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INTRODUCTION Woman is a creature naturally endowed by God full of gentleness. In terms of physical and mental strength will be weak and they are not gallant like men.

Because of the shortcomings of the perfect woman in the house rather than outside the house.

Focus on the Family If woman in the home that is not working, can pay attention to household chores with a neat and orderly manner. Home management, children and husband will be more manageable than the services provided by the maid. By not employing a maid, this will save the cost of familys expenses. Time and attention and affection on her children and her husband will be more. If women work, time with their children and husbands are limited and sometimes they need to work partime, particularly in the private sector such as banks. When they return home late, the kids are already asleep. Children are not able to talk and express what happened on that day to their mothers. Not only are children unable to care for, home management will also be neglected. Having less home cooked for food, children will lack balanced diet. In terms of nutrition and hygiene are dubious. Working women have wash clothes and iron shirts during the weekend. All this would be tiring for them.


Care / Education When women work, child care will be diverted to places of custody of the children either at home or child care center. When a child is under the care of other people, many things can happen such as abuse, neglect, rape and so on. Children may expose to diseases such as colds, coughs, skin diseases and so on. For children who are at secondary school level without being monitored by their mother, tend to hang out and create all sorts of unhealthy activities they can do. If women are at home, they can keep their children at home when they come back from school and also keep track on them all the time. Children's study time can also be given more attention. Review of children's homework will lessen the burden of the teachers. For relatively high-educated women, they can teach their own children without having to send them for tuition. Religious education can also be applied at home and the children will learn to be a better citizen in the future. For Muslims, the Koran can be taught by the mother without sending them to school.

Vulnerable Women outside the home are exposed to danger. At present , there are many cases such as stealing, snatching, murder, rape and many more. If women work or when they are outside the house, of course they are exposed to such dangers, anytime of the day. Theft cases that we see and hear in the newspapers and television are increasing. The victims of these thefts have severe injuries when some of them succumb to death or even comma. Such incidents will reduce if women spend more time at home .


Working pressure For working women, they face pressure at work and sexual harrasment

among their friends and head. Sometimes due to pressures they bring problems home. Children and husbands become victims . This situation will strain the relationship between the husband and wife . The children will be problematic and feel neglected.

Have time to improve their knowledge For women who are at home, they can plan their daily schedule well, they can surf the internet to increase their knowledge when they have free time. Knowledge would make a woman look for better future, when they gain religious knowledge, knowledge of motivation or whatever useful knowledge which help them to communicate with their children and families.

Husband more responsible When women do not work, all the income from her husband will be spend wisely. Husband will be responsible for thinking about how to keep finances on track. Working wives will help for the payments such as rent or mortgage, utility bills, car payments and loan payments. If one family depends on the husbands income, he needs to create a monthly budget, develop a financial plan and spend responsibly. A husband should understand his role as a responsible husband prosiding covering for his family.


CONCLUSION Based on the above arguments again I emphasize that I strongly agree that women's place is at home rather than outside the home because it is compatible with the natural disposition of women.


WAJ3102 Christine, Tan.(2005)Easy Steps To GRAMMAR. Petaling Jaya:Penerbit Mega Setia Emas Sdn. Bhd. Websites: (ACCESS ON 25 AUGUST 2011) %20ESSAY.htm (ACCESS ON 25 AUGUST 2011)

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