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WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

Recipes Historical Data Exercise

Basics Creating recipes Administartion in runtime

Recipes are used to change production to a different production variant in a very comfortable way Different configuring options:
Configuring in runtime Import of data records in runtime through csv files Configuring during engineering

Historical Data Exercise

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 2/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

A recipe consists of different data records that contain different values. Recipes are used to combine data that belongs together, like machine parameters. Each recipe consists of several elements. An element has a display name and a tag. The display name is used to identify the element in the recipe view at runtime. The tag is used to read the corresponding process value from the PLC or transfer a changed value to the PLC. Input of data in Runtime With the help of a recipe view it is possible to edit recipe directly in runtime at the HMI device. Import of data in Runtime Recipes can also be imported into the runtime. This is done with the help of csv files. So it is possible to edit the csv-files on a central PC and import the changed recipes to the HMI device. Input of data during engineering If all production data is determined during engineering you have the possibility to configure the complete recipe in WinCC flexible with the help of the editor Recipes.

Basics Creating recipes Administartion in runtime

Configuring recipes

Historical Data Exercise

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 3/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

Recipes are configured in an own editor called Recipes. The elements are the single ingredients of a recipe that are needed for configuring a machine. With the different data records you have the possibility to create different mixtures with the elements.

Basics Creating recipes Administartion in runtime

To work with recipes on the HMI device you need a recipe view

Historical Data Exercise

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 4/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

To display and edit recipes on a HMI device you can place a recipe view on a screen.

Recipe view
The recipe view is a screen object and can be found in the tools window under enhanced objects. The recipe view shows the data records in a table view.

Simple recipe view

With HMI devices that have a small display size (e.g. OP77B) the simple recipe view is used for editing recipes. The simple recipe view consists of 3 display areas:
Recipe selection Data record selection Data record entries

Recipe screen
A recipe screen is a special screen for editing recipes. This screen can be configured individually by placing IO fields with a connection to the recipe elements. With normal buttons it is possible to trigger all necessary events for the recipe administration.

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

Recipes Historical Data Exercise

Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

Logs are used to collect data through a specific time period Following data can be logged:
Alarms Tags


WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 6/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

Hint The functionality of logging data depends on the used HMI device.

Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

In the editor data logs you configure all settings for logging tags


WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 7/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

Data logging is used to store important process values during a specified time period. The interpretation of the logged data brings for example results for the productivity of a machine. Use of tag logging When logging process values you have the possibility to document the process or analyse error states in the machine. You can optimize the product quality and guarantee quality standards.

Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

In the tag editor you specify which tag is stored in which archive


In the log properties you configure the logging type and the start behaviour of the log

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 8/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

Data logging is controled by cycles and events. The logging cycles ensure a continuous recording of process values. Data logging can also be triggered by events, e.g. the value change of a tag. These settings can be defined separately for every single tag. WinCC flexible provides the following logging types:
Circular log: If the data log is full, the oldest value is overwritten Segmental circular log: The log is divided into several log files, each of the

log files have the same size. If all files are filled up, logging continues with overwriting the first file again
Display system event at: If logging reaches a certain fill level, the user gets

informed by a system message

Raise event: If the log file reaches the maximum fill level an event is raised.

Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

Depending on the HMI device, the logs can be saved local or on a PC in the network


For displaying data logs in runtime you use a trend view

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 9/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

Possibilities of storage
Depending on the HMI device you can use different storage media. The saved data can then be edited with other tools.

Display of data logs

You can display the values of a data log in a trend view. The trend view is under enhanced objects in the tools window.

Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

Alarm logs can be used to display alarms that are no longer active You can find sporadic problems more easier


WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 10/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

Following data is stored in an alarm log:

Date and time of the alarm Alarm text Alarm number Alarm state Alarm class PLC


Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

In the alarm settings you can assign an alarm log for each alarm class It is also possible to store alarms of multiple classes into one single alarm log


WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 11/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications


Historical data
Recipes Historical Data
Basics Data Logs Displaying Data Logs Alarm Logs Displaying Alarm Logs

To display an alarm log in runtime you use the alarm view


Select the alarm log to be displayed

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 12/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications


WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

Recipes Historical Data Exercise


Recipes Historical Data Exercise

Exercise 1

WinCC flexible 2008 - Recipes & Archives

2008-06-18 Rainer Uhl Slide 14/15

Industry Sector
Siemens AG 2008 - Subject to modifications

First create a new internal tag with datatype Int In the editor Data Log create a new log. Configure the number of entries, the path and the logging type The new tag should be written to this log cyclic every second. You configure this in the properties of the tag. In the screen Trends place a Trend view Add 2 trends to the trend view One trend should show the realtime value of a tag, the other trend should show the logging tag Configure different colors for the two trends and test the different settings of the trend view Start the runtime with the simulator and test the project


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