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Bosnia National Anthem Lyrics

The music was taken from the old Bosnian folk song S one strane Plive (On the far bank of the Pliva river or On the other side of the Pliva river), and the lyrics were written by music star Edin Dervihalidovi. Bosnia Herzogovina Zemljo tisucljetna Na vjernost ti se kunem Od mora do Save Od Drine do Une. Jedna si jedina Moja domovina Jedna si jedina Bosna i Hercegovina Bog nek' te sacuva Za pokoljenja nova Zemljo mojih snova Mojih pradjedova. Jedna si jedina Moja domovina Jedna si jedina Bosna i Hercegovina. English Translation I pledge my loyalty to you My thousand-year old land From the Szva to the sea From the Drina to the Una CHORUS You are unique The only homeland I have You are unique Bosnia and Herzegovina May God save you For the generations to come

You are the land of my dreams The land of my forefathers CHORUS

Proposed lyrics for current Bosnian National Anthem

Ti si svjetlost due Vjene vatre plam Majko naa zemljo, Bosno Tebi pripadam U srcu su tvoje Rijeke, planine Plavo more Bosne i Hercegovine Ponosna i slavna Zemljo predaka ivjet e u srcu naem Dov'jeka Pokoljenja tvoja Kazuju jedno: Mi idemo u budunost Zajedno! You're the light of the soul Eternal fire's flame Mother of ours, land of Bosnia I belong to you In the heart are yours Rivers, mountains Blue sea Of Bosnia and Herzegovina Proud and famous Land of ancestors You shall live in our hearts Ever more

Generations of yours Show up one: We go into the future Together!

Mak Dizdar A Note on the Land (Zapis o zemlji) from The Stone Sleeper (Kameni spava) But who is that? What is that, with all due respect? Wherever is that? From whence comes that? Which way is that? That Bosnia Tell me. And at once the one asked gave an answer: Bosnia, with all due respect, is a land Both fasting And bare, with all due respect, And hungry and cold And in addition to that, With all due respect, Wakes with a sneer From a dream

Majka Rui Ker

divojka u dvore kad i sunce u more u more, u dvore majka rui kerku u kuerku kerka ne da na se majka rui kerku kerka ne da na se deder, keri, sjedi i prikoi gdje e vani, ve je pola noi deder, keri, sjedi i prikoi gdje e vani, ve je pola noi majka rui ker

gdje si, s kim si, vazda edna soli to ga vara kad te voli gdje si, s kim si, vazda edna soli to ga vara kad te voli kad te voli kad te voli kad te voli kad te voli kuni mati al' nemoj preko mjere ljubav ima simptome kolere kuni mati al' nemoj preko mjere ljubav ima simptome kolere gdje si s kim si vazda edna soli... onge lenge ponge lenge nana kupi sandalice onge lenge ponge lenge dedo kupi sandalice dedo kupi narukvice nana kupi sandalice ponge lenge conge lenge gdje si s kim si vazda `edna soli... MOTHER TALKS TO HER DAUGHTER girl comes back home when sun vanishes into the sea ( very late) in the sea, in her home mother talks to her daughter in their house but daughter keeps defending again mother talks to her daughter in their home but daughter keep defending my daughter, sit and slow down

where are you going its very late my daughter, sit and slow down where are you going its very late mother talks to her daughter where and with how do you spend your nights why are you cheating him when he loves you where and with how do you spend your nights why are you cheating him when he loves you when he loves you when he loves you when he loves you when he loves you swear mother but not too much love has a symptoms of cholera swear mother but not too much love has a symptoms of cholera where and with who you spend your nights... grandma buy me some sandals granpa buy me some bracelets granma buy me some sandals where and with who you spend your nights

Bridge of Mostar
Na starom je mostu sretoh u sumraku plavom pamtim jednu divnu zenu sa zelenim salom Ref. Stari most, stari most a ljubav je nova poceli smo, poceli od prvoga slova

Stari most, stari most a ljubav je nova i danas je ona zena mojih snova Setala je s' drugaricom pricale su nesto po pogledu njenom vidim zaljubi se cesto Ref. Od tada je ona sa mnom setamo po mostu otvara mi vrata srca k'o najdrazem gostu Ref.

On the Old Bridge

On the bridge, I met an old Twilight blue I remember a wonderful woman with green salom Ref The old bridge, old bridge and love is new We started out, they began from the first letters The old bridge, old bridge and love is new today it is woman of my dreams Walking with a comrade They talked about something I see in terms of its falls often

Ref Since then, she was with me walk along the bridge opens the door of the heart like a favorite guest Ref

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