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The story happened in modern day Britain. It started in an urban setting and moved on to the countryside as the two characters made their getaway. They traversed Scotland north and south in their efforts to dodge the authorities. The settings served the story well and helped create a sense of suspense a dramatic effect at certain turns in the story. Urban modern living. When the story began we have the setting of modern living which consisted of Grandas apartment block, school, shops where Rory bought lunch and the doctors clinic. These were the settings in Rorys and Grandas daily lives. The name of the town was not given but we know it was close to the Clyde river and close to Glasgow. From the description, it did not seem that Rory lived in a very big town. State institutions: hospital, childrens home and old folks home. When Granda got sick from a fire that broke out in their apartment, we had the hospital setting where granda was recovering from smoke inhalation. Then, after the authorities moved in and moved Rory to the childrens home and Granda to the old folks home, we have the dark period in the story with its dark settings of Castle Street and Rachnadar. The sombre descriptions of the Castle Street home and Rachnadar reflected this sad and dark period. Castle Steet was described as grey, deadstone, crow-step gables (crow associated with death); patches of cloud and an eerie silver light. Rachnadar was described as the very building, stuck on the edge of town, dark and forbidding, frightened him (Granda). It frightened me too.

Dark, unsettling time. This period in Rorys life reflected his uncertain, unsettling mood with the mad Tess adding an element of worry and frenzy to Rorys life. Rory who not only had to contend with his Granda being miserable and who seemed to have lost the fight in him at Rachnadar, he also had to contend with the boys and girls living in the home. Both the homes were the backdrop for this dark, sombre and uncertain period in Rorys life. On the run: countryside caravan site. When Rory ran away with Granda, several places were mentioned. There were Perthshire, Dundee, Forfar and Perth. No mention made of the actual town in which Rory lived with Granda and went to school. The first place when they were on the run was the countryside and the caravan site

where Rory had taken refuge in Darrens mums caravan. This idyllic period was momentary. In this rustic calm and peaceful setting the pair were left alone and were safe. They were able enjoy the charms of the countryside. This setting was a suitable backdrop for a time when Rory and Granda felt free and happy. But this happy mood was not to last. The back roads in the countryside. After being saved by Tyrone and family, there was more countryside and more travelling as the pair took refuge in Tyrones caravan. Of this Rory said: Next morning we were on the move again, travelling north through the lush countryside of Perthshire. This setting was one of friendship, warmth, hospitality and good food. Rail station and train journey. Sammy left them at the bleak and impersonal setting of the railway station at Dundee. They travelled by rail travel before the pair got off at Perth. At Perth, granda stole a car to carry on their journey. Car journeys on back roads of countryside. Travelling in the stolen car, it was the open road and back roads again for the pair until they stopped for petrol at Rabs gas station. A short rest at Rabs and it here when watching TV that Rory found he had a father living in Liverpool and he made the decision to go on to Liverpool. Liverpool suggested hope for a solution to Rorys problems! There was more road travel in Rabs car as the pair made their way to Liverpool. This was the setting for Rorys feeling of isolation and desperation and helplessness. The pair were running out of hope it would seem. Yet, Liverpool promised hope. The setting moved south into the open road and countryside as Rab drove them to the Lake District. Before reaching the border with England they were met by Annie, Rabs girlfriend who were to take them another stretch of the way. Annie took them to her cousin Normas house in the Lake district. The Lake District. They reached Normas house but unfortunately, Norma thought it best if they were handed to the authorities. They were told of Normas betrayal of them by Nicola, Normas daughter. The bus shelter in the Lake District. After being warned by Nicola, they escaped on foot from Normas house and they walked a long way until they came upon a bus shelter, intending to catching a bus. After falling asleep, it was at this setting and that Rory found Granda unconscious. Frantic, Rory went to get help and came across a house where he asked for help.The man went in his car to get Granda. Then the police came and an ambulance too. It was at this time that Rory met his father. All this happened in the setting of the Lake District

as was implied. We have the setting of the bus shelter in which a dramatic point was reached in the story. Liverpool. The McIntosh family was re-united in Liverpool. Again, the setting of home, family, warmth, security and being taken care of by both social services and family and a feeling of security and family togetherness ever after.

Thus, the settings and mood veered from calm and secure to worry, uncertainty and frenzy as befit the twists and turns in the plot. The final setting was again urban Liverpool.

The bus shelter in the Lake District. After being warned by Nicola, they escaped on foot from Normas house and they walked a long way until they came upon a bus shelter, intending to catching a bus. After falling asleep, it was at this setting and that Rory found Granda unconscious. Frantic, Rory went to get help and came across a house where he asked for help.The man went in his car to get Granda. Then the police came and an ambulance too. It was at this time that Rory met his father. All this happened in the setting of the Lake District as was implied. We have the setting of the bus shelter in which a dramatic point was reached in the story. Liverpool. The McIntosh family was re-united in Liverpool. Again, the setting of home, family, warmth, security and being taken care of by both social services and family and a feeling of security and family togetherness ever after.

Thus, the settings and mood veered from calm and secure to worry, uncertainty and frenzy as befit the twists and turns in the plot. The final setting was again urban Liverpool.

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