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Welcome to CareerNation seminars and workshops. CareerNation provides innovative, customized training, skill development and business consulting of the highest quality to foster economic development across Africa. We are dedicated to helping businesses develop and deliver programs that convert training investments into business results. Whether you are a manager or an individual professional, CareerNation offers more than 250 world-class seminars at every organizational level that will enhance your professional competencies. All our seminars include instruction by an expert facilitator, small interactive classes, specialized manual and course materials, and personalized certificate of completion. CareerNation seminars provide opportunities to learn from accomplished instructors with hands-on experience. We select our instructors for their outstanding academic credentials and real-world experience. By combining their expertise with special training, our instructors offer an engaging and interactive learning experience. Take your time and browse through our training catalog and select the seminar that is right for you and your team. Sincerely,

Victor Madubuko, PHR Founder and Chief Executive Officer

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Career Development COURSES |
Advanced Writing Skills Communication Strategies Presentation Survival School Page 05 Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills Business Writing that Works Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People Public Speaking:Speaking Under Pressure Skills for the Administrative Assistant Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance Working Smarter Business Etiquette

SpeakEasy:Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public SpeakEasy: Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public Writing Reports and Proposals

The Minute Takers Workshop


Anger Management Controlling Anger Before It Controls You: A One Day Primer Business Succession Planning Conducting Effective Performance Reviews

Page 13 Secrets of Change Management: A One Day Primer Building Better Teams Change Management: Change and How to Deal with It Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in the Workplace Dispute Resolution: Mediation through Peer Review Orientation Handbook: Employees Off to a Good Start Problem Solving & Decision Making

Customer Service Training: Managing Customer Service Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques Performance Mgmt: Managing Employee Performance Stress Management


The Professional Supervisor Page 27 Developing High Performance Teams Project Management Fundamentals Marketing and Sales

Page 19 The ABCs of Supervising Others Understanding Project Management Negotiating for Results Meeting Management: The Art of Making Meetings Work Intermediate Project Management Budgets & Managing Money Coaching: A Leadership Skill HR For the Non-HR Manager

Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce Advanced Project Management The Art of Delegating Effectively

Business Leadership: Becoming Management Material

Train the Trainer COURSES |

Using Activities to Make Training Fun Developing Your Training Program

The Practical Trainer Facilitation Skills Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer

Survival Skills for the New Trainer


Workplace Violence Safety in the Workplace

Page 31 Workplace Harassment Generation Gap Business Ethics for the Office

Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace


Page 35 Call Center Training Dynamite Sales Presentations Prospecting For Leads Like a Pro Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

Sales Training: Building Relationships for Success in Sales Sales Training: Overcoming Objections to Nail the Sale Sales Training: Selling Smarter

CRM: An Introduction to Customer Relationship Management


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Advanced writing skills

This is a one-day workshop for those who already are good writers. Our time will be devoted to writing letters of recommendation, of persuasion, of refusal or of action, that reflect current word usage and up-to-date formats. You can also become more skilled at writing business cases, proposals and reports, and learn a bit more about e-mail etiquette.

How You Will Benefit:

Discuss your writing challenges. Learn how to make your writing clear, concise, and correct. Improve sentence construction and paragraph development. Identify some ways to make your writer simpler and easier to read. Learn about a tool that can determine how readable your work is. Develop effective business letters for tough situations. Discuss e-mail etiquette. Develop an appropriate writing style and format for your letters, business cases, and reports. Recognize standard ways of documenting materials.

What You Will Cover

How to make your writing clear, concise, and correct Types of words and when to use them Using inclusive language Seven ways to simplify your writing Sentence and paragraph construction Business letter formats How to write a report or proposal How to write a business case How to write a request for proposals E-mail etiquette Documenting sources

Building Your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills

Building your self-esteem is essential for confidence and success, and it all begins with you. Of all the judgments you make in life, none is as important as the one you make about yourself. Without some measure of self-worth, life can be enormously painful. During this one-day workshop you will discover some simple techniques that dramatically change how you feel about yourself. You will learn how to recognize the importance of learning self-acceptance and nurturing your sense of self.

How You Will Benefit:

Learn how to create positive self-expectations Begin setting goals to get more of what you want from life Develop self-talk messages that help build self esteem Identify communication tools to help you be more assertive Learn how to say no, and when no is the best answer Learn how to make a positive first impression Discover ways to connect with people

What You Will Cover

Building your self-esteem Putting others at ease Make positive first impressions Fake it til you make it! Internal self-esteem factors Projecting self-confidence Negative vs. positive thinking Distorted thinking How to wipe out worry Communication skills Giving and receiving compliments

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Business Etiquette
In todays world, business demands more than keeping your nose to the grindstone and your ear to the ground. You need business savvy and the ability to establish yourself in a credible manner. A faux pas at the wrong time can damage your career. If you are newly appointed to a management position, or if you interact with people you dont know on a regular basis, this workshop can help you succeed. If you want to enhance and polish your business image, or if you just want to avoid feeling uncomfortable in the corporate world, this workshop will allow you to take a quantum leap forward in skill, sophistication, and confidence.

How You Will Benefit:

Finesse introductions-from shaking hands and using eye contact to remembering names Dress appropriately for every business occasion Feel more confident of your business communication in every situation Use your business cards wisely Perfect your handshake Gain that extra edge that establishes trust and credibility

What You Will Cover

How business etiquette is crucial to your career How to make a good first impression Ways of remembering names Business card etiquette Dining etiquette How to shake hands Deciphering the dress code What to include in a business wardrobe Telephone etiquette E-mail etiquette

Business Writing that Works

For those who must write as part of their job, being able to write well is a real career boost. Learn how to capture your thoughts on paper so they are strong and persuasive, but at the same time clear, concise, complete, and correct. We can think about writing either as a process or as a product, the finished piece of writing. If we can think of it as a process, then by changing the way we go about writing, we can change the finished product. While participants will still be aiming to turn out a good product, their sense of satisfaction will arise partly from a greater appreciation of the process by which they get there. This two-day workshop will concentrate on the nitty-gritty details that writers have to contend with, and give them some practical advice on making the job less difficult. They will also have opportunity to discuss their writing problems and share solutions with others in the workshop.

How You Will Benefit:

Have a better grasp of the basics of writingthat is, better appreciate the grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure required for writing correctly. Practice the ability to write concisely and clearly, so that the reader will grasp quickly the message of the written material. Learn the process of gathering material, putting it in a format that addresses the points under discussion, and bringing closure to the situation, through recommendations or next steps. Develop a writing style in keeping with that used by experienced writers.

What You Will Cover

The Four Cs Active vs. passive voice Punctuation Tips Sentence and Paragraph Structure Writing Business Letters Writing Reports and Memos Inclusive Language Spelling and Proofreading E-mail Etiquette

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Communication Strategies
This two-day workshop is designed to help you improve your interactions with other people in your workplace or at home. This workshop gives participants the opportunity to improve the critical communication skills of listening, asking questions and being aware of nonverbal messages. This workshop can also help participants who are struggling to find that middle ground between being too aggressive and too passive, and how to counter the manipulative tactics of difficult people. Participants also learn more about the elements of our communication with others that help us reveal appropriate information about ourselves, and how to get a handle on how to better manage ourselves for a professional image.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify common communication problems that may be holding you back Develop skills in asking questions that give you information you need Learn what your non-verbal messages are telling others Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically to others Learn how to firmly stand your ground and make your feelings heard Enhance your ability to handle difficult situations without being manipulated Be aware of the five types of relationships

What You Will Cover

10 commandments of positive relationships Self-awareness Feeling competent Communication barriers Asking good questions Listening skills Johari Windows Improving your self-image Five approaches to relationships Your frame of reference The assertive formula Saying no

Conflict Resolution: Dealing with Difficult People

Edward Deming, the father of quality management, has said that people can face almost any problem except the problem of people. They can work long hours, face declining business, even the loss of a job, but they cant deal with the difficult people in their lives. This workshop will help you identify some of the ways you may be contributing to these problems and give you some strategies you can adopt, at work and in your personal life.

How You Will Benefit:

Recognize how your own attitudes and actions impact on others Find new and effective techniques for managing negative emotions Develop coping strategies for dealing with difficult people and difficult situations Identify those times when you have the right to walk away from a difficult situation Learn some techniques for managing and dealing with anger.

What You Will Cover

Interactions with others Reciprocal relationships Anthony Robbins Agreement Frame Dealing with change The five-step process Managing your anger Managing other peoples anger Why dont people do what they are supposed to? Causes of difficult behavior De-stress options

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Customer Service Training: Critical Elements of Customer Service

Have you ever encountered an unpleasant customer and not known what to do? Do you worry that youre not assertive enough with demanding people? Do you struggle to solve problems? Do you know who your customers are? Do you have individual and organizational goals to strive for? This two day workshop will help you in all of these areas, and more!

How You Will Benefit:

Recognize that service delivery is an individual response value. Understand how your own behavior impacts the behavior of others. Develop more confidence and skill as a problemsolver. Communicate more assertively and effectively. Learn some ways to make customer service a team approach.

What You Will Cover

Who Are Your Customers? Understanding and Meeting Expectations Your Self-Image Meeting Expectations Setting Standards SMART Goals Telephone Techniques Communication Skills The Talkative Caller Dealing With Difficult People Steps To Problem-Solving Resolving Conflict Service PRIDE Acting Assertively Managing Stress

Presentation Survival School

A great presenter has two unique qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. This confidence comes from knowing what you want to say and being comfortable with your communication skills. In this two day workshop, you will master the skills that will make you a better speaker and presenter.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify ways to gain rapport with your audience Learn techniques to reduce nervousness and fear Recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention Develop techniques to create a professional presence Learn some different ways to prepare and organize information Prepare, practice, and present a short presentation

What You Will Cover

Communication skills How to edit your conversation Appropriately sharing yourself with others Trust Positive self-talk Making the most of meetings Body language Sticky situations Advantages of oral presentations Planning your presentation with PAFEO Overcoming nervousness The STARR pattern Start writing! How to limit your information Creating an audience profile Your speaking voice Adding punch to your presentation Presentation practice

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Public Speaking: Speaking Under Pressure

Speaking under pressure, or thinking on your feet, is based on being able to quickly organize your thoughts and ideas, and then being able to convey them meaningfully to your audience to modify their attitudes or behavior. It applies to formal speeches as well as everyday business situations. It requires presence of mind, goal orientation, adaptation, and judgment. It also requires differentiating between oral and written communications. This two day workshop has been designed for those who are in positions where they must speak in front of audiences that are hostile or demanding. This material is also suitable for those who are relatively new speakers who want some encouragement to speak up in meetings or who want some training before they begin making presentations on behalf of the organization. This course is aimed at improving your skills and learning some new techniques which will give you the persuasive edge when you are making a presentation, fielding difficult questions, or presenting complex information.

How You Will Benefit:

Quick and easy preparation methods whether you have one minute or one week to prepare. What you can do to prepare for questions before you know what those questions will be. How you can overcome the nerves that you may have when speaking in front of a group, particularly if the group is not sympathetic to what you have to say. Presentation techniques that establish your credibility and get people on your side.

What You Will Cover

Getting started Planning your presentation Force field analysis Understanding your audience Controlling your jitters Making your listener hear you Key themes and key sentences A plan to structure ideas Organization methods Our body language Beginnings and endings Expanding a basic plan Practice presentations

Skills for the Administrative Assistant

Work is not the only thing that matters in life, but most of us want to take pride in what we do. While we dont have to like the people we work with, or report to, at the very least we should be able to interact positively with them. The biggest influence on job satisfaction is our relationship with others. This is a two-day workshop designed for those who work in support positions, to help them improve their everyday performance in an office environment. The two days will help you improve your communications skills, make a good first impression, and develop personal management skills.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the importance of professional presence on the job. Learn how to self-manage to become more effective and efficient. Improve your communications skills, including listening, questioning, and being more assertive. Increase your effectiveness in recognizing and managing conflict, and dealing with difficult people.

What You Will Cover

Personal Best, Professional Best Putting Others at Ease Distorted Thinking The Steps to Feeling Good Assertiveness Communication Skills Asking and Listening Non-Verbal Messages Writing Skills Getting Ahead Self Management Setting Goals Working With Difficult People Learning to Say No De-Stress Options

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SpeakEasy: Conquering Your Fear of Speaking in Public

Do you get nervous when presenting at company meetings? Do you find it hard to make conversation at gatherings and social events? Do you lock up in awkward social situations? If so, this one day workshop is just for you! Its aimed at anybody who wants to improve their speaking skills in informal situations. Well give you the confidence and the skills to interact with others and to speak in informal situations and in front of small groups.

How You Will Benefit:

Enhance the ability to speak one-on-one with others. Feel more confident speaking socially or small groups such as meetings. Practice developing these skills in a safe and supportive setting

What You Will Cover

Good communication skills Barriers to communication The skill of interactive listening Interpersonal skills Self-disclosure The art of conversation Re-designing yourself for strength Professionalism Fifteen ways to master a meeting Sticky situations Controlling physical & mental nervousness

The Minute Takers Workshop

No matter who you are or what you do, whether at work or in the community, you are involved in meetings. Meetings are costly, even if they are held in a company boardroom. To ensure meetings are productive and worth the expense involved, three ingredients are necessary: an assurance of closure, a strong chair or leader, and accurate minutes. It has been said that if the minutes of a meeting are not accurate, then the meeting may just as well not have taken place. If people cant remember or agree on what actually occurred at a meeting, how can the group effectively accomplish its objectives? After this one-day workshop you will understand your role as a minute taker and the best techniques for producing minutes that include all the essential information needed.

How You Will Benefit:

Recognize the importance of minute-taking. Develop key minute-taking skills, including listening skills, critical thinking, and organization. Be able to remedy many of the complaints that beset minute-takers. Be able to write minutes that are suitable for formal meetings, semi-formal meetings, and action minutes. Be an efficient minute-taker in any type of meeting. Be able to prepare and maintain a minute book.

What You Will Cover

The role of a minute-taker The skills of a minute-taker (including listening, critical thinking, and organization) Meeting agreements Styles of minutes (including formal, informal, and action) What to record Techniques for preparing minutes Editing minutes The minute book Taking minutes in an interactive meeting

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Time Management: Get Organized for Peak Performance ............................................................................................................................

Time is money, the saying goes, and lots of it gets lost in disorganization and disruption. This workshop will help you get a grip on your office space, organize your work flow, learn how use your planner effectively, and delegate some of your work to other people. This one-day workshop will also help you organize and prioritize for greater workplace efficiency. The workshop is full of ideas for organizing your work area and your paperwork and working on the right things. Get out of your mental rut. Think new thoughts about the time you have. Discover new ways of doing things, and feel more in control of your life.

How You Will Benefit:

Better organize yourself and your workspace for peak efficiency. Understand the importance of, and the most useful techniques for, setting and achieving goals. Identify the right things to be doing and develop plans for doing them. Learn what to delegate and how to delegate well. Take control of things that can derail workplace productivity.

What You Will Cover

Working Smarter

The power of change Understanding yourself Setting goals Planning Setting a ritual The four Ds and STING Organizing your workspace Organizing your files Managing your workload

Rudeness in the workplace is increasing to the level that universities are studying it. Everyone is busy, everyone is stressed, and most people take it out on their colleagues at one time or another. Weve all been in a situation where we need to print something ASAP and someone has left the printer jammed, or we need coffee and the coffeepot is empty. Technology is supposed to make life easier and simpler, but most managers find themselves cleaning up the messes caused by too many gadgets. How do we use technology to our advantage, to work smarter instead of harder?

How You Will Benefit:

Be able to make your workplace a technology-friendly place Make the most of computers, telephones, instant messaging, e-mail, contact management applications, and scheduling software Communicate better with the IT department Make the best software and training choices Be able to set an IT budget Keep employees safe and healthy Develop and implement a system usage policy Implement policies for dealing with company property Decide whether or not employees should telecommute and make telecommuting work Deal with workplace rage Address technological issues

What You Will Cover

What to do when your technology budget gets cut E-mail etiquette System usage policies How to reduce RSIs Ways to use technology to make work fun Instant messaging acronyms What to do when cell phones take over your meeting How to prevent employees from getting mad at technology What to do when you cant get a problem solved by the IT department

Writing Reports and Proposals ............................................................................................................................

This two-day workshop is intended to help you do the writing your job demands. If you are a manager at any level in business, government, or industry, you must write reports. Whether you want to or not, you write to explain things, to smooth relationships and to convince others of the value of some course of action. Writing must be clear, concise, complete, and correct. It must also convey your message in a courteous tone. The workshop will help you to identify the range of this kind of writing, the forms it takes, and the persuasive techniques it requires.

How You Will Benefit:

To learn the value of good written communications. To develop paragraphs that introduce, connect, develop, and conclude some part of an idea. To prepare reports and proposals that inform, persuade, and provide information. To learn how to proofread your work so you are confident it is clear, concise, complete, and correct. To provide an opportunity to apply these skills in real work applications.

What You Will Cover

Clear, concise, complete, correct Constructing paragraphs The four stages of report writing Planning reports: PAFEO Direct vs. indirect approach Organizational strategies Headings and subheadings Tables and graphs Format for reports Reports vs. proposals Steps in the persuasion process

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Anger Management ............................................................................................................................

Anger is a universal experience. Dogs get angry, bees get angry, and so do humans. You dont have to be a psychologist to know that managing anger productively is something few individuals, organizations, and societies do well. Yet research tells us that those who do manage their anger at work are much more successful than those who dont. The co-worker who can productively confront his teammate about his negative attitude increases his teams chance of success as well as minimizes destructive conflicts. The customer service agent who can defuse the angry customer not only keeps her customers loyal but makes her own day less troublesome. This workshop is to help give you and your organization that edge.

How You Will Benefit:

Be better able to recognize how anger affects our bodies, our minds, and our behavior. Be better able to use the six-step method to break old patterns and replace them with a model for assertive anger. Be better able to control your own emotions when faced with other peoples anger. Be better able to identify ways to help other people safely manage some of their repressed or expressed anger.

What You Will Cover

How anger affects our bodies and our minds Coping thoughts Express feelings appropriately Prevent a build-up of frustration How to deal with issues Staying calm Identifying anger pay-offs Relaxation techniques Identifying trigger thoughts Developing your personal sanctuary Identifying distorted thoughts

Secrets of Change Management: A One Day Primer ............................................................................................................................

In todays world, change is inevitable and often difficult to deal with. During this one-day course you will learn how to implement, manage, and cope with change.

How You Will Benefit:

Find different ways of looking at change Create a change implementation strategy Make change easier for yourself and others Develop techniques to cope with change, including resiliency and stress management Know how to maintain a sense of control during a change

What You Will Cover

What is change? The Bridges, Conner and Jassen change models Six reactions to change Identifying the need for change Identifying the cost and benefit Setting the vision and goal Creating and implementing a strategy Planning for change

Communication skills Empowering employees Building resiliency Acknowledging reactions Dealing with emotions Managing negative stress Exploring your options Examining the reality Your behavior is your choice

Controlling Anger Before It Controls You: A One Day Primer ............................................................................................................................

Everyone gets angry; its a completely natural response. But do you know how to manage that anger constructively? By the end of this one-day course, you will!

How You Will Benefit:

Understand anger and its causes Understand behavior types Develop coping tools Improve your communication skills

What You Will Cover

The costs of anger The benefits of anger Buttons and triggers Precipitating factors Distorted thinking Passive, manipulative, assertive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive behavior types Managing reactions Starting an anger log Relaxation techniques Coping thoughts Using humor A model of release Listening skills Asking questions Solving problems Developing your assertiveness

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Building Better Teams ............................................................................................................................

Teams have become a principle building block of successful organizations. This one-day workshop is a basic course for team leaders and team members, designed to focus on the characteristics of an effective team player and the elements of an effective team. You will leave the workshop with plans for your personal development as a team player and ideas for developing your back-home team. A critical element of this workshop is the Glen Parker Team Player Survey (PTPS), an 18 item self-assessment instrument that will help you identify your primary team player style, help you increase your personal effectiveness in team situations, and help you effectively develop your group into a high performing team.

workshop topics:
The PTPS will give you useful feedback about your team player style. Identify ways you will want to change to improve your team player style. Better understand and appreciate differences among team members. Identify those ways your team must improve to be more effective. Develop an action plan for those improvements.

Business Succession Planning ............................................................................................................................

Change is a hallmark of todays business world. In particular, our workforce is constantly changing people come and go, and move into new roles within the company. Succession planning can help you make the most of that change by ensuring that when someone leaves, there is someone new to take their place. This one-day course will help you develop, maintain, and evaluate your succession plan.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the value of succession planning for successful businesses. Develop expertise with the key elements of a succession plan. Create and discuss aspects of a succession plan. Discuss the elements of a succession plan in terms of roles, responsibility, function, scope, and evaluation.

What You Will Cover

A need for succession planning Defining a succession plan Identifying resources and analyzing risks Defining roles, responsibilities, and functions Gathering information Forecasting needs Putting the plan together Putting the plan into action Evaluating and reviewing the plan Your action plan

Change Management: Change and How to Deal with It ............................................................................................................................

Managers traditionally have had the task of contributing to the effectiveness of their organization while maintaining high morale. Today, these roles often have to be balanced off with the reality of implementing changes imposed by senior management. Managers who have an understanding of the dynamics of change are better equipped to analyze the factors at play in their own particular circumstances, and to adopt practical strategies to deal with resistance. This one-day workshop will help you deal with change and will give you strategies to bring back to your employees.

How You Will Benefit:

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to: Accept that there are no normal or abnormal ways of reacting to change See change as an essential element that is positive Recognize that adapting to change is all about attitude Identify the stages of change we go through as we learn to deal with change See change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation Develop strategies for dealing with and accepting changes in your organization

What You Will Cover

The change process The human response to change The pace of change and the pace at which people adopt change The pyramid response to change Resisting and welcoming change The Four-Room Apartment of change and how to use it How to increase your resiliency to change Managing anger Dealing with stress An action plan for success

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Conducting Effective Performance Reviews ............................................................................................................................

Performance reviews are an essential component of employee development. Someone once said, If you always do what youve always done, youll always get what youve always got. And, remember what the German philosopher Goethe said: Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being. Setting goals and objectives to aim for will give supervisors and employees a unified focus and targets to aim for. Supervisors must also learn how to give feedback, both positive and negative, on a regular and timely basis so that employees can grow and develop. Performance appraisals involve all these activities.

How You Will Benefit:

Recognize the importance of having a performance appraisal process for employees. Understand how to work with employees to set performance standards and goals. Develop strategies for managing employee performance. Develop skills in observing and giving feedback, listening and asking questions, for improved performance. Identify an effective interview process and have the opportunity to practice the process in a supportive atmosphere.

What You Will Cover

The importance of performance appraisals Developing standards and goals Documenting performance Performance feedback and coaching The appraisal as a two-way process Managing employee performance How to fire someone Accepting criticism

Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in the Workplace ............................................................................................................................

All of us experience conflict. We argue with our spouses, disagree with our friends, and sometimes even quarrel with strangers at a hockey game. At times we lose sight of the fact that all this conflict is normal. So long as people are individuals there will be the potential for conflict. Since you cant prevent conflict, the most important thing is to learn how to handle or manage it in productive ways. What is critical for resolving conflict is developing an understanding of, and a trust in, shared goals. It requires openness, discipline, and creativity. Showing respect for other people and not blaming them enables people to work for mutual benefit. These are the skills that you will develop in this two-day workshop.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand what conflict is and how it can escalate. Recognize the five most common conflict resolution styles and when to use them. Increase positive information flow through nonverbal and verbal communication skills. Develop effective techniques for intervention strategies. Become more confident of your ability to manage conflicts to enhance productivity and performance. Strengthen staff trust and morale.

What You Will Cover

The positives and negatives of conflict Types of conflict The Johari Window The five stages of conflict Your conflict resolution style The Communication Funnel Questioning and listening skills Seven steps to ironing things out Facilitation skills Setting norms Making an intervention

Customer Service Training: Managing Customer Service ............................................................................................................................

The need for leading, promoting, and enhancing a customer-focused culture is essential within every organization. This one-day workshop will provide you with an opportunity to explore your responsibilities within your role as a customer service agent. As you discuss the various skills and techniques, you will draw from your own personal and varied experiences to share elements of reward and challenge. Consider this workshop as a re-energizing time to build and expand from where you are now.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify ways to establish links between excellence in customer service and your business practices and policies. Develop the skills and practices that are essential elements of a customer service focused manager. Recognize what employees are looking for to be truly engaged. Develop strategies for creating engaged employees and satisfied customers in whatever business units you manage. Recognize who the customers are and what they are looking for.

What You Will Cover

Who our customers are and what they expect Sustaining an individual level of engagement Communication skills Appropriate sharing Self-image & first impressions Effective leadership Situational leadership Developing your leadership style Managing employee engagement Developing a Service Management System

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Employee Dispute Resolution: Mediation through Peer Review ............................................................................................................................

Have you ever been in a workplace situation where a supervisor has made a decision that you didnt agree with? Did you wish that you could ask someone else what they thought of the decision; whether they would have done the same thing? The Peer Review process offers employees just that chance, using a formalized process. In this one-day workshop, you will cover all aspects of the process, from initiating the process, to choosing a facilitator and panel members, to having a hearing and making a decision.

How You Will Benefit:

What the Peer Review process is How employees file grievances and how management should respond How a facilitator and a panel is chosen What is involved in the hearing process, from preliminary meetings to the hearing itself, to the decision process What responsibilities and powers a panel should have Questioning techniques Why peer review panels fail and how to avoid those pitfalls

What You Will Cover

What is Peer Review? Initiating the Process Setting up the Peer Review Panel Questioning Techniques Overview of the Peer Review process: pre-meeting, hearing, and decision meeting Walkthrough of a sample panel, with customizable case files Why does the process fail? How can we ensure the process succeeds?

Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques

This workshop concentrates on the pre-interview preparation; developing questions and their value; the interview techniques that get specific, behavior-based examples of past performance; and the strategies that follow through on this process. This workshop takes the behavioral interview even further with a discussion of communication techniques and the use of other types of interview questions.

How You Will Benefit:

Recognize the costs incurred by an organization when a wrong hiring decision is made. Develop a fair and consistent interviewing process for selecting employees. Prepare better job advertisements and use a variety of markets. Be able to develop a job analysis and position profile. Use traditional, behavioral, achievement oriented, holistic, and situational interview questions. Enhance skills that are essential for a skilled recruiter. Effectively interview difficult applicants. Check references more effectively. Understand the basic employment and human rights laws that can affect the hiring process.

What You Will Cover

The cost of hiring errors Why use behavioral interview techniques How to get the information you need Advertising guidelines Communication skills Defensible resume screening Developing an effective interview format Ethical and legal issues Interviewing techniques Asking questions and listening for answers Reference checks

Orientation Handbook: Getting Employees Off to a Good Start ............................................................................................................................

One reason people change jobs is that they never feel truly welcome or a part of the organization they join. If a company spends considerable money recruiting, interviewing, and perhaps even relocating employees, it makes good sense to go one step further and make the new employee feel like they have made a good decision to come to this company. A thoughtful new employee orientation program, coupled with an employee handbook that communicates workplace policies can reduce turnover and save that organization thousands of dollars. Whether your company has two employees or two thousand employees, dont leave new employee orientation to chance.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand how important an orientation program is to an organization. Identify the role of the human resource department in the orientation program. Recognize how the commitment curve affects both new employees and their managers. Establish the importance of having an employee handbook for new and long-term employees. Determine the critical elements of effective employee training.

What You Will Cover

Finding, hiring, and keeping good people Building employee commitment Fast-track orientation Designing a successful orientation program The commitment curve Adult learning principles and how to apply them Learning styles inventory Creating an employee manual An orientation checklist

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Performance Management: Managing Employee Performance

Inspiring someone to be their best is no easy task. Just how do you manage for optimum performance? How do you create a motivating environment that encourages people to go beyond their best? This one-day workshop will give you some of those skills.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the role of goal setting in performance management. Have tools to help your employees set and achieve goals. Have a better knowledge of motivational tools and techniques. Have a three-phase model that will help you prepare employees for peak performance, activate their inner motivation, and evaluate their skills.

What You Will Cover

The Shared Management Model Setting Goals Phase I (Preparation): Choosing the Right Person for the Job, Setting Standards, Coaching, and Training Phase II (Activation): Motivation Phase III (Ongoing and Formal Evaluation): Feedback and Performance Reviews

Problem Solving & Decision Making

As an individual, facts and knowledge can only go so far. Solving tough problems requires the ability to define the true problem, analyze the possible causes, create options, select the most feasible option, and then implement it. This two-day workshop should help individuals enhance their efforts to find sustainable solutions and learn new ways to approach problem-solving to reach win-win decisions.

How You Will Benefit:

Increase your awareness of problem solving steps and problem solving tools. Distinguish root causes from symptoms to identify the right solution for the right problem. Recognize the top ten rules of good decisionmaking. Improve your problem solving and decision making skills through identifying your own problem solving style. Identify ways to think creatively and work towards creative solutions.

What You Will Cover

What is Problem Solving? Problem Solving Styles Earthquake! (Case Study) The Problem Solving Model Six Ways to Approach a Decision The Problem Solving Toolkit (including Gradients of Agreement, fishbone analysis, lasso, cost/benefit analysis, using criteria, and force field analysis) Thinking Outside the Box Peerless Data Corp (Case Study)

Stress Management
Todays workforce is experiencing job burnout and stress in epidemic proportions. Workers at all levels feel stressed out, insecure, and misunderstood. Many people feel the demands of the workplace, combined with the demands of home, have become too much to handle. This one-day workshop explores the causes of such stress, and suggests general and specific stress management strategies that people can use every day.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand that stress is a positive, unavoidable part of everybodys life Recognize the symptoms that tell you when you have chronic stress overload Identify those situations in your life that cause you the greatest stress Identify those actions which add to your stress Change the situations and actions that can be changed Create an action plan for work, home, and play to help reduce and manage stress Deal better with situations and actions that cant be changed
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What You Will Cover

Defining Stress and How It Affects Us What Is Stress About? Building a Solid Foundation Mental Strategies Stress at Work Stress at Home Time Management Tips Drainers and Fillers




The Professional Supervisor

In todays changing workplace, many new supervisors are unsure of their roles and responsibilities. They have little experience dealing with the challenges of managing work through others. They havent had the opportunity to develop those critical skills of planning work, leading their group, and communicating with their employees, their colleagues, and their manager. This three-day workshop will give you just that opportunity.

How You Will Benefit:

You will understand the scope and nature of the supervisory position. You will learn some ways to deal with the challenges of the role. You will recognize the responsibilities you have as a supervisor, to yourself, to your team, and to your organization. You will acquire a basic understanding of and develop strategies for leadership, team building, communication, and motivation and what part they play in effective supervision. You will identify key techniques to help you plan and prioritize effectively

What You Will Cover

Adjusting to your role A supervisors responsibilities Making plans Setting goals Leadership The Situational Leadership model Problem employees Synergy Trust Team development Communication skills The communication process Motivation Orientation Training Providing feedback Delegation Dealing with conflict Discipline

The ABCs of Supervising Others

This two-day workshop is designed to help you overcome many of the supervisory problems you will encounter in your first few weeks as a boss, whether you are a team leader, a project manager, or a unit coordinator. Dealing with the many problems a new supervisor encounters isnt easy, but it doesnt have to lead to discouragement.

How You Will Benefit:

Clarify roles and responsibilities of the new job. Adjust to the new role with confidence and an assurance you can handle the position. Develop your skills in listening, asking questions, resolving conflict, and giving feedback to employees. Develop a technique for making sure you give employees instructions that are clear and understood. Understand the importance of developing good relationships with employees and peers, so you are seen as fair and consistent. Identify some techniques to deal with employee challenges, such as hostility, complaints, and laziness.

What You Will Cover

Pre-assignment review Making the transition Responsibilities of a supervisor Setting goals Planning for success Listening skills Asking questions Giving feedback Ask for what you want Giving instructions Orders, requests, and suggestions Managing conflict Dealing with difficult employees Dealing with others The reciprocal quality of relationships

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Developing High Performance Teams

Your success as a manager can often depend on how well your team operates. How are their problem-solving skills? Are they enthusiastic and motivated to do their best? Do they work well together? There have been hundreds of studies demonstrating that human beings function better and learn better in groups. If you want to develop your team leadership skills and unleash the talent of your individual team members, this workshop is a practical look at current leadership practices that work.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify different types of teams. Build teamwork by recognizing and tapping into the twelve characteristics of an effective team. Promote trust and rapport by exploring your team player style and how it impacts on group dynamics. Recognize the key elements that move a team from involvement to empowerment and how to give these elements to your team. Develop strategies for dealing with team conflict and common situations. Understand how action planning and analysis tools can help your team perform better.

What You Will Cover

Types of teams The TORI model The Team Player Survey Organizations Today The Stages of Team Development Communication Skills Shared Leadership DeBonos Thinking Hats Managing Team Conflict The Trust/Relationship Model Obtaining Consensus Team-Shaping Factors Team Problem-Solving SWOT Analysis

Understanding Project Management

Project management isnt just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to the regular duties of your job, you are often expected to take on extra assignments - and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This workshop is not intended to take you from a supervisory or administrative position to that of a project manager. However, these three days will familiarize you with the most common terms and the most current thinking about projects.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand what is meant by a project. Recognize what steps must be taken to complete projects on time and on budget. Have a better ability to sell ideas and make presentations. Know simple techniques and tools for planning and tracking your project. Have methods for keeping the team focused and motivated.

What You Will Cover

What is a project? Project management basics How can projects help me? A projects life cycle Selling a project Preparing your project The role of a project manager Project goals Laying out the project (SOW) Project risks and contingency planning The work breakdown structure Planning tools (including Gantt charts and PERT) Budgets Developing teams Communication tools Closing out a project Team meetings Project presentations

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Project Management Fundamentals

Project management isnt just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to the regular duties of your job, you are often expected to take on extra assignments - and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This workshop is not intended to take you from a supervisory or administrative position to that of a project manager. However, this one-day workshop will familiarize you with the most common terms and the most current thinking about projects.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand what is meant by a project and project management Identify benefits of projects Identify the phases of a projects life cycle Enhance your ability to sell ideas and make presentations Prioritize projects Begin conceptualizing your project, including goals and vision statements Use a target chart and other planning tools Complete a Statement of Work

What You Will Cover

Defining a project and project management How projects can benefit you and your organization Project life cycles Selling your own project ideas Role & skills of the project manager Creating a vision Setting project goals Project planning worksheets The statement of work Discipline

Negotiating for Results

People who can master the art of negotiation find they can save time, save money, develop a higher degree of satisfaction with outcomes at home and at work, and earn greater respect in the workplace. Negotiating is a fundamental fact of life at any level. Whether you are working on a project or fulfilling support duties, this two day workshop will provide you with a basic comfort level to negotiate with both internal and external clients. This interactive workshop includes techniques to promote effective communications and gives you techniques for turning face-to-face confrontation into side-by-side problem solving.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand how often we all negotiate and the benefits of good negotiation skills. Recognize the importance of preparing for the negotiation process, regardless of the circumstances. Identify the various negotiation styles and their advantages and disadvantages. Develop strategies for dealing with tough or unfair tactics. Gain skill in developing alternatives and recognizing options. Have the opportunity to practice the how to of these skills in a supportive environment. Understand basic negotiation principles, including BATNA, WATNA, WAP, and the ZOPA.
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What You Will Cover

What is Negotiation? The Successful Negotiator Preparing for Negotiation The Nuts and Bolts Making the Right Impression Getting off to a Good Start Exchanging Information The Bargaining Stage Inventing Options for Mutual Gain Getting Past No and Getting to Yes Dealing with Negative Emotions Moving from Bargaining to Closing The Closing Stage

Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce

Its no secret. Employees who feel they are valued and recognized for the work they do are more motivated, responsible, and productive. This is a busy one-day workshop to help supervisors and managers create a more dynamic, loyal, and energized workplace. This program is designed specifically to help busy managers and supervisors understand what employees want and to provide them with a starting point for creating champions.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify what motivation is Learn about common motivational theories and how to apply them Learn when to use the carrot, the whip, and the plant Discover how fear and desire affect employee motivation Explore ways to create a motivational climate and design a motivating job

What You Will Cover

What is motivation? Supervising and motivation Motivational theories The carrot, the whip, and the plant Fear and desire Setting goals The role of values Creating a motivational climate The expectancy theory Designing a motivational job A motivational checklist

Meeting Management: The Art of Making Meetings Work

Meetings come in all shapes and sizes, from the convention to a quick huddle in an office hallway. This one-day program will be concerned with small working meetings; with groups that have a job to do requiring the energy, commitment, and talents of those who participate.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the value of meetings as a management tool. Recognize the critical planning step that makes meeting time more effective. Identify process tools that can help create an open and safe forum for discussion. Develop and practice techniques for handling counterproductive behavior.

What You Will Cover

The basics for effective meetings The best and the worst of meetings Holding productive meetings Preparing for meetings Agendas Setting the place Leading a meeting Process and content Process tools, including DeBonos thinking hats, rules of work, and facilitation skills How to control a meeting A plan for success

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Marketing and Sales ............................................................................................................................

A small marketing budget doesnt mean you cant meet your goals and business objectives you just have to be more creative in your marketing tactics. This one-day workshop will show you how to get maximum exposure at minimum cost. Learn effective, low-cost, and non-cost strategies to improve sales, develop your companys image, and build your bottom line.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify your projects tasks and resources Order tasks using the Work Breakdown Structure Schedule tasks effectively Use basic planning tools such as a Gantt chart, PERT diagram, and network diagram Prepare a project budget Modify the project budget and schedule to meet targets Identify and manage risks Execute and terminate a project Develop a change control process

What You Will Cover

What really needs to be done? Scheduling your project The Work Breakdown Structure and other planning tools Budgeting Project risks Schedule and budget compression Change control process Closing out a project

Intermediate Project Management ............................................................................................................................

Project management isnt just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to the regular duties of your job, you are often expected to take on extra assignments - and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This workshop is intended for those who understand the conceptual phase of a projects life cycle, including setting goals, creating a vision statement, and creating the Statement of Work. This one-day workshop will take you through the remaining three stages: planning, execution, and termination.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify your projects tasks and resources Order tasks using the Work Breakdown Structure Schedule tasks effectively Use basic planning tools such as a Gantt chart, PERT diagram, and network diagram Prepare a project budget Modify the project budget and schedule to meet targets Identify and manage risks Execute and terminate a project Develop a change control process

What You Will Cover

What really needs to be done? Scheduling your project The Work Breakdown Structure and other planning tools Budgeting Project risks Schedule and budget compression Change control process Closing out a project

Advanced Project Management ............................................................................................................................

Its easy to forget the manager part of your project manager title amongst all the activity during a project. However, it is crucial that you hone your management skills as they are an important part of your success as a project manager. There are also some advanced project management techniques that you can master to help bring your projects to the next level. These are the two areas that we will focus on in this one-day workshop.This workshop presumes that you have a thorough understanding of project management, including topics such as preparing a statement of work, setting project goals, scheduling, budgeting, managing project risks, and executing a project.

How You Will Benefit:

Think critically when choosing a project team Make the best of an assigned project team Help teams move through various stages to become a high-functioning machine Maximize productivity at team meetings Reward and motivate your team Develop and execute a communication plan Communicate with sponsors and executives more effectively Identify problem team members and strategies for working with them
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What You Will Cover

Choosing the Project Team Scheduling Your Project Building a Winning Team Team meetings Nine Easy Ways to Reward Your Team Developing a Communication Plan Communicating with Sponsors and Executives Dealing with Problem Team Members

Budgets & Managing Money ............................................................................................................................

For managers in todays business world, its essential to have a working knowledge of finance. We all play a role in our organizations financial health, whether we realize it or not. If you dont have training or a background in finances, you may be at a disadvantage as you sit around the management table. Understanding the cycle of finance will help you figure out where you fit into your companys financial structure, and how to keep your department out of the red. This workshop will familiarize you with the key concepts of finance and accounting and help you prepare budgets with more confidence.

How You Will Benefit:

Assess the financial performance and health of your firm. Enhance your decision-making skills by integrating financial management concepts into your thinking. Assess various software applications for managing finances. Control the flow of money through your department. Understand the budgeting process and forecasting techniques.

What You Will Cover

Your role in company finances Assets, liabilities, and equity Accounts payable and receivable Understanding financial statements Budgeting and forecasting techniques Comparing software applications Tracking business expenses GAAP The human side of finances Comparing investment opportunities ISO 9001:2000

Business Leadership: Becoming Management Material ............................................................................................................................

This workshop is a tool for your leadership development. It is designed to help you create and accomplish your personal best, and to help you lead others to get extraordinary things done. At its core, leadership means setting goals, lighting a path, and persuading others to follow. But the responsibility entails much more. By accepting the challenge to lead, you come to realize that the only limits are those you place on yourself.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify your leadership profile and explore how you can use this knowledge to create your own future Assess your leadership competencies and learn how you can develop your strengths Identify those additional skills and tools that can make you a better leader Develop your ability to influence and communicate with others Become a better problem-solver and decision-maker Discover how you can prepare for and embrace the forces of change Create a strategy to actively use these skills back in the workplace

What You Will Cover

Leadership profile and competencies to highlight your strengths and challenges Directional and consequential thinking and how to develop these skills Strategies for influencing others through improved communication and interaction Your role in making meetings effective, both as a leader and as a participant Critical problem-solving skills and the tools and techniques you can use Strategic planning with a SWOT analysis to introduce change Ways to manage the change process effectively for sustainable growth

Coaching: A Leadership Skill ............................................................................................................................

Coach, Role Model, Counselor, Supporter, these words ring a bell? Being a coach involves being a role model, sometimes a counselor or supporter, and always a guide. Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Knowing how and when to coach is an essential skill that can benefit both you and your organization. This one-day workshop will help you become a better coach in all senses of the word.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand how coaching can be used to develop your team. Develop the coaching skills that help improve individual performance. Demonstrate the behaviors and practices of an effective coach. Recognize employees strengths and give them the feedback they need to succeed. Identify employee problems and ways you can help to correct them.

What You Will Cover

Defining coaching The two schools of coaches Five critical coaching skills Non-verbal communication Johari Windows Learning styles and principles Methods of feedback Benefits/consequences approach Dealing with problem employees When not to coach

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The Art of Delegating Effectively

Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This one-day workshop will explore many of the facets of delegation: when to delegate, and who to delegate to. We will also go through the delegation process step by step, to see where the pitfalls lie, and what we can do about getting around them.

How You Will Benefit:

Clearly identify how delegation fits into your job and how it can make you more successful. Identify different ways of delegating tasks. Use an eight-step process for effective delegation. Give better instructions for better delegation results. Ask better questions and listen more effectively. Recognize common delegation pitfalls and how to avoid them. Test your delegation skills.

What You Will Cover

What is delegation? Why delegate? Picking the right person The delegation meeting Levels of authority Giving instructions Communication skills Monitoring delegation Practicing delegation Giving feedback Becoming a good delegator

Human Resources Training: HR For the Non HR Manager

This is a three-day overview of human resource issues facing todays business owners and managers. You do not always have the expertise to deal with the many employee relationship issues you face, and yet you will be expected to make decisions that are both effective and legal. This workshop will walk you through the hiring process, from performing a skills inventory to conducting the interview; discuss orientation; and cover some issues that arise after the hiring process (such as diversity issues, compensation, and discipline).

workshop topics:
The latest trends in the human resource field and the changing role of the human resource professional. How to write job specifications and identify core competencies. Methods of finding, selecting, and keeping the best people using behavioral description interviewing techniques. How to get employees off to a good start. How to deal with compensation and benefits. How to maintain healthy employee relations. How to make performance appraisals a cooperative process.

course outline
Planning employee orientation The interview process Using Behavior Description Interviewing The importance of job descriptions Advertising for resumes Absenteeism Diversity Compensation and benefits Discipline & Termination

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Using Activities to Make Training Fun

Most people have been at a party or some other social occasion where someone has told an inappropriate joke and ruined the mood (at least temporarily). Likewise, weve all been somewhere where the class clown is able to lighten the mood and help people have fun. The good news is that humor can help you make your training sessions just as engaging as those fun social occasions. Even better, you dont need to be the class clown or an award winning comedian to do it. This one-day workshop will help you identify what kind of humor you can bring to the classroom, and how games can help you engage your participants.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand how training can include the use of humor and games Explore different types of games Identify methods to elicit participant buy-in Understand humor principles in adult learning Troubleshoot when games go badly Develop your own games

What You Will Cover

Adult learning principles Lets have some fun! Obtaining buy-in Choosing the right game When games go badly Using humor in training Wavy lines Quick and easy games How to create a game

The Practical Trainer

If you do on the job training in your organization, this three-day workshop can help you feel more comfortable and more competent. You will explore how adults learn and take a step-by-step approach to create training sessions that meet employee needs and you will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a safe environment. Training results are too important to leave to chance. Register today, so you will be prepared when you are asked to stand and deliver.

How You Will Benefit:

Recognize the importance of considering the participants and their training needs, including the different learning styles and adult learning principles. Know how to write objectives and evaluate whether these objectives have been met at the end of a training session. Conduct a short group training session that incorporates these training concepts. Develop an effective training style, using appropriate training aids and techniques.

What You Will Cover

Successful training programs Adult learning principles Learning styles Training objectives Effective trainers versus ineffective trainers Training aids Training techniques The training cycle Presentation skills Using visual aids Dealing with difficult trainees Evaluating your training

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Survival Skills for the New Trainer

Few people choose training and development while they are still in school, and yet there are talented and knowledgeable trainers working in every industry. Some individuals become trainers because they are passionate about sharing their knowledge and about helping people. Others become trainers because their employer asks them to get involved in mentoring, training, or coaching new or existing employees. Trainers also get started when they want to make some changes to their daily activities, but wish to continue contributing to a particular organization or industry. If you are thinking about becoming a trainer, or have started doing some training already and what to know more about what will help you to become an excellent trainer, this workshop will help. This one-day workshop is designed as an exploration of the essential skills that trainers need to develop, and to get you started on the learning process in an interactive and fun environment.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the essential background for trainers to have Explore how being genuine enhances training Identify the elements of good questions Understand how to apply listening skills Develop rapport building strategies Describe the essentials of presentation skills

What You Will Cover

Preparing to learn Understanding learning Competencies for adult educators Accommodating learning preferences Adult learning The art of facilitation Planning a workshop Visual aids Your role as an effective communicator Questioning as a training technique Kirkpatricks levels of evaluation On-the-job support Dealing with difficult situations Adding some fun Team teaching Training preparation and presentations

Facilitation Skills
This workshop has been created to make core facilitation skills better understood and readily available for your organization. It represents materials and ideas that have been tested and refined over twenty years of active facilitation in all types of settings.

workshop topics:
Distinguish facilitation from instruction and training. Identify the competencies linked to effective small group facilitation. Understand the different between content and process. Identify the four stages of team development and ways to help teams through each stage. Use common process tools to make meetings easier and more productive.

course outline
What is a Facilitator? Types of Groups Content and Process Group Norms Types of Thinking Facilitating an Open Discussion Controversial Issues Listening for Common Ground Common Facilitation Techniques The Language of Facilitation Dealing with Difficult Dynamics Interventions Sustainable Agreements Stages of Team Development Analysis Tools

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Developing Your Training Program

Training is an essential element of development in any organization. Being knowledgeable and continuing to learn throughout your career can make you a very valuable asset. We also know that training and orientation for newly hired employees is a key factor in retention. This two-day workshop is designed for a trainer who wants to develop training programs that are meaningful, practical, and will benefit both trainees and the organizations they work for.

How You Will Benefit:

At the end of this two day course, participants will be able to: Describe the essential elements of a training program Apply different methodologies to program design Demonstrate skills in preparation, research, and delivery of strong content Explain an instructional model Be prepared to create a training program proposal

What You Will Cover

Program design Identifying needs The training model The programs basic outline Evaluation strategies Defining your approach Researching and developing content Pre-assignments in training Choosing openings and energizers Training instruments, assessments, & tools Creating supporting materials Testing the program Creating proposals Building rapport Pulling it all together

Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer

Behind every spectacular training session is a lot of preparation and meticulous attention to detail. The truly skilled trainer can make a program exciting. The learners will have fun while they are learning. The facilitator has been able to involve their emotions as well as their minds. You will see the involvement, and you will feel the energy. To reach this stage as an adult educator isnt always easy, but success isnt just for the naturally gifted. It is possible for all of us who put effort into our personal growth and development, because we want the enormous satisfaction that comes from working with others to help them reach their potential as human beings. This three-day workshop is your start to that goal.

How You Will Benefit:

Enhance your understanding of learning styles & how to accommodate all learning styles in the classroom Understand the key principles of effective communication in a workshop setting Use a variety of training techniques to stimulate participation Develop a plan and prepare for an effective training session Understand the different levels of evaluation and when to use each Understand how and when to add fun and humor to your training session Identify advanced interventions for difficult situations Practice the skills needed for a team presentation
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What You Will Cover

Preparing to learn Understanding learning Competencies for adult educators Accommodating learning preferences Adult learning The art of facilitation Planning a workshop Visual aids Your role as an effective communicator Questioning as a training technique Kirkpatricks levels of evaluation On-the-job support Dealing with difficult situations Adding some fun Team teaching Training preparation and presentations



Workplace Violence
Violence of any sort has many roots. 99% of the time, there are warning signs of workplace violence. That is why this three day workshop will take a comprehensive look at workplace violence: how to prevent it on an individual and an organizational level, and how to respond to it if it does occur.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand what workplace violence is Be able to identify some warning signs of violence Understand the cycle of anger Understand Albert Banduras behavior wheel and how it applies to anger Develop a seven-step process for managing your anger and others anger Have better communication and problem solving skills, which will reduce frustration and anger Develop some other ways of managing anger, including coping thoughts and relaxation techniques Be familiar with the nine components of an organizational approach to managing anger, including risk assessment processes Know what to do if a violent incident occurs in the workplace, on both an individual and organizational level

What You Will Cover

Albert Banduras behavior wheel Warning signs of violence McClures seven step anger management process Communication skills Problem solving tools Stress management techniques Norman Keiths nine components of a violence prevention program Turners fourteen stages of threat response Developing a risk assessment program Incident response checklist

Workplace Harassment
In 2003, the United States Merit Protection Board estimated that harassment cost the U.S. government approximately $164,000,000 (thats 164 million dollars!) a year. No wonder companies are working to be more proactive in preventing harassment. But how do you prevent harassment from occurring? What sorts of policies should be in place? What should managers do to protect their employees? And if a complaint is filed, what will we do? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this two-day workshop.

How You Will Benefit:

At the conclusion of the workshop you will be able to: Understand what behavior is and is not appropriate in the workplace, and why Help your company create and implement a harassment policy Protect yourself and your staff against harassment incidents and complaints Understand when mediation is and is not appropriate Understand the four-stage complaint resolution process Help identify solutions to a harassment complaint

What You Will Cover

Reasonable man/woman guidelines Benefits of harassment training Types of harassment Preventing harassment Protecting yourself from harassment Confronting a harasser The effective NO The four-stage complaint process Mediation False complaints Keeping the workplace running

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Safety in the Workplace

Workplace accidents and injuries cost corporations millions of dollars and thousands of hours lost every year. They also have a profound, often lifelong impact on workers. Introducing a safety culture into your organization, where safety is valued as an integral part of the business operation, not only saves the business time and money, it also builds a committed, loyal, healthy workforce. This one-day workshop will give you the foundation to start building your safety culture

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the difference between a safety program and a safety culture Have some resources to help you understand the regulations in your area Be able to launch a safety committee Understand how to identify hazards and reduce them Know some hiring measures that can improve safety Understand what a safety training program will involve Be able to identify groups particularly at risk for injury and know how to protect them Be able to help your organization write, implement, and review a safety plan Be better able to respond to incidents and near misses Understand the basics of accident investigation and documentation

What You Will Cover

Defining a safety culture Governing bodies and resources Starting a safety committee Identifying and resolving hazards Taking proactive measures Identifying groups at risk Writing a safety plan Implementing the plan Incident management Reviewing the program

Generation Gap
There are currently five generations in the workforce, and employers faced with mass retirements of Baby Boomers are looking for ways to prepare for the changes that will result. This course examines the history and reality of the generation gap. This course explores whether defining the actual limits of each generation is most important, or whether the merits of people within the context of employment is the bigger issue. Understanding others helps us to understand ourselves and to manage the people that we work with. We will explore problems, solutions, and strategies to help overcome issues of the generation gap.

workshop topics:
Develop our understanding of where the generation gap issue surfaces, and the impact it has on the modern workforce. Understand and apply language that is specific to each generation currently in the workplace. Explore organization strategies that overcome gap issues. Evaluate the need and effectiveness of recruiting, retention, and succession plans in context of the generation gap.

course outline
History in brief Finding common ground Silents, Boomers, Xers, Ys, and Millennials Recruiting that bridges the gap Pre-assignment review Solutions The value of planning Holding on for the good times Developing targeted retention strategies What we really want

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Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the WorkplacE

More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. In order for your workplace to succeed, your employees must be able to appreciate and celebrate those differences.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand what diversity and its related terms mean Be aware of how aware you are of diversity and where you can improve Understand how changes in the world have affected you and your view Be able to identify your stereotypes Understand what terms are politically correct and which are not, and why Be familiar with the four cornerstones of diversity Understand what the pitfalls are relating to diversity and understand how to avoid them Develop a technique for dealing with inappropriate behavior Develop a management style to encourage diversity Know what to do if you or one of your employees feels discriminated against

What You Will Cover

What diversity and related terms mean How has diversity changed your world? Understanding and identifying stereotypes Using politically correct language The four cornerstones of diversity The STOP technique How to discourage diversity Dealing with discrimination Preventing discrimination Managing for diversity

Business Ethics for the Office

What exactly makes a decision ethical? The problem with ethics is that what may seem morally right (or ethical) to one person may seem appalling to another. This two-day workshop will not provide you with an easy way to solve every ethical decision you will ever have to make. It will, however, help you define your ethical framework to make solving those ethical dilemmas easier. Well also look at some tools that you can use when youre faced with an ethical decision. And, well look at some techniques you can use so you dont get stuck in an ethical quandary. Best of all, well look at a lot of case studies so that you can practice making decisions in a safe environment.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the difference between ethics and morals Understand the value of ethics Identify some of your values and moral principles Be familiar with some philosophical approaches to ethical decisions Identify some ways to improve ethics in your office Know what is required to start developing an office code of ethics Know some ways to avoid ethical dilemmas Have some tools to help you make better decisions

What You Will Cover

The definition of ethics and morals Identification of your values Kohlbergs six stages of moral development Basic philosophical approaches Core decision-making tools Tools specific to ethical decision making 22 golden keys to an ethical office Dilemmas with co-workers, supervisors, clients, and company policy How to avoid dilemmas Recovering from a mistake

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Sales Training: Building Relationships for Success in Sales

No one questions that making friends is a good thing. In this workshop, you are going to discover that the business of business is making friends, and the business of all sales professionals is making friends and building relationships. Strategic friendships will make or break any business, no matter how big and no matter what kind of market.

How You Will Benefit:

Learn the secrets to being a friend in sales Enjoy more sales success Identify strategies for building strategic sales relationships and finding personal fulfillment in the process.

What You Will Cover

How to get people to like you Influences in forming relationships Building customer relationships Self-disclosure How to win friends and influence people Communication skills Sending the right non-verbal messages Managing mingling Networking effectively Developing an effective handshake Business card dos and donts Tips on remembering names

Call Center Training

Whether we choose to embrace them or cannot stand being interrupted by their calls, call centers are a business element that is here to stay. This course will help call center agents learn to make the most of their telephone-based work, including understanding the best ways to listen and be heard. Each phone interaction has elements of sales and customer service skills, which we will explore in detail during this energizing and practical three-day workshop.

How You Will Benefit:

Develop an understanding of the nuances of body language and verbal skills. Learn aspects of verbal communication such as tone, cadence, and pitch. Demonstrate an understanding of questioning and listening skills. Acquire comfort with delivering bad news and saying no. Learn effective ways to negotiate. Understand the importance of creating and delivering meaningful messages. Use tools to facilitate communication. Realize the value of personalizing interactions and developing relationships. Practice vocal techniques that enhance speech and communication ability. Personalize techniques for managing stress.

What You Will Cover

Whats missing in telephone communication? Verbal communication Who are your customers? Questioning and listening skills Asking the right questions Vocal exercises Sales by phone Taking messages Staying out of voice mail jail A look back Cold and warm calls Developing and perfecting a script Going above and beyond Handling objections High impact moments Tips for chatty and difficult callers Phone tag and getting the call back Stress busting News from within

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CRM: An Introduction to Customer Relationship Management

As with many significant undertakings, undergoing a CRM review (even simply considering its implementation) requires learners to analyze technical and complicated systems. This one-day workshop sorts through a myriad of information and brings you the basics you need to make a decision about the need for CRM, its benefits, and how to coordinate the base requirements for a CRM undertaking.

How You Will Benefit:

Develop an understanding of the terms and benefits of CRM on a companys bottom line Analyze the different components of a CRM plan Develop a checklist for readiness and success in CRM Consider developmental roles that have the greatest impact on CRM Develop an understanding of how CRM creates value for organizations and customers

What You Will Cover

What CRM is and who it serves Checklist for success Requirement driven product selection Considerations in tool selection Strategies for customer retention Building the future Homegrown vs. the application service provider The development team Evaluating and reviewing your program

Dynamite Sales Presentations

A great sales presentation does not demand you have all the bells and whistles to impress the client with your technical skills. Rather, try impressing your clients with your knowledge of the products and services you sell and your understanding of their problems and the solutions they need. This one-day workshop will focus on your formal written proposal and in-person presentation.

workshop topics:
Identify the key elements of a quality proposal Know how to write a winning proposal Perfect your first impression, including your dress and your handshake Feel more comfortable and professional in face-toface presentations

course outline
Business Writing Basics Writing a Proposal Writing Your Proposal Getting Thoughts on Paper Basic Formats Editing The Finishing Touches The Handshake Getting Ready for Your Presentation Elements of a Successful Presentation Dressing Appropriately Dealing with Questions

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Sales Training: Overcoming Objections to Nail the Sale

If you are like most sales professionals, you are always looking for ways to overcome customer objections and close the sale. This one day workshop will help you plan, prepare, and execute proposals and presentations that address customer concerns, reduce the number of objections you encounter, and improve your batting average at closing the sale.

How You Will Benefit:

Identify the steps you can take to build your credibility. Identify the objections that you encounter most frequently. Develop appropriate responses when prospective buyers throw you a curve. Learn ways to disarm objections with proven rebuttals that get the sale back on track. Learn how to recognize when a prospect is ready to buy. Discuss how working with your sales team can help you succeed.

What You Will Cover

Building credibility Your competition Critical communication skills Observation skills Handling customer complaints Overcoming objections Handling objections (including general and specific response strategies) Pricing issues How can teamwork help me? Buying signals Closing the sale

Prospecting For Leads Like a Pro

Prospecting is the key to your success. Your success today is a result of the prospecting you did six months ago. Become skilled at networking and remember the old 80/20 rule. Know who to target and how to target them, and remember to do some prospecting every day through warming up cold calls, following up on leads, or networking. Build your personal prospecting plan to ensure your future by planting seeds daily.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand the importance of expanding a client base through effective prospecting. Learn how to use a prospect board to make you more successful. Identify target markets and target companies with the 80/20 rule in mind. Develop and practice networking skills at every opportunity. Develop, refine, and execute the art of cold calling.

What You Will Cover

The importance of prospecting Targeting your market Your customer profile Making the most of trade shows Setting goals Networking The 80/20 rule Developing and using a prospect board Warming up cold calls Public speaking Regaining lost accounts Going above and beyond

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Sales Training: Selling Smarter

Its no secret that selling has changed in recent years. We are all working harder, with more responsibilities. High pressure selling is no longer effective. Customers want involvement. They want to be recognized and listened to. And they dont want you to forget them once the sale is made. Two key objectives of this one day workshop are to help employees feel more comfortable and skilled in selling to their customers and to help them identify and address some of their customer service challenges.

How You Will Benefit:

Understand a wonderful paradox: helping other people get what they want gives us more of what we want. Use goal-setting techniques as a way to focus on what you want to accomplish and develop strategies for getting there. Recognize the difference between features and benefits of products and services. Identify and be able to better present the competitive strengths of your products and services, so that you can be proactive in handling objections and more successful at asking for the business. Use different types of selling for different situations. Identify ways to find new clients and network effectively.

What You Will Cover

Essential selling skills What is selling? Features and benefits Setting SMART goals Time management tips Customer service Types of selling Ten major mistakes Selling price Finding new clients

Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

Its no secret that selling has changed in recent years. We are all working harder, with more responsibilities. High pressure selling is no longer effective. Customers want involvement. They want to be recognized and listened to. And they dont want you to forget them once the sale is made. Two key objectives of this one day workshop are to help employees feel more comfortable and skilled in selling to their customers and to help them identify and address some of their customer service challenges.

workshop topics:
Understand a wonderful paradox: helping other people get what they want gives us more of what we want. Use goal-setting techniques as a way to focus on what you want to accomplish and develop strategies for getting there. Recognize the difference between features and benefits of products and services. Identify and be able to better present the competitive strengths of your products and services, so that you can be proactive in handling objections and more successful at asking for the business. Use different types of selling for different situations. Identify ways to find new clients and network effectively.

course outline
Change your skills, change your income Separating your company from the competition Building trust and respect The Johari window Good communication skills Developing your script Pre-call planning Phone tag and call backs Following up Closing the sale

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Register now online at or contact any of our offices.

50 Main Street, Suite1000 White Plains, New York 10606 United States Tel: +1-914-347-9565 1-646-435-0074 Fax: +1-914-620-1521 E-mail:

Lagos Alpha Plaza KM 17, Lekki Express Way Lekki Peninsula, Lagos Tel: +234-806-273-8580, 0803-502-9265 09-87026108, 09-87026106 Fax: 9.413.0750 E-mail: ABUJA Plot 423 Cadastrial Zone Central Business District, FCT Abuja, Nigeria Tel: +234-806-273-8580, 0803-502-9265 09-87026108, 09-87026106 Fax: 9.413.0750 E-mail: ENUGU 47 Umuoji Street, Independence Layout Enugu, Nigeria. Tel: + 234-0803-502-9265, 09-87026108, 09-87026106 E-mail:

4th Floor, Titan House Chaka Road P.O. Box 7201-00100 Tel. 254-020- 2710565 / 2082677. Nairobi, Kenya. E-mail:

725/2 18th Lane, Osu R.E, Accra, Ghana. Tel: 233-243-339823 E-mail:



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