technology. The
or to safeguarding its position in these nities and to give direction to ground- current EURATOM Seventh Framework
fields. FP7 is structured and budgeted breaking knowledge. To this end, the Programme with an initial foreseeable
as follows: ERC offers two types of research grants term of five years (2007-2011) and a
that cover the entire research landscape, total budget of €2.75 billion, consists of
FP7 actually consists of two separate i.e. all EU Member States and associated two specific sub-programmes: the first
programmes: The EU Seventh Frame- countries: the ERC starting grants which sub-programme (budget: €2.24 billion)
work Programme for Research, Techno- provide support for excellent researchers comprises research into fusion energy
logical Development and Demonstration who launch their first research group or to develop technology to make nuclear
Activities and the EURATOM Seventh programme, and the advanced investi- energy a safe, sustainable, ecological and
Framework Programme for Nuclear gator grants, which provide support to economically viable source of energy,
Research and Training Activities. The excellent research projects headed by while a second sub-programme (budget:
total budget for the EU 7th Framework established researchers. €517 million) comprises activities un-
Programme for the next seven years is dertaken in connection with the specific
€50.52 billion, whereas the budget for To be able to compete globally, improve nuclear programme of the Joint Research
the EURATOM 7th Framework program- the well-being of citizens and boost Centre, where the emphasis is on nuclear
me for the next five years is €2.75 mil- economic growth, Europe needs highly waste management and nuclear safety.
lion (see Figure 6). In today’s prices, this educated and qualified researchers.
represents an overall increase of 63% Consequently, the sub-programme Competitiveness and Innovation Frame-
over the Sixth Framework Programme. People (budget €4.73 million) is geared work Programme
to improving the human research and
a) EU 7th Framework Programme development potential in Europe. This The Competitiveness and Innovation
The EU 7th Framework Programme (EU programme supports all stages of a re- Framework Programme (CIP) (2007-
FP7) consists of four sub-programmes: searcher’s professional life, from his/her 2013) comprises the innovation-related
Cooperation, Ideas, People and Capa- initial training to life-long learning and activities of nine previous programmes56.
city. In addition, a specific, non-nuclear career development. Specific measures The CIP builds on this heritage with a
programme is carried out by the Joint include (i) initial education and training number of focal points and has four
Research Centre52. As a supplement to of researchers through the Marie Curie main objectives. In addition to promo-
the policy pursued by the EU, it offers Networks54, (ii) life-long training and ting the competitiveness of European


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 31 13-05-2008 14:05:49

companies, with SMEs as the main target
group, the programme aims to sup-
port innovation activities, focusing on
eco-innovation. Eco-innovation is every
form of innovation geared to sustainable
development by limiting environmental
effects and through a more efficient and
more responsible use of natural resources
(including energy). A third objective of
the CIP is to make financing and services
for companies in the regions more acces-
sible. Finally, a better and broader use growing and innovative SMEs. The fund The consortium of the Flemish agencies
of information and ICT resources must creates a leverage effect on the capital responsible for entrepreneurship (VLAO),
contribute to the further expansion of offer for SMEs, in both the starting and innovation (IWT) and economy (AE) is
the information society. the expansion phase. The EIF invests in part of the largest European business
relevant specialised EU risk capital funds support network including almost 600
a) The three pillars of the CIP which in turn invest in SMEs with strong offices in more than 40 countries. As a
The CIP has a total budget of €3.6 bil- growth potential. The CIP awards a link between SMEs and the EU, the EEN
lion over seven years (a trifle compared higher degree of EU participation to eco- offers an integrated package of services
to FP7) and consists of three pillars. innovative than innovative funds (which to Flemish SMEs, such as consultancy
The first pillar, the sub-programme for are managed by the EIF). The EIF also on EU policies, company cooperation,
entrepreneurship and innovation, ac- provides SME guarantee facilities for lo- innovation and technology transfer, bet-
counts for 60% of the total CIP budget ans, share capital and micro-credits and ter access to international networks, and
(€2.63 billion). It is aimed at improving makes the mobilisation of extra outside help with getting in touch with potential
access to EU start-up and co-financing capital possible for SMEs by securitising European customers. According to the
and investments in innovation, as well debt financing portfolios. Waarborgbe- “no wrong door” principle, SMEs are
as at creating a favourable climate for heer NV (a part of the Flemish Partici- familiarised with EU funding channels
SMEs and cross-border cooperation, at pation Company PMV-KMO57) has in in order to increase the participation of
promoting every form of innovation in the meantime filed an application with SMEs in the seventh Framework Pro-
companies, especially eco-innovation EIF for a counter-guarantee for Flanders. gramme and EU measures.
(for which €433 million have been al- Finally, a capacity building programme
located) as well as a culture of entre- through technical support, recruiting and The CIP sub-programme for entrepre-
preneurship and innovation, and finally training must provide improved expertise neurship and innovation is complemen-
at implementing administrative reforms for the financial intermediaries and funds tary to the support measures offered
relating to companies and innovation. for a greater SME credit offer. by EU FP7 to SMEs, especially for the
These goals are being pursued by using specific ‘Research for the benefit of
i) financial instruments, ii) the newly A substantial part of the budget goes SMEs’ sub-programme and the EU
launched Enterprise Europe Network, iii) to the new Enterprise Europe Network FP7 ‘Capacities’ sub-programme. The
cooperation projects and iv) policy-deve- (EEN), created in February 2008 to emphasis here is on strengthening the
lopment projects. support companies and innovation. The innovation capacity of European SMEs so
new network is a merger of the former that they can make an optimal con-
The European Investment Fund (EIF) Euro Info Centres (EIC) and Innovation tribution to the development of new
manages the financial instruments of the Relay Centres (IRC). This central contact technology-based products and markets.
CIP. It makes guarantee instruments and point aims at achieving a better synergy, This is done by supporting SMEs in the
risk capital available to SMEs through reduce the administrative burden for the contracting of research to step up their
banks. The EU shares the risks and re- network partners, and offer competitive research efforts, expand their (research)
wards with investors as a facility for fast- quality services to SMEs on innovation. network, capitalise on and take better

Figure 6: FP7 budget distribution (in € billion)51

EU 7KP - Cooperation
1,75 2,75
4,22 EU 7KP - Ideas

4,73 EU 7KP - People

EU 7KP - Capacities





PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 32 13-05-2008 14:05:50

advantage of their research results, and ment of sustainable, ecologically respon- and questions, as well as guidance and
acquire technological knowledge. sible storage- and use-efficient energy support in preparing a project proposal
systems, geared to a mix of (preferably and in looking for suitable project
The innovation and policy-development renewable, non-polluting) sources of partners. To this end, the IWT and EWI
projects comprise the two leading pillars: energy. coordinate their work: the EWI Depart-
- Pro INNO EUROPE a knowledge ment assumes the representation duties
exchange network for the EU, national on programme committees where the
and regional policymakers58; where the b) Eco-innovation and SMEs as cross- annual work programmes are submit-
IWT is a partner, and sectional themes ted by the European Commission to the
- Europe INNOVA a cooperation and To strengthen the programmes mutually, Member States for approval. To this end,
knowledge exchange platform for the European Council has proposed the the EWI takes part in the preparatory
sectors based on good practices. These necessary complementarity with FP7 consultation at federal level and conti-
networks, support the implementation and the European Structural Funds as nuously monitors Flemish involvement in
of the broad innovation strategy. The a priority for the CIP. The Council has the European framework programmes.
agenda includes the lead market74 also referred to the need for greater The IWT is in charge of the NCP office
initiative, which proposes a coherent visibility for eco-innovation. In any in the network of EU’s National Contact
policy approach to create positive event, the CIP is very complementary Points60. The IWT provides information
attendant conditions that will enable to FP7 on eco-innovation: whereas (see www.europrogs.be) and advice and
emerging markets to grow, improve the the environmental component in FP7 is guidance to (potential) Flemish partici-
patent system, etc geared to R&D and demonstration, the pants (universities, institutes of higher
CIP finances market-application projects education, research centres, companies
The second pillar, the ICT policy support for demonstration technologies, i.e. the and other organisations) on the dif-
programme, uses existing measures58 first application or market-application ferent European programmes (including
to support rapid implementation of ICT of innovative or eco-innovative nature EUREKA61 and ERA-NET62 projects , in
policy and complements the R&D and that has already been validated, but addition to the framework programmes).
demonstration orientation of FP7 with not yet marketed on a large scale in the Thus the EWI and IWT work together to
a market-oriented approach. A budget competitive market. Unlike the LIFE+ ensure optimal involvement by Flanders
of €728 million is used to promote projects, where environmental solutions in the European programmes, so that
electronic networks and services, media are disseminated via the public sector, Flanders can be at the vanguard of the
content and digital technologies in the the CIP also welcomes proposals from European knowledge-based economy.
new converging markets. It also supports entrepreneurs – and especially SMEs
the modernisation of the public sector – for these projects, with new and
with pilot projects, best practices, etc. to integrated approaches for eco-innova-
improve productivity and services. tion such as environmental management
system, designs of products and services
The third pillar, the Intelligent Energy and cleaner product processes developed
for Europe programme with an indica- by and for SMEs.
tive budget of €727 million, combines
actions to enhance the demand for FP7 and CIP in Flanders
energy efficiency and rational use of Hilde Vermeulen
energy, to promote new and renewable To stimulate participation in multilateral Research Marketing and Industrial Policy
energy sources and diversification, and international programmes, the Flemish Team
to stimulate the diversification of fuels government has set up the Flemish
and energy efficiency in transport. This Contact Point for European Programmes.
makes this pillar complementary to the The task of this contact point is to pro- Erwin Dewallef
specific Euratom FP7 sub-programme vide and disseminate information, raise Entrepreneurship, Science Popularisation
‘Energy,’ which is geared to the develop- awareness, provide advice about projects and International Cooperation Team

50 The European Research Area (ERA) is a structure comparable to the European common market for goods and services, in which the European Union wishes to coordinate and
strengthen its research and innovation efforts (at European, national and regional level).
51 FP7 – Tomorrow’s answers start today. European Commission, Brussels, p. 4
52 The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is a separate Directorate-General of the European Commission comprising seven research institutions located in five EU Member States (Belgium,
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain).
53 See also elsewhere in this issue: p 17
54 The Marie Curie Actions are an initiative of the European Commission to develop training and mobility opportunities for researchers during their career. One of these actions is
the system of Marie Curie networks for training through research, where researchers of all ages and nationalities can undergo training and acquire research experience by taking
part in an international research project in another country for three years at most.
55 Convergence regions are less advanced regions that are far removed from the European centre of research and (industrial) development. See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 32
56 Such as the Multi-annual Programme (MAP), activities round ICT (including the former eContent) and energy and the environment (the former SAVE, Altener, and STEER).
57 http://www.pmv-kmo.be/pmv-1.0/view/nl/95. PMV-KMO activates financial resources for Flemish start-ups and SMEs. It is part of ParticipatieMaatschappij Vlaanderen [Fle-
mish Participation Company] (PMV), the investment agency of the Flemish government.
58 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 14
59 Such as eTEN, eContent and Modinis.
60 To encourage research groups and companies to participate as much as possible in the European framework programme, the European Commission has set up a network of
recognised National Contact Points (NCPs). Their task is to inform local candidate participants and to provide advice and support once they do participate.
61 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 21
62 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 23


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 33 13-05-2008 14:05:56

> Central theme: Europa

Flanders in the European

Framework Programme: in
the vanguard or just part of
the pack?
The European Research Area (ERA) was established in connection with the Lisbon Strategy, which
specifically aims to have the EU become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based
economy in the world by 2010. The ERA is a structure comparable to the European common mar-
ket for goods and services, in which the European Union wishes to coordinate and strengthen its
efforts in research and innovation (at European, national and regional level63).

The European Framework Programme domains. The seventh such Framework by the European Commission65. In so
for Research, Technological Develop- Programme is currently in progress, doing, it checks how Flemish researchers
ment and Demonstration Activities (the covering the period 2007-2013. are doing in the ERA, in which areas
‘Framework Programme’ for short64) is Flanders performs strongly or less so,
an important financial instrument to Giving and receiving and which actors (universities and other
bring about the ERA. The purpose of the institutes of higher education, compa-
Framework Programme is to strengthen Pursuant to its policy monitoring and nies, research centres and other instituti-
the scientific and technological founda- evaluation remit, the EWI Department ons) are most involved. One important
tions of European industry, to promote conducts a continuous quantitative indicator here is the financial percentage
the development of the EU’s interna- analysis of Flanders’ participation in the of Flanders in the total European funds
tional competitiveness and to meet Framework Programme on the basis of allocated to the Framework programme,
the research needs of other EU policy the participation data made available known as the ‘financial return’. Need-

Table 2: Core figures concerning Flemish involvement in the European Framework Programme

FP4 FP5 FP666

Number of participants 1,972 1,575 1,337
Number of projects 1,567 1,304 1,210
Number of participating organisations 495 444 417
Number of participations as coordinator 348 337 204
Participation subsidy received 273,4 278,8 353,6
(in € million)
Total EU-budget allocated to the Framework 11,49 12,72 16,68
Programme (in € billion)
Flemish financial return (received participation 2.38% 2.19% 2.12%
subsidy as percentage of total FP budget)
Expected financial return 2.1 – 2.3% 2.1 – 2.2% ± 2.2%67


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 34 13-05-2008 14:05:56

Universities/High schools

Research Centres



Figure 7: Flemish participant categories in terms of participation budget

Universities/High schools

Research Centres



Figure 8: Flemish participant categories in number of participations

less to say, the impact of the Flemish must be conducted in depth so as to as- pant categories in terms of participation
participation goes beyond this financial sess the specific areas in which Flanders budget and number of participants. It
return. The Framework Programme is performs strongly or poorly. is striking how universities and other
more than just a source of subsidies, and institutes of higher education make up
can constitute an important basis for the Flanders participated strongly in FP6 in the largest participating category, both in
participants to develop new cooperation the components ‘Life sciences, genomic participations (43%) as well as in finan-
links, partnerships, and international and biotechnology for health’ (2.3%), cial terms (41%). Research centres are
networks, for instance. And yet it is a ‘Information society technologies’ in second place, with 34% of the total
useful instrument for measuring Flemish (2.8%), ‘Nanotechnologies, intelligent participation subsidy. Companies come
participation and progress in the Frame- materials and new production processes’ in third, which compared with the Fifth
work Programme. (2.4%), ‘Specific measures in support Framework Programme (27%) had to
of international cooperation’ (2.6%), make do with 21% of the total participa-
Table 2 provides the key figures for ‘Support for the coherent development tion budget.
Flemish involvement in the Fourth (FP4), of research and innovation’ (3.4%),
Fifth (FP5) and Sixth (FP6) Framework ‘Science and society’’ (2.3%), and not Flanders has not performed badly at
Programme. The Flemish financial return least in ‘Euratom’, the separate frame- European level either. When the FP6 par-
from the Framework Programme, points work programme of the European ticipation subsidy is weighted against the
to a slightly downward trend from 4KP Community (6.1%)68. It can be generally Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (which
to 6KP, although the absolute Flemish stated that Flanders scored well to very makes a representative comparison
participation subsidy over the various well in the various areas of FP6, but between all countries possible because
framework programmes has risen conti- owing to a couple of negative peaks of the fact that the difference in country
nuously by nearly 30% from FP4 to FP6. such as ‘Aeronautics and Space’ (1.0%) sizes is ruled out), Flanders ends up in a
The provisional conclusion concerning and ‘Coordination actions’ (1.1%), the creditable sixth place, between the Ne-
FP6 is, with an overall financial return of overall Flemish return was significantly therlands and Switzerland, as shown in
2.12%, that Flanders is slightly below down, and the result was slightly below Figure 9. Belgium does better thanks to a
the expected figure (2.2%). expectations. stronger participation in the aeronautics
and space programmes from Wallonia
Industry fails to play the part and especially Brussels. Wallonia per-
Flemish aerospace: no high flyer forms better on ‘Citizens and governance
We wonder then which players are res- in a knowledge-based society;’ Brussels
Such an assessment of the Flemish par- ponsible for the above results. Figure 7 scores marketly better on ‘Research and
ticipation in the Framework Programme and Figure 8 show the Flemish partici- innovation’ and ‘Science and society.’


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 35 13-05-2008 14:05:56

In conclusion, we can say that Flanders
The concept of Flemish is not really in the European vanguard,
participants yet it participated more than respecta-
bly in FP6 and, as a small region, can
hold its own even in an ever expanding
By the number of Flemish participati- Europe.
ons we refer to all Flemish parti-
cipants who are mentioned in the
contracts of the specific program-
mes. There are thus more Flemish
participations than there are research
programmes with at least one Fle-
mish participant.

The Flemish participants are divided Monica Van Langenhove

into the following categories: Office for Policy Research and
- Companies; Prospective Studies
- Universities/institutes of higher
- Research centres. A distinction must
be drawn here between the Flemish
research centres IMEC (Interuniver-
sity Micro Electronics Centre), VITO
(Flemish Institute for Technological
Research), VIB (Flanders Interuni-
versity Institute for Biotechnology)
and ITG (Institute of Tropical Me-
dicine), the collective centres and
other scientific institutions; BELGIUM
- Other institutions, including go- Netherlands
vernmental institutions, non-profit FLANDERS
associations, European Economic In- Switzerland
terest Groupings (EEIG), internatio-
nal organisations, the Joint Research
Centre and other institutions that United Kingdom
do not fall under the foregoing Germany
categories. France
The following belong to Flanders:
- Companies that have their registe-
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
red office in the Flemish Regions;
- Universities and other institutes of
Figure 9: Participation subsidy / GDP (in € billion)69
higher education under the purview
of the Flemish Community (thus
also those who are situated in the
Brussels Region);
- Research centres located in the 63 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 26
Flemish Region; 64 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 30
- Other institutions located in the 65 The data published periodically by the European Commission on the E-corda platform have been used for this
analysis. These data pertain to the release of 26 November 2007, in which contracts represented 95% of the total
Flemish Region, plus those from budget of the Sixth Framework Programme.
the Brussels Region that fall directly 66 Provisional figures (analysis of signed contracts as at 26 November 2007, 5 ± 95% of the total budget).

under Flemish jurisdiction. 67 Calculation of the ‘expected return’: Belgium’s contribution to the financing of the total EU budget for the period
2002-2006 amounts to 3.87%. Given Flanders’ share in Belgium is between 56% (Flemish share in the federal
R&D funds – source: CFS-STAT) and 57.1% (Flemish share in the GDP– source: Research Centre of the Flemish
Government 2005), Flanders receives its ‘fair return’ when its financial share is around 2.2%.
Participations are attributed to the
68 It is worth pointing out that the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (known by the initials SCK and CEN in Dutch and
Flemish Region on the basis of the French respectively) contributes to a very high degree here. Although the SCK-CEN is a federal research institu-
tion, it is located geographically in Flanders.
participant’s postal address.
69 Only countries with at least 1000 participants and a GDP of at least €100 billion are considered.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 36 13-05-2008 14:05:58

> Interview

Afraid of Europe?
An interview with Kurt Vandenberghe

Kurt Vandenberghe is the Deputy Head of Private Office of Janez Potocnik70, European Commissioner responsible for Science and
Research. He is responsible for coordinating the research area and the European research framework programme. He was previously a
member of the Busquin office.

Kurt joined the European Commission in 1996 as the coordinator of the working group for intermodal transport at DG Transport. He
then coordinated relations between DG Transport and the European Parliament, the Social and Economic Council and the Committee
of the Regions.

Kurt had previously worked for Ernst & Young Association Management for four years, where he set up, managed and represented in-
ternational trade organisations. His assignments included FreightForward Europe, a lobby group of the nine biggest freight forwarding
companies in the world and the automobile parts industry in the United States.

Kurt holds a degree in romance philology from the K.U.Leuven, a post-graduate degree in Public and International Law from the
University of Louvain (UCL) and a Master’s Degree in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University (School of Advanced Inter-
national Studies) in Bologna and Washington DC.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 37 13-05-2008 14:06:01

We moved from the heart of Flemish boost research and development. Another
government (in the area of Brussels near example is to incorporate research and
the North Station) to the heart of the innovation more assertively into the
European administration in the ‘European structural funds72 so that the new Member
Quarter’. A small distance by train, yet a States can allocate more funds to research
world of difference, as attested to by the and development.
interview with Kurt Vandenberghe, Head
of Private Office of a European commis- We are also trying to create a European
sioner and ‘occupant’ of a very spacious Research Area, which is actually intended
office in the Berlaymont building. as a sort of internal market for research.
We have had a very fragmented system
DG Research: major budget, but overly by comparison with America up to now.
low profile The US has one large research system.
Whereas in Europe we have some twenty-
EWI Review: Can you describe briefly the seven such systems, and within some of tendency to check up on how something
part of the European apparatus in which those systems (such as in Belgium) a num- is being implemented, but we cannot res-
you work? ber of subsystems, which are becoming all pond because there are far too few of us.
too sub-critical from a global perspective.
Kurt Vandenberghe: I work for Janez A change of mentality is needed so that
Potocnik, the commissioner responsible Chart a vision and turn it into instruction Europe is viewed as a win-win.
for Science and Research. He has two for the administration
departments under his purview. One of EWI Review: Let’s take a closer look at
these departments deals with indirect EWI Review: What is your specific role? the ERA. How do you see the balance
research actions, i.e. research policy and What does a deputy head of private office between developing one large research
the funding of research. This comprises of an EU Commissioner actually do? area on the one hand, and regional goals
the Directorate-General for Research (DG on the other?
RTD), where some 2000 people work. KVdb: The tasks of the deputy head of
In addition, there are direct actions for private office include coordinating the KVdb: We must be well aware of what
research in the Commission. These are the commissioner’s portfolio, defining policy, is happening. All companies, European
Commission’s own research teams within etc. These tasks are naturally carried out and non-European, are investing a lot in
the Joint Research Centre (JRC).71 The in cooperation with the other members research and development, but not in Eu-
JRC currently employs some 3000 people. of the cabinet. My responsibility is to rope. It is a complicated issue, because it is
This area of responsibility is therefore have a general overview. This entails a a good thing of course for our companies
wide in terms of funds and people, yet still great deal, in fact, including advising to invest in research and development
relatively small in terms of the visibility of the commissioner about the strategic in growth markets; and it would be very
the European scientific policy within the principles, where we are headed, trying to bad, in fact, if they did not do so. So it is
overall policy. Nevertheless, we have been translate his vision into instructions for our in our interest for them to invest in China,
endeavouring for a couple of years now - services without getting involved with the India, Brazil, etc.. But what will this mean
since Philippe Busquin was commissioner, management. We have no responsibility for Europe if no additional investments are
in fact - to place scientific policy higher for managing the administration. The made here, either by European or by non-
and higher on the general policy agenda. aim is to have the commissioner develop European companies?
a vision, which we then cast and turn into
Participating in the European know- operating instructions for the Directo- Our world is getting smaller, in fact, and
ledge-based economy as a guarantee for rate-General. This, in a way, is my core this means more and more competition
sustainable prosperity task. I also write speeches and represent between people, companies and places.
the commissioner in all sorts of meetings People and companies are becoming more
EWI Review: What are the policy planks inside and outside the European Commis- mobile all the time. We should therefore
of DG Research? To what degree does sion. ask ourselves what Europe’s place in the
this policy exert an influence in our daily world is. In my view, we must realise that
lives? EWI Review: Can you compare the role of our innovation system and our economic
a private office at the Commission to the system is no longer regional but Euro-
KVdb: What is our policy? Well, our role of a minister’s office in the Flemish pean. A choice has to be made: Do we
policy is to help bring about a Euro- government? see Europe as a sort of win-win situation,
pean knowledge-based economy, as this where everyone wins as a European, or
constitutes the biggest winning asset for KVdb: I have no experience with minis- do we see Europe as a zero sum game, a
sustainable development and for maintai- terial offices in the Flemish or Belgian Europe where regions and countries com-
ning our competitiveness in future. We are government. What I do know is that we pete with each other? We must stimulate
naturally referring to the knowledge trian- are far smaller in number, and thus cannot more cross-border competition between
gle of research, education and innovation. assume as many tasks. Nor do we wish researchers, universities and companies.
DG Research is responsible for research to manage an administration of 5,000 But should Member States also com-
and technology. people. So it comes down to setting out pete with each other, or should they in
the general guidelines; no more than that. fact cooperate to promote competition
We do this first of all by trying to bring Out of necessity. It may also be healthier, between players? To ask the question is to
together everything to do with research since we are required to set real priorities. answer it.
and technological development in other But I won’t deny that it is frustrating at
EU policy domains; for instance, by crea- times, because implementing your vision A small Flanders in a large Europe
ting an internal market that is propitious depends on an administration which does
for innovation and research, or by gearing not always follow along 100%. And that EWI Review: How do you see the difficul-
fiscal policy to measures intended to is sometimes frustrating. There is a natural ties and opportunities for Flanders in this


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 38 13-05-2008 14:06:05

European Research Area? because it is far too costly and they then
miss opportunities. Their option is to For researcher-driven research, we have
KVdb: A general discussion is under way cooperate with knowledge institutions. the European Research Council (ERC)75,
on this very issue. How do we see the Companies are going to look increasingly where we want to achieve far more
future of Europe and of the regions within into where the best knowledge institu- competition between researchers on a Eu-
Europe? Flanders as such is clearly above tions with the best people are available ropean scale. To this end, we must secure
the European average, and is thus in a in sufficient numbers. If every individual cooperation between the Flemish FWO
decidedly strong position. Flanders must region tries to optimise this, then you are and all the national structures that are
realise that it has everything to gain by be- aiming far too low. We must really get on responsible for financing basic research.
coming integrated into this European area. the map as Europe. The ERC can serve as a sort of catalyst.
It offers a great many opportunities. Ho-
wever, I am deeply saddened that Flanders Our aim is to set up a sort of framework However, this does not mean that the
is still very much afraid of greater Europe. in Europe where regions can gradually local structures have no role to play any
As if it might get trampled underfoot begin to specialise. Each region opts for more. In fact, they are wondering how
- although there is absolutely no indication fields in which it wants to be strong. In they are to behave in regard to the Eu-
that that might happen. this way, we avoid having every region ropean Research Area. Various countries
doing the same thing. Naturally, a number already plan to check which national sci-
A European research area means that a of preconditions have to be met. For entists were selected (with their proposals)
region does not turn in on – and work instance, there must be a sufficiently large by the ERC, but did not receive any
only for – itself. Any knowledge exploited mobility of researchers, which is currently European funding. Some local financing
somewhere in Europe other than where virtually non-existent. A region will opt to organisations want to fund such projects
it originated benefits Europe. The regions specialise only if it knows that it will get from national resources. A brilliant role.
of Europe have become interdependent. access to knowledge produced elsewhere Another role consists of making sure that
Flemish knowledge is sometimes exploited in Europe. The Commission will create a young researchers or certain sectors with
better in Germany, where the economy
has a gravitational pull. This in turn has a
more positive impact on the Belgian eco-
nomy than if the investment or knowledge
Companies are going to look
were exploited in Belgium itself, where the
economic impact would be much smaller.
increasingly into where the best
A framework for the European Research
Area that supports the internal market

EWI Review: Isn’t there a risk that the de-

knowledge institutions with the best
velopment of a large European Research
Area will also create local gaps? Europe
as a whole should be able to move
people are available in sufficient numbers
foreword, but certain regions may find it
difficult to keep up.

KVdb: This is such a fundamental sub- sort of frame of reference on major socie- a lot of potential can be supported by the
ject, that we could spend an entire day tal challenges such as energy, for instance, regional structures. The roles may vary
discussing it. What counts above all is where we can agree, together with the per region. I am certain that the FWO is
to complete a real internal market that Member States, what our vision is to be wondering about this.
also promotes innovation. We must avoid for the next 10 to 15 years, and where
cases such as mp3 technology, which was the regions themselves determine how Then you have society-driven research
developed in Germany but fully commer- they fit in the European framework, and where you work on a given subject.
cialised in America. All added value for how they can tackle what other regions Here, we will try to reproduce the SET
society from such commercialisation goes are or are not doing plan in other domains. Europe must
to America, in spite of the fact that it was define a limited number of major societal
a European invention. This shows that the European research in the future challenges and optimise its means and
innovation paradox is still pretty much at resources to tackle them at European
play. The only way to remedy the situa- EWI Review: We already have the Strate- level. We must get beyond the situation
tion is to create a European market where gic Energy Technology (SET) plan, which where each Member State, each region or
a company not only looks into its own cuts across policy domains, but it is 80% the European Commission decides what is
small region and local market, but tries research-related nonetheless. Do you to be financed and does so autonomously
to gain access to the greater European think you can implement such a plan in and in isolation. We should move forward
market. We still have a lot of work to do other domains? Is this also connected to together, so that Belgian and Dutch funds
on the European patent, on making better the lead markets74 or do you see this in a remain in Belgium and the Netherlands,
use of public procurement and so on. broader framework? but finance research that contributes to
a European framework. The SET plan is
We are also trying to bring about the Eu- KVdb: Well, everything is connected to pioneering in that respect. I think that a
ropean Research Area, where we address everything else, but the SET plan is a very number of other domains, such as clinical
the more public side of research. We are good example of what we want to do and medical research, are highly suitable
getting more and more into a situation of in the future. I think that we will first of to do this in a European vein. We want
open innovation in companies. Com- all have to draw a distinction between to elucidate the choice of subjects, the
panies can no longer conduct science, researcher-driven and society-driven process and so forth, with a policy com-
technology and development in house, research. munication in September.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 39 13-05-2008 14:06:07

Local and rapid success versus laborious after the Aho report, there has been Here, we are making strategic choices for
but European excellence? growing awareness that we must not look Europe. The faster we find technological
only at the supply side, i.e. the funding alternatives, the better we will be off in
EWI Review: Why would, say, a Flemish of research, but also how we can create future, and American will have to follow
researcher make the step to the European more demand and new markets, so that in our footsteps. We really have to make
level with all the administrative fuss and research results can be marketed in Euro- a number of choices in fields in which we
low chances of success? It is far easier for pe. This is our response. We want to set can actually make such strategic choices.
that same researcher to submit a proposal up lead markets74 with the Commission to China is faced exactly the same problem.
to the local funding channels, and it has a see how we can create a real market. However, they are eager to work with
higher chance for success (and/or a larger us on environmental technologies. The
budget). We have identified six domains. One of earlier we can win over the market thanks
them is sustainable construction, namely to a real European market through which
KVdb: That is a very legitimate question the zero energy house or smart energy we can get new technologies and new
for which I have a number of answers. house. Experts point out that such a zero companies or be able to help convert
First, we have done a great deal of work energy house is already technically feasi- existing companies into more technologi-
to simplify administrative matters in the ble. It has not been implemented because cally-oriented undertakings, the stronger
seventh framework programme to eve- the business community does not invest in we will be in the future.
ryone’s satisfaction. We must continue to it since it does not pay. There is no return
work on this, but the initial reactions from on investment, because there is no Eu- Funding research programmes together
researchers in the seventh framework ropean market. Governments can create with the Member States
programme show that there is far less red brand new markets within 10 years (e.g.
tape compared to the past. for high-tech hospital construction or low- EWI Review: We have already mentioned
Second, whereas it is true that the energy school buildings) through imposed researcher-driven research. In your view,
chances for success are far lower, the standards, public invitations to tender, and society-driven research clearly offers a
visibility and clout of a European project by coordinating research investments. number of opportunities for you. Then
are usually greater. More than nine there is market-driven research. What is
thousand proposals were submitted for The problem here is that you actually the Commission’s position on this?
the first ERC call, which is just now being work round the entire issue of the internal
evaluated. About 400 of these received market and conquering local reflexes. KVdb: We see a two-track approach on
funding. I should mention in passing Reforming your economy leads imme- this. We want to work with partnerships.
that Flanders does relatively well. There diately to winners and losers. You can The Commission’s role must progress from
are projects from the KU Leuven and be certain that many companies actually financing projects to financing program-
the VIB in Ghent. Moreover, there are benefit from local norms and standards in mes in the longer term. Then you have
projects from the universities of Ghent, the short-term, because then they have a subjects that are really public-driven,
Antwerp and Brussels on the reserve list. market. When you try to take something where we are endeavouring for public
Furthermore, the administrative burden on a European level, their protected mar- cooperation, i.e. the European Commis-
of participating in an ERC project will be ket disappears. We are currently testing sion with the Member States. These are
far smaller. This gives a massive profile to these lead markets in an experimental areas from where a number of economic
the research groups funded by the ERC, phase. The aim is to extend this effort to developments can ensue in the long-term,
and thus many advantages. The chances a modern industrial policy creating real but where market failure is very great;
of success are admittedly small, but this is European markets. or, things which industry does not find
because we have very little money. These interesting in an initial phase.
budgets will be increased in future. The Aren’t companies looking for the least
ERC this year has a budget of €300 mil- resistance (and lowest costs)? We also attach a great deal of importance
lion; in 2013, that figure will be €1.7 bil- to private-public cooperation. This is
lion. So we can assume that the budget EWI Review: Aren’t we putting ourselves something where we are experimenting
will be drastically increased beyond 2013 in a difficult position at a global level, with the joint technology initiatives (JTI)
as well. precisely because the Americans, or - a promising concept, in my view. Take
Thirdly, there is an element of inter- whoever else, are not always willing to our six-year programme with the phar-
national networking. An international go along? For instance when it comes to maceutical industry. The Commission has
consortium put together to take part in a reducing CO2 emissions? The Commis- contributed €1 billion and the pharmaceu-
European research projects creates bonds sion may well create an internal eco-mar- tical industry has contributed €1 billion in
with players in the rest of Europe on a ket, but is Europe strong enough to bear kind. Our money goes only to SMEs and
concrete subject. Even if you do not suc- the burden on its own in a globalised universities which conduct research that
ceed in getting funding for your project, context? meets the needs of the pharmaceutical
various analyses show that the networks industry. In this way, we are building an
created can be of lasting value. KVdb: I think so. Do not forget that Euro- infrastructure in Europe, a framework in
pe is a market of 500 million people. which the pharmaceutical industry and
Is Flemish tax money sometimes put to companies can bring much more compe-
better use at European level? EWI Review: The European market is titive and safe medicines to market much
indeed large, but international compa- faster. This is the future, in our view. If
EWI Review: Participating in new nies go to where the obstacles are the these JTIs succeed, then this is the best
European research initiatives implies, in smallest. And they import their (cheaper) direction we can take in future, as I see it.
many cases, that Flemish research results products to the European market. This means that there is still a great deal
are exploited abroad. Some people in of public investment needed in research
Flanders wonder why. Are we spending KVdb: We are talking about world that meets the needs of the industry.
Flemish taxpayers’ money properly? problems here. For instance, there will And this applies not only to industry, but
be no oil any more in the long term. to knowledge institutions as well, which
KVdb: In the last two years, especially Are we going to find alternatives to oil? work according to the needs of industry.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 40 13-05-2008 14:06:08

“People in Flanders must learn to be
more proactive, not reactive.”

Not large but proactive and selective re take the initiative! That is my message joint competition of the European regions
to Flanders in a nutshell. Be much more with the rest of the world. Competition
EWI Review: Doesn’t this limit the au- proactive; the framework programme is not played out between the regions
tonomy of the regions and the Member offers opportunities for it. and regional policy makers, but between
States - especially the small ones? Can researchers and research groups. Such
they still put their imprint on the discus- Excellence and convergence competition must be strengthened on the
sions and debates? European scale. This, in a nutshell, is my
EWI Review: How does something like personal view.
KVdb: I have been hearing this question this come across? Because that’s some-
a lot since 2000 from Flanders; a typical thing I don’t see in the debate. How do
Flemish/Belgian reflex. Other regions and you see the return on investment? How
countries that are as small as Flanders do do you see that impact?
not ask the question, but I’m glad you We distilled from the interview, that Flanders should approach
brought it up. Mr Busquin gave priority KVdb: Through economic growth. the European channels more proactively, consider strategic
to bigger projects, known as integrated specialisation in a number of areas, and the role and comple-
projects, in the sixth framework pro- EWI Review: But then Europe still risks mentarity of Flemish financial instruments in regard to their
gramme. Belgium voiced heated protests, creating gaps. How do you get around
because a small country like Belgium that? Or does the Commission assume European counterparts. One important message was that
would wind up losing out as a result. that the situation will work itself out Flanders need not be afraid of greater Europe. It is precisely
What did we see? Belgium and Flanders in future because all regions will be because of Europe that Flanders has a say in the matter, but
are doing awfully well in these integrated involved? it is up to Flanders to seize the opportunities on that front.
KVdb: You are essentially raising the Flemish policymakers have quite a lot on their plate.
EWI Review: One point to raise here. question of convergence between the
We are doing well thanks to our research Member States. I think that Europe must
centres and universities. Our companies do two things. First, help the best to be-
are doing less well.77 come even better; secondly help the less
good to get better. That is why we have
KVdb: People in Flanders must learn to two instruments in the European budget.
be more proactive, not reactive. Once We have the structural funds79 which, as
the call for project is issued, you are too a matter of priority, are allocated to the
late. You must apprise the Commission new Member States or to Member States
beforehand that certain subjects must be that are insufficiently developed, so as to
included in the work programme; only help them get on their feet. And then
then you are a step ahead. Something we have the framework programmes80
like this happens all the time, but not in which are purely excellence-driven, and
Belgium. It is always an eternal struggle. for which we want to make no compro- Bart Laethem
If no one helps companies to be active mise on the excellence dimension. The Entrepreneurship, Science Popularisation and
at European level through technology framework programmes must enable the International Cooperation Team
platforms that will become real guiding good players to become even better.
channels in the allocation of future Euro- Peter Spyns
pean funds, then you miss the boat. The A look in the crystal ball: Flanders, an Office for Policy Research and Prospective
Flemish universities know full well how innovative place to be in a few domains Studies
they must act in these channels in order
to help determine the research agenda. EWI Review: Let’s conclude with a look 70 In the meantime, Kurt has been promoted to Head of Private Office of Janez
into the future: Where would you want Potocnik.
People must really come to terms – and to see Europe in 50 years? 71 www.jrc.ec.europa.eu
this is a political answer – with the fact 72 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 28
that the future of Flemish research lies in KVdb: Where I would want to see 73 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 24
Europe. If there were no framework pro- Flanders in the future is in the European 74 The lead market initiative wants to pursue a coherent policy approach and
gramme, the large Member States tend Research Area as a region with a number create favourable framework conditions to be able to stimulate the emer-
to work chiefly with each other, in which of clusters like IMEC or like VIB, that gence of markets with high economic and societal values without disrupting
the market mechanism. Six domains are involved: eHealth, protective textiles,
case Flanders or Belgium would have actually have gained a place on the world sustainable construction, recycling, bio-based products, and renewable ener-
no say whatsoever any more. A right of map, and where you get what econo- gies (see also http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/leadmarket/leadmarket.htm).
participation still exists at European level mists call agglomeration effects. Other Funding will be geared chiefly to these

thanks to the community principles and technologies, researchers and companies 75 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 17
the Framework Programme, which (...) are being attracted. Flanders is the place 76 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 18
Flanders must try to utilise to the maxi- where things are happening in certain 77 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 34
mum. If we move towards Article 169 technological areas. That is only possible 78 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 23
initiatives88 83 or ERA-nets78, Flanders if Flanders commits itself radically in a 79 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 28
can capitalise on the opportunities – on a European area. That is my vision for all 80 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 30
voluntary basis, for no one is forcing you regions in Europe, in nutshell. 88 The most important aim of Article 169 of the EU Treaty is to use coordination
to come aboard. to reduce the fragmentation of national and regional level research. This
article makes it possible for the European Union to participate as an equal
We should actually have a Europe with partner in research and development programmes that are being conducted
Here once again, the question arises as highly specialised clusters that are aware by several Member States (outside the Community framework programme),
to the choices that have to be made. If what each other is doing and have a very including in community structures that are set up to carry out the program-
mes jointly. In practice, this means that the EU provides extra funding over
Flanders thinks that it has to be present efficient form of knowledge exchange. and above the national public funds.
in everything, then it has a problem. Instead of the current competition
Flanders has strengths and must therefo- between the regions, you can have a


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 41 13-05-2008 14:06:09

The European
Services Directive


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 42 13-05-2008 14:06:10

> From Europe

On 13 January 2004, European Commissioner Fritz Bolkenstein submitted a proposal for a directive on
services in the internal market. Also known as the Bolkenstein Directive, this services directive was inten-
ded to re-engage with the core business of the European Union: the completion of the European market.
Shortly thereafter, however a heated protest arose against the services directive. It was feared that this
ultra-liberal directive would sweep our social model off the table. In the end, the services directive was ap-
proved by the Member States on 12 December 2006, but only after laborious negotiations and numerous
adaptations of the text.

An instrument of economic reform shop. A company must be able to see systems will mean a direct improvement
to all procedures, formalities and permit in the current regulations governing the
The Lisbon European Council in March applications electronically through this internal movement of services at home.
2000 stated the aim of making the one-stop shop. Furthermore, an entre-
EU the most dynamic and competitive preneur must be able to get all relevant The ultimate target group is still the
knowledge-based economy in the world information through this one-stop shop citizen in general and the consumer in
by 2010. The service sector accounts for and Member States must explore how all particular. The liberalisation of the market
70% of GDP81 and employment in most formalities and procedures can be sim- for services should, in addition to econo-
Member States. A competitive services plified. By way of comparison, someone mic growth and more employment, bring
market is therefore of vital importance who wants to start a hotel now must still about in particular a greater freedom of
for promoting economic growth and obtain more than ten permits, authorisa- choice, better services and lower prices
employment. The completion of the tions or certificates from various entities for consumers.
European market in theory took place on all possible administrative levels. For
already in 1993. And yet, a report by a starting entrepreneur, this is usually a For today or tomorrow?
the European Commission on the state of complex and time-consuming procedure
the internal market for services showed that runs contrary to the entrepreneu- Approved on 12 December 2006, the ser-
that there was still a big gap between the rial spirit. The services directive wants vices directive must be transposed by the
vision of an integrated economic and the to change all this through the one-stop Member States in national, regional and
day-to-day reality of European citizens shop. local legislation by 28 December 2009
and service providers. at the latest. As this directive is intent
Finally, the services directive sets a on pushing through a number of very
Many obstacles are still hindering service requirement for administrative coope- ambitious and sweeping measures, it is
providers and especially small and me- ration between the Member States. A doubtful whether all Member States will
dium-sized enterprises from expanding foreign contractor who wants to come fully complete the transposition process.
their activities beyond national borders and provide services here can go to the The establishment of a comprehensive
within the internal market. A number of Flemish administration to have his foreign and electronically accessible one-stop
measures will thus have to be taken if diploma or permit verified. The Flemish shop by the end of 2009 could well be a
Europe is to achieve its Lisbon objective. administration will be able to request this bridge too far. Other objectives, such as
The services directive is one of the initia- information from the relevant foreign boosting the economy will not be directly
tives in this process of economic reforms. administration through a system develo- perceptible, and thus more difficult to
ped by the European Commission. The assess. Finally, the future will show what
A multifaceted framework directive foreign administration is required to reply the concrete consequences are, not just
within a certain period. Europe is keen on economically but socially too.
To remove these barriers to the cross- improved administrative cooperation to
border movement of services, the services check the proliferation of regulations and
directive provides for a wide range of overlapping of controls on cross-border
measures which, apart from a number activities.
of exceptions, apply to the entire service
sector. First, all Member States must A case of this is none of my business?
review their existing national, regio-
nal and local regulations on barriers to The services directive seeks first of all to
service providers. These are allowed only address the free movement of services
if they meet a number of strict criteria. and the freedom of establishment at Eu-
For instance, all the permit systems and ropean level. These measures are bound
requirements for companies set by the to have consequences for companies that Pol Verhaegen
government must be in accordance with want to provide services abroad. The Research Marketing and Industrial Policy
the principles of non-discrimination, pro- correct implementation of the services Team
portion and necessity. If the government directives will simplify matters somewhat
wants to intervene, it can do so only for such companies. But the Flemish ser- Tom Vandenbogaerde
under certain conditions and must justify vice provider who has no plans for other EWI Legal Department
its action to the European Commission. countries will normally also reap benefits.
Many of the measures, such as the one-
A second sweeping measure requires stop shop, administrative simplification 81 See also elsewhere in this issue: p. 8
all Member States to set up a one-stop and the elimination of inefficient permit


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 43 13-05-2008 14:06:13

> The Policy Research Centres

Policy Research Centre

on Governmental
Organisation in Flanders
In the second edition of the Policy Re- (Flemish government 2006). short-term, have to be applied for annu-
search Centre on Governmental Organi- SBOV II is a partner for further admini- ally, and address punctual, strategic issues
sation in Flanders (known by the Dutch strative reform in Flanders and provides of the Flemish government. The projects
acronym ‘SBOV II’) the Universities of scientific support for this agenda. There are spread out in a balanced way between
Antwerp, Ghent, Hasselt and Leuven, and is intense interaction with all official the Flemish and local level. The research
the University College Ghent formed a and political actors involved. SBOV II programme includes the creation of da-
research consortium. The partners are: nurtures this interaction with research in tabases, the development of instruments
• Public Management Institute (University Flanders and with insights into interna- and scientific services.
of Leuven) tional trends within the OECD context.
• Management and Administration Re- The research programme consists of four
search Group (University of Antwerp) clusters. For the time being, the clusters
• Faculty of Business Administration and - Social leverage are based on the wishes of the Flemish
Public Administration (University Col- SBOV II provides a neutral and scien- government in terms of research sub-
lege Ghent) tific platform where various actors can jects.86 Another source of inspiration is the
• Centre for Local Politics, Department of engage in dialogue to structure a social international public administration agenda.
Political and Social Sciences (University project for the modernisation of admini- SBOV II also builds on the knowledge
of Ghent) stration within the Flemish and European accumulated in SBOV I. Finally, research
• SEIN, Institute for Behavioural Sciences context. This platform is connected to that is already in progress or financed from
(University of Hasselt) an intense communication process with other resources, is not included in the pro-
various target groups. These groups are gramme. Together, the clusters form the
The Public Management Institute acts involved in research in both a passive public sector’s research agenda in the first
as the coordinator of SBOV II, which is (providing information on the results) decades of the 21st century, more specifi-
geared to gathering, analysing and ma- and active capacity (input through focus cally: (i) innovative policy, management
king data available, conducting problem- groups and question rounds). and financial cycles; (ii) HRM and change
oriented and basic scientific research and management; (iii) guidance in govern-
providing services. All aspects of ma- - Academic leverage mental, non-profit and business networks;
nagement and policy in the public sector Modernisation in the OECD pilot coun- and (iv) renewed relations between citi-
are broached. In this capacity, SBOV II tries is exhausting the various resources. zens and the administrative authorities.
(i) is a partner in administrative reform In addition to foreign governments, the
in Flanders, (ii) exerts social leverage for private sectors and knowledge centres, - Cluster 1: Innovative policy, manage-
administrative reform, and (iii) exerts the academic world is very present on ment and financial cycle
academic leverage for administration as an the modernisation scene. SBOV II is the An innovative government inspires
academic discipline. academic platform par excellence for confidence in citizens. It is therefore
strengthening, ‘academising’, socialising essential to investigate the conditions for
- Partner in administrative reform in and internationalising various types of quality, satisfaction with services, and
Flanders expertise that can provide support for confidence. A high-quality government
The administrative authorities in Flanders modernisation.84 innovates and respects the basic princi-
are on the move. The structures of the ples of good governance. The increasing
Flemish administrative apparatus have Research programme complexity of administration and policy
recently undergone a thorough reform requires a transparent administrative
and the new ‘municipality and province SBOV II translates its ambitions into a system that contributes to confidence in
decree’ charts a new course for local research programme for 2007-2011. The that government. An essential compo-
authorities in the future. The adage research used to be subdivided into A nent of this is a properly underpinned
‘modernise or disappear’ has never been projects (70%) and B projects (30%).85 and financially sound policy. This policy
more true. In its vision statement, ‘Flan- The A projects constitute the long-term must be forward-looking and based
ders in Action,’ the Flemish government research; they are the basic research lines on objective data. A healthy financial
rightly makes further modernisation that together make up the backbone of system must be able to guarantee the
one of the points for special attention SBOV II. The B projects are geared to the implementation of this policy.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 44 13-05-2008 14:06:13

Name: Policy Research
Centre on Governmental Organisation in Flanders
Sponsor – coordinator: Prof. dr. Geert Bouckaert
Consortium members:
- University of Leuven
- University of Ghent
- University of Antwerp
- University of Hasselt
- University College Ghent
Address: Parkstraat 45 - bus 3606, 3000 Leuven
telephone: 016 32 36 10
fax: 016 32 36 11
Website: http://www.steunpuntbov.be
e-mail: sbov@soc.kuleuven.be
competent ministers:
- Minister President of the Flemish Government and
Flemish Minister for Institutional Reforms, Agriculture,
Fisheries and Rural Policy
- Flemish Minister for Domestic Administration, Urban
Policy, Housing and Civic Integration
- Flemish Minister for Administrative Affairs, Foreign
Policy, the Media and Tourism
Budget: € 1477 million


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 45 13-05-2008 14:06:15

Figure 10: the members of SBOV

A preview of the results from the SBOV E-government?

- Cluster 2: HRM and change manage- research catalogue
ment Electronic government is gaining in
A society needs a competent and moti- Cooperation between administrative importance. SBOV has pioneered research
vated public sector. The most important authorities? in e-government in Flanders. In e-go-
capital of the government is still its SBOV investigates inter-administrative and vernment in small towns, for instance, the
human capital, and here there are major public-private cooperation in Flanders. municipal secretary often plays a decisive
challenges, not least because of the Accordingly, it has ascertained that the role in the use of ICT in the organisation,
greying of government personnel. How non-profit organisation formula remains although ICT is seldom part of strategic
can the government continue to have popular, and that the administrative choices or policy. Moerover, small towns
motivated and competent personnel? authorities are very creative in inventing appear to be dependent on the coopera-
The quest for an adapted form of flexi- arrangements for personalised coopera- tion with a fixed domestic supplier. The
bility with added value for both humans tion to suit them. The legal dimension is Flemish government increasingly supports
and organisation will play a crucial role. important, but does not constitute the local authorities in local e-government
A modern HRM policy can exert consi- biggest challenge on this front. Coopera- and has apparently taken major steps itself
derable leverage by making the various tion depends primarily on an open attitude in terms of ICT. For their part, citizens
governmental authorities aware of their from the parties involved and good, expect improved services. Initiatives such
responsibility for a number of basic mutual arrangements. The intermunicipal as MAGDA (Dutch acronym for ‘maxi-
principles of public service. cooperation decree seems to be positive mum data sharing between administrative
in practice for the most part, although authorities’) help in this process.
- Cluster 3: Guidance in governmental, the possibilities for working together with
non-profit and business networks provincial administrative authorities could Flanders in international rankings?
The marketing and networking of stand improvement. The possibilities set
governmental authorities will be an out in the decree for obtaining exceptions The increased media focus on how well
important winning asset in the co- in the European competition regulation Flanders scores in international rankings
ming decade for effective governance seem feasible. entails more and more pressure to score
perceived by citizens and businesses well. SBOV research has shown that
as being innovative and trustworthy. Trust in government? Flanders is often in the pack. The problem
The government is no longer above with such rankings is that they are often
but in the midst of a network of other Trust in governance is the ideal gauge for not clear, definitions are not explained and
organisations. Hierarchical thinking has its performance in the eyes of society. In the Flemish context is insufficiently taken
been replaced by thinking in terms of the past, SBOV has measured the trust of into account. Moreover, some countries
horizontal relations and cooperation, citizens in their government at regular in- and regions seem to be far more active
where trust between the various actors tervals. These measurements have shown than Flanders in influencing the indicators
is crucial. From a multi-level governance that the proximity of governmental autho- on which the rankings are based. Flanders
perspective, optimal relations must be rities enhances trust (local authorities are must therefore become more proactive
developed between all administrative the most trusted). The oft-heard reports and not be blinded by its position in such
levels – local, provincial, Flemish, federal, about declining trust are not substantia- summaries. For these figures to be put
European and international. An essential ted by the numbers: trust in government to good use, we must first find out the
question here is who will assume the fluctuates, but is certainly not in freefall. relevant methodology and (ideological)
‘regulatory’ function of government. Furthermore, the less informed and less background.
educated citizens turn out to be the most
- Cluster 4: Renewed relations between distrustful of the government. Lastly,
citizens and administrative authorities Flemings are apparently very satisfied with
Participation and interactivity lead the water and power supply, the postal
to more satisfaction, confidence and service and household waste removal,
greater ownership among citizens. It is whereas there is more dissatisfaction with Joris Voets
essential, certainly in local administrative public transport and the state of roads, Policy Research Centre on Governmental
authorities, to guarantee strong cities cycle paths and footpaths. Organisation in Flanders
through a participatory policy, under-
pinned with a strategic management,
capable of taking on these challenges.
This applies to the Flemish government References
in its relations with citizens and civil
society. An interesting question here is • Baert Herman, Hondeghem Annie, Van Bree Leen & Vanmullem Kathleen (2007).
whether participation can be understood Werknemers in de tweede helft
in the same way for both levels. Are the • Werkhypothesen voor leerparticipatie en leerbeleid. Develop. 3: 7-17.
same forms of participation involved or • Vanmullem Kathleen. & Hondeghem Annie (2005). Een leeftijdsbewust perso-
are there other patterns of interaction neelsbeleid bij de Vlaamse overheid: stand van zaken binnen het Ministerie van
between citizens and the administrative de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. Leuven: SBOV. 62 p.
authorities? • Vanmullem Kathleen & Hondeghem Annie (2007) Motivatie en leiderschap. Case-
studie van een Vlaamse overheidsorganisatie. Leuven: SBOV. 125 p.
More information on SBOV II, as well as
an overview and summary of the projects, 84 The first edition of SBOV (2001-2006) charted the public administration in Flanders and abroad: 145
an overview of the staff, a publication articles for periodicals (including 70 international), 120 book chapters (including 35 international), 130
database with access to published research congress papers (including 120 international), 15 books (including 5 international) and 95 research reports
give an idea about the output.
results, is available at www.steunpuntbov.
85 Seventeen full-time equivalents are assigned for conducting the research (of which 12 for A projects, and
be. 5 for B projects).
86 In particular taxation, finance, organisation and administrative relations, policy coordination, monitoring
and confidence, modern HRM and change management, administrative simplification, regulatory ma-
46 nagement and e-government, integrity and governance, urban policy.

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 46 13-05-2008 14:06:19

> Crossing the borders

FIT gives Flanders more

international clout in high-tech
Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT91) is a Flemish agency that promotes international trade for Fle-
mish companies and attracts foreign investors. Its foreign network is of the utmost importance in
this regard.

The agency has its own offices in some enough is done with it. New products, for Broadband Technology (IBBT)93, the
65 countries and can call on the offices of market-ready ideas and spin offs from Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Centre
sister organisations in about 25 coun- knowledge centres must be given the (IMEC)94, the Flanders Interuniversity
tries. They keep a finger on the pulse of opportunity to go international. The most Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)95 and
the international economy at strategic important task of the new FIT technology the Flemish Institute for Technological
locations. The further diversification and officers is to turn plans into real projects. Research (VITO)96. The steering commit-
specialisation of these offices is one of the To that end, they provide active support to tee gives instructions to the technological
most important goals of FIT. Technological Flemish companies and clusters to develop officers regarding contents and strategy.
officers are consequently being dispatched new technological products or services The FIT is responsible for daily operational
to specifically chosen places to monitor internationally. They proceed in the same supervision. For the rest, the technology
technological sectors that have significant way in actively canvassing foreign compa- officers are responsible for the approach
added value for the Flemish economy. nies that want to invest in the innovative in their specific field and for producing
FIT will henceforth have five such techno- and technological region of Flanders. concrete results. Their schedule is checked
logical officers in New York, Tokyo, New More specifically they bring together the continuously with both the FIT and the
Delhi, Los Angeles and Beijing. In addition supply of and demand for innovative tech- steering committee. The first signs of this
to the Flemish Economic Representatives nological developments, whether Flemish structured approach are already clear at an
or trade secretaries, they focus on sectors companies, knowledge institutions or early stage. FIT can already make positive
which play a key role in the international governmental organisations are involved. remarks on the innovative and refreshing
development of the Flemish companies, They also establish professional networks approach in the way that Flanders is
and who set high requirements on specific with scientific and financial centres and promoted as a high-tech region in various
expertise: the bio- and nanotechnology companies in their region and detect regions where the technology officers are
sector in New York and Tokyo; the ICT trends and developments, standards and active. The future looks bright: Flanders
sector in New Delhi and Los Angeles; and best practices. Finally, they also play a role is getting more international clout in high-
in everything to do with the environment in promoting and branding Flanders as an tech sectors.
in Beijing. The FIT technology officers innovative and technological region.
work in two directions: they promote
Flemish high-tech offering while actively The first step in charting a future strategy
looking for opportunities for Flemish com- to put Flanders on the technological
panies, and they also look for interesting world map is taken by a steering com-
high-tech investments and investors for mittee composed of representatives of
Flanders. the following organisations in addition
to FIT: IWT, Technology Region Leuven,
Flanders has a great deal of research and Agoria92 and the four strategic research Bart Matheï
development potential, but often not centres, i.e. the (Interdisciplinary) Institute Flanders Investment & Trade

91 http://www.flandersinvestmentandtrade.be/
92 http://www.agoria.be/
93 www.ibbt.be
94 Cf. EWI Review 1 (1): 20-23 and www.imec.be
95 Cf. EWI Review 1 (1): 25-27 and www.vib.be
96 www.vito.be


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 47 13-05-2008 14:06:21

the Flemish
media sector
Who zijn geluk [Somebody Else’s Happiness] Parliament and the European Council
by Fien Troch, and Requiem voor een approved a new programme to support
MEDIA Desk Belgium – The Flemish voetbalcup [Requiem for a Football Cup] the European audiovisual industry: ME-
Community is the European contact by Lode Desmet. DIA 2007. This programme focuses on
point for the Flemish audiovisual sector. the pre- and post-production activities
It is the information and consultancy What in the audiovisual sector. The budget is
office of the European Commission’s €755 million for 7 years (2007-2013).
MEDIA programme. The purpose of the MEDIA Desk Belgium-Flemish Com- The general objectives of MEDIA 2007
MEDIA programme is to stimulate the munity publicises the various support are as follows:
European audiovisual industry and make measures of the MEDIA programme, • to preserve and enhance European
it competitive. As such, it is up against a and more specifically support for produ- cultural diversity and its cinemato-
double challenge: maintaining a strong cers, distribution, promotion, training, graphic and audiovisual heritage, gua-
position on the international market and cinema operators and new technology. rantee accessibility to it for Europeans
creating a recognisable European visual This support can be used to, say, initiate and promote intercultural dialogue;
culture. MEDIA Desk contributes in two a training course, organise a film festival • to increase the circulation of European
ways, through support measures as well (cf. Leuven Kort) or develop a market. audiovisual works inside and outside
as information and advice. The development of fiction, documen- the European Union;
tary, animation and interactive projects, • to strengthen the competitiveness of
In addition to the MEDIA Desk, two the production of TV projects, and the the European audiovisual sector in the
other important actors are involved in distribution of films can be supported as framework of an open and competi-
carrying out the MEDIA programme. well. Funding can also be provided for tive market.
First, there is the European Directorate- sales agents, the development of new
General87 for Information Society & technological projects, the development Measures funded under MEDIA 2007
Media that defines policy and fixes the of video on demand (VoD) and digital must:
budget, for instance. And, since January cinema projects, financing instruments, 1. take account of both the impor-
2006, the Education Audiovisual & etc. Furthermore, Media Desk provides tance of the creative process in the
Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) has customised advice and guidance to Fle- European audiovisual sector and the
been responsible for implementing the mish audiovisual organisations on how cultural value of Europe’s cinemato-
MEDIA programme. to apply for support. graphic and audiovisual heritage;
2. strengthen the production structures
The EWI Department supports the Stimulation entails more than just of small businesses to make the Euro-
activities of MEDIA Desk Belgium financing and subsidies. For this reason, pean audiovisual sector more compe-
by promoting the development of a the Flemish MEDIA desk is expanding its titive, as they constitute its core;
creative cultural industry and stressing activities to include: 3. reduce imbalances between European
the ever increasing focus on innova- • providing general information on the countries with a high audiovisual pro-
tion. Examples include the support European audiovisual sector; duction capacity and countries with
mechanisms for pilot projects, interactive • expanding a network of contacts with low production capacity or a restricted
projects, video on demand (VoD), and European organisations and professio- linguistic area;
the digital cinema. nals; 4. follow and support market develop-
• organising activities and information ments with regard to digitisation.
Well known concrete achievements sessions on specific issues;
include Windkracht 10 [Wind Force • monitoring European audiovisual In retrospect
10] by Hans Herbots, ‘Anyway the policy.
Wind Blows’ by Tom Barman, Confituur It is naturally worth looking back on
[Jam] by Lieven Debrauwer, Een ander On 15 November 2006, the European the results of the previous programmes:


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 48 13-05-2008 14:06:22

> Policy in practice

MEDIA Plus and MEDIA Training. To selected for the first time under Support MEDIA Desk Flanders is intent on
what extent has the Flemish audiovisual for New Talent. This project is still in providing the appropriate publicity for
industry availed itself of these program- progress. Similarly, a training initiative at the new MEDIA 2007 and on breaking
mes? We shall dwell briefly on some of a Flemish college was awarded subsidies down barriers. Accordingly, higher
the results. for the first time in 2005: the 3D aca- quality Flemish audiovisual works will
demy of the Provincial Industry College see the light of day and find their way to
On the whole, the Flemish audiovisual (PIH) Department at West Flanders European screens.
sector can be said to be hooking up with College.
the MEDIA programme with increa-
sing success. More and more Flemish However, we should not turn a blind eye
projects are selected through the various to the even better results on the other
support measures and the sums alloca- side of the language border. Audiovi-
ted to these projects are growing. sual projects from the French-speaking
Community are clearly selected more
The Belgian audiovisual sector is doing often and can count on more European
particularly well on distribution. Up subsidies, especially in the support for
to 10% of the European budget for TV productions. Whereas support for
distribution goes to Belgian projects and Flemish TV production amounted to
companies, often putting us right behind €3.08 million between 2001 and 2006, If you have a question or wish to submit an application,
the ‘big five’: France, the UK, Germany, support for French speaking projects please contact:
Italy and Spain. Belgium is a crossroads totalled €1.992 million. But there is a
in Europe and as a result, a wide range difference in the development phase MEDIA Desk België – Vlaamse Gemeenschap
of European films can be enjoyed in too: €1.440 million for Flanders, Handelskaai 18/3
both Flanders and Wallonia. Nearly all compared with €2.655 million for the 1000 Brussels
active Belgian distributors have been French-speaking Community. Tel: +32 2 226 06 52
selected for subsidies under MEDIA Plus. Fax: +32 2 219 19 36
In spite of the fact that the Flemish E-mail: nathalie@mediadesk-vlaanderen.be
Progress is also being made in areas audiovisual industry avails itself more
where Flanders was still underrepre- and more of funds that the European
sented at the start of MEDIA Plus in Commission makes available through
2001. A Flemish project entitled How to the MEDIA programme, there is still a Nathalie Goethals
Rewind my Dog by ZAPOMATIC was lot of room for progress. Consequently, MEDIA Desk Belgium – Flemish Community

87 http://ms.skynet.be/cinema/windkracht10/index.php?level=partners


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 49 13-05-2008 14:06:27

the economy
As per the annual tradition, in late February the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium

(FEB) - together with BusinessEurope, the federation that represents European employers

- organised the European Business Summit. This year’s theme was Greening The Eco-

nomy: New Energy for Business. The Flemish government stand featured information on

initiatives by the EWI Department, the Economy Agency, the Flemish Agency for Entre-

preneurship (VLAO), the IWT and VITO on the green economy. The many prominent

visitors included the Flemish Minister for Economy, Entreprise, Science, Innovation and

Foreign Trade Mrs. Patricia Ceysens as well as Commission President Barroso and eight

members of the European Commission who came into contact with a number of Euro-

pean and Belgian entrepreneurs.


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 50 13-05-2008 14:06:31

> Na afloop van

The Federation of Enterprises in Belgium Opportunity of a lifetime (cleantech),88 but fall short in marketing
is responsible for lobbying at European this technology. We are technologically
level on behalf of the Belgian employers Rudi Thomaes, CEO of the Federation very strong, but not market leaders. In
and is thus keen on expanding a strong of Enterprises in Belgium, thinks that this addition, the importance of risk capital
network of contacts among the Euro- year’s European Business summit is the must not be estimated. Risk capital is
pean institutions. The end result is the opportunity of a lifetime for the green three times greater in the US than in
European Business Summit. economy. Europe should not miss the Belgium. We can certainly make more of
FEB also stresses the importance of boat again as it did with ICT in previous an effort on this front.
Belgium and the regions for ‘new lines of decades. The reaction to the challenge
business’, i.e. the growth sectors of the raised by climate change must be dif- As to policy, Europe must also draw
future. Against this backdrop, our coun- ferent. lessons from the Lisbon strategy. Much
try has a very important organisational more involvement is needed on the
role, i.e. setting up major events such as As he sees it, Europe must this time energy and climate front, as was the
the Business Summit. make clear what it stands for and stick case for the aviation industry and mobile
The aim is also to show that the Federa- its neck out. We are world leaders in telephones not that long ago. It all co-
tion of Enterprises in Belgium is capable developing clean energy technologies mes down to developing a coordinated,
of organising European and even global coherent, crystal clear and transparent
initiatives in Brussels. The event is so policy, both in the European Union and
successful that BusinessEurope, the Euro- in Flanders, guaranteeing long-term
pean federation of employers, this year continuity.
asked to organise the European Business
summit jointly with the Federation of En- Turning climate goals into economic
terprises in Belgium. The event is a win- reality is an important challenge for
win situation for everyone and enjoys a European and Belgian companies that
well-deserved international reputation. are already leaders in eco-efficiency. To

Rudi Thomaes


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 51 13-05-2008 14:06:34

get a better insight into the way in which sions per inhabitant) are examined, higher efficiency in renewable energy.
our companies can tackle the climate Japan, China, India and Australia score Governmental authorities, universities
challenge, and what role policy can play, better than Europe and energy-squan- and companies must cooperate inten-
the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium dering North America. sively at European level to bring all this
and ISEAD, the international business about”, says Rudi Thomaes.
school, commissioned a research study.89 • Japan scores the highest in innovation
overall, followed closely by North This subject is closely related to a book
A climate for change America. The European Union (EU-25) currently under preparation in the EWI
scores lower, while India and China department, which will appear later this
According to Frank Brown, dean of are lagging behind. The EU scores year. The next issue of the EWI Review
INSEAD90, the study showed ‘the need high on eco-innovation (patents for will contain more on this initiative under
for cooperation between industry, aca- cleantech in vehicles, waste treatment the title Creating a sustainable economy:
demic institutions and government to and renewable energy), which is very investing in the future.
achieve better results in energy perfor- encouraging.
mance’. The situation is clear: the rising
demand for energy and the absolute • To weigh the investment parameters,
need to reduce CO2 emissions require the researchers posit venture capital
all actors – governments, citizens and investments in cleantech. In the EU,
companies – to take measures rapidly. the venture capital invested in clean-
Three factors are crucial for achieving tech rose from 8% in 2003 to 19% in
macro-economic growth here: energy, 2006, at a rate exceeding that in the
eco-innovation and investments in US (from 6.4% in 2003 to 8.5% in
cleantech. The study commissioned by 2007). This trend is also promising for
the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium the future.
and INSEAD analyses these three para-
meters and compares Europe with other The study identifies three action points
continents. that can contribute to a greener eco-
• Reduce emissions by establishing
energy performance standards, and by
promoting greater energy efficiency
and renewable energy.
• Encourage innovation by defining spe-
cific strategies for eco-management,
opting for radical eco-innovation that
gives consumers added value at a lo-
wer cost and limited ecological impact,
and pursuing a stable and consistent
• Encourage investments by boosting
venture capital in cleantech and by
optimising forms of public and private
cooperation and thus making the mar-
keting of innovations more flexible.

According to Rudi Thomaes, European -

- and more specifically Belgian – industry
Frank Brown © INSEAD is world class when it comes to efficient
use of energy. “The study commissioned
by the Federation of Enterprises in
Belgium and INSEAD shows that Europe Frank Vereecken
This leads to the following observations: scores high on eco-innovation at world Office for Policy Research and
• In terms of energy performance (in scale. The challenge for Europe is to Prospective Studies
CO2/GDP), the study shows that turn these comparative advantages into
the EU score (using the best available commercial success, in particular by fo-
technologies) improves, while emis- cusing attention on the investment and With thanks to Rudi Thomaes,
sions from China are rising, owing to marketing dynamics. The business world managing director of the Federation
the dominant presence of heavy indu- can play an essential role in worldwide of Enterprises in Belgium and Frank
stry and its heavy dependence on coal technology transfer and the exchange of Brown, dean of INSEAD, for their
as a source of energy. When lifestyle best practices geared to higher energy obliging cooperation.
and energy consumption (CO2 emis- efficiency, lower CO2 emissions and

88 Cleantech pertains to knowledge-intensive products and services that boost productivity and efficiency while reducing costs, energy consumption, waste and environ-
mental pollution. The term addresses the increasing importance that consumers, the government and industry attach to renewable energy, the consequences of global
warming and the effect of fossil fuels on the environment. It is also often used in connection with eco-efficiency.
89 The study Greening the Economy: Creating a Climate for Change is available at the INSEAD website.
90 www.insead.edu


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 52 13-05-2008 14:06:39

> Column

The researcher of the

Care for a little mind game after all this heavy reading about economy,
science and innovation?

The applicant, Joost L., was born in Overijse on 18 October and grew up
in Brussels. He studied Greek and Latin in secondary school in Ath, with a
brief stay in Cologne. His university studies at Leuven comprised no fewer
than two disciplines: classical studies and law. He got his first job experience
in Rome, followed by stop-overs in Leuven, Vienna and Leipzig, and finally
his first tenured position in Jena as a university professor. His wife, a woman
with her own life and strong will, did not follow him: long-distance love can
work too! He gained further experience in Leuven, before ending up in Lei-
den, where he was appointed professor and pursued a flourishing scientific
career. After twenty years in academia, this excellent researcher would like
to return to the University of Leuven.

Is Joost eligible for Odysseus funding? visa problems which, though not totally The usual platitude in many discussions
A top scholar in a united Europe? The absent, are nonetheless reduced consi- on the importance of international flows
model CV of a modern researcher? Or am derably. If he wants to go to work in a of researchers is the future ‘shortage of
I describing the model researcher full stop, third country, even more administrative researchers’. Far from wanting to un-
here? An illusion, the utopian ideal of the problems will arise. And we haven’t tal- dermine this argument – the shortage of
future? ked about his wife yet. Should she leave human capital in science, technology and
everything behind to follow him? Or will innovation sectors is a real and growing
In our day and age, a man like him, with they embark on the much-touted ‘long- problem – mobility does not seem to be
many responsibilities, comes up against a distance relationship’? a solution to this need, in my view. As
number of obstacles when persuing such However unlikely his career may seem all ‘innovative’ countries are fishing out
an international career. Where to get fun- after all these questions, this man consti- of the same pond, attracting more young
ding? How to get in touch with the person tutes an ideal to be attained for policyma- people to science and research professions
who can help him advance in his career? kers all over the world: the mobile resear- will undoubtedly have a greater effect.
A chance for tenure seems all the more cher. Can this be attributed to being out
certain for those who do not stray too far of touch with reality? An unwillingness The added value of mobility lies else-
out of sight. And what should he do when to acknowledge these modern obstacles? where: the qualitative effects are far more
offered a grant instead of a employment On the contrary, these are real problems important than the quantitative ones.
contract? What about social security? in our contemporary world which can no Brain circulation instead of brain gain
Is he entitled to unemployment benefit longer be ignored. Modern researchers should be the objective.
when he returns to Belgium? A pension? have responsibilities on more than one le-
Health insurance? So many questions… vel – their career, of course, but also their The dissemination of knowledge is very
Furthermore, even with a sound employ- family, relatives and friends. important for innovation. Patents and pu-
ment contract the man’s pension rights are blications certainly play an important role,
not clear and preparing for his retirement So why do people keep insisting on the but that is not all. Not all knowledge is on
will mean a lot of red tape. The fact that importance of mobility then? Simply paper. And although the worldwide web
Joost has pursued his career within the because the advantages continue to easily and digital contact possibilities have made
united Europe in any event reduces the outweigh the disadvantages. the world very small, they cannot possibly


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 53 13-05-2008 14:06:41

replace face-to-face contact. Personal abroad, but can also serve as a role model obstacles such as social security, pension
competitiveness, informal contacts, dialo- for our young researchers. rights, dual careers, child minding, etc. did
gue, confidentiality and loyalty are crucial not stand in their way. They did, however,
factors in sharing existing knowledge and Administrative procedures, taxes, pension have to take account of serious political
creating new ideas. And here, personal rights, visa issues, etc. must be made more and religious agitation. Sors est sua cuique
contact plays a leading role. transparent. The task of informing resear- ferenda as they say in classical academia.
Scientific research is by definition a very chers is performed enthusiastically by the Or, in a more modern rendering: ‘Every
international activity, where national bor- Flemish and European mobility centres, man has his cross to bear..’
ders are rather irrelevant. A small region but administrative complexity does not
such as Flanders cannot possibly have make their job any easier. If they managed to overcome such
several experts in every discipline and sub- problems, then the Flanders of the 21st
discipline. Furthermore, building on each The government and employers must century, in a Europe that has seldom been
other’s ideas, engaging in consultation, actually assume their responsibilities when as united as it is today, should in the near
passing knowledge on a high level and it comes to removing such administrative future also manage to remove the remai-
more can only take place through interna- problems, stressing the importance of ning obstacles to research mobility.
tional contacts. international mobility, recognising foreign
experience in career evaluation, keeping
For the researcher himself, this brings, in an eye out for obstacles to mobility and
addition to the obvious social and intellec- making mobility requirements more
tual enrichment, not only opportunities for flexible. The courage and the will to take
expanding his own expertise, knowledge a leap into the unknown lie fully with the
transfer and knowledge creation, but also researcher himself, however. And he will
for testing his ideas with leading resear- only be the better for it.
chers worldwide. Those who want to work
with the best must not be held back by I repeat my initial question: Who would
national borders. Furthermore, creativity is this Joost be now? A contemporary resear-
stimulated in new and unknown environ- cher? Or a utopian picture of the future?
ments. Neither, though Joost is actually a man
of flesh and blood. Or better put, he
And we have not yet mentioned the was once, because our mobile researcher
education aspect at issue: the globalisation died some 402 years ago. For Joost was
and transfer of culture, knowledge and not chosen arbitrarily. His family name
mentality to younger generations. The was Lips. If that does not ring a bell, rest
internationally oriented researchers of the reassured: you are not alone. Most of us
future can only be trained by internation- know him under his Latin name: Justus
ally oriented mentors. Lipsius.

Obtaining such advantages means remo- Justus Lipsius was a scholar at a time
ving a number of obstacles. Things must when the importance of mobility for good
be clear as to job opportunities at home research was never questioned. Erasmus,
and abroad, grant systems, vacancies, etc. Vesalius, Mercator, Stevin: all these near
The European mobility portal is undou- contemporaries and top scholars, could
btedly of help. Furthermore, it would be boast international experience. The Low
a good thing to maintain and cultivate Countries were doing well at the time.
contacts with Flemish researchers abroad. There was no competition from the United Karen Haegemans
They are not merely our ambassadors States or Japan yet. Granted, modern Policy Support and Academic Policy Team

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PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 54 13-05-2008 14:06:42

e r n o w
Overview of Economy, Science and Innovation budgets
This guide provides an overview of the Flemish government’s
policy of Economy, Science and Innovation. Clear figures and
graphics communicate the expenditures. Illuminating copy
outlines the story and trends behind these figures. Timelines
and international comparisons explain Flanders’ position in the

Order free
You can order the Budget Browser today at our website
www.speurgids.be. We will send you the number you have re-
quested in Dutch or English, free of charge. You can also read
or download this edition directly from the website.

EWI- 2008
Budget Browser
Combining Economy, Science and Innovation
for a better society

PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 55 13-05-2008 14:06:47

Flemish government
Department of Economy,
Science and Innovation
Koning Albert II-laan 35 bus 10
1030 Brussels, Belgium


PR3 EWI 4 ENG.indd 56 13-05-2008 14:06:51

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