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Eh Ma Ho!

In the previous aeon of Bhaskara, As the daughter of King Indradeva known as Pandaravasini, She trained on the path to abandon samsara and actualize buddhahood. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Later in the aeon known as Ratnavistirna, Se was born into the holy caste as the princess Natyendri, Suryagarbha and his entire kingdom was placed on the path of Dharma. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In the Bright Aeon of Buddha Kanakamunis revelation of the doctrine, With the blessings of the buddhas of the three times, She naturally emanated the five embodiments as manifestations in the five continents to tame the minds of beings. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Born as the princess of the god Brahma and consort, She was known as Ozer Nangyen. All the people of the kingdom of Kanika, in India, were placed on the path of Dharma. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! By the blessings of the aryas, in the land of Damaru, She was born from a lotus and summoned Hayagriva as her aid. The the peaceful and wrathful means the kingdom was turned to the path of virtue. To the feet of Mandarava, I pray! In the abode of the god Indra, in the land of Kangkari, She was the mother of the Buddha Dampa Togkar, and she tamed the hordes of demigods. She was famed for her subjugation of the entire country, which was transformed to the path of the Buddha. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In the subterranean region at the peak of the jewel mountain, She manifested as a nagini to cure all rampant diseases among nagas. Known as Dharmindra, she placed all the nagas on the path to enlightenment! To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! As an emanation of the princess of demigods, She tamed the hordes of jealous demigods, As the one known as Samantabadri, she brought the hosts of demonic demigods to maturity and liberation. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In the presence of Buddha Kashyapa, She generated the bodhicitta and emanated as the daughter of King Sukhapala named Shri Sagara. She was responsible for the perfect enlightenment of one hundred thousand

nuns. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! During the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, She manifested herself twenty-five times; her further emanations are utterly inconceivable, Such a one opening the door to the path of the secret mantra vehicle. To the feet of Mandarava, I pray! Then, in the western paradise of Sukhavati, Here a million manifestations reveal the secret mantra, Her dakini emanation appears with each of them! To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Light from the five places of the supreme consort Pandaravasini Radiated into all the paradises to become the manifestations of the five dakinis of the sphere of truth. Blessing and empowering the syllable HRIH, this light emanated into the land of Zahor. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Through her miraculous powers, her father and mother, the king and queen, had astonishing indications in their dreams. In the male wood-horse year, on the tenth day of the month, She was born and immediately recited the sounds of the vowels and consonants! To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! At the very moment of birth, she prostrated to her parents to repay their kindness, And sang a pleasing song for all who had gathered. The gods came to bathe her, and her fame encompassed this world. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Seeing the suffering of birth, old age, sickness, and death, she felt deep repulsion, Her mind turned from samsara, and became well-trained In the five sciences of the holy Dharma. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Into the land of Gautala, in accordance with the prophecies of Master Drime and Vajravarahi, she debated the heretic Kyabsel. She defeated and subjugated all heretics at that time. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In the land of Zahor, she brought three hundred women to the path and transformed the suffering of the king and queen at the death of Prince Palde. She discovered the flesh of the holy sage, which became the chief object of the peoples devotion. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! She reconciled Bheta and Zahor, ending their war. in accordance with the prophecy of Pandaravasini, she brought her entourage to the Dharma. She generated fervent prayers to remain in samsara for the welfare of

others. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Meeting with the king, she discussed the requests for her hand in marriage from the royal suitors of every direction. Without attachment to samsara, she received a prophecy from Vajrasattva. Skillfully escaping, she took the vows of ordination before the Abbot preceptor. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Thoroughly investigating the scriptures, she studied the Tripitaka, And in the pleasure grove she taught the Dharma to her five hundred attendants. She received prophecy directly from the emanation of Guru Padmasambhava. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Arriving in the flower garden, she actually met face to face with the guru. When she invited him to her palace to teach Dharma, a wandering cowherd took notice. Rumors ensued, and the king took action to punish them. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Despite the king and queens attempt to burn Guru Padmasambhava alive, he revealed his miraculous powers. The king and ministers were filled with deep remorse. The guru stayed with the king and queen, at which time the king formally offered Mandarava as the consort of the guru of Oddiyana. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! All the males in the land of Oddiyana became disciples of the guru; And Mandarava revealed the Dharma to all the females, who achieved liberation. She reached perfect maturity through receiving the masters pointing-out instructions. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Receiving the profound Dharma of indication, She went to Maratika cave together with the guru And truly accomplished the deathless state of becoming an immortal pure awareness holder. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In the land of Kotala, she tamed the beings through miraculous means And achieved great victory over the magic of heretics, In the charnel ground of Yogndu, she placed the hordes of obstructors under oath. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In accordance with the prophecy of Padmasambhava, She went to the land of Chamara, where she placed all the male and female cannibals upon the Dharma path. They accomplished the rainbow body, and the entire country was emptied! To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate!

In Ngampatsal and the eight great countries, And in Kailadrog and the eight minor power places, She revealed eight major and minor miraculous, enlightened physical deeds. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Then the Guru Padmasambhava and consort went together To the land of Oddiyana to banish all perverted views through skillful means. They turned the wheel of Dharma, and everyone was liberated in the rainbow-light body. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In accordance with the prophecy of the guru, She went to Shambhala and, with her great skillful means, tamed beings in the twenty-five paradises. One million, three hundred thousand fortunate disciples were liberated in the rainbow body. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Then she traveled to the peak of the highest mountain in Bheche, India. Where all remaining transmissions, without exception, were given. She manifested herself as two utpal flowers of white and red one in Tibet and one in Nepal. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Dissolving in the expanse of space like a rainbow, without remains, She departed to the Akanishta Paradise of Padmavyuha. She transformed into the embodiment of the supreme consort, the secret primordial wisdom dakini. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! Together with nine hundred pure awareness holder disciples, After dissolving into a rainbow body, she manifested herself once again for the benefit of others. Mandarava emanated unceasingly, manifesting herself as a dakini to tame the minds of beings in every essential way. To the feet of Mandarava, I supplicate! In the Realm of Great Bliss, she is known as the secret wisdom consort Pandaravasini; In the realm of Khechari, as Natyendri; And in Zahor, as Dungmen Karmo. To the feet of Mandrava, I supplicate!

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