Teenage Rebellion

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TEENAGE REBELLION : Its Causes and Effects

A Research Paper presented to The Faculty of St. Nicholas de Myra School Governor D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, Dasmarias City, Cavite

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject English IV and for the Degree of Secondary Education

Michiko Aonuevo Ito S.Y. 2010 2011


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Name of School: Address:

St. Nicholas de Myra School Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, Dasmarias City, Cavite TEENAGE REBELLION: Its Causes and Effects Michiko Aonuevo Ito Secondary Education March 13, 2011 February 25, 2011 1.) To determine the Causes and Effects of Teenage Rebellion. 2.) To give idea to parents who have small kids on how to deal with their growing up children. 3.) To help people be aware of such natural human Phenomenon. 4.) Hopes to establish better relationship between parent(s) and their child(ren)

Title: Author: Degree: Date Completed: Date Started: Objectives of the Study:

Methodology: Conclusion:

Descriptive Child Rebellion is a natural phenomenon as a child grows old. It just depends on how people handle it. This research is recommended on both the teenagers and parents for them to be informed about the things that occur when a child grows, so that they can have a good approach towards the situation and help prevent things to get into worse.



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This research paper, entitled Teenage Rebellion: Its Causes and Effects, prepared and submitted by Michiko Aonuevo Ito, in partial fulfilment of the requirements in English IV for the Secondary Education, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for oral defense. _________________________ Mrs. Janice Corpuz Subject Teacher


Approved by the Committee on Oral Defense Examination with a grade of _____.

____________________ Panelist ____________________ Chairman

____________________ Panelist

Accepted and approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements in English IV for the degree of Secondary Education.

________________________ Mrs. Gloria E. de Gracia School Principal/Director


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The researcher would like to express her deep gratitude and appreciation to the following persons, whom in a way had helped her and contributed to the completion of the study. First of all, to our Lord Almighty who gave her wisdom, knowledge, guidance, patience, courage, and strength to make this research a success. Without Him, this study is nothing. Thank you so much Lord for this blessing! She would also like to thank her Mom, who was there through it all no matter how tired she was, shed still manage to read, review and criticize the researchers work. To Travis who gave her a relief through a warm hug during those cold nights of the thesis-making, thank you so much. Next to the list is our adviser and English teacher, Mrs. Janice Corpuz, for guiding and teaching her what to do next. Without her, believe it or not, this research paper would be such a disaster. A big thanks to her. To her fellow Seniors, thank you guys for being always there whenever she needed your help and support throughout this research. To Szxoberanea who were the main contributor of the idea in this paper, thank you guys for giving her the idea to share what theyve gone through. A special thanks to her sponsors, Red Bull and Facebook.com together with Youtube.com who made her awake through the night. The researcher would like to dedicate this paper to all those people mentioned above, and to all teenagers out there. May you not commit the same mistake the researcher did with her life. May your path be enlightened with this research.


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Abstract ............................................................................................................................ i Approval Sheet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ii Acknowledgement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii CHAPTER I. The Problem and Its Background Introduction Background of the Study Statement of the Problem Significance of the Study Scope and Delimitations of the Study CHAPTER II. Review of Related Literature Conceptual Framework Hypothesis Definition of Terms Reviews on Related Literature Reviews of Related Studies Chapter III. Research Design and Methodology Method of Research Respondents/Subject of the Study Research Instrument Data Gathering Procedure Statistical Tools/Treatment of Data CHAPTER IV. Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis Interpretation of Data CHAPTER V. Summary, Conclusion, andRecommendation Summary Conclusion Recommendation Reference Appendices

Chapter I

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Introduction Nowadays the word rebellion no longer portray the bravery of our national heroes like Andres Bonifacio and Dr. Jose P. Rizal but thus, rebellion now gives a picture of teenagers with spiky hair, with heavy and dark make-ups, with improper clothes; teens who are smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or even using prohibited drugs, going away from home, disobeying their parents, and sometimes committing criminal acts. Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, it is not because it has been serious, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature. Every human being goes through every chapter, from being an infant, a child, an adolescent, a teenager, a young adult and finally a full-developed adult. In these process, we at some points of our lives experienced rebellion. Rebellion against our parents, schools, laws, government, and even Church. But this paper would more likely focus in Teenage Rebellion, its causes, effects and conclusions. Teenagers or adolescents are now in the stage of life where they need so much care, understanding and affection as they undergo puberty. Experts also see the positive side of rebellion but we cannot hide the fact that most teenage rebellion is destructive not only to their selves but also to others. The young person proudly asserts individuality from what parents like or independence of what parents want and in each case succeeds in provoking their disapproval. This is why rebellion, which is simply behavior that deliberately opposes the ruling norms or powers that be, has been given a good name by adolescents and a bad one by adults. The reason why parents usually dislike adolescent rebellion is not only that it

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creates more resistance to their job of providing structure, guidance, and supervision, but because rebellion can lead to serious kinds of harm. Rebellion can cause young people to rebel against their own self-interests -rejecting childhood interests, activities, and relationships that often support self-esteem. It can also cause them to engage in self-defeating and self-destructive behavior - refusing to do school work or even physically hurting themselves. It can cause them to experiment with high-risk excitement - accepting dares that as a children they would have refused. It can cause them to reject safe rules and restraints - letting impulse overrule judgment to dangerous effect. And it can cause them to injure valued relationships - pushing against those they care about and pushing them away. 1 In a more positive light, it also means that they branch out into new areas. They may start a band, or decide to be an architect, rather than an accountant, like their parents want them to. These types of rebellion allow teens to find activities and occupations they enjoy, perhaps more than the activities encouraged by their parents.2 This research is conducted to discover further what is truly meant by teenage rebellion from different views and comprehend each situation. The purpose of this research is to identify the causes and effects of teenage rebellion so that guidance may be given to parents/guardians in dealing with their rebellious teens, and also on understanding that this is some kind of natural phenomenon in every childs life whether



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they are encountering emotional, behavioral and mental problems regarding on the parents manner of authority. This study also aims to give idea to parents who have small kids on how to deal with their growing up children so that they can prevent them from revolting against them, as they need to struggle to fulfill their roles as a parent. Likewise, it hopes to establish better relationship between parent(s) and their child(ren)

Background of the Study This research paper primarily tackles the possible causes and effects of Teenage Rebellion. This was chosen by the researcher as topic because the researcher herself, was once a victim and had suffered the negative effects of it. She mainly wants to help other teenagers to prevent themselves from doing such dangerous acts that would leave permanent scars on their life. The researcher used her personal experiences to make the paper better and more realistic.

Statement of the Problem This research paper dealt in the causes and effects of Child/Teenage Rebellion therefore, it specifically sought to answer the following questions; a.) What is child rebellion? b.) What are its causes? c.) What are its effects? d.) How to deal with child rebellion?

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Significance of the Study This study would definitely benefit the following:
a.) Teenager who is experiencing rebellion now They will have an idea on whats

going on at some point of their lives and they would know how to help themselves away from such act, how to handle things, and how to mend their broken relationship with their family. They will also be on track again to their goals in life like studying and finishing school for them to be better citizens of this country.
b.) Ordinary Teenager who is thinking of being a rebel They would know that

being a rebellious child wont do them any good and how to avoid the problem. They would also be aware of the things that they are doing if it builds them to be better man or destroy them.
c.) Parent(s) of the rebellious child they would have an idea on what their

child(ren) are going through. They would know how to help and handle them without hurting their feelings and they can make their relationship stronger than before.
d.) Parents without rebellious child(ren) / Future parents they would know the

possible things to happen with their child(ren) and how to prevent it in getting worse.

e.) The teachers -. They will know how they will respond on these circumstances.

They may counsel the teenagers that are undergoing this act of rebelling to their

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parents. They can help their students and they can also help their parents by standing as the mediator between their students and their parents. The teachers may stand as the second parents of the students; they can help them and be the one to advice when they are not that open to their own parents or if their parents are not with them or in abroad.
f.) Government/ Policy makers they would be aware and can create programs to

help both parents and children avoid and handle things.

Scope and Delimitation The researcher conducted this study within the country, but its location of survey is within the High School students of St. Nicholas de Myra School and some of the teenagers of Sunny Crest Royale Village, both located at Dasmarias City, Cavite. The researcher chose two different places to see the real results of the study and for a further knowledge. This research also gathered information from the researchers personal experiences, books, previously conducted studies, websites, interviews, and ordinary people (mainly teenagers). February 25 to March 13, 2011 is the period of this study.

CHAPTER II Conceptual Framework:

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Hypothesis: The researcher aims to prove that there are several causes like; Bodily Changes Wrong Raring-up of a Child Broken Home and effects of Teenage Rebellion on both the child and the parent(s) like; Alcoholism Smoking Drug Addiction Teen Pregnancy

Definition of Terms

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Adolescence - is the transitional stage of development between childhood and full adulthood, representing the period of time during which a person is biologically adult but emotionally not at full maturity. It is a cultural and social phenomenon and therefore its endpoints are not easily defined tied to physical milestones. The word derives from the Latin verb adolescere meaning "to grow up." The time is identified with dramatic changes in the body, along with developments in a person's psychology and academic career. Teenager or teen - is a person whose age is a number ending in "-teen" in the English language: that is to say, someone from the age of 13 to the age of 19. In a series or scale, as years of a century or degrees of temperature. It is also referred in Western culture as teen-"goths", -"punks", -"rockers", -"gangstas", and so forth. Teenage rebellion - is a complex phenomenon of adolescence. It generally manifests itself as conflict during a critical period of human development in which humans become autonomous, and commit to an identity, or sense of self. Broken home - a family in which the parents have separated or divorced. Alcoholism - disorder characterized by the excessive consumption of and dependence on alcoholic beverages, leading to physical and psychological harm and impaired social and vocational functioning. Also called alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence. Teenage pregnancy - is formally defined as a pregnancy in a young woman who has not reached her 20th birthday when the pregnancy ends, regardless of whether the woman is married or is legally an adult (age 14 to 21, depending on the country).

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Reviews on Related Studies Most teenagers, at some time in their lives, will openly defy the advice and authority of their parents and other figures of authority. The key to dealing with rebellious teenagers is avoiding confrontation, being patient and recognising that you have a teenager. The important thing to remember is that most teenagers will pass through this phase and return to become normal law abiding citizens. The major reason for rebellion in teenagers is for them to find their place in the adult world, to find where they belong in the greater scheme of things. Like all children, teenagers cannot know the limits of their behaviour without first exploring the edges. We are not born with an innate sense of right and wrong, we learn the difference through trial and error as we mature. Teenagers only need the time, and life's lessons, to learn correct behaviour. Teenagers are learning how to be adults, not children, they already know how to be children. Adults have a lot more freedom than children, but adults understand, often through bitter experience, that with freedom comes responsibilities and repercussions. Younger children are protected from the repercussions by their parents, teenagers cannot always be, nor do they necessarily want to be, protected from these repercussions. Confronting teenagers almost never works, it only gives them an opportunity to test their will and strength. Discussion about behaviour will always work better, but not necessarily always work. When discussing behaviour with a teenager talk about behaviour in general, not their behaviour in particular, this way they can be objective and

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not feel the need to protect their position. But when discussing issues with teenagers be prepared for argument, they will question every point you make; remember, they don't have the years of experience you have accumulated to find this wisdom, what you know may not match what they have learnt. Do not just impart wisdom, ask questions that lead them to wisdom. Another aspect to handling teenage rebellion for parents to keep in mind harm. When dealing with a behaviour think about how important the issue is. Is spiked orange hair really an important issue to get into an argument with the teenager over? Who is it harming? It might be embarrassing to walk down the street with, but is it really harmful? If on the other hand the teenager is behaving dangerously, either to themselves or others, then it is necessary to take some sort of action, but not confrontation. Patience with teenagers, though trying, is vital. As is forgiveness. Parents need to be firm but fair with rebellious teenagers. The key is to treat them as adults but protect them as well, and be there when they come home.. Subtle lessons like these take time to work but they do work. Yelling and pleading with them doesn't because it only teaches how to get someone to yell. Remember they are in learning mode every minute of the day. Teenagers are at the age where the world no longer seems large, in fact some people who were once large are now quite small, and teenagers then no longer respond to threats the way they may have as small children. So oftentimes the problem parents are having are due mostly to thier slowness in responding to the changed circumstances, not realising that the mechanisms used in the past no longer work and because teenagers change fast while parents tend to be a bit slower, conflict can occur simply because the

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parent doesn't realise they are talking to a young adult, not a large child. So be ready for change when when your child is approaching their teens, don't wait until they get there. http://www.essortment.com/dealing-teenage-rebellion-36890.html

Healthy vs. unhealthy rebellion One of the keys to helping your teen grow through their rebellion is being able to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy rebellion. How can you tell the difference? Here are some guidelines. Characteristics of healthy rebellion:
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Helps teens shed their cocoons and use their own wings. Involves open communication between the parents and the teen. Is gradual, occasional and varied in expression It makes a man or woman out of the teen. Gives teens confidence and assurance with adults.

Characteristics of unhealthy rebellion:

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Takes place in the context of closed communication channels. Features sudden, extreme expressions of independence Leads to a lack of mutual trust. Results in increasing resentment (of restrictions, explanations and discipline.) Is marked by bitterness. A negative attitude toward all authority figures. May be rooted in adults who wont let go and insist on high levels of control.

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Is damaging to all parties involved.

Every parent wants to avoid teenage rebellion if at all possible, and for good reason. Who really wants to see their kids make bad choices and get themselves into trouble? Here are a few things that will help us keep rebellion in its proper perspective: 1. Adolescent rebellion begins as a result of the desire for independence. It is a developmental norm. In fact, if you have the sneaking suspicion that teenage rebellion may be inevitable, youre right! Pretty much every teenager will test the limits and even cross the line at one time or another. Of course, there are varying degrees of rebellion one parents rebellious child may be another parents dream child! Nevertheless, even the best-behaved child will go the wrong way at some point.
2. Normal rebellion, though difficult to live with, is more praiseworthy than the

desire for dependence. The opposite of rebellion would be the desire to stay at home, refusal to take responsibility for life, and fear of making decisions. Although this might make the teen years easier to handle for you as a parent, it is ultimately not what you want for your child.
3. Normal rebellion needs to be understood as the natural desire to grow,

although being sought after in an awkward manner. Becoming an adult includes beginning to make decisions for oneself. Teens need to question the world around them and begin to own their personal beliefs and actions.

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Because the teen is inexperienced, this will inevitably lead to mistakes, but thats okay. Failure plays a critical role in the learning process.

4. Much rebellion is fashioned after peer models.

What other models do teenagers have of attaining independence? The need for having, doing or being like a peer is great. This can work negatively, but it can also work positively if you can help your kids choose friends wisely.


Reviews on Related Literature CAUSES: In a study conducted by the different researchers around the world shows that the following are the top-causers of child/teenage rebellion; 1.) Bodily Changes/Hormones

Teens are preparing to separate or individuate from the family. They are in the process of developing their values.

Teenagers must initiate this separation and often rebellion gives them the energy to do this. A teenager challenges rules and values as a way of establishing his or her individuality.

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Adolescents may be rude or make fun of parents and other authority figures and not want to be with them. In a teenagers mind, defiance expresses autonomy and says that he or she doesnt need parents in and often serves as a test of parental caring.

Due to body changes, there can be confusion about whether teenagers really do want to grow up.

Hormonal changes cause mood swings marked by tearfulness, heightened sensitivity, sudden flare-ups, an increased need for physical activity and inappropriate laughter and giggling.

Teens begin to work out their relationships with their peers to find out how they fit in.

Teens start relating to the opposite sex in a different way than they did when they were younger (where there were once friendships, romantic relationships and/or deeply felt negative emotions may surface).

Teenagers have a heightened need for privacy. Experiencing privacy gives them a new sense of control and autonomy. They need privacy to test things out for themselves without parent input.

Teenagers may feel all-powerful and all-knowing at the same time that they experience fears of inadequacy and failure.

Teens still need an adult to relate to, but in a different way than they did when they were younger. http://www.boloji.com/teens/articles/00312.htm

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2.) Parents wrong ways of raring-up a child Teenage years are a crucial part of growing up. At this stage, they love to explore things and when they are not permitted to do what they wanted, they will rebel. If parents don't know how to deal with their teens it will be a problem. Too Strict Rules Some parents or teachers are too strict in implementing rules. As if they don't give these young people any chance to reason out, complain or make any suggestions. Since they are in higher authority, the young should follow and obey. When teen agers are under the stern control of older folks, they will resent and rebel. It would be best if teens be given chance to take part in making the rules and agree to the consequences that go with it. This would make them be responsible of their own actions and there would be less violations committed. When teen agers are treated this way, Sure enough, no reason for them to rebel.

Unreasonable punishment. People who are in authority to give punishment for the mistake or sin committed should do it in a reasonable manner. It is always proper to conduct investigation and weigh things over, before implementing due punishment. There are times when teen agers are not given chance to speak out and explain their side. They considered this as unfair treatment and the next to happen is rebellion. Young people need consideration and understanding. When we are too hard with our teen agers, things get worst.

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They want attention. Some teen agers lack attention. They feel as if nobody cares about them. No one cares to compliment with their accomplishments and success. Parents are too busy and friends don't really care to appreciate their efforts. This is very disappointing to them. They want to be recognized and appreciated. In this desperate situation, they would do something to catch the attention of these important persons in their lives. Some would run away from home. Others will engage in questionable activities just to gain, attention and care from their loved ones.

Parents have high expectations. There are parents who set high goals tor their teen agers to reach. They have great ambitions of what their teens would become even if they knew, it is far beyond the capacity of their teens to achieve. Expecting too high is oftentimes frustrating. It would sometimes made us inhuman in the sense that we are putting too much pressure on them to make our dream come true. When they failed, they would be scolded or maybe deprived of something they will suppose to have. Teen agers take this as inconsiderate treatment which may cause them to display rebellious attitude. We are driving them away from us .

Peer pressure. When teen agers are going with friends who are bad influence, they are pressured also to do the same. They felt out of place when they wouldn't do what

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others were doing. Most often they would give more time and priority to be with their friends than anyone else and when reprimanded, they would rebel. They want to belong to a society of friends whom they will enjoy their company. Wit this, it is very important that teen agers would be guided of whom they are getting along with and what kind of friends they have. They should be given proper guidance by parents and other adults. http://www.momjunction.com/members/JournalActions.aspx?g=22012&m=85545

Teenage Rebellion In School Teenage rebellion also creates problems for the academic system. When a teenager decides to be noncompliant with the wishes of those at school, it creates extra work and confusion for the remainder of the students. The rebellious teen will usually be sent to an administrative office and some type of reprimand will be given him or her. In some cases, the teen is expelled from school and must remain off campus for a predetermined amount of time. For the rebellious teenager this can be a vacation, especially if both parents work outside of the home.

Teenage Rebellion At Home When a teen decides that he or she is no longer going to follow family rules they are considered rebellious. This teenage rebellion in the home can create many different problems for the parents trying to provide for their family. It is also difficult on siblings that are trying to be compliant with their parents wishes. In some cases when a teenager

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rebels, a sibling will follow his or her negative example. This can really make things difficult for parents as the teenage rebellion can really separate the home..

3.) Broken home

Studies show that children from a broken family are emotionally affected by the marriage breakup and they know that nothing will ever be the same again. They fear change. Not just that the mother or their father will not be around, but they may also lost contact with their extended family, or school routines may change. Children have a fear of being abandoned. When parents are at odds and are either separated or considering separation, children have a realistic fear that if they lose one parent, they may lose the other. The concept of being alone in the world is a very frightening thing for a child. Divorce has also been found to be associated with a higher incidence of depression; withdrawal from friends and family; aggressive, impulsive, or hyperactive behavior; they may experience anger, frustrations and even rebellion against authorithies and either withdrawing from participation in the classroom or becoming disruptive. Academically, children are greatly affected because of their parents divorce or separation. Children from divorced families drop out of school at twice the rate compared with children from intact families. They also have lower rates of graduation from high school and college. Children from divorced homes performed more poorly in reading, spelling and math.

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Moreover, children of divorced parents are more likely to become delinquent by age 15, regardless of when the divorce took place. Anecdotal evidence points out that parental divorce and living in a single-parent household can influence a person to have thoughts of committing suicide. Drug use in children is lowest among those children who have been spared from the effects of parental divorce. http://www.bukisa.com/articles/445189_broken-homes-brokenchildren#ixzz1G89CGBam

Shocking Statistics About Children and Divorce 1. Forty percent of children growing up in America today are being raised without their fathers. (Wade, Horn and Busy, Fathers, Marriage and Welfare Reform Hudson Institute Executive Briefing, 1997)

The EMOTIONALLY Damaging Statistics about children and divorce 2. Studies in the early 1980s showed that children in repeat divorces earned lower grades and their peers rated them as less pleasant to be around. (Andrew J. Cherlin, Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage Harvard University Press 1981) 3. Teenagers in single-parent families and in blended families are three times more likely to need psychological help within a given year. (Peter Hill Recent Advances in Selected Aspects of Adolescent Development Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1993) 4. Compared to children from homes disrupted by death, children from divorced homes have more psychological problems. (Robert E. Emery, Marriage, Divorce and Childrens Adjustment Sage Publications, 1988)

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The PHYSICALLY Damaging Statistics About Children and Divorce 5. Most victims of child molestation come from single-parent households or are the children of drug ring members. (Los Angles Times 16 September 1985 The Garbage Generation) 6. A Child in a female-headed home is 10 times more likely to be beaten or murdered. (The Legal Beagle, July 1984, from The Garbage Generation)

The Long Term Effects and Statistics About Children and Divorce 7. A study of children six years after a parental marriage breakup revealed that even after all that time, these children tended to be lonely, unhappy, anxious and insecure. (Wallerstein The Long-Term Effects of Divorce on Children Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1991) 8. Seventy percent of long-term prison inmates grew up in broken homes. (Horn, Bush, Fathers, Marriage and Welfare Reform)

Problems Relating to Peers 9. Children of divorce are four times more likely to report problems with peers and friends than children whose parents have kept their marriages intact. (Tysse, Burnett, Moral Dilemmas of Early Adolescents of Divorced and Intact Families. Journal of Early Adolescence 1993)

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Children of divorce, particularly boys, tend to be more aggressive toward others

than those children whose parents did not divorce. (Emery, Marriage, Divorce and Childrens Adjustment, 1988)

Suicide Statistics About Children and Divorce 11. People who come from broken homes are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide

than those who do not come from broken homes. (Velez-Cohen, Suicidal Behavior and Ideation in a Community Sample of Children Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 1988)

High School Drop Out Statistics About Children and Divorce 12. Children of divorced parents are roughly two times more likely to drop out of

high school than their peers who benefit from living with parents who did not divorce. (McLanahan, Sandefur, Growing Up With a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps Harvard University Press 1994)



1.) Alcoholism

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Because alcohol is easy to obtain and socially acceptable it is a very popular means of self-medication for depression. Despite the fact that is illegal for young teens to purchase it, they are able to get it through their parent's own liquor cabinets, unscrupulous store clerks, or older friends who purchase it for them.

Other Names : Beer, wine, liquor, booze, alcohol, EtOH.

Why Do People Do It?

People use alcohol for numerous reasons. Peer pressure, celebration, anxiety, sadness, boredom, rebellion and insomnia are just a few.

It could be argued that drinking to cope with depression has almost become a badge of honor in our society, that drinking is a visible sign to the world that a person is indeed hurting. One need only take a look at popular songs, movies and television shows to see the evidence.

"Who Uses Alcohol? The median age at which teens begin to drink is thirteen. 87% of high school seniors have used alcohol. Students with grades of D or F drink 3 times as much as their counterparts with good grades. 58% of teenage drinkers report they drink when they are upset or depressed.

Warning Signs

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The smell of alcohol on the breath, slurred speech, problems with coordination are tell-tale signs. Falling grades, skipping school, and behavioral problems are also more common in teen drinkers. You may also notice sudden changes in the friends you child is spending time with. Drinkers tend to be more prone to unintentional injuries such as falls, car accidents, falls, drowning, burns and shootings. http://depression.about.com/cs/drugsalcohol/a/teenalcoholuse.htm

Stress, depression, boredom, peer pressure, or just the classic stages of teen rebellion play a big part in teenage alcohol abuse. Due to the ready availability of alcohol, it remains the drug of choice among teenagers. The highest rates of underage drinking occur in rural areas, where teens outside the big cities may turn to alcohol as a main source of recreation and entertainment. Urban teens are more apt to succumb to peer pressure in an attempt to increase their neighborhood "cool" quotient.

Further, teens raised to drink responsibly at the table are less likely to see alcohol as a badge of adulthood and rebellion. Allowing them to learn their limits in a safe space may also help ward off risky experiments in more dangerous settings later. As a result, permitting teens to drink with their parents at home and in restaurants at any age with adult supervision may make sense.

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Analysis Deviance in relation to alcoholism is characterized by the adverse social consequences associated with drinking alcohol and includes problems in the home, at school or college, with peers, or with legal authorities. Problems in the home include such behaviors as fighting with parents about drinking and keeping away from home. Problems at school or college include attending to school in drunken state, or missing school because of drinking. Problems with peers include such actions including streetfights, conflicts with girlfriend or boyfriend about changing one's drinking habit. And problems with legal authorities include events including getting into trouble with the police for fighting or for driving while drinking. Obviously, higher levels of alcohol consumption are associated with higher levels of alcohol induced problems. http://www.urgenttermpapers.com/Pre-teens_alcoholism.html

2.) Smoking Smoking often starts with teenagers, and there are a variety of reasons why they begin. If a person begins smoking when they are a teenager, he stands an increased chance of becoming addicted to the product. That addiction could lead to a life-long smoking habit and all the health problems that come with it. If the research on smoking so clearly indicates that it can cause a number of potentially fatal health problems, why do teenagers start smoking? There is no single answer to this question, but rather there are a variety of reasons for why a teenager would pick up the habit.

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Peer pressure

Feeling pressured to begin smoking by a teenager's peers is a remarkably common cause for teenage smoking. The teenage years can be an awkward, uncomfortable time, full of change for a young person. As a result, many try to blend in as much as possible, not wanting to stick out from the group. That means that if a teenager's peers start smoking, there can be a lot of pressure to take up the habit as well. Rebellion

Smoking is a habit that is often discouraged by parents, and that may be the reason a teenager picks up the habit. The teenage years are often a time when a person begins to test boundaries put in place by authority figures, whether they be teachers, coaches or parents. A common way to push that rebellion is by trying smoking. Couple that with the appeal that can come with being the "bad" boy or girl, and smoking may seem like an enticing habit for some teenagers.

Looking older

Some teenagers grew up seeing adults smoke on television and in movies. Once a child becomes a teenager, he no longer wants to be seen as a young child, but rather as an adult. In that effort to appear older, a teenager might take up smoking. Since he only sees adults smoking, a teenager might reason that if he takes up smoking, he will look older too. Parents smoked

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A common reason teenagers pick up a smoking habit is because they are used to seeing it in their homes. Their parents smoke and possibly their grandparents smoke. The habit is commonplace in the home and with family members, so it seems almost natural to begin when a child reaches the teenage years.


Teenagers smoke because the tobacco companies have been successful in associating smoking with independence, freedom, rebellion, and a key for weight loss. Every cigarette that you smoke takes an average of 5 - 20 minutes off your life. Remember kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray http://library.thinkquest.org/trio/TTQ03034/Teen%20Girls.htm

3.) Drug Addiction Drug use in anyone can lead to health problems but these can be so much worse for teenagers who's bodies have not yet finished growing. Here are some reasons why teenagers turn to drugs.

Peer pressure - They want to fit in with groups the bad thing is drugs is involve. Rebellion - Because using drugs is rebellious and its illegal and forbidden.

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Substitute to love - Teenagers who don't feel any love from someone turn to drugs and feel love by himself.

False hope - Some teenagers who losses hope turns to drugs. Copying significant others - If a role model is doing drugs, they might feel justified in trying it too.

Feelings of indestructibility - Some teenagers tell themselves that they can control anything, that they can control the use of drugs, but many fails and turn to addiction.

Forget problems - Teenagers turn to drugs to escape their problem with the environment he lives in.

Psychiatric problem - Teenagers with mental illness like depression or a personality disorder are more prone to abuse drugs. http://healthassistant.blogspot.com/2008/08/12-reasons-of-teenage-drugabuse.html

4.) Teen Pregnancy

Factors that provoke teen pregnancy: 1. 2. Lack of knowledge about contraception Risky behavior

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Very often girls who consort with bad guys get pregnant. Usually exactly these girls are blamed for risky behavior and pregnancy caused by it. But does anyone wonder why these girls keep company with criminals, drug addicts and other people of this sort? Usually the parents of a girl are to blame for such a situation. Feeling lonely and rejected by her parents a girl begins to look for understanding everywhere and when she finds it she subconsciously chooses the most risky type or behavior and does not care about her health, future and consequences sex contacts might cause. 3. Planned pregnancy

Some girls try to solve their psychological problems in such a strange way. In particular they hope they will have someone who is going to love them (Nobody loves me, but my baby will) or they try affirm their being adult and independent (Mom, how else can I prove I am a grown up and you should not teach me any longer?). This is again a girls parents fault. As often as not some too caring parents refuse to realize their teens are already adults who have their own points of view which must be taken into consideration. As the result sons and daughters of such parents resort to any tricks to get rid of their parents care. Very often the ways such children choose to prove their being adult and reasonable people turn out to be wrong and even affecting the future of a girl or a boy.

Unwanted pregnancy - is caused exactly by her mothers psychological illiteracy and inability to normally communicate with her daughter. And the daughters pregnancy is the main evidence of lack of trust and mutual understanding between the mother and the daughter. http://www.educativ.info/teen/sex_blame.html

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What are the causes of teenage pregnancy? Teenage pregnancies occur as a result of premarital sex, adolescent marriage, incest, rape and sexual abuse. Factors that contribute to teenage pregnancies differ between developed countries and developing countries. - Customs and traditions that lead to early marriage (developing countries) - Influenced by alcohol and drugs - Lack of knowledge about reproductive sexual health and its consequences - Peer pressure to engage in sexual activity - Because they are "forced" by their boyfriends - Low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence (to say no) - Immature thinking and emotions - Low educational ambitions and goals - Poverty - Exposure to abuse or domestic violence - Pre-morbid psychological disorder before they got pregnant - Poor relationship with the family or regressive relationship with the mother - Stress - Loneliness - Rebellion - Boredom - Hopelessness or lack of direction in life - Lack of harmony in family and social environment

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Ages 2-8 are the learning and building years for a child. These are the years that are the most important in forming the basis of their future. During this time you need to show them that you'll love them forever, that their thoughts and feelings are important, that you should give them everything they need. Being a kid, it can be tough not to be in control of everything. Parents are the authority. So sometimes it's fun to know you have the power to rile their feathers by getting in trouble, disobeying them, confusing them like crazy. Mothers and fathers often have dreams of what their children will be. When those dreams don't come to fruition, disappointment is often apparent. These hit children harder than anything else. And to alleviate that pain, sometimes a kid will rebel because they feel like they might as well; they can't do anything to please the parent, so they have nothing to lose in going a little nuts. Sometimes the bad places are the places where a child might feel the most love. When guardians need to be strict, kids might not feel as loved as they might somewhere else. This is why foster children often rebel and might find acceptance with gangs or elsewhere. Neglected and abused children might also take this route because they have found little affection in their own home.

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Basically, unconditional love is the key. Let a child know that you'll love them no matter what, no matter who they are or what they'll do. Treat your child like an adult. Give them what you want and would like in return: attention, respect, trust, privacy, independence. You might be surprised at the result. If you already have a rebellious child, all you can do is love them, give them time, and make sure you communicate. Don't shut them out. Praise them and let them know you love them completely. http://hubpages.com/hub/Why_children_rebel

Rebellion in the home starts slowly but gains momentum as it continues. Like a snowball, it first starts with a handful of snow; but as it rolls down the hill, that innocent little ball of snow gets bigger and bigger. You may be looking at a child that is rebellious and you are wondering how this happened when just yesterday she/he seemed to be so good. It wasn't just since yesterday; rebellion takes place over time. The rebellious actions and attitudes may not have been referred to as rebellion until they got out of hand and so big everyone is affected. http://ezinearticles.com/?Solutions-for-a-Rebellious-Child&id=147936 How To Deal With Teen Rebellion: It is said that teenagers who experience the period of 13 - 16 years old will have rebellious behaviours to their parents. In fact, teen rebellion is a natural part for teens to become an adult, and it is also the essential part of the process from teen hood to adulthood. Most teens become to have their own ideas and long for independence during

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this period. They like to play with their friends, and talk secrets with them rather than their parents. They want to be praised by others and realize their value in the world. Teens at that time have plenty of energy to approve themselves to their parents and the whole society. They are eager to have something that really belongs to them instead of living in the greenhouse that parents have built for them. Obviously, this kind of thought should be advocated to some extent. However, parents still regards their teens as children, they afraid their teens will get hurts from the outside world because they still young to experience society and other sufferings. They want to protect their teens from being hurt. This thought also can be taking into consideration. The teens' thought for outside world and parents' thought of protection cause conflict at last. That is teen rebellion, or "Generation Gap". Parents now always troubled by the problem of teen rebellion. 1. Help your teens to build up self - confidence in early time. 2. Listen to the voice of your teens. 3. Support your teens' hobby even it differs from other teens.


Coping with rebellion: Every teens quest for freedom and responsibility Some basic principles to keep in mind: 1. Practice loving and consistent discipline early.

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2. Continue to set limits, but gradually work toward reasonable responsibility and decision-making opportunities. 3. Work on being approachable, flexible and understanding. 4. Seek to provide adequate substitutes for banned activities or practices; dont continuously prohibit without providing an alternative. 5. Take time for and spend time with your teen. 6. Never, under any circumstance, withhold acceptance, forgiveness or encouragement. http://powertochange.com/family/rebellion/

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CHAPTER III Method of Research The researcher used the descriptive method of research because she tried to present the different Causes and Effects of Child Rebellion. Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and other statistical calculations. It is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic. It is quantitative and uses surveys and panels and also the use of probability sampling. . Respondents/Subject of the Study The respondents of this study are the fourth year high school students of St.

Nicholas de Myra School and some teenagers from Sunny Crest Royale Village, both located at Dasmarias City, Cavite.

Research Instruments

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This research is conducted by using internet, books, and questionnaire answered by the respondents. The researcher also included her personal experiences along with some interviews made with other teenagers.

Data Gathering Procedure The data gathered by the researcher comes from the internet, books, articles and from the respondents who answered the questionnaire along with the ideas of the people interviewed.

Statistical Tools This research paper used graphs to compare, interpret and analyze the data that the researcher gathered.

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CHAPTER IV Interpretation of Data Data that came from the survey. (Survey Outcome)

This chart indicates that out of the 10 respondents, 3 had 1 sibling, 3 had 2 siblings, none had 3 siblings, 3 had 4 sibling and only 1 had the other option.

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This shows that, 5 out of 10 respondents are the eldest, 2 out of 10 are in the middle and 3 out of 10 are the youngest among them.

In this chart, it shows that 9 out of 10 respondents said that they are given enough attention by their parents and there was only 1 who said no.

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Out of 10 respondents, 4 of them belonged to a broken family and 6 of them said no.

This chart shows that 1 out of 10 respondents said yes, both of his parents are working while 9 out of 10 respondents said no.

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Of the 10 respondents, all of them has a parent who lives/works abroad.

Here in this chart, we can see that 4 out of 10 are closer to their moms. The other 5 said that they feel closer to their dads, and only 1 of them said that none of his parents are close to him.

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All of the 10 respondents said that they feel loved in their family.

In this figure, we can say that the 10 respondents were divided into two. 5 of them said yes, theyre having a regular family bonding and 5 of them said no.

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This shows that out of the 10 respondents, only 3 said yes and 7 said no.

All of the 10 respondents signified that they know what Child Rebellion is.

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In this chart, we can see that out of the 10 respondents, 9 of them had already experienced rebellion against their parents and only 1 respondent said no.

This figure shows that of the 10 respondents, 8 of them had already tried drinking alcohol and only 2 of them said no.

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This chart indicates that 7 out of 10 respondents said yes, they had already tried smoking because of depression/rebellion and only 3 of them hasnt tried yet/

This chart shows that of the 10 respondents, only 1 of them had tried taking drugs and the rest said no, they havent.

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Summary This study aims to identify the Causes and Effects of Teenage Rebellion. Furthermore, it sought to answer the following questions; e.) What is child rebellion? f.) What are its causes? g.) What are its effects? h.) How to deal with child rebellion? The researcher made the study possible by observation, research, interview, survey and data gathering to the teens who were the main subject on this study. The data were collected and interpreted from the answers from the questionnaire and used as the result of the survey.

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Conclusion Based on the findings of this study, the researcher therefore concludes that rebellion is somewhat a natural phase of a persons life, especially in his teenage years. The results only varies on how the person handles or reacts with it. There may be positive, yet rebellious children are more prone to dangerous activity when fuelled by rebellion. The teenagers, as they grow old wants independence for them to learn in this world, because they feel that they are already adults, but not yet. That independence is often misunderstood by parents that leads to miscommunication between the parent and the child. The parents must understand that what they have now is not a baby boy/girl anymore. He/She must realize that their child is a growing young mind and needs to have

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space for them to learn and experience life in their way. But of course, their guidance is still important for the child to get in the right track. They must also understand that their role as parents is the most important and wonderful thing in this world. It is to them how a child learns and grows. They should keep in mind that no matter how rebellious their child is, it is only a child. A child longing for someone who is there for her, a child finding her place in this world, and a child learning life through experiences.

Recommendation The researcher wants to recommend this study, Teenage Rebellion: Its Causes and Effects mainly to the teenagers out there, who is either experiencing it or to those who are not aware of it. This study may help you realize things in your life and may prevent things to get into worse.

The researcher also wants to recommend this to the parents, for them to know whats going on unto their child(ren) and for them to be able to destroy the walls of age gap between parents and children that may result to a better relationship for the both of them.

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1.) http://www.google.com.ph/ 2.) Mona El-Sheikh, (2001), Parental Problem Drinking and Children's Adjustment:

Family Conflict and Parental Depression as Mediators and Moderators of Risk, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Oct, 2001.
3.) Nancy K. Young, (2002) Effects of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Children,

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol. 29, No. 1

4.) Michael W (1999) Alcoholism, Gale Encyclopedia of Childhood and

5.) www.alcoholism.about.com 6.) http://www.alternet.org/health/75081

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Name: _______________________________________________ _________________ Age: ______________ ____________________ Gender: Date:

CHILD REBELLION : Its Causes and Effects

Please check () your answer. 1.) How many sibling(s) do you have? ___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ Others (Please specify) 2.) What is your birth order? ___ Eldest ___ Middle ___ Youngest 3.) Are you given enough attention by your parents? ___ Yes ___ No

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4.) Do you belong to a broken family? ___ Yes ___ No 5.) Are both of your parents working? ___ Yes ___ No 6.) Do you have a parent who lives/works abroad? ___ Yes ___ No 7.) To whom are you closer to? ___ Mother ___ Father ___None 8.) Do you feel loved in your family? ___ Yes ___ No 9.) Are you having a regular bonding time with your family? ___ Yes ___ No 10.) Are you able to open up/communicate your feelings/problems with your parents? ___ Yes ___ No 11.) Do you know what Child Rebellion is? ___Yes ___No Did you ever experience any forms of rebellion against your parents? ___Yes ___No Have you tried to drink alcohol because of rebellion/depression? ___Yes ___No Have you tried to smoke because of rebellion/depression? ___Yes ___No




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Have you tried taking drugs because of rebellion/ depression? ___Yes ___No

Prepared by: Michiko Aonuevo Ito .. :)


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