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As your company expands, keeping track of your human resources requirements can become difficult.

Even a relatively small workforce can present a number of logistical problems, particularly when it comes to the administration of things like benefits, sick leave, promotions and so on. Thankfully, technology has provided a potential answer: HRIS, or Human Resources Information Systems. HRIS packages provide businesses with a means by which they can keep track of their human resources needs, and fulfil those needs in a cost- and time-efficient manner.

HRIS systems are, in essence, large databases. Depending on the size and nature of your organisation, your HRIS system might consist of a single database or a number of interconnected ones. These databases will store basic employee information (such as personal details, company role, salary etc), as well as information regarding benefits administration, payroll and an almost limitless range of other aspects of human resources. Furthermore, a good HRIS system will allow you to keep track of employment applications; for example, you might be able to store and review CVs, and search for suitable previous applicants when a new vacancy arises. Related on About Employee Benefits...

Consulting Staff About Employee Benefits Rewarding Dedicated Staff Using Employee Benefits to Attract the Best Staff Options for Administrating Benefits

One of the major benefits of an HRIS system is that it will offer you (or your human resources department) access to visual representations of attendance and leave figures, as well as performance history for each of your staff. Furthermore, more advanced HRIS systems will allow you to pinpoint employees with particularly high potential, or those who are exceeding their targets. This will help to ensure that you can make informed judgements regarding promotions.

HRIS and Benefits

When administering a benefits system, HRIS systems can be hugely useful. This is particularly the case for larger organisations, or those that choose to operate a

voluntary employee benefits scheme. Many HRIS companies provide solutions whereby an employee can view information regarding their attendance, sick leave and so on. Similarly, they can log in to a portal, showing them details of the benefits to which they are entitled. This is particularly useful for voluntary benefits schemes as it removes the necessity for any action on the part of the employer. Furthermore, some HRIS systems allow employees to view their performance and review their progress; this is very useful if you are operating an incentives scheme. Furthermore, utilising HRIS for your benefits administration can be useful from an employers point of view as it will enable you to keep track of which benefits are most frequently used, as well as offering information on the relative returns on each of these investments. Installing and administering an HRIS system can be a complex task. There are a huge number of HRIS solutions available, but each of these will require some customisation in order to ensure that they are fulfilling the needs of your organisation. However, most reputable commercial HRIS providers will offer personalised support in the deployment phases, meaning that there should not be any necessity to employ a contractor to do the job for you; rather, your provider will be able to guide you through the process.

These are the following reasons why an organization go for HR management software:

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Manage information for employees: Personal profiles, skills, education, dependants, training, fixed assets allocated, salary progression, important details for driving license, visa, work permit, passport etc Dashboard for instant access to information Grades with benefits tied to them Integrated recruitment solution for efficient recruiting and resume management( Add-on module) Automates alerts for various events like expiry of driving license, visa, work permit, passport etc


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Automates the payroll process using data from self-service, leave and loan applications Integrates leave and loan accounting Defines unlimited earnings and deductions Track salary progressions All earning and deduction heads can be suitably grouped to map in-to the cost/accounts head (optional) with automatic data transfer facility to general ledger/subsidiary ledger/ pay check/bank transfer/benefit admin process Host of post-payroll reports that gives you 360 degree view of payroll

Self Service

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Automates leave process from application to final approval Integrates seamlessly with payroll application Efficient and well organized workflow driven methods to manage employee profiles, benefits, leaves, loans and salary calculations Check online status of leave Expense recovery from Company Air Ticket request Online access to HR and payroll info with proper control mechanism for employees and line managers Well structured navigation for ease of use

Recruitment and Resume Manager

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Post vacancy Resume classification and storage for easy retrieval Tracking of candidates coming thru Recruitment agencies Short-listing and interview scheduling Setup of Interview parameters and rating of candidates Setting up of Interview calendar for interviewers Check references Addition of selected candidates to HR system Reduces cost per hire


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360 appraisal Setup of Appraisal Managers and Appraisee Outside contributor management Appraisal template setup Minimal training needed for all contributors Quick access to appraisal history

Time Sheet
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Helps manages manpower effectively and efficiently Project wise time accounting for employees Multi dimensional reports on time spent for Client Groups, Clients and Projects


n today's corporate world human resources has come to play a very critical role in a business. Whether it concerns the hiring and firing of employees or whether it concerns employee motivation, the Human Resources department of any organization now enjoys a very central role in not only formulating company policies, but also in streamlining the business process. To make a human resource department more effective and efficient new technologies are now being introduced on a regular basis so make things much simpler and more modernized. One of the latest human resource technologies is the introduction of a Human Resources Information System (HRIS); this integrated system is designed to help provide information used in HR decision making such as administration, payroll, recruiting, training, and performance analysis. Human Resource Information System (HRIS) merges human resource management with information technology to not only simplify the decision making process, but also aid in complex negotiations that fall under the human

resource umbrella. The basic advantage of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is to not only computerize employee records and databases but to maintain an up to date account of the decisions that have been made or that need to be made as part of a human resource management plan. The four principal areas of HR that are affected by the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) include; payroll, time and labor management, employee benefits and HR management. These four basic HR functionalities are not only made less problematic, but they are ensured a smooth running, without any hitch. A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) thus permits a user to see online a chronological history of an employee from his /her position data, to personal details, payroll records, and benefits information. The advantage of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in payroll is that it automates the entire payroll process by gathering and updating employee payroll data on a regular basis. It also gathers information such as employee attendance, calculating various deductions and taxes on salaries, generating automatic periodic paychecks and handling employee tax reports. With updated information this system makes the job of the human resource department very easy and simple as everything is available on a 24x7 basis, and all the information is just a click away. In time and labor management a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is advantageous because it lets human resource personnel apply new technologies to effectively gather and appraise employee time and work information. It lets an employee's information be easily tracked so that it can be assessed on a more scientific level whether an employee is performing to their full potential or not, and if there are any improvements that can be made to make an employee feel more secure. Employee benefits are very crucial because they help to motivate an employee to work harder. By using a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in employee benefits, the human resource department is able to keep better track of which benefits are being availed by which employee and how each employee is profiting from the benefits provided. A Human Resource Information System (HRIS) also has advantages in HR

management because it curtails time and cost consuming activities leading to a more efficient HR department. This system reduces the long HR paper trail that is often found in most HR divisions of companies and leads to more productive and conducive department on the whole. Aspects in HRIS - CiteHR Human Resource Management ... Objective of hris - CiteHR Human Resource Management ... HRIS Key considerations,Software & Technology Providers - CiteHR ...

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