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Impact of CSR on employee Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is regarded as voluntary behaviors that contribute to the society welfare.

Based on the concept of sustainable development, corporation should not only stress on their economic and business outcomes, but also pay attention to their effect on the society and environment. Corporation are expected to engage in the improvement of their employees quality of life, as well as the well-being of employees families, local communities, as overall society. with the acceleration of global integration, CSR has become a main concern by the public, and is considered as an essential part of the business strategy. It could attract investors and customers, as well as maintain a positive interaction with the government. A growing number of studies have been done regarding the benefits of CSR. However, most are concerned with the financial and customer perspective, while very little attention has been paid to employees.csr research on the employee level is still in its infancy. In order to bte understand its effect on the employees, this study explore the impact of employees perspective of CSR on subsequent work attitude and behaviors. A conceptual framework is proposed based on the literature. In this study, a survey was conducted. The finding this study indicate that CSR has a significant effect on employees work attitudes and behaviors. CSR could improve employees attitudes and behaviors. Contribution to corporations success, and achieve a win-win situation. Therefore, corporation should attach importance to CSR practice so as to benefit employee .in addition, four dimension of CSR. Namely economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary responsibilities, deserve equal attention. Each dimension has its influence and cannot be ignored. The results show that philanthropic responsibility, which is not directly related to employees, also has influenced on work attitudes and behaviors .in terms of work attitudes, job satisfaction and organizational commitment function as important mediators between CSR activities. This study contributes a framework to better understand the effect of CSR on employees work attitudes and behaviors. This frame work explains how Employees perceptions of CSR trigger attitudes and behavior in the workplace which affect organizational, social and environmental performance. This model bridge micro and macro researches on socially responsible behavior, articulates social identification and social exchange processes, and explain how CSR contributes to corporate performance by Influencing Employees behavior. The role of corporate social responsibility on employees is becoming more present in the business world, one of the reasons being that successful companies should attract, retain the best work force. By creating a good working environment and developing the internal marketing strategies, companies can stimulate productivity and satisfaction among employees. If Employees are satisfied and attach the company, they will recommend to friends and family as a good employer. The objective of this study is to assess the attitudes of the Romanian employees regarding the CSR activities in general, and of their company in particular, by pointing out the following dimensions: (1) The relevance of CSR activities to employees, (2) The criteria that builds the image of a responsible employer in the eyes of employees and (3) The Employees involvement in social or environmental activities. In this context, companies and society have to work together, and this approach will add value for all parties involved and also bring to the surface new market opportunities. The studies regarding the benefits of CSR point out the following aspects: increases sales and market share, strengthens brand positioning, enhances corporate image and clout, increases the ability to attract employees, decreases operating costs and increases appeal to investors. The purpose of this paper is to explore employees` attitudes towards corporate social responsibility and discuss the implications raised.

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